#Damien has been cast now I’m just waiting on Sawyer
0xochitlsketches0 · 1 year
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Some of my fav boards from 328 drawings. The hard part is over, now for the really hard part, cleaning them up and adding more 😭
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blonde & bubbly : 12/13
in this episode: it’s all about relationships. whose in one? who might be in one soon? with a very special guest host today.
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sabine: hello and welcome back beautiful listeners to blonde and bubbly. i’m sabine and al-masri and with me is the always beautiful madison ware. and we also have our beautiful guest host sabrina castillo here.
madi: hiiii! it is so exciting to be back for a new episode with you guys! 
sabine: before we start, let’s open our bottle of the day which is a 2006 louis roederer cristal brut. so we had more than one request to talk about the relationships on the hills so that’s what we’ll do today. but first i want to just talk about relationships in general. madi, sabrina, what are your dating and relationship tips?
madi: oh i love this champagne so much! as for a dating and relatonship tips, i’d say is to stay true to yourself. don’t try to be someone you arent to please your partner. know yourself and your limits. i feel like, being in a relationship can be very exhausting? i dont know.. im not the best one to give advice so im gonna let sabrina go and take notes!
sabrina: be honest. if you aren’t happy, say it. if something’s bothering you, say it. for me, from personal experience, all of my relationships have ended because one of us wasn’t being honest about what we wanted. just be honest and let your significant other in. don’t hide things from them because you’ll never truly be with them if you can’t trust them enough to be honest with how you feel. 
sabine: and i would say that my top tip would be to say what you need to say when you need to see it. i have missed out on a relationship here because i didn’t say how i felt when i felt it and i have had breakups here because of that. wether it’s someone you are interested in or someone who you already seeing, you have to, have to speak up. 
madi: this is all so interesting, i’ve actually taken notes guys, and you should too! sabine wanna present the next subject?
sabine: yes, now onto relationships on the hills. so let’s talk about the oldest ones that are still going strong first. also shoutout to elijah for the amazing thread keeping track of relationships here, we appreciate it. now first we have kazi and mia who got together december of last year. we have q, sonny, and noemi who have been together since january too. belated congratulations to those three on the birth of beautiful baby winnie. we love her and you very much. ladies what are your favorite things about these pairs?
madi: i dont really know things about people’s relationships? i think they’re happy and that’s what i like. it’s weird for me to analyze my friend’s private things like that in details, i try to stay away from it. from what i can i see they’re all happy and complete each others so that would have to be my favorite things about all of them!
sabrina: i love mia and kazi. kazi and mia. mazi. kia. i know they’ve had their issues but they always seem to come out stronger after them if that makes sense. i feel like whenever i start dating someone new, i always hope to be like them. not just like them, but to have a bond and love like theirs, i guess. like i want to be as in love with someone as they are and have someone make me smile and laugh like they make each other do so. 
sabine: we also have atlas & jinyoung, asher & jae, ace & larkin, thorne, elsa & kana, and xavier & karlie that have been going strong since the summer. in all of these relationships you can see how much love is present and you’re like “well this is a forever couple here.” 
madi: aren’t we a little obligated to say ‘’this is a forever couple’’ tho? because if we dont then we look like a jerk? and what even is a forever couple, we all die at one point or another so.. nothing really last forever.. i think i consider them more like old couples. grandparents couples. does that make sense?
sabine: now potential couples, one i want to get off my chest right away is cori and calvin. i think that’s going to happen soon. also mika and danny? are they dating or not, i have no clue. if they are, it’s not official yet because it’s not in the thread. damien and reina or damien and chanel? 
sabrina: i really like danny and mika together. mika is such a cool person and i think danny complements her really well because he’s equally as awesome. they both have such great senses of humor and they fit together really well. plus, they seem super happy with their relationship which is always an amazing thing to watch! and i haven’t really noticed any couples possibly forming except for flint and atlee. i KNOW they say they’re just best friends, but come on. that chemistry? hate to break it to you, but that’s not just friendship. luca and chanel seem like something might be happening there too. they’d be cute, they’re both super funny
madi: oh i thought mika and danny were dating already? im so behind in all this. potential couples.. hmm.. luca and chanel would be cute i guess.. i really think damien and reina would be good together, flint and atlee i’m not sure.. i dont see it. i see how people say they have feelings for each others but to me it just seems like flint is obsessed with her but in a friendly way? friend crush. they’ll probably date tho, everyone on this show who had a friendcrush dated them. 
sabine: now sabrina, couples we never got to see?
sabrina: there are so many couples i thought were going to happen and then didn’t. xavier and rowan, xavier and me, adrian and toni, antigone and jd, sawyer and thomas... i mean, so many! i know that, like, two of them happened for maybe two days, so i don’t really count those as actually happening. that probably sounds so mean, but. oh well. 
sabine: well sabrina we have a few questions for you but first, jesse says hi. 
sabrina: hi jesse whats up are you excited for vendettas?
 madi: Next one is for sabine and i and says ‘’ annoying and cliquey ‘’ ooh...
sabine: i can't apologize if you find us or the podcast annoying, that's your issue. no one is forcing you to listen to this. when we ask for feedback we mean stuff we can actually build off of. as for the cliquey part, we are going to try our very best to be inclusive of everyone on the cast. and if we're still navigating our way through this so please be patient with us.
madi: i’d like to add that if any of you guys would like to be part of this show all you have to do is dm sabine or me and we’d love to schedule an interview or something with you! next question: ‘’Sabrina! what has been your favorite moment on the show?
sabrina: i loved the press tour & kazi and mia’s wedding!
madi: two amazing moments! last but not least, can you talk to us about the time thomas thought you were sabine?
sabrina:  oh my god. ok so he tweeted something like “i like someone”, right? so i dmed him and was like omg who!! and we dmed for a bit like me convincing him to tell me, and so he was like ok fine... and he said he liked ME and i was like uhhhh okay. why? CUZ I WAS CONFUSED LIKE WE BARELY TALKED?? and he was like what do you mean why ?? and i said we barely talk and he was like “omg. wait. is this not sabine.” and i keysmashed and was screaming
madi: thank you so much sabrina for accepting to come on this episode of Blonde and Bubbly! i’d like to remind you guys that our bottle of the day  is a 2006 louis roederer cristal brut, it is amazing and a rec from me! we are madison & sabine from the hills, as well as sabrina, we’re all blonde and had too much bubbly so it’s time to say goodbye and we’ll see you next time!
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