van1shiro · 8 months
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I adore rika and dooh 🍮
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andrewberry · 6 months
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Pokemon #980: Clodsire
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inbarfink · 9 months
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melaniagir8 · 8 months
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Inktober 2023, giorno 6 – Clodsire/Golden
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rikaspotting · 2 months
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boogiepopmeup · 9 months
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It’s Clodsire! Everybody loves him!
It was his day on 9/9 but I forgot to post here! Happy Giant Salamander Day!
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interactivesignage · 1 year
Whitepaper: 4 Digital Signage Trends für 2019
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Innovative Technologien erweitern die Einsatzmöglichkeiten klassischer Digital Signage Systeme und bringen neue Vorteile für den Einsatz am Point of Sale, in Museen, Hotels oder Restaurants. Dabei stehen vor allem interaktive Inhalte im Fokus, laut Branchenmagazin invidis das Top Trendthema[1]. Für Aufsehen sorgte in den letzten Monaten vor allem McDonalds mit einem der größten Roll-Outs in diesem Bereich[2]. Wir beleuchten vier interaktive Trends für 2019 - und darüber hinaus.
In diesem Artikel:
Deep Analytics
Interaktive Apps
Lesen Sie hier den vollständigen Artikel:
Whitepaper: 4 Digital Signage Trends für 2019
Weitere Informationen zu eyefactive:
Interactive Digital Signage XXL: Touchscreen Technologien, Software & Hardware
Touchscreen Software App Plattform
Online Shop für Touchscreens, Tische, Kiosk-Terminals & Videowalls
Touchscreen Objekterkennung
Interaktive Smart Signage Retail Technologien
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eyefactive · 1 year
Whitepaper: 5 Transformative Digital Signage Trends for 2022
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The latest developments in the field of digital signage have been rapid. In some ways, the COVID-19 pandemic has taken its toll on the industry. Still, it has helped some areas thrive, and the key to thriving is adapting to changes.
In this article:
Customer Experience / Smart Retail
QR Codes
Read the full article here:
Whitepaper: 5 Transformative Digital Signage Trends for 2022
Learn more about eyefactive:
Interactive Digital Signage XXL: Touchscreen Technologies, Software & Hardware
Touchscreen Software App Platform
Online Shop for Touchscreens, Tables, Kiosks & Videowalls
Touchscreen Object Recognition
Interactive Smart Signage Retail Technologies
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manuhigueras · 2 years
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Keep it clean
We helped Renault hijack the conversation with a cheeky “Keep it Clean” campaign for the all-electric ULEZ-exempt Renault Zoe. We built an algorithm to identify the angriest ULEZ tweets before ‘cleaning them up’ for social, digital posters, and radio.
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pixleddisplay · 6 days
The gain outweighs the loss, the importance of flame resistance material.
0 notes
vastbillboards · 6 days
Billboards to Bus Stops: The Power of OOH Advertising
Out-of-Home (OOH) advertising, an age-old marketing technique, has adapted and thrived in the digital age, proving its enduring value in the advertising world. From vast billboards that dominate highways to bus stops that capture commuters' attention, OOH advertising offers a unique and powerful way to reach a broad audience. Its ability to deliver high-impact messages in public spaces where people live, work, and travel makes it an indispensable tool for modern marketers.
The Broad Reach of OOH Advertising
One of the most compelling advantages of OOH advertising is its extensive reach. Billboards, especially those placed along busy highways and major roads, are seen by millions of drivers and passengers daily. This constant exposure ensures that the message is repeatedly seen, aiding in brand recall and recognition. Unlike online ads, which can be skipped or blocked, OOH ads are always visible, creating a continuous presence that reinforces the brand message.
Versatility Across Formats
OOH advertising is not confined to one type of format; it encompasses a wide range of options that cater to different marketing needs and environments. Traditional static billboards are ideal for delivering bold, simple messages that can be quickly understood as people pass by. These billboards, due to their sheer size, create a dramatic impact and are particularly effective for raising brand awareness.
Digital billboards take this a step further by incorporating dynamic content that can be updated in real-time. This flexibility allows advertisers to display timely messages, such as weather-based promotions or real-time event updates, making the ads more relevant and engaging. Additionally, digital billboards can rotate multiple advertisements, increasing the potential reach and impact.
Bus stop advertisements and street furniture ads target pedestrians and public transit users, delivering messages at eye level during moments of pause. These ads often benefit from longer viewing times as people wait for their bus or train, making them highly effective for detailed messages or call-to-action prompts.
The Impact of Transit Advertising
Transit advertising, which includes ads on buses, trains, and taxis, transforms vehicles into moving billboards. This mobile advertising ensures that the message travels across various parts of the city, reaching diverse demographics. For example, a bus wrapped in an advertisement can traverse different neighborhoods, exposing the ad to a wide and varied audience throughout the day. This type of advertising is particularly effective in urban areas where public transit is heavily used.
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The Efficacy of OOH Advertising
Numerous studies have highlighted the effectiveness of OOH advertising in driving consumer action. According to the Outdoor Advertising Association of America (OAAA), OOH advertising is the most effective offline medium in prompting online activity. Consumers exposed to OOH ads are significantly more likely to engage with the brand online, whether by visiting a website, searching for more information, or following on social media. This integration of offline and online channels underscores the importance of a cohesive marketing strategy.
Moreover, OOH advertising is known for its high return on investment (ROI). It effectively complements other media channels by increasing the overall campaign reach and frequency. For instance, a billboard promoting a new product can drive additional traffic to an online campaign, enhancing the overall effectiveness of the marketing effort.
Creative Potential and Innovation
OOH advertising offers a vast canvas for creativity. The large format of billboards allows for striking visuals and succinct messaging that can make a lasting impression. Innovative designs, eye-catching graphics, and clever use of space can captivate audiences and make the advertisement stand out.
Moreover, the strategic placement of OOH ads can amplify their impact. For example, placing an ad near a competitor's location or in a high-traffic area relevant to the product can enhance its effectiveness. Interactive elements, such as QR codes or augmented reality features, can further engage viewers and provide a more immersive experience.
Future Trends in OOH Advertising
The future of OOH advertising is being shaped by technological advancements and data analytics. Digital OOH (DOOH) is growing rapidly, offering enhanced targeting and real-time performance tracking. Programmatic buying, which automates the purchasing of ad space based on data insights, is making OOH campaigns more efficient and precise. As urban environments become increasingly connected with smart city technologies, OOH advertising will integrate more seamlessly with digital ecosystems, providing personalized and contextually relevant experiences.
In conclusion, from vast billboards to bus stops, OOH advertising continues to be a powerful medium for reaching and engaging consumers in the physical world. Its ability to deliver high-impact, creative messages in public spaces, combined with its integration with digital channels, ensures that OOH remains a vital component of modern marketing strategies. As technology evolves, OOH advertising will continue to innovate, offering new ways for brands to connect with audiences in meaningful and memorable ways
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andrewberry · 5 months
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Pokemon #194: Paldean Wooper
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inbarfink · 9 months
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magicmindsblog · 2 months
Dynamic DOOH & connected TV solutions drive targeted engagement. Leverage advanced programmatic tools for precision targeting, increased campaign ROI, and sustaining digital growth. Connect with consumers anytime, anywhere.
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signageinfo · 2 months
Jet Line, an outdoor advertising agency, has partnered with research firm Gemius to enhance the measurement of outdoor ad reach using the Mediapanel survey, Poland's comprehensive media measurement tool. This collaboration introduces real-time audience data collection for Jet Line's digital OOH screen network via ARA sensors and a "proof of play" tool integrated with Gemius's gDE system, offering more reliable impression reports. The initiative aims to provide advertisers with precise audience insights, improving campaign planning and execution.
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interactivesignage · 1 year
Whitepaper: Was Ist Interactive Digital Signage?
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Heute völlig klar, dass Digital Signage der Weg der Zukunft sein wird. Mittlerweile auf dem gesamten Globus vertreten, ist es eine der am schnellsten wachsenden Marketing-Technologien. Einzelhändler, Museen, Banken, Schulen und andere Organisationen sind bereits auf den Zug des kulturellen Umschwungs aufgesprungen. Die digitale Lösung vereint Flexibilität, Benutzerfreundlichkeit und einfachen Betrieb und hebt sich damit deutlich vom klassischen Signage ab.
In diesem Artikel:
Die nächste Stufe des digitalen Zeitalters!
Interactive Signage - Eine neue Marketing Technologie
Eine aussichtsreiche Zukunft
Lesen Sie hier den vollständigen Artikel:
Was Ist Interactive Digital Signage?
Weitere Informationen zu eyefactive:
Interactive Digital Signage XXL: Touchscreen Technologien, Software & Hardware
Touchscreen Software App Plattform
Online Shop für Touchscreens, Tische, Kiosk-Terminals & Videowalls
Touchscreen Objekterkennung
Interaktive Smart Signage Retail Technologien
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