yo-yo-yoshiko · 9 months
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I always love a heel, but not like this....... not like thissssss!!
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kira-angel24 · 8 months
Whumptober 2023 Day 10
      "Damnit," Insanity tried again, he placed his hand over a floating translucent square. It glowed as a blue light formed in front of him. It flickered in and out of existence before fading away completely. "Ngh, I can't summon a portal." Sachi grabbed onto his coat and hid behind the young god.
     "What do we do now master?" Her eyes darted between Insanity's and their surroundings.
     "We might as well find someplace to stay since I'll have to let the console recharge." He swiped the air and all the floating holographic-looking images disappeared. "Hopefully we can find an inn or something soon," Insanity turned to see the sunlight fading behind the horizon. "Come on Sachi." He walked into the city, the girl following behind. They both looked up at the tall skyscrapers as cars drove past the two.
     "Master, have you been to places like this before?"
    "I have, it's just been a long time since I've been to one."
    "I see," Insanity approached a hotel and entered the lobby. Sachi holding onto his coat. He walked up to the front desk and bowed. "Good evening sir, is there any vacant rooms for two?"
     "Hm, it looks like we have a few vacancies. Are you looking for one bed or two?"
     "Two is fine, sir." The god placed the money on the counter.
     "Alright, here's your key and the elevator is right over there." He motioned towards the back of the lobby.
     "Thank you, have a good night," Insanity took the key and walked to the elevator. Sachi stayed close behind. Her ears twitching at the different sounds. He pushed the up button and the doors opened. An elevator operator greeted them with the tip of his hat.
      "Good evening sir."
      "Evening," the two entered the carrier.
      "What floor?"
      "Sixteen, please."
      "Alright, going up." Sachi stayed on the opposite side of Insanity, away from the operator. Her tail staying close to her feet. She tucked her wings in kept them close to her body. "You're very pretty there little miss." She shrank closer to Insanity.
      "Um, th.. thank you, sir." Sachi fiddled with her dress while keeping a hand on Insanity's coat.
      "Is she related to you?"
      "Oh, she's my attendant," Insanity placed his hand on her back. "And a good friend of mine."
      "I see, well this is your floor," they exited the elevator. "Have a good night you two."
      "You too sir." The young god scanned each door, looking for their room. He found the door and held the key card up to the lock. The door beeped and Insanity pushed the door open. He entered the room and turned the lights on, Sachi right behind him. "Sachi, if you want to sleep in your own bed you can. If not I don't mind you sleeping next to me."
     "Which would master like?"
     "You can decide, Sachi."
     "Oh," she looked at the two mattresses. "I guess I'll sleep in my own bed."
     "Alright, if you change your mind you can hop in my bed."
     "Okay, master."
     "Are you hungry?" He opened a few of the cabinets. "I could get us something to eat."
     "I could eat, master." He called up room service as Sachi sat on one of the beds. Her hands in her lap as her tail swayed back and forth on the comforter.
     "Okay, the food should be here soon," Insanity turned the TV on and sat on the empty bed. "How have you been Sachi?"
     "Hm? I don't understand master."
     "Have you been doing well? Anything troubling you?"
     "No master. I'm okay."
     "That's good," a knock could be heard from the door. "That should be our food, I'll get it." He thanked the attendant and brought the food inside. The two ate together and conversed over a variety of topics. "It's getting late, we should sleep now."
      "Okay," she moved to under the covers. "Night, master."
      "Good night, Sachi."
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neoculturetechxgot7 · 5 years
Gardenia on the crown - J.J.H.
2; Sun kissed gardens
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pairing: Jung Jaehyun × Reader
genre: angst
length: around 2k words
warnings: profanity
The distance from the ballroom to the gardens is fairly short, having to cross only a few wide halls buzzing with the usual morning preparations as maids and servants swiftly moved around with hasty steps.
You're surprised to soon find yourself crossing a large patio paved with thick, grey gravel to reach what the king said to be the countryard, where a seemingly endless sea of green spread under the skyline. Without wasting a moment, you follow both elders as they begin making their way between big, voluminous bushes and blooming flowers covering each side of the stone path.
It seems to be more of a maze than a garden, its complicated spirals of greenery pushing you to the brim of dizziness, constant turns killing your sense of direction. At this point, it's a fact that you'd get lost if left alone in there.
The sky is clear and gifts you a generous supply of sun beams, which you presume to be nature's way of sympathizing with your new reality, trying to provide the slightest comfort. It's hard to enjoy even that though, with Jaehyun by your side. At least he makes sure to keep more than enough distance and you feel internally grateful for his understanding of personal space.
You steal a brief glance on your right where he strolls carelessly, hands in the pockets of his dress pants like a gentleman. Glaring far into the horizon, he seems to have retreated into his own thoughts which causes you to feel a little more relaxed, knowing he isn't intently watching your every move.
The sudden urge to run away almost overpowers you when his eyes, pink and purple lavender mirroring in their depths, lock with yours and embarrassment pierces through you so brutally. Once again, your cheeks probably get more blush than any rose in the entire palace as you quickly snap your head to the other side.
He literally just caught you staring.
But there is nothing wrong with that, right? He is your husband-to-be after all...
Thanfully, Jaehyun doesn't comment anything, only leaves a blanket of silence drape over you and the bold decision of looking at anything but him takes a good seat in the back of your head.
Thankfully, the plants around you can provide a great distraction as you get fascinated by their vivid colours and freshness, early dew still sliding off of velvety petals and leaves. They aren't as Iively as those back home nor is there as much variety, but still it remains a pretty sight.
What really catches your attention though are a few snowy white blooms emerging from a plush bush beside the path and your heart flutters, inevitably drawn to them. Ducking with golden satin pooling around your ankles, your fingers reach out to pluck one and the next moment you're burying your nose to deeply inhale in the beautiful scent that makes fairies dance on the crisp air.
You love it. That's why you can't bare to avert your gaze, instead standing over the plants as if you can somehow escape in their dreamy world, wiping tiny droplets from their surface to feel the coolness of morning.
"Gardenia." A voice comes from behind and you quickly realise it's Jaehyun, his heavy footsteps growing louder as he approached.
"I know." You reply, almost allowing a chuckle past your lips. "My mother adores them. She says it takes a lot of care for these to grow."
"We do take care of them here." There is a tone of pointing out the obvious lacing his words as he halts before the flowers and slowly leans to sniff one.
"You take care of them?" You ask with a finger pointing at him, genuinely curious to know if the prince of ice has a soft spot for gardening after all.
"No, of course not. Servants do." Jaehyun explains nonchalantly and, after looking back at the path, gestures for you to follow, since both your parents have already moved way ahead.
The hint of enthusiasm in your chest is quickly crashed by his answer and once again it feels so unbearably cold to be around him, an imaginary yet sturdy wall built between you two. He continues walking, completely ignoring the uneasiness being alone with him causes you.
You wish to rush to your father's side, hide under his wing and plea to stop the marriage, but your pride and unbending sense of responsibility leaves you simply scurrying to catch up.
You don't trade any other words as he continues pretending oblivion to your existence and you begin hating even the slightest idea of him, burning with desire for all of this mess to end.
A torturous amount of time later, your heels are digging into the expensive burgundy carpet decorating a high staircase leading up to what the king said to be your royal chambers. You can't wait to go up these steps and sink in the peace and quiet of a well-made bed. Privacy and some time alone is all you need to put the tornado of incomprehensible thoughts racking your mind in order.
And while you're daydreaming about soft pillows and the chilling touch of cotton sheets, Jaehyun's father keeps on with his relentless ramble regarding the wedding, which, from what you understood, will be held under the next full moon, in about a month from now.
It then dawns on you how, truly, you have only 25 days before you allow that awful prince to slide a band of polished platinum on your ring finger and tie your lives together in eternity. Then, as the unwritten laws of the ancient proclaimed, you'd be inseparable.
Fuck all of this.
Screaming and shouting until the moon itself tears in half seems like a tempting option to let out the despair now nibbling at every inch of you skin. Hatred and so much fury boils in your bloodstream, especially after your gaze lands on your betrothed, who was eyeing you back, possibly with raw dislike.
You realize now that, really, you despise him.
He's standing just a step below, too close for your lungs to breathe freely but close enough for your nails to claw at his eyes and-
"...and the ceremony will take place at the palace, before the grand feast..." The hoarsennes of the king's voice scratches your ears almost cruelly.
You can't stand hearing whatever shit is coming out his mouth, already way past your breaking point. You can't take it anymore, you can't wait for him to finish that annoying monologue.
Your fingers start to tremble ever so slightly, golden rings clashing inaudibly against each other.
You don't want to hear anything else about that damned wedding, the upcoming end of life as you know it, and right now all you can think about is how to reach your room as soon as possible.
Then, a god-sent idea flashes before your conscious, dramatic yet somehow good, the distress in your eyes replaced by glimmering relief.
If this works, you'll be in the security of a spacious room within seconds, away from the overwhelming royals and their annoying chit-chat.
A soft gasp falls from your parted lips and a hand shot up to your forehead, knees bending slightly.
"Sweetheart, are you okay?" Your dad's concern coated tone sends traces of guilt to crawl under your skin.
"Yes, I'm just feeling a little dizzy, father." You whine, sounding pathetic nonetheless, leaning towards his embrace for support.
"Do you need me to call the maids?"
Your inevitably gaze shoots to Jaehyun's father eyeing you, awaiting your answer.
"No, no, it's alright. I'd prefer to retreat from your company, though." You mentally cringe at the immerse politeness you're forced show when in reality all you long to say is a simple fuck off, all of you.
So your plan might be...really pitiful at its execution after all. You aren't sure if anyone will believe your pretentious groan of pain and the helpless tone, but even so, who can refuse a princess a such simple request?
"The sun. Its probably the heat that's caused this, my Lady." The unbothered king points out, without a single drop of regret in his voice for having you wander around the entire garden under the searing licks of sunshine.
And then, fingertips scorch a tight grasp around your wrist making you flinch, eyes darting daggers at Jaehyun who is taking a step forward to tower over you, blaze adorning his gaze.
"Are you sure you're alright, princess?" His other hand snakes its way around your waist so smoothly, fingers squeezing waves of newfound heat against your side.
You can burst any moment now and slap that pretty face of his that's now only a breath away as he pulls you ever so slightly towards his chest.
If you had a fake headache before, it's a certain fact that a real one is starting to pulse inside your head at right now.
"Guards!" The king loudly calls for the two men in light armor standing on either side of the base of the stairs and they hurry away from their positions to approach you. "Take her highness to her royal chambers immediately."
You'd be glad to be escorted by them, followed by the soft clatter of iron as you head for the comfort of your apartments, away from that stupid prince.
But apparently Jaehyun isn't about to allow that luxury, when he throws a sharp nod to stop them dead on their tracks.
"I got her."
No, no, no, no. Damnit, no.
You can barely contain your body's reaction to violently wiggle out of his grip and pick up your skirts to bolt away, not giving a shit about manners at this point. Being almost pressed flush with his body strangely drains you of energy and clouds your mind with a heavy daze, sensing his every warm inhale brush against your neck.
"Father, please continue without us."
You don't make it to hear what the others mumble -probably their farewells- as he spins you around, palm moving lower on the small of your back to support it, although it's really not necessary. If it weren't for his tight hold though, you would've fallen flat on your face after tripping on the first step, the clumsiness striking you yet again.
"Do you need me to carry you?" He leans to whisper in your ear, freezing you in place at the proximity and his spine-chilling touch.
You are somewhat disgusted. His concern is probably nothing more than sugar-coated pretence.
"No, I'm okay. I can do this alone." That's all you manage to blurt out, insides lit on ruby fire as you try to move away hopelessly.
Even so, his bony fingers don't loosen up. "There's only a few steps left."
His voice rings faintly, because everything around you except him seems to disintegrate into a blur and you melt painfully slow into his unwanted embrace. The erratic heartbeat thumping on your temples is louder than gunshots at this point, making you wonder if he can hear it so clearly too.
Jaehyun's scent of sandalwood and rosemary has a shaky breath hitch at your throat so painfully, overpowering all your senses in a feverish way.
You curse at your impatience, regretting not waiting for the king to end the annoying palace tour and bidding all three men goodbye to find your room all alone. Yes, that would've been perfect compared to the current situation.
Your whole body is tense, every muscle buzzing with electricity as you keep going up the staircase in the heated hands of your betrothed.
The devil holds you tight only to burn you tighter.
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leelee10898 · 5 years
Chikara: Ojike (3/?)
Summary: Ellie finally moves forward with her life, and something goes horribly wrong. Ojike translates to Fear.
Warning! This chapter contains violence, pain and sexual violence. Read at your own risk.
Series Raiting: Mature. Angst, character death and violence, Nsfw content.
Catch up HERE
** I apologize in advance. Line break is not working
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"Again." He ordered. Ellie got into position as Colt charged her, she quickly ducked under his punch and jabbed him in the side. Colt turned around and faced her, this time his leg swept out and Ellie quickly jumped out of the way, taking out his other leg. Colt fell to the ground,  but not before he grabbed hold of her ankles taking her down with him. He pinned her down on the ground, his face inches from hers. "Damnit Ellie. Remember always watch your opponent's movements. It could be a matter of life or death." She rolled her eyes "Is this really necessary?"
Colt let go of his hold on her, Ellie used her body strength to flip Colt over. She straddled him pinning his arms above his head. "Always watch your opponent's movements." She smirked at him. "Cute." He chuckled. She pressed her lips to his, as he wriggled his arms free, his hands stroking her sides.
"Ok, let's work on another sequence."
Colt jolted up from a dead sleep. It was just a dream, but damn if it didn't feel real. Shortly before Ellie went to Riyas, Colt taught Ellie some self defense. Every member of the Kaneko family was made to take different forms of martial arts. Teppei may not have wanted Colt to take the helm of the MPC, but he damn sure insisted he have the same training. He looked at his phone, 8 pm which mean it was 11pm Eastern time. He crept from the couch, and walked out the back door taking a seat on the steps. He punched in his passcode and opened his photos,opening the one album that got him by, Ellie.
There weren't many, mostly of prom. A few from their time together at the garage, the times they spent sneaking around with each other.  He missed her so much it hurt, the days were ok he kept himself busy, but the nights wore the worst. He told himself not to do it, but his needs got the best of him. He punched in the number he memorized by heart, blocking the number of course. He held it to his ear as it rang on the other end, 3 times before he heard it
He felt like the air had been sucked out of his lungs. Such a sweet sound, a sound that could bring him to his knees.
Hello? She said again.
He couldn't speak, but god did he want to. He wanted to tell her that he loved her and missed her so much. He wanted to tell her that he was coming there, to be with her, to protect her, but he just couldn't. He shouldn't have even called.
Colt? Colt is it you? He could hear the desperation in her voice.
He panicked, quickly hanging up the phone.
"Hey, there you are? How's that side feeling?" A voice came up behind him. He quickly wiped the tears that had been pooling in his eyes "Hey x, yeah im feeling a little better. I'll be heading back home tomorrow. " he stood averting her gaze so she wouldn't see the sadness he couldn't shake. He stepped into the house, ximena following behind. After he was attacked he went to the only place he thought he could get help, ximena. He filled her in on what happened, And how the assailant told him that Wallace sent him. Colt was planning on going after them, hunting them down and taking care of them once and for all.
"I know you miss her Colt. But you're going to burn yourself down before you can even make it to her. Get out of LA, got be a normal guy." Ximena ruffled his hair with her fingers. "I don't know how to be a normal guy X. And if the brotherhood is out there still, it's not safe for me to be around her, not yet." He flopped down on the couch,  wincing in pain as he forgot about the fresh gash on his side. "I just hope you know what your doing kid."
East Coast.........
"Colt. Colt is that you?" Ellie panicked,  desperate to hear his voice, but she was met by the end of the call.
"Hey, whats up Ellie? Ingrid came to find her as she had stepped away once she noticed the blocked call flashing on her screen. It had to be him, he would be the only one to call her blocked, but why wouldn't he say anything?
"I think Colt called me blocked." Ingrid gave her a stern look. "Did he say anything?" Ellie shook her head no. "Well how do you know it was really him? I think you need to put your phone in your purse." She took the phone from Ellies hand, and slipped it into her purse. "And enjoy the movie with us. Nick seems to really like you." Ingrid grinned looping her arm in Ellies. "Yeah, You're right. Ok I can do this." Ellie took a deep breath and rejoined the two men for the movie.
Over the next couple of weeks Ellie spent most of her free time with Ingrid, Kyle and Nick. She knew Nick liked her it wasn't much of a secret, Ingrid made sure to tell her every chance she got. She also broadened her horizons by taking a few dance classes, and not the classical training ones her father forced her into, since she enjoyed learning from Logan. It was two days before Christmas break kicked off.  Ellie had just finished her last paper and pressed send, closing her laptop when ingrid busted into the room. "Get up, were going out."
She demanded, throwing open Ellie's closet. "Ah. Ok where are we going?" She came up beside Ingrid, who was frantically searching through Ellies clothes.  "Nothing. You have nothing here. Guess you'll have to wear something of mine then." Ingrid sighed. "Ingrid, slow the hell down, where are we going?" Ingrid stiffened rolling her eyes as she turned towards Ellie. "Ellie. It's the sigma beta sigma holiday mixer. The most important of all holiday parties on campus, and we scored an invite." Ellie knew a few of the sigma brothers, she helped a few of them writing reports for them.
"Yes. Yes this will work beautifully." Ingrid held up a bright red short flare dress, with a squared neck and spaghetti straps.she handed the dress to Ellie, and motioned to change. It fit like a glove, she paired it with a pair of black tights and booties, colts leather jacket the finishing touch. She scrunched her hair,  giving the illusion of perfect beach waves. Ellie looked at herself in the mirror, it had been a while since she got dolled up, but she felt good. "Ok, time to take a selfie." Ingrid grinned as she slid up next to her, both posing for the picture. "
She posted the photo to Instagram, tagging Ellie and they headed for the party.
Once there Ellie enjoyed herself dancing and chatting with some people she met in a study group. She broke into a smile when she spotted Nick approaching with two red solo cups. "Hey you." Nick handed her a cup. "You look stunning Ellie." She held the cup in her hand, staring down at the contents. "You're not going to end up drunk off one drink. Its holiday punch." Nick teased as Ellie lifted the cup to her ruby lips taking a modest sip. She immediately grimaced at potent concoction she ingested. Nick snorted at her expression. "Ok, that was downright disgusting." She gagged.
She shared a few dances with Nick, before she knew it it was almost 12. She went in search of Ingrid to let her know she was leaving, she had a ton of packing to do and her flight left at 10 am. She looked everywhere she possibly could before giving up her search. "Can you tell Ingrid I had to leave. I can't find her anywhere." She asked Nick who was nursing a beer in the corner of the room. "Yeah, sure.  Do you want me to walk you home?" He searched her eyes for any kind of sign "No, I'll be alright. Thanks though. You're such a good friend Nick." She stood on her tiptoes placing a kiss on his cheek. "Yeah, good friend." He half chuckled. "Merry Christmas Nick." She smiled as she headed for the door.
It was a couple block walk back to the dorm. She pulled colts jacket tightly against her body, to shield herself from the bitter wind that slashed against the sheer fabric of her legs. It had just snowed a few days prior, so she had to be careful walking not to slip in ice with the slight heal on her boots. She made it a block from the frat house before she noticed a shadow trailing behind her. A chill rippled through her body, but not from the cold. She picked up the pace, trying to put some distance between her and the uneasy feeling of the stranger behind her. She crossed the the other side of the street in hopes the other person would stay on the opposite side, and when they followed she felt her heart drop and pulse race.
Just 2 more blocks to go, but the uneasy feeling grew as the person picked up their pace. Ellie broke into a sprint as they headed for the dimly lit alley that separated her from the town and the campus.  If she could just make it onto school property she would be ok. She walked into the alley, a dead end. Her nerves getting the better of her, she took a wrong turn, there was only one way out and the person following her, a man, was now right in front of her, blocking her only exit.
"Man, you're a hard one to get alone." He spoke, as he gave her a crooked smirk. "St- stay back. You. You don't know who you're messing with." Her voice betrayed her. "Heh," he laughed. "I know exactly who you are Ellie wheeler. Man, Jason said to take care of you." He began to move forward, Ellie cowering away backing into a wall. "You're a lot cuter than I expected. I think I'll have myself a little fun before I kill you."
"Jason? No. He's in jail." Ellie whimpered in disbelief.  "Oh. You didn't hear? He escaped. And he wants retribution for your betrayal." The man lunged for her, somehow she remembered the training she got from Colt, her father and Logan.  She stepped to the side slightly, bringing her knee up and slamming it into his groin hard. He crumpled to the ground with a loud grunt as Ellie ran towards the opening of the alley. "No you fucking dont." He reached out grabbing her leg, pulling her down to the cold, unforgiving pavement. She picked herself up quickly,  shaking off the stinging pain of her hands.
Her assailant gripped her by the hair spinning her around and slamming her into the brick wall, hitting her head. A small trickle of blood ran down her face, As she screamed out. His hand gripped tight in her hair he spun her around to face him. "My. My father is a detective,  he will see you in jail. And my. My friends, the MPC. they'll kill you." She sobbed out the man looked at her with a wildness in his eyes. "I'll be long gone by the time they find you sweet thing. The brotherhood stays hidden." He began to push her dress up. Panic set in, she flailed wildly as he cupped her mouth drowning out her screams. She moved her head biting down on his hand hard, eliciting a scream from the man. He lifted his hand and back handed her, sending her to the ground again. "You little bitch. I'm going to enjoy this." He spoke as he grabbed her legs, pulling her towards him. Ellie thrashed her legs frantically, freeing one and kicking him into the stomach. She stood, adrenaline pumping,  anger coursing through her veins. She kneed the in his jaw as he doubled over in pain from the kick to his abdomen. She should have ran, she should have screamed for help but the only thing on her mind was hurting the man who attacked her.
As she landed blow after blow she felt herself being torn apart, the shy sweet nerd she once was falling away, leaving something behind she didn't quite recognize. The man collapsed on the ground, face bleeding badly from where Ellie punched repeatedly. With some strength he grabbed hold of her ankle yanking her to the ground. He hovered above her grabbing her head on either side and slamming it back into the pavement with a sickening thud. Her eyes flickering shut she seen a figure ran into the alleyway pulling the man off of her. The last thing she heard was her name being called repeatedly as she slipped into blackness.
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