cyclingshop · 10 months
Welcome to the ultimate Tenerife Cycling Guide! 🚴‍♂️ Discover the breathtaking landscapes and challenging routes that make this Spanish island a paradise for cyclists. From towering volcanic peaks to picturesque coastal roads, Tenerife offers a diverse range of terrains for all levels of riders. Embark on an unforgettable cycling adventure as you navigate through winding mountain passes and explore charming villages nestled amidst lush greenery. 🌿 Feel the adrenaline rush as you conquer the island's steepest climbs, rewarded by stunning panoramic views at every turn. With its mild climate and well-maintained roads, Tenerife is a cyclist's dream destination. Whether you're a seasoned pro or a beginner seeking a new challenge, our comprehensive guide will provide you with all the information you need to make the most of your cycling experience in Tenerife. 🌞 Discover the best cycling routes, top-notch bike rentals, and essential tips for staying safe and comfortable on the road. Get ready to pedal your way through paradise!1. Cycling Routes in Tenerife: Exploring the Island's Scenic Landscapes🚴‍♂️ Discover the breathtaking cycling routes in Tenerife and immerse yourself in the island's stunning landscapes. 🌴 From coastal roads to mountain trails, Tenerife offers a variety of options for all cycling enthusiasts. 🌅 Explore the scenic coastal route from Los Cristianos to El Médano, where you'll be treated to panoramic views of the Atlantic Ocean and charming fishing villages along the way. ⛰️ For a more challenging adventure, tackle the iconic Mount Teide route. Ascend through volcanic landscapes, passing by lunar-like terrain and reaching the summit at 3,718 meters above sea level. 🌺 Take a leisurely ride through the picturesque village of Masca, nestled in a lush valley. Admire the vibrant flora, cascading waterfalls, and the stunning views of the nearby cliffs. 🏞️ Don't miss the Anaga Rural Park, a UNESCO Biosphere Reserve. Pedal through ancient laurel forests, dramatic ravines, and remote hamlets, experiencing the untouched beauty of Tenerife's natural landscapes. 🌄 For adrenaline junkies, the Santiago del Teide to Buenavista del Norte route offers thrilling descents, winding through pine forests and offering breathtaking views of the rugged coastline. 🌊 If you prefer a coastal ride, head to the Costa Adeje route. Marvel at the luxurious resorts, golden beaches, and crystal-clear waters as you cycle along the vibrant promenades. 🌴 Whether you're a beginner or an experienced cyclist, Tenerife's cycling routes cater to all levels. Soak in the island's beauty and enjoy an unforgettable cycling experience in this cyclist's paradise.2. Essential Gear for Cycling in Tenerife: What You Need to KnowWhen cycling in Tenerife, it's crucial to have the right gear. Here's what you need to know: 🚲 A high-quality road or mountain bike is a must for tackling Tenerife's diverse terrain. 👕 Dress in moisture-wicking and breathable clothing to stay comfortable in the island's warm climate. 👟 Opt for cycling shoes with stiff soles to maximize power transfer and efficiency. 🕶 Protect your eyes from the sun's glare with polarized sunglasses. 🧢 Wear a lightweight and well-ventilated helmet for safety on the roads. 🧴 Apply sunscreen generously to shield your skin from the intense Tenerife sun. 💦 Stay hydrated by carrying a water bottle or using a hydration pack during your rides. 🧤 Consider wearing padded gloves to enhance grip and reduce hand fatigue. 🌧️ Pack a lightweight rain jacket in case of unexpected showers. By ensuring you have the essential gear, your cycling experience in Tenerife will be more enjoyable and safe!3. Tenerife's Best Cycling Climbs: Conquering the Island's Challenging TerrainTenerife is a cyclist's paradise, offering some of the best climbs in the world. 🚴‍♂️ Whether you're a professional or an amateur, the island's challenging terrain will push you to your limits and reward you with breathtaking views. 1. Mount Teide: This iconic climb is a must-do for any cycling enthusiast. Rising to an altitude of 2,300 meters, it tests your endurance and rewards you with panoramic vistas of the island. 2. Masca Valley: This hidden gem takes you through narrow, winding roads surrounded by stunning cliffs. The steep gradients make it a true test of strength, but the beauty of the scenery makes it all worth it. 3. Anaga Mountains: Explore the lush greenery and dramatic landscapes of the Anaga Mountains. The challenging ascents and descents will keep you on your toes, but the sense of accomplishment at the end is unbeatable. 4. Santiago del Teide: This climb offers a mix of challenging gradients and breathtaking coastal views. As you pedal your way up, you'll be rewarded with glimpses of the sparkling Atlantic Ocean. 5. Guimar: For those seeking a shorter but intense climb, Guimar is the perfect choice. The steep switchbacks and stunning views of the coastline will leave you breathless in more ways than one. 6. Los Gigantes: This climb takes you to the famous cliffs of Los Gigantes, offering jaw-dropping views of the ocean. The challenging gradients and hairpin bends will test your climbing skills to the max. 7. Vilaflor: Known as the highest village in Spain, Vilaflor offers a challenging climb with picturesque surroundings. As you conquer the steep slopes, you'll be rewarded with stunning views of the surrounding pine forests. 8. El Medano: This coastal climb offers a mix of challenging gradients and beautiful ocean views. The strong winds can make it even more challenging, but the sense of accomplishment at the top is unparalleled. 9. La Orotava: This climb takes you through the charming town of La Orotava, with its cobbled streets and historic buildings. The challenging gradients and stunning views make it a favorite among cyclists. 10. Buenavista del Norte: This climb offers a mix of challenging ascents and descents, taking you through picturesque villages and lush green landscapes. The sense of tranquility and beauty is unmatched.4. Safety Tips for Cycling in Tenerife: Ensuring a Smooth and Enjoyable RideCycling in Tenerife can be a thrilling experience, but safety should always be a top priority. Follow these tips to ensure a smooth and enjoyable ride: 🚲 Wear a properly fitted helmet to protect your head in case of accidents. 🚦 Obey traffic rules and signals, just like you would when driving a car. 🔍 Plan your route in advance, considering well-paved roads and bike lanes. 👀 Stay alert and be aware of your surroundings at all times. 🌞 Apply sunscreen to protect your skin from the strong Tenerife sun. 💦 Stay hydrated by carrying enough water with you during your ride. 🚘 Be cautious around parked cars to avoid unexpected door openings. 📞 Carry a mobile phone in case of emergencies or to call for assistance. 🚲 Keep your bike in good condition by regularly checking brakes and tires. 👥 Ride with a buddy or in a group for added safety and enjoyment. By following these safety tips, you can confidently explore the beautiful landscapes of Tenerife on your bike, knowing that you are taking the necessary precautions to have a fantastic cycling adventure!5. Exploring Tenerife's Coastal Cycling Paths: Unforgettable Views and Refreshing BreezesExperience the breathtaking beauty of Tenerife's coastal cycling paths. 🚴‍♂️ Enjoy uninterrupted views of the sparkling ocean and feel the refreshing sea breeze against your face. Discover a network of well-maintained routes that cater to all skill levels. 🌊 Whether you're a beginner or an experienced cyclist, there's a path for you to explore and enjoy. Marvel at the dramatic cliffs and rugged coastline as you pedal along the winding trails. 🏞️ Stop along the way to capture Instagram-worthy photos of the stunning landscapes and vibrant flora. Immerse yourself in the island's rich culture and history as you cycle through charming coastal towns and villages. 🏘️ Explore local markets, sample delicious cuisine, and interact with friendly locals along the way. Take advantage of the numerous rest stops and cafes dotted along the paths. ☕️ Refuel with a refreshing drink or indulge in a tasty snack while taking in the panoramic views of the Atlantic Ocean. Don't forget to pack your swimsuit! 🏊‍♀️ Many of the cycling paths lead to secluded beaches and coves, perfect for a quick dip in the crystal-clear waters or a relaxing sunbathing session. Whether you're a nature lover, an adventure seeker, or simply looking for a unique way to explore Tenerife, the coastal cycling paths offer an unforgettable experience. 🌴 So grab your bike and get ready to embark on a memorable journey along the island's stunning coastlines.6. Tenerife Cycling Events: Joining the Thriving Cycling Community on the Island🚴‍♀️Tenerife is a paradise for cycling enthusiasts, with a vibrant community and numerous events to get involved in. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced cyclist, there's something for everyone. 🏆The island hosts a range of cycling events throughout the year, attracting both locals and international participants. From challenging road races to thrilling mountain bike competitions, Tenerife offers diverse opportunities to test your skills and push your limits. 🌄One of the most popular events is the Tenerife 312, a legendary road cycling challenge that takes riders on a breathtaking 312-kilometer journey around the island. It's a true test of endurance and a chance to experience Tenerife's stunning landscapes. 🌋For those who prefer off-road adventures, the Tenerife Mountain Bike Festival is a must-attend event. With thrilling downhill races, technical cross-country tracks, and jaw-dropping trails through volcanic landscapes, it's an adrenaline-filled experience like no other. 🚵‍♂️If you're new to cycling or simply looking for a more relaxed event, Tenerife also offers leisurely rides and family-friendly cycling events. These provide a fantastic opportunity to explore the island's beautiful coastal paths and charming villages at a leisurely pace. 🌴Aside from the organized events, Tenerife's cycling community is known for its warm and welcoming atmosphere. Joining local cycling groups or clubs is a great way to meet like-minded individuals, discover hidden gems, and receive valuable tips from experienced riders. 🌞So, whether you're a competitive cyclist seeking a challenge or someone who enjoys leisurely rides, Tenerife's cycling events and community offer an exciting and inclusive environment to indulge in your passion for cycling. In conclusion, 🚴‍♂️ Tenerife offers an exhilarating cycling experience with its diverse landscapes and challenging routes. Whether you're a beginner or a seasoned cyclist, the island's stunning coastal roads and mountainous terrain cater to all skill levels. 🌄💨 So, grab your bike and explore the breathtaking volcanic landscapes, picturesque villages, and vibrant coastal towns of Tenerife. With its year-round mild climate and well-maintained cycling infrastructure, the island is a haven for cyclists seeking adventure and stunning views. 🌤️🏞️🚲 🌟 Embark on an unforgettable cycling journey in Tenerife, where the thrill of the ride is matched only by the beauty of the surroundings. Discover hidden gems, conquer challenging climbs, and immerse yourself in the vibrant cycling culture of this Canary Island paradise. Happy cycling! 🌴🚵‍♀️🌺 https://cyclingshop.uk/tenerife-cycling-guide/?_unique_id=649d9629b7f5b
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mtbbicycles · 11 months
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Best cycling routes in India - 4: Mangalore to GoaDifficulty Level: AverageRated as one of the best scenic cycling routes in the world. This route will give you a chance to enjoy some of the best beaches on the West Coast. Start your journey in Mangalore and proceed on NH 17 to Kaup, a small village with a clean stretch of beach. Gokarna is a destination more popular among camp lovers and foreign tourists, so you can get a taste of varied culture here, even as you visit the Mahabaleshwar Temple. Pic: Maravanthe stretch is caressed by the Arabian Sea on one side and the Sauparnika River on the other. 
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eccjrtamuracho · 3 years
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ECCジュニア田村町教室の中村です。 5月後半、本来なら色々と落ち着いてきて余裕が出るころなのですが、大なり小なりイレギュラー案件が出てあたふたした先週。 香川は梅雨にも入り、このモヤモヤはいつ消えるんだ😑と思っていました。 が、日曜日、気持ちよく晴れた✨ というわけで、そこらへん、solo rideに出ました。 
ちょうどね、小学校高学年のECC教材で、ついこの前、cycling routeの話題が出た🚴 というわけで、香川でも中讃地区の王道?サイクリングルート「土器川沿い→満濃池周辺→金倉川沿い」を走ってきました。 香川でのライドが素敵なのは、うまいうどん屋とパン屋、その他もろもろがたくさんあることw 補給ポイントには事欠かないのが良い。 因みに、生徒からのLOVE🧡と、ライド中のうまいもんは、カロリーゼロな👍
今日の補給ポイント1つ目はブーランジェリーヴァンさん https://www.facebook.com/boulangerie.vent/ ここは自転車ラックがあるし、お店の外、気持ちよい景色のテラス席があるのですよ。
2つ目は浪花堂餅店さん https://m.facebook.com/naniwadou/ 餅がうまい!お店の人、優しい。炭水化物大好き。琴平寄ったら、大体買って帰る。
本当に、人間とはなんと気分に左右される生き物なのか。 や、単に自分の弱さかな。
ちょっと前に、前途楽しみな若者とお話する機会がありました。 ただ、本人はいろんな苦しみの中で、必死でもがいている真っ最中。
イライラに潰されたり、涙にくれる夜もきっとめちゃくちゃあるのだと思う。 でも、心の底から出たこの言葉に、ブルブルっと来た。
優しい大人は「勝ち負けじゃないよ」と言うのかもしれない。 まぁ、そういう一面があるのも知っているのだけど、それでも勝ちに拘る若者を、私は心底尊敬するのですよ。
勝つためには「いかに自分の土俵に持ち込むか」が大切。 短期的には負けているように見えるかもしれない状況でも、長期戦に持ち込めば形勢逆転なんてこともざらにある。
動き続けるんだ。 アンテナを張り続けるんだ。 何かにつながると思う事、心がなんだか動く事には、アプローチしてみるんだ。
って、それ、他人じゃなくて、むしろ頑張れ自分!じゃね? 若者に負けていられないのだ。 私も「勝ちたい」からな👊 今週も楽しいレッスンにしまっせ✨
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blauhotels · 4 years
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From steep mountain climbs to tranquil country cruises, discover the best cycling routes in Mallorca for your next cycling holiday. Click here and ride away!
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onyourbikerentals · 4 years
A gentle route to begin with
To begin our journey, we must always start off small and build our way up to more challenging and lengthy routes. So today I’m going to take you along a flat 10km route by Dublin’s coast. This route will vary between pedestrian/cycling tacks and travelling along the main road. Though the main roads we will be travelling along are not hectic nor extremely busy routes, it would be recommended to go outside of the rush hour traffic hours.
As I live in Greystones, I brought my bike on the DART as far as Sandymount and started my cycling from there. It is permitted to bring a bicycle on board a DART, so long as it is not prime time, so do check your times and consult in your nearest DART station if needs be.
Down Sandymount Avenue and onto Merrion Road for 3km. Here may be the most bustling section of the route so just stay left and keep out of traffics way. After passing Booterstown Dart station, we will come to Blackrock Park, just off Rock Road. Turn left into the park and from here we can escape the busy traffic and enjoy the coastal views with the well-known Poolbeg chimneys in the backdrop. When we get to Blackrock DART station we must come back on to the road and continue along for Seapoint with some lovely views of the sea and historical points such as Martello Tower that features in James Joyce’s Ulysses, this is also a nice spot for a dip, so if you are a fan of the revitalising Irish sea, don’t forget your trunks!
After enjoying the coastal views of Monkstown and Dun Laoghaire, we make our way past the pier and Sandycove Castle, on toward the mythical Forty Foot where we can cool off. If you’re brave enough to tempt the waters during the  cold months of Winter and early Spring, there is a sauna at a beautiful 40 degree heat which may be needed for our aching bones, all for a small price. After drying ourselves, we can make it back to Dun Laoghaire for some delicious Ramen in ‘Soup’ on Lower George’s Street to heat ourselves up before getting the DART home. What a perfect afternoon out! #Onyourbike everyone!
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If you are looking for pure downhill adrenaline rush, Manali Leh Cycling trip is your answer. Paddle across spectacular passes on Manali Leh cycling with Himalaya Destination. 🕤 - 10N/11D 🗻 - 17582ft. ⏳Book Today For Early Bird Offer!!!! 📅 - 10th, 31st Aug #manalicycling #lehride #manaliriding #ridingbicycle #cyclingexpedition #mountaincycling #instacycling #adventure #cyclingroute #himalayadestination #highestmotorableroad #challengingcycling (at Manali-Leh Highway) https://www.instagram.com/p/B0Scm_6A4-O/?igshid=b5gom630guz3
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emzeciorrr · 3 years
Zobaczcie wideo z mojej przejechanej trasy rowerowej. Te moje wideo jest z okazji mojego wejścia na serwis Relive. See the video from my cycling route. This my video is about my entry into Relive. #reliveapp #mapa #map #drogarowerowa #cyclingroute https://www.instagram.com/p/CRcMHpYjjKb/?utm_medium=tumblr
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studiokaka · 3 years
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🌿 A little throwback to this little landscape painting I created a few years ago. I was inspired by my cycling route around my local park - back when I was training for a triathlon I was here every second day! The sun was setting and the giant fig trees cast the most gorgeous shadowy shapes! 😍 I’d like to think that each time I head outside, I’m filling my head with shapes, colour and inspiration for my studio paintings 🌿 🌸 New collection of floral original paintings will be released on my website June 24th! If you’d like to be reminded of the release closer to the date, sign up to the newsletter in my link in bio✨ www.studiokaka.art 🌿 . . . . . #sydneyartist #natureinspiredart #sunsetvibe #centennialparklands #centennialpark #easternsuburbssydney #figtrees #figtree #cyclingroute #sydneycycling #sydneylandscape #landscapeartwork #inspiredbylight #shapesandcolors #shapesandshadows #landscapelovers (at Sydney, Australia) https://www.instagram.com/p/CPDCe1ojqeU/?utm_medium=tumblr
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majormaior · 3 years
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Ronde Hoep!! #asundaycarpic , April 2021 Camera: iPhone X & Lightroom app . . . . #capturingcolour #travel #carstagram #carspotting #classiccaroftheday #petrolicious #carphotography #theprettycities #rondehoep #cyclingpics #cyclingroute #amsterdamphotographer #mercedes #classiccarspotting #carspotter #passionpassport #acolorstory #theweekoninstagram #classiccarsdaily #soloparking #appleiphone #iphonex #shotoniphone #amsterdamphotographer (at Ronde Hoep) https://www.instagram.com/p/COXMMy6p5QH/?igshid=597hw100xogw
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akhil5343 · 5 years
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#whenlifegetscomplicatediride . . . #kochilife #cyclinglife #cyclinglife #cyclingindia #cycling #travelcamz #traveladdict #kochi #travelphotography #cyclingpics #panangad #rideabikesavetheplanet #burnfatnotoil #cyclingroute #cyclingaddict #cyclingworld #worldcycling #hybridcycle #cyclingnation #indiacycling #paravurbikersclub (at Kochi, India) https://www.instagram.com/p/ByxvzFxlfrG/?igshid=1fr70egm2m1g1
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cyclingshop · 10 months
🚴‍♀️ Discover the picturesque landscapes and charming towns of Holland on an unforgettable cycling holiday. 🌷 With its flat terrain and extensive network of well-maintained cycle paths, Holland is a cyclist's paradise. 🌳 Pedal through vibrant tulip fields, windmills, and historic cities, immersing yourself in the country's rich culture and breathtaking scenery.1. Exploring the Scenic Routes: Cycling Holidays in Holland🚴‍♀️ Discover the breathtaking beauty of Holland on a cycling holiday! 🌷 Explore the scenic routes that wind through picturesque towns, tulip fields, and charming canals. 🌳 Immerse yourself in the vibrant culture and enjoy the flat terrain, perfect for cyclists of all levels. 🏞️ Pedal along the famous Dutch dike system, marveling at the stunning coastal landscapes and windmills. ⛵ Cruise through the iconic Dutch countryside, passing by traditional farms and quaint villages. 🌾 Take in the fresh air and enjoy the tranquility of nature as you cycle through lush green fields. 🛥️ Hop on a ferry and cross over to the Wadden Islands, where you can cycle along the sandy beaches and explore the unique flora and fauna. 🐦 Visit the Keukenhof Gardens, a paradise of vibrant colors with millions of blooming flowers. 🌷 🏰 Don't miss the opportunity to visit historic cities like Amsterdam, Utrecht, and Haarlem. 🏙️ Marvel at the stunning architecture, visit world-class museums, and indulge in delicious Dutch treats like stroopwafels and cheese. 🧀 🚲 With well-marked cycling paths, excellent infrastructure, and bike-friendly accommodations, Holland is a cyclist's paradise. 🌍 So grab your bike, put on your helmet, and get ready for an unforgettable adventure exploring the scenic routes of Holland! 🚴‍♂️🌺2. The Netherlands: A Cyclist's ParadiseThe Netherlands is renowned for its cycling culture, with a vast network of well-maintained bike paths and cyclist-friendly infrastructure. 🚲 🌷 With its flat landscape and picturesque countryside, the Netherlands offers cyclists a delightful experience, allowing them to explore charming villages, tulip fields, and windmills. 🚦 Cycling is not just a means of transportation in the Netherlands; it's a way of life. The country's cities are designed with cyclists in mind, making it safe and convenient to navigate on two wheels. 💨 The Netherlands boasts an impressive cycling infrastructure, including dedicated bike lanes, traffic lights, and even bicycle parking facilities at train stations. Cyclists have priority over cars in many areas, ensuring a smooth and efficient ride. 🌳 Nature lovers will be thrilled by the abundance of scenic cycling routes in the Netherlands. From the iconic Amsterdam canals to the stunning coastal paths, there is a route for every cyclist to enjoy. 🏞️ The Netherlands also offers a range of cycling tours, allowing visitors to explore the country's highlights at their own pace. Whether you prefer a leisurely ride or a challenging adventure, there's a tour to suit every level of fitness. 🧡 Cycling is deeply ingrained in Dutch culture, and it's not uncommon to see people of all ages pedaling around. It's an eco-friendly and healthy way to get around, contributing to the country's sustainable and active lifestyle. 🌤️ So, grab your bike and experience the joy of cycling in the Netherlands – a cyclist's paradise that combines breathtaking scenery, well-designed infrastructure, and a love for two-wheeled exploration!3. Unveiling the Charm of Dutch Countryside on Cycling HolidaysDiscover the enchanting allure of the Dutch countryside on cycling holidays. 🚲 Immerse yourself in picturesque landscapes, windmills, and tulip fields. 🌷Pedal through charming villages, where traditional wooden houses and vibrant flower gardens line the streets. 🏡 Admire the historic architecture and experience the warm hospitality of the locals. Explore the vast network of well-maintained cycling paths, allowing you to effortlessly navigate the countryside. 🗺️ Marvel at the stunning scenery, including lush green meadows, serene canals, and grazing cows. Indulge in the delicious local cuisine during your cycling adventure. 🍽️ Taste traditional Dutch cheese, freshly baked stroopwafels, and mouthwatering seafood dishes. 🧀🥞🦐 Visit iconic landmarks such as the Keukenhof Gardens, known as the "Garden of Europe," where millions of colorful flowers bloom each spring. 🌸🌼 Capture Instagram-worthy moments amidst this floral paradise. Experience the tranquility of the countryside as you cycle along peaceful paths, away from the hustle and bustle of city life. 🌳🌤️ Embrace the slower pace and rejuvenate your mind and body in nature's embrace. Whether you are a seasoned cyclist or a leisurely rider, the Dutch countryside offers something for everyone. 🚴‍♂️🌿 Embark on a cycling holiday and uncover the hidden gems and undeniable charm of this remarkable destination.4. Discovering Historic Windmills and Tulip Fields on Two WheelsExplore the Netherlands by bike and immerse yourself in its rich history and stunning landscapes. 🚲 Discover charming windmills that have stood the test of time, witnessing centuries of Dutch culture and innovation. Marvel at the vibrant tulip fields, a symbol of the country's beauty and a sight that will leave you breathless. 🌷 Feel the wind in your hair as you pedal through picturesque countryside, passing quaint villages and scenic canals. Stop by traditional cheese farms along the way and indulge in delicious Dutch cheeses, a true gastronomic delight. 🧀 Learn about the fascinating engineering behind these iconic windmills and their importance in Dutch history. 🌬️ Take in the breathtaking views as you cycle through colorful tulip fields, capturing Instagram-worthy moments at every turn. 📸 Experience the Netherlands like never before, as you uncover the hidden gems of windmills and tulips on two wheels. 🌍5. Cycling Along the Canals: Exploring Holland's WaterwaysCycling along the canals in Holland is a delightful way to explore the country's picturesque waterways. 🚲 🌷Marvel at the stunning tulip fields as you pedal through the countryside, immersing yourself in Holland's vibrant floral beauty. 🏞️Discover charming windmills dotting the landscape, a quintessential symbol of Dutch culture and ingenuity. 🚲Follow the well-maintained cycling paths that hug the canals, offering scenic views of historic towns and idyllic countryside. 🌳Pause at quaint canal-side cafes to savor traditional Dutch treats like stroopwafels and bitterballen. ⛵️Glide past elegant houseboats and traditional barges, witnessing the unique way of life along the canals. 🌸Explore the vibrant cities of Amsterdam, Utrecht, and Leiden, all easily accessible by bike along the waterways. 🌿Immerse yourself in the tranquility of nature as you cycle through the peaceful green landscapes that surround the canals. 🌞Experience the joy of cycling in a country known for its bike-friendly infrastructure and love for two-wheeled transportation.6. Pedaling through Picturesque Dutch Villages: A Cycling AdventureEmbark on a breathtaking cycling adventure through the charming Dutch countryside. 🚲 Discover picturesque villages with windmills, tulip fields, and quaint canals. 🌷 Immerse yourself in the rich culture and history as you pedal along scenic routes lined with traditional houses and vibrant gardens. Feel the invigorating breeze as you cycle through the idyllic landscapes, passing by iconic landmarks like the Keukenhof Gardens and Zaanse Schans. 🌿 Marvel at the stunning beauty of the countryside, capturing postcard-worthy moments at every turn. Indulge in the local cuisine, stopping at cozy cafés and cheese farms along the way. 🧀 Taste the delicious Gouda and Edam cheeses, paired perfectly with freshly baked bread and a glass of refreshing Dutch beer. 🍻 Explore the unique architecture of the villages, with their charming canal houses and historic windmills. 🏘️ Admire the intricate details of these traditional structures, understanding their significance in Dutch history and their role in shaping the landscape. Experience the warmth of the locals as you interact with friendly villagers, who are always ready to share stories and recommendations. 🤗 Immerse yourself in their way of life, gaining a deeper understanding of Dutch traditions and customs. Unwind at cozy bed and breakfasts, offering comfortable accommodations and a taste of authentic Dutch hospitality. 🏡 Rest your weary legs and wake up refreshed, ready to continue your cycling adventure through the enchanting Dutch countryside. Don't miss the opportunity to capture the beauty of these picturesque Dutch villages on your cycling adventure. 📸 Immerse yourself in the stunning landscapes, savor the local flavors, and create memories that will last a lifetime. 🌄7. Delving into Dutch Culture: Cycling Holidays and Local TraditionsDiscover the essence of Dutch culture through cycling holidays and immerse yourself in local traditions. 🚲 Experience the Netherlands like a local as you pedal through picturesque landscapes, charming villages, and iconic tulip fields. 🌷 Embrace the cycling culture that is deeply ingrained in Dutch society. Explore the extensive network of well-maintained cycling paths. Encounter windmills, canals, and historic landmarks along your route. Immerse yourself in local traditions by joining festive celebrations, such as King's Day, where the entire country turns orange to honor the monarch. 🧡 Witness the vibrant atmosphere of traditional markets and street parades. Taste delicious Dutch treats like stroopwafels and herring. Visit museums and learn about Dutch art, history, and famous figures. Engage with friendly locals who are always ready to share their love for their country and its customs. 🇳🇱 Uncover the unique charm of Dutch culture on a cycling holiday, where you'll create lasting memories and gain a deeper understanding of this fascinating country. 🌍 In conclusion, cycling holidays in Holland offer a delightful way to explore this picturesque country 🚲🌷. With its extensive network of well-maintained cycling paths, stunning landscapes, and charming towns, Holland provides an ideal setting for cyclists of all levels. Whether you're a leisure rider or a seasoned cyclist, you'll find a variety of routes to suit your preferences and abilities. So, hop on your bike and immerse yourself in the beauty and culture of Holland! 🌍✨ Moreover, Holland's cycling infrastructure ensures a safe and enjoyable experience for cyclists 🛡️👍. The country's commitment to cycling is evident in its dedicated bike lanes, traffic-calming measures, and cyclist-friendly facilities. You'll encounter numerous bike-friendly accommodations, bike rental services, and even cycling-themed attractions along your journey. So, pack your bags, rent a bike, and embark on an unforgettable cycling adventure in Holland! 🌈🚴‍♀️🌤️ https://cyclingshop.uk/cycling-holidays-in-holland/?_unique_id=649bc61655897
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Picture of today 🏞🚴 #durango #valley #cyclinglife #cyclingroutes #bizkaiadurango (bij Durango-ko Azoka)
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bushnooknights-blog · 7 years
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Bushook sits in the North East of Cumbria close to Gilsland with fabulous views to Northumberland, the Borders and Hadrian's Wall Country. #morethanthelakes #cumbria #HadriansWall #stay #vacation #holiday #relax #walking #cyclingroute #A69 #northumberland #unesco #worldheritagesite . (at Bush Nook Nights)
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onyourbikerentals · 4 years
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Welcome to the #OnYourBikeRentals Blog page!!! We are a bike rental service with a twist. If you’re looking to rent a bike for a few hours, even up to a few months, in Ireland, it would be our honour to be of service. But if you have an unused bike all alone in storage, we can also make you some spare cash #sustainable. See our website for more details.
Through this blog we will also be giving you ideas of cycling routes all around the country, suitable to all ages, and any hidden gems along the way. So join us on our adventure, #OnYourBike everyone!
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outdoors91in · 3 years
Explore India with Best Bicycle & these incredible cycling routes across different landscapes of the country. You can choose excursions from a varying number of days and difficulty levels.
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citynomadi · 4 years
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Story cycling and bird watching!
Lake Tuusula anti-clockwise route tells you stories about famous artist and composer families, that used to live around the lake. Take your headphones to listen to the podcast, while cycling. It's also a perfect time to visit the two bird towers along the way, to observe the great variety of bird species.
#Tuusulalake #VisitLakeTuusula #cycling #cyclingroute #podcast#audio #Nomadi #birds #birdwatching #Finland #map #app
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