#Cus that was the only way they could realistically fuse
notokbutthriving · 28 days
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'you're not supposed to be this deep'
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princeasimdiya12 · 5 years
I’m not as much of a Star vs. the Forces of Evil fan as the others, but I can see a CU SvtFoE AU. I could see the boys as Star and Marco (they can work well in either role) but what I can see that would REALLY interest me is Edith as Eclipsa and CU/Krupp as a combination of Meteora/Globgor. (Well... given how EASILY the comparison is between Heinous and Krupp...)
Oooo that sounds like a great AU idea! :D
For starters, regarding the boys, I actually think they would share the role of Star Butterfly since they’re imaginative, carefree, super friendly, sometimes irresponsible, and just want to have a great time. Just like her. For the AU I think that Harold was the crown prince while Grace is the Queen and George and his family would be part of the royal court. And on Harold’s 10th birthday, he would be bestowed the royal magic wand. But something spectacular happens that surprises everyone. When Harold grabs the wand, it glows and a piece of it splits off and goes towards George. When the two forms of light fade way, the wand is now cleaved into two wands for the boys to use, each with a different pen-like appearance. They’re super excited since they both get to have magic powers.  This eventually gets them sent to Earth after they nearly destroyed the kingdom with their magical creations.
Ooo and a bonus idea! Their Butterfly Super Form is basically them fusing together and forming Gerald Buttchins but with a magical boy theme.
And for the role of Marco, I actually considered having Melvin for the role. Like Marco, he’s also a cautious, realistic, sometimes cynical nerd who often faces alot of comedic misfortune. It also works in the sense that Marco’s down to Earth personality is meant to balance Star’s over the top energy, much like with Melvin and the boys. Also this is honestly the first time I’ve ever cast Melvin in a heroic role for an AU so it would be cool to see him in a position where he can gain positive character development. So just like in the show, Melvin has to serve as a ‘guide’ for the prince and his best friend and has to put up with all of their annoying antics. When it comes to actual fighting, he surprises and impresses them with state of the art weapons that he made in his spare time. 
I actually had quite a few thoughts for Edith and CU/Krupp in this AU. But since you sent another post relating to them, I’ll share them in that one.
Also, here are some other characters that can be involved.
Professor Poopypants as Ludo. They’re both recurring, short, ego-maniacal villains of their shows but are pretty comedic and hard to take seriously.  They do however have tragic backstories that explain why they’re the way they are.
Jessica Gordon as Ponyhead. The designated narcissistic, girly, overly dramatic popular girls in the cast. Jessica would also be the type who would love all things related to ponies. While she is friends with George and Harold at the start of the show, she isn’t exactly a bestie like Ponyhead and Star, especially given how extra Jessica can be. I was thinking that Jessica would be like a normal girl with horse features (unicorn horn, ears, horse tail), but she could transform herself into an actual unicorn when needed to.
Mr. Ree as Buff Frog. Buff Frog comes off as one of the few adults that Star is comfortable around and who gives solid advice when needed. Ree is definitely one of the few faculty members that the boys can count on when things go south, both for his level-headedness and his combat experience, so I feel that the role would be appropriate. Although he would be one of the forces of evil since he’d be employed under Poopypants, he’d eventually would resign and align himself with the good guys. Plus I do think Ree would be an excellent father figure.
Erica Wang as Janna. They’re both snarky, prank loving girls that the heroes admire and think of them as being super cool. I can also see Erica having an interest in the occult and witchcraft, only she’d put more effort into the research for these subjects and how to work with them. She also is able to appear and disappear without explanation, much like how Janna shows up to the confusion of the others Marco.
That’s all I have now. But if you or anyone else have any more ideas for other character roles and ideas in general for this AU, you’re more than welcome to reblog this post!
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