#Currently at EP 9 of original Trigun
2023 Trigun Vash? A baby, the sweetest guy you will ever meet. You bring him to your house to meet your parents and they adopt him instead. 98' Vash? An absolute fool, the whole ass circus. You bring him to your house and he starts flirting with your mom, ransacks your fridge, and then gets so drunk he starts crying over doughnuts
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guideaus · 1 year
tristamp ep 9 thots. pt 2
wolfwood being accused of being black and white feels off, but also i cant defend him enough bc here he's just: a liar, yells a lot at vash, was bros w livio, cares about the orphanage, turned into an adult magically, and sent by legato do...? so idk
MERYL AND ROBERTO GOT SPIRITED AWAY OFF SCREEN?? ARE YOU JOKING?? orange said fuck fighting on the floating ship #3, we're going somewhere else. and i guess thats why they were conveniently split off from vash and wolfwood
is roberto drunk lol??
they made july a plant ship...
roberto fucking shooting zazie without question is so funny. idk why he's still armed, but even drunk he is aiming for a headshot wowie
zazie turning into a bunch of bugs is kinda cool ig
zazie's outfit is so weird. none of it makes sense. why would it be so unique if they dont care for it and can switch at will.
the gang is already leaving the floating ship :/
zazie is info dumping, if i pretend its natural instead, i guess knives told them that? and if orange wants me to pretend like its not an info dump, its kinda disappointing they still went with that? trigun had its initial intention set in stone from the get go, but i think aspects like knives and earth were kinda vague originally, like it could be either way, so them keeping that feels :/
knives is collecting in a practical way this time
roberto shouldve shot conrad w/o questions, i think it wouldve been funny
zazie is kinda turning traitor (or at least not listening), but it feels weird when the last thing they did was join legato in tormenting wolfwood lol?
tristamp doesnt have good enough writing for me to tell if zazie is lying or not abt knives approving of his current actions, then again idek why zazie died in the manga, so
i forgot tristamp differentiated the plants. ig its probably like vash/knives' give/take thing going on? idk wtf the oppostite of a black hole would be tho
zazie is encompassing orange's obsession w info dumping
the concept art is very conceptual lol
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