#Cortisol Levels Blood Pressure Heart Rate Sleep Monitoring
xtruss · 10 months
Can Wind Turbines Make You Sick?
The United States ranks first in the world for electricity generated from wind, according to the Department of Energy. But for some, the shifting winds of the renewable energy revolution isn’t a pleasant one.
— By Kelsey Tsipis | Published: Wednesday June 27, 2018 | NOVA — PBS
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Twenty-five peer-reviewed studies have found that living near wind turbines does not pose a risk on human health. Photo Credit: Daniel Brock/Flickr
The amount of wind power generated in America has nearly doubled in recent years. Today, the United States ranks first in the world for electricity generated from wind, according to the Department of Energy . But for some, the shifting winds of the renewable energy revolution isn’t a pleasant one.
In places like Massachusetts, New York, and Vermont where industrial wind turbine projects have recently been introduced, residents have reported symptoms such as nausea, sleep disorders, fatigue, and increased stress that they account to a low-frequency hum—a combination of audible bass sounds and inaudible vibrations—generated by the turbines. In one instance , an air traffic controller attributed a near-fatal mistake on the insomnia and stress he experienced after a wind turbine was installed near his home in Falmouth, Massachusetts.
As public support for renewable energy technologies like wind gains traction, some local communities are putting their foot down, arguing that these efforts shouldn’t come at the expense of their health. But whether the sound, audible or inaudible, actually impacts human health remains a deeply contested issue.
Scientific consensus suggests it does not. Twenty-five peer-reviewed studies have found that living near wind turbines does not pose a risk on human health. The studies looked at a range of health effects from hearing loss, nausea, and sleep disorders to dizziness, blood pressure, tinnitus, and more. Recently, a new study using retrospective data reported that stress, as measured by hair cortisol levels, was not associated with proximity to wind turbines.
The study, published in the June issue of The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America , found no direct link between residents’ distance from wind turbines in Ontario and Prince Edward Island and sleep disturbances, blood pressure, or stress. The stress levels were both self-reported and measured via hair cortisol levels, a hormone secreted under stress that prepares the body for its fight-or-flight response.
“It’s not that we don’t believe that people aren’t feeling well or aren’t sleeping well,” said Sandra Sulsky, one of the study’s co-authors and an epidemiologist at Ramboll, an international engineering consultancy company. “What we don’t know is how that is related to presence or absence of a wind turbine.”
The study used publically available data from a 2013 public health survey commissioned by the Canadian government, called the Community Noise and Health Survey, which is the only large-scale study on both subjective (self-reported symptoms) and objective (cortisol levels, blood pressure, heart rate, sleep monitoring) health outcomes in relation to living near wind turbines. Both the original 2013 study and new retrospective analysis found that wind turbine noise and proximity, respectively, were not associated with any adverse outcomes except for annoyance.
However, the results of the two studies deviated in one interesting way. The recent analysis found that the closer the respondents lived to wind turbines the lower they ranked the quality of life of their environment. The original study found no link between sound levels and these quality of life ratings. Though because there is no baseline data for the sample, Sulsky said, it’s difficult to distinguish whether respondents were dissatisfied before the wind turbines were installed.
“But it does suggest that there’s something other than sound itself that influences those perceptions,” Sulsky said.
With no proven biological basis for the reported symptoms, some have pointed to the “nocebo effect” as the cause of the complaints. The nocebo effect is akin to the placebo effect, where an individual’s positive perception towards a drug or treatment produces positive results, except in the nocebo effect, it’s negative attitudes and negative results.
The idea that a nocebo effect may be driving people’s reported problems is backed up by a 2014 study that pointed out that health complaints are more common in areas with the most negative publicity about the alleged harmful effects of turbines. A large-scale population survey in the Netherlands found that reports of stress and sleep disturbance were more common in areas where the turbines were visible.
For those living in the shadows of the wind turbines, there is little debate that the turbines have damaged their previously bucolic way of life. Annette Smith, the head of the group Vermonters for a Clean Environment and a long-time critic of industrial wind projects, said the projects have “destroyed the community.”
“If you just talk to people who live around these things, there’s no question that people are getting sick,” Smith said.
Through the grassroots organization she heads, Smith has helped organize public hearings for residents who report serious illnesses as well as lost hobbies such as gardening due to infrasound vibrations. In one case, a resident named Luann Therrien, who lives less than a mile from a 400-foot turbine, said she initially supported the wind projects.
“We were not against the turbines before they went in [but after] we were dizzy, had vertigo like you wouldn’t believe,” she said at one hearing .
One theory from residents as to why these effects don’t show up in the studies is that the Vermont mountains funnel the sound in a way that the flatlands of the Midwest do not. Others say some people may just be more susceptible than others to the inaudible noise, like sea sickness.
In response to these lobbying efforts, Smith said the utility companies have shown no willingness to talk about tangible solutions, such as real-time monitoring of noise, like what happens at airports. “They just deny it happens,” she said.
Apart from noise, Smith has what she calls “a menu” of other issues with industrial wind projects in residential areas. She cites the environmental effects of building roads and blasting ridge lines, changes to the topography of the land, and changes in wildlife populations. Smith, who lives “off the grid” with solar panels and the occasional diesel generator supplying her electricity, questions whether a commitment to this carbon-free source of electricity comes at too large of an expense to the rural communities that house them.
“We’re all expected to solve the energy issues of the world if we don’t want wind,” Smith said. “And I think that there are many other ways of developing and getting energy that people aren’t sacrificed or getting sick or leaving their homes… or being ridiculed.”
As to whether complaints from nearby residents will put a halt to wind power’s expanse in the U.S., recent data suggest they will not. From 2011 to 2016 electricity generated from wind turbines rose from 120 million to 226 million megawatt hours in the United States—a rise that also has not produced an increase in evidence of adverse health outcomes.
“It’s natural to look for causes, and something that seems to be new in the environment is a natural conclusion to draw,” Sulsky said. “But so far the evidence doesn’t support a causal association.”
— July 26th, 2023
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fitjourneydaily · 4 months
The Impact of Stress on Your Health and Effective Ways to Manage It
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Introduction: Stress has become a common part of our modern lifestyle, affecting individuals of all ages and backgrounds. While stress is a natural response to challenging situations, prolonged and excessive stress can have detrimental effects on our physical and mental well-being. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the connection between stress and its impact on our health, along with effective strategies to manage and alleviate stress. Can Stress Make You Sick? Stress can indeed make you sick, as chronic stress weakens your immune system, making you more susceptible to illnesses and infections. The release of stress hormones, such as cortisol, in response to prolonged stress can lead to increased inflammation in the body. This, in turn, raises the risk of developing chronic diseases like cardiovascular conditions, diabetes, and even certain types of cancer. Moreover, emotional stress can also affect your mental health, leading to conditions like anxiety disorders and depression. How to Deal with Stress? Recognizing and addressing stress is crucial for maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Here are some effective strategies to deal with stress: 1. Identify the sources of stress: Understanding what triggers your stress is the first step in managing it. Keep a journal and note down situations and events that cause stress. This awareness will help you develop effective coping mechanisms. 2. Practice relaxation techniques: Engaging in relaxation techniques, such as deep breathing exercises, meditation, and yoga, can help reduce stress levels. These activities promote a sense of calmness and provide an outlet to release pent-up tension. 3. Prioritize self-care: Taking care of your physical and emotional needs is vital in managing stress. Ensure you get enough sleep, maintain a balanced diet, and engage in regular physical exercise. Additionally, make time for activities you enjoy, such as hobbies and spending quality time with loved ones. 4. Set realistic goals and boundaries: Overcommitting and constantly striving for perfection can contribute to stress. Learn to set realistic goals and manage your time effectively. Setting boundaries and learning to say no when necessary will prevent overwhelm and minimize stress levels. How to Relieve Stress? Relieving stress involves incorporating various stress reduction techniques into your daily routine. Try these effective methods: 1. Engage in physical activity: Exercise is a powerful stress reliever as it promotes the release of endorphins, the body's natural mood enhancers. Whether it's going for a walk, hitting the gym, or participating in a sport, any form of physical activity will help reduce stress and boost your overall well-being. 2. Connect with others: Social support plays a crucial role in stress management. Reach out to friends, family, or support groups to share your experiences and concerns. Connecting with others who understand and empathize with your situation can provide immense comfort and stress relief. 3. Practice mindfulness: Mindfulness involves being fully present in the moment, without judgment. Engage in activities such as mindful meditation, mindful eating, or simply focusing on the present moment. Mindfulness helps shift your focus away from stressors and promotes a sense of calmness. 4. Seek professional help if needed: If stress becomes overwhelming and starts to interfere with your daily life, it may be beneficial to seek professional help. A trained therapist or counselor can provide guidance and support in managing stress effectively. What is a Stress Test? A stress test, also known as an exercise stress test, is a medical evaluation used to measure how well your heart functions during physical activity. It involves monitoring your heart rate, blood pressure, and other vital signs while exercising on a treadmill or stationary bike. Stress tests help diagnose heart conditions like coronary artery disease, determine the effectiveness of heart treatments, and assess overall cardiovascular health. Tags for WordPress: 1. Stress and health 2. Stress management techniques 3. Dealing with stress 4. Exercise stress test Conclusion: Stress is a common part of our lives, but when left unmanaged, it can have a significant impact on our health and well-being. By understanding the connection between stress and its effects on the body, along with implementing effective stress management techniques, we can reduce the negative impact and lead a healthier, happier life. Remember, prioritizing self-care, seeking support when needed, and making conscious efforts to manage stress are essential for maintaining overall well-being Discover tranquility with Frog Serene Mineral Cartridge, Bare Minerals Serenity lip gloss, and stress-relief tips at 'Rise.' From skincare essentials to managing stress, find more at the 'Rise' website. Visit the Rise Product Page. Read the full article
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ranehospital · 5 months
Does anxiety increase your risk of heart disease?
Research on anxiety and heart health has been conducted to determine how the two are related. Although heart disease may not be directly caused by worry, several indicators point to a connection between anxiety and a higher risk of heart disease or other cardiovascular events.
Best Heart Hospital in Mumbai Studies have indicated that there is a causal relationship between anxiety disorders and cardiac disease. Heart health may be impacted by individuals with anxiety disorders, which include social anxiety, panic disorders, phobias, and generalized anxiety. 
The following correlations between anxiety and heart disease have been discovered by research studies:
Increased Risk Factors: Higher levels of anxiety have been linked to an increased number of heart disease risk factors, including high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and obesity, according to research.
Effect on Heart Function: Excessive anxiety can cause tachycardia, or a fast heartbeat, and disrupt regular heartbeats, which can raise the risk of sudden cardiac arrest.
Impact on the Mind: Stress and sadness, two psychological variables that have been connected to a higher risk of heart disease, are frequently linked to anxiety.
Inflammatory Reaction: Prolonged stress may be linked to the body's heightened inflammatory response, which may accelerate the onset and course of heart disease.
Behavioral Factors: Poor sleep, a lack of physical activity, bad eating habits, and drug misuse are just a few of the behaviors that can be influenced by anxiety and increase the risk of heart disease.
Stress Hormones: Cortisol and adrenaline, two stress hormones, can be released in response to anxiety. Long-term exposure to these hormones may have an impact on the cardiovascular system, perhaps resulting in high blood pressure and heart rate.
Sleep Disturbances: Anxiety can cause sleep disturbances, and a higher risk of heart disease is linked to inadequate sleep hygiene. Heart disease risk factors include obesity, diabetes, and hypertension, all of which can be exacerbated by sleep deprivation.
It's crucial to remember that even though these correlations have been shown, more study is still required to completely comprehend the relationship between anxiety and heart disease. The precise processes underlying these links are currently being investigated.
Cautions and Treatment for Anxiety and Heart Health
Regarding anxiety and its possible effects on cardiovascular health, there are a few things to be aware of. Furthermore, there are several therapy choices available that reduce anxiety and lower the possibility of heart disease. Let's investigate these points in further depth:
Self-Care and Lifestyle: People who suffer from anxiety should exercise caution in how they take care of themselves and lead their lives. The risk of cardiovascular disease can be decreased by adopting healthy habits including frequent exercise, eating a balanced diet, getting enough sleep, staying away from smoking, and consuming no more than moderate amounts of alcohol.
Medication Interactions: It's crucial to be aware of any possible interactions between anxiety medications and those given for cardiac issues if you take any. To be sure there are no negative effects or drug interactions between anxiety and cardiac drugs, consult with Rane Hospital: Best Cardiologist in Mumbai, your healthcare professional.
Stress Management: Anxiety and heart disease are linked to long-term stress. Finding healthy ways to handle stress is essential. Some of them include yoga, mindfulness, relaxation exercises, and counseling. These methods can support heart health and lower anxiety levels.
Frequent Check-ups: To keep an eye on their heart health, people with anxiety should schedule routine check-ups with their physician. Frequent monitoring of blood pressure, cholesterol, and other cardiovascular risk indicators can aid in the early detection of any possible problems.
Psychotherapy: Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), a kind of psychotherapy, is a popular treatment for anxiety disorders. CBT assists people in recognizing and improving harmful thinking patterns and anxiety-related behaviors. It can also offer coping strategies to control anxiety symptoms and lower the chance of heart disease.
Medication: To treat anxiety, doctors frequently prescribe benzodiazepines, selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), and antidepressants. These drugs have the potential to reduce anxiety symptoms and enhance general health. Working closely with a healthcare practitioner is necessary to determine the appropriate medicine and dose for your unique requirements.
Cardiac Rehabilitation: Cardiac rehabilitation programs can be extremely important for people who already have heart disease or are at high risk. To address anxiety associated with heart diseases and to enhance heart health, these programs usually incorporate education, counseling, and exercise.
Lifestyle Modification: Anxiety and heart health may both be greatly improved by adopting healthy lifestyle choices. Regular physical exercise, eating a heart-healthy diet high in fruits and vegetables and low in saturated fats, and practicing relaxation techniques to manage stress can all help to enhance heart health and reduce feelings of anxiety.
Support System: Establishing a robust support system with loved ones, friends, or support groups can help with anxiety management and heart health. People can lower their chance of developing heart disease and manage their worries by asking for help, offering emotional support, and sharing their experiences.
It is important to keep in mind that different treatment modalities may be used based on unique situations. Seeking advice from medical specialists—primary care physicians, cardiologists, or mental health counselors can offer specific suggestions for successfully managing anxiety and heart health.
To reduce potential risks, there are a few things to keep in mind when it comes to anxiety and heart health. These include taking care of oneself and leading a healthy lifestyle, being careful of drug interactions, successfully managing stress, and being alert for routine examinations. Psychotherapy, medication, cardiac rehabilitation, lifestyle adjustments, and forming a support network are among the treatment options available for anxiety and heart health. Working together with medical specialists is crucial to creating a thorough treatment plan that takes heart health and anxiety issues into account.
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Signals Of Diabetes Complications
Prediabetes happens when your blood glucose amounts are greater than regular, nonetheless not really greater sufficient becoming viewed as diabetes. Also as prediabetes is often the precursor of diabetes except when appropriate procedures are arrived at avert progression. An extra 86 mil people have prediabetes (when blood sugars degrees or A1C amounts - from your a1c analyze - are better than regular nonetheless not really greater sufficient becoming determined as diabetes).
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Each day foods information, every week excess weight assessments, and ketone tests could very well be used to choose particular person durability ideas and in addition whether or not a women is undereating in order to steer clear of insulin treatment method. Average amounts of alcoholic drinks, when consumed with foods, have little severe outcomes on plasma blood glucose and in addition serum insulin levels .
Using this type of Diabetes Freedom video guidebook, you will recognize at what time you can try to eat distinct foods like carbohydrates and sweets to preserve your blood sugar in just a well balanced stage. Another decision is definitely the actuality that you can regularly track your blood glucose levels right through the first handful of several weeks as well as several weeks of Diabetes Freedom to monitor any changes. Diabetes Freedom is split into 3 approaches that can increase your pancreas operate, regulate your blood glucose, and also burn extra fat in the body.
In my eyeballs, that might possibly be the correct remission of type two diabetes and in addition insulin resistance. It is connected with just about all acute degenerative disorders, which includes high blood pressure levels, diabetes, heart troubles, and also heart stroke.
Generating the very small beneficial adjustments to your diet regime and existence-style advised above just can't only support invert insulin opposition, but can also promote your common wellbeing, wellness, and in addition top quality of existence. Incorporating a lot more protein with all the current meals can information maintain your blood sugars stable, avoiding almost any blood sugar surges that could result in insulin resistance. Even one night time of sleep deprivation can boost insulin resistance by about 33Percent.
The diabetes health attention group can provide you with swap listings. This Diabetes Freedom Review strategy is extremely ideal for individuals with diabetes who definitely are over weight or other people who need to cover much closer focus on the volume of energy as well as nutrition they eat each and every day.
If anything, insulin opposition is really a organic status to stay in when metabolic rate is reduced and/or anxiety human hormones like cortisol are far as well really higher. In younger ladies with PCOS, higher insulin levels may result in the ovaries to produce much more androgen hormones like androgenic hormone or testosterone. The pancreas starts making a lot more hormones to assist always keep blood sugar amounts in equilibrium.
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Health System: Obesity
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What is Obesity?      Obesity is a condition where a person has accumulated so much body fat that it might have a negative effect on their health. If a person's body weight is at least 20% higher than it should be, he or she is considered obese.
   If your Body Mass Index (BMI) is between 25 and 29.9 you are considered overweight. If your BMI is 30 or over you are considered obese. If you're wondering what your ideal weight might be, take a look at our article, how much should I weigh?
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What is Body Mass Index (BMI)? 
   The body mass index (BMI) is a statistical measurement derived from your height and weight. 
   Although it is considered to be a useful way to estimate healthy body weight, it does not measure the percentage of body fat. The BMI measurement can sometimes be misleading - a muscleman may have a high BMI but have much less fat than an unfit person whose BMI is lower. However, in general, the BMI measurement can be a useful indicator for the 'average person'.
What causes obesity?       Eating more calories than you burn in daily activity and exercise (on a long-term basis) causes obesity. Over time, these extra calories add up and cause you to gain weight.
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Common specific causes of obesity include: 
1. Eating a poor diet of foods high in fats and calories  2. Having a sedentary (inactive) lifestyle  3. Not sleeping enough - which can lead to hormonal changes that make you feel hungrier and crave certain high-calorie foods  4. Genetics - which can affect how your body processes food into energy and how fat is stored  5. Growing older - which can lead to less muscle mass and a slower metabolic rate, making it easier to gain weight  6. Pregnancy (weight gained during pregnancy can be difficult to lose and may eventually lead to obesity) 
Certain medical conditions may also lead to weight gain. These include: 
1. Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) - a condition that causes an imbalance of female reproductive hormones  2. Prader-Willi Syndrome - a rare condition that an individual is born with which causes excessive hunger  3. Cushing Syndrome - a condition caused by having an excessive amount of the hormone cortisol in your system  4. Hypothyroidism (underactive thyroid) - a condition in which the thyroid gland doesn’t produce enough of certain important hormones  5. Osteoarthritis (and other conditions that cause pain that may lead to inactivity)
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Who is at risk for obesity? 
  A complex mix of genetic, environmental, and psychological factors can increase a person’s risk for obesity. 
  Genetics - some people possess genetic factors that make it difficult for them to lose weight. 
  Environment and community - your environment at home, at school, and in your community, can all influence how and what you eat and how active you are. Maybe you haven’t learned to cook healthy meals or don’t think you can afford healthier foods. If your neighborhood is unsafe, maybe you haven’t found a good place to play, walk, or run. 
 Psychological and other factors - depression can sometimes lead to weight gain, as people turn to food for emotional comfort. Certain antidepressants can also increase risk of weight gain.
 It’s a good thing to quit smoking, but quitting can also lead to weight gain. For that reason, it’s important to focus on diet and exercise while you’re quitting. 
 Medications such as steroids or birth control pills can also put you at greater risk for weight gain.
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How is obesity diagnosed? 
Obesity is defined as having a BMI of 30 or more. Body mass index is a rough calculation of a person’s weight in relation to their height. 
 Other more accurate measures of body fat and body fat distribution include skinfold thickness, waist-to-hip comparisons, and screening tests such as ultrasound, computed tomography (CT), and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans. 
 Your doctor may also order certain tests to help diagnose obesity as well as obesity-related health risks. These may include blood tests to examine cholesterol and glucose levels, liver function tests, diabetes screen, thyroid tests, and heart tests, such as an electrocardiogram. 
 A measurement of the fat around your waist is also a good predictor of risk for obesity-related diseases.
   What are complications of obesity? 
Obesity leads to much more than simple weight gain. Having a high ratio of body fat to muscle puts strain on your bones as well as your internal organs. It also increases inflammation in the body, which is thought to be a cause of cancer. Obesity is also a major cause of type 2 diabetes. 
 Obesity has been linked to a number of health complications, some of which are life-threatening: 1. Type 2 diabetes  2. Heart disease  3. High blood pressure  4. Certain cancers (breast, colon, and endometrial)  5. Stroke  6. Gallbladder disease  7. Fatty liver disease  8. High cholesterol 9. Sleep apnea and other breathing problem 10. Arthritis and Infertility
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How is obesity treated?
  If you’re obese and haven’t been able to lose weight on your own, medical help is available. Start with your family physician who may be able to refer you to a weight specialist in your area. Your doctor may also want to work with you as part of a team helping you lose weight. That team might include a dietitian, therapist, and/or other healthcare staff. Your doctor will work with you on making lifestyle changes. Sometimes, they may recommend medications or weight loss surgery as well.Lifestyle and behavior changes Your healthcare team can educate you on better food choices and help develop a healthy eating plan that works for you. A structured exercise program and increased daily activity up to 300 minutes a week  will help build up your strength, endurance, and metabolism. Counseling or support groups may also identify unhealthy triggers and help you cope with any anxiety, depression, or emotional eating issues.  Medical weight loss Your doctor may also prescribe certain prescription weight loss medications in addition to healthy eating and exercise plans. Medications are usually prescribed only if other methods of weight loss haven’t worked and if you have a BMI of 27 or more in addition to obesity-related health issues.  Prescription weight loss medications either prevent the absorption of fat or suppress appetite. These drugs can have unpleasant side effects. For example, the drug orlistat (Xenical) can lead to oily and frequent bowel movements, bowel urgency, and gas. Your doctor will monitor you closely while you’re taking these medications.  Weight loss surgery Weight loss surgery (commonly called “bariatric surgery”) requires a commitment from patients that they will change their lifestyle. These types of surgery work by limiting how much food you can comfortably eat or by preventing your body from absorbing food and calories. Sometimes they do both. Weight loss surgery isn’t a quick fix. It’s a major surgery and can have serious risks. After surgery, patients will need to change how they eat and how much they eat or risk getting sick.   Candidates for weight loss surgery will have a BMI of 40 or more, or have a BMI of 35 to 39.9 along with serious obesity-related health problems. Patients will often have to lose weight prior to undergoing surgery. Additionally, they will normally undergo counseling to ensure that they’re both emotionally prepared for this surgery and willing to make the necessary lifestyle changes that it will require. Surgical options include: gastric bypass surgery, which creates a small pouch at the top of your stomach that connects directly to your small intestine. Food and liquids go through the pouch and into the intestine, bypassing most of the stomach. laparoscopic adjustable gastric banding (LAGB), which separates your stomach into two pouches using a band gastric sleeve, which removes part of your stomach biliopancreatic diversion with duodenal switch, which removes most of your stomach.
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19 Research highlights the benefits of massage chairs
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While pharmacies and western medicine practice are very useful and effective for healing, many also believe in self-healing. Massage with massage chairs and other complementary therapies can be used to aid the treatment of certain diseases, and these studies are conducted to determine the benefits of massage chairs. If you are unsure about the positive effects and benefits of massage with massage chairs on the body, here is a summary of what the benefits of massage chairs look like: 1. Massage chairs support the treatment of muscle pain symptoms. A massage chair study for nine randomized patients with myalgia for 5 weeks or more. The results indicate that the pain, along with anxiety and depression, has improved markedly, with effective treatment almost immediately. Massage therapy with massage chairs can be a viable alternative to muscle pain. 2. Reduce abdominal fat A pilot study was conducted on middle-aged women with abdominal obesity including aromatherapy and non-perfumed massage (placebo). Each group applied the massage for two weeks and measured the weight, appetite, and abdominal circumference. This study demonstrates that massage combined with aromatherapy is effective in reducing obesity in middle-aged women. 3. Massage to promote blood circulation Red blood cells work very seriously to promote health in the body by bringing oxygen to parts of the body and removing carbon dioxide from the lungs so that it can breathe. Red blood cells are produced in the bone marrow and are needed to promote healthy functioning systems. People with anemia may benefit from the massage to increase the red blood cells. 4. Pain relief during childbirth One of the biggest pain experiences a woman can have is the pain of giving birth. This study included 46 women with spontaneous pain and no drug use. Participants received a 30-minute lumbar massage by a physiotherapist during which the pain began to appear. Main results are measured on the pain scale using an intuitive analog signal. At the end of treatment, the severity of the pain was significantly lower in the massage group. While not changing the number of hours or other results of the pain, massage therapy has no power to reduce the level of pain in difficult times. 5. Self-Sleep Shiatsu Massage Compiled by researchers at the University of Alberta, this recent study appears to show that self-made shiatsu massage can act as a sleep aid. This is especially true for people suffering from insomnia due to chronic pain. Pressure techniques, made by a sample of nine people suffering from chronic pain, seem to help promote sleep almost immediately. Participants sometimes even fall asleep before treatment ends. The treatments seem to be related to both physical benefits as well as cognitive therapy that capture attention while subjects are trying to sleep. 6.Benefits for Autistic Children Families with autistic children often find ways to help reduce symptoms and improve quality of life. A study conducted in Oregon tested 103 preschoolers with a massage therapy specifically developed for children. The treatment is done by trained parents to massage their children daily. Results showed that overall autism level decreased by 32% among participants, leading to improved language and behavior. 38% improvement in sensory problems and 49% improvement in texture and sensitization sensitivity after 5 months of treatment. 7. Chronic leg pain syndrome A case of a 35-year-old woman with Chronic Foot Pain Syndrome (RLS) suggests that therapy with point-trigger therapy, deep tissue massage, and sports massage can be a beneficial treatment. This woman received a 45-minute massage session twice a week for three weeks. Based on a record that the subject was kept during that time, the symptoms of RLS were minimized after two treatments and continued to improve throughout the massage period given. 8. Improve ADHD As attention-deficit disorders continue to develop in prevalence in adolescents as well as adults, alternative treatment options are being sought. This study included 28 adolescents with ADHD, divided into two groups. Each group received a massage therapy or relaxation therapy 5 days a week for 2 weeks. Massage therapists consider themselves happier and observers find that they are less restless after the sessions. 9. Reduce dysmenorrhea
All women in history have had pain and anxiety during menstruation. This placebo-controlled clinical trial was conducted on 63 female nurses who rated their menstrual pain at least 5 on a scale of 10. The subjects treated with natural aromatherapy showed Their pain and menstrual status were significantly lower than those of the control group. These results suggest that self-administered aromatherapy massage on the abdomen can be effective in treating women struggling with dysmenorrhea and anxiety.
10. Reduce the symptoms of wrist pain
A numbness and tingling sensation is triggered by the compressed nerve at the wrist, known as the wrist tunnel syndrome (CTS). This study included 16 adults with CTS. Treatment includes massage therapy once a week for four weeks as well as a daily self-made massage routine. Participants experienced higher levels of clamping power, lower levels of perceived pain, and lower levels of depression and anxiety. The results of this study suggest that CTS symptoms can be minimized by treating daily massage therapy.
Increase interactions between mothers and newborns
In an effort to support the fight against postnatal (postnatal) depression, this study was conducted to determine whether or not massage helps to increase maternal or neonatal attachment. Including 34 postnatal mothers with signs of maternal depression, the test group was included in a newborn massage class while the control group attended a support group. The sessions are once per week for five weeks. The maternal and newborn massage group showed a significant improvement in interactions, with the conclusion that this could be an effective treatment for a healthy mental health during postnatal depression. .
12. Massage to promote sleep in postmenopausal women
Everyone knows about hot flashes and anxiety in women experiencing menopause, but less commonly, about 28% and 63% of menopausal women suffer from insomnia. Massage helps activate the lymphatic system, circulatory system and nervous system, improves body functions and restores balance. The results of this study approved by the Federal University of South Paulo show that regular massage can help alleviate some difficulties that women not only suffer from insomnia but also with depression and anxiety.
13. Increase the quality of life in patients with breast cancer
This study, conducted in Wichita, Kansas, in 2008, was performed to determine the din therapeutic benefits of emotional and physical benefits for patients treated for breast cancer. Treatment consists of 30 minutes of massage per week for three weeks in a row. In general, experienced participants reduce some of the symptoms, including sleep disturbance and anxiety, pointing to higher quality of life and overall functioning. Patients also reported analgesic and pain, concluding that massage therapy could act as an effective natural method to reduce the effectiveness of treatment for breast cancer by reducing side effects and improving total function. can
14. Relief from depression
For the purpose of studying the effects of massage therapy on mental health (especially depression) in adolescent mothers, this included 32 participants. They received 30 minutes of massage therapy or relaxation sessions, twice a week for five weeks. Both groups showed lower anxiety levels, but the treatment group showed clinical differences in stress hormone changes, heart rate and cortisol levels, in addition to behavioral changes.
15. Significant improvement in social relationships
When the hormone oxytocin increases and the adrenocorticotropin hormone (ACTH) decreases in some people with the use of massage therapy, this study examines the effects of social behavior on 95 mixed sex couples in Los Angeles, California. . Blood is drawn before and after massage therapy. The results showed an increase in OT, and decreased ACTH, NO (Nitrous Oxide), and BE (Beta-endorphin) for those in the massage therapy group, concluding that social interaction could be improved for Those who have the right to treat with massage chairs.
16. Improve the immune system
Gentle Thai massage, combined with essential oil therapy, was used in this study in 66 patients with colorectal cancer receiving chemotherapy. Three massage sessions were performed with ginger and coconut oil over a period of one week, and the finding was that the number of boosted immune-boosting blood cells was significantly higher in patients who received massage than those who did not. In addition, massage therapies can be used to help reduce the severity of the chemotherapy symptoms.
17. Strengthen your ability and alertness
Who knows that massage chairs can not only make you feel better, but it can make you smarter? In this study, 26 adults were given a massage chair while a control group of 24 people was asked to sit on a massage chair and relax for 15 minutes. Treatment / control is performed twice a week for five weeks. The patient's EEG level was monitored before, during and after the study on the first and last days. In addition, before and after sessions, participants performed mathematical calculations, provided a sample of saliva for cortisol, and completed a depression scale. The results indicate that the massage group had lower anxiety, lower depression, lower cortisol levels, and better mental alertness. So, if you are preparing for a mental tough situation? Try massage chair first!
18. Improve sleep
Neurologists have found that insomnia may be associated with a lack of serotonin. Patients who have difficulty sleeping at night or sleeping all night for more than six months are considered chronic insomnia. A study through the University of Miami gave a 30-minute massage, twice a week for five weeks. A sleep scale is used along with a urine sample to measure serotonin levels. The results showed that patients using massage chairs showed an increase in serotonin levels as well as improved sleep.
19. Control your asthma
An increasing problem for the health of today's children, asthma causes serious problems with breathing and breathing. This study included 44 children with asthma, half of whom were in the control group. Children in the massage group are given 20 minutes of massages each day at bedtime for one month. The results suggest that long-term massage therapy can lead to better respiratory tone as well as less sensitive, leading to better breathing around in asthmatic children.
News for counseling buy massage chair body
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The 20-Second Trick For Car Garage
Stress is an all-natural component of our day-to-day lives. It can be triggered by any kind of demand, from burning the midnight oil as well as getting embeded web traffic, to significant life changes such as fatality, divorce, or ailment. When you face a stressful situation, your pulse speeds up, you breathe much faster, your muscular tissues tense, as well as your mind makes use of a lot more oxygen and boosts task.
You can't constantly prevent the tension in your life, but you can find out to cope with it better. The National Institutes of Health advises these steps: Establish concerns: Decide what should get done as well as what can wait, and find out to claim no to new tasks if you are bewildered. Keep in touch with individuals who can provide emotional and also other assistance.
What Does Stress-free Storage Mean?
Take time to do relaxing activities you appreciate, such as analysis, yoga exercise, or gardening. Prevent home on troubles. Concentrate on what you have actually completed, not what you have actually been not able to do. Workout routinely. Just thirty minutes each day of moderate walking can help enhance state of mind as well as lower stress. If you seem like you are making use of drugs or alcohol to deal, or are having self-destructive ideas, see a psychological health expert or call the National Self-destruction Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-8255.
Stress! It impacts the lives of over 65 million Americans. Greater than 5 billion doses of tranquilizers and sleeping pills are taken in daily in the USA, in efforts to reduce its impacts. Thirty million Americans have actually been detected with intense anxiety problems such as panic, anxieties, as well as post-traumatic stress disorders.
Storage Things To Know Before You Buy
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Are these people who, "simply can't take it?" Most likely not. According to research study done by Juliet Schor, teacher of business economics at Harvard, the average American is functioning 163 hrs annually greater than she or he worked in 1970. That's an additional complete month! If you are a monitoring expert, the numbers are also greater.
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Some Ideas on Stress Tips You Need To Know
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Stress Tips Fundamentals Explained
Examine This Report on Stress Tips
Car Garage - Questions
The even more you are able to monitor your interior responses to your setting, the less complicated it will certainly be for you to recognize the stress factors in your life as well as take actions to reduce or remove them completely. Several have actually located that some kind of reflection is a means to accomplish this.
Some Of Stress Tips
There are several techniques of meditation, however a simple one, adjusted by Herbert Benson at Harvard University, is to merely shut your eyes, unwind, as well as repeat a word or phrase that you discover relaxing. It can be something scriptural like, "The Lord is my shepherd," or a word like "Soothing." Benson discovered that this basic workout can have a measurable influence on stress-related symptoms such as heart rate and high blood pressure.
The word wa in Japanese symbolizes a condition of calmness and also harmony where the mind as well as the body are one. It takes effort as well as time to get to such a condition as well as much thought is provided in Japanese culture to the conservation of this balanced state. Points as far apart as horticulture and also judo, for instance, have their roots in the cultivation as well as preservation of wa.
Indicators on Car Garage You Should Know
Stress Tips - Questions
Rumored Buzz on Car Garage
The Ultimate Guide To Stress Tips
See This Report about Storage Near Me
Unknown Facts About Stress Tips
Researchers have actually long recognized the impact that the mind can have on the body, yet it has only been recently that there has been sufficient empirical evidence to thoroughly support it. The unconscious mind has no voice; it talks to each people via the language of the body.
Follow our 10 easy pointers to assist take care of and decrease your stress levels. Prevent, or a minimum of minimize, your consumption of nicotine as well as any type of beverages having high levels of caffeine and also alcohol. High levels of caffeine and also nicotine are energizers therefore will boost your level of stress and anxiety rather than reduce it. Alcohol is a downer when taken in huge amounts, but serves as an energizer in smaller sized amounts.
Top Guidelines Of Car Garage
Swap caffeinated as well as alcohols for water, organic teas, or watered down natural fruit juices and goal to maintain yourself hydrated as this will certainly allow your body to cope better with stress and anxiety. You need to also intend to avoid or lower your consumption of refined sugars - they are had in many manufactured foods (even in savoury foods such as salad dressings as well as bread) and can create energy accidents which may lead you to really feel worn out and cranky.
Stressful scenarios increase the level of tension hormonal agents such as adrenaline and cortisol in your body. These are the "fight or trip" hormones that development has actually hard-wired into our brains and also which are designed to safeguard us from instant bodily damage when we are under risk. Nonetheless, anxiety in the modern-day age is hardly ever remedied by a battle or trip feedback, and also so exercise can be utilized as a surrogate to metabolize the too much tension hormonal agents as well as recover your mind and body to a calmer, extra unwinded state.
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troybfvj098-blog · 4 years
The Ultimate Guide To Storage
Tension is a natural part of our everyday lives. It can be set off by any demand, from burning the midnight oil and obtaining embeded website traffic, to major life modifications such as fatality, divorce, or ailment. When you encounter a stressful circumstance, your pulse speeds up, you breathe faster, your muscle mass strained, and also your brain makes use of more oxygen as well as raises task.
You can not always prevent the tension in your life, yet you can find out to deal with it better. The National Institutes of Wellness advises these steps: Establish priorities: Decide what must obtain done as well as what can wait, and discover to say no to brand-new tasks if you are bewildered. Remain in touch with individuals that can offer psychological and also various other support.
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8 Easy Facts About Car Garage Explained
Require time to do enjoyable tasks you take pleasure in, such as analysis, yoga exercise, or gardening. Stay clear of residence on problems. Concentrate on what you have achieved, not what you have actually been incapable to do. Workout routinely. Just thirty minutes each day of moderate walking can aid increase state of mind and also minimize stress. If you seem like you are utilizing medicines or alcohol to cope, or are having self-destructive thoughts, see a psychological health professional or call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-8255.
Tension! It influences the lives of over 65 million Americans. Greater than 5 billion doses of tranquilizers and sleeping pills are eaten daily in the USA, in attempts to decrease its effects. Thirty million Americans have actually been identified with intense stress and anxiety problems such as panic, fears, and post-traumatic anxiety disorders.
Get This Report about Storage
Are these individuals who, "simply can't take it?" Probably not. According to research done by Juliet Schor, teacher of economics at Harvard, the average American is functioning 163 hrs each year much more than she or he worked in 1970. That's an additional full month! If you are a monitoring specialist, the numbers are also greater.
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Rumored Buzz on Car Garage
9 Easy Facts About Stress-free Storage Described
Storage - Truths
Some Known Details About Storage
The even more you have the ability to monitor your inner responses to your atmosphere, the simpler it will be for you to identify the stressors in your life as well as take actions to reduce or remove them entirely. Several have actually found that some type of reflection is a method to complete this.
What Does Storage Do?
There are many techniques of reflection, yet a simple one, adjusted by Herbert Benson at Harvard College, is to merely close your eyes, loosen up, and repeat a word or expression that you locate relaxing. It can be something scriptural like, "The Lord is my shepherd," or a word like "Calming." Benson located that this easy workout can have a quantifiable influence on stress-related symptoms such as heart rate and blood pressure.
The word wa in Japanese represents a condition of calm and peace where the mind as well as the body are one. It takes effort and time to reach such a condition and much thought is provided in Japanese culture to the conservation of this well balanced state. Things as much apart as horticulture as well as judo, as an example, have their origins in the cultivation as well as preservation of wa.
3 Simple Techniques For Stress Tips
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Getting My Storage To Work
Not known Facts About Car Garage
All About Storage
Some Known Details About Stress-free Storage
Researchers have actually long been aware of the effect that the mind can carry the body, but it has actually only been lately that there has sufficed empirical proof to completely sustain it. The subconscious mind has no voice; it speaks to each people through the language of the body.
Follow our 10 straightforward ideas to aid manage and decrease your tension degrees. Avoid, or at the very least minimize, your intake of nicotine as well as any beverages including high levels of caffeine and alcohol. High levels of caffeine and nicotine are stimulants therefore will certainly enhance your level of stress rather than lower it. Alcohol is a depressant when absorbed large quantities, yet acts as a stimulant in smaller sized quantities.
All about Stress-free Storage
Swap caffeinated and also alcohols for water, herbal teas, or watered down all-natural fruit juices and aim to keep on your own hydrated as this will allow your body to deal better with tension. You must likewise aim to prevent or decrease your intake of polished sugars - they are had in numerous manufactured foods (even in delicious foods such as salad dressings and bread) and also can create power collisions which might lead you to really feel weary and also short-tempered.
Demanding circumstances boost the degree of stress hormonal agents such as adrenaline and cortisol in your body. These are the "fight or flight" hormonal agents that advancement has hard-wired into our minds as well as which are designed to protect us from prompt physical harm when we are under risk. Nevertheless, stress and anxiety in the contemporary age is hardly ever remedied by a fight or flight action, therefore workout can be made use of as a surrogate to metabolize the too much stress and anxiety hormonal agents and also restore your body as well as mind to a calmer, a lot more unwinded state.
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Things about Car Garage
Stress and anxiety is a natural component of our day-to-days live. It can be set off by any type of need, from working late and obtaining embeded website traffic, to serious life modifications such as death, divorce, or ailment. When you face a difficult situation, your pulse speeds up, you breathe faster, your muscles tense, and also your brain uses more oxygen as well as increases activity.
You can not constantly prevent the anxiety in your life, however you can find out to deal with it better. The National Institutes of Health recommends these steps: Establish concerns: Decide what have to obtain done and what can wait, and find out to state no to brand-new tasks if you are overwhelmed. Remain in touch with people that can offer psychological and other support.
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Top Guidelines Of Car Garage
Require time to do enjoyable tasks you appreciate, such as reading, yoga, or gardening. Prevent home on issues. Focus on what you have actually completed, not what you have been incapable to do. Exercise on a regular basis. Simply half an hour per day of moderate strolling can assist improve mood and also decrease tension. If you seem like you are utilizing drugs or alcohol to deal, or are having suicidal ideas, see a psychological health specialist or call the National Self-destruction Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-8255.
Stress and anxiety! It impacts the lives of over 65 million Americans. Even more than 5 billion doses of tranquilizers and sleeping pills are taken in daily in the United States, in attempts to lower its results. Thirty million Americans have been identified with severe stress and anxiety disorders such as panic, fears, and trauma.
10 Easy Facts About Stress Tips Described
Are these individuals that, "just can't take it?" Possibly not. According to study done by Juliet Schor, professor of business economics at Harvard, the ordinary American is functioning 163 hrs yearly greater than he or she operated in 1970. That's one more complete month! If you are a monitoring professional, the numbers are also higher.
The smart Trick of Storage That Nobody is Talking About
Indicators on Storage You Should Know
Unknown Facts About Storage Near Me
What Does Stress Tips Mean?
Little Known Facts About Stress-free Storage.
The even more you are able to check your internal reactions to your environment, the easier it will be for you to recognize the stressors in your life as well as take actions to reduce or eliminate them totally. Numerous have found that some type of meditation is a way to accomplish this.
The Of Car Garage
There are numerous approaches of reflection, but a straightforward one, adapted by Herbert Benson at Harvard College, is to merely shut your eyes, unwind, as well as repeat a word or expression that you locate relaxing. It can be something scriptural like, "The Lord is my shepherd," or a word like "Calming." Benson located that this basic exercise can have a quantifiable effect on stress-related symptoms such as heart rate as well as high blood pressure.
Words wa in Japanese indicates a condition of calmness and also tranquility where the mind and also the body are one. It takes effort as well as time to get to such a condition as well as much thought is offered in Japanese culture to the preservation of this balanced state. Things as far apart as horticulture and also judo, as an example, have their origins in the growing as well as conservation of wa.
Rumored Buzz on Storage
Scientists have actually long know the result that the mind can carry the body, yet it has just been lately that there has sufficed empirical proof to extensively sustain it. The subconscious mind has no voice; it speaks with each of us through the language of the body.
Stress-free Storage Fundamentals Explained
The Best Guide To Car Garage
A Biased View of Storage Near Me
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Facts About Storage Uncovered
The smart Trick of Storage That Nobody is Talking About
Follow our 10 easy tips to assist handle and decrease your anxiety degrees. Avoid, or at the very least decrease, your usage of nicotine and any kind of beverages consisting of high levels of caffeine and also alcohol. High levels of caffeine and pure nicotine are energizers therefore will certainly enhance your degree of anxiety rather than minimize it. Alcohol is a downer when taken in huge quantities, but acts as an energizer in smaller amounts.
Some Ideas on Storage Near Me You Need To Know
Swap caffeinated and also alcohols for water, organic teas, or thinned down all-natural fruit juices and aim to maintain on your own hydrated as this will enable your body to cope better with stress. You should likewise aim to avoid or reduce your consumption of polished sugars - they are included in several manufactured foods (even in savoury foods such as salad dressings as well as bread) and can create energy collisions which may lead you to really feel exhausted and also cranky.
Demanding circumstances enhance the level of stress and anxiety hormonal agents such as adrenaline and cortisol in your body. These are the "fight or trip" hormonal agents that evolution has hard-wired into our minds and also which are designed to shield us from prompt physical injury when we are under risk. Nonetheless, anxiety in the contemporary age is rarely remedied by a fight or trip feedback, and also so physical workout can be utilized as a surrogate to metabolize the excessive stress hormonal agents and also restore your mind and body to a calmer, more unwinded state.
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fitjourneydaily · 4 months
The Ultimate Guide: How to Relieve Stress and Understand its Impact on Your Health
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Introduction: Stress, in its various forms, has become an integral part of our lives. From work-related pressures to personal challenges, stress can take a toll on our mental and physical well-being. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore effective strategies to relieve stress, explain the significance of stress tests, delve into the relationship between stress and high blood pressure, and provide insights into handling stress-induced hives. Section 1: How to Relieve Stress (500 words) Stress relief techniques can help you regain control over your emotions and improve your overall quality of life. Below are some proven strategies that can make a real difference: 1. Practice Mindfulness and Meditation: Engaging in mindfulness exercises and meditation can encourage a sense of inner calmness. Focus on your breath, allow thoughts to come and go, and embrace the present moment. These practices can help reduce stress levels and enhance mental clarity. 2. Exercise Regularly: Physical activity releases endorphins that act as natural stress relievers. Incorporate exercise into your routine, whether it's walking, jogging, cycling, or practicing yoga. Regular exercise not only boosts your mood but also promotes better sleep, which is crucial for stress management. 3. Prioritize Self-Care: Make self-care a priority by engaging in activities that bring you joy and relaxation. Whether it's reading a book, taking a long bath, or enjoying a hobby, find time to engage in activities that nourish your mind, body, and soul. Setting aside moments for self-care can help alleviate stress and prevent burnout. 4. Maintain a Balanced Lifestyle: Take control of your schedule and commitments. Learn to say no to excessive demands and create a healthy work-life balance. Avoid neglecting your personal needs, as this can contribute to heightened stress levels. Ensure you get sufficient sleep, maintain a nutritious diet, and foster positive relationships with loved ones. Section 2: Understanding Stress Tests (150 words) Stress tests are medical examinations that evaluate how your heart functions during physical activity. They are typically performed to diagnose underlying heart conditions, such as coronary artery disease. During a stress test, your heart rate, blood pressure, and other vital signs are monitored while you engage in exercise, simulating real-life stressors. By analyzing your heart's response, medical professionals can identify abnormalities and develop appropriate treatment plans. Section 3: The Link Between Stress and High Blood Pressure (200 words) While a direct causation between stress and high blood pressure has not been established, chronic stress can contribute to the development of hypertension. Stress triggers the release of stress hormones, such as cortisol and adrenaline, which temporarily increase blood pressure. Prolonged exposure to stress can disrupt the body's normal systems, leading to sustained high blood pressure. Managing stress is crucial for maintaining healthy blood pressure levels. Section 4: Addressing Stress Hives (200 words) Stress hives, or stress-induced hives, are an allergic reaction triggered by high levels of stress. These hives can appear suddenly and cause itching, redness, and discomfort. To alleviate stress hives, it is essential to address the underlying stress. Employ stress-relief techniques mentioned earlier, and consider consulting with a healthcare professional for treatment options, such as antihistamines or topical remedies. Identifying triggers and managing stress effectively can help prevent and reduce the occurrence of stress hives. Conclusion: Stress is an inevitable part of life, but with the right tools and strategies, you can effectively manage it. By practicing relaxation techniques, understanding the role of stress tests in diagnosing heart conditions, recognizing the potential link between stress and high blood pressure, and finding ways to address stress-induced hives, you can significantly improve your well-being and overall quality of life. Discover tranquility with Frog Serene Mineral Cartridge, Bare Minerals Serenity lip gloss, and stress-relief tips at 'Rise.' From skincare essentials to managing stress, find more at the 'Rise' website. Visit the Rise Product Page. Read the full article
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ebenpink · 5 years
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Dry Fasting: Is It Worth It? http://bit.ly/2vnKuUG
Today’s post is about dry fasting. I’ve covered plenty of other aspects of intermittent fasting, including recommendations around longer fasts, but lately I’ve gotten enough questions about this particular angle that I thought I’d address it.
Dry fasting is going without both food and fluid. That means no coffee, no tea, no broth, and no water or liquid of any kind (except the saliva you manage to produce). It’s an extreme type of fast whose fans and practitioners are adamant that it can resolve serious health issues. But does it? Is it safe? And what kind of research is available on it?
Where Does the Idea of Therapeutic Dry Fasting Come From?
The main proponent of dry fasting is a Russian doctor named Sergei Filonov. Filonov is still practicing from what I can tell, somewhere in the Altai mountains that span Central Asia. I found a very rough English translation of his book—Dry Medical Fasting: Myths and Realities. Difficult to read in full because it’s not a professional translation, but manageable in small chunks.
His basic thesis is that dry fasting creates a competitive environment between healthy cells, unhealthy cells, and pathogens for a scarce resource: water. The dry fast acts as a powerful selective pressure, allowing the strong cells to survive and the weak and dangerous cells to die off. The end result, according to Filonov, is that the immune system burns through the weak cells for energy and to conserve water for the viable cells, leading to a stronger organism overall. He points to how animals in nature will hole up in a safe, comfortable spot and take neither food nor water when recovering from serious conditions, illness, or injuries that prevent them from moving around. But when they’re able to move while recovering from more minor issues, they’ll drink water and abstain from food. I’m partial to this naturalistic line of thought, but I don’t know if the claims about animal behavior during sickness are true.
Another claim is that dry fasting speeds up fat loss relative to fasts that include water. There may be something to this, as body fat is actually a source of “metabolic water”—internal water the body can turn to when exogenous water is limited. Burning 100 grams of fat produces 110 grams of water, whereas burning the same amount of carbohydrate produces just 50 grams of water.
Are There Any Dry Fasting Studies?
Unfortunately, we don’t have many long term dry fasting studies. In fact, we have one 5-day study in healthy adults. For five days, ten healthy adults refrained from eating food or drinking water. Multiple physiological parameters were tracked daily, including bodyweight, kidney function, heart rate, electrolyte status, and circumference of the waist, hip, neck, and chest.
Participants lost weight (over 2 pounds a day) and inches off of various circumferences, including waist, hip, neck, and chest. The drop in waist circumference was particularly large—about eight centimeters by day five. Blood pressure, heart rate, oxygen saturation, sodium and potassium levels, creatinine, and urea all remained stable throughout the study. Creatinine clearance—which can be a marker of muscle breakdown but also a normal artifact of fasting—increased by up to 167%.
The most voluminous research we have on dry fasting is the Ramadan literature. During the month of Ramadan, practicing Muslims complete a daily dry fast—from sunup to sundown—every single day. They eat no food and drink no fluids during daylight hours, which, in the countries where Islam originally arose, run about 15-16 hours. These are shorter dry fasts than the 5-day fast detailed above.
What happens to health markers during Ramadan? Mostly good things.
Almost everyone loses body fat. Few lose muscle. There’s no sign of overt dehydration.
In fatty liver patients, Ramadan fasting lowers blood glucose, insulin levels, inflammatory markers.
In obese and overweight subjects, Ramadan fasting lowers inflammatory markers, body weight, and insulin resistance.
In obese adults, Ramadan fasting improves the lipid profile.
Athletic performance is compromised during Ramadan (like impaired maximal force production of the muscles), though not as much as you’d expect.
A 15- or 16- hour dry fast isn’t very extreme, even in the hot climates of the Near East. Two or three day-long dry fasts, particularly in hot weather, is another thing entirely. What works and is safe across 16 hours might not be safe or effective over three or four days.
I wonder if there’s a genetic component to dry fasting tolerance, too. Have populations who’ve spent thousands of years in hot, dry, desert-like climates developed greater genetic tolerance of periods without water? I find it likely, though I haven’t seen any genetic data one way or the other. It’s an interesting thing to ponder.
Is Dry Fasting Safe?
Obviously, skipping water can be dangerous. While we’ve seen people go without food for as long as a year (provided you have enough adipose tissue to burn, take vitamins and minerals, and are under medical supervision), going without water is a riskier proposal. The number I’ve always heard was three weeks without food, three days without water, though I’ve never really seen it substantiated or sourced.
One reason I’m skeptical of “three days” as a hard and fast rule is that most cases of people dying of dehydration occur in dire circumstances. People are lost out in the wilderness, hiking around in vain trying to find their way back to the trailhead. They’re thrown in jail after a night out drinking and forgotten by the guards for three days. They’re spending 24 hours dancing in a tent in the desert on multiple psychoactive drugs. These are extreme situations that really increase the need for water. Your water requirements will be much higher if you’re hiking around in hot weather bathing in stress-induced cortisol and adrenaline, or dancing hard for hours on end. Very rarely do we hear of people setting out to abstain from water on purpose for medical benefits, water on hand in case things go south, and ending up dehydrated. Part of the reason is that very few people are dry fasting, so the pool of potential evidence is miniscule. I imagine this last group will have more leeway.
Still, if you’re going to try dry fasting, you have to take some basic precautions.
6 Precautions To Take When Dry Fasting
1. Get Your Doctor’s Okay
Sure, most will be skeptical at best, but I’d still advise not skipping this step—particularly if you have a health condition or take any kind of medication. Diuretics (often used for blood pressure management), for one example, add another layer to this picture.
2. No Exercise
Avoid anything more intense than walking. For one, the hypohydration will predispose you to middling results, increasing cortisol and reducing testosterone. Two, the hypohydration may progress rapidly to dehydration. If you’re going to exercise during a dry fast, “break” the fast with water first and then train.
3. Keep It Brief
Yes, there was the 5-day study, but those people were being monitored by doctors every single day. I’d say 16-24 hours is a safe upper limit and probably provides most of the benefits (as Ramadan literature shows). Any longer, buyer beware. (And, of course, make sure you get fully hydrated in between any dry fasts you might do.)
4. Fast While You Sleep
Ramadan-style probably isn’t ideal from a pure physiological standpoint. The length (16 hours) is great, but the eating schedule is not. Those who observe Ramadan fasting ritual often wake up before sunrise to fit in food. They may stay up late to eat more. They go to sleep in a well-fed state, never quite taking advantage of the 8 hours of “free” fasting time sleep usually provides (and, of course, that’s not what their fasting practice is about). For a health-motivated dry fast, on the other hand, you should take advantage of it.
5. Take Weather Into Account
Hot, humid weather will generally cause the most water loss. Cold, dry weather will cause the least. Adjust your dry fasting duration accordingly.
6. Listen To Your Body
I’ve said this a million times, but it’s especially worth saying here. If you’re not feeling well during the dry fast, listen to your instinct rather than your agenda. (And don’t begin a dry fast when you’re ill. That should go without saying.) This is an optional tool. There are hundreds of other ways to serve your health and well-being. Don’t lose the forest through the trees because you’re drawn to a practice that feels more radical. Approach it smartly, but let your body’s intuition be the final arbiter.
That’s it for me. I haven’t done any dry fasting, not on purpose at least, and I’m not particularly interested in it for myself, but I am interested in your experiences. Do any of you do dry fasting? What have you noticed? What do you recommend?
As always, if you have any questions, direct them down below. Thanks for reading!
Mascioli SR, Bantle JP, Freier EF, Hoogwerf BJ. Artifactual elevation of serum creatinine level due to fasting. Arch Intern Med. 1984;144(8):1575-6.
Fernando HA, Zibellini J, Harris RA, Seimon RV, Sainsbury A. Effect of Ramadan Fasting on Weight and Body Composition in Healthy Non-Athlete Adults: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Nutrients. 2019;11(2)
Fahrial syam A, Suryani sobur C, Abdullah M, Makmun D. Ramadan Fasting Decreases Body Fat but Not Protein Mass. Int J Endocrinol Metab. 2016;14(1):e29687.
Aliasghari F, Izadi A, Gargari BP, Ebrahimi S. The Effects of Ramadan Fasting on Body Composition, Blood Pressure, Glucose Metabolism, and Markers of Inflammation in NAFLD Patients: An Observational Trial. J Am Coll Nutr. 2017;36(8):640-645.
Unalacak M, Kara IH, Baltaci D, Erdem O, Bucaktepe PG. Effects of Ramadan fasting on biochemical and hematological parameters and cytokines in healthy and obese individuals. Metab Syndr Relat Disord. 2011;9(2):157-61.
Saleh SA, El-kemery TA, Farrag KA, et al. Ramadan fasting: relation to atherogenic risk among obese Muslims. J Egypt Public Health Assoc. 2004;79(5-6):461-83.
Gueldich H, Zghal F, Borji R, Chtourou H, Sahli S, Rebai H. The effects of Ramadan intermittent fasting on the underlying mechanisms of force production capacity during maximal isometric voluntary contraction. Chronobiol Int. 2019;36(5):698-708.
Shephard RJ. Ramadan and sport: minimizing effects upon the observant athlete. Sports Med. 2013;43(12):1217-41.
The post Dry Fasting: Is It Worth It? appeared first on Mark's Daily Apple.
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ellymackay · 4 years
The Truth About Sleep And Blood Pressure
The following article The Truth About Sleep And Blood Pressure was first seen on https://www.ellymackay.com
You’ve gone in for your routine physical examination, and you’re told what millions of Americans are: you have high blood pressure But, like many Americans, you may not be aware of the truth behind the powerful connection between blood pressure spikes and the quality of your sleep.
As a sleep doctor, I spend a lot of time explaining the health benefits of sleep, from everything like our mental health to even helping us look younger. In short, while quality, restorative sleep helps support our health, the opposite is also true: sleep disorders can affect our mind, bodies and even leave us more prone to depression.
This week I’m tackling the most common questions about high blood pressure and sleep, including is lack of sleep can cause high blood pressure; why sleep apnea may play a role, and what might be behind a sudden spike of high blood pressure at night.
I’ll finish by giving you tips to lower your blood pressure naturally, no prescription required, and how to more easily fall asleep and fall back asleep if you wake up in the middle of the night  using my Sleep Doctor PM formula. .
How Dangerous is High Blood Pressure?
High blood pressure, also known as hypertension, is classified as Stage One or Stage Two. Stage One hypertension is a reading of 130/80 mm Hg or above, while Stage Two has readings of 140/90 mm Hg or above. Anything exceeding 180/120mm is considered a medical emergency.
If you’ve been diagnosed with hypertension, or you’ve just experienced a sudden spike in blood pressure, you’re far from alone. In fact, according to the CDC, 45 percent of adults in the United States experience high blood pressure, and only a quarter of those have their blood pressure properly being treated.
But just how dangerous is high blood pressure?
Blood pressure can have a dramatic impact on your health, especially if you have chronic hypertension–but even sudden spikes in high blood pressure can contribute to the following.
Heart Health
If you’re struggling with high blood pressure, your heart muscle has to work harder to pump blood. The added pressure leads you to a higher risk for complications, such as irregular heart rates; artery disease; an enlarged left heart and potential heart failure.
Eye Health
Health consequences some may be less aware of is the connection between blood pressure and our eyesight. There are small blood vessels in your eye that lead to important nerves; because of this, chronic hypertension can damage your retina, optic nerve, and cause changes in vision.
Brain Health
Your brain, of course, needs a reliable blood supply. Chronic high blood pressure has been linked to an increased risk of strokes and even some forms of dementia. Some experience changes in memory or speech.
Other Organs
While the connection between high blood pressure and poor cardiovascular health is well known, hypertension has even been linked to kidney disease, mood changes, and weaker bones. National Vital Statistics Reports estimates a mortality rate for hypertension complications of just over 10 per 100,000 people.
Can Lack of Sleep Cause High Blood Pressure?
When most people think about high blood pressure, they might have the image of a poor, high salt diet and lack of exercise. And if that’s what you were thinking might be behind your high blood pressure, there’s a chance that you’re right.
Smoking, obesity, a sedentary lifestyle, excess sodium, and other factors, including chronic kidney disease and genetics also make you more susceptible to hypertension. But one thing that often gets ignored? Lack of sleep.
Sleep regulates hormones like cortisol–when people are chronically sleep deprived, the nervous system isn’t able to regulate these hormones which can lead to elevated blood pressure.
A study conducted by researchers at the University of Arizona last year found that even just one or a few poor nights of sleep could cause a sudden spike in blood pressure. The 300 men and women who participated did not have any known heart conditions and were monitored through the night. There was a positive correlation between sleeping less and higher blood pressure spikes during the night, building on other evidence just how important sleep is for our heart health.
What Causes High Blood Pressure at Night?
While poor sleep is associated with higher blood pressure and blood pressure spikes, it goes the other way too: people with high blood pressure may be more prone to chronic anxiety, which can in turn play a role in poor sleep. That’s why I’m so serious about treating not just the body but also the mind, and urge clients to get their racing thoughts under control by using a scientifically designed cooling headband like Ebb Precision Cool to relax at night.
But having high blood pressure only at night, or experiencing high blood pressure spikes at night could point to something more specific. High blood pressure at night, many experts believe, points to signs of a specific sleep disorder.
What is the Connection Between Sleep Apnea and High Blood Pressure?
Sleep apnea, or obstructive sleep disorder, causes a reduction of airflow while you sleep; the most tell tale sign is snoring, as well as gasping for air, waking up frequently, and chronic daytimefatigue.
A national multi sleep study of over 6,000 men and women, conducted through the John Hopkins School of Public Health found a correlation between high blood pressure and sleep apnea. While more severe sleep apnea, with over 30 lapses in breathing, presents the highest risk, this sweeping study found that even modest sleep apnea is associated with an increased risk of high blood pressure.
How Do I Lower High Blood Pressure?
Much of the advice related to lowering blood pressure has to do with lifestyle. By making changes to your diet, exercise, and sleep routine you may be able to get your hypertension under control without medication. That said, always be sure to consult your doctor and have your blood pressure monitored.
Establish a Regular Sleep Routine
Whether your blood pressure spikes are caused by lack of sleep or just worsened, now’s the time to commit to a regular routine and proper sleep hygiene. Start by finding your optimal time to wake and go to bed with my chronotype quiz. Then, make sure to unwind at the end of the day–I recommend an early evening cup of soothing herbal Pique tea, and time to reflect by journaling,my favorite journal is the Best Self Journal.
Take Care of Your Sleep Apnea If You Suspect You Are Experiencing It
Get your blood pressure levels under control by making sure you rule out a sleep disorder. If you’ve been experiencing symptoms of sleep apnea, or even if your partner complains about your snoring, it’s important not to let it go unchecked. Pay Attention to Your Diet
It’s not the most fun advice, but just as taking care of your sleep is important for regulating your blood pressure, you’ll continue to struggle with hypertension if you ignore your diet. Reduce your sodium intake–the American Heart Health Association recommends a maximum limit of 2,300mg per day, but ideally less than 1,500 mg a day. You’ll also want to include healthy fats from nuts and seeds, fresh produce, and limit your intake of saturated fat. Trans fats and fried foods should be eliminated as much as possible.
Check Your Risks & Get Your Sweat On
I’ve told you that insomnia and sleep deprivation can increase your risk, or worsen your already existing high blood pressure. But aging and genetics also play a role. So if you have a family history of hypertension, it’s especially important your blood pressure is being monitored on a regular basis. If you’re sedentary, start slow and work your way up to moderate workouts 3 times a week, or walking five times a week.
So now that you know about the important connection between high blood pressure and sleep, as well as some ways to naturally lower your blood pressure, I’d like you to think about what simple but immediate steps you can take on the path to better health. I hope you’ll be inspired to make some healthful changes and to get a better night of sleep for your health’s sake.
The post The Truth About Sleep And Blood Pressure appeared first on Your Guide to Better Sleep.
from Your Guide to Better Sleep https://thesleepdoctor.com/2020/09/05/the-truth-about-sleep-and-blood-pressure/
from Elly Mackay - Feed https://www.ellymackay.com/2020/09/05/the-truth-about-sleep-and-blood-pressure/
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How The 'Lost Art' Of Breathing Can Impact Sleep Breathing slowly and deeply through the nose is associated with a relaxation response, says James Nestor, author of Breath. As the diaphragm lowers, you're allowing more air into your lungs and your body switches to a more relaxed state. Humans typically take about 25,000 breaths per day — often without a second thought. But the COVID-19 pandemic has put a new spotlight on respiratory illnesses and the breaths we so often take for granted. Journalist James Nestor became interested in the respiratory system years ago after his doctor recommended he take a breathing class to help his recurring pneumonia and bronchitis. While researching the science and culture of breathing for his new book, Breath: The New Science of a Lost Art, Nestor participated in a study in which his nose was completely plugged for 10 days, forcing him to breathe solely through his mouth. It was not a pleasant experience. A Tiny Spot In Mouse Brains May Explain How Breathing Calms The Mind Shots - Health News A Tiny Spot In Mouse Brains May Explain How Breathing Calms The Mind "I went from snoring a couple minutes a night to, within three days, I was snoring four hours a night," he says of the forced mouth-breathing. "I developed sleep apnea. My stress levels were off the charts. My nervous system was a mess. ... I felt awful." Article continues after sponsor message Breath Breath The New Science of a Lost Art by James Nestor Hardcover, 280 pages purchase Nestor says the researchers he's talked to recommend taking time to "consciously listen to yourself and [to] feel how breath is affecting you." He notes taking "slow and low" breaths through the nose can help relieve stress and reduce blood pressure. "This is the way your body wants to take in air," Nestor says. "It lowers the burden of the heart if we breathe properly and if we really engage the diaphragm." Interview Highlights On why nose breathing is better than mouth breathing
The nose filters, heats and treats raw air. Most of us know that. But so many of us don't realize — at least I didn't realize — how [inhaling through the nose] can trigger different hormones to flood into our bodies, how it can lower our blood pressure ... how it monitors heart rate ... even helps store memories. So it's this incredible organ that ... orchestrates innumerable functions in our body to keep us balanced. On how the nose has erectile tissue The nose is more closely connected to our genitals than any other organ. It is covered in that same tissue. So when one area gets stimulated, the nose will become stimulated as well. Some people have too close of a connection where they get stimulated in the southerly regions, they will start uncontrollably sneezing. And this condition is common enough that it was given a name called honeymoon rhinitis. James Nestor's previous book, Deep, focused on the science behind free diving. Julie Floersch/Riverhead Books Another thing that is really fascinating is that erectile tissue will pulse on its own. So it will close one nostril and allow breath in through the other nostril, then that other nostril will close and allow breath in. Our bodies do this on their own. ... A lot of people who've studied this believe that this is the way that our bodies maintain balance, because when we breathe through our right nostril, circulation speeds up [and] the body gets hotter, cortisol levels increase, blood pressure increases. So breathing through the left will relax us more. So blood pressure will decrease, [it] lowers temperature, cools the body, reduces anxiety as well. So our bodies are naturally doing this. And when we breathe through our mouths, we're denying our bodies the ability to do this. On how breath affects anxiety I talked to a neuropsychologist ... and he explained to me that people with anxieties or other fear-base
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bigyack-com · 4 years
How to Sleep With Coronavirus Anxiety
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Many people spend their nights now tossing and turning, struggling to unglue from the constant scroll of coronavirus news updates.But, while there is no body or life hack to make you impervious to the touch of disease, we do know that sleep is key to helping our bodies stay healthy. “Sleep is an essential part of protection from and response to any infection,” said Douglas B. Kirsch, a neurologist and former president of the American Academy of Sleep Medicine. But still, he hears you: “Sleep is hard when anxiety levels are high, such as in the case of a pandemic.”There are some answers as to what you can do now. You may not like them.
Create and maintain a very consistent sleep practice and schedule that works for you.
The more consistent your wake-up time, the more consistent your body functions.The National Sleep Foundation recommends sticking to a sleep schedule, and here’s a simple way to do it: Set a regular bedtime. Pair it with a set time to wake. (As many people aren’t currently commuting, this might be easier than normal.)Set yourself up for success by doing the little things: use blackout curtains if you’re sleeping while it’s bright, ditto to earplugs or a sleep mask (Wirecutter, a company owned by The New York Times that judges products, recommends this sleep mask, but even a light pillow or T-shirt works in a pinch).No matter what you do, make your bedroom very comfortable and very dark.Are you easily awakened? Use a fan or a repeated track on Spotify for white noise.Still, if you’re tired, get sleep while you can. “If you’re tired during the day, get your rest then,” said Janet Mullington, a professor in the department of neurology at Harvard Medical School.Just don’t let naps wreck your schedule. Michael Breus, a clinical psychologist who focuses on the link between behavior and sleep, said the sweet spot of naps is about 10 to 20 minutes.
Set a hard curfew for all electronics.
Stay on schedule with the help of a strict electronic curfew: Try 90 minutes without social media, email and even TV before lights out, said Dr. Breus.“It may be tempting to stay up late binge-watching your favorite shows because you don’t have to go to work in the morning, but it is more important than ever to prioritize your sleep,” said Kristen L. Knutson, an associate professor at Northwestern University’s Center for Sleep and Circadian Medicine.If you can’t do 90 minutes, start with 15. Also, probably don’t watch “Contagion.”
Stay informed, but don’t look at the news right before bed.
Limit your types of media consumption too, particularly avoiding things in the evening that increase anxiety. This might be the hardest but most sane advice: “Only look at coronavirus news once per day, preferably not near bedtime,” said Dr. Kirsch.Turning off notifications on your phone might also be helpful. You can set your phone to automatically turn off notifications in the evenings, by scheduling do not disturb hours.“Isolation can increase the desire to stay electronically connected even more,” said Lisa Medalie, a behavioral sleep medicine specialist at the University of Chicago, who adds that it’s vital to keep disciplined, which helps minimize distractions and regain control.You can use the time before bed to put away fears, too, as part of giving order to the day. “Setting up plans of action for the day, both for kids and adults, can help alleviate some of that uncertainty,” said Dr. Kirsch. “We tend to keep our anxieties bottled up and they burst out in the dark. Try to clear out the mental cabinet ahead of time.”Bottom line: protect your sleep by protecting your bedtime rituals. Block off this chunk of time. The more minutes you can buffer before bed, the better. Do you really think you’re going to sleep better after mainlining Twitter?
Move your body and raise your heart rate every day.
This is a must, not only because it makes you tired and ready for bed. Exercising also helps with something else we’re all dealing with, whether we’re sick or well: anxious, nervous energy. Dr. Kirsch said, “This can be as simple as a neighborhood walk or doing an exercise video at home.” (If you do go on a walk, stay six feet away from other people.)Working out at home might be the best — and safest — way to get your heat rate up. Here are some things you can do in isolation.
Treat anxiety with gratitude, breathing, meditation and maybe medication.
Many people think stressful thoughts as they fall asleep. That feeds a cycle of anxiety. Make an on-paper or mental list of things to be grateful for instead.Try 4-7-8 breathing. In a comfortable position, with your eyes open or closed: inhale for four seconds, hold your breath for seven seconds, exhale slowly for eight seconds. Then repeat as necessary.Consider meditation or progressive relaxation before bed or while falling asleep. There are many free podcasts; try this one from UCLA’s Mindful Awareness Research Center, which promotes regulated breathing.Dr. Kirsch suggested taking a few moments throughout the day to separate for a few moments and take some deep breaths: “Even people who are not typically anxious may be struggling. Sleep is difficult when anxiety is high, thus trying to manage anxiety levels during the day can also benefit nighttime sleep.”Also, if you are suffering from anxiety, speak to a clinic or a doctor or a mental health professional, or at least try to get one of those. Debilitating anxiety is a medical condition.
Don’t eat before bed. Don’t drink yourself to sleep.
You may have a new routine now. Another cup of coffee — or an early happy hour over Zoom — helps burn the midnight oil. Yes, coffee is good for you in moderation — up to 400 milligrams of caffeine per day — but more than that can lead to shakiness, nervousness, and irregular heartbeat.And while alcohol makes you sleepy, it doesn’t promote quality rest. Alcohol “leads to sleep fragmentation,” said Dr. Kirsch.Don’t eat right before bed. Symptoms of heartburn or GERD are unpleasant enough, but can be indistinguishable from anxiety, leading to even more anxiety.Feel out of control around food or drink? Start a food diary, just so you know what you’re actually consuming.
Take a hot shower or bath 90 minutes before bed. Wash your sheets!
Getting warm and then cooling off helps produce melatonin. One method to maintaining an electronic curfew is to combine it with a hot shower, both of which get you primed for a restful night.And while you’re taking care of your body, take care of your space. If possible, use HEPA filter air cleaners for your bedroom, wash your sheets twice a week, and give your home, particularly your bedroom, a nightly clean. Here is a guide on how to clean your home for coronavirus. You’re probably spending more time than ever there; this can promote peace of mind and might lower anxiety.
What if you’re feeling sick?
If you’re battling infection, your body needs a lot of rest to heal quickly. To start, increase your total sleep time by two hours, said Dr. Breus.Optimize rest conditions: Use a bed wedge or extra pillows to keep your chest raised to avoid additional congestion and postnasal drip. And that nightly shower or bath can keep your body cool and create a better sleeping environment. Change clothes and sheets frequently to control bacterial or virus spread.“Focus on adequate sleep, stay hydrated, and manage symptoms to recover,” said Dr. Medalie. “During this time of uncertainty, work on what you can control: your sleep habits.”Want additional sleep tips? Read our guide on how to get a better night’s sleep.
So, why does sleep matter anyway?
Here’s what we know about why sleep is important.The American Academy of Sleep Medicine recommends seven to eight hours of sleep a night.A 2015 study found a direct link between shorter sleep times and an increased risk of getting a cold for healthy adults ages 18 to 55; specifically those sleeping less than five hours or between five and six hours had a greater likelihood of catching a virus than those sleeping for seven hours a night.The science is simple: a good night’s sleep supports the release and production of cytokine, a protein that helps the immune system quickly respond to antigens — foreign substances which cause the body’s immune response to kick in — according to Dr. Medalie.Sleep is your best defense.Even in the best of times, Americans average under seven hours of sleep a night. It’s a seemingly smaller deficiency than the recommended eight, but it weighs heavily. Missing as little as 16 minutes tonight could harm your cognitive functioning tomorrow, since shifting sleep rhythms can slow or speed up our body’s internal clocks, which basically has the same effect as not getting enough sleep. Fatigue, irritability and mental confusion are all deprivation symptoms.Say you sleep for only four hours a night for six days in a row. In 1999, researchers from the University of Chicago monitored a group of 11 healthy young men who did just that and found this chronic deprivation not only simulates the effects of aging, causing the body to develop higher levels of the stress hormone cortisol, and higher blood pressure, it can halve a healthy young person’s usual number of antibodies to a flu vaccine.Skipping one night of shut-eye can harm memory and bias behavior. Not only will you physically and mentally feel worse, reaction times plummet, and chances of depression, anxiety, and weight gain rise, since sleep loss disrupts energy intake and expenditure. Read the full article
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jasperjorx821-blog · 4 years
Rumored Buzz on Stress Tips
Anxiety is an all-natural part of our day-to-days live. It can be caused by any need, from burning the midnight oil as well as getting stuck in traffic, to significant life modifications such as death, divorce, or health problem. When you face a difficult scenario, your pulse accelerates, you take a breath much faster, your muscles strained, as well as your brain utilizes a lot more oxygen and also raises task.
You can't constantly prevent the stress and anxiety in your life, but you can discover to deal with it better. The National Institutes of Health advises these actions: Establish concerns: Choose what must get done as well as what can wait, and also discover to claim no to brand-new tasks if you are overwhelmed. Remain in touch with people that can provide emotional and also various other assistance.
Not known Factual Statements About Storage
Take some time to do relaxing tasks you appreciate, such as analysis, yoga exercise, or horticulture. Avoid house on problems. Focus on what you have accomplished, not what you have been not able to do. Workout frequently. Simply half an hour each day of moderate strolling can help enhance mood and also reduce stress. If you really feel like you are making use of medications or alcohol to cope, or are having self-destructive thoughts, see a psychological wellness expert or call the National Self-destruction Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-8255.
Anxiety! It affects the lives of over 65 million Americans. Even more than 5 billion doses of depressants as well as sleeping tablets are eaten daily in the USA, in efforts to lower its results. Thirty million Americans have actually been diagnosed with intense stress and anxiety conditions such as panic, phobias, and also post-traumatic tension conditions.
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Are these individuals who, "just can't take it?" Possibly not. According to research done by Juliet Schor, teacher of business economics at Harvard, the typical American is working 163 hours yearly greater than he or she operated in 1970. That's one more full month! If you are a monitoring specialist, the numbers are even greater.
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The more you are able to check your internal reactions to your setting, the much easier it will certainly be for you to identify the stressors in your life and also take actions to minimize or remove them completely. Numerous have actually located that some type of reflection is a way to complete this.
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There are numerous methods of reflection, yet a straightforward one, adapted by Herbert Benson at Harvard University, is to just close your eyes, loosen up, and also repeat a word or expression that you discover relaxing. It can be something scriptural like, "The Lord is my guard," or a word like "Soothing." Benson located that this easy exercise can have a measurable effect on stress-related symptoms such as heart rate and also blood pressure.
Words wa in Japanese signifies a condition of tranquility as well as peace where the mind as well as the body are one. It takes effort and also time to get to such a problem and much idea is provided in Japanese society to the preservation of this balanced state. Points as much apart as gardening as well as judo, for instance, have their roots in the cultivation and conservation of wa.
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Scientists have actually long been mindful of the result that the mind can have on the body, but it has just been recently that there has sufficed empirical proof to completely support it. The subconscious mind has no voice; it speaks with each people with the language of the body.
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Follow our 10 simple suggestions to help manage and lower your stress and anxiety levels. Prevent, or a minimum of minimize, your consumption of nicotine and also any kind of drinks including high levels of caffeine and alcohol. High levels of caffeine as well as pure nicotine are stimulants therefore will boost your level of stress and anxiety instead of lower it. Alcohol is a downer when absorbed big quantities, yet acts as an energizer in smaller sized amounts.
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Swap caffeinated as well as alcoholic drinks for water, herbal teas, or diluted natural fruit juices as well as objective to maintain on your own hydrated as this will allow your body to cope better with anxiety. You need to likewise aim to avoid or reduce your consumption of refined sugars - they are had in many manufactured foods (also in delicious foods such as salad dressings and bread) and can cause power crashes which may lead you to really feel weary and also cranky.
Demanding situations enhance the degree of tension hormones such as adrenaline and also cortisol in your body. These are the "battle or trip" hormonal agents that evolution has hard-wired into our brains as well as which are designed to secure us from instant bodily harm when we are under threat. However, tension in the contemporary age is rarely fixed by a fight or trip reaction, and also so workout can be used as a surrogate to metabolize the too much tension hormonal agents as well as recover your mind and body to a calmer, much more unwinded state.
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lindafrancois · 5 years
Sleep – The Key For A Stress Free Living
Medical professionals and scientists have time and again stressed that it is crucial to get a minimum of seven to eight hours of sleep. Not getting enough sleep will have long term implications on physical and mental health.
Despite this insistence, many of us tend to compromise on a good night sleep thanks to the stressful and shift based working hours this lifestyle brings and other entertainments like late-night outings that we often priorities first over our mental wellness. [1]
All the aforementioned factors play a role in affecting our sleeping pattern. Our lifestyle choices have given rise to several sleep disorders in the recent past. In fact, occurrences of disorders like insomnia and sleep apnoea are now common among the younger generation. [2]
Well, before divulging into this article, let us give you a brief about sleep and what happens to the body when you sleep.
What is sleep and why it is important?
Sleep is an important biological process.
When we sleep, our bodies rest. It conserves the energy and decreasing blood pressure, heart rate, breathing and body temperature. Even while sleeping, our brains are active – preserving memory and daytime mental functioning and carrying out processes that are responsible for physical growth.
A night of good sleep is extremely important for functioning the next day. It keeps you refreshed and boosts your energy. Studies have shown that a well-rested mind has better focus and can solve problems more quickly than a sleep-deprived mind.[3]
The stages of sleeping
There are five stages in sleeping. It progresses from stage 1 (light sleep) through stages 3 and 4 (deep sleep) to stage 5 known as rapid eye movement (REM) sleep.
Sleep is of two main types: Non-REM and REM. Each type is linked to particular neuronal activity and brain wave.
stages of sleep
Non-REM has three stages to it.
In the first stage, your body enters ‘sleep-mode’ after being wakeful for the entire day. During this stage of light sleep, your eye movement, heartbeat and breathing will slow down. Your muscles will relax and will twitch occasionally. The brain waves will also slow down.
The second stage is also a light sleep stage that the body goes through before entering deeper sleep. Apart from the body relaxing further, body eye movement stops and body temperature drops. Brain wave will experience brief electrical activity in this stage.
In the third stage, the body experiences deep sleep. This stage is crucial for the body to feel refreshed after waking up. This happens for longer period and your body is totally relaxed. Waking a person in this stage is difficult.
REM sleep
It is the final two stages of your sleep. REM occurs in 90 minutes after falling asleep. There will be rapid eye movement and your brain wave frequency will be similar to that of being awake.
During this stage, your breathing will become irregular and faster, blood pressure and heart rate spike up as well. Dreams usually occur during this stage and the body muscles become paralysed temporarily so you don’t act out your dream.[5]
Benefits of sleeping
There are some important processes that body undergoes while sleeping.  Good sleep does the following:
Controls your body temperature, metabolism and energy use.
Ensures proper function of the immune system.
Controls the brain functioning and saves and restores your memory.
Keeps your heart and blood vessels healthy.
Controls your blood glucose levels and insulin sensitivity.
Repairs tissues and stimulates growth in children (growth hormone released during sleep is responsible for both). [6]
What are sleep disorders?
Conditions that interfere with regular sleep patterns are called sleep disorders. Though there are different types of sleep disorders, some of the major types are:
types of sleep disorders
Insomnia: This is a very common condition. You will find it hard to fall asleep or remain asleep during the night. Factors like caffeine intake, medications, stress, health conditions like depression and anxiety and jet lag play a role in this. Most insomnia cases can be cured by changing lifestyle and sleeping habits.
Sleep apnoea: While sleeping, breathing stops temporarily and forces you to wake up frequently during the night. Though you will not recall waking up, you will feel tired, depressed and irked the next day. Whilst this disorder is treatable, it is still a life-threatening condition. It is best to see a sleep specialist immediately.
Narcolepsy: Also called as ‘excessive uncontrollable daytime sleepiness’, Narcolepsy is caused by the dysfunction of the waking and sleeping mechanism in the brain. You may fall asleep suddenly in the middle of the day irrespective of the task you are doing. A combination of treatments may alleviate the symptoms. A cure has not been found for this condition.
Restless legs syndrome (RLS): As the name suggests, if you have RLS, you will have the urge to move your legs while sleeping. You will experience uncomfortable, creeping and tingling sensations in your legs.
Parasomnia: If you have this disorder, you may act unusually while sleeping, like sleepwalking or talking and waking up abruptly during the REM stage because of nightmares or night terrors.
Circadian rhythm disorder: If you have this disorder, you will encounter problems with your sleeping and waking cycles. This disrupts your sleeping and waking times.[7]
Causes and symptoms of sleep disorders
Though the actual causes of sleep disorders are not yet known, here are some of the factors that contribute to these conditions.
Too much of alcohol and caffeine intake
Irregular work schedules (night shift)
Ageing since older people do not experience the REM stage as their younger counterparts. Hence, they wake up quickly from their sleep.
Each sleep disorder exhibits different symptoms. Some of the common symptoms are:
Waking up often in the middle of the night and finding it difficult to go back to sleep.
Experiencing vivid dreams while sleeping.
Feeling drowsy and falling asleep at the wrong time in the daytime.
Tingling and creeping sensations in the legs during evening and night.
Experiencing sudden weakness in muscles when exhibiting an emotion like laughing or feeling angry.
Having difficulty in moving your body while waking up in the morning.
Taking more than 30 minutes to fall asleep during the night.
Your partner says that you snore, jerk your arms and legs, gasp, snort, choke while sleeping or stop breathing for a brief period.[8]
Sleep and weight gain
The human body is the most complex ever-evolving machine ever conceptualised. Any disruption to its natural cycle has multifold implications.
Less sleep or fragmented sleep affects a lot of things in our body that directly affect our weight. If you don’t sleep well, it almost directly affects your weight.
A study, cited by Harvard noted that there is a correlation between sleeping pattern and body weight.
According to the research conducted by the study, women who slept less than five hours are likely to become obese by 15% while compared to women who slept for 7 hours.[9]
Harvard study also observed that lack of sleep saps the body’s energy-giving little chance for incorporating physical exercises.
People who stay up at night for too long are hungrier and tend to too much food. Several studies also noted that sleep deprivation meddles with hormones that are responsible for appetite.[10]
Lack of sleep also affects a number of factors that are directly responsible for weight gain. These factors are:
1. Immunity
Sleep deprivation is linked with hormones that suppress the immune system. Researchers have found that a good night’s sleep can boost the effectiveness of certain specialised immune cells called T cells.
So, sleep loss not only plays a role in whether we come down with a cold or flu, but it also influences how we fight illnesses once we come down with them.
A large two-week study monitored the development of the common cold after giving people nasal drops with the cold virus. It was found that those who slept less than seven hours were almost three times more likely to develop a cold than those who slept eight hours or more.[11]
2. Hormones
Sleep deprivation affects your hormones.
When your body does not get enough sleep, your body has very little Leptin (a hormone that burns fat) and high Ghrelin (a hormone that promotes hunger). This causes the body to think that it is hungry and needs more food calories.
A study of over 1,000 people found that those who slept for short durations had 14.9% higher Ghrelin levels and 15.5% lower Leptin levels than those who got adequate sleep.
Also, Cortisol the stress hormone is higher when you do not get adequate sleep. Cortisol may also increase appetite.
3. Gut -Bacteria
Recent research shows that not getting enough sleep can quickly have a negative effect on gut bacteria health. In 2016, Swedish and German scientists conducted research on healthy, young, normal-weight men with no sleep disorders. After just two nights of partial sleep deprivation, scientists discovered:
A notable decrease in the range of good bacteria.
Changes to the composition of microorganisms in the gut that are linked specifically to obesity and type 2 diabetes.
Insulin sensitivity was decreased.
We have already discussed how important gut-bacteria balance is to maintain a healthy weight and body.
4. Metabolic Health
Poor sleep also affects your body’s metabolism. Studies have noted that very little or restless sleep leads to changes in body metabolism.
It has a profound effect on eating patterns that increase the risks of obesity, type 2 diabetes and other metabolic disorders.
In a study that was conducted on healthy young men, restricting sleep to just four hours a night for continuous six nights caused symptoms of prediabetes.
It is noteworthy that these symptoms alleviated just after a week of improved sleeping hours.
Poor sleeping habits are also strongly connected to adverse effects on blood sugar.
It is shown that people who sleep for less than six hours are at high risk of developing type 2 diabetes. Sleep deprivation also affects one’s immunity to insulin, thus causing weight gain.
5. Inflammation
New research found that sleep disturbances and long sleep duration are associated with increases in markers of inflammation.
Both too much and too little sleep seems to be associated with inflammation, a process that contributes to obesity as well as many other health issues.
6. Stress
You have probably experienced it yourself that sleep affects mood. After a poor night’s sleep, you may feel more stressed, irritated and short-tempered. After sleeping well, your mood often improves.
Studies have noted that even partial sleep deprivation can have a profound effect on your mood.
A study conducted by the University of Pennsylvania found that participants who were limited to just 4.5 hours of sleep per night for a week reported feeling mentally exhausted, angry, stressed and sad.
When the participants resumed normal sleeping pattern, they reported a dramatic improvement in their mood.
7. Digestion
Sleep deprivation also has significant changes in our body. People who do not get enough sleep are likely to complain about an upset stomach, diarrhea, body aches and acidity.
8. Appetite
Studies have shown that people who are sleep deprived will experience an increased appetite. It is believed to disrupt the regular functions of the appetite hormone.
Lack of sleep increases the Ghrelin hormone and suppresses the Leptin hormone.
9. Fix your sleep
You have your own Circadian rhythm. Your body will tell you when it wants to or rather needs to sleep.
Sleeping for around 8 hours at least every day is important for optimum health. You may be an early sleeper or a late sleeper, suit your schedule. But don’t ignore this very vital aspect of life.
The next important thing to learn is how to sleep better. There are various theories around this too. Some resort to light music, some aromatherapy, some reading, breathing exercises at the time of sleeping etc.
Here are some of the tips that you can adopt before calling it a night!
Prioritise Sleep: Lifestyle is a new religion, and when you start following it religiously, you do have to make sacrifices. Limit late night parties and movies. Prioritise sleep and plan the day accordingly. It also helps to have a family and social circle that sleeps early too!
Maintain Timing: We are creatures of habit and so is our body. Respect the timing. Feed your body the same information at the same time daily and it will love you back. Try going to bed at the same time every day.
how to improve sleep
Be active during the day: Lazing around the whole day will not help you get a good night’s sleep. It’s essential to keep your mind and body active during the day. Plan your day in advance and pack it up with meaningful things.
Practice meditation or deep breathing: This helps relax your mind and keep you calm. The 5-5-5 breathing technique is quite handy. Take 5 deep breaths, 5 times a day, holding for 5 counts each.
Eat 2-3 hours before bedtime: Eating 2 hours before going to bed will help release the right hormones and help you sleep better.
No electronics rule: Bright visuals and strong sounds right before bedtime tend to stay in your memories and haunt your dreams or nightmares. Avoid watching television right before bedtime. A relaxed steady mind before sleeping will lead to a relaxed steady sleep.
Put your phone away: Avoid using the phone right before bedtime. Put your phone in ‘night mode’ or ‘reading mode’. This silences the calls/messages and reduced the phone’s brightness making the device less exciting.
Keep a watch or clock handy: If for some reason, you get up in the middle of the night, you obviously want to know the time. Do not pick up your phone to see the time. Keep a watch on your nightstand and pick that. There is no temptation to check anything else. See the time and close your eyes right after.
Fresh air before going to bed: Try going for a stroll if it’s convenient and weather permits. Else, at least stand for a few minutes near the window or at the balcony/garden without your phone in hand. Take a few deep breaths and inhale some good fresh air.
Wash your feet: Before you get to bed, take 5 minutes to wash your feet thoroughly with cold water. This will be quite relaxing.
There is absolutely no denying the fact that Sleep plays a vital role in good health and well-being throughout your life. Sleeping for a minimum of 8 hours will ensure great physical and mental health, safety and improves quality of life.
Most of the ‘sleep disorders’ that we encounter these days are a by-product of a stressful lifestyle. Altering your lifestyle will dramatically improve your sleeping habits. Joining a yoga class or doing some stretches before bed can help you relax and calm your nerves.
So, make sleep your first priority and watch your overall health falling into place! Happy sleeping!
If you are not able to sleep due to mood disorders or finding it difficult to sleep despite altering your lifestyle, talk to a health professional or sleep specialist immediately to eliminate/treat any serious sleep disorder.
Q: How to stop snoring?
A: Making lifestyle changes like losing weight, avoiding alcohol before bed time, getting enough sleep and clearing up nasal congestion can help stop snoring.
Q: How to sleep better?
A: Maintaining a consistent sleeping and waking time will improve your sleep. Similarly avoiding caffeine during the night and reducing napping will help you sleep better at night.
Q: How to cure a sleep disorder naturally?
A: ‘Curing’ a sleep disorder totally depends on the nature of the disorder. Disorders like sleep apnea needs immediate medical attention. Disorders due to poor lifestyle can be rectified by changing your lifestyle and sleeping habits.  
Q: Are sleep disorders hereditary?
A: Some studies have discovered that disorders like Insomnia, Parasomnias and Narcolepsy are hereditary. (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/19075715)
Q: Can sleep disorders cause depression?
A: Sleep deprivation can alter one’s mood and several studies have linked depression to sleep disorders. If you think you have depression or have shown signs of depression, it is best to immediately talk to a specialist.  
Q: How to overcome sleep disorder?
A: If you have trouble sleeping at night, it is ideal to talk to a sleep specialist. He/she will treat you or suggest changes in your lifestyle and sleeping habits to improve your condition.
 The post Sleep – The Key For A Stress Free Living appeared first on Truweight Blog.
Sleep – The Key For A Stress Free Living published first on https://dietariouspage.tumblr.com/
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