#Community Ownership
mehhehblogs · 8 months
Picture this:
I'm on my knees for you completely naked, hands tied behind my back. You're hovering over me, fully clothed, fucking your cock down my throat. I gag and whine around you, struggling to breathe but you're too lost in your own pleasure to care. That's what I'm here for tho, just another cum doll to be fucked and used, you're already bored of my useless mouth and soon enough your pushing me to the ground, my face buried with scum and shit of the earth as you pound my tiny tight pussy for all its worth.
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rottengurlz · 1 month
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"I wanted everyone to look at her this way. She deserved that, and so much more. Everyone should kneel and worship her cruelty."
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stromer · 2 months
call me crazy... but i think hockey belongs in the desert idk
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hoofpeet · 1 month
popping in to say a few kind words about your art because i never viewed your art as cutesy pretty much ever? i never saw your style is just. cute. and p much anyone who says that has a very shallow way of defining art styles
i admire your style of art so much because of the unapologetic saturation and vibrancy in color, the way you utilize them has so clearly been practiced and curated careful even when you might just have been fuckin around. your sense of color has come to a point where im pretty sure its just instinctual, but even then the attention to detail of how light bounces and how they interact with other colors is nothing less of a very talented skill.
this isnt even mentioning your understanding of form makes me want to Gnaw On My Furniture, you make it look so Easy with your linework. its so gestural but also so compact at the same time-- theres this narrow line you tend to do there there is so much clarity in a silhouette but at the same time it doesnt feel like a posed model, its just a photograph taken. the naturalism is so fantastic, i FEEL like im seeing a snapshot into a world that does not involve me and thats good.
honestly its very upsetting that people chalk up your work valuing nothing more than fanart because there is so much MORE youre clearly doing with style study, color and photo study, research into animal behaviors/biology/interpreting realism into stylized shape and form. frankly, it is a Disservice to you that people think you arent... i dont know deserving to express your goddamn feelings????
anyway this is a long way to say i hope people will stop being shitheads to you n you can find those shitheads to block fully and entirely bc they clearly arent the attentive appreciating target audience they think theyre being
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HEEHEE... thank you ...... I love 2 hear detailed thoughts on my silly ocs and such .. glad you're enjoying them 👍
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urkitty-girl · 8 months
eeeeek look what i found! it’s a lot bigger than it looks in the photo- it’s 8” and decently girthy. i cant wait to use it on my needy holes while i scroll on here <33
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tinyshe · 2 months
Oregon [usa] has been shutting down small farms and market gardens in a pretty aggressive manner. They're even resorting to sending out cease and desist letters to these farms, using satellite tech to track them down first. Their justification? Water conservation and protecting groundwater. They're wielding two laws in particular to make this happen.
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dballzposting · 2 months
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mrtvolarotting · 25 days
I get : a collar with your intial on it, gagged to look like the drooling mess I should be, clicker trained so my silly brain can do what you tell me quickly , manhandled and used by you at your will until I’m a shaking soaked mess with no other thought then to serve you
You get : my undying devotion and a slave puppy to use whenever you please, I will do anything for you <3
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lilithism1848 · 20 days
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mehhehblogs · 8 months
Cassie from Euphoria had the right idea. I too would like a man to tell me what to wear, eat and think. Like a true doll.
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puprotting · 5 months
“Oh, what a good boy,” I murmur, stroking his hair as he’s between my thighs, working my cock like he was made for it. Happy to please, just a perfect little mouth to occupy me any time I want him to, and he just loves the taste of it.
Obedient, such a sweetheart, eager to make me cum and all I have to do is admire his pretty face and the collar around his neck. 🖤
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pretending like every incarcerated man is falsely accused by a rich white person is so silly like so many people want to be abolitionists but don’t have the courage to stand in their convictions and they get easily caught up by conservative gotchas. obviously rich white men don’t commit the most crime. why would a wall street banker rob a liquor store?? or when people are like, “well if people steal because they’re poor then why are they stealing tvs and jewelry?” they’re boosting. obviously. that’s also why they stole your catalytic converter. to sell. for money. people also boost everyday items like baby formula and shaving cream and sell it on the cheap to their neighbors. this isn’t les mis people have rent and daycare to pay for and you can’t pay that with bread. dummy
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urkitty-girl · 2 months
i’m going to leave traces of my lipstick on your cigarette, blunt, neck, lips, cock
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perksofbeingbisexual · 5 months
Sooooooo life update?
I'm getting married to the love of my life after being together for almost 2 years. We definitely didn't do the stereotypical uhaul method but we also didn't go too slowly either lol.
Also we are currently living in and learning all about our new house?! We have a beautiful old home, over 120 years old, that we are turning into our own little oasis in the middle of town. Also discovering all the wonderful "landlord specials" the previous owner blessed us with repairing.
I'd like to use this space to mostly talk about the different home repairs/decorating that we're going to be doing/two queer women living together in a successful relationship if that's anything anyone here wants to see. It's crazy to think how far I've come from where I started with this little blog and how much I've gone through, and I'm not quite ready to give it up just yet 😊
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apenitentialprayer · 5 months
What I own, what I use, —what I for a brief moment call my own— is not my own; because I am called to own nothing. Saint Francis used to exhort his brothers with a simple phrase, "sine proprio" — without appropriation. We are but pilgrims, poor men, who use what we need to survive but claim nothing as our own. [… T]here is something truly life-changing about this notion of sine proprio; what if we could go through this life as a pilgrim, claiming nothing as our own? What if, even the things were bought new, we approached as simply items we are borrowing and using? What if we looked at our cars, our houses, our dining sets, our furniture… whatever it may be, as something that someone else might use after us? While there are certainly plenty of products that will be used by no one else after us (a sad product of a single-use, throwaway culture), there's still something significant about viewing everything we use within the context of our own mortality. That we came into this world with nothing, and we will leave this world with nothing.
Fr. Casey Cole (This Robe is Weirder Than You Think!)
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mehhehblogs · 8 months
Fuck my ass until I learn how to like it.
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