#Clowance Poldark
tripodsinpjs · 1 year
I can’t be the only one that kinda ships George and Clowance right? Right?!
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flipperbrain-awakes · 1 month
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Poldark 3.05
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siiinfully · 2 months
❛ There's nothing in the world now that doesn't hold some...Fascination. ❜ - @ clowance from @agoldenlily <3
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"But what's your favorite?" she asked, leaning back to enjoy the warmth of the afternoon sun. It was a lovely day in Cornwall, and the waves that crashed against the shore offered a blissful cool. "What is the one thing that fascinates you the most out of everything but you haven't fully understood yet?"
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siiinfilled · 2 years
for @agoldenlily​ from clowance verse: main
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“I normally don’t visit friends unannounced. Are you sure it’s alright?”
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Yes, the perfect way to repay the man who rescued you from a French POW camp is by falling in love with his wife and then cuckolding him 🙄
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nervousladytraveler · 2 months
On Poldark tv series, the writer really diminished Ross' relationship with his kids. In the books he is an attentive loving father, but in the show he cared for GC but was almost indifferent to his children. Why? Why couldn't they have had some nice scenes of them talking or interacting on the farm or with the animals, at bedtime etc. They had time for GC and Val scenes. Seemed Dem was bringing them up herself. Didn't like how they portrayed him as a father. Your thoughts.
Thanks @anonymous for the ask! 
On the one hand, I’ve heard it is really hard to work with little kids (and animals) on sets, so I suppose giving the Poldark kiddies lines and significant action in scenes would be a stretch. I also heard the little fellow who played Jeremy in S2 was…well, he was a toddler, and probably acted like one, so he was a bit tricky to work with. And I also heard that Jeremy in S3 was a real sweetheart to work with, but had a really strong Welsh accent so they didn’t give him lines? (If any of this is not true please correct me. I can't refer to my sources because this was hearsay from like 5 years ago). So I understand those filming restraints. Also, the scenes we did have with Ross and his babies were super cute (I’m thinking of S3 and 4). But there were just so few! Ross holds Jeremy like twice in all of S2 so in S3 when he makes eye contact with Jeremy or holds his hand, we feel it is such a great development.
And yet there was much more screen time for Ross and wee Val (and earlier for GC) and it's the contrast that gets my goat. So to answer your question of why, my guess is the showrunners who really liked the Ross/Elizabeth story (and its aftermath) chose drama over domestic fluff, but that fluff is what we fans might prefer. 
Winston Graham wrote loads of little bits about the kids (also about the pets) that lent so much color to the story. These scenes gave the kids character, showed what kinds of parents Ross and Demelza were, and demonstrated that WG understood what it means to be a parent--kids don’t just fade conveniently to the background just because the adults are having big feelings. In the stocking (garters) scene in Warleggan, Jeremy is there, in the room, running around in a new hat while R & D are having their intimate moment! WG’s kids were flesh and blood, not window dressing. They get silly and tired and eat too many treats at Christmas parties. I love that on occasion, the kids start crying because Demelza is crying and that upsets them (Jeremy in Warleggan and Clowance in the Four Swans).
But back to the series…my personal favorite Jeremy and Clowance (actors) were from the second half of S4. They both had such charming tangles of curly hair and exuded so much joy in their surroundings. So if it appeared that Demelza was raising them herself, she at least seemed to be doing a good job.
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mercurygray · 11 months
I decided a couple of days ago to start re-watching Poldark, just for something to do, and this afternoon a thought occured:
Poldark/Bridgerton crossover?
It would have to be late generation Poldarks, of course, Clowance and Jemmie, but I rather like the idea of Demelza chatting up Violet and giving her opinion on the marriage mart.
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stelly38 · 2 years
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I finished the saga for the second time last night.  I’ve got a picture of the 12th book because that’s where all my grievances are.  Upon a second read, I don’t dislike the book Bella more than I did the first time, but I have found that I care even less about the character Bella, and her trials with men and a career.  Overall, this is my least favorite in the entire series, and if I ever pick these up to read again in the future, I will probably stop after the 11th book.  
I found myself skipping considerable chunks of the story here, mostly those detailing all of Bella’s attempts at singing and acting.  I don’t know why, but as I read the entire series, I found myself caring about the kids less and less with each successive child that comes along.  Jeremy is really the only one I found compelling at all; Clowance I could take or leave; and Bella, I just. don’t. care.  
I found Valentine to be an amusing asshole throughout the last few books, but I only ever really feel sorry for the ape, who didn’t deserve to die in a fire, or even to be held captive in an English country home.  Speaking of the ape, his story and the serial-killer plot stuck out to me as utterly bizarre the first time I read the series, as though Graham didn’t have an editor or anyone to tell him ‘no.’  On this reading, I still think they’re a bit ridiculous, especially when you consider everything that’s gone before in the series, in terms of plot elements.  
And Ross, of course, is, in turns, charming, smart, stupid, and frustrating--still, even in the last book, at the age of 62.  I think as a character, he learns, but he doesn’t always recall the lessons, and sometimes he chooses not to apply them.
The fact that Graham ended his saga without a complete reconciliation between Ross and his wife also doesn’t sit right with me.  The first time I read it, I just thought he died before he could get around to writing the 13th book.  But this time, I noticed there is an author’s note in the front of the book, where he states that he intended for Bella to be the last of the Poldark saga.  It leaves me wondering.
Overall, I love these books, and I think The Angry Tide is my favorite, which was one of the original “ends” to the saga.  It’s also the last book to concentrate solely on the adults.  I can’t remember the last time a story has enchanted me the way this one has.  I’ll see if I can find another.  
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love-little-lotte · 19 days
The Characters From Poldark: An Overview
After making that last Poldark post a month ago, I started reading Winston Graham's books. Needless to say, I got obsessed. I've just finished The Angry Tide a few days ago and started reading The Stranger from the Sea immediately right after. I'm still in the middle, but I'm kind of missing the vibe of the first seven books. Maybe it's because I'm already familiar with the story, thanks to the TV show. But I'm loving Jeremy and Clowance so far!
The Poldark books are like a drug to me; even if I'm dead tired after work, I try to find the time to read even a chapter or two before going to sleep. It's that addicting! Graham's writing was too good. I love his prose and how he gets the time period and characters. In more ways than one, the characters are much more lovable in the novel than in the TV show (don't get me wrong, I still like the BBC show!) The Poldark books can be fairytale-like, but so much grittier and darker. As the books progress, the story gets more political, which can be confusing, especially if you're not familiar with the history. Sometimes, I have to research a little bit to understand the background (especially in The Stranger from the Sea where they talk a lot about King George's madness, as well as Napoleon).
In this post, I share some of my thoughts about some of the Poldark characters (both in the TV show and books). This is not exactly like a review or in-depth analysis, just some rambles that came to me while reading the books or watching the show. If you haven't finished the books or show, be aware that I'll be talking about spoilers!
Ross Poldark
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The most problematic man ever. Okay, maybe not, but there are so many times I want to throw my Kindle out the window every time he says or does something stupid (almost always at the expense of Demelza). Ross is not as annoying in the books as he was in the TV show, thankfully. Imagine my surprise when I realized he didn't say that crappy line about "playing the scullery maid" to Elizabeth at that Christmas party in Season 2. His apology to Demelza after spending that night with Elizabeth in the books was also much more sincere. And I love that he actually said, "I'm sorry" because (remind me if I'm wrong) he never said so in the show. Yes, we know he regretted it but I never felt he was sorry because he never really expressed it.
Nevertheless, Ross is still a pretty good character, albeit flawed. I like the way he fights for what he believes in and goes above and beyond for those less fortunate. His passion for his people—not only restricted to his miners or employees—is something to be admired at. He's not a good husband, but he's a decent person. He tries to be the hero all the time, but alas, he can't have it all.
And yes, I admit that maybe I can't truly hate Ross because I love Aidan Turner and his portrayal of the character. After reading the books, I've really come to appreciate Turner's performance even more. He just gets the brooding, tortured side of Ross.
My Favorite Ross Moment: Is there? Just kidding; he did have some good moments. You might think my favorite moment is a Ross/Demelza scene (I still honestly think about the stocking scene at random times of the day), but it's actually his impassioned speech during his trial in Season 2. Turner was on fire in this episode and really brought out the best of Ross.
Demelza Poldark
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A ray of sunshine. The heart and soul of Nampara (hell, the rest of Cornwall). My favorite character. Demelza gets a lot of bad luck in the course of the series, but she always perseveres. She never fails to look at the bright things in life, and I admire her so much for that. Demelza and Ross's marriage suffers a lot in the show and books, but I've never once doubted their relationship. They're the perfect match for each other. Beyond the romance, she's also an understanding friend, a kind sister, and a warm mother.
Her personality in the show didn't wasn't really that different in the books, in my opinion, so I love both interpretations. Maybe the only change that ticked me off was her affair with Hugh Armitage. The show implied that she only slept with Hugh because Prudie told her that she saw Ross kiss Elizabeth at the church, but in the books, I feel like she didn't mind the kiss that much. Instead, she has an affair with Hugh because she wants to and has true affection for Hugh. I hated the fact that the show had to resort to a petty love triangle or jealousy for that to happen. Maybe it draws in more viewers, but honestly, it's a little shallow.
Eleanor Tomlinson was wonderful as Demelza. I've said before that they mixed up the hair color of the women in Poldark (in the books, Demelza is dark-haired, Elizabeth is blonde, and Caroline is a redhead), and I tried to imagine Tomlinson playing Caroline, but I simply couldn't. She's ingrained in my brain as Demelza now.
My Favorite Demelza Moment: Where to begin?! When she helped Verity and Andrew find each other again? When she tried to help Pascoe's bank when they were having problems? Or perhaps when she punched Ross after spending the night with Elizabeth. All these are great, but my personal favorite Demelza moment is when she sang "I'd Pluck a Fair Rose" at the Christmas dinner in Season 1. I know, this seems a bit minor, but I thought this was the beginning of Demelza's transformation as the Mistress of Nampara, gaining her confidence, as well as Ross's love. (And yes, I have this song on repeat on Spotify.)
George Warleggan
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Debbie Horsfield gets a lot of flack for this adaptation (or so I've read in comments, from Reddit to Tumblr), but one of the changes she made that I liked was George's character. In the books, he's a scheming villain who will stop at nothing to destroy Ross and everything he holds dear. You know, the average bad guy. But I loved him in the show, though. Maybe it's because of Horsfield's writing, which humanized George, or Jack Farthing's nuanced performance. Farthing is actually one of my favorite actors in the show, all because he gave George so much heart, despite him being ruthless.
Also, I never really thought he loved Elizabeth in the books; instead, he only sees her as a prized possession, another trophy he gets for his status. But in the show, I can actually see his love for her. This is more apparent in Season 5 (which is not adapted from the books), but we can actually see his real feelings for Elizabeth in the earlier seasons as well! I've read that Books 8-12 focus more on the kids, but I do hope I get to see more of George and Ross's rivalry. It's a bit rundown, but I really love it when they have a little showdown.
My Favorite George Moment: His beef with Aunt Agatha is one of my favorite things in the show and books. So yes, my fave George moment was when he told Aunt Agatha that she's not 99, but 97. It's so petty and cruel of him—and Agatha was so right at retaliating by implying Valentine's not his son.
Elizabeth Warleggan
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I've come to realize that many fans don't like Elizabeth. Yes, she's a thorn in Ross and Demelza's relationship, marries the villain George, leads on Ross while still being married to Francis, forces her cousin Morwenna to marry someone she doesn't love, and so on and on. But in the end, I can never really hate Elizabeth. She doesn't have a lot of scenes in the books, but in the show, Heida Reed played her as sympathetic and kind albeit weak. I never really questioned Elizabeth's actions because I always remind myself that this is probably what women in her status would do in the past. If you were widowed and broke, wouldn't you marry the first rich guy who proposes to you for your family's own good? Even if it's the guy who your first love hates the most.
After marrying George, she resented Ross and Demelza a lot... but, in her perspective, she was jilted by Ross. After they slept together, she postponed the wedding, (stupidly) hoping for Ross to come after her, but of course, he didn't. I can't blame her for waiting for him, though; that was Ross's fault for ignoring her. I do admit it was wrong of her to tell Ross about her feelings while married to Francis, though. And for forcing Morwenna to marry someone she doesn't love.
My Favorite Elizabeth Moment: In Season 3, when she swore in the Bible that Valentine is George's son (and in turn, making him swear that he won't suspect her anymore). Reed (and Farthing!) were incredible in that scene, but I just like how Elizabeth controlled the narrative in that moment. She's passive on most occasions, but she is determined to make George believe that Valentine is his son).
Francis Poldark
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I was debating whether I should include Francis in this or not... After all, he's been dead for a long time, and I don't remember much what happened to him. And frankly, I don't really care much about his character (although his death is an important event for the other characters). I didn't hate Francis; however, he was just meh for the most part. In the first season, he suffered much with the responsibilities he earned after the death of his father, as well as losing his sister to a man whom he thought was a menace. Thankfully, his character had a change of heart in the second season.
I've got to say, though, that Kyle Soller is a terrific actor, and I missed him a lot in the later seasons.
My Favorite Francis Moment: When he came clean to Demelza about revealing the shareholders to George in Season 2... right before he died. I'm glad that he was able to redeem himself in the end.
Dwight Enys
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Another one of my favorite characters! Just like Ross, Dwight cares so much for people and treats everyone fairly, no matter their station in life. He even tried to stay behind a prison camp because he wanted to take care of the people. But unlike Ross, Dwight is much more level-headed, gentler, and doesn't act on impulse... which makes me like him a bit more.
Luke Norris is also a very strong actor. He gets to show off his acting chops when he gets back from Paris and when his daughter Sarah dies (which is one of the saddest things that ever happened in this show). He also shared wonderful chemistry with Gabriella Wilde, who played Caroline. I like that their relationship was explored a lot in the series; they weren't just side characters that the writers put in random moments of the show, they were truly part of the show.
My Favorite Dwight Moment: Definitely not when he slept with a married woman. But he still gets a lot of good moments in the show, from being the voice of reason when Ross (stupidly) duels Adderley to helping George when mourning for Elizabeth. But my favorite one was when he stayed behind to warn Ross about the ambush, jeopardizing his elopement with Caroline. It's just one of the moments when we get to see Dwight being selfless.
Caroline Enys
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I get that some people do not like Caroline; she's very brash, sarcastic, and, at times, spoiled. But she's one of my favorite characters in the show. Perhaps because she's the most modern one and I relate to her very much (although I am not an heiress... unfortunately). She doesn't show it a lot, but she cares so much for her family and friends. That's what makes her the best match for Dwight. They're somewhat like a reverse Ross and Demelza. And speaking of Ross, the book surprised me with how flirty they got with each other! She kisses him twice—and although there was no romance meant in that (if I remember correctly, that was when he went to save Dwight in Paris and she kissed him for luck and gratitude), she did once suggest that they sleep together. I'm sure that was one of her normal tactless quips, but even so, I was taken aback!
Still, I like Caroline more in the show because Gabriella Wilde was incredible in the role. She played the spoiled heiress so well, yes, but she gave her so much empathy and compassion in the show. Her heartbreaking scene when Sarah died destroyed me to bits, as well as the events after that. I'm so happy when she and Dwight reconciled. Also, I love that she became one of Demelza's most treasured friends. Their friendship is one of my favorite things in the show because they seem to just get each other, despite being two different people.
My Favorite Caroline Moment: When she paid off Ross's debts in secret. That was such a boss move and made me love her even more. There was absolutely no reason for her to do that, but only because she cared for Dwight and, as a result, Ross as well.
Drake Carne
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The best man in the show? Well, yes! He's not perfect (he did run out of his own wedding, leaving poor Rosina heartbroken... yet again). Despite that, I like Drake, especially in the show. He's a bit annoying and more forward in the books, but in the show, he is gentler and kinder. And his hopeless devotion and unconditional love for Morwenna is so sweet. Their relationship is the only thing that makes Season 5 salvageable. Morwenna was damaged after her horrifying marriage to Osborne, and I liked that Drake didn't rush her into consummating their marriage. So far, they're still not in The Stranger from the Sea (will they make an appearance?! No, don't answer that; I hate spoilers), only that it was mentioned that they have a daughter. Beyond his romance with Morwenna, I love his brotherly relationship with Geoffrey Charles. He badly needed a good man in his life, and while his uncle is there (though I wouldn't say Ross is a good role model), I think Drake is the best guy for Geoffrey Charles.
Harry Richardson was also good as Drake; he's so charming in the role and easy to love. There are so many cases when I don't like new characters and actors that appear in the middle of the show, but he (and the rest of the new cast) effortlessly fit in with the rest.
My Favorite Drake Moment: Most of Season 5 Drake. Yes, that's not in the books, but I liked that the show explored the early days of their marriage. He was so gentle with Morwenna, it made my heart ache. The toad bit was stupid, to be honest, but it made me laugh with how it left George in a huff, so points to Drake for that anyway.
Sam Carne
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Ah, Sam. He can be annoying at times, especially when he starts including his religious beliefs in literally every conversation, but... he grows on you. He's not one of my favorite characters, but I like his sibling relationship with Demelza and Drake. And his short-lived romance with Emma was pretty sad. It humanizes him in a way, making him see that he can't save everyone. Sam eventually marries Rosina. Which, to me, feels a bit weird. Sure, they do get along, but it just feels like they settled for each other because they were left by their respective partners.
Along with Harry Richardson, Tom York is also a fantastic addition to the cast. He doesn't get a lot of strong acting moments, but he's still a good actor and I enjoyed watching him.
My Favorite Sam Moment: Like I said, he doesn't get a lot of scenes, but I like Sam the best when he's being a Good Brother™ to Drake, especially in Seasons 3 and 4 when Morwenna is married to Osborne.
Morwenna Carne
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I love Morwenna so much that it reminds me of that Stephanie Beatriz meme from Brooklyn Nine-Nine. Morwenna's been through a lot—more than maybe most of the characters in the show. She married one of the sickest, horrifying characters I've ever come across (against her will, might I add), but nevertheless, she endured. She's a strong character, despite her demure tendencies. As I mentioned before, Season 5 is still worth watching for Morwenna and Drake. How she overcame her trauma from Osborne's abuse was very compelling to watch; it's realistic and makes me like her more. I also liked how she got to have a closure with John Conan, her first son. I'm sure she doesn't want anything from her Osborne's family, but you can't convince me that she doesn't care for John Conan.
In the books, Morwenna's always described in the book as "plain-looking," which irks me to no end because Ellise Chappell is literally one of the prettiest actresses I've ever seen. She's also a pretty good actress, and she was able to show off her range in Seasons 4 and 5.
My Favorite Morwenna Moment: When she stood up for herself against Osborne, even threatening to hurt John Conan if he tried to touch her again. I remember watching that scene for the first time and just howling and clapping for Morwenna.
I would've loved to write more about the other characters like Verity and Prudie (especially Prudie in the show), but... I don't have a lot of feelings about them. Plus, they don't really move the story along, unlike the characters mentioned.
So, there you have it! Excuse me while I start watching the show again. Bye!
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ao3feed-kathony · 5 months
Christmas of the Future
read it on AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/52451882 by PenelopeR Christmas set far in the future the children are grown up, the parents are older, but its the same old friendships and loving memories being made Words: 1876, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English Series: Part 39 of Poldark Meets Bridgerton OneShots Fandoms: Bridgerton (TV), Bridgerton Series - Julia Quinn, Poldark - All Media Types Rating: Mature Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Categories: F/M Characters: Violet Bridgerton, Agatha Bridgerton, Thomas Bridgerton, Clowance Poldark, Julia Poldark, Jane Bridgerton Relationships: Demelza Carne/Ross Poldark, Simon Basset/Daphne Bridgerton, Colin Bridgerton/Penelope Featherington, Sophie Beckett/Benedict Bridgerton, Anthony Bridgerton/Kate Sheffield | Kate Sharma, Amelia Basset/Jeremy Poldark, George Bridgerton/Bella Poldark, Eloise Bridgerton/Phillip Crane Additional Tags: Family, Family Fluff, Christmas Fluff, Christmas read it on AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/52451882
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"We've got to face facts: Nobody cares about Papa except us, and really it's just Mama."
- Clowance, probably
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flipperbrain-awakes · 1 month
Ross gives good hug.
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siiinfully · 1 year
Mordred wasn't keen on to come to the fair, he just had an unexplainable bad feeling. However when they stopped front of a fortune teller tent he gently held onto Clowance's hand. "Don't. Please don't go in there... Couldn't we rather just talk, and meantime I'd walk you home?" (from Mordred to Clowance) from @kingdom-of-vanity
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"Why not? Fortune tellers are harmless, surely," she said, looking at him and then back at the sign. It was rare for traveling fairs like this to come to Cornwall -- possibly due to most knowing how much Cary Warleggan despised the so-called 'charlatans' -- and she wanted to make the most of their time there. However, seeing the anguished look on Mordred's face had her falter, and after sparing a final glance at the colorfully clad woman, she stepped closer to him. "Is there something wrong? Mordred? Are you alright?"
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lochiels · 4 years
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ღ :・。・ Demelza and baby Clowance ・。・: ღ
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First Words Meme
Tagged by the wondrous @jomiddlemarch (who also had previously tagged me in a Last Lines Meme but I had to abandon that project when I saw all my last lines were either pedestrian as hell or the exact same sentence!) I also cheated and skipped a few fics in between #7 and #10 (again because they were so similar to others).
Rules: post the first lines of your 10 most recent fanfics.
She was already seated at a table in a quiet back corner when Ross entered the restaurant.–Duty
Ross Poldark drove the black pickup north in the dimming evening light, trying to ignore the jarring squeak that followed each slap of the wipers on the windscreen.–Like Someone Who Would Know Her Own Mind
Allow me. Ross meant to say the words but instead just shot his hand out stiffly to Demelza after the borrowed cart came to a halt. - “An Occasion”
“Are you cold, Jeremy, my love?” Ross Poldark asked his young son as they hurried along the slick pavement. –”The January Stone”
“God damn it, Demelza! I told you not to follow me tonight!” -The Alibi
Ross pressed Demelza closer to him on the futon, then tucked the thin mofu under her. –Love And Other Four Letter Words
Ross Poldark turned the key in the lock then tossed his case inside ahead of him. –The Distance Between Us
“Oh Dwight, is it true? What folks are saying?” Demelza rose to her feet, handkerchief twisting in her fretful fingers. - “Criminal Acts”
“Might I offer you s’more, Papa?” Her grey eyes demurely lowered, Clowance rose and cautiously approached her father at table. – “Need”
“Demelza!” Dwight called into the evil crying wind. There was no answer other than the distant shrieks of gulls and the thunderous crash of waves on the rocks below. – Which By Its Splendors Rivals the Heavens
Tagging all my fanfic writing friends who want to play.
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oetravia · 4 years
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Morwenna Chynoweth smiling in 5x05
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