#Claire did gachas at three in the morning (again)
tsukishun · 6 years
Rise of the Empire
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Welp. It’s that time again.
The Procellarum half of Tsukino Empire released this morning. You know what that means...
Time to do gachas at three in the morning again! *Sobs as I throw all my jewels at the gacha system wailing about how much I love this set and the chibi familiars*
If you know me, you know exactly who I was after.
I love Shun. I love tigers. I love white tigers. I love Shun with a white tiger. This card is purrfect~ (I will not apologize for that pun, but I will stop for meow~)
I had ~2200 jewels to start with, making for just under nine pulls. I felt comfortable enough spending all of them if needed, since I usually get a four star around the sixth.
Hahahahahahahahaha. This game loves to troll me.
The first two pulls I got a bunch of new three stars which was nice because I needed more cards to grind jewels out of (plus they were some of my favorite ALIVE characters so yay!). 
Then the third pull began what I’m affectionately calling, “The Rise of the Empire”.
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I got Iku, which I was ecstatic about. I don’t have any four star cards of his, besides his Easter one, and I had a feeling I would get some of the other cards in this set (which I’m not complaining about because I love this set~).
I thought maybe it was a sign that my luck would be kind to me today~
And then this happened:
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*Cue Claire trying not to scream from astonishment*
I got both Kai and You in the same pull, which just blew my mind and made me excited/fearful for a few reasons.
Reason number 1. Neither Kai or You had rate up today, so they had a .286% chance of appearing each. And I got both of them in the same pull.
Reason Number 2. I don’t have any You four star cards, so this is my first. And I’m super happy it is, because like I keep saying, I REALLY love this set!
Reason Number 3. Kai continues to haunt me. Seriously. Aside from the Procellarum Duet Gacha, Kai has always showed up in advance to Shun (if I even get him).
After this, I figured that I had just used up all of my luck and was starting to feel disheartened about the situation. Don’t get me wrong, I was more than grateful for what I got, but I obviously want Shun the most. So I kept going.
And then four pulls later...
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Rui decided to tag along yay! (Probably because Iku and Kai were already here lol~) I love Rui’s little familiar, because I love cats lol, and he’s also my child so I was very happy.
But then the realization dawned on me and I was instantly crushed. I had just spent all my jewels and I didn’t get Shun. But I was determined. If I could just grind out another 50 jewels, I could do another pull. And that’s exactly what I did.
*A bit of grinding later*
So I had just enough to do another pull. And my luck continued to torment me. I will admit that I was so upset by this that I didn’t take a picture (beside the card when it showed up) because I was so frustrated and sad.
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Iku came back again. Now Iku has started to haunt me.
I had nothing. No more jewels. For the first time since the AGF gacha, I failed to get a Shun card. Only this time it stung a whole hell of a lot worse since I loved this card.
I’ll admit, I was tempted to buy jewels right then and there, but I knew that if I did that there would be no guarantee of it happening. Plus, I’ve never spent a penny on gacha games. If I did so now, I knew I’d regret it later.
But there was a silver lining. If I waited it out for a few weeks, I could grind up the necessary jewels to buy him with points since I had done a total of ten pulls. With that small glimmer of hope, I got busy, grinding up whatever jewels I could in the meanwhile.
To my surprise, I actually managed to get another 250 jewels somehow. And I returned once more to the gacha page to stare at it. 
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I stared at it for at least a solid minute.
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And instantly regretting.
In an impulse moment, I spent that 250 jewels hoping for some miracle. I knew in my heart that I should just be patient and wait, but the turmoil in my heart was so great that I just had to try again.
...I guess Shun really can grant wishes.
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The Empire has risen.
In that moment when I saw him on my screen, I may or may not have shed a few tears. I’ll keep saying it because I firmly believe it; Shun has a dark sense of humor and loves toying with me.
Perhaps the Tower needed proof that my convictions were pure and true...
Regardless, I got him and DEAR SWEET SHUN I LOVE THIS CARD SO MUCH!!!
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I. Can’t. Even. Right. Now.
...It was totally worth all of the heartache~
The familiars are the best part and they’re so cute and look at the magic tiger. Look at the magic tiger!
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I’m so happy right now, I can’t use words anymore.
lgdahdjhfgldasjgchdjabwvjrhewlbrehuigvwireuv *Incoherent screaming*
Thank you Shun. I love you SO much~
Here are the CGS!
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Bonus: The Risen Empire (Minus Yoru. I’ll get him eventually to complete the set~)
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tsukishun · 5 years
Christmas Blessings
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Oh, the weather outside is frightful
But the cards are so delightful
And since there's no better place to throw…
Let it roll! Let it roll! Let it roll!
It doesn’t show signs of stopping
So I played some songs for grinding
The rates are turned way down low
Let it roll! Let it roll! Let it roll!
And my heart slowly dyin'
But, my dear, we’re still for tryin’
As long as I love you so
Let it roll! Let it roll! Let it roll!
Let the gacha roll!
I made that little ditty up this morning lol~ Anyways~ ^^
You guys know the drill by now~ It’s another gacha with a 4 star Shun, that means I’m going to roll~ I did my rolls not at 3am for once, which is one of the many strange things about these particular pulls. ^^;
When I went to do the first pull, my game actually froze on the gacha page. It wouldn’t progress even to a loading page, it was just stuck there. I couldn’t tap anything, but the music was still going. I had to manually close the app and reopen it, hoping that nothing screwed up. ^^; I had a moment where I thought;
“Uh oh, is this a bad omen for things to come?”
Fortunately, the game loaded up again and everything seemed fine~ What’s funny though is that when I get back to the home screen, I hear Shun exclaim “Merry Christmas” and mentioning something about a blessing to the world full of love. It’s the first time I hear him say that line in game.
And funnily enough, the blessing worked~
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The next three pulls after the crashed one didn’t have much, but I’ll never complain because it’s an easy way to get blue medals now~ ^^
And then came the fifth~
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Shun was nice to me for Christmas this year~! ^^
I didn’t have to spend points for the first time in a while lol.
I really love the cards for this set~ A friend and I have been joking that they all look like they went to Hogwarts or Orlando lol (Because wizards = Harry Potter. You’s is the card that started that joke by the way~).
I’m really happy I got him~ His card is beautiful and Shiroda at the crystal ball is adorable~ And I didn’t have to spend too many jewels thankfully! Thank you Shun~! <3
Here are the wonderful CGs~!
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I wish everyone the best of luck with the gacha and hope you guys have a wonderfully happy holiday this year~! I love you guys bunches and bunches~ ^^
Lots of Love~ <3
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