churromino261185 · 1 year
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Recientemente, ha habido algunas noticias y teorías especulativas que sugieren que el núcleo de la Tierra podría haberse detenido y estar girando en sentido contrario. Sin embargo, es importante tener en cuenta que estas afirmaciones no están respaldadas por la ciencia actual y no hay evidencia sólida que respalde esta teoría. Los científicos están constantemente investigando el interior de la Tierra, pero todavía hay mucho que aprender sobre nuestro planeta. Es importante ser crítico con las noticias y teorías que circulan en las redes sociales y buscar información verificable antes de dar por sentado que son ciertas.
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deblala · 2 days
Mystery Babylon The Great - 02
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kanewarner · 1 year
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schooloffeminism · 2 years
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#Herstory #UnDíaComoHoy #EthelNicholsonBrowne Harvey (Baltimore, 14 /12/1885-Falmouth, 2/9/1965) #embrióloga estadounidense, conocida por sus hallazgos críticos sobre la división celular, usando la embriología de los erizos de mar, y por su trabajo inicial en el estudio de la división celular embrionaria. Sus padres enviaron a sus tres hijas al Bryn Mawr School, que fue la primera escuela superior femenina en los EEUU. Browne se graduó en 1902 y luego asistió al Goucher College (antes Woman's College of Baltimore). Tras licenciarse en 1906, estudió #zoología en Columbia, obteniendo una especialización en 1907 y un doctorado en 1913. Su tesis doctoral se centró en las células germinales masculinas de un insecto acuático, lo que la llevó a trabajar más a fondo sobre los mecanismos celulares en la herencia y el desarrollo. Durante este tiempo recibió el apoyo de varias becas destinadas a ayudar a las mujeres en la cienciar. Durante sus estudios de postgrado, Browne "demostró que el trasplante del hipóstoma de una hidra a otra hidra induciría un eje secundario en la hidra huésped". Este trabajo, realizado en 1909, precedió a los experimentos realizados en 1924 por Hans Spemann y Hilde Mangold, a los que se atribuye el descubrimiento del "organizador"; este trabajo fue la base de un Premio Nobel otorgado a Spemann. Howard M. Lenhoff ha defendido que Browne debería haber compartido el #PremioNobel de Spemann porque ella hizo el experimento primero, entendió su significado, y, de hecho, había enviado su trabajo a Spemann, quien había subrayado la parte que se refería a la trascendencia de su proyecto. En 1915 se casó con otro científico, E. Newton Harvey, un fisiólogo conocido por su trabajo sobre la bioluminiscencia. Browne, adoptó el apellido de su marido. Tuvo dos hijos con él. Aunque se dedicó sólo a tiempo parcial durante los siguientes años, continuó su trabajo haciendo numerosas e importantes contribuciones. En 1940, demostró un método de escisión partenogenética, que induce a los huevos de erizo de mar no fertilizados a partirse y, en última instancia, a eclosionar. Esta obra recibió notoriedad popular como "creación de vida sin padres". #científicas https://www.instagram.com/p/Ch_0Js0Dhn3/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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elguadarramista · 3 years
CienciaRed, una nueva plataforma de investigación y ciencia
CienciaRed, una nueva plataforma de investigación y ciencia
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The New Motive Power
This is one of those wild and bizzare bits of occult history that fascinates me.
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John Murray Spear was originally a Universalist minister who became active in the US abolitionist, women’s rights, temperance, free love, and socialist movements of the mid to late 19th century. His fiery speeches got him removed from his post at several churches and eventually he was even beaten to unconsciousness by an angry mob. During his long convalescence, he claimed to have been contacted and nursed by several spirits.
This lead him to leave the Universalist church in favor of Spiritualism. He continued to claim to be contacted by spirits, particularly the spirits of dead luminaries, such as Benjamin Franklin. These spirits collectively called themselves the Electrizers and were focused on the advancement of humanity through technology, but there were other spiritual fraternities in the afterlife, they said. Among the “Association of Beneficence” were the “‘Healthfulizers’, ‘Educationalizers’, ‘Agriculturalizers’, ‘Elementizers’ and ‘Governmentizers’,” each promoting “‘Man-culture and integral reform with a view to the ultimate establishment of a divine social state on earth.’”
Spear claimed the Electrizers revealed many things to him including “plans for electrical ships, thinking machines and vast circular cities.” Eventually, Spear came to believe the Electrizers had chosen him to build an electrical/mechanical body to house the spirit of God or The New Messiah, an event which would purportedly bring about a new age on Earth. The machine would be called The New Motor, The New Motive Power, or The God Machine, what he called “God’s last, best gift to man.”
“This “New Motor,” or “New Motive Power,” was a generator of sorts. At its simplest, Spear described it as a perpetual motion device that “will have the power to impart its electric forces to any number of machines.” At its most complex, however, it was a God machine, the culmination of what Spear (speaking for “the Association”) called “a grand practical movement for the redemption of the human race.” [...] A “living working mechanism,” the New Motor would “bear offspring”: a race of self-replicating, self-powering machines. As a remedy to the so-called “Curse of Adam”—humanity’s need to earn wages and food by the “sweat of [its] brow," as the Bible describes it—the New Motor would bring about Edenic leisure for all people, ending slavery, farming, factory work, and women’s house work. Liberated from daily labor, people would be free to open themselves up to the spirits as Spear had, and to mentally connect with the New Motive Power. Through the etheric transmission of humankind’s collective thoughts, knowledge, and desires, the New Motive Power would remake the world, an action Spear compared to fire boiling a pot of water. In essence, by removing humanity’s material limitations, the New Motor was a God-like machine that would bring out the God-like qualities in man.”
From a trance-like state, Spear dictated instructions he claimed came from the Electrizers for constructing The New Motor. Construction took place bit by bit over nine months in Lynn, Massachusetts, and lead to the creation of a strange contraption made of metal plates, balls, and magnets setting atop a large dining room table. Spear and a woman referred to as “Mary of the New Dispensation” took part in a (potentially sexual) ritual meant to encase the spirit of God in the machine. According to observers, Spear sealed himself inside a gemstone-encrusted metal suit in which he attempted to “make contact” with the machine, while Mary appeared to experience labor pains. In the end the machine did seem to “move” at first, signifying that it was alive, but mostly in the wake of the innitial ritual and with less frequency after that.
The lack of later signs of life lead to the machine being disassembled and reassembled in a “better location” in Randolph, New York. However, Spear claimed that while there the machine and the building in which the machine was housed were destroyed by an angry mob.
There is no official record of what the machine looked like—no photos or sketches, only some vague description—but a few people have attempted to illustrate it.
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Spear’s beliefs were fringe enough that even the growing Spiritualist movement distanced themselves from him. There is something interesting, though, about the combination of the occult and fascination with electricity and a certain type of progressive or even utopian social and technological thinking.
Supposedly, someone is claiming that they may have found The Machine intact in Colorado: http://www.danbaines.com/blog/john-murray-spears-mechanical-messiah-discovered-in-colorado-attic/3/7/2019
Honestly, it looks as much like a Joseph Cornell assemblage as anything.
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nem0c · 5 years
Oh, also the Temple of Set’s recommended reading lists are openly available and span topics from Egyptian History and Thelema to Artificial Intelligence, H P Lovecraft and Golden Age sci-fi with commentary from Aquino
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The Invisible Eagle
I have yet to read this material, but it looks quite promising:
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beyondenigmablog · 5 years
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Some points of commonality between Gnosticism and Neo-Shamissm Of Carlo’s Castaneda’s apprentriceship underDon Juan Matus
1. The Toltec exposure of an alien mind or foreign installation that makes us less and other than we humanly are: comparable to the Gnostic idea of a dehumanizing ideological virus implanted in our minds by the Alien/Archons.
 2. The importance for the sorcerer of mastering intent: comparable to Gnostic emphasis on ennoia, intentionality, which aligns us with the Gods and elevates us above the Archons.
 3. Castaneda’s emphasis on syntax (correct attributions, and the use of mental command signals for directing intent): comparable to Gnostic teaching on ennoia, mental clarity, and correct attribution (right use of definitions). 
 4. The Toltec assertion that predation is “the topic of topics”: comparable to the Gnostic emphasis on the intrusion of the Archons. Facing intrusion is essential, because if we cannot see how we are deviated, we cannot find our true path in the cosmos. 
5. The work with lucid dreaming, astral travel, projection of the double, in Gnostic circles and the Mystery Schools: comparable to many episodes in Castaneda. 
  6. The Toltec model of great bands of emanations that pervade the universe: comparable to the emanations or streamings from the Pleroma described in Mystery School revelation texts.
  7. The Toltec distinction between organic and inorganic beings: comparable to the distinction between humans and Archons in Gnostic cosmology.
  8. The Toltec exploration of other worlds and dimensions through the practice of non-ordinary awareness: comparable to age-old shamanic practices of the Mystery Schools.
  9  Don Juan’s description of the “luminous egg”: comparable to the oval of clear light in Gnostic revelation texts and the augoeides or “auric egg” of the Mysteries. 
  10. The Toltec figure of the Eagle, a primary metaphor in Castaneda: comparable to the same figure in the Nag Hammadi Codices where the instructing voice of sacred mind, perhaps equivalent to Castaneda’s “voice of seeing,” states.
 “I appeared in the form of an Eagle on the Tree of Knowledge, the primal knowing that arises in the pure light, that I might teach them and awaken them out of the depth of sleep”.
(The Apocryphon of John, 23.25-30) - John Lamb Lash https://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/cienciareal/esp_donjuan13.htm
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cienciared · 4 years
HELIX NEBULA🌏(4K)💫#SpaceX #Earth #Cosmos #Universe #Nasa #HelixNebula #N...
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iopanic · 4 years
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nurseowens · 7 years
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deblala · 5 days
Mystery Babylon The Great - 01
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borrajopablo · 7 years
Secretos del Chamanismo Siberiano
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b4inwatercooler · 7 years
A 1978 alleged UFO abduction (with a sexual element?)
Readers here know that I see a sexual underpinning (or overlay) in UFO abduction cases.(But that just may be me, a Freudian advocate, still.)In the 1978 Elmicin case (Poland) there is that “undress” request or command from the supposed UFO abductors:“Wolski then claims that he was taken aboard the ship with two additional entities he met near the flying object. He was then gestured to "dress down" (take off his clothes).”That’s from the Wikipedia account:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Emilcin_AbductionThe sexual implication aside, the tale is interesting.Here is an image of the UFO that farmer Wolski says took him for a ride and examination:That image comes from:http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/cienciareal/cienciareal10d.htmAnd a drawing of the UFO occupants comes from Lon Strickler’s notable Phantoms and Monsters site:What sparks such accounts, psychological yearnings, actual sexual molestations that are repressed (initially), or actual UFO kidnappings?RR http://ufocon.blogspot.com - The UFO Iconoclast(s) http://beforeitsnews.com/strange/2017/02/a-1978-alleged-ufo-abduction-with-a-sexual-element-2466845.html?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=tumblr
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