#Chrissy teigen bio
lessereveet · 2 years
Supermodel-Geheimnisse, um im Bikini großartig auszusehen (die nichts mit Sport zu tun haben!)
Sicher, Supermodels sind genetisch begabte Glücksenten, die dafür bezahlt werden, sich um ihren Körper zu kümmern und sich richtig zu ernähren. Aber auch sie haben Geheimnisse, auf die sie sich verlassen können, wenn sie einen zusätzlichen Schub an Selbstvertrauen brauchen, um in einem Bikini oder Dessous großartig auszusehen – Tipps, die sogar wir Nichtmodels nutzen können, wenn es Zeit ist, an den Strand zu gehen. Lesen Sie weiter, um die cleveren Selbstvertrauenstricks einiger Topmodels herauszufinden (und nein, Photoshop gehört nicht dazu).
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Supermodel Beauty Secret: Holen Sie sich eine (künstliche) Bräune Eine künstliche Bräune ist ein Muss für Bikini-Models. Alessandra Ambrosio ist Berichten zufolge eine Verfechterin allmählicher Bräunungsformeln, die im Laufe weniger Tage Farbe aufbauen. Kaufe Formeln für allmähliche Bräunung.
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Supermodel Beauty Secret: Machen Sie Ihr Haar zur Mähne (verstanden?) Attraktion
Erin Heatherton weiß, dass sie bei der großen Modenschau von Victoria's Secret jedes Jahr nur sehr wenig tragen wird, und hat eine besondere Waffe der Massenablenkung - atemberaubendes Haar. „Im Vorfeld der Show benutze ich Gesichtsmasken und Haarbehandlungen, damit ich mich besonders konditioniert und beruhigt fühle“, sagte sie. Einer ihrer gemeldeten Favoriten: Moroccanoil Restorative Hair Mask (72 $, moroccanoil.com).
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Supermodel Beauty Secret: Holen Sie sich Ihren Glanz
Candice Swanepoel teilte kürzlich mit, dass sie es liebt, restauratives Bio-Öl ($ 20, folica.com) für zusätzliche Glätte und Glanz aufzutragen, wenn sie einen Schub für strahlende Haut braucht.
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Supermodel Schönheitsgeheimnis: Überspringen Sie das Salz
Chrissy Teigen sagte gegenüber thatsfit.com, dass sie den Salzstreuer ablegt, um für die Sports Illustrated-Bademodenausgabe in Form zu bleiben. „Wenn ich abends zu viel Salziges esse, sehe ich am nächsten Morgen aufgebläht aus.“ Ihre Strategie: „Ich folge einer Zwei-Tage-Regel. Wenn ich an einem Freitag drehe, rutsche ich am Mittwoch auf meine Diät. So gehe ich am Donnerstag mit einem leichten Gefühl ins Bett – wenn ich werde aufpassen, was ich esse – und am Freitag nicht aufgedunsen aussehen."
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Supermodel Schönheitsgeheimnis: Makel mit Körper-Make-up verbergen
Körper-Make-up ist ein Grundnahrungsmittel bei der Miami Swim Fashion Week, um blaue Flecken, Venen und andere kleine Unvollkommenheiten zu verbergen (ja, Bikini-Models haben sie auch). Einer, der immer wieder entdeckt wird: MAC Face and Body Makeup (27 $, nordstrom.com).
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Supermodel Schönheitsgeheimnis: Peeling, Peeling, Peeling
Als wir Brooklyn Decker baten, ihre Strategie für glatte Haut zu verraten, sagte sie: „Ich glaube fest an ein Peeling vor der Rasur. Ich versuche es mindestens einmal pro Woche mit einem Luffa und einer Körperwäsche.“
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Supermodel Schönheitsgeheimnis: Denke "Ich bin hübsch"
Fangen Sie jetzt an, das Mantra „Ich bin ein heißer Fuchs“ zu singen. Es funktioniert für Miranda Kerr, die sagt, sexy zu sein bedeutet, sich „in seiner eigenen Haut wohl und entspannt zu fühlen“.
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Supermodel-Schönheitsgeheimnis: Gehen Sie zur Mutterschaftsabteilung
Tyra Banks hat uns viele gute Ratschläge gegeben, aber in diesem Video aus dem Jahr 2011 hat sie den vielleicht genialsten Tipp niedergelegt, der jemals zum Kauf von Badeanzügen gegeben wurde: Wenn Ihr Magen Ihr Ärgernis ist, ziehen Sie einen Badeanzug an die Mutterschaftsabteilung. Die Anzüge haben viele Rüschen und Muster, die darauf ausgelegt sind, einen Bauch zu verbergen – und sie sind für alle Stadien der Schwangerschaft (einschließlich „gerade so“) gemacht, sodass Sie sicher einen finden werden, der passt.
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Supermodel Schönheitsgeheimnis: Wenn Sie es nicht haben, ist es in Ordnung, es vorzutäuschen
Eine gemeinsame Backstage-Seite bei Bademode-Shows? Gel-BH-Einsätze, auch bekannt als Hähnchenkoteletts. Auch Models brauchen manchmal ein wenig Verbesserung – und was andere nicht wissen, schadet ihnen nicht.
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hamzamusah · 4 months
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hookeaudiocom · 5 months
What is Chrissy Teigen Net Worth 2023: Bio, Career, Husband, And More - Hooke Audio
#hookeaudio #anthonymattana #chrissyteigennetworth
Chrissy Teigen is an American model, television personality, author and culinary entrepreneur who has amassed quite the net worth over the years. While she first gained popularity as a swimsuit model, Teigen's career has expanded vastly both on and off the screen. In addition to co-hosting the hit show Lip Sync Battle, she has become one of the most followed celebrity chefs on social media thanks to her cookbooks and recipe videos.
Teigen married musician and songwriter John Legend in 2013 and the couple share two children together. Their family life together is often displayed on Teigen's Instagram page to her over 36 million followers😍. She uses her platform to give glimpses into her personal cooking adventures in the kitchen🍳 and quality time spent with John and the kids at home.
As of 2022, Chrissy Teigen's net worth is estimated at $45 million according to celebrity - uqphkey7yz
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theavenuebox · 1 year
Chrissy Teigen has a few words for her critics. She claps back at commenters say...
Chrissy Teigen has a few words for her critics. She claps back at commenters say…
Chrissy Teigen has a few words for her critics. She claps back at commenters saying she’s been “pregnant forever” at the link in bio. (📷: Instagram) Source
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glorioustalks · 2 years
Chrissy Teigen
Chrissy Teigen is the most famous model as well as a media personality. She is well known for her modeling with different brands like Gillette, UGG, and Billabong as well. Her Multiple appearances regarding the swimsuit issue, in “Sports Illustrated” is also one of the reasons.  [table id=35 /]   Bio Ron and Vilaiuk blessed Chrissy Teigen as their daughter on November 30, 1985. The 36-year-old…
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metaunfolded · 2 years
Chrissy Teigen Bio, Early Life, Career, Net Worth and Salary
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hoodharlow · 4 years
Family Addition
AN: I promised this one shot to @hoodschick​ like a week ago lol. It’s inspired by Michael and Crystal becoming foster dog parents and joking about maybe adopting the dog they’re fostering. 
Summary: Maya and Calum have been together 5 years. After some convincing from Maya, they become foster dog parents. A bump in the road 
Warnings: smut lmao
Word count: 4.1k words.
“Fuck,” Calum groaned as Maya slipped him back in her mouth.
Maya bobbed her head up and down on him quickly, then slowed her pace as Calum’s fingers tightened their grip on her hair. She let Calum guide her head as she continued to take him. His grip on her loosened; she pushed his hand away and took over. 
Calum threw his head back on the couch. His stomach began to contract, letting her know that he was close. Maya rested her tongue on his tip as she stroked him. Her hand sped up, and Cal’s moans grew louder. She took him back in her mouth, bobbing her head. She made sure to take in every last drop when he came.
“Fuck, I love you. I’m pretty sure you can ask me for anything, and I’ll say yes.” Calum said after he caught his breath. He pulled up his sweats. 
“Well actually….” Maya said, straddling his lap as Calum’s arms welcomed her.
“I knew something was up the minute I saw you in those shorts.” He shook his head, smiling to himself.
“I was only showing you my new pajamas, not my fault your dick can’t control itself.” Maya smoothed out her pajama shorts. 
Earlier that day Maya met up with Crystal for lunch before stopping by La Perla for some new pajama shorts and nightgowns. 
Maya is eternally grateful for Crystal because she’s the reason why Maya met Calum, her boyfriend of five years and father of her three year old, Jaime. Crystal was one of her first friends when she moved to LA from Texas in pursuit of acting. She helped Maya get the role as Calum’s love interest in the ‘Wildflower’ music video a few years back. 
They pretty much pulled a Chrissy Teigen and John Legend by hooking up after filming a music video and then just spending the rest of their lives together. 
“So, what’s on your mind?” Calum asked, rubbing her legs.
“I know you’ve said no to us adopting another dog, but-” 
“No.” Calum cut me off. 
“Maya, I said no.”
“At least let me tell you before you make up your mind.” She pouted, crossing her arms against her chest. 
“Fine, what is it?” He sighed. Calum unwrapped her arms and put them around him. 
“Okay, so you know how Michael and Crystal always foster dogs, right? So I was thinking of us, you know, trying it out. The longest they stay with their foster people is like two months.” 
“What about Jaime?”
“I looked into the place, and the website said that kids should be at least two years old. Plus, we would only be fostering dogs that are okay to be around other dogs and children.” 
“You already looked into this, huh?” He joked. 
One of Calum’s favorite things about Maya was that she always loved researching and learning about things. When she started directing and making her own short films, she would spend hours upon hours looking up materials and different directing techniques. 
“Yeah,” she smiled at him.
She reached back to the coffee table and got her phone. 
Calum smiled at her lockscreen. It was a picture of them at Luke and Sierra’s wedding a few months ago. He had Jaime in one arm and the other was lazyly resting against Maya’s waist. He was the only of the boys that hadn't gotten married; ironically he was the only one with a kid. 
Maya rested her head on his shoulder and pulled up the website. It was a pitbull sanctuary called El Santuario. He immediately recognized it because it was attached to a public dog park that they always went to with Duke and Jaime. Originally the place was for all dog types, but when the owners began taking in pitbulls and their crossbreeds, people began to go to other places. Eventually they decided to focus on them.
Maya showed and explained to him the process of becoming foster parents and the few changes they would have to do if they got approved. He took in how her eyes lit up by the seconds as she read him the bios of each of the dogs. The way she talked was filled with so much compassion and emotion, it reminded him of why he fell in love with her. 
“Okay,” Calum said. 
“What?” Maya looked up at him in disbelief.
“Let’s do it.” 
“Really?” Maya smiled. 
“I fucking love you!” She grabbed his face and kissed him all over.
Calum pulled her close to him as their kisses began to get more passionate. Calum laid her on the couch and showed her how much he loved her. 
Calum and Jaime stayed at home while Maya went to pick the dog they were fostering. It took them two months to get approved by the Humane Society. Duke let out a bark as Maya called from the front door. 
Their foster dog stood behind Maya’s legs as Duke continued barking. Calum scooped him up in his arms. Calum reached over for Duke’s leash on the key hanger and attached it to him, setting Duke down on the floor. Maya sat on the floor and gently pulled the dog in front of her. The dog was a grey staffy. It reminded Calum of a dark rain cloud.
Duke hesitantly walked forward and sniffed the dog. After a few seconds, he excitedly wagged his tail and barked. He spotted one of his toys and pushed it toward the dog. The dog hesitantly sniffed it and took it in its mouth. 
“Doggy.” Jaime pointed to the dog.
 “Yeah, her name is Cloud. Dame la mano.” Maya extended her arm to Jaime. 
He walked over to her and grabbed his hand to let Cloud smell him. Jaime giggled when Cloud licked his hand. She nuzzled against him. 
Calum detached Duke’s leash and let him wander off back to his bed. Calum sat down next to Maya and waited for Cloud to smell him. She looked over to him and then scooted away from him.
“Southy,” Jaime said.
“What baby?” Calum looked up at him.
“No like you. Like Southy.” He mumbled.
Calum slightly frowned at the comment. It was rare for a dog not to like him. About 98% percent of dogs like him, the other 2% is Southy. 
He watched Cloud lay its head on Maya. She rubbed Cloud's side. 
With her other hand, Maya reached for his hand and gave him a gentle squeeze. Calum picked it up and kissed the back of her hand. He noticed the slight flush around her neck. It made Calum feel things. Even after five years, she still blushed at the small gestures they shared. 
"What?" Maya giggled.
"What?" Calum blinked at her. He must've zoned out.
"You were staring at me." She smiled.
"Oh, sorry. I love you. You know that right?" He said.
"If you say so."
Before he said anything else. Jaime came back running to them. He watched Jaime show Cloud a raccoon stuffed animal. Then he threw it across the hall and ran after it. He came back and got Cloud to chase after it.
"I can't wait until we have another kid." Calum said. He grabbed Maya by the waist and pulled her into his arms. 
"You want another one?" Maya asked. 
She tried hiding the hopefulness in her voice. The night they agreed on being foster dog parents, they spent the whole night loving each other. With her excitement of becoming foster parents, she had forgotten to take the pill. A week before that night was the last time she got her period. This morning she started getting morning sickness.
"I mean in a few years, but yeah, I want another mini us. You?" He replied. He was playing with the fringes on her cardigan. 
"Oh… I guess when the time comes." She looked over at her purse where the pregnancy tests were burning a hole at the bottom. Maya got up. "I'm gonna change, and then I'll get started on lunch."
"Okay, want Chipotle later for dinner?" He asked her.
"Um, sure." She shrugged and walked up to their room. Maya ran into their bathroom. She peed on all five sticks. While she waited, she changed into one of Calum's hoodies and the La Perla shorts that got her into this mess in the first place. She ran her fingers into her hair in an attempt to disentangle it and braid it. After three minutes, her phone buzzed. 
Maya hesitantly went back into the bathroom. She gave herself the sign of the cross before checking the tests. 
"Puta madre." She mumbled to herself.  The tests either read positive or pregnant. 
She caught herself in the mirror, looking like a hot mess. Maya lifted her hoodie and placed her hand on her stomach. Inside of her was her baby, their baby. One made of pure love. 
She blinked back a few tears, remembering when Calum first announced they were going to have Jaime. A lot of his fans were quick to come for her. They claimed she didn't love him and was just trying to tie him down. That was far from the truth.
Maya loved Calum with her whole being. He showed her what unconditional love and support was. She never had that growing up. Back in Texas, her parents wanted her to pursue a career that guaranteed a job. Maya was basically disowned when she told her parents that she's moving to LA to give acting  a shot. Little did anyone know that her true passion was behind the camera and not in front of it. Calum always encouraged her to follow her dreams, and he was always supportive of her decisions. 
Now Maya isn't sure how he's going to feel about this.
Calum decided to get started on lunch. Knowing Maya, she probably fell asleep. 
Calum felt Maya off, maybe under the weather, so he decided to make some soup. The same one his mom would make him and Mali whenever they would get a cold or a stomach flu. 
"Hi, baby," He heard Maya tell Cloud. He watched her bend down to pet her. Of course she's wearing those shorts, Calum thought to himself.
"Hi, mumma," Jaime replied. 
"Hola, mi amor," she kissed his cheek. She felt Calum's gaze on her and she smiled at him.
 He saw a little sadness in her eyes.
"I'm making my mum's soup." Calum told when she walked over to him. "Just need it to simmer." 
Calum glanced back to Jaime.  He was on the couch watching soccer, resting his head on Cloud while hugging Duke. He pulled out his phone and snapped a picture of the trio. 
"Send that to me." Maya said. She was sitting on the counter, watching him. Her shorts showed off her toned legs while the pale pink contrasted against her brown skin. What Calum would do to have his head in between them or to have her against the counter.
He walked up to her and kissed her. It was short and sweet. It left them wanting each other. Maya wrapped her arms around him and kissed him. In seconds they got lost in each other's lips. Calum opened Maya's legs so he could fit better. He gripped her hips as his tongue fought for dominance. Maya melted against him. 
"Mumma, I want food." Jaime called from his spot on the couch, making them split apart like opposing magnets. 
"Okay, just give us a minute." Calum replied. “Of course my own kid would cock block me.”
It’s been three weeks since Cloud has been here, and she’s still wary of Calum. 
“She just doesn’t like me. I walk into the living room, and she’ll walk away.” Calum told the guys. They had all come over for dinner. 
“You’ve been together five years and she still can’t stand your ass.” Ashton joked. 
“Funny, I meant the dog Maya wanted to foster. Thank god, we’re not adopting it.” Calum took a swig of his beer. His eye caught Cloud, she was laying on the ground watching all the other dogs play with Jaime. Calum came to know that Cloud was not a big fan of large groups. Whether it was dogs or people, she would stand back and just watch, very much like Calum.
“Is it me or is there something different about Maya?” Michael asked. The other day, he may or may not have overheard her and Crystal talk about her being pregnant, and how she’s scared of telling Calum. 
Calum’s breath hitched slightly. He was thankful that he wasn’t the only one that’s noticed. The past few weeks he’s noticed that Maya’s diet has changed. The most obvious is that she hasn’t drunk coffee or alcohol, and Maya loves those. And ketchup. She loves ketchup and puts it on everything. It reminded Calum when she was pregnant with Jaime. During her pregnancy with Jaime, she stopped eating ketchup because it made her nauseous. Though her other eating habits seem pretty much the same. 
Another thing he noticed was that she wore her loose traveling dresses. When he commented on it, she just shrugged it off and told him the weather was warmer. 
“No clue.” Calum said. His gaze fell on her. She was casually dipping celery sticks into her mango ice cream. Not the weirdest thing he’s seen her eat. When they first started dating, he caught her making a peanut butter and cheese sandwich. 
Maya felt his gaze on her, and she turned to him. She smiled and waved at him. He waved back and turned back to the boys’ conversation. Thankfully the topic changed, and they were talking about when to meet up to record their upcoming single. 
Being fourteen weeks pregnant and picking up dog poop was the worst combination ever. Maya barely made it to the bathroom in the home gym. 
Cloud had never seen anything like it. It scared her. She ran up to Maya and Calum’s room to get him. Unfortunately, the door was closed. She scratched and barked on the door. 
Calum rolled over, trying to cover his ears from hearing. He reached over to Maya, and her side was empty. He looked at the clock and groggily mumbled. When he opened the door, Cloud barked at him. 
“Hey, be quiet.” Calum scolded her. 
Cloud started whining and trying to get him to follow her. It wasn’t until he heard Maya throw up again that he understood what she was doing. She ran down the stairs and barked at Calum to follow her. She led him to where Maya was. She looked worriedly at Maya.
“She’s going to be okay.” Calum reassured her before going into the bathroom.
He knelt down to where Maya was. She was resting her head on her arm. Maya started crying. She didn’t want Calum to see her like this. Unsure on what to do Calum pulled her hair into a loose braid and then gently rubbed her back, letting her cry. They stayed like this for a few minutes until she was done. 
Cloud stayed with Calum and made sure Maya made it safely up the stairs. She even followed Calum when he went to the kitchen to get Maya a glass of water. 
“She's going to be okay, pretty girl. Mumma is going to be like that for a bit.” He explained to her. Calum reached over to her, and she let him pet her. Calum left his heart skip a beat in excitement when she laid on her back, so he could rub her belly. After a bit, she went back to where she and Duke slept. Calum washed his hands and went up stairs with Maya’s water.
“When were you going to tell me?” Calum asked Maya when he got to their room. 
He sat in front of her and pulled her legs over him. Maya just shrugged at him. 
“I don’t know. You said you wanted to wait a few more years. I was scared that you were going to get mad and leave me.” She said, tugging at the chain around her neck, a habit she had when she’s nervous or avoiding a conversation.
“What?” He asked in disbelief.
“But you wanted to wait a few-”
“Yeah and?”
“I just don’t want you to stay with me because I’m having your child.” 
“Maya, I’m with you because I love you, and you make me happy. You being the mother of my kids is a blessing.” 
“You mean it?”
“Of course. Let me see.”
Calum gently pushed Maya’s t-shirt up, revealing her growing bump. 
“Hi, baby. I’m your daddy. I’m also your mumma’s daddy when she behaves.”
Maya rolled her eyes at him when he looked up at her. 
Calum gently kissed her all over her belly. It was an innocent gesture, but it got her feeling. Especially when his kisses made their way down. 
He opened her legs exposing a damp spot on her panties. He placed her thighs over his shoulders and got closer to her core. He licked the damp spot before ripping her panties off.
“Hey, those were expensive.” Maya protested.
“And?” Calum didn’t let her say another word. He attached his mouth on her. 
Maya was a writhing mess in seconds. Silently cursing at him for cutting his hair because she couldn’t pull on it. She slid her hands inside her shirt and played with her breasts. He pushed in his ring and middle finger in her and licked her clit as he thrusted his fingers. When he felt her clench on his fingers, he pulled away. Earning a whine from Maya.
“Apologize first for not telling me you’re expecting our child or I won’t let you come.” Calum said.
“What? No!” Maya breathed out.
“Fine.” Calum pushed her legs off his shoulders.
“No, wait! Calum, I’m fucking sorry. I should have let you know about the baby.” 
“See, was that so hard?” He latched his mouth back on her and teased her clit with his fingers. 
In a matter of minutes, Maya came, repeating his name in pleasure until her high wore off. 
Calum laid next to her and pulled her to his side. “I love you, you know that, right?” He asked her.
“Yeah, I love you too. I really am sorry I didn’t tell you.” She said quietly.
“It’s alright. I was going to ask you eventually.”
“Yeah. You expected me not to notice that you stopped drinking coffee and eating ketchup? You need your daily scrambled eggs with ketchup and morning coffee.”
“I’m going to ask her to marry me.” Calum told Ashton. 
They were at their go to coffee shop by the dog park where El Santuario is. He even brought Cloud along. Ever since that morning, they have been getting along. She even lets him cuddle her. A week had passed and they finally told the rest of their group. Well, Jaime did when he told Luke that his mumma was getting fat because there was a baby inside her. Luke, being the loud mouth he is, asked Calum in front of everyone. 
Ashton hummed in agreement, taking a sip from his drink.
"What's that supposed to mean?"
"Nothing, honest. Just surprising. Didn't expect you to want to marry her."
"I fucking love her. Of course I want to marry her." Calum defended himself.
"Not because of that. A blind person can see how much you both love each other. I just never saw either of you as the marrying type." Ashton said. 
"Not to mention, you're both pretty private about each other and Jaime. Hell, I'm still surprised how Jaime has never been photographed by the paps. When word gets out, because it will, it'll be hellhole for all of you. The paps will want to be up your arses. Kait and I almost called off the wedding because of them. I'm just looking out for you. I should get going. Think it through. And ask Maya if that's something she wants too." 
Ashton patted Calum on the shoulder and gave Cloud a scratch and left.
Calum and Cloud walked around the block as he processed his thoughts. Of course he wants to marry Maya. Ever since she got her first Academy Award nomination, he realised that he wants to be there for every milestone supporting her. He just never found the perfect moment to ask her. Something always happened that kept him from asking her.
The more he thought about it the more he also imagined Cloud in the picture. He'd gotten used to her being at the house. 
Fuck it, Calum thought to himself.
They walked to El Santuario. Cloud got nervous. She thought back to when her first owners dropped her off there when they got a puppy. She began to pull on the leash trying to get Calum away from there.
"Pretty girl, it'll be quick. I just have to do something really fast, and we'll leave." Calum reassured her. 
In an hour or so, Calum signed the adoption papers and got her registered to their insurance. It would take a week for the paperwork to process, so she can officially be theirs. While they walked back to the car, Calum spotted a jewelry store. 
It was a sign.
He tied Cloud to a parking meter, and went to the store. He spotted the ring. Like in Harry Potter, where the wands come to you, the ring called him. It wasn't huge or flashy like the others in the display window, but it was beautiful and bright like Maya. The jeweler told him that the ring will be ready within a week or so. 
Calum was so giddy and excited when him and Cloud got home. He was taken back when Maya ran into his arms crying. Blood drained from his face. He thought something happened to her.
"Hey? What's wrong?" he asked her.
"You're going to say you told me so. I got attached to Cloud. Yesterday I was going to ask if we could adopt her, but I forgot. And I just got a call that some pendejo adopted her. Who would do such a thing! She belongs with us. She's part of our family, Cal." 
Her tears became full-on sobs. Calum didn't know how to tell he was the pendejo that adopted her.
Today was the day that Cloud would leave them forever. Maya stayed home with Duke while Jaime and Calum went to drop off Cloud. They congregated on the couch and watched 'A Dog's Purpose' and finished off the bag of cuties. She cried throughout the movie. Then she got angry at Calum for letting her convince him to become foster parents. Then she got hungry again.
She tried calling Calum, so he could get her some shrimp tacos from Playa Azul Mariscos, but he didn't answer. She took it upon herself and ordered thought postmates. She ordered three Baja style and four shrimp diabla. For Jaime she got him shrimp empanadas and for Calum veggie quesadilla. While she waited for their food, she made herself a turkey sandwich. 
"Mumma?” Jaime called.
"Aca ando." She called from the kitchen.
Jaime came in.
"Ven." he said, pulling her. He led her out to where Calum parked the car. Maya stopped dead on her tracks when she saw Calum holding Cloud. 
"What's this?" She asked him, tears streamed down her cheeks.
"Funny story, I'm the pendejo that adopted Cloud." He smiled.
"No!" She cried. 
She got down and pulled Cloud into a hug. Cloud was wearing the collar Maya saw at Petco a few days ago when she went to get more snacks for Duke. She gushed to Calum about how cute Cloud would look with it. She reached over to see her dog tag only to find a ring.
"Cal-" She looked up to him. 
He was barely able to contain his tears. 
"Marry me?" Was all he could manage to say. He had a whole speech planned out and everything, but his emotions got the best of him.
"Yes! A million times yes!" She wrapped her arms around him. "I love you so much, Cal!"
"I love you!" Calum said in between kisses.
Later that night after Jaime had settled into bed, Calum and Maya were in the living room. 
"Stop, that tickles." Maya giggled.
Calum was painting a "#2" onto her stomach. 
"Well, if you sat there and not moved, we'd finish much faster." He told her.
"Ya?" She asked a few minutes later.
"Yes. Cloud go sit with mumma." He patted the space next to Maya. 
Calum placed Maya's left hand on top of her stomach while the other was draped over Cloud.
"Okay, smile on three." He said. He counted off from one to three. 
"Let me see it." Maya said once he had taken it.
"You'll see in a bit."
Calum opened Instagram and posted the picture. 'We got two new family members in the Hood-Arroyo household.'
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theocseason4 · 4 years
What the fuck is up with Chrissy Teigens ig bio
what do you mean
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huffpost · 5 years
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Chrissy Teigen Mercilessly Mocks John Legend Over ‘Sexiest Man Alive’ Title 😂
People magazine on Tuesday crowned singer-songwriter John Legend as its “Sexiest Man Alive” for 2019.
And Legend’s wife, the model and cookbook author Chrissy Teigen, wasted no time in poking fun at her husband’s new title, even changing her Twitter bio to inform the world she is “currently sleeping with people’s sexiest man alive.”
Check out more of Teigen’s tweets here.
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perenial · 4 years
42, reddie
[42 - flying]
It’s true that Eddie is a changed man after his death, but when Richie says it, he sounds like a total fucking moron. Eddie tells him as such over gelato by Santa Monica Pier and Richie throws his head back and cackles. His hair has grown out again, just long enough to tickle the ridge of his shoulders, and Eddie watches as he shakes his head and sends the curls flying. 
Here are the things Eddie knows: the weather is stretching languidly into the high nineties; Richie is banned from the bodega on Broadway; and he doesn’t belong in California. Sure, there’s a certain kind of aestheticism built on organic goji berries and mindfulness that Eddie blends in with seamlessly, but he can’t get used to the attention. Tinseltown blinds him with the glittery sunlight reflected on poised iPhones and Richie, inoculated to the weirdness that is celebrity, just grins and waves them off like he does this every day.
And he does do this every day. They only managed to sneak down to the beach because Chrissy Teigen was spotted buying dog food in Beverly Hills. Richie managed to dodge a gaggle of paps by leading them down past the Wetlands, baseball cap firmly in place, and tugged Eddie towards the Pier with the promise of relative anonymity.
Relative was the key term here; every so often someone would walk past and stare quizzically at Richie, like they weren’t sure if it was really him. Richie hadn’t made many public appearances since Derry; TMZ was having an absolute field day, gleefully reminding everyone of that time Richie OD’d before a show in Chicago three years ago. Nevertheless, people left them alone, probably due to the sour grimace Eddie would shoot anyone who looked at Richie a moment too long.
“You’re like a fucking guard dog,” Richie laughs, licking droplets of chocolate gelato from his fingers. “I should get you a collar or something. Wait, no,” he points at Eddie triumphantly, “one of those jackets, you know, the ones that say shit like ‘nervous’ and ‘keep your distance’.”
Eddie scoops the last of his pistachio out of the cup and rolls his eyes. “Yeah, sure, and I’ll get one for you that says ‘stupid bitch’.” He places the cup on the bench between them and leans back, face borne to the sun. “And what the fuck does that mean, I’m a changed man?” He cringes a little at how defensive his voice sounds, like Richie has mortally offended his honour. 
To his credit, Richie just shrugs. “It means, y’know. Changed.” He takes a handful of long moments finishing his gelato, cone and all, before continuing. “I don’t know, man, you just seem kinda edgy. Like, ninety percent of the people gawking just want a selfie and a dumb joke; they’re not gonna go ballistic or whatever you’re freaking out about.”
“I don’t think they’re going to go ballistic,” Eddie snaps, “I just think you should be more careful. Especially since - you know.”
Even before he had remembered Richie, Eddie knew who he was. He was hard to miss: a spat of guest appearances on sketch shows produced the kind of stupid quotes Eddie’s coworkers liked to post on Facebook. Just before Pennywise had reared Its ugly head, Richie had wrapped production on some Universal dramedy that was currently entering the promotional phase of its lifespan. If Richie had been the subject of public attention before, he was engulfed in their gaze now; Richie’s Twitter bio, previously occupied by some dumb shit written by his ghost writer, had been changed to a single rainbow emoji. The world didn’t end, but in some parts of Twitter, it looked as if it had.
Somehow, though, Richie acted like nothing had changed. Of course, having your childhood best friend suddenly re-enter your life after you’ve slaughtered an alien clown demon together was a huge deal, as was coming out after years of painful closeting, but for the most part Richie was going about like he always had been: eyes closed, headfirst, arms wide open.
Eddie rubbed his chest, feeling for the raised scar tissue beneath his shirt. You’re braver than you think, Richie had said, but that was before Eddie realised being brave fucking hurt.
Richie squinted at him. “Eds, I’m fine,” he said without a trace of irony, because - fuck him, he was fine. Shaken and reeling with years of suppressed memories, sure, but coping like a champ. He didn’t wake up in the early morning with bile rising in his throat, lips trembling and heart threatening to give out on him. He didn’t have a fucking anxiety attack every time he went outside with his back to someone. He wasn’t avoiding calls from his ex-wife like she was going to bodily pull him through the phone back to New York, reminding him he wasn’t allowed to run away, reminding him he wasn’t able to stand on his own two feet.
It’s true that Eddie is a changed man, because for the first time in nearly thirty years, he remembers who he almost was: the kind of person who could - would - open his arms to the unknown. There are whole vaults inside Eddie Kaspbrak he’s tried to ignore, and almost dying threw every single door wide open. The aftermath - the rehab, the brief stint with prescription pain meds, throwing his hands up and following Richie to L.A. - felt like one huge question reverberating around his caverns: what’s in here? Who’s in here?
Richie peers into them like Indiana fucking Jones and says, with every soft touch and gentler word, let’s find out.
Eddie presses his palm flat against his ribcage. He breathes in the salty air, feels the bones shifting under his skin. Lies, says, “I’m fine too,” and changes the topic. “California’s too bright,” he tells Richie, because it’s easier than admitting it’s Richie who’s shining a spotlight on Eddie’s bowed head, exposing all the gaping holes in the construction of Edward Kaspbrak, risk analyst. 
“You’ll get used to it,” Richie promises. He stretches his hand across the divide and squeezes Eddie’s knee. He feels solid and smiles easily, like all the pieces of his shattered life still fit together neatly. Eddie presses his lips together and just barely stops himself from asking how the fuck he’s supposed to get used to being himself.
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jamn957 · 4 years
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Chrissy Teigen Claps Back After Being Accused Of Photoshopping Her Butt⁠ .⁠ Link in bio or tinyurl.com/vemzy2m⁠ .⁠ .⁠ #ChrissyTeigen #hiphop #rnb #rap #sandiego #twt⁠ .⁠ Photo: Getty Images — view on Instagram https://ift.tt/39gveei
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benmic98-blog · 5 years
Trick or Treat, Smell My Feet, Give Me Something Good to Eat! Soon there will Halloween parties in full swing, pumpkins lining the streets and masses of trick or treaters on a serious scrape to secure as many sweets as possible at midnight. It’s that time of the year when you fancy channeling your inner Rihanna or Halsey or any fictional a character like Shrek or Lego Batman or any celebrity to create a spotlight-stealing look. Many choose to pay homage to their idols this spooktacular season and as the season has already kicked started with a bang, you might be at the hunt for a last-minute Halloween costume inspiration from the A-list set, spending hours to create the iconic looks this Halloween, all hail to the early festivities that have begun with our stars flaunting their Halloween looks setting the bar high again this year leaving behind costume inspiration for many. If you are a die-hard Halsey fan like me, plenty of choices to channel your Halsey are open; from Met Gala, Victoria Secret’s fashion show to American Music Awards and New York Fashion week Halsey could be your go-to Halsey costume for the Halloween party.
From Cruella de Vil to the tooth fairy you might have experimented with all kinds of looks from spooky to sweet all your life and this year what will be your spin this year is giving you serious trouble. Just Eat, Drink & Be Scary.
2018 didn’t fail to disappoint the celebrity high bar for Halloween costumes with some of the most outrageous, funny and confusing costumes, from the barely recognizable (Rita Ora as Post Malone, anyone?) to the downright uncanny, one can recreate the previous year’s head-turners as this Halloween's spooky and glamorous ensemble with DIY. From the most hyped costumes from the last year Halloween that took Instagram and twitters with amaze and gaze was the Jessica Biel, Justin Timberlake, and Silas Randall Timberlake as Lego Batman characters, Chrissy Teigen and John Legend as Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Charles, the great Kardashians always making up to the highlights with fancy yet controversial stories, Kourtney Kardashian, Kim Kardashian, Kylie Jenner, Kendall Jenner, and Khloe Kardashian as Victoria's Secret Angels, Heidi Klum as Princess Fiona from Shrek, the millionaire whose Insta stories are always extravagant and stays at the top of social media hype, Kylie Jenner as Barbie and Beyoncé as Toni Braxton. When we talk about the most spine-chilling Halloween outfits we can’t just get over Heidi Klum's remarkable Jessica Rabbit in 2015 (which took nine hours of groundwork to complete the prosthetics), or Lady Gaga as a terrifying Edward Scissorhands in 2017 and the list goes on and on, for Halloween is the most sought social event in the celebrity calendar where their costume ideas are mandatory to prove as the crowd-pleasers.
Among the early Halloween feels, Dance with the Stars take the lead in giving us those creepy looks by going full zombie during Halloween night on Monday with a spooky opening number set to Billie Eilish’s Bad Guy. With the insane moves and crazy costumes donned with dreadful makeup to turn the ballroom floor into a creepier zombie world, the stars and the professional dancers are giving me chills down the spine.
Some creepy costume inspirations are ready to be added to the Halloween mood board from the early Halloween festivity in Los Angeles hosted by Rande Gerber and George  Clooney, the annual Casamigos the party had the starry guest list who donned their crazy costumes as the homage to classical idols or recreated the looks from their past events. All of this flooded twitter and their Instagram before the arrival of the big day. The social-media worthy clobber for the annual Casamigos party is listed below.
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Halsey deserves all the applaud and the limelight, biased? Probably yes but the fandom of Halsey provokes such instinct in me and if I were to hand over the best celebrity costume award, Its Halsey and Halsey every time, every year and every event. Halsey this year didn't fail to disappoint and channeled inner goth rocker Marilyn Manson while she announces her relationship with actor Evan Peters on the Halloween bash in Los Angeles. Fiery redhead and a latex leotard was Halsey in the complete Halloween Spirit, spooktacularly-sexy.
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Halsey and Evan Peter are giving us some real relationship goals or they chose to confirm their love by costume coordination, Polka dots giving nostalgia of the '70s. They donned the look at starry American Horror Story 100th Episode Celebration kicked off in California.
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Black is always a killer and Kylie Jenner totally slayed the look with blood-stained red lipstick and blondes to create the Madonna look in a now-iconic kiss at the 2003 VMAs. The makeup-mogul paid homage to the pop culture by pairing with her friend Stassie Karanikolaou to recreate Britney Spear. How cool is that?
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Like mother is the daughter, all glammed up in the Jenner’s met gala ensemble look. Stormi Webster was a miniature version of Kylie at the Met Gala, with the same lavender dress and purple hair. She totally was a little cute fella.
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Her spectacular look made me utter “All that Glitters is just Gold!” The model dipped in glitter dazzled like a neon firework with green and other neon-colored glitters sprayed generously. That would be an understatement though as both husband and wife took the theme of fireworks to take Instagram like always to satiate the fandom every Halloween. But this is not the finale to the Halloween spook; a lot of creative prosthetics has been put to pull off this year’s costume for her iconic party.
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In round 1, Demi was shining in the ensemble by her glam team, Etienne Ortega and Paul Norton. She is the crown-winner just in round 1, the slayer has dressed like French aristocrat Marie Antoinette with a low-cleavage corseted frock, taking us back to the 18th century. The star-studded eyes with heavily-powered makeup and a high-bun is worth the applaud.
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The second round brought forward the clown look of the singer, red-nosed and ginger head with complementing fierce red lens and pom-pom frock is another slayer and winner.
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When Jessica Biel dared to confess on air that she knows nothing about NSYNC songs, this is what it turned out as Jessica's costume for Halloween. In a metallic boiler suit with a curly wig and '90s sunglasses, Jessica paid homage to his husband's boy-band days.
UK celebs have been hitting hard to get into the game and giving tough competition to their US counterparts with hilarious costumes for the big day. The KISS Haunted House Party was another peak-into a place for getting costume inspo. Many of the stars that were performing in the KISS Haunted House Party took the stage with some incredible costumes; Four of diamonds rocked the recreation look of Bratz dolls with their infamous big eyes and face paint to complete the look. The Joker look was much expected after the acclaimed success of the movie, Cetinay was all Joker ready in red suit and clown painted face. Latex seemed more of a trend this Halloween in the celebs, after Hasley, Henderson was seen in black and orange latex with devil horns and blood dripping from the eyes, orange glitter blood to be specific.
Get your Halloween party shoes on and get running with the last minute DIY costume ideas. Slay the look completely. Happy Haunting!
 Author’s Bio:
A well-versed business-writer with an immense passion for innovation and technology. I am a trend enthusiast and like to explore trending practices in various industries. I have written a detailed review of the Exede rural high-speed internet for its major overhaul in the satellite.  
I like to write and talk about fun & entertainment and how technology is evolving our lives in the most amazing ways. Mainly, little things such as the internet and smartphones are the center of my attention.
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blogtify · 5 years
Chrissy Teigen Untold Stories, Biography & Net Worth
Chrissy Teigen Untold Stories, Biography & Net Worth
Full Name: Chrissy Teigen Marital Status : Married Birth Date: November 30, 1985 Horoscope: Sagittarius Birth Place: Utah, USA
  Who is Chrissy Teigen?
Chrissy Teigen is an American born model. Tv Show Aspirant and personality. She appeared in the Sports Illustrated swimsuit issue in 2010 and was named Rookie of the Year. She is the wife of famous American singer John Legend.
Chrissy Teigen…
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Happy valentine's day from me and @thelovemagazine! Follow and click their link to see full video! A post shared by chrissy teigen (@chrissyteigen) on Feb 14, 2017 at 6:14pm PST Chrissy Teigan is our Starz Model of the Day . Check out her Bio,pics and Videos. @elleaus A post shared by chrissy teigen (@chrissyteigen) on Dec 19, 2016 at 9:46am PST Chrissy Teigen is a model and prevalent Twitter…
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hermoanie · 6 years
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josie ruiz  (twenty four • campaign aide • camila morrone)
too smart for her own good. will down an entire bottle of wine by herself and still be the one holding ur hair back at the end of the night. has a bernie sanders tattoo. chrissy teigen replied to her once on twitter. smells like honey and vanilla always.
needs: give me a high school ex boyfriend. i live for messy exes. she’s already cheating on her boyfriend with her boss so make her life more complicated?? also coworkers!! other people who work on the same campaign as her - or even just other people who work in politics.
summer lastname (twenty eight • english teacher • andreea diaconu)
an emotional wreck always. in the middle of a nasty divorce and sold all of the furniture out of her house after an emotional break down. the Cool Hot Teacher. wanted to be a writer but yikes! milf and a half. can french braid like no ones business.
needs: her garbage ex husband!!! he 100% cheated on her. they have a 2 year old together. things are Not Great rn. i know there’s a req for teachers out there so hmu up with that. her old friends from this request!!! mom friends??
elias callaway (thirty one • civil rights attorney • jon kortajarena)
just wants to make his parents proud!! adopted tho so fuq his bio parents. is sensitive and kind?? but also has this weird tendency to hulk out so that’s cool. lowkey has some alcohol dependency issues but its “”””not a big deal.””” blocked my trump on twitter aka his biggest achievement in life.
needs: a few adopted sibs?? i figure his adopted siblings are all biologically related to their parents. give me an ex or two. he’s married now but he’s probably got a few serious relationships from his past. pals?? please give me a core group of friends for him. where my early 30s people at. also coworkers. he works for a local firm so. u know.
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glucophage5mg · 2 years
Chrissy Teigen Net Worth 2021: Age, Height, Weight, Husband, Kids, Bio-Wiki
Chrissy Teigen Net Worth 2021: Age, Height, Weight, Husband, Kids, Bio-Wiki
Chrissy Teigen Celebrated Name: Chrissy Teigen Real Name/Full Name: Christine Diane Teigen Gender: Female Age: 36 years old Birth Date: 30 November 1985 Birth Place: Delta, Utah, United States Nationality: American Height: 1.74 m Weight: 58 kg Sexual Orientation: Straight Marital Status: Married Husband/Spouse (Name): John Legend (m. 2013) Children: Yes (Luna Simone Stephens, Miles…
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