heretherebedork · 1 year
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If anything happens to either of them or their relationship I will rampage.
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littleragondin · 1 year
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Let's stay together, loving you whether, whether times are good or bad. - Al Green, "Let's stay together"
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mushiemadarame · 1 year
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⇢ Bruce Sirikorn Kananurak as Chot and Mark Sorntast Buangam as Krit (Step by Step, 2023, EP05)
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selenhere · 10 months
Heyy y'all.
so I finally finished Step by Step yesterday. I have to say that the last two episodes felt a bit rushed. Like for a minute they were finally together and then suddenly came the troubles and issues with the project and the company. I felt that it would have been better if we had a few more episodes. Then the show would have been perfect. So moving on
Plot : The series did a good job in showcasing the development of feelings between the leads. One thing that I really liked a lot was how they didn't sugarcoat a single situation in the series.
(Spoiler alert - Like when the relationship between the leads became a hot topic in the office and how the series showed the cruel part of coming out such as Pat getting weird looks and criticism for wooing his senior in work. Even though he got the Fjord deal due to his capability, he was still blamed for making his way up by seducing his boss. This right here is the reality. People don't always support your office romance. Most of the time, it is plain criticism.)
Characters : I personally was slightly irritated by Pat's character. He was kind of immature which irritated me further. As for Jeng, he really needs to trust Pat with his responsibility. Supervising each and every responsibility given to Pat was kind of disrespect to Pat.
I also loved how each and every character was allowed to shine and were given enough screentime to get their stories known to us viewers. Normally, the side characters don't really get enough screentime and somehow their storyline also fades away during the series. But this was not the case for Step By Step. I loved the way they showed Put trying to rectify his mistakes but realising it's too late for that. I totally loved the ChotKrit storyline. Bruce did such an amazing job. Honestly I could not believe that he was the same villain era Bruce from Lovely Writer.
JaabJen storyline was slightly confusing and also it did not have any ending. So it was kind of a waste. Lets hope that they create a special episode for these two.
Apart from these, all the romantic scenes were too good. The subtle tension and hunger for each other were expressed in an excellent manner. All (ep 10, 12) kisses were done very nicely. Both the characters were equally eager for each other. Not the typical stuff where one lays like a statue while the other awkwardly touches the lips.
So overall, I would give Step by Step 8.5/10.
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