#Charla McComic
libamericaorg · 7 years
Tennessee Trumpkin Claims Trumpcare Has Lowered Health Insurance Costs Already
Tennessee Trumpkin Claims Trumpcare Has Lowered Health Insurance Costs Already
During his 2016 run for the White House, Donald Trump once said he loved ignorant voters, commenting:
“We won with poorly educated. I love the poorly educated.”
And the poorly educated love the so-called president, too, perhaps because they’re not bright enough to know he’s a pathological liar who wants to give them the proverbial shaft so he can hand out massive tax cuts to his rich golfing…
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tiffanywillis · 7 years
Tennessee Trumpkin Claims Trumpcare Has Lowered Health Insurance Costs Already
Tennessee Trumpkin Claims Trumpcare Has Lowered Health Insurance Costs Already
During his 2016 run for the White House, Donald Trump once said he loved ignorant voters, commenting:
“We won with poorly educated. I love the poorly educated.”
And the poorly educated love the so-called president, too, perhaps because they’re not bright enough to know he’s a pathological liar who wants to give them the proverbial shaft so he can hand out massive tax cuts to his rich golfing…
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snapzuhealth · 7 years
Soon after Charla McComic’s son lost his job, his health-insurance premium dropped from $567 per month to just $88, a “blessing from God” that she believes was made possible by President Trump. “I think it was just because of the tax credit,” said McComic, 52, a former first-grade teacher who traveled to Trump’s Wednesday night rally in Nashville from Lexington, Tenn., with her daughter, mother, aunt and cousin. via Snapzu : Health & Body
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vagabondretired · 7 years
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Just how stupid are the Trump supporters? This stupid. Trump supporter credits Republicare — which hasn’t taken effect — for dramatically lower health costs A Tennessee woman who backs President Donald Trump credits God and the Republican health care bill — which hasn’t been voted into law — for her family’s dramatically lower insurance costs. Charla McComic’s son recently lost his job, and his health-insurance premium dropped from $567 per month to $88, which she described as “a blessing from God” and a gift from the new president, reported the Washington Post.
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I’m sorry, what?
Where you been, Charla McComic? What you been reading/listening to ? Why are you giving Trump so much credit? Have you never heard “I’m Just a Bill (Schoolhouse Rock)”?! If you had, you know that GOVERNMENT DOESN’T WORK THAT FAST.
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