#Cathy Gimble
astralbondpro · 1 year
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Cathy's Curse (1977) // Dir. Eddy Matalon
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adamwatchesmovies · 2 years
Cathy’s Curse (1977)
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Part Omen, Part Exorcist, Cathy’s Curse is one strange picture. This lesser '70s Canadian horror film has its ups and downs - mostly downs. As a movie that's "so bad it's good", I won't call it a "must-see" but if you happen upon it, you're guaranteed a few laughs.
When George (Alan Scarfe), Vivian (Beverly Murray), and their daughter Cathy (Randi Allen) move into George’s childhood home, they're subjected to all sorts of weird happenings. Could they be related to the strange doll the young girl found in the attic and the portrait of her dead aunt whose eyes appear to eerily glow?
Cathy’s Curse is about as difficult to solve as a 3-piece jigsaw puzzle. If you've seen the pictures it borrows liberally from, it's even easier. It’d be pretty dull, and it oftentimes is, if it weren’t for the shoddy special effects and comically bad decisions from director Eddy Matalon. There are a lot, and I mean A LOT of scenes where cars drive up and down the intersection by the Gimbles’ new home. When you’re not admiring those wheels turning, Cathy is terrorizing her already mentally unstable mother (Daddy gets frustrated and exasperated at her raving pleas). The only time she takes a break is when the medium (Mary Morter) shows up unannounced to see if she can help exorcise whatever demon is unleashing this reign of terror.  The film only lasts 88 minutes and you'll have no trouble finding scenes that could be cut out - so many of them go exactly nowhere. It’s so badly written it goes beyond being predictable and throws you for a loop completely. When you think it’s choreographing way in advance the way a certain scene will go, it suddenly changes its mind and goes the opposite direction.
Cathy’s Curse has some memorable scenes, the kind so baffling describing them here would do them no justice. The picture is probably more fun to talk about than actually view, but I enjoyed it enough to watch it again. I'm thinking even a couple of viewings so I can see how the director’s cut differs from the theatrical version. It’s a bad film that doesn’t have the appeal of the “classics” such as The Room or Troll 2 but if you just watched The Exorcist and you want to see it done all wrong, you get that and some laughs with Cathy's Curse. (Director’s Cut on Blu-ray, June 2, 2017)
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thebutcher-5 · 3 years
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thebutcher-5 · 3 years
Maledetto sortilegio
Benvenuti o bentornati sul nostro blog. Nello scorso articolo abbiamo discusso di The Raven, film thriller-horror con protagonista lo scrittore Edgar Allan Poe, impegnato a dare la caccia a uno spietato assassino che uccide le sue vittime ispirandosi alle opere dello scrittore. Un film imperfetto, con qualche difetto a livello di sceneggiatura, ma che riesce comunque a reggersi molto bene grazie…
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