#Can we bring back the merpeep AU?
yami268 · 6 years
Cyclonis sing Poor unfortunate souls from the little mermaid to Piper
Fic Meme: Give me a Disney song and a pairing or character, and I’ll write you a drabble or ficlet based on either the title or part of the song itself.
Piper’s fin flickered as she swam through the rocky trench that laid outside of her peaceful reef home. Though wary about this venture, her own eagerness to see the land above was too compelling to ignore. For years, she had collected trinkets and knickknacks from the surface. So why shouldn’t she take a chance to see it? Still, she couldn’t help but have a sense of dread of what’s to come.
After a while, Piper had finally made it to her destination, a grotesque skeleton of a once-great sea beast. She paused for a moment, looking up at the massive structure with uneasiness. Even so, she shook her head before swimming on ahead.
Inside, it was as foreboding for the young mermaid. The winding tunnel was as dim as the darkest corners of the ocean itself, save for some luminescent coral. Even so, she couldn’t but feel a little wary. It felt like everything was closing in. But she still pressed forward, her yearning pushing her through this forsaken place. She believed herself for a moment to be safe. At least until something reached out and grabbed her wrist.
Piper struggled with whatever had grabbed her, trying to break free. She had only managed to get a little bit until a sharp yet mildly pleasant voice echoed. “Snipe, let our guest go.”
A second afterward, she found herself free as she swished her fin far away from her aggressor. She then heard the voice again, this time coaxing her on.
“Come in, come in, my dear,” it said, as Piper poked her head from around the corner. She could see a large conch shell as well as tentacles emerging from it. Then, the owner of said-tentacles crawled out of the couch. Piper had presumed to be the Sea Witch she had heard tales about. What made her very surprised was how young she looked. With her short black hair to match her lower octopus body, she looked to be the same age as the young mermaid.
“Now, now. One mustn’t lurk in doorways. It’s rude.” Piper’s mind soon snapped back as the other young girl beckoned her in. “One could question your upbringing…”
Piper did not say a thing, examining more of the room. It was pretty neat, though her stomach turned when she noticed the shelves of various organs and such. Next, she noticed two others off in the far corner of the room. A handsome man with a shark’s fin and an older woman with an elegant angelfish’s, both were watching her. Those two might have been the Sea Witch’s own attendants, though she heard that there was a third. She was then greeted by said-third from behind, a large man with a sea serpent’s tail and large teeth.
She froze as the man swam past her, giving her a glance that made her gulp. Fortunate was she that the Sea Witch took her arm and dragged her away. “Oh, don’t pay attention to him… Or any of them, really.” Once they were out of earshot, she continued, “So, I’m guessing you’re here because you wish to go to the surface?”
Piper’s eyes widened, almost placing her hand on her mouth. “H-how did you-?”
“Gossip can travel far or so I’ve heard,” Cyclonis replied with a grin that made Piper feel uncomfortable. “But never mind that. I only know of one way to be in the world of humans. And that is to become a human yourself.”
Piper looked a little intrigued despite her head thinking otherwise. “You can do that?”
Cyclonis looked at the young mermaid, showing her teeth off in a wide smile. “My dear friend. It’s what I do. It’s I live for. To help unfortunate merfolk… Though I’ll admit, in the past I’ve been nasty.”
“Yea…” Piper murmured, remembering the tales she had heard from friends and family. “People did call you a witch.”
“Yes, well, I find it now, I’ve mended my ways. Repented, seen the light, and made a switch to this.” Cyclonis started to twirled around away from her. “And it’s fortunate that I know a little magic. A talent I’ve always have possessed. And I use it on behalf of the miserable, lonely, and depressed-” she whispered, “Pathetic.” She then looked back at Piper like everything was normal. “Such as yourself.”
Though Cyclonis’ calm tone made it seem valid, Piper still had some unsettling reservations. Her mind kept reminding her of the Sea Witch’s devious nature and of her past transgressions. It also didn’t help that her underlings seem to be eyeing her despite their apathy. Her muscles were beginning to tense up, even more so when Cyclonis took her shoulder.
“So, here’s what I can do. I can turn you into a human for three days. But if you wish to remain human, all you need to do is to receive a special kiss, a Kiss of True Love.” Cyclonis’ narrowed her eyes in a sly manner. “Perhaps that boy you saved would do.”
Piper’s face showed a slight blush as she remembered that time. She had recently saved a young human with red hair during a terrible storm. Though they didn’t properly meet, she found him to be quite intriguing as she watched him from afar. And she would be lying if she didn’t admit that her wanting to visit the human realm was due to him.
Those thoughts were soon interrupted when Cyclonis spoke up again. “Oh! There’s one more thing. We haven’t discussed the payment yet. You can’t get something for nothing, you know.”
“But I didn’t bring any-!” A single tentacle covered Piper’s mouth while she tried to excuse herself.
“Oh, it’s nothing much. Just a token. You’d never even miss it.” Cyclonis leaned in close to her, whispering in her ear, “What I want from you is… your voice.”
Piper gasped, touching her throat. In all honesty, she couldn’t imagine that she would have to give up her own voice. Even if it was to go above. Then, she realized something else about it. “But without my voice, how can I-!”
“You have your looks, a pretty face, and don’t forget the importance of body language.” Cyclonis interrupted once again as she swam towards a cabinet and gathered ingredients. “Besides, I heard the men up there don’t like women who blabber or gossip. They think they’re a bore and prefer for them now to not say a word. As they say, it’s she who holds her tongue who gets her man.”
The sea witch soon poured her ingredients into her cauldron, green smoke forming from it. “Now, it’s time for you to make your choice. I’m a very busy witch and I haven’t got all day. And it’s not gonna cost much; just your voice. It’s sad but an undeniable truth. If you want to cross a bridge, my sweet, you got to pay a toll. Take a gulp and take a breath. Go ahead and sign your fate. You poor unfortunate soul!”
For a moment, Piper forgot all her fear and doubt. And with determined eyes, she nodded. A sinister smile appeared on Cyclonis’ face as the green smoke enveloped the room. Though it was very murky, the young mermaid had a suspicion that she was still there. Especially when she heard her say, “Now, sing.”
So, she did, her voice echoing throughout the room. As for what happened next, Piper couldn’t exactly describe fully. She felt a pair of hands grasp at her throat before yanking something out of it. Then, she was enveloped in a bubble from Cyclonis’ cauldron. Excruciating pain claimed her lower body as it spilt and contorted. The bubble soon disappeared, leaving her in the water yet not being able to swim in it. Quickly, something grabbed her and rushed her upward out of the Sea Witch’s lair only hearing her cackle.
Piper felt like an eternity had passed before she broke through sea’s waves. And as she felt the radiant light, she breathed.
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