thecwsdezignlife · 2 years
Do you want to learn to create your own calendars?
JOIN US - Calendar Creation Creation - We're Making Own!
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Elements of a Great B2B Content Marketing Strategy
Content marketing is essential for business owners. It helps them create content that customers will like and that will help conversions. There are seven critical things to think about when creating a content marketing strategy, and this article tells you what they are.
 Content marketing is essential for business owners. It helps them create content that customers will like and that will help conversions. There are seven critical things to think about when creating a content marketing strategy, and this article tells you what they are.
 So, what are the key elements of a great B2B content marketing strategy?
 1. Start with your buyer personas.
Most business owners know that they need to create content for their target audience. But what many don’t realize is that they need to start by creating buyer personas.
A buyer persona is a detailed description of your ideal customer. It includes their demographics, interests, needs, and pain points.
2. Do your keyword research.
Keyword research is another essential element of a great B2B content marketing strategy. Keyword research will help you determine what kinds of content to create and how to optimize it for the search engines.
When doing your keyword research, be sure to use long-tail keywords. Long-tail keywords are three or four keyword phrases specific to your product or service.
They are more likely to be used by people who are further along in the buying cycle (further down your sales funnel) and are thus more likely to convert.
3. Create a content calendar
Creating a content calendar is a great way to stay organized and on track with your B2B content marketing strategy. A content calendar will help you plan and schedule your content in advance.
It will also help you ensure that your content is timely and relevant to your buyer personas.
4. Create your content
Here we are – it’s time to create your content! But what kind of content should you create?
The answer to this question will vary depending on your buyer personas and your keywords. But some great options for B2B content include blog posts, ebooks, infographics, case studies, webinars, and white papers.
No matter what type of content you create, make it high-quality and informative.
5. Create a content marketing strategy
A content marketing strategy is a plan for how you will create, publish, and promote your content.
Creating a content marketing strategy might sound like a lot of work. But it’s not that difficult. And it’s definitely worth the effort.
 6. Promote your content
Once you’ve created your content, it’s time to promote it.
There are several ways to promote your content. But the best way to promote it is to use a mix of methods.
Share your content on social media.
 One of the best ways to promote your content is to share it on social media. This will help you reach a larger audience and get more people to see your content.
When sharing your content on social media, use hashtags and images. This will make your content more discoverable and increase people’s chances of seeing it. Please don’t hijack other people’s hashtags, that will likely backfire.
 For more details on our products and services, please feel free to visit us at: Internet Marketing Services, Content Marketing Services, Reputation Management, Search Engine Optimization & Social Media Optimization.
Please feel free to visit us at: https://webigg.com/
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dimadyk-blog · 4 years
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stebridgwater35 · 5 years
Hello fellows!I'm a chef in a small restaurant and from some time I was thinking about collecting all the necessary tools I use in the kitchen in one place.What I mean is that:All the events I not in my hand-book calendar.For creating schedules I have file at my office computerRecipes - some handwritten in my old recipes book, some I store in files. Most of them have no photo.Prep lists for next day - handwritten hang somwhere in the kitchen.To solve issue of having everything everywhere I decided to work on some application to make my life easier.I made this http://bit.ly/2KohWmC free and it brings functionality I mentioned above:You can create/delete events in the calendarCreate your tema schedule - add/remove members, change their working days/hours (for default or for given week)Store your recipes with photoMake prep lists for next dayEverything in one place.You can use it by registering new account (with simple email-password combination) or sign in with your Google account.Everything is secure and your data stored there are invisible for other users.I'm sure some of you might find it usefull.So I encourage you to give it a try! If you do so, please let me know about your user-experience.What do you think about it?Thanks! via /r/UsefulWebsites
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