#Bonus points if you can name the song Missy's playing lmao
coyotescribbles · 1 year
The bass was still thundering when they hit the highway leading out of town, and Miscreant put the pedal to the metal. His engine roared as the landscape blurred around them, and the wind whipped Ruby's hair around her face.
She couldn't help it; leaning back in the seat, she flung her arms out with a howl of delight.
Miscreant just laughed, accelerating along the straightaway.
In the near distance, another vehicle came into view - a now-familiar green SUV, she realized with a groan - and the timbre of his engine shifted slightly.
Surging forward, Miscreant closed the distance between them, then shifted into the opposite lane to pull up alongside Bulkhead.
♫♪Wonderful bars, fat like Michael's arse!♪♫ blared over the speakers.
Then, putting on another burst of speed, Miscreant pulled ahead and, in a maneuver that made Ruby glad she'd fastened her seatbelt, turned one hundred and eighty degrees without so much as slowing down, ending up back in the right lane while driving backwards, nearly nose-to-nose with Bulkhead.
♫♪This is an announcement: Please refrain from not smoking!♪♫
"Jesus CHRIST, Missy!" Ruby laughed, throwing her head back when he dipped his left headlamp in a "wink."
They were both cackling madly as he spun into a second one-eighty and sped away.
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dangeroussdames · 6 years
Ship meme the doctor and missy
Send me a ship and I’ll tell  you…:
Who would be the big spoon/little spoon?:I feel like; both would be both depending on the day — like they both are able to read each other very very well; and I feel like they would just instinctively know if the other needed or wanted to be held and cuddled… that said; I won’t pretend Missy doesn’t like to play jetpack to the much taller Doctor. 
Who would wake up first?:Again it depends, though I generally feel as though Missy sleeps more, if less soundly. Generally, I would say I think the Doctor probably wakes up first, though sometimes he is probably awakened earlier than he might otherwise have been cause Missy has a tendency to talk and make noises in her sleep because of her night terrors. Since neither of them really need to sleep that much its something of an odd situation… but cuddles always tend to induce sleep, even if neither of them necessarily needs it.
Do they have nicknames for each other?:Ooohhhhh hell yes!!! so many; just — so.. soooo many. whther they are cute ones or teasing ones or whatever — the name calling is just… endless. Its definitely something Missy does more than the Doctor; but they both have plenty of names of each other. 
How do they apologize after an argument?:weellll; neither of them are very good at it; they are both very VERY stubborn, especially with each other, and they tend to just sort of avoid the other until they calm down and forget about what it was they were arguing about. Although; on the rare occasion that they do actually decide to apologize to one another its usually through some kind of grand (and in Missy’s case often misguided) gesture (like a cyberman army as a birthday present … y’know… totally reasonable)   What would they be like as parents?:Oh dear god help whatever poor child had them as parents!! XD –To be honest; I feel like they would be bother really terrible and really amazing at the same time; like as far as care taking and keeping them safe? they would be absolute rubbish! Like they are both such risk takers and… Missy would see absolutely no problem dragging her chilld through the heart of a star or some shit while the Doctor would just kind of ~forget~ that children are small and somewhat fragile and would end up getting them into some kind of trouble and then just being like  “.. ooops?” — I mean look what goes down with his human companions; and I sort of think he sees them kind of as his children or charges for which he is responsible and… i mean look at the track record… BUT in terms of raising the child I think they would be amazing!! In terms of really important life lessons and explaining things — there would be nobody better in the universe – like they are both so crazy brilliant and have had such a breadth of experiences …. on top of which like; their viewpoints are SO different they would present any child with a varied and balanced point of view which would allow them to develop their own ideas and point of view on different topics, they would be amazing.  
Who is more romantic?:I – I honestly don’t know… i feel like it depends on the circumstance? Like generally i’d say Missy is more the one for grand, cheesy gestures and protestations; BUT I think the Doctor also will pull out some incredibly beautiful and sweet romantic moments and gestures; they are just less common and somewhat more subtle and definitely less predictable; but they can both be very romantic when they choose to be. What sort of gifts do they get for each other?:Ridiculous ones. I mean.. really…. REALLY over the top shit… a pony just cause she asked… a cyberman army for his birthday…. a piano for absolutely no reason at all (Oh please there were PLENTY of reasons he got her that damn piano and all of them involve good times which could be had atop it.) ;) ….. you get the point.
Who gets jealous easiest?:MISSSYYYYYY. definitely. She CANNOT understand why he is always running around with those stupid little humans; and she is often afraid he loves them more than he loves her. Which isn’t to say that the Doctor wouldn’t be jealous too if their situations were reversed; but like — Missy doesn’t really have many friends sooo…..
Who gets more excited for events e.g.. Birthdays, Christmas?:Hahahahaha Missy. definitely Missy. She enjoys making a production out of every. single. holiday…. oftentimes much to the dismay and irritation of the Doctor…. which is honestly half the reason she is so set one it.Who is the most adventurous?:Depends on what you mean by adventurous…. Missy is the bigger risk taker but the Doctor is more curious about the universe and everything in general…. althooooough if we’re talking in the bedroom um… Missy, clearly — though to his credit the Doctor is down for whatever she comes up with. Who is the most protective?:Probably the Doctor, though they are both protective of one another, fiercely protective — the Doctor is just so used to getting Missy out of her own messes over the years; its just kind of ingrained in him to make sure she has a way out and will be okay. What would they have been like as childhood sweethearts?:I meannn since that’s exactly what they were…… ;P No no, i know I know; and I don;t think they were like together together when they were young, even if they were clearly in love with each other even then…. but I feel like even if they had been; I think their relationship would have been very much like what it is now… both of them constantly fighting but always forgiving each other because they are stupid in love.Who uses all the hot water?:Lmao Both of them because you know they’re in the damn shower together and therefore showers take 500 X longer than they need to beaause so much shower sex. Who would accidentally set the kitchen on fire whilst cooking?:Both of them; well; no i take that back… the Doctor would set it on fire by accident Missy would do it on purpose… or at least if it was ORIGINALLY an accident she would throw some kerosene on it for good measure. Who initiates sexy times the most?:Both of them but.. also kind of Missy… She tends to just like tease him and be there in a very consciously tantalizing way until he finally just snaps and jumps on her and starts making out with her which never fails to induce a fit of cackles from her and ultimately leads to all the sexy times.Who is more dominant?:They are both a couple of big switches who love to play power play games — although, Missy is naturally pretty dominant, she also likes it when he takes control cause she actually trusts him enough to let him.What would they do if the other one was hurt?:Absolutely and unequivocally whatever was necessary to save the other or make sure they are okay… they would both run headlong into danger for the other without a 2nd thought for their own safety. Who gives nose/forehead kisses?:Missy is all about giving the nose kisses!!! ;P ….but the differences in their height has more or less given the Doctor the monopoly on giving the forehead kisses … both of which suits them both very nicely. What their biggest fight was/will be about::Oh god….. I honestly don’t even know — like… there have been SO many… though i suppose a lot of them boil down to their conflicting moralities… 
BONUS #1: Song to sum them up?:Oh dear lord.... how many tracks from my 60+ track playlist do you want!?!?! XD XD .... tonight... i’m feeling like its Walking The Wire by Imagine Dragons ♥BONUS #2: A head canon?:buuttt I haveee soo mannyy...... ummm okay; okay so one is that, the interior of the Vault was originally a relatively small space, but that utilizing bigger on the inside tech; the two of them just worked together to expand it, giving her multiple rooms and more space, until she basically had her own little palace down there and that one main room with the piano, and the small small force-field enclosure was literally just for appearances... as they both decided it was best if the secrets of the vault were kept just between the two of them.... and yes, i mean that in every sense.   
BOTTOM LINE: Do I ship it?:Ummmmm Is water wet!?!?!?! like 100% OTP level right here like --- my heart ♥♥♥ mah babbies!!! I will love them 5ever!!!
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