mandajiu · 2 years
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Photo Credit: An angel bird on BiliBili provided the original photo with the stem. I found it on a comment in Douyin. Permission requested to use it; otherwise I will delete it. 谢谢
DISCLAIMER: Until proven real, all CP's are fantasy. Avoid real names. Keep the enclosure and do everything possible to not bring the dream outside to official channels. This post will be made private in the future should the nest grow. Intl fans have responsibility to protect their artists. This is a purple free zone people unless it is about a Bazaar scarf. No sheep/goats (glory) worship either. All comments related to one-upmanship of other CPs that are not constructive will be deleted. Try not to share this. Our number one goal is keeping to ourselves and building our own happy little nest, OK?
I am very new to this CP thing in C-entertainment and I find it quite fascinating. Our CP is a pretty dated one, but there are quite a few Bird Eggs going strong. What I love about being a Bird Egg is that for the most part we stay to our one enclosure and try not to step on other people or groups.
Sometimes there is a perception - founded or otherwise you can research - that one person is stepping on the CP or artist in such a way as to hurt the other artist or perceived couple. I am of the mind that the machinery behind the individual is scarier than any one entertainer or even their family. In the end, our artists need to move on to other projects and even CPs and I personally support all work of 30 and 88. I also trust their choices and whoever they decide to be with, even if it is unexpected, I vow to support. I will ask for more collaborations though - such chemistry should not be wasted.
In the end CPfandom are chasing dreams. It is a fantasy born out of a perceived reality. That being said, these days we are getting a whole lot of imaginary candy from our perceived real couple.
I'm dyscalculic. I forget names, dates, times, and direction. It took me a while to catch up on all the number games. I will attempt to write a detailed post for those interested, but I honestly think trying to find order in the chaos is only good if you have a multiplicity of examples to correlate data with. Yesterday when I looked at the posts from our CP though I had to chuckle. Coincidences keep growing. Also, good on our perceived team. They seem very happy to "catch the tail" of the season have a "long vacation" in both a young and mature fashion Their copywriting is just becoming so very blatant 哈哈哈哈哈哈
The one reason, besides learning Mandarin, I am Leidi is because there is no financial reason to keep Bird Eggs happy, but it seems like we keep getting fed hints (Mandarin slang candy/sweets). The CP group is still strong and they are mostly very realistic people who have a strong romantic side. If this CP isn't real, I demand a drama or movie be made from the storyline of well-intentioned, well-fated love we have so far created by top Bird Eggs. I mean WOW! Go to Bilibili for more. If you don't speak Mandarin. I don't speak much, but Google translate has a camera option and I have devoted all my ADHD hyperfocus to studying the creations and meanderings of Mandarin-speaking Bird Eggs on multiple platforms. So many, many coincidences - for sure their studio has a CP if nothing else.
What is 30 out of 8 you may ask? Why 23 of course. Keep this in mind when you search 磊迪 on Bilibili (latest release).
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