#Bin Rental Victoria
Cost-Effective Waste Management: With Cheap Bin Hire Options to Explore
Packing and repackaging your cheap bin hire is so much simpler when the contents are dry, especially if you're trying to fold or flatten cardboard boxes from a recent house move or level rubbish within the skip bin to make sure it's level. However, when it's not cold or pouring, it's far more enjoyable to be outside, gather all of your trash, and load it into a skip bin.
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Prevent Making Several Journeys to the Tip During Hot Spots
Hiring a green waste skip bin in Melbourne for the summer has a lot of advantages.  In light of the recent scorching temperatures that have affected all Australian states, but especially Victoria, having a waste bin delivered to your driveway will be quite practical in many ways.  Many Melbournians may own a trailer or may want to hire one, but when summer temperatures rise, it's important to think about trailer maintenance.
Ensuring that Building Projects Comply with Regulations while Maintaining Efficiency
Utilising skip bins guarantees adherence to regional garbage disposal laws. Skilled skip bin rental businesses are knowledgeable about waste management regulations and may help you avoid fines and penalties.
The environmental impact of garbage is reduced when it is disposed of properly with skip bins. Recycling and appropriate garbage disposal help to preserve the environment and support sustainability initiatives.
Skip bin rental is quite helpful for building sites in Melbourne. It facilitates the efficient disposal of garbage during construction and remodelling projects, freeing up employees to concentrate on their work uninterrupted.
Hire a Skip Bin in Melbourne and Save Money
Even though renting a skip bin costs money, the cost of all the other options for getting rid of rubbish soon adds up. Although carrying your garbage to the tip or several tips would undoubtedly be much less time-efficient, as a resident, you will be paying the retail rate at the tip, which is the highest price that a retail customer would pay.
Your time is worth money, so rather than taking some time off to visit several tips and garbage transfer stations, you might keep working in your current position and let the experts handle the waste disposal.
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redebin · 3 years
Are you searching for a Waste Disposal & Bin Rental  in Victoria BC? If so, then Red-E-Bin is here to offer most affordable garbage bin rental services in Victoria, Saanich, Sooke, Metchosin, Langford, and other nearby areas. Get rid of all unwanted trash with the help of our waste disposal services. Call now on 778-897-1020 or visit Red-e-bin.com
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clairebeauchampfan · 4 years
Why would you care about statues of slaveholders...?
A blogger writes: “Anyone who complains that protestors are destroying “history” when toppling statues knows nothing about actual history.
The Egyptians tried to erase Akhnaten. The Chinese smashed Emperor Qin’s terracotta warriors and stole their weapons. Heaven knows how many religious statues or temples have been destroyed.
Buildings burn. Buildings get bombed. Tapestries erode. Paintings fade. Why don’t these people praise art restoration? Why aren’t they donating to their local museums and historical societies? Why aren’t they talking about the 53 World Heritage sites UNESCO considers to be in danger?
History isn’t just about building things. It’s also about their destruction. Would you say that the statues of Stalin and Hitler should have been preserved? Or the statues of Saddam Hussein? How about the Berlin Wall? No? So why would you care about statues of slaveholders or Christopher Columbus?
Stop using your “academic” concerns to hide your racism.”
Why indeed? Well, for a majority of living Americans and  Britons, most of the  statues of famous men (and women) are and were  put up to commorate people who made an important, even vital  contribution to national or international life, either as military heroes, or key contributors to the founding or maintenance of these countries, or the defence of these countries against enemies who threatened to destroy them. Names such as Ulysses.S. Grant, defeater of the Confederate armies. George Washington and Thomas Jefferson, founders of the American Republic. Andrew Jackson, whose victory at New Orleans made him a national hero. Theodore Roosevelt, who founded America’s system of National Parks. Winston Spencer Churchill, who probably more than any many saved Europe, maybe the whole world, from domination by Fascism and Militarism. Mahatma Gandhi, whose peaceful protests led India to freedom. Admiral Lord Nelson, who saved Britain from invasion. William Gladstone, tireless promoter of Liberalism and the cause of Irish self-determination. Captain Cook, discoverer for the Western World of Australia, New Zealand and the isles of the South Seas. Sir Walter Raleigh, founder of Jamestown, the first English settlement  in North America. And, yes, Christopher f**king Columbus.
None of these great names from history (you know your actual history, don’t you?) was 100% pure from the stain of racism, in some form or other, a stain which now extends, I understand, to those whose fathers were involved in slavery. Barring Abraham Lincoln (wasn’t he President at the time of the Sand Creek massacre, and therefore responsible?) , every single US President owned slaves, (even U.S.Grant, to whom every Afro-American owes a debt of gratitude, you might think). Which for @deerhoofandrabbitsfoot and others like him, or her, means that their memory should be expunged, regardless of their achievements or the good they did in other spheres of life. Their statues - regardless of the wish of the majority of inhabitants of the cities they adorn - should be torn down. No vote, no reasoned debate, no balancing of the good or evil of a man’s life,  just the say so of a small but vocal mob convinced of their own moral rectitude, puffed up with a sense of the own righteousness  and convinced of their right to act independently and without reference to the wishes of the majority of the people and the rule of law. Democracy? F*ck that. ‘I’m right, you’re wrong, nah nah nan nah nah.’ 
But why stop at statues? Hell, let’s let these people do the job thoroughly. A leftist politician in Australia has just demanded that, on her say so, the States of Victoria and Queensland should have their names changed. So.... let’s change the names of the US capital city and the State of Washington. Change the names of cities like Jacksonville, Custer, Reno, Carson City. Flags? The Union Jack and the Stars and Stripes have a blood-stained history- especially as regards Native Americans: bin them both. Land?  stolen. No US citizen should own his house or farm, they should be leased and a rental paid to the nearest Native American tribe. Currency? Too many Presidents, all steeped in blood. Buildings? Every pre-1865 house in the south should be razed to the ground, every ranch in the West destroyed. Mountains? Blow up Mt. Rushmore. Rename Pike’s Peak. 
Yes, the time may well have come, it may well be a time well overdue,  for the removal of Confederate statues....but even the Germans of WWII have their war memorials, even in the countries they occupied. There might be a time and a place for a statue of Irwin Rommel, if not Adolf Hitler. A place for a statue of General Zhukov, if not of Josef Stalin. Even (OMG!) a statue of Robert E.Lee, if not of Jefferson Davis. Let the People, not the mob, decide. Have a vote. 
 If the cause is just, the majority of The People will vote to bring them down;  maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, but soon. Government of the people, for the people, by the people, as the Great Emancipist once said. He didn’t say of the righteous people, by the righteous  people, for the righteous people -even if morally they may be, and perhaps are, 100% right. Though I have to disagree on Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Winston Churchill, Mahatma Gandhi and most of the 78+ names on the BLM UK statue  hit list. Even if they weren’t 100% pure when it comes to racism, the racist bastards. 
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nelsonmonde-blog · 5 years
My writtings dude
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----- Forwarded Message -----From: Clement Rabach <[email protected]>To: [email protected] <[email protected]>Cc: [email protected] <[email protected]>Sent: Sunday, July 21, 2019, 6:41:49 PM GMT+3Subject: Fw: the truth bro ----- Forwarded Message -----From: Clement Rabach <[email protected]>To: [email protected] <[email protected]>Cc: Adi Morre Stevo <[email protected]>Sent: Sunday, July 21, 2019, 06:38:56 PM GMT+3Subject: Fw: the truth bro ----- Forwarded Message -----From: Clement Rabach <[email protected]>To: [email protected] <[email protected]>Cc: [email protected] <[email protected]>Sent: Sunday, July 21, 2019, 06:38:20 PM GMT+3Subject: Fw: the truth bro ----- Forwarded Message -----From: Clement Rabach <[email protected]>To: Delvin Vuguza <[email protected]>Cc: [email protected] <[email protected]>Sent: Sunday, July 21, 2019, 06:37:36 PM GMT+3Subject: Fw: the truth bro ----- Forwarded Message -----From: Clement Rabach <[email protected]>To: Frank Lefte Quaresma <[email protected]>Cc: [email protected] <[email protected]>Sent: Sunday, July 21, 2019, 06:35:44 PM GMT+3Subject: the truth bro so what dude
In TUSKYSupermarket to make sure urine pour on the offering they extend it using pipes 4 the urine to fall in the middle. Supermarkets should be made of thick hard glass so that nothing hidden goes inside. We cant afford/go no trusting the foods, Let a chain store be a chain store not a factory. Open one and thats why in developed world they work 24/7. If a child knows much than in his age in the old Red Indian heritage, he was grabbed at night without his knowing and hurled in the lake superior, the same should happen now. It was done to sway tomorrow evil in the society. I now put my post on football matches as Jamaica vs Domingo or in any country Tv news like Bahama, japan, Congo Tv news check friends of any nation and check them in the 1st - 3rd post on the you-tube and promise there you will find me. Rental houses should be built for visitors not necessarily hotels where if you want to travel to any land you book online and let them be well equipped with modern furniture and TV’s and let the occupation period be 1-3 months not more and this a new business idea and looking forward to not getting a job alongside buying and selling of speedy stick deodorant door to door in overseas market b4 opening an immobile office. The deodorant is bought at $ 3 and me wanna sell it at $ 10 out of shipping fee. This a new business platform i wanna venture into not sleeping around with harlots like Barryme and kepi swears Toni Aloyce. Modems broadband and limosin cars are made out of kilimi/lim, one make one car of different animals i.e hammer one is of cow, Lincoln car one is for wild beast and more. Gi-sin omera bro the walami. Lands with lakes which where dried like KS or Russia are wheat supporting and many people love them coz they are undulating, they give you instant curse and makes you go to hell. Your reproach in judgement time can be population outburst and inconsistent food made you to dry it then you escape fire but without that fire dude. You enjoyed good things bro like onding kenya, the holly ground Moses the green man saw the burning bush- women with release/ejaculate Barnabas as he was masturbating on the cross. The place gives you instant back pain necessary for rapid sex, it arouses you in a nutshell. The same they want to do 4 lake Victoria and great lakes basin they taste for humidity, temperatures, soil while on ship necessary 4 wheat farming and kinda they have found out. Big cities of the world are always built on cool/cold land of that nation to support business in clothing, much cloths sell in cold lands as opposed to hot ones like doa. Thats why the white people relocated capital from dar to dodoma and mombasa to Nairobi to support their used/mitumba clothes and thats why in pretense they say Nairobi or kigali is beautiful coz it feeds them somehow and any city of the same calibre. In TUSKYSupermarket to make sure urine pour on the offering they extend it using pipes 4 the urine to fall in the middle. Supermarkets should be made of thick hard glass so that nothing hidden goes inside. We cant afford/go no trusting the foods, Let a chain store be a chain store not a factory. Open one and thats why in developed world they work 24/7. If a child knows much than in his age in the old Red Indian heritage, he was grabbed at night without his knowing and hurled in the lake superior, the same should happen now. It was done to sway tomorrow evil in the society. I now put my post on football matches as Jamaica vs Domingo or in any country Tv news like Bahama, japan, Congo Tv news check friends of any nation and check them in the 1st - 3rd post on the you-tube and promise there you will find me. Rental houses should be built for visitors not necessarily hotels where if you want to travel to any land you book online and let them be well equipped with modern furniture and TV's and let the occupation period be 1-3 months not more and this a new business idea and looking forward to not getting a job alongside buying and selling of speedy stick deodorant door to door in overseas market b4 opening an immobile office. The deodorant is bought at $ 3 and me wanna sell it at $ 10 out of shipping fee. This a new business platform i wanna venture into not sleeping around with harlots like Barryme and kepi swears Toni Aloyce. Modems broadband and limosin cars are made out of kilimi/lim, one make one car of different animals i.e hammer one is of cow, Lincoln car one is for wild beast and more. Gi-sin omera bro the walami. Lands with lakes which where dried like KS or Russia are wheat supporting and many people love them coz they are undulating, they give you instant curse and makes you go to hell. Your reproach in judgement time can be population outburst and inconsistent food made you to dry it then you escape fire but without that fire dude. You enjoyed good things bro like onding kenya, the holly ground Moses the green man saw the burning bush- women with release/ejaculate Barnabas as he was masturbating on the cross. The place gives you instant back pain necessary for rapid sex, it arouses you in a nutshell. The same they want to do 4 lake Victoria and great lakes basin they taste for humidity, temperatures, soil while on ship necessary 4 wheat farming and kinda they have found out. Big cities of the world are always built on cool/cold land of that nation to support business in clothing, much cloths sell in cold lands as opposed to hot ones like doa. Thats why the white people relocated capital from dar to dodoma and mombasa to Nairobi to support their used/mitumba clothes and thats why in pretense they say Nairobi or kigali is beautiful coz it feeds them somehow and any city of the same calibre. People of florida are dinka as Sudanese, The North of the campas in the map is not reliable, it depends with how you are sitted, my north can be your east or south if you seat not facing the same direction am not sitted. The right north or south is gotten by a magnetic compas. So they say north is hill while south is slanting- piny and malo, juu na chini- but River nile flow against that law from south to North, from Jinja in UG to mediterenian. So the world map aint right, the south pole should take N-pole position on the map and vice versa. The map should be restructured as in, should resemble a bin balance, the Australia and the indonesia, mc donald island should be on-top while the rusian and canada below. When this is done it will remove a certain spirit from peoples head of being rude and big period asserts colly. Anew solar panel that rotates and takes the shape of a mug/cup should be rolled out to captured all light or one that looks like a triangle as opposed to the flat one. Thats a plus and a new market. The deep fried samaki/fish eaten with ugali straight from the frying pan was the forbidden food not fruit and railamolodinga gave it to adam and even, a spirit as i have heard was changing/transfiguring his manwhood so eve rendered him futile so the very fish mixed with cut tomato and onions removes that spirit making you aroused for sexual intercoarse. So in the drone at bar kalare they were naked and the monkey/nyami took their garments to be later found to be naked with a provoking Gods voice. Worker & vineyard parable to cement the truth and king of the jew, just off the frying pan type of fish. Jesus with division, deep fried. Solomondi had dinka blood. When you take a TV that you can set time to switch off automatically as open then with your volt meter locate a place inside that gives you 12 volts then amount it to a small solar power controller unit to connect to the invator to give 240 volts to even run a motor when it on then you got the timer if they are two if you set them alternating in time to go-off and switch on. And thats another world timer according to Nelson mandela ochola of KB friend on FB. Goat and sheep parable and weed parable for the truth to be acertained. You can mount a 12v battery to an invator then use solar power controller mounted with a 10 volt transformer to again charge the same battery with its very own power but use your volt meter to make sure when you connect the wet cell power is just 10 volts to continue the sequence without the battery being finished/runned out. Then with along wire lets say 100 meter- you can roll it partially connect the invator output power of 200 volts given by 10 volt charged battery not 12 V to a welding machine to give you 400 volts that you can even use in welding without burning the invator (1000 watts plus). Madem an adrian startup to amiene enduko and thats precisely my pride, yaani anduko marach according to relevant sources. Wanga eh wiyi, to ewangi kagimaneno maiti mar osiepna maduong, to a youko as shake and node my head like nasikiya maneno, kama rat and one hand of the hand at the jaw on your hand and the other on the hard matress, my tongue upon you and mine likewise, to na pump vinashtea yaani videadly, to am calling ya name sometimes faintly. Arach baba and thats the only expertise inherent in me. Wa pimo nyili dong adriano.
kevinelson mondy <[email protected]>To:[email protected]:Qatar AirwaysBcc:[email protected] 23 at 10:12 AM Show original messageWhoudala they say when you have defeated them with the DNA issue or let them withdraw the cash at the bank which i checked in at the counter to find nothing but they insist their is something long when i used to visit the SD service desk but early in the morning i visited the teller to find nothing. I went to the police to report the matter, they say they have wire the cash but nothing, let them withdraw the cash i wont report it to the court but leave me alone. Kinda they want to look at you in the eye like a man-woman relationship and rab themselves against you. Question is what do you want with me? I pick scrap metal and their is no hurdle put 4 you to do the same. You want me to be like your woman, i pick 4 you and you eat that am whoud dala, fuck that boy!!! They lias with police to identify those with lands to approach like bandits in broad day light. Hooliganism of the highest order/degree. Malachi four MF who to the people who long to see the lords day. Dala ka-nga, Ka-wandete, ka-modi, ka-nyawyeni, i was adopted, well you now know my home so we belong together to come like you want and eat or near me to play with my manwhood like a gay from game siaya, Germand they claim now they are. Whonataka nini baba? kuchesha na mbolo changu, kuangusha/kuchama mimi youhai ama nyumba changu. Recall sarafina movie it needs many people of that city killed by a bullet or siren or Dell as to be caned to eliminate that starbon evil-spirit period. If you are in a very hot place like Doa what comes/crops into your mind is death, seeing dead people in a casket thus gives you no rest and there4 shortens your life span, with cold places you became sympathetic with the dead, mostly you find yourself visiting the graves as cool places but relatively hot place like kisumu of temp 25 average its all good and thats why the white people chose those land for love and long life as cool water.
kevinelson mondy <[email protected]>To:Ruth MugaCc:[email protected]:Collins OderaJul 23 at 10:23 AM ----- Forwarded Message -----From: kevinelson mondy <[email protected]>To: [email protected] <[email protected]>Cc: Qatar Airways <[email protected]>Sent: Tuesday, July 23, 2019, 10:12:14 AM GMT+3Subject: Fw: the truth bro ----- Forwarded Message -----From: kevinelson mondy <[email protected]>To: [email protected] <[email protected]>Cc: Qatar Airways <[email protected]>Sent: Monday, July 22, 2019, 01:56:48 PM GMT+3Subject: Fw: the truth bro ----- Forwarded Message -----From: Clement Rabach <[email protected]>To: [email protected] <[email protected]>Cc: [email protected] <[email protected]>Sent: Sunday, July 21, 2019, 6:41:49 PM GMT+3Subject: Fw: the truth bro ----- Forwarded Message -----From: Clement Rabach <[email protected]>To: [email protected] <[email protected]>Cc: Adi Morre Stevo <[email protected]>Sent: Sunday, July 21, 2019, 06:38:56 PM GMT+3Subject: Fw: the truth bro ----- Forwarded Message -----From: Clement Rabach <[email protected]>To: [email protected] <[email protected]>Cc: [email protected] <[email protected]>Sent: Sunday, July 21, 2019, 06:38:20 PM GMT+3Subject: Fw: the truth bro ----- Forwarded Message -----From: Clement Rabach <[email protected]>To: Delvin Vuguza <[email protected]>Cc: [email protected] <[email protected]>Sent: Sunday, July 21, 2019, 06:37:36 PM GMT+3Subject: Fw: the truth bro ----- Forwarded Message -----From: Clement Rabach <[email protected]>To: Frank Lefte Quaresma <[email protected]>Cc: [email protected] <[email protected]>Sent: Sunday, July 21, 2019, 06:35:44 PM GMT+3Subject: the truth bro so what dude
In TUSKYSupermarket to make sure urine pour on the offering they extend it using pipes 4 the urine to fall in the middle. Supermarkets should be made of thick hard glass so that nothing hidden goes inside. We cant afford/go no trusting the foods, Let a chain store be a chain store not a factory. Open one and thats why in developed world they work 24/7. If a child knows much than in his age in the old Red Indian heritage, he was grabbed at night without his knowing and hurled in the lake superior, the same should happen now. It was done to sway tomorrow evil in the society. I now put my post on football matches as Jamaica vs Domingo or in any country Tv news like Bahama, japan, Congo Tv news check friends of any nation and check them in the 1st - 3rd post on the you-tube and promise there you will find me. Rental houses should be built for visitors not necessarily hotels where if you want to travel to any land you book online and let them be well equipped with modern furniture and TV’s and let the occupation period be 1-3 months not more and this a new business idea and looking forward to not getting a job alongside buying and selling of speedy stick deodorant door to door in overseas market b4 opening an immobile office. The deodorant is bought at $ 3 and me wanna sell it at $ 10 out of shipping fee. This a new business platform i wanna venture into not sleeping around with harlots like Barryme and kepi swears Toni Aloyce. Modems broadband and limosin cars are made out of kilimi/lim, one make one car of different animals i.e hammer one is of cow, Lincoln car one is for wild beast and more. Gi-sin omera bro the walami. Lands with lakes which where dried like KS or Russia are wheat supporting and many people love them coz they are undulating, they give you instant curse and makes you go to hell. Your reproach in judgement time can be population outburst and inconsistent food made you to dry it then you escape fire but without that fire dude. You enjoyed good things bro like onding kenya, the holly ground Moses the green man saw the burning bush- women with release/ejaculate Barnabas as he was masturbating on the cross. The place gives you instant back pain necessary for rapid sex, it arouses you in a nutshell. The same they want to do 4 lake Victoria and great lakes basin they taste for humidity, temperatures, soil while on ship necessary 4 wheat farming and kinda they have found out. Big cities of the world are always built on cool/cold land of that nation to support business in clothing, much cloths sell in cold lands as opposed to hot ones like doa. Thats why the white people relocated capital from dar to dodoma and mombasa to Nairobi to support their used/mitumba clothes and thats why in pretense they say Nairobi or kigali is beautiful coz it feeds them somehow and any city of the same calibre.
Qatar Airways <[email protected]>
Monday, July 15, 2019, 8:53:26 AM GMT+3
Fw: yipi yey
                                          —– Forwarded Message —–                
kevinelson mondy <[email protected]>
Ruth Muga <[email protected]>
Sunday, July 14, 2019, 10:55:37 AM GMT+3
yipi yey
lady birds are used to make DVD/VCD/RADIOS. Rubber as saddles are used to make coffins/caskets as well as kales, cabbage or just vegetables. The hump e.g of a cow, lion is used to make drones, Ferrari or Lamborghini cars. Meli are made using rubbers, many collected near a large water body where you direct a woman pointing from her booty up to down on the floor with your fingers repeatedly and there it is as ship dude. Transformers made using onions, cabbages or nyanyas. Greenade can also be made using coconuts the hard one. DONGE-mumekubali my friends esp from BBK that an ngamalich, abihave like a respected fellow- kose-enwach baba. Railadamalo knows very well that he delude adam and eve and that the jew are white, but got misinformation of getting to heaven that you must aid someone white which is a big lie, he fears going to hell fire so during judgement he wanna portray himself as if he didn’t know the consequences of the tree of life and the fruit of wisdom/knowledge so he be acquitted and forgiven, but in Luke 16 parable of the shrude manager- warns him that he got prophets to listen to like Moses and Elijah. You are wasting your time dude, you are heading nowhere with the jew/Egyptian thing. The Hindu have known how to make even guns and they are doing that in east Africa so during violence they can use then against people and portray as the police or people have done such. They must get to their nation period. Mandaratego bwana nyako, onge-mchezo. Panya routes pr, presidency, pretense, short cuts sc, scores, school, peutro rico, public relations, rat, nelson eliminating tiger, asian tigers At, rat, mat, sat etc. Radios are made using coconut as tv, invators etc or kulundeg in luo or wasp to make stereo or some jets as drones. Fruits like melons, avocado, pumpkin, pineaple are can also be used to make such. Timers are also me using small vibrating arachnids or insects. Tea is not a must for people to do with, its not food crop like wheat or maize that forms part of 90% of the world meal as much as riye or rice but the government of developed world can sensitive their people not to partake tea coz you can do without it period and the nations that we will take their wives if you got money -anyone- are the chief buyers and once oil is eliminated their purchasing power will decrease i.e Egypt which fund 50% of her economy with 2goinvoice cash and Pakistan which buys large amount or % f kenyan tea. When 2goinvoice is eradicated tea export will reduce drastically. Haitians, Caribbeans and people in the usa leaving illegally are 10 million black and the negro population is 40 million if they came to Kenya 4 example and the voting rights extended to them then if they select their own they win all the elections and take the nation and precisely thats their plan. Out of 40 & 10 people 60 % are adult which is roughly 35 million voters and the Kenyan voters stand at 20 million and thats why the Kenyan government wants the population to increase to outmatch them but oblivious of the fact that green-card takes 50 thousand families with roughly 2 kid yearly and the high influx of international student who have indulge themselves in the US culture as well. In a sense its like selling the nation to aliens indirectly. Nipe maembe amatowa maembe ni one kama ni ripe au la, yellow ama pink or red,  kisha nidunge hata mara sabini mara saba kisha ni-release nikuache nikusamehe. Nyimi mit nduko mochanda, utters kevin in a fainted but crucked voice. Ndukle mamitu to-bwaso nyima kaka saa thiyo as the timer counts. Enda whoko americah, kujahapa japan- kenya- is their tonation whenever they get bitter. We cant trust tea processed in kenya or cocoa in ghana or coffee in Uganda or Ethiopia as it is somehow su-standard or not grown with proper sanitation requirements, its hazardaz somehow to our health. So we can be given land to plant it on our own in kenya, process it and pack it using the local labour and local audit to scrutinize scrupulosity, take our share and take your share or simply we buy the leaves or the berries and process them in our own nation, according to Eu and the choice is yours. Wanyama saga in Western Kenya, kev wanna show him that soul force is greater than physical force, i must see him stepping down. They recruit you and you take that oath of being a gang member and you adhere to secrecy and dont leave the gang, lest you are killed in cold blood. Even if you dont posses a gun they use the next fellow near you to have that gun upon which you are shot they say you had one- eti umeanza kuropokwa of the deal to rob a bank or fall a plane which is longterm and tiresome & sometimes never happens faster that makes you wanna leave the organisation. They use the money they have collected along the road- the police- to facilitate this a genda and some makanga are part of the Gang. The email am using in my tumblr i have already given it to you plus the password which do not long in due to reasons not known to me well.  Gung group accord to JR Emmanuel sheldon ES, end signs, estate, essy money Em Your pussy to succulent to pump, to sweet to hit Robinson and that was how kevin was crying yesternight in a faint but crocked voice. Give it to me as i hit it mrs Robinson, Robinson saying i just need a baby a baby as her crying. If you find out that a lady you somehow love can conspire behind your back to organise an attack on you, better you leave her- no way you can love her even to hit that thing in between the thigh. Timiza timiza timiza maombi yangu timiza, juzi nilitomba mochanda, jana nikabusu magdaline, mtondo nikadinya lolain next week niko na niki, timiza x3 maombi yangu bwana timiza- thats how nelson was singing very happy and jubiliant. Safety matches SM, smile, sianda moroco, malawi, malta, mongolia, scorsica mataka, smile, shrude manager parable in luke 16. Lazarus parable and rich-man- i got five brothers FB, fat buttocks can take you to hell and other social medias like tumblr affects the eyes which fb is safe. You got Moses plant and the prophets, road to emaus, can be grow the nyamawho herb. Moses grows many in a cluster, if you get much money from 2goinvoice it takes you direct to hell, tell my brothers to desist and give the poor that money. Buy condom in the factory if you are a rich man in large quantity or many as mfalme wa yawhodi which aint put in direct sunlight to burst. Women with barnabas. Bavid was balarian, but people from the isles are bald when grown up, kihara- king of the jew.
When you eat wheat products which human vomit has been added to, either sieved or not you develop acute baldness as kipara in swahili. Beware of your food. Mama nee-nyako ma bambe dum chieth ni- in making of jets whoman feace/mafi is rubbed on the thigh slowly by slowly then boom their is the jet. Mama hebu ona whoyou msichana paja yake inasmell shonde- anaharibu plan yetu wajamani. The money which they take from you at the scrap metal out of faulty weighting machine is used greatly to fund the gungship in towns. When you became so profound in bible as to oppose it your hear someone like cocking the gun- king of the jew if you start to be hard or a church critic. PASTORS are the ones also killing people. You start to see the devil in blue or grey attire like spider-man mostly inside a mortuary or outside your house as well as chain stores without ear lobes dude. The money is used to fund hooliganism among inter-estate gangs. Lobinson nyimi swoyo manda and this cold weather in riga is good with pumping something- donge onethough utters kev, kolly saying mit gi-swoyo gimolo, hadija saying ni tamu na kupeleka/kupepeta kitu wajamani. This pussy of yours rides my penis in a smooth and beautiful way,/manner says monde. Tabia utters adriano.  The church should have money counting matchines and offering be paid either online or before the mass, so at people to know exactly how much is collected to avoid the church admin misappropriating the cash to investments that win women, fund hooliganism and creates jealousy in the society. We should know how much is debited and created to avoid what i have described b4 about churches projects even up-to killings. Church killed TM and MLK. If one is about to be struggled you see just an approaching hand alone not the body around their necks, touching it a little bit then divorcing it- king of the jew to cement the truth. Trump and obama are luya and luo blooded and they were there to see on how america generates its revenue as to monitor and see into ways on how it can be overthrown using china, India and German technology, witch-crafty or transfiguring people to either fall the plane, detonate military bases with chapalast tied on grenade using there own already working there or sink ships. According to jeremytahidi Trumps even meets people who transfigure like Railamolodinga in Asia alongside Kim of North Korea to facilitate the hidden agenda above. They even organised terrorist attacks, uhuru also transfigures as well and is there liaising with museveni as well to plot the above. Trump is vietnamis as well, so the trum kim meeting is a pretense to foster peace but to facilitate terorism and to overthrow the USA government to conqour internet to control 2goinvoice, and make many writting theirs to gain respect. Like china has come up with bing, and kikuyou with tubidi among many other. The usa is also in pretense of this to know fully the character of these people and thats why the invoice was incorporated. To know peoples character with free things or after being rich like the Jamaicans or china or kenyans. So 2goinvoice is a blessing in disguise, to even know lias and try to interrelate them with fallen figures even in the bible and where to place them.
The compound is to clean as if the booty is wiped, ni-kama kwamba rasa inapanguzwa.  LG tv is the best but the side effect which is over-longtime glued to the screen pops out your eyes as swollen is simply eating 2-5 grape fruit and it burst from outer-inside to give out some fluid like tears then your eye is okay. LG lord god, lesbian gays, laughing gas as anesthesia, to unknown God in acts 17, Savior. Ther, Githeri, king of the jew- you give to that one who transform in your belly to fall, you can drink it period. They want to reduce the population of kenya for them to come like they did long in the usa during war 2- the Germans. And they want to counteract Uganda technology, Tz and Ethiopia as the USA and Germany will supply them with weaponry once their is war after along time of their influx coming. To sub-due Uganda cars which makes you tall and black but Good for whites, they are too original. Babe if you have taken a shower and wipe that booty, with me i will just hit it but no anal kissing. Uchayo akebi nang'o to mochanda omiye nyime otuomo, magdalin omiye nyime ochikore, Lobinson omiye nyime onduko kaka seche sudo, odindo wacho ni kaka saa thiyo to kolo wacho as the time/timer clocks/tickles. Sara omiye nyime owinjo ekoyo to shamtimes odoome ka nyati. Sometimes oswoyo, oponde, mbona madhalau kwa kebi aloyce kisha sema na anatomba wasichana kamili.
Wewe endele tu kujikaza na tayari tumejua cv yako ya kulala na watu fake na unadhani tujuwi. Meda meda sungri, sunga blo sungi. Buy condoms from the factory and keep them under locked cooler in your bedroom- lazarus parable to cement the truth. Ni nini kebi anafikiria asks sophi, vin saying opara kaka nyim moch dango gire, the way the pussy is dissecting and dividing his manwhod, kaka ni-miye go-tieno, kaka nyim duodo mande, kaka tongo, chama as eating away his penis kinda, kaka bwaso nyime, kaka thino mande e-samachon, kaka turo duong ne. Yore yore moch gi kebi pant down hotel vunduba, oyudgi says odindo, onduko jal ma luya tuchne nelson atucha says modi. Hiyanyo akebi nang'o swini, mchinga, stupid to nyim mochanda omiye opado kakare, otemo kata-laye to-okonyal. I wanna see how its stout, vile imesimama em em em em magdalin utters adriano in a cry, natakakuona vile iko flabby na vile cd/condomu jimeifit au imeiva, kaka cd orwake kata kaka ondiso thong,  moch monika alinishow yake, natakuona vile imeng'ethia na kukula chuom yaani vako, vile inakula njaro kama inalala ama la asha, Alinishow huko mtoni jana. Moch natakuona position imechukuwa yakupokea fimbo, vile imenuna/fura, kaka awinjo ni-ochwe,  adwalo neno mochanda swears kebi sunga moketo, vile imevimba, katsika, nene au kufurahia, kaka osin am omor. I wanna see pozi as position mokao, yaani imechukuwa, kutulia am inaliya. Minaj i wanna know and am here to make you happy if you wanna and magmoch to showcase my love to ya in a beautiful way.
lady birds are used to make DVD/VCD/RADIOS. Rubber as saddles are used to make coffins/caskets as well as kales, cabbage or just vegetables. The hump e.g of a cow, lion is used to make drones, Ferrari or Lamborghini cars. Meli are made using rubbers, many collected near a large water body where you direct a woman pointing from her booty up to down on the floor with your fingers repeatedly and there it is as ship dude. Transformers made using onions, cabbages or nyanyas. Greenade can also be made using coconuts the hard one. DONGE-mumekubali my friends esp from BBK that an ngamalich, abihave like a respected fellow- kose-enwach baba. Railadamalo knows very well that he delude adam and eve and that the jew are white, but got misinformation of getting to heaven that you must aid someone white which is a big lie, he fears going to hell fire so during judgement he wanna portray himself as if he didn’t know the consequences of the tree of life and the fruit of wisdom/knowledge so he be acquitted and forgiven, but in Luke 16 parable of the shrude manager- warns him that he got prophets to listen to like Moses and Elijah. You are wasting your time dude, you are heading nowhere with the jew/Egyptian thing. The Hindu have known how to make even guns and they are doing that in east Africa so during violence they can use then against people and portray as the police or people have done such. They must get to their nation period. Mandaratego bwana nyako, onge-mchezo. Panya routes pr, presidency, pretense, short cuts sc, scores, school, peutro rico, public relations, rat, nelson eliminating tiger, asian tigers At, rat, mat, sat etc. Radios are made using coconut as tv, invators etc or kulundeg in luo or wasp to make stereo or some jets as drones. Fruits like melons, avocado, pumpkin, pineaple are can also be used to make such. Timers are also me using small vibrating arachnids or insects. Tea is not a must for people to do with, its not food crop like wheat or maize that forms part of 90% of the world meal as much as riye or rice but the government of developed world can sensitive their people not to partake tea coz you can do without it period and the nations that we will take their wives if you got money -anyone- are the chief buyers and once oil is eliminated their purchasing power will decrease i.e Egypt which fund 50% of her economy with 2goinvoice cash and Pakistan which buys large amount or % f kenyan tea. When 2goinvoice is eradicated tea export will reduce drastically. Haitians, Caribbeans and people in the usa leaving illegally are 10 million black and the negro population is 40 million if they came to Kenya 4 example and the voting rights extended to them then if they select their own they win all the elections and take the nation and precisely thats their plan. Out of 40 & 10 people 60 % are adult which is roughly 35 million voters and the Kenyan voters stand at 20 million and thats why the Kenyan government wants the population to increase to outmatch them but oblivious of the fact that green-card takes 50 thousand families with roughly 2 kid yearly and the high influx of international student who have indulge themselves in the US culture as well. In a sense its like selling the nation to aliens indirectly. Nipe maembe amatowa maembe ni one kama ni ripe au la, yellow ama pink or red,  kisha nidunge hata mara sabini mara saba kisha ni-release nikuache nikusamehe. Nyimi mit nduko mochanda, utters kevin in a fainted but crucked voice. Ndukle mamitu to-bwaso nyima kaka saa thiyo as the timer counts. Enda whoko americah, kujahapa japan- kenya- is their tonation whenever they get bitter. We cant trust tea processed in kenya or cocoa in ghana or coffee in Uganda or Ethiopia as it is somehow su-standard or not grown with proper sanitation requirements, its hazardaz somehow to our health. So we can be given land to plant it on our own in kenya, process it and pack it using the local labour and local audit to scrutinize scrupulosity, take our share and take your share or simply we buy the leaves or the berries and process them in our own nation, according to Eu and the choice is yours. Wanyama saga in Western Kenya, kev wanna show him that soul force is greater than physical force, i must see him stepping down. They recruit you and you take that oath of being a gang member and you adhere to secrecy and dont leave the gang, lest you are killed in cold blood. Even if you dont posses a gun they use the next fellow near you to have that gun upon which you are shot they say you had one- eti umeanza kuropokwa of the deal to rob a bank or fall a plane which is longterm and tiresome & sometimes never happens faster that makes you wanna leave the organisation. They use the money they have collected along the road- the police- to facilitate this a genda and some makanga are part of the Gang. The email am using in my tumblr i have already given it to you plus the password which do not long in due to reasons not known to me well.  Gung group accord to JR Emmanuel sheldon ES, end signs, estate, essy money Em Your pussy to succulent to pump, to sweet to hit Robinson and that was how kevin was crying yesternight in a faint but crocked voice. Give it to me as i hit it mrs Robinson, Robinson saying i just need a baby a baby as her crying. If you find out that a lady you somehow love can conspire behind your back to organise an attack on you, better you leave her- no way you can love her even to hit that thing in between the thigh. Timiza timiza timiza maombi yangu timiza, juzi nilitomba mochanda, jana nikabusu magdaline, mtondo nikadinya lolain next week niko na niki, timiza x3 maombi yangu bwana timiza- thats how nelson was singing very happy and jubiliant. Safety matches SM, smile, sianda moroco, malawi, malta, mongolia, scorsica mataka, smile, shrude manager parable in luke 16. Lazarus parable and rich-man- i got five brothers FB, fat buttocks can take you to hell and other social medias like tumblr affects the eyes which fb is safe. You got Moses plant and the prophets, road to emaus, can be grow the nyamawho herb. Moses grows many in a cluster, if you get much money from 2goinvoice it takes you direct to hell, tell my brothers to desist and give the poor that money. Buy condom in the factory if you are a rich man in large quantity or many as mfalme wa yawhodi which aint put in direct sunlight to burst. Women with barnabas. Bavid was balarian, but people from the isles are bald when grown up, kihara- king of the jew.
Nipe maembe amatowa maembe ni one kama ni ripe au la, yellow ama pink or red,  kisha nidunge hata mara sabini mara saba kisha ni-release nikuache nikusamehe. Nyimi mit nduko mochanda, utters kevin in a fainted but crucked voice. Ndukle mamitu to-bwaso nyima kaka saa thiyo as the timer counts. Enda whoko americah, kujahapa japan- kenya- is their tonation whenever they get bitter. We cant trust tea processed in kenya or cocoa in ghana or coffee in Uganda or Ethiopia as it is somehow su-standard or not grown with proper sanitation requirements, its hazardaz somehow to our health. So we can be given land to plant it on our own in kenya, process it and pack it using the local labour and local audit to scrutinize scrupulosity, take our share and take your share or simply we buy the leaves or the berries and process them in our own nation, according to Eu and the choice is yours. Wanyama saga in Western Kenya, kev wanna show him that soul force is greater than physical force, i must see him stepping down. They recruit you and you take that oath of being a gang member and you adhere to secrecy and dont leave the gang, lest you are killed in cold blood. Even if you dont posses a gun they use the next fellow near you to have that gun upon which you are shot they say you had one- eti umeanza kuropokwa of the deal to rob a bank or fall a plane which is longterm and tiresome & sometimes never happens faster that makes you wanna leave the organisation. They use the money they have collected along the road- the police- to facilitate this a genda and some makanga are part of the Gang. The email am using in my tumblr i have already given it to you plus the password which do not long in due to reasons not known to me well.  Gung group accord to JR Emmanuel sheldon ES, end signs, estate, essy money Em
Your pussy to succulent to pump, to sweet to hit Robinson and that was how kevin was crying yesternight in a faint but crocked voice. Give it to me as i hit it mrs Robinson, Robinson saying i just need a baby a baby as her crying. If you find out that a lady you somehow love can conspire behind your back to organise an attack on you, better you leave her- no way you can love her even to hit that thing in between the thigh. Timiza timiza timiza maombi yangu timiza, juzi nilitomba mochanda, jana nikabusu magdaline, mtondo nikadinya lolain next week niko na niki, timiza x3 maombi yangu bwana timiza- thats how nelson was singing very happy and jubiliant. Safety matches SM, smile, sianda moroco, malawi, malta, mongolia, scorsica mataka, smile, shrude manager parable in luke 16. Lazarus parable and rich-man- i got five brothers FB, fat buttocks can take you to hell and other social medias like tumblr affects the eyes which fb is safe. You got Moses plant and the prophets, road to emaus, can be grow the nyamawho herb. Moses grows many in a cluster, if you get much money from 2goinvoice it takes you direct to hell, tell my brothers to desist and give the poor that money. Buy condom in the factory if you are a rich man in large quantity or many as mfalme wa yawhodi which aint put in direct sunlight to burst. Women with barnabas. Bavid was balarian, but people from the isles are bald when grown up, kihara- king of the jew.
Moch nyimi mit kama nang'o,mbona tamu hivi, why sweet like this and precisely that was the cry given by kebi the whole night. Hiyanyo akebi to Emery obet edhot luoko lewnimage, sitted at his door washing his cloths including the pant, to magdalin rutho lake gi toothbrush mare. Railamolodinga brought aids eventhough he could not partake sour things, just take a drop of his blood and mix with infant blood and there is the disease to be transmitted. Christ with lost coin parable. Luo men if they intermarrty with white people they bring up bad blood of jealousy and gay, with luya they bring terorists or hooligans. Once other nations have learnt on how they make their machines like the britons then if they continue with their absurdities nothing else but annihilation. Thats why they are being spared, Ugandans have learnt make most of their goods thus bound to eliminate them. We have theveloped- the Rusians- yet they are found there, lazarus parable on five brothers, speaking like you dont care or like you wanna made them the guard to arrest and kill christ, that is there respect and kinda you are taking it away, cant be!!! Made in Rusia as mfalme wa yawhodi is what they want and is a big lie. They race being distorted is no-more even if they live in one nation, simply by eating ground nuts the spirit directs anyone to the country of origin, or tribe of that fellow once you got their photos. So the jew can live together in Rusia as it is big, the ones whose economy is 90% engineering like france, itally, so the french are waiting on winter to start the war and kill the Guard tribe whose owns 2goinvoice & are luo blooded, people who dislike pretty people and progress. The Joseph mother in genesis 49 was luya blooded and Joseph as french father was sold to monitor his character to other brothers after a win, was joking with his dream not knowing it hurts. The guard were also being monitored if they can join the oppressed but not, just want to dominate and have a big fertile land of grains where they cant share, they are selfish seekers so must be eliminated and their wives taken by their brothers precisely the french and the Naphtali as Italians period. Buses are made with many peas or pineapple, you stand and urinate and boom there it is, you can make many as you want, with trucks, trelas, lorries, you sit and do the same. The devol is preparing other nations for war with becoming tough-headed after coming up with these technologies. Kojowa, Mfalme wa yawhodi, worker parable to cement the truth, layo, Lazarus parable to do the same. Some lorries are made using many coconut piled together by just performing the rituals above and more. Revelation five Rf at that time the root of David Rodick/Penis also are used to make knifes, spoons, kijiko or pala. Whoyanyo kebi nang;o to moch omiye nyime omie-ele-eh, To emery omiye nyieme otemo diede-eh ko-opudo, has given him the pussy is making a jig/dancing on it and why do you belittle him. Keys has given him. House fittings and utensils amny are made using clay soil just by puking or throwing saliva on hot fire or ground or just be urinating or taking a piss.
Ebromedo youko wiyi ma wiyi youki, you will continue to shake your head untill your head shakes you like you have lost wait in sickness and whats remaining is your big head scull. The poor in Europe or America live in good houses bro with second hand electronic so they are saying Africa better to delude the people of their good life or keep them content, they got low population hence houses are far apart in country side and got toll sky scrapper where no-one can monitor them unless they got wireless camera to capture you. This underlies the theory that Africa is good. They want to eliminate most African beauties and intellect. Kebi according to Eunice mama fellvin, many nyako makipump to-gili lokre ndukuku-chiken e-hiye kanya, victor wacho many ma-lokre kittielo, ha ha says colly, tafuta mwenya mbolo yako inakuwa chembamba, mathin, voke saying malokore kubwa, ah ah ma mbolo ni legthens and thats is cheque women, many ma penis ni chalo gimaluore pale mbele to mano en toro kata kuwait, to ma mandi thiek embele kanyo like you are eating banana is kauma or luo or akwampie, ma mandi nyidhore to ndukole en kalenjin much kipsigis and christ say this one of the sweetest and white people want this. Emery ni mwage haya mafuta wapi? Minaj where should i deposit these sperm and this what kevin utters when it near ejaculation.
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Ochamama, okudo, opidho chamama tree e-dhot sawa swears colly. Mwanawhome si beauty au ushuja, mwanaume ni kitanda, bed mtu wangu, vile anatingisha kijiti usiku kucha utters monde. You can use bolt software in google play to get money via http://www.2goinvoice.com using your smart phone dude. The Rusians thought christ was the owner of 2goinvoice where they get cash to fund their projects, hence when christ talked about sheep and goat parable, they thought christ was the owner in pretense, so could keep the link off-line- king of the jew or had the password to killed him to let the invoice continue coz it will paralyze ther operations. Mrs lobinson Aids/Hiv has gotten hold of me, that lady if you get into her you get out like 2moro, i mean you over-stay mom utters the other kevin. If you take 3 solar panels of more than 30 volts and you connect to give you above 100 volts and put in a welding machine then boom the electricity to even power your fridge or ironing box, king of the jew to cement christ sayings. If you take the one that gives you lets say 21 and 17 volts and connect to solar power controller and put the 21v on where the sun rises in the morning and the 17v one where it disappears in the dusk to maintain the 12 volts on the invator to make sure it works best all the 12 hrs and this another option with above 1000 watts invator that even powers your fridge. Mfalme wa yawhodi to cement yesus sayings, Friend this killing 2 birds with one stone and it makes you wanna lough the whole day. The fridge you put in deep front during the day and at the same time charges the battery to be used at night when iron box, cooker or fridge had already been used at day time bro. But your city must get atleast 7 hrs of sunlight daily dude. Silipi hata bill ya stima hata kidogo swears david omolo former student of Kb and ku and my wife is always smilling with me out of this. Innovation cements relationship and many couples are oblivious of this truth/fact. Owinjo go thum esp country music, riddim and translated hyms by jamaicans like how great thou art. Mit omera, sex gi song like am still on my way country song to juice piya inapumzika/youeyo emesa ile thick bro, sex mit owada gi innovation, dhako loso wiyi, ana hibonda bonda swears tony, love mchungu mzima.On Monday, June 24, 2019, 08:19:30 AM GMT+3, [email protected] <[email protected]> wrote:
From: kevinelson mondy <[email protected]>To: [email protected] <[email protected]>Cc: [email protected] <[email protected]>Sent: Friday, June 28, 2019, 12:09:00 PM GMT+3Subject: Fw: mytumblr —– Forwarded Message —–From: kevinelson mondy <[email protected]>To: [email protected] <[email protected]>Cc: Ruth Muga <[email protected]>Sent: Friday, June 28, 2019, 12:00:43 PM GMT+3Subject: Fw: mytumblr —– Forwarded Message —–From: kevinelson mondy <[email protected]>To: [email protected] <[email protected]>Cc: [email protected] <[email protected]>Sent: Thursday, June 27, 2019, 3:26:28 PM GMT+3Subject: Fw: mytumblr —– Forwarded Message —–From: kevinelson mondy <[email protected]>To: Lt.Christal Pagaran <[email protected]>Cc: [email protected] <[email protected]>Sent: Thursday, June 27, 2019, 3:25:55 PM GMT+3Subject: Fw: mytumblr —– Forwarded Message —–From: kevinelson mondy <[email protected]>To: ShebaMiles <[email protected]>Cc: [email protected] <[email protected]>Sent: Thursday, June 27, 2019, 3:25:36 PM GMT+3Subject: Fw: mytumblr —– Forwarded Message —–From: kevinelson mondy <[email protected]>To: Ethiopian Airlines <[email protected]>Cc: Garuda Indonesia <[email protected]>Sent: Thursday, June 27, 2019, 3:25:15 PM GMT+3Subject: Fw: mytumblr —– Forwarded Message —–From: kevinelson mondy <[email protected]>To: Fly Jamaica Reservations <[email protected]>Cc: equitybank <[email protected]>Sent: Thursday, June 27, 2019, 3:24:52 PM GMT+3Subject: Fw: mytumblr —– Forwarded Message —–From: kevinelson mondy <[email protected]>To: Etihad Airways <[email protected]>Cc: [email protected] <[email protected]>Sent: Thursday, June 27, 2019, 3:21:40 PM GMT+3Subject: Fw: mytumblr —– Forwarded Message —–From: kevinelson mondy <[email protected]>To: [email protected] <[email protected]>Cc: Ruth Muga <[email protected]>Sent: Thursday, June 27, 2019, 3:19:50 PM GMT+3Subject: mytumblr —– Forwarded Message —–From: victor owira <[email protected]>To: [email protected] <[email protected]>Cc: [email protected] <[email protected]>Sent: Thursday, June 27, 2019, 5:08:11 AM PDTSubject: Fw: my tumblr account is andrewanampongolo and all his followers as mrmonde or nellmonde —– Forwarded Message —–From: victor owira <[email protected]>To: victor owira <[email protected]>Cc: [email protected] <[email protected]>Sent: Thursday, June 27, 2019, 5:06:40 AM PDTSubject: Fw: my tumblr account is andrewanampongolo and all his followers as mrmonde or nellmonde —– Forwarded Message —–From: victor owira <[email protected]>To: [email protected] <[email protected]>Cc: [email protected] <[email protected]>Sent: Thursday, June 27, 2019, 5:05:47 AM PDTSubject: Fw: my tumblr account is andrewanampongolo and all his followers as mrmonde or nellmonde —– Forwarded Message —–From: victor owira <[email protected]>To: [email protected] <[email protected]>Cc: Kenneth Onyango <[email protected]>Sent: Thursday, June 27, 2019, 5:00:45 AM PDTSubject: Fw: my tumblr account is andrewanampongolo and all his followers as mrmonde or nellmonde —– Forwarded Message —–From: victor owira <[email protected]>To: [email protected] <[email protected]>Cc: [email protected] <[email protected]>Sent: Thursday, June 27, 2019, 4:53:01 AM PDTSubject: my tumblr account is andrewanampongolo and all his followers as mrmonde or nellmonde Jobotwana, Nigeria onyuolo ladies moro chunda go tieno, okach, maiti mar kebi whogole karang'o? The big men has even bought small drones that can carry upto 1 kg of tea to smuggle tea leaves at night using people who transfigure so the government should reduce the land under Tea and is fenced with poles measuring the telephone post that no one can throw tea bags packed in small amount 4 another someone. it should be an electric fence and the government likewise should use the very drones to monitor every income generating business and even crime in towns or check people in their houses. Like in Uruguay in firming the use the same technology. The Guard tribe crucified christ so its said during judgement after death they dint know hence they are forgiven that the invoice without it would paralyze their day to day operations, china will say it was the use soyi and let their names be blotted out the book of life BOL the love as PG, pier Gikuyou, greek is where in the bible the jesus visited it so they know the whole truth, pier Georgia, PG is pregnancyanda the loved and killed many simba in nyabondo plateau- vineyard parable to cement the truth including masai. If you love people or follow people its easy to see the kingdom of heaven, if you live near the roads as well but if you live in serene places b4 you reach ya house its likely to be in hell as much as if you take out someone teeth/lak,meno- mfalme wa yawhodi and lazarus parable to cement the truth. They use mose plant to make ceptril aids medication. ITS EASY FOR A CARMEL TO ENTER INTO THE KINGDOM THAN YOU TO ENTER- that is an email if the recovery option has been deleted and password you know not. [email protected] my new email or [email protected], [email protected]. get me there folks.Okelo na wiye mathin no magdalin eti odwanega nikech okelo na osiepene mablonindo kode kaonge, osiepe ma wii gi pi, yaani baridi/ng'ich ma piny osedwaro topokoneno. Eti many nyako ma mandi lokre maembe e-hiye kanyo, nyako ma-mandi lokre ka tendon yani kuni kata choke mobar obar kat wii mandi lokre thuol as snake ok an. Moch many nyako ma kirelease you do it in 3 bits like the gun, kata mi-feel ka-ejaculation no biro to chung eglan then it sprinkles, kata mawang as it travels to the glan, onethough mawhouk like droplest of water or yenye inamwagika mingi mno kama mtoto na mate. Ruto dont say one want to president then if he says he is not yet 35 its an offense you get annoyed you return to gaysm then wild to the point of carry wooded rungu to beat him liaising with the authorities. With Train you carry a door the take a shit on it or outside it then theirs the train, with phones and accessories you lick, ramba the tongue then boom that phone- jesus with little kids, rabbi to cement the truth, you lick with closed eyed on a a piece of wrapped cloth. With building stones you do backwards near a water body or swimming pool the the bricks are out- women with barnabas to cement the truth including cements where you urinate. With Radio/TV you spit/tema saliva on the ground, ten minas parable or peter cutting the ear/it b4 christ takes it back. Tom mboya terain is curvy it was the CBD of bethlehem when you were in it you felt better, winjo mabar- weed parable with christ, mathare valley was jerusalem as its curvy still when the jew moved from Americah to pakistan to cross the Red sea with moses at karachi- christ with little kid. Let them fence the original provinces as nations when people are seeing then thereafter people assemble and dispatch. When you say the luo should be killed they get jubiliant very happy the coasterians and Gikuyou and some whites afterwards to occupy these lands. Kikuyou kwani Central is very cold, Ng'ich ndii, hamtaki kuenda/kurudi. When you get to The TV on the Roads in one of those shops which got Tv, they quickly change the scene just like during the maraga time with election petition b4 kevin was kidnapped, then you wanna see the defendant like sonko, kinda how he behaves, the the camera changes on the kamba lady judge who are looking 4 young men with money yet the very money they got at 2goinvoice using bolt software gotten from google play. If you walk out because the scene of the judge has overstayed where you walk got young men sitting in masses called the bases, the hindu shops, motor bike shops, timber logging center, junctions i.e kondele, they became wild on you. They know your moves as they have put on camera on TV your image they have put in a kiyo\glass bottle or acquirum. It live live ll dude, funding violence, leave sonko alone but arrest Railamolodingagwambo period. Malachi four- who to the people who long to see the day of the lord. Another group of students just forwarded me this, if you take four 24 volts wet cells and connects positive to negative of all the wet cells remaining with only one positive of one wet cell and one negative of one wet cell, if you take a voltmeter and test the voltage it gives you upto 100 volts which if you channel in a welding machine gives you upto 200 volts that can be used in houses but to continues the process without the battery being depleted you take a solar power controller and connect to a transformer of input 240v and output 30-12volts to it to charge all those batteries, you branch the wires eight times with 8 12 volts battery but with 24 12 votts battery you branch the said wires four times to all the batteries to continues the charging process while the battery are still in use. If you want to weld with it you connect 8, 24 volts battery or 16, 12 volts battery and you just do the same procedure i have described above. Mathew sixteen sm, smile, shrude manager, ishmael, luke 24 end signs, Pita cutting the it in luo, masikiyo, demondi possed man with christ- have mercy on us son of David. Fellow i have also been forwarded this text, buy these gadgets and make of your own. When 2goinvoice was not know you purported to collect me money which was never was, so when its there you resort to jealousy and stupidity- what do you want with me, to look down at my manwhodi in the end when i have defeated you.
Sausages are made in dark places, by blowing your nose on mafi then afterwards you wash using detergent water. Smokies are made likewise but by salivating on housefly maggot gotten from a pit latrine. Let them put recipe on the tv if they refute. I got a gun and hid it and reported that a gang robbed me around yet i still got the same gun dude. My whole life has changed by guinuwine- site a lone in not a well modern room and it opens up your mind and if you eat a big queen cake alone you come to dislike good things of this life, most so in the transit or walking- king of the jew with Christ. Eat one today to witness the truth. Drone are made by riding on donkey or horses at night, triumphant entry of Jesus into Jerusalem to cement the truth. Kitten are shot in dark to make welding machines and volt meters, cows being cut with panga or powersaw to make Generators, shooting of sheeps/cattle on the head from the ear or on the forehead to make choppers and small jets/plane. Ten minas parable and Malachi 4- who to the people who long to see the lords day, siaya, Nebuchadnezzar  lived at babylonding with Daniel. Kisumu close to Kericho or kakamega to illegal pluck/pick tea leaves at night so they dont want to vacate yet they claim they chose the best land as Guard tribe dude in genesis 49. Open business in the morning, to help people who get somewhere in the  morning then you can evade hell fire or constant hell walking. The only thing i know best is to rock the thing in between a woman thigh and i got distinction there and well qualified of dude and my friends call me church mouse. If your citizen work in a foreign land even if the company is yours, it brings bad omen to your nation coz they scrutinize, monitor and frustrate the indigenous workers esp if your nation is rich, brings the down fall of a nation i.e Itally. Take the local to work 4 you but just monitor the inflow and outflow money. Furthermore it breeds disrespect dude. If you take 4, 24 volts battery you connect to a welding machine or 8, 12 volts battery and do the same it will give you like 100 volts on the battery but on the welding machine it will give you 200 volts where you look for battery charger and input it on the 200volts then the 12 volts as the output on it you return to charge all the 4, 24V or 8,12v battery to continue the sequence not the battery to run out of power. To ensure continuity of power supply. Not enough dude, you still want to weld, you look for another welding machine and connect to the 200V initial welding machine to give you 400 volts, the first 100v was half volts thats why it gave you 200volts to connect to another welding machine. This save you as or money as it is cheap compared to buying one welding machine then connecting it to 8, 24votls bettery to give you 200 volts on the battery then on the one welding machine 400 as adding 4 battery on 24 volts one is expensive than buying another one welding machine same to adding another 8, 12 volts battery to give you 200 volts to be connected to one welding machine. A group of students just 4warded me this dude.
Tunahesha tu mchesho cha shex cha ebola na Emely mimi Adriano. Kebi na toni, tulimpatiya wote mote tano combi akatumumunya mbolo tukamwaga b4 tuanze the real intercourse. Kesho tukapatiya mag mote inne combi akadara mbolo zete tuka mwaga, whoyou kipusa anataka nini wajameni. Toni, mtondo tukapatiya ule mlami mote 3 but not combi nelly akamwaga, but mimi nikaseek marifa nikapiga dakika ishirini. Kebi amekatsika, wewe toni bwana kama uko weak nishauri chako bwana tuachane basi ama itakuwa vita, nilistay 30 minutes. Mouth urinating makes diskman, flash dish, usb and other phone accessories. Firing up of bullets makes a misile or internet server or rockets with gabage or barley. As much as shooting a dead man walking from the crosside on the ear to another side. TV are made using tongue, booty seated on a seat while kissing a woman on the dark as much as stereos. Decoders like dvd, vcd, kissing the bam/thigh of a woman all in the dark, some drones or toys annal/ass hole kissing, charger pedicure on a woman, gas cooker manicure, CD bikini works, chargers, transformers, ndiga as biskeli/bicycles, tuk tuk taking a shit on a storey hse topmost but falling to the ground or taking a shit on ones head as much as shooting the head of a cow, whichever dude. Defecating/kunai in someones mouth hospital gadgets like X-ray machine, Bmi or pulse rate machine with animal offering on place like chiken, kulu kulu or guinea fowl as pigs or rodents.
USA millitary chopers, jets are made using warthogs, crocodile, wild beast, monitor lizard as offerings throwing/hurling tortoise manwhood on the wall or doing the long china jumps like kanjwele from a high tower to the water in Olympics. Picking and plucking of tea, king of the jew made Christ to be arrested, he had foreseen how the said jew will rise in malachi four- who to the people who longs to see the lords day. By romancing or caresing a womans breast and suckling the niple with booty offering in place gives you tv’s. Shinny china sub-woofer, or electronics as phones are made using snail as the offering by vomiting on the ground near water, you eat to be full the you look for things that make you want to vomit. Another nation can came up with internet or internet apps like tumblr to finish the economy of Carli4nia or New England but with coca cola you cant finish it, its an international brand bro. The coca cola companies of the world do not return profit back home or it is not listed on the stock exchange for us to see the total profit made to add/sum them up and come with a rough figure worldwide of the company net profit. This is two fold, it will bring all people of color to the Georgia in-case of USA separation or other states will eye Georgia as create jealousy. This will hike the population so this is done for the Negros not to Know about Georgia state GS and move out to other lands, after 2 0r 3 generation coca cola revamp its strength and the profitability is know which i guess can be billions of dollar but at that time is too late for their kids to get back. Malachi four MF who to the people who long to see the lords day. GS greatest sex, gay/gikuyou,greek society. To me Georgia is the richest state and obama ought to have inducted the Negros on this sad fact. Damn it dude!!! Ombulu in luo, okwaju, chwa- king of the jew, mfalme wa yawhodi the seed, koth, mbegu- good samaritan Gs parable are used to make building bricks bb, someone urinate on them, defecate, kunia, pielo and jumps jumps many times squatted until they are made. Land and Range rovers takes people to hell as well, they are made with the cut booty of Romanian women where a woman vomit is literally licked until boom they are made. Range rover RR rasa rusians, rwandis, romanians, rom, romo, meetoshana, same, rs, rasa swedishona, swisswana, somali, rasa same. The feces/mafi/chieth are got mostly in nursing homes for the sick adults or infant babies. Jesus with little kids. Nebuchadnezzar was from Argentina together with Jesse Davids father, Daniel and among many others. Lazarus and rich-man you got prophet like Moses because he was described as no prophet had risen in Israel like Moses in the book of Deuteronomy bod, bodo, boding etc. But in that parable is said you have Moses and the prophets which means Moses was not a prophet but the last chapter of Deuteronomy describe him as a prophet which means the bible was omitted, it was you got Moses plant and the prophets. Road to emaus to cement the truth. If you gwaro, scratch the plant from the wall and boil it on water and you drink it makes your head a little bit bigger and people see you as obligated to kids giving you at-least respect which Lazarus did not have. King of the jew with Christ to cement the truth. Tong, mayai, egg is you hurl on the wall many or fall from inclination and got the sacrifice handy like mchele, rice, dignitaries corpse gadgets like speakers, Lamborghini, Ferrari, stereos are made even bulbs. Worker and vineyard parable to cement the truth. A long time people were made black even Adam and Eve but the curse/cars/gari/mtokni on ham one of Noah son fell on him and his skin changed from black to white and thats the white man with his lies that they develop/make cars yet they find them their but wants supremacy as superior yet other Africans have learnt the same even how the get illicit cash via the net at http://www.2goinvoice.com. Fuck that dude and damn it!! You want respect for what dude, tell me, where is your pride and where has it gone to or vanished to, to rats and dogs or to every tom harry and dick or harlot, tell me dude!!! Think twice bro!!!
If you take the made welding machine according to Michael masita of Oklahoma advising me, and you immerse it in a container that fits it or make a metallic ones and glue rubber on its inner walls or blader to avoid electrocution and then take diesel engine oil and pour it to the brim, close it or not like the power transformer on the poles then it can work day night without burning, you and your sons, grandsons can use it to infinity once it is put in a moisture free zone to avoid rusting. It eliminates the need for an electric timer. Cardiac is made with cattle or human teeth where one or many hangs from lofty/near height from a roof maybe a rope then they fall on that teeth heap with their booty then walks away in the dark then boom the Cadillac escalady car. Road to emaus to cement the truth, rooftop flag post left alone on the roof top in the bible to cement the truth. Escalators are also made with chaff or rice but this way. Hammer car is made with shooting a cow on the head then you dismount, while standing on the back, you jump away swiftly from it for the car to come up. It is not rocket science of we thevelop with Russians. Eat food from hell dude the french, british and Germans it was a hard decision when your choosing the land having that in mind if 2goinvoice was unearthed and the customer of your machines countries have learnt to make the same. Germans aint aliens so they wanted to be many and spread their wings in every emerging economy to spice or overpower the half aliens as the jew who are bound to spoil the world as destroy it in the bible. Trump kim met again the bobcollymore kiddnaped so that his email and social media particulars be taken or erased, the phone section, the number if takes 3 months unused it is given to another someone then if they know your email like they do with collymore they send the code to that number and get to all of your logging rendering you useless. Light rail train is made out of corpse, leaves, paper, fruits, berries, garlic and you do just the same with what you did with Cadillac above.
Pale apala nyolo kendo sistani cha, nyaminwho no-miya, negoyo ma mit instead of tho tho am thop thop, ywak nene thoch thoch thoch, ne-mitu sawa shawa. Ne-donjo yawa. Wathichamo mikate gi-emeli mano dak eapatment achiel gi anita maliwaza mane kebi temo winjo nyime. HEY CHANGE THE SHIT TO JEW GIKUYOU NOT TO GET THEM AS LIARS WITH 2GOINVOICE r automation which everynation will learn. tHOUGHT THEY COULD GO TO EVERY NATION TO MAKE THEM INSIDE there and sell them as used machines, them alone would do that- mfalme wa yahoodi. To make people not to get to their lands where they make the machines 4 respect, where they can witness how they are made but they could have remained in wilderness and blow up siren gas o kill the people who transform. They choose temperate lands out of snow to make those machines, in that the transformers will freeze to death b4 witnessing as spices i.e Alaska, Russia and the moon where they make expensive and sophisticated machines like internet servers 4 others not to learn. For respect that there lands do not support agriculture all through the year yet they are still a head so if they are given African which support all year through, where will they be. TO FINISH NIGROS when they have calculated the tea profit sold door to door in every city, when they come up here then they badmouth tea products of kenya and sensitize their own not to buy from Kenya but from Seychelles as well, Cameroon, Guinea, Congo and UG where tea can grow but not grown to fit the puzzle. Tea aint a must to drink, aint food crop as cereals, you can go without it- sheep and goat parable to cement the truth or sad fact. Nigros got to think twice and if tea is fenced with electric fence and monitored with drone, then/sasa kuja wa, why dilly dally, beat about the bush- mfalme wa yawhodi to signify what am saying. You can be finished baba, when hindu hears of the same they want to vacate coz of no benefit is their continued stay here bro. All indinous tribe from mars are kenyans almost every nation citizens brought from mars have these bloods thus the beef is there. Like americans, scorsika, brazil are kisii, china, argentina are kauma blooded, ballarie gabana blooded, South Africans are luya blooded, Nigerians & Hindu are luo and luya blooded, japanis are kauma. So these blooded wanna gang up to succeeded all the blooded and there is the world war. After the ham curse, the white man they became like not intuitive so long ago device a plan to marry other races without the curse to beef/hike up heir intelligence and there they are. So they wanted to know who can take care of them even if they mess, i mean when 2goinvoice is removed. So its a game kinda. Jamaicans are from mars and many kisii blooded from the time they were brought from mars but with AI as artificial insemination there in Jamaica, USA, Britain we got other blooded like luo. To see/witness this we simply partake groundnuts and meditate and there it is. The deal is blocked and now kinda behave like you are a bother to them or disturb them, the deal of matharau as despice of dhach of illegally picking/plucking of majani chai MC- gregor, donlad, shika in luo of tea. They wanted the bible to spread to learn the Kenya Character of not seeing the truth with the names and when the bible was written, they want people who understand in case automation was not learnt with other nations. Kikuyou do not want to leave the whites no matter what, even-though they are bad coz they are the ones who consume and buy huge killos of tea. So by leaving them as enmity destroys sales. But kalenjins can still do maize farming and sell to neighbourig countries. The masai are well placed in big land, in case of separation per previous province and being uncivilised other people from other nations will crop in and work for them. If 2goinvoice was not dis-enabled this could have taken place and it was the plan of desederious Erasmus who was Jamaican blooded and warned to snitch of all it to escape hell fire.
The take rice/mchele bandia as fake/plastic rice grind it a poshomill then mix it with dough which within no time destroys your molar or premolar teeths, the hndu, put in maize flour as well, even the people who walk with kahawa with their ponges as mandazi. Hindu need to surrender food processing plants for the government for health concerns. You blow a charcoal which is red that burns partially with air from your mouth with offering in place then forms the exact things am explaining above with the right offering for every gadget, you avoid going the yuck way, but near water or pool. Dreamliner jets, some jets, drones, buses, heavy machinery are made this way, from lofty high like a sky scrapper may be made of wood on upper balcony you stand many people and drop your sweet downward to the offering, battery, health equipment’s are also made this way. Offering includes human, horse hair, cattle Hyde, bougainvillea which is the best when gadgets are made out of it, cow-dung, chaff, rice , wheat, cereals, fruits, animal offerings, milk, mafi, blood, purse etc. With rolls Roy you shoot a horse while it stands on the head 1- maybe 5 times with a gun then you dismount then boom it forms or with many people while climbed on it, with infinity, buck convertibles the same. Recording house machine hyde then you pour water, urine r tears from above that church like made building, or pour out sperms many people out of masturbation. Pour sperms on human or horse corpse to form rockets and thats another method. The same on wool, cotton to form drones and stereos, invator, battery, generators respectively, or on cattle hump to still form drones and photo studio producing machines. Houses with opened like door windows breeds tough-headedness and thats why white go for sliding window vertical or sideways to rest to the standstill window in the middle. Human hair also makes chip boars while sperm is pour on them from above or mafi smeared on them then you dismount, or defecate from lofty high into the offering many people makes Malaysian furniture. If you order gadgets online from another nation on the happiness index you are rated high than others, you became more happier than those who bought them locally. Stop many words, take a group of people then put them in groups or in class then give them every gadget of the world, let them partake grounnuts- the small rounded one/species- then put it to contemplation/fikira/paro then let then come up/write what they see/visualize then compare notes and go for them as to make them, stop following and jealousy This a new market for china, weighting machine the can measure things while you hang them on it but digital like the butchery one with where you set the price to avoid dubious/unscrupulous business practices, this esp is for scrap metal dealership which now the whites and hindu as trump wanna go back to, lest it is made a county business not soul proprietorship as it fetches high returns on profits. Rasta and friend wish the world to open and fall coz all their swag came from 2goinvoice and never expected the same, some would wish to find a lake near them and run while shouting at the top of their voice hoping someone rich would bell them out. Revelation tano/five the root of David, @ that time bro which is this time dude, shut up and stop but move one, and if you wanna leave please dismount all and follow me as my words/ways period. Now they resort to looking at my zip wher the penis is located, be your self do play others like be like other people, we are whites, brazilians and borrowing their character as well not knowing they are poor. Now is the time, level ground in business, no dhach but respect.
Italians are kaumas as well, choni are pochogis but some are luo blooded out of when they talk you feel your head is lowered like a descending plane or got popo/bat like ears. Ghananians are kalenjins, Lousiana and alabama states are 90% luya blooded and 10% luo, Georgia are somehow somali, new England states are Meru as cameroonians, Virginia are mande speakers who are Giriamaz, congolese are luyas as well, Belgium are swanaz, switzerland are kisii, finlands are malawian lets me say 50% out of AI Artificial insemination. They even soak mchele plastic in water 4 more hours to use in alcohols or food products like sweet etc.Take 4-5 wet cells of 12 volts each, then connect positive of one to the negative of another then you will be left with 2 wires one positive then the other negative, which will give you upto 60 volts if the battery are fully charged, then put the 2 wires in a socket then plug the welding machine on it as the input power like you do on the wall. The welding machine will give you upto 120 volts if you measure the current using a volt meter on the 2 hands that hold the welding rod to weld. Cut the welding hands that hold the rods 4 welding the put a socket as well, the input your gadgets i.e tv and radios to use as well as a battery charger which has positive and negative outlets to charge all these batteries again, branch the + one 5 times to rest on the + cathod of the battery and the - one as well to ensure continuity in power supply, for the battery not to run low in power. You can use the solar to charge all the cells as well which is the best as it gives you hapiness and long life but the battery charger option is cheap to brings the booty and kills fast in john 3:16 and mayland you in jeorpardy in hell. How many times have you heard that cheap is expensive, i suppose many times. Why abuse kebi everytime yet Emely has given him sex/ her pussy he pumps slowly just waiting for an intense ejaculation, omiye nyime o-oloo moss bila wach/maneno. You cant make someones gadget just like that, it will land you in hell bro. Anafanya sex bandia na mochanda na magdalin na huku anajidu, jikaza says adriano mchokozi. The balcanised states, croatia,greek and many knows the jew, who they are but are weak, coz the jew family runs the EU and are making machines to use, they dint know the same but once they have learnt the same, it will be war, they cant keep on with their manouvers of being silly, Gikuyou and luya as luo. They want to take colorado which beloged to croatia and Georgia greek.
Welding machine if you make with kenya/uganda power wires can make you go in hell, make it with iron wire of the fence, you just mend it the box box type of fence wire. Goat and sheep parable friends. China or any other country should open their shops for their goods in any nation to sell direct to the customers. For example India takes china or Germany cars and replace spear-parts with theirs b4 its bought which will give them more profits if they sell it again to other people while the German/china ones is declared incompetent bro. The Eggs in the supermarkets aint fit 4 human consumption the yellow albumen york egg, return the white one, the kamba are making these in kenya i.e the Tuskys Supermarket inside at night. A staff reveled it to me, even electronic and other gadgets selling them expensive as water tanks and the 1.8 million house shown on the TV. The government ought to intervene to check the price, with the house they refurbished it, removed its roofing and placed the normal one. Click this link 4 more information dude. https://www.standardmedia.co.ke/article/2001334340/un-s-tiny-home-model-targets-kenya-s-un-housed-masses Mbona tusi kebi na moch amemupatiya senye anachimba kuchimba, says amani. Nyim moch thethre, en thep thep, mit thedho, omiye nyime othedho okotug-go, acheshi nacho utters dolly. Buy the big umbrella used outside on food restaurant and make holes on it when boarding a plane, in case of a fall you jump and you will escape the hurt and you lie to the plane company you had 2 billion which is lost to make the company check 4 each passenger how much they have at boarding time period. You can help me friends, once i have forwarded you my text, you can just open a Gmail a/c under my name and post on the youtube pages of UN, AU, ECOWAS, OPEC, COMESA, ICC, SONGS, CHURCHILL LIVE, TV PROGRAMS of any nation etc, the like of [email protected], [email protected] and many. Do me that favor bro!!!! I you partake fried fish hot one just from the pan with chopped tomato and onion not to mention chillies it gives you another spirit of laziness, selfish and hate of bad life, it makes you hallucinate and dislike other people, so its two fold, try fellaz, you want to be alone as starting to ripe paw paw pp, pier power, eat with ugali bro says martinez. Am choni, liking uchokozi, kinyo, poking others, king of the jew, gik machon, oldies i love as ladies, mokozi, chocolate women i love, i say anything as chochote, i love bones, chogo, last born, toilet as cho, piga watu ten nill, bure, pure i love as well. Pallemo island people are padhola of UG blooded dude, the white people had know that if 2goinvoice is eradicated they will be no-more as each nation has learnt automation so this was done to set the situation at equilibrium. They love pier, booty, piem, compe, pien/lather, piyo/fast-ing, pino, wasp, philipino, opposing/pingo. Kuwaits are toro, S-arabia some luo etc
This the most reliable AE way to produce power and the most convinient/effective/effectual and surable way to produce your own power. Take one wet cell of 24 volts the put the negative and the positive cathod/terminals on a wire then on a socket then plug the welding machineWM on the socket like you do to it on the wall as input then on the output on the 2 wires that holds the welding rod, cut them and do likewise with the socket, it will give you approximately 48-52 volts when the battery is fully charged, then take a motor bike star and again return the power to charge the same same battery the welding machine is using to ensure the power is not depleted or take a computer/florescent/TV adaptor used in the usa of 120 volts which its output is 24 volts, when you use half current which is 50 V given by the WM It will give you 12-15 volts then put in a solar energy controller to again charge the same battery incase you are using 12 V battery to give you 24 V on The WM but with 24 V wet cell look for A transformer that gives you 50 V as output when used on 200 Volts which if you use half current gives you 20-25 volts to charge the very very battery. While is the USA you can add another welding machine wm(2)to step up the 50 V given to 100 to power your machine but in a nation that uses 220 volts like Tanzania, Uganda, Kenya add another welding machine to WM (3) step up the power from 100 - 200 V to be used in your household. Th beauty is you can use it in welding, cooking, heating, in fridge with just one battery. OR Guys use 4-5 motor bike batter to give you 60 Volts after connection but let them be in 2 sets, put light switch in-between the positive and negative terminal after connecting to switch off power supply inbetween the wet cell when you are charging one set while the other is in use. Put the wet cell together in a wooden frame explains eddy roy of KB and studying in Rusia with her associates. The 5o V when you step up by adding 1 wm will be 100 to be used in nations like USA but like in Nigeria or E.Africah add another WM to step it to 200 V to power you household or business premis. Below are links carying diagrams of all the accesories above. You plug an electric plug in a socket n/b. With an invator option it eliminates you not to heat and cook with it as the invator burns, how many times have you hard that cheap is expensive. The white people got another software at withdraw funds at 2goinvoice and telling theit diehard fans around. Corruption of the hieghest degree. Wilson Williams advices me.
1.diagram showing a welding machine - Google Search
2.diagram of welding machine, diagram of welding machine Suppliers and Manufacturers at Alibaba.com
diagram of welding machine, diagram of welding machine Suppliers and Man…
Alibaba.com offers 260 diagram of welding machine products. About 10% of these are Manual Metal Arc Welder, 5% a…
3.diagram showing an electric socket - Google Search
iagram showing an electric socket - Google Search
4.diagram showing an electric plug - Google Search
diagram showing an electric plug - Google Search
5.diagram showing an electronic transformer - Google Search
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Qatar Airways <[email protected]>
Monday, July 15, 2019, 8:53:26 AM GMT+3
Fw: yipi yey
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kevinelson mondy <[email protected]>
Ruth Muga <[email protected]>
Sunday, July 14, 2019, 10:55:37 AM GMT+3
yipi yey
lady birds are used to make DVD/VCD/RADIOS. Rubber as saddles are used to make coffins/caskets as well as kales, cabbage or just vegetables. The hump e.g of a cow, lion is used to make drones, Ferrari or Lamborghini cars. Meli are made using rubbers, many collected near a large water body where you direct a woman pointing from her booty up to down on the floor with your fingers repeatedly and there it is as ship dude. Transformers made using onions, cabbages or nyanyas. Greenade can also be made using coconuts the hard one. DONGE-mumekubali my friends esp from BBK that an ngamalich, abihave like a respected fellow- kose-enwach baba. Railadamalo knows very well that he delude adam and eve and that the jew are white, but got misinformation of getting to heaven that you must aid someone white which is a big lie, he fears going to hell fire so during judgement he wanna portray himself as if he didn’t know the consequences of the tree of life and the fruit of wisdom/knowledge so he be acquitted and forgiven, but in Luke 16 parable of the shrude manager- warns him that he got prophets to listen to like Moses and Elijah. You are wasting your time dude, you are heading nowhere with the jew/Egyptian thing. The Hindu have known how to make even guns and they are doing that in east Africa so during violence they can use then against people and portray as the police or people have done such. They must get to their nation period. Mandaratego bwana nyako, onge-mchezo. Panya routes pr, presidency, pretense, short cuts sc, scores, school, peutro rico, public relations, rat, nelson eliminating tiger, asian tigers At, rat, mat, sat etc. Radios are made using coconut as tv, invators etc or kulundeg in luo or wasp to make stereo or some jets as drones. Fruits like melons, avocado, pumpkin, pineaple are can also be used to make such. Timers are also me using small vibrating arachnids or insects. Tea is not a must for people to do with, its not food crop like wheat or maize that forms part of 90% of the world meal as much as riye or rice but the government of developed world can sensitive their people not to partake tea coz you can do without it period and the nations that we will take their wives if you got money -anyone- are the chief buyers and once oil is eliminated their purchasing power will decrease i.e Egypt which fund 50% of her economy with 2goinvoice cash and Pakistan which buys large amount or % f kenyan tea. When 2goinvoice is eradicated tea export will reduce drastically. Haitians, Caribbeans and people in the usa leaving illegally are 10 million black and the negro population is 40 million if they came to Kenya 4 example and the voting rights extended to them then if they select their own they win all the elections and take the nation and precisely thats their plan. Out of 40 & 10 people 60 % are adult which is roughly 35 million voters and the Kenyan voters stand at 20 million and thats why the Kenyan government wants the population to increase to outmatch them but oblivious of the fact that green-card takes 50 thousand families with roughly 2 kid yearly and the high influx of international student who have indulge themselves in the US culture as well. In a sense its like selling the nation to aliens indirectly. Nipe maembe amatowa maembe ni one kama ni ripe au la, yellow ama pink or red,  kisha nidunge hata mara sabini mara saba kisha ni-release nikuache nikusamehe. Nyimi mit nduko mochanda, utters kevin in a fainted but crucked voice. Ndukle mamitu to-bwaso nyima kaka saa thiyo as the timer counts. Enda whoko americah, kujahapa japan- kenya- is their tonation whenever they get bitter. We cant trust tea processed in kenya or cocoa in ghana or coffee in Uganda or Ethiopia as it is somehow su-standard or not grown with proper sanitation requirements, its hazardaz somehow to our health. So we can be given land to plant it on our own in kenya, process it and pack it using the local labour and local audit to scrutinize scrupulosity, take our share and take your share or simply we buy the leaves or the berries and process them in our own nation, according to Eu and the choice is yours. Wanyama saga in Western Kenya, kev wanna show him that soul force is greater than physical force, i must see him stepping down. They recruit you and you take that oath of being a gang member and you adhere to secrecy and dont leave the gang, lest you are killed in cold blood. Even if you dont posses a gun they use the next fellow near you to have that gun upon which you are shot they say you had one- eti umeanza kuropokwa of the deal to rob a bank or fall a plane which is longterm and tiresome & sometimes never happens faster that makes you wanna leave the organisation. They use the money they have collected along the road- the police- to facilitate this a genda and some makanga are part of the Gang. The email am using in my tumblr i have already given it to you plus the password which do not long in due to reasons not known to me well.  Gung group accord to JR Emmanuel sheldon ES, end signs, estate, essy money Em Your pussy to succulent to pump, to sweet to hit Robinson and that was how kevin was crying yesternight in a faint but crocked voice. Give it to me as i hit it mrs Robinson, Robinson saying i just need a baby a baby as her crying. If you find out that a lady you somehow love can conspire behind your back to organise an attack on you, better you leave her- no way you can love her even to hit that thing in between the thigh. Timiza timiza timiza maombi yangu timiza, juzi nilitomba mochanda, jana nikabusu magdaline, mtondo nikadinya lolain next week niko na niki, timiza x3 maombi yangu bwana timiza- thats how nelson was singing very happy and jubiliant. Safety matches SM, smile, sianda moroco, malawi, malta, mongolia, scorsica mataka, smile, shrude manager parable in luke 16. Lazarus parable and rich-man- i got five brothers FB, fat buttocks can take you to hell and other social medias like tumblr affects the eyes which fb is safe. You got Moses plant and the prophets, road to emaus, can be grow the nyamawho herb. Moses grows many in a cluster, if you get much money from 2goinvoice it takes you direct to hell, tell my brothers to desist and give the poor that money. Buy condom in the factory if you are a rich man in large quantity or many as mfalme wa yawhodi which aint put in direct sunlight to burst. Women with barnabas. Bavid was balarian, but people from the isles are bald when grown up, kihara- king of the jew.
When you eat wheat products which human vomit has been added to, either sieved or not you develop acute baldness as kipara in swahili. Beware of your food. Mama nee-nyako ma bambe dum chieth ni- in making of jets whoman feace/mafi is rubbed on the thigh slowly by slowly then boom their is the jet. Mama hebu ona whoyou msichana paja yake inasmell shonde- anaharibu plan yetu wajamani. The money which they take from you at the scrap metal out of faulty weighting machine is used greatly to fund the gungship in towns. When you became so profound in bible as to oppose it your hear someone like cocking the gun- king of the jew if you start to be hard or a church critic. PASTORS are the ones also killing people. You start to see the devil in blue or grey attire like spider-man mostly inside a mortuary or outside your house as well as chain stores without ear lobes dude. The money is used to fund hooliganism among inter-estate gangs. Lobinson nyimi swoyo manda and this cold weather in riga is good with pumping something- donge onethough utters kev, kolly saying mit gi-swoyo gimolo, hadija saying ni tamu na kupeleka/kupepeta kitu wajamani. This pussy of yours rides my penis in a smooth and beautiful way,/manner says monde. Tabia utters adriano.  The church should have money counting matchines and offering be paid either online or before the mass, so at people to know exactly how much is collected to avoid the church admin misappropriating the cash to investments that win women, fund hooliganism and creates jealousy in the society. We should know how much is debited and created to avoid what i have described b4 about churches projects even up-to killings. Church killed TM and MLK. If one is about to be struggled you see just an approaching hand alone not the body around their necks, touching it a little bit then divorcing it- king of the jew to cement the truth. Trump and obama are luya and luo blooded and they were there to see on how america generates its revenue as to monitor and see into ways on how it can be overthrown using china, India and German technology, witch-crafty or transfiguring people to either fall the plane, detonate military bases with chapalast tied on grenade using there own already working there or sink ships. According to jeremytahidi Trumps even meets people who transfigure like Railamolodinga in Asia alongside Kim of North Korea to facilitate the hidden agenda above. They even organised terrorist attacks, uhuru also transfigures as well and is there liaising with museveni as well to plot the above. Trump is vietnamis as well, so the trum kim meeting is a pretense to foster peace but to facilitate terorism and to overthrow the USA government to conqour internet to control 2goinvoice, and make many writting theirs to gain respect. Like china has come up with bing, and kikuyou with tubidi among many other. The usa is also in pretense of this to know fully the character of these people and thats why the invoice was incorporated. To know peoples character with free things or after being rich like the Jamaicans or china or kenyans. So 2goinvoice is a blessing in disguise, to even know lias and try to interrelate them with fallen figures even in the bible and where to place them.
The compound is to clean as if the booty is wiped, ni-kama kwamba rasa inapanguzwa.  LG tv is the best but the side effect which is over-longtime glued to the screen pops out your eyes as swollen is simply eating 2-5 grape fruit and it burst from outer-inside to give out some fluid like tears then your eye is okay. LG lord god, lesbian gays, laughing gas as anesthesia, to unknown God in acts 17, Savior. Ther, Githeri, king of the jew- you give to that one who transform in your belly to fall, you can drink it period. They want to reduce the population of kenya for them to come like they did long in the usa during war 2- the Germans. And they want to counteract Uganda technology, Tz and Ethiopia as the USA and Germany will supply them with weaponry once their is war after along time of their influx coming. To sub-due Uganda cars which makes you tall and black but Good for whites, they are too original. Babe if you have taken a shower and wipe that booty, with me i will just hit it but no anal kissing. Uchayo akebi nang'o to mochanda omiye nyime otuomo, magdalin omiye nyime ochikore, Lobinson omiye nyime onduko kaka seche sudo, odindo wacho ni kaka saa thiyo to kolo wacho as the time/timer clocks/tickles. Sara omiye nyime owinjo ekoyo to shamtimes odoome ka nyati. Sometimes oswoyo, oponde, mbona madhalau kwa kebi aloyce kisha sema na anatomba wasichana kamili.
Wewe endele tu kujikaza na tayari tumejua cv yako ya kulala na watu fake na unadhani tujuwi. Meda meda sungri, sunga blo sungi. Buy condoms from the factory and keep them under locked cooler in your bedroom- lazarus parable to cement the truth. Ni nini kebi anafikiria asks sophi, vin saying opara kaka nyim moch dango gire, the way the pussy is dissecting and dividing his manwhod, kaka ni-miye go-tieno, kaka nyim duodo mande, kaka tongo, chama as eating away his penis kinda, kaka bwaso nyime, kaka thino mande e-samachon, kaka turo duong ne. Yore yore moch gi kebi pant down hotel vunduba, oyudgi says odindo, onduko jal ma luya tuchne nelson atucha says modi. Hiyanyo akebi nang'o swini, mchinga, stupid to nyim mochanda omiye opado kakare, otemo kata-laye to-okonyal. I wanna see how its stout, vile imesimama em em em em magdalin utters adriano in a cry, natakakuona vile iko flabby na vile cd/condomu jimeifit au imeiva, kaka cd orwake kata kaka ondiso thong,  moch monika alinishow yake, natakuona vile imeng'ethia na kukula chuom yaani vako, vile inakula njaro kama inalala ama la asha, Alinishow huko mtoni jana. Moch natakuona position imechukuwa yakupokea fimbo, vile imenuna/fura, kaka awinjo ni-ochwe,  adwalo neno mochanda swears kebi sunga moketo, vile imevimba, katsika, nene au kufurahia, kaka osin am omor. I wanna see pozi as position mokao, yaani imechukuwa, kutulia am inaliya. Minaj i wanna know and am here to make you happy if you wanna and magmoch to showcase my love to ya in a beautiful way.
lady birds are used to make DVD/VCD/RADIOS. Rubber as saddles are used to make coffins/caskets as well as kales, cabbage or just vegetables. The hump e.g of a cow, lion is used to make drones, Ferrari or Lamborghini cars. Meli are made using rubbers, many collected near a large water body where you direct a woman pointing from her booty up to down on the floor with your fingers repeatedly and there it is as ship dude. Transformers made using onions, cabbages or nyanyas. Greenade can also be made using coconuts the hard one. DONGE-mumekubali my friends esp from BBK that an ngamalich, abihave like a respected fellow- kose-enwach baba. Railadamalo knows very well that he delude adam and eve and that the jew are white, but got misinformation of getting to heaven that you must aid someone white which is a big lie, he fears going to hell fire so during judgement he wanna portray himself as if he didn’t know the consequences of the tree of life and the fruit of wisdom/knowledge so he be acquitted and forgiven, but in Luke 16 parable of the shrude manager- warns him that he got prophets to listen to like Moses and Elijah. You are wasting your time dude, you are heading nowhere with the jew/Egyptian thing. The Hindu have known how to make even guns and they are doing that in east Africa so during violence they can use then against people and portray as the police or people have done such. They must get to their nation period. Mandaratego bwana nyako, onge-mchezo. Panya routes pr, presidency, pretense, short cuts sc, scores, school, peutro rico, public relations, rat, nelson eliminating tiger, asian tigers At, rat, mat, sat etc. Radios are made using coconut as tv, invators etc or kulundeg in luo or wasp to make stereo or some jets as drones. Fruits like melons, avocado, pumpkin, pineaple are can also be used to make such. Timers are also me using small vibrating arachnids or insects. Tea is not a must for people to do with, its not food crop like wheat or maize that forms part of 90% of the world meal as much as riye or rice but the government of developed world can sensitive their people not to partake tea coz you can do without it period and the nations that we will take their wives if you got money -anyone- are the chief buyers and once oil is eliminated their purchasing power will decrease i.e Egypt which fund 50% of her economy with 2goinvoice cash and Pakistan which buys large amount or % f kenyan tea. When 2goinvoice is eradicated tea export will reduce drastically. Haitians, Caribbeans and people in the usa leaving illegally are 10 million black and the negro population is 40 million if they came to Kenya 4 example and the voting rights extended to them then if they select their own they win all the elections and take the nation and precisely thats their plan. Out of 40 & 10 people 60 % are adult which is roughly 35 million voters and the Kenyan voters stand at 20 million and thats why the Kenyan government wants the population to increase to outmatch them but oblivious of the fact that green-card takes 50 thousand families with roughly 2 kid yearly and the high influx of international student who have indulge themselves in the US culture as well. In a sense its like selling the nation to aliens indirectly. Nipe maembe amatowa maembe ni one kama ni ripe au la, yellow ama pink or red,  kisha nidunge hata mara sabini mara saba kisha ni-release nikuache nikusamehe. Nyimi mit nduko mochanda, utters kevin in a fainted but crucked voice. Ndukle mamitu to-bwaso nyima kaka saa thiyo as the timer counts. Enda whoko americah, kujahapa japan- kenya- is their tonation whenever they get bitter. We cant trust tea processed in kenya or cocoa in ghana or coffee in Uganda or Ethiopia as it is somehow su-standard or not grown with proper sanitation requirements, its hazardaz somehow to our health. So we can be given land to plant it on our own in kenya, process it and pack it using the local labour and local audit to scrutinize scrupulosity, take our share and take your share or simply we buy the leaves or the berries and process them in our own nation, according to Eu and the choice is yours. Wanyama saga in Western Kenya, kev wanna show him that soul force is greater than physical force, i must see him stepping down. They recruit you and you take that oath of being a gang member and you adhere to secrecy and dont leave the gang, lest you are killed in cold blood. Even if you dont posses a gun they use the next fellow near you to have that gun upon which you are shot they say you had one- eti umeanza kuropokwa of the deal to rob a bank or fall a plane which is longterm and tiresome & sometimes never happens faster that makes you wanna leave the organisation. They use the money they have collected along the road- the police- to facilitate this a genda and some makanga are part of the Gang. The email am using in my tumblr i have already given it to you plus the password which do not long in due to reasons not known to me well.  Gung group accord to JR Emmanuel sheldon ES, end signs, estate, essy money Em Your pussy to succulent to pump, to sweet to hit Robinson and that was how kevin was crying yesternight in a faint but crocked voice. Give it to me as i hit it mrs Robinson, Robinson saying i just need a baby a baby as her crying. If you find out that a lady you somehow love can conspire behind your back to organise an attack on you, better you leave her- no way you can love her even to hit that thing in between the thigh. Timiza timiza timiza maombi yangu timiza, juzi nilitomba mochanda, jana nikabusu magdaline, mtondo nikadinya lolain next week niko na niki, timiza x3 maombi yangu bwana timiza- thats how nelson was singing very happy and jubiliant. Safety matches SM, smile, sianda moroco, malawi, malta, mongolia, scorsica mataka, smile, shrude manager parable in luke 16. Lazarus parable and rich-man- i got five brothers FB, fat buttocks can take you to hell and other social medias like tumblr affects the eyes which fb is safe. You got Moses plant and the prophets, road to emaus, can be grow the nyamawho herb. Moses grows many in a cluster, if you get much money from 2goinvoice it takes you direct to hell, tell my brothers to desist and give the poor that money. Buy condom in the factory if you are a rich man in large quantity or many as mfalme wa yawhodi which aint put in direct sunlight to burst. Women with barnabas. Bavid was balarian, but people from the isles are bald when grown up, kihara- king of the jew.
Nipe maembe amatowa maembe ni one kama ni ripe au la, yellow ama pink or red,  kisha nidunge hata mara sabini mara saba kisha ni-release nikuache nikusamehe. Nyimi mit nduko mochanda, utters kevin in a fainted but crucked voice. Ndukle mamitu to-bwaso nyima kaka saa thiyo as the timer counts. Enda whoko americah, kujahapa japan- kenya- is their tonation whenever they get bitter. We cant trust tea processed in kenya or cocoa in ghana or coffee in Uganda or Ethiopia as it is somehow su-standard or not grown with proper sanitation requirements, its hazardaz somehow to our health. So we can be given land to plant it on our own in kenya, process it and pack it using the local labour and local audit to scrutinize scrupulosity, take our share and take your share or simply we buy the leaves or the berries and process them in our own nation, according to Eu and the choice is yours. Wanyama saga in Western Kenya, kev wanna show him that soul force is greater than physical force, i must see him stepping down. They recruit you and you take that oath of being a gang member and you adhere to secrecy and dont leave the gang, lest you are killed in cold blood. Even if you dont posses a gun they use the next fellow near you to have that gun upon which you are shot they say you had one- eti umeanza kuropokwa of the deal to rob a bank or fall a plane which is longterm and tiresome & sometimes never happens faster that makes you wanna leave the organisation. They use the money they have collected along the road- the police- to facilitate this a genda and some makanga are part of the Gang. The email am using in my tumblr i have already given it to you plus the password which do not long in due to reasons not known to me well.  Gung group accord to JR Emmanuel sheldon ES, end signs, estate, essy money Em
Your pussy to succulent to pump, to sweet to hit Robinson and that was how kevin was crying yesternight in a faint but crocked voice. Give it to me as i hit it mrs Robinson, Robinson saying i just need a baby a baby as her crying. If you find out that a lady you somehow love can conspire behind your back to organise an attack on you, better you leave her- no way you can love her even to hit that thing in between the thigh. Timiza timiza timiza maombi yangu timiza, juzi nilitomba mochanda, jana nikabusu magdaline, mtondo nikadinya lolain next week niko na niki, timiza x3 maombi yangu bwana timiza- thats how nelson was singing very happy and jubiliant. Safety matches SM, smile, sianda moroco, malawi, malta, mongolia, scorsica mataka, smile, shrude manager parable in luke 16. Lazarus parable and rich-man- i got five brothers FB, fat buttocks can take you to hell and other social medias like tumblr affects the eyes which fb is safe. You got Moses plant and the prophets, road to emaus, can be grow the nyamawho herb. Moses grows many in a cluster, if you get much money from 2goinvoice it takes you direct to hell, tell my brothers to desist and give the poor that money. Buy condom in the factory if you are a rich man in large quantity or many as mfalme wa yawhodi which aint put in direct sunlight to burst. Women with barnabas. Bavid was balarian, but people from the isles are bald when grown up, kihara- king of the jew.
Moch nyimi mit kama nang'o,mbona tamu hivi, why sweet like this and precisely that was the cry given by kebi the whole night. Hiyanyo akebi to Emery obet edhot luoko lewnimage, sitted at his door washing his cloths including the pant, to magdalin rutho lake gi toothbrush mare. Railamolodinga brought aids eventhough he could not partake sour things, just take a drop of his blood and mix with infant blood and there is the disease to be transmitted. Christ with lost coin parable. Luo men if they intermarrty with white people they bring up bad blood of jealousy and gay, with luya they bring terorists or hooligans. Once other nations have learnt on how they make their machines like the britons then if they continue with their absurdities nothing else but annihilation. Thats why they are being spared, Ugandans have learnt make most of their goods thus bound to eliminate them. We have theveloped- the Rusians- yet they are found there, lazarus parable on five brothers, speaking like you dont care or like you wanna made them the guard to arrest and kill christ, that is there respect and kinda you are taking it away, cant be!!! Made in Rusia as mfalme wa yawhodi is what they want and is a big lie. They race being distorted is no-more even if they live in one nation, simply by eating ground nuts the spirit directs anyone to the country of origin, or tribe of that fellow once you got their photos. So the jew can live together in Rusia as it is big, the ones whose economy is 90% engineering like france, itally, so the french are waiting on winter to start the war and kill the Guard tribe whose owns 2goinvoice & are luo blooded, people who dislike pretty people and progress. The Joseph mother in genesis 49 was luya blooded and Joseph as french father was sold to monitor his character to other brothers after a win, was joking with his dream not knowing it hurts. The guard were also being monitored if they can join the oppressed but not, just want to dominate and have a big fertile land of grains where they cant share, they are selfish seekers so must be eliminated and their wives taken by their brothers precisely the french and the Naphtali as Italians period. Buses are made with many peas or pineapple, you stand and urinate and boom there it is, you can make many as you want, with trucks, trelas, lorries, you sit and do the same. The devol is preparing other nations for war with becoming tough-headed after coming up with these technologies. Kojowa, Mfalme wa yawhodi, worker parable to cement the truth, layo, Lazarus parable to do the same. Some lorries are made using many coconut piled together by just performing the rituals above and more. Revelation five Rf at that time the root of David Rodick/Penis also are used to make knifes, spoons, kijiko or pala. Whoyanyo kebi nang;o to moch omiye nyime omie-ele-eh, To emery omiye nyieme otemo diede-eh ko-opudo, has given him the pussy is making a jig/dancing on it and why do you belittle him. Keys has given him. House fittings and utensils amny are made using clay soil just by puking or throwing saliva on hot fire or ground or just be urinating or taking a piss.
Ebromedo youko wiyi ma wiyi youki, you will continue to shake your head untill your head shakes you like you have lost wait in sickness and whats remaining is your big head scull. The poor in Europe or America live in good houses bro with second hand electronic so they are saying Africa better to delude the people of their good life or keep them content, they got low population hence houses are far apart in country side and got toll sky scrapper where no-one can monitor them unless they got wireless camera to capture you. This underlies the theory that Africa is good. They want to eliminate most African beauties and intellect. Kebi according to Eunice mama fellvin, many nyako makipump to-gili lokre ndukuku-chiken e-hiye kanya, victor wacho many ma-lokre kittielo, ha ha says colly, tafuta mwenya mbolo yako inakuwa chembamba, mathin, voke saying malokore kubwa, ah ah ma mbolo ni legthens and thats is cheque women, many ma penis ni chalo gimaluore pale mbele to mano en toro kata kuwait, to ma mandi thiek embele kanyo like you are eating banana is kauma or luo or akwampie, ma mandi nyidhore to ndukole en kalenjin much kipsigis and christ say this one of the sweetest and white people want this. Emery ni mwage haya mafuta wapi? Minaj where should i deposit these sperm and this what kevin utters when it near ejaculation.
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Ochamama, okudo, opidho chamama tree e-dhot sawa swears colly. Mwanawhome si beauty au ushuja, mwanaume ni kitanda, bed mtu wangu, vile anatingisha kijiti usiku kucha utters monde. You can use bolt software in google play to get money via http://www.2goinvoice.com using your smart phone dude. The Rusians thought christ was the owner of 2goinvoice where they get cash to fund their projects, hence when christ talked about sheep and goat parable, they thought christ was the owner in pretense, so could keep the link off-line- king of the jew or had the password to killed him to let the invoice continue coz it will paralyze ther operations. Mrs lobinson Aids/Hiv has gotten hold of me, that lady if you get into her you get out like 2moro, i mean you over-stay mom utters the other kevin. If you take 3 solar panels of more than 30 volts and you connect to give you above 100 volts and put in a welding machine then boom the electricity to even power your fridge or ironing box, king of the jew to cement christ sayings. If you take the one that gives you lets say 21 and 17 volts and connect to solar power controller and put the 21v on where the sun rises in the morning and the 17v one where it disappears in the dusk to maintain the 12 volts on the invator to make sure it works best all the 12 hrs and this another option with above 1000 watts invator that even powers your fridge. Mfalme wa yawhodi to cement yesus sayings, Friend this killing 2 birds with one stone and it makes you wanna lough the whole day. The fridge you put in deep front during the day and at the same time charges the battery to be used at night when iron box, cooker or fridge had already been used at day time bro. But your city must get atleast 7 hrs of sunlight daily dude. Silipi hata bill ya stima hata kidogo swears david omolo former student of Kb and ku and my wife is always smilling with me out of this. Innovation cements relationship and many couples are oblivious of this truth/fact. Owinjo go thum esp country music, riddim and translated hyms by jamaicans like how great thou art. Mit omera, sex gi song like am still on my way country song to juice piya inapumzika/youeyo emesa ile thick bro, sex mit owada gi innovation, dhako loso wiyi, ana hibonda bonda swears tony, love mchungu mzima.On Monday, June 24, 2019, 08:19:30 AM GMT+3, [email protected] <[email protected]> wrote:
From: kevinelson mondy <[email protected]>To: [email protected] <[email protected]>Cc: [email protected] <[email protected]>Sent: Friday, June 28, 2019, 12:09:00 PM GMT+3Subject: Fw: mytumblr —– Forwarded Message —–From: kevinelson mondy <[email protected]>To: [email protected] <[email protected]>Cc: Ruth Muga <[email protected]>Sent: Friday, June 28, 2019, 12:00:43 PM GMT+3Subject: Fw: mytumblr —– Forwarded Message —–From: kevinelson mondy <[email protected]>To: [email protected] <[email protected]>Cc: [email protected] <[email protected]>Sent: Thursday, June 27, 2019, 3:26:28 PM GMT+3Subject: Fw: mytumblr —– Forwarded Message —–From: kevinelson mondy <[email protected]>To: Lt.Christal Pagaran <[email protected]>Cc: [email protected] <[email protected]>Sent: Thursday, June 27, 2019, 3:25:55 PM GMT+3Subject: Fw: mytumblr —– Forwarded Message —–From: kevinelson mondy <[email protected]>To: ShebaMiles <[email protected]>Cc: [email protected] <[email protected]>Sent: Thursday, June 27, 2019, 3:25:36 PM GMT+3Subject: Fw: mytumblr —– Forwarded Message —–From: kevinelson mondy <[email protected]>To: Ethiopian Airlines <[email protected]>Cc: Garuda Indonesia <[email protected]>Sent: Thursday, June 27, 2019, 3:25:15 PM GMT+3Subject: Fw: mytumblr —– Forwarded Message —–From: kevinelson mondy <[email protected]>To: Fly Jamaica Reservations <[email protected]>Cc: equitybank <[email protected]>Sent: Thursday, June 27, 2019, 3:24:52 PM GMT+3Subject: Fw: mytumblr —– Forwarded Message —–From: kevinelson mondy <[email protected]>To: Etihad Airways <[email protected]>Cc: [email protected] <[email protected]>Sent: Thursday, June 27, 2019, 3:21:40 PM GMT+3Subject: Fw: mytumblr —– Forwarded Message —–From: kevinelson mondy <[email protected]>To: [email protected] <[email protected]>Cc: Ruth Muga <[email protected]>Sent: Thursday, June 27, 2019, 3:19:50 PM GMT+3Subject: mytumblr —– Forwarded Message —–From: victor owira <[email protected]>To: [email protected] <[email protected]>Cc: [email protected] <[email protected]>Sent: Thursday, June 27, 2019, 5:08:11 AM PDTSubject: Fw: my tumblr account is andrewanampongolo and all his followers as mrmonde or nellmonde —– Forwarded Message —–From: victor owira <[email protected]>To: victor owira <[email protected]>Cc: [email protected] <[email protected]>Sent: Thursday, June 27, 2019, 5:06:40 AM PDTSubject: Fw: my tumblr account is andrewanampongolo and all his followers as mrmonde or nellmonde —– Forwarded Message —–From: victor owira <[email protected]>To: [email protected] <[email protected]>Cc: [email protected] <[email protected]>Sent: Thursday, June 27, 2019, 5:05:47 AM PDTSubject: Fw: my tumblr account is andrewanampongolo and all his followers as mrmonde or nellmonde —– Forwarded Message —–From: victor owira <[email protected]>To: [email protected] <[email protected]>Cc: Kenneth Onyango <[email protected]>Sent: Thursday, June 27, 2019, 5:00:45 AM PDTSubject: Fw: my tumblr account is andrewanampongolo and all his followers as mrmonde or nellmonde —– Forwarded Message —–From: victor owira <[email protected]>To: [email protected] <[email protected]>Cc: [email protected] <[email protected]>Sent: Thursday, June 27, 2019, 4:53:01 AM PDTSubject: my tumblr account is andrewanampongolo and all his followers as mrmonde or nellmonde Jobotwana, Nigeria onyuolo ladies moro chunda go tieno, okach, maiti mar kebi whogole karang'o? The big men has even bought small drones that can carry upto 1 kg of tea to smuggle tea leaves at night using people who transfigure so the government should reduce the land under Tea and is fenced with poles measuring the telephone post that no one can throw tea bags packed in small amount 4 another someone. it should be an electric fence and the government likewise should use the very drones to monitor every income generating business and even crime in towns or check people in their houses. Like in Uruguay in firming the use the same technology. The Guard tribe crucified christ so its said during judgement after death they dint know hence they are forgiven that the invoice without it would paralyze their day to day operations, china will say it was the use soyi and let their names be blotted out the book of life BOL the love as PG, pier Gikuyou, greek is where in the bible the jesus visited it so they know the whole truth, pier Georgia, PG is pregnancyanda the loved and killed many simba in nyabondo plateau- vineyard parable to cement the truth including masai. If you love people or follow people its easy to see the kingdom of heaven, if you live near the roads as well but if you live in serene places b4 you reach ya house its likely to be in hell as much as if you take out someone teeth/lak,meno- mfalme wa yawhodi and lazarus parable to cement the truth. They use mose plant to make ceptril aids medication. ITS EASY FOR A CARMEL TO ENTER INTO THE KINGDOM THAN YOU TO ENTER- that is an email if the recovery option has been deleted and password you know not. [email protected] my new email or [email protected], [email protected]. get me there folks.Okelo na wiye mathin no magdalin eti odwanega nikech okelo na osiepene mablonindo kode kaonge, osiepe ma wii gi pi, yaani baridi/ng'ich ma piny osedwaro topokoneno. Eti many nyako ma mandi lokre maembe e-hiye kanyo, nyako ma-mandi lokre ka tendon yani kuni kata choke mobar obar kat wii mandi lokre thuol as snake ok an. Moch many nyako ma kirelease you do it in 3 bits like the gun, kata mi-feel ka-ejaculation no biro to chung eglan then it sprinkles, kata mawang as it travels to the glan, onethough mawhouk like droplest of water or yenye inamwagika mingi mno kama mtoto na mate. Ruto dont say one want to president then if he says he is not yet 35 its an offense you get annoyed you return to gaysm then wild to the point of carry wooded rungu to beat him liaising with the authorities. With Train you carry a door the take a shit on it or outside it then theirs the train, with phones and accessories you lick, ramba the tongue then boom that phone- jesus with little kids, rabbi to cement the truth, you lick with closed eyed on a a piece of wrapped cloth. With building stones you do backwards near a water body or swimming pool the the bricks are out- women with barnabas to cement the truth including cements where you urinate. With Radio/TV you spit/tema saliva on the ground, ten minas parable or peter cutting the ear/it b4 christ takes it back. Tom mboya terain is curvy it was the CBD of bethlehem when you were in it you felt better, winjo mabar- weed parable with christ, mathare valley was jerusalem as its curvy still when the jew moved from Americah to pakistan to cross the Red sea with moses at karachi- christ with little kid. Let them fence the original provinces as nations when people are seeing then thereafter people assemble and dispatch. When you say the luo should be killed they get jubiliant very happy the coasterians and Gikuyou and some whites afterwards to occupy these lands. Kikuyou kwani Central is very cold, Ng'ich ndii, hamtaki kuenda/kurudi. When you get to The TV on the Roads in one of those shops which got Tv, they quickly change the scene just like during the maraga time with election petition b4 kevin was kidnapped, then you wanna see the defendant like sonko, kinda how he behaves, the the camera changes on the kamba lady judge who are looking 4 young men with money yet the very money they got at 2goinvoice using bolt software gotten from google play. If you walk out because the scene of the judge has overstayed where you walk got young men sitting in masses called the bases, the hindu shops, motor bike shops, timber logging center, junctions i.e kondele, they became wild on you. They know your moves as they have put on camera on TV your image they have put in a kiyo\glass bottle or acquirum. It live live ll dude, funding violence, leave sonko alone but arrest Railamolodingagwambo period. Malachi four- who to the people who long to see the day of the lord. Another group of students just forwarded me this, if you take four 24 volts wet cells and connects positive to negative of all the wet cells remaining with only one positive of one wet cell and one negative of one wet cell, if you take a voltmeter and test the voltage it gives you upto 100 volts which if you channel in a welding machine gives you upto 200 volts that can be used in houses but to continues the process without the battery being depleted you take a solar power controller and connect to a transformer of input 240v and output 30-12volts to it to charge all those batteries, you branch the wires eight times with 8 12 volts battery but with 24 12 votts battery you branch the said wires four times to all the batteries to continues the charging process while the battery are still in use. If you want to weld with it you connect 8, 24 volts battery or 16, 12 volts battery and you just do the same procedure i have described above. Mathew sixteen sm, smile, shrude manager, ishmael, luke 24 end signs, Pita cutting the it in luo, masikiyo, demondi possed man with christ- have mercy on us son of David. Fellow i have also been forwarded this text, buy these gadgets and make of your own. When 2goinvoice was not know you purported to collect me money which was never was, so when its there you resort to jealousy and stupidity- what do you want with me, to look down at my manwhodi in the end when i have defeated you.
Sausages are made in dark places, by blowing your nose on mafi then afterwards you wash using detergent water. Smokies are made likewise but by salivating on housefly maggot gotten from a pit latrine. Let them put recipe on the tv if they refute. I got a gun and hid it and reported that a gang robbed me around yet i still got the same gun dude. My whole life has changed by guinuwine- site a lone in not a well modern room and it opens up your mind and if you eat a big queen cake alone you come to dislike good things of this life, most so in the transit or walking- king of the jew with Christ. Eat one today to witness the truth. Drone are made by riding on donkey or horses at night, triumphant entry of Jesus into Jerusalem to cement the truth. Kitten are shot in dark to make welding machines and volt meters, cows being cut with panga or powersaw to make Generators, shooting of sheeps/cattle on the head from the ear or on the forehead to make choppers and small jets/plane. Ten minas parable and Malachi 4- who to the people who long to see the lords day, siaya, Nebuchadnezzar  lived at babylonding with Daniel. Kisumu close to Kericho or kakamega to illegal pluck/pick tea leaves at night so they dont want to vacate yet they claim they chose the best land as Guard tribe dude in genesis 49. Open business in the morning, to help people who get somewhere in the  morning then you can evade hell fire or constant hell walking. The only thing i know best is to rock the thing in between a woman thigh and i got distinction there and well qualified of dude and my friends call me church mouse. If your citizen work in a foreign land even if the company is yours, it brings bad omen to your nation coz they scrutinize, monitor and frustrate the indigenous workers esp if your nation is rich, brings the down fall of a nation i.e Itally. Take the local to work 4 you but just monitor the inflow and outflow money. Furthermore it breeds disrespect dude. If you take 4, 24 volts battery you connect to a welding machine or 8, 12 volts battery and do the same it will give you like 100 volts on the battery but on the welding machine it will give you 200 volts where you look for battery charger and input it on the 200volts then the 12 volts as the output on it you return to charge all the 4, 24V or 8,12v battery to continue the sequence not the battery to run out of power. To ensure continuity of power supply. Not enough dude, you still want to weld, you look for another welding machine and connect to the 200V initial welding machine to give you 400 volts, the first 100v was half volts thats why it gave you 200volts to connect to another welding machine. This save you as or money as it is cheap compared to buying one welding machine then connecting it to 8, 24votls bettery to give you 200 volts on the battery then on the one welding machine 400 as adding 4 battery on 24 volts one is expensive than buying another one welding machine same to adding another 8, 12 volts battery to give you 200 volts to be connected to one welding machine. A group of students just 4warded me this dude.
Tunahesha tu mchesho cha shex cha ebola na Emely mimi Adriano. Kebi na toni, tulimpatiya wote mote tano combi akatumumunya mbolo tukamwaga b4 tuanze the real intercourse. Kesho tukapatiya mag mote inne combi akadara mbolo zete tuka mwaga, whoyou kipusa anataka nini wajameni. Toni, mtondo tukapatiya ule mlami mote 3 but not combi nelly akamwaga, but mimi nikaseek marifa nikapiga dakika ishirini. Kebi amekatsika, wewe toni bwana kama uko weak nishauri chako bwana tuachane basi ama itakuwa vita, nilistay 30 minutes. Mouth urinating makes diskman, flash dish, usb and other phone accessories. Firing up of bullets makes a misile or internet server or rockets with gabage or barley. As much as shooting a dead man walking from the crosside on the ear to another side. TV are made using tongue, booty seated on a seat while kissing a woman on the dark as much as stereos. Decoders like dvd, vcd, kissing the bam/thigh of a woman all in the dark, some drones or toys annal/ass hole kissing, charger pedicure on a woman, gas cooker manicure, CD bikini works, chargers, transformers, ndiga as biskeli/bicycles, tuk tuk taking a shit on a storey hse topmost but falling to the ground or taking a shit on ones head as much as shooting the head of a cow, whichever dude. Defecating/kunai in someones mouth hospital gadgets like X-ray machine, Bmi or pulse rate machine with animal offering on place like chiken, kulu kulu or guinea fowl as pigs or rodents.
USA millitary chopers, jets are made using warthogs, crocodile, wild beast, monitor lizard as offerings throwing/hurling tortoise manwhood on the wall or doing the long china jumps like kanjwele from a high tower to the water in Olympics. Picking and plucking of tea, king of the jew made Christ to be arrested, he had foreseen how the said jew will rise in malachi four- who to the people who longs to see the lords day. By romancing or caresing a womans breast and suckling the niple with booty offering in place gives you tv’s. Shinny china sub-woofer, or electronics as phones are made using snail as the offering by vomiting on the ground near water, you eat to be full the you look for things that make you want to vomit. Another nation can came up with internet or internet apps like tumblr to finish the economy of Carli4nia or New England but with coca cola you cant finish it, its an international brand bro. The coca cola companies of the world do not return profit back home or it is not listed on the stock exchange for us to see the total profit made to add/sum them up and come with a rough figure worldwide of the company net profit. This is two fold, it will bring all people of color to the Georgia in-case of USA separation or other states will eye Georgia as create jealousy. This will hike the population so this is done for the Negros not to Know about Georgia state GS and move out to other lands, after 2 0r 3 generation coca cola revamp its strength and the profitability is know which i guess can be billions of dollar but at that time is too late for their kids to get back. Malachi four MF who to the people who long to see the lords day. GS greatest sex, gay/gikuyou,greek society. To me Georgia is the richest state and obama ought to have inducted the Negros on this sad fact. Damn it dude!!! Ombulu in luo, okwaju, chwa- king of the jew, mfalme wa yawhodi the seed, koth, mbegu- good samaritan Gs parable are used to make building bricks bb, someone urinate on them, defecate, kunia, pielo and jumps jumps many times squatted until they are made. Land and Range rovers takes people to hell as well, they are made with the cut booty of Romanian women where a woman vomit is literally licked until boom they are made. Range rover RR rasa rusians, rwandis, romanians, rom, romo, meetoshana, same, rs, rasa swedishona, swisswana, somali, rasa same. The feces/mafi/chieth are got mostly in nursing homes for the sick adults or infant babies. Jesus with little kids. Nebuchadnezzar was from Argentina together with Jesse Davids father, Daniel and among many others. Lazarus and rich-man you got prophet like Moses because he was described as no prophet had risen in Israel like Moses in the book of Deuteronomy bod, bodo, boding etc. But in that parable is said you have Moses and the prophets which means Moses was not a prophet but the last chapter of Deuteronomy describe him as a prophet which means the bible was omitted, it was you got Moses plant and the prophets. Road to emaus to cement the truth. If you gwaro, scratch the plant from the wall and boil it on water and you drink it makes your head a little bit bigger and people see you as obligated to kids giving you at-least respect which Lazarus did not have. King of the jew with Christ to cement the truth. Tong, mayai, egg is you hurl on the wall many or fall from inclination and got the sacrifice handy like mchele, rice, dignitaries corpse gadgets like speakers, Lamborghini, Ferrari, stereos are made even bulbs. Worker and vineyard parable to cement the truth. A long time people were made black even Adam and Eve but the curse/cars/gari/mtokni on ham one of Noah son fell on him and his skin changed from black to white and thats the white man with his lies that they develop/make cars yet they find them their but wants supremacy as superior yet other Africans have learnt the same even how the get illicit cash via the net at http://www.2goinvoice.com. Fuck that dude and damn it!! You want respect for what dude, tell me, where is your pride and where has it gone to or vanished to, to rats and dogs or to every tom harry and dick or harlot, tell me dude!!! Think twice bro!!!
If you take the made welding machine according to Michael masita of Oklahoma advising me, and you immerse it in a container that fits it or make a metallic ones and glue rubber on its inner walls or blader to avoid electrocution and then take diesel engine oil and pour it to the brim, close it or not like the power transformer on the poles then it can work day night without burning, you and your sons, grandsons can use it to infinity once it is put in a moisture free zone to avoid rusting. It eliminates the need for an electric timer. Cardiac is made with cattle or human teeth where one or many hangs from lofty/near height from a roof maybe a rope then they fall on that teeth heap with their booty then walks away in the dark then boom the Cadillac escalady car. Road to emaus to cement the truth, rooftop flag post left alone on the roof top in the bible to cement the truth. Escalators are also made with chaff or rice but this way. Hammer car is made with shooting a cow on the head then you dismount, while standing on the back, you jump away swiftly from it for the car to come up. It is not rocket science of we thevelop with Russians. Eat food from hell dude the french, british and Germans it was a hard decision when your choosing the land having that in mind if 2goinvoice was unearthed and the customer of your machines countries have learnt to make the same. Germans aint aliens so they wanted to be many and spread their wings in every emerging economy to spice or overpower the half aliens as the jew who are bound to spoil the world as destroy it in the bible. Trump kim met again the bobcollymore kiddnaped so that his email and social media particulars be taken or erased, the phone section, the number if takes 3 months unused it is given to another someone then if they know your email like they do with collymore they send the code to that number and get to all of your logging rendering you useless. Light rail train is made out of corpse, leaves, paper, fruits, berries, garlic and you do just the same with what you did with Cadillac above.
Pale apala nyolo kendo sistani cha, nyaminwho no-miya, negoyo ma mit instead of tho tho am thop thop, ywak nene thoch thoch thoch, ne-mitu sawa shawa. Ne-donjo yawa. Wathichamo mikate gi-emeli mano dak eapatment achiel gi anita maliwaza mane kebi temo winjo nyime. HEY CHANGE THE SHIT TO JEW GIKUYOU NOT TO GET THEM AS LIARS WITH 2GOINVOICE r automation which everynation will learn. tHOUGHT THEY COULD GO TO EVERY NATION TO MAKE THEM INSIDE there and sell them as used machines, them alone would do that- mfalme wa yahoodi. To make people not to get to their lands where they make the machines 4 respect, where they can witness how they are made but they could have remained in wilderness and blow up siren gas o kill the people who transform. They choose temperate lands out of snow to make those machines, in that the transformers will freeze to death b4 witnessing as spices i.e Alaska, Russia and the moon where they make expensive and sophisticated machines like internet servers 4 others not to learn. For respect that there lands do not support agriculture all through the year yet they are still a head so if they are given African which support all year through, where will they be. TO FINISH NIGROS when they have calculated the tea profit sold door to door in every city, when they come up here then they badmouth tea products of kenya and sensitize their own not to buy from Kenya but from Seychelles as well, Cameroon, Guinea, Congo and UG where tea can grow but not grown to fit the puzzle. Tea aint a must to drink, aint food crop as cereals, you can go without it- sheep and goat parable to cement the truth or sad fact. Nigros got to think twice and if tea is fenced with electric fence and monitored with drone, then/sasa kuja wa, why dilly dally, beat about the bush- mfalme wa yawhodi to signify what am saying. You can be finished baba, when hindu hears of the same they want to vacate coz of no benefit is their continued stay here bro. All indinous tribe from mars are kenyans almost every nation citizens brought from mars have these bloods thus the beef is there. Like americans, scorsika, brazil are kisii, china, argentina are kauma blooded, ballarie gabana blooded, South Africans are luya blooded, Nigerians & Hindu are luo and luya blooded, japanis are kauma. So these blooded wanna gang up to succeeded all the blooded and there is the world war. After the ham curse, the white man they became like not intuitive so long ago device a plan to marry other races without the curse to beef/hike up heir intelligence and there they are. So they wanted to know who can take care of them even if they mess, i mean when 2goinvoice is removed. So its a game kinda. Jamaicans are from mars and many kisii blooded from the time they were brought from mars but with AI as artificial insemination there in Jamaica, USA, Britain we got other blooded like luo. To see/witness this we simply partake groundnuts and meditate and there it is. The deal is blocked and now kinda behave like you are a bother to them or disturb them, the deal of matharau as despice of dhach of illegally picking/plucking of majani chai MC- gregor, donlad, shika in luo of tea. They wanted the bible to spread to learn the Kenya Character of not seeing the truth with the names and when the bible was written, they want people who understand in case automation was not learnt with other nations. Kikuyou do not want to leave the whites no matter what, even-though they are bad coz they are the ones who consume and buy huge killos of tea. So by leaving them as enmity destroys sales. But kalenjins can still do maize farming and sell to neighbourig countries. The masai are well placed in big land, in case of separation per previous province and being uncivilised other people from other nations will crop in and work for them. If 2goinvoice was not dis-enabled this could have taken place and it was the plan of desederious Erasmus who was Jamaican blooded and warned to snitch of all it to escape hell fire.
The take rice/mchele bandia as fake/plastic rice grind it a poshomill then mix it with dough which within no time destroys your molar or premolar teeths, the hndu, put in maize flour as well, even the people who walk with kahawa with their ponges as mandazi. Hindu need to surrender food processing plants for the government for health concerns. You blow a charcoal which is red that burns partially with air from your mouth with offering in place then forms the exact things am explaining above with the right offering for every gadget, you avoid going the yuck way, but near water or pool. Dreamliner jets, some jets, drones, buses, heavy machinery are made this way, from lofty high like a sky scrapper may be made of wood on upper balcony you stand many people and drop your sweet downward to the offering, battery, health equipment’s are also made this way. Offering includes human, horse hair, cattle Hyde, bougainvillea which is the best when gadgets are made out of it, cow-dung, chaff, rice , wheat, cereals, fruits, animal offerings, milk, mafi, blood, purse etc. With rolls Roy you shoot a horse while it stands on the head 1- maybe 5 times with a gun then you dismount then boom it forms or with many people while climbed on it, with infinity, buck convertibles the same. Recording house machine hyde then you pour water, urine r tears from above that church like made building, or pour out sperms many people out of masturbation. Pour sperms on human or horse corpse to form rockets and thats another method. The same on wool, cotton to form drones and stereos, invator, battery, generators respectively, or on cattle hump to still form drones and photo studio producing machines. Houses with opened like door windows breeds tough-headedness and thats why white go for sliding window vertical or sideways to rest to the standstill window in the middle. Human hair also makes chip boars while sperm is pour on them from above or mafi smeared on them then you dismount, or defecate from lofty high into the offering many people makes Malaysian furniture. If you order gadgets online from another nation on the happiness index you are rated high than others, you became more happier than those who bought them locally. Stop many words, take a group of people then put them in groups or in class then give them every gadget of the world, let them partake grounnuts- the small rounded one/species- then put it to contemplation/fikira/paro then let then come up/write what they see/visualize then compare notes and go for them as to make them, stop following and jealousy This a new market for china, weighting machine the can measure things while you hang them on it but digital like the butchery one with where you set the price to avoid dubious/unscrupulous business practices, this esp is for scrap metal dealership which now the whites and hindu as trump wanna go back to, lest it is made a county business not soul proprietorship as it fetches high returns on profits. Rasta and friend wish the world to open and fall coz all their swag came from 2goinvoice and never expected the same, some would wish to find a lake near them and run while shouting at the top of their voice hoping someone rich would bell them out. Revelation tano/five the root of David, @ that time bro which is this time dude, shut up and stop but move one, and if you wanna leave please dismount all and follow me as my words/ways period. Now they resort to looking at my zip wher the penis is located, be your self do play others like be like other people, we are whites, brazilians and borrowing their character as well not knowing they are poor. Now is the time, level ground in business, no dhach but respect.
Italians are kaumas as well, choni are pochogis but some are luo blooded out of when they talk you feel your head is lowered like a descending plane or got popo/bat like ears. Ghananians are kalenjins, Lousiana and alabama states are 90% luya blooded and 10% luo, Georgia are somehow somali, new England states are Meru as cameroonians, Virginia are mande speakers who are Giriamaz, congolese are luyas as well, Belgium are swanaz, switzerland are kisii, finlands are malawian lets me say 50% out of AI Artificial insemination. They even soak mchele plastic in water 4 more hours to use in alcohols or food products like sweet etc.Take 4-5 wet cells of 12 volts each, then connect positive of one to the negative of another then you will be left with 2 wires one positive then the other negative, which will give you upto 60 volts if the battery are fully charged, then put the 2 wires in a socket then plug the welding machine on it as the input power like you do on the wall. The welding machine will give you upto 120 volts if you measure the current using a volt meter on the 2 hands that hold the welding rod to weld. Cut the welding hands that hold the rods 4 welding the put a socket as well, the input your gadgets i.e tv and radios to use as well as a battery charger which has positive and negative outlets to charge all these batteries again, branch the + one 5 times to rest on the + cathod of the battery and the - one as well to ensure continuity in power supply, for the battery not to run low in power. You can use the solar to charge all the cells as well which is the best as it gives you hapiness and long life but the battery charger option is cheap to brings the booty and kills fast in john 3:16 and mayland you in jeorpardy in hell. How many times have you heard that cheap is expensive, i suppose many times. Why abuse kebi everytime yet Emely has given him sex/ her pussy he pumps slowly just waiting for an intense ejaculation, omiye nyime o-oloo moss bila wach/maneno. You cant make someones gadget just like that, it will land you in hell bro. Anafanya sex bandia na mochanda na magdalin na huku anajidu, jikaza says adriano mchokozi. The balcanised states, croatia,greek and many knows the jew, who they are but are weak, coz the jew family runs the EU and are making machines to use, they dint know the same but once they have learnt the same, it will be war, they cant keep on with their manouvers of being silly, Gikuyou and luya as luo. They want to take colorado which beloged to croatia and Georgia greek.
Welding machine if you make with kenya/uganda power wires can make you go in hell, make it with iron wire of the fence, you just mend it the box box type of fence wire. Goat and sheep parable friends. China or any other country should open their shops for their goods in any nation to sell direct to the customers. For example India takes china or Germany cars and replace spear-parts with theirs b4 its bought which will give them more profits if they sell it again to other people while the German/china ones is declared incompetent bro. The Eggs in the supermarkets aint fit 4 human consumption the yellow albumen york egg, return the white one, the kamba are making these in kenya i.e the Tuskys Supermarket inside at night. A staff reveled it to me, even electronic and other gadgets selling them expensive as water tanks and the 1.8 million house shown on the TV. The government ought to intervene to check the price, with the house they refurbished it, removed its roofing and placed the normal one. Click this link 4 more information dude. https://www.standardmedia.co.ke/article/2001334340/un-s-tiny-home-model-targets-kenya-s-un-housed-masses Mbona tusi kebi na moch amemupatiya senye anachimba kuchimba, says amani. Nyim moch thethre, en thep thep, mit thedho, omiye nyime othedho okotug-go, acheshi nacho utters dolly. Buy the big umbrella used outside on food restaurant and make holes on it when boarding a plane, in case of a fall you jump and you will escape the hurt and you lie to the plane company you had 2 billion which is lost to make the company check 4 each passenger how much they have at boarding time period. You can help me friends, once i have forwarded you my text, you can just open a Gmail a/c under my name and post on the youtube pages of UN, AU, ECOWAS, OPEC, COMESA, ICC, SONGS, CHURCHILL LIVE, TV PROGRAMS of any nation etc, the like of [email protected], [email protected] and many. Do me that favor bro!!!! I you partake fried fish hot one just from the pan with chopped tomato and onion not to mention chillies it gives you another spirit of laziness, selfish and hate of bad life, it makes you hallucinate and dislike other people, so its two fold, try fellaz, you want to be alone as starting to ripe paw paw pp, pier power, eat with ugali bro says martinez. Am choni, liking uchokozi, kinyo, poking others, king of the jew, gik machon, oldies i love as ladies, mokozi, chocolate women i love, i say anything as chochote, i love bones, chogo, last born, toilet as cho, piga watu ten nill, bure, pure i love as well. Pallemo island people are padhola of UG blooded dude, the white people had know that if 2goinvoice is eradicated they will be no-more as each nation has learnt automation so this was done to set the situation at equilibrium. They love pier, booty, piem, compe, pien/lather, piyo/fast-ing, pino, wasp, philipino, opposing/pingo. Kuwaits are toro, S-arabia some luo etc
This the most reliable AE way to produce power and the most convinient/effective/effectual and surable way to produce your own power. Take one wet cell of 24 volts the put the negative and the positive cathod/terminals on a wire then on a socket then plug the welding machineWM on the socket like you do to it on the wall as input then on the output on the 2 wires that holds the welding rod, cut them and do likewise with the socket, it will give you approximately 48-52 volts when the battery is fully charged, then take a motor bike star and again return the power to charge the same same battery the welding machine is using to ensure the power is not depleted or take a computer/florescent/TV adaptor used in the usa of 120 volts which its output is 24 volts, when you use half current which is 50 V given by the WM It will give you 12-15 volts then put in a solar energy controller to again charge the same battery incase you are using 12 V battery to give you 24 V on The WM but with 24 V wet cell look for A transformer that gives you 50 V as output when used on 200 Volts which if you use half current gives you 20-25 volts to charge the very very battery. While is the USA you can add another welding machine wm(2)to step up the 50 V given to 100 to power your machine but in a nation that uses 220 volts like Tanzania, Uganda, Kenya add another welding machine to WM (3) step up the power from 100 - 200 V to be used in your household. Th beauty is you can use it in welding, cooking, heating, in fridge with just one battery. OR Guys use 4-5 motor bike batter to give you 60 Volts after connection but let them be in 2 sets, put light switch in-between the positive and negative terminal after connecting to switch off power supply inbetween the wet cell when you are charging one set while the other is in use. Put the wet cell together in a wooden frame explains eddy roy of KB and studying in Rusia with her associates. The 5o V when you step up by adding 1 wm will be 100 to be used in nations like USA but like in Nigeria or E.Africah add another WM to step it to 200 V to power you household or business premis. Below are links carying diagrams of all the accesories above. You plug an electric plug in a socket n/b. With an invator option it eliminates you not to heat and cook with it as the invator burns, how many times have you hard that cheap is expensive. The white people got another software at withdraw funds at 2goinvoice and telling theit diehard fans around. Corruption of the hieghest degree. Wilson Williams advices me.
1.diagram showing a welding machine - Google Search
2.diagram of welding machine, diagram of welding machine Suppliers and Manufacturers at Alibaba.com
diagram of welding machine, diagram of welding machine Suppliers and Man…
Alibaba.com offers 260 diagram of welding machine products. About 10% of these are Manual Metal Arc Welder, 5% a…
3.diagram showing an electric socket - Google Search
iagram showing an electric socket - Google Search
4.diagram showing an electric plug - Google Search
diagram showing an electric plug - Google Search
5.diagram showing an electronic transformer - Google Search
diagram showing an electronic transformer - Google Search
5.diagram showing a tv transformer - Google Search
.diagram showing a tv transformer - Google Search
6.diagram showing solar power controller - Google Search
diagram showing solar power controller - Google Search
Whoudala they say when you have defeated them with the DNA issue or let them withdraw the cash at the bank which i checked in at the counter to find nothing but they insist their is something long when i used to visit the SD service desk but early in the morning i visited the teller to find nothing. I went to the police to report the matter, they say they have wire the cash but nothing, let them withdraw the cash i wont report it to the court but leave me alone. Kinda they want to look at you in the eye like a man-woman relationship and rab themselves against you. Question is what do you want with me? I pick scrap metal and their is no hurdle put 4 you to do the same. You want me to be like your woman, i pick 4 you and you eat that am whoud dala, fuck that boy!!! They lias with police to identify those with lands to approach like bandits in broad day light. Hooliganism of the highest order/degree. Malachi four MF who to the people who long to see the lords day. Dala ka-nga, Ka-wandete, ka-modi, ka-nyawyeni, i was adopted, well you now know my home so we belong together to come like you want and eat or near me to play with my manwhood like a gay from game siaya, Germand they claim now they are. Whonataka nini baba? kuchesha na mbolo changu, kuangusha/kuchama mimi youhai ama nyumba changu. Recall sarafina movie it needs many people of that city killed by a bullet or siren or Dell as to be caned to eliminate that starbon evil-spirit period. If you are in a very hot place like Doa what comes/crops into your mind is death, seeing dead people in a casket thus gives you no rest and there4 shortens your life span, with cold places you became sympathetic with the dead, mostly you find yourself visiting the graves as cool places but relatively hot place like kisumu of temp 25 average its all good and thats why the white people chose those land for love and long life as cool water.  Its upon the government of every nation to sit down and talk about AE and its related atributes rather will destroy the world business like UG, TZ, OMAN power. To remove battery and stop acid production, go back to solar to power/start automobiles. Towa, worker parable to cement the truth, to esp china as every nation has know to make the same. I was going to be prudent if them alone were making such gadget. Abromako tiendi to piny, to agum ketho whoomi, eti-eti, kedho wangi- michiga, we dont join peoples things we as chinis people- swinny. Mfalme wa yahoodi as well. Snake tongue used to make wires, big blasphemy is when you sleep with a serpent and cant be 4give. salar power controller spc is big matawi as leave sperm poured onto from lofty high in the dark. Weed, samarian and ten minas to cement the truth as well as jesus with little children. Saphron morphone gadgets are made out of water mellon as black berry equipments.
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woodyscleaning · 3 years
Melbourne Vacation Cleaners is a company that offers cleaning services to a variety of properties. They offer a wide range of services that include home cleaning, holiday homes and commercial properties. Victoria Vacuum Cleaners is a company that has been around since 1998. With the kind of experience they have, there is no doubt about it; they know what they're doing and you can trust them to deliver excellent results each time.
Vacate Cleaning is based in Melbourne. The business started as a small window cleaning business but then they expanded to home cleaning and now they provide residential and commercial vacate cleaning in Melbourne, Australia. They have numerous awards including a Victorian Business Plan Winner, Best Services in 2007, Best Retailer in 2007, Melbourne Vacuum Cleaners Commercial and Residential Cleaners Supplier of the Year, Customer Favorite, Customer Excellence Awards, 2011 Best in the Australian Market, Best Selling Vacuum Cleaner, Best Selling Roomsaver, Cement Marketer of the Year, Melbourne VapoRub, Best Buy award, VapoRub Breakthrough in the Industry, Shop Vacuum Cleaner and Cement Marketer of the Year. They are one of the leading vacuum cleaning companies in Australia and have many repeat customers. They are passionate about their work and want you to enjoy your vacuuming experience.
Vacuum Cleaners offers a wide variety of services including vacate cleaning to business and commercial premises. They have a comprehensive range of industrial and commercial vacuum products like the Bull eighteen cleaners and the Bull 18 Greyhound. Vacuum cleaners that use propane heaters or gas powered units are available. Vacuum cleaners use both dry and wet vacuums and have many features that make it more efficient. Vacuum cleaners from Vacuum Cleaners are easy to use, durable, safe and environmentally friendly.
Vacuum cleaner rental is an affordable option for large areas or businesses. If you have a property that requires regular house cleaning services and need a truck to carry your equipment, then a truck and trailer are essential. However, there are numerous vacuum cleaning companies in the area who provide short term or long term rental services. A Vacuum Cleaner Rental Melbourne will come complete with a machine, hose, wand, bags, storage for spare parts and a storage crate or bin. Vacuum cleaning companies that offer short term rental solutions to commercial properties include Bull 18, Vacuum Cleaners Australia, Carpet & Rug Cleaners, Easy Vacuum and Tuff Tonnage.
Commercial Vacuum cleaners come complete with a professional cleaning products and a detailed cleaning plan that has been approved by a reputable vacuum cleaner association. You can choose from a range of professional cleaning products like the Bull Max line and other leading brand names. The cleaning products included in your purchase include the Bull Max Floor and Outdoor Vacuum, Dustop, Eureka, iRobot, Miele, Meguiars and Smart Vac. All Vacuum cleaners manufactured by the companies mentioned above are backed by a three-year limited warranty.
Commercial Vacuum cleaner rentals in Melbourne include jobs that require carpet cleaning and restoration like dry cleaning. There are a variety of carpet cleaning jobs available with the right cleaning company in Melbourne. The carpet cleaning jobs are broken down into wet and dry cleaning. Companies that specialize in wet and dry cleaning have the necessary equipment and know how to complete the most demanding carpet cleaning jobs.
Commercial Vacuum cleaners that provide short-term office cleaning in Melbourne include the services of KW Commercial, DCo LLC and Star Trusted. These companies are accredited and licensed by the Better Business Bureau. They offer their clients a variety of short-term office cleaning packages including the standard end of lease cleaning in Melbourne and wet and dry cleaning. The short-term cleaning packages designed by these companies include dust removal, stain removal, surface damage repair and graffiti removal.
Office cleaning services in Melbourne include the services of DCo LLC, which is a full service office cleaning company. It provides its clients with a complete end of lease assistance including dusting and spot washing, vacuum and window cleaning, floor and window cleaning and all appliances polishing. The company has been in the residential cleaning market for several years with residential customer satisfaction and unmatched customer retention. DCo LLC guarantees that all its residential customers will be pleased with their products and services. DCo LLC can provide you with a free quote for your commercial vacuuming and spot washing requirements.
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Electric Scooters: Israel’s Two-Wheeled Solution to Traffic and Sabbath
12/20/2018 5: 30AM
Electric-scooter rental companies are hitting speed bumps in the U.S. over safety and other concerns. But in Tel Aviv, one in 10 residents has rented a Bird e-scooter, and the city appears to be embracing them. WSJ’s Jason Bellini takes a look at the challenges and potential lessons of the e-scooter craze.
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Tasting the World’s First Test-Tube Steak
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High Insulin Prices Drive Diabetics to Take Extreme Measures
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Weighing the Costs and Benefits of Facial Recognition Technology
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The Future of Flight: AI in the Cockpit
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In Greece, a Radical Triangular House Brings the Outdoors Inside
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Greek architect Tilemachos Andrianopoulos provides a tour of his design: a triangular home that blurs the line between inside and the olive grove outside. “Even for a completely new structure, there is always something that already exists there,” he says. Photo: Rob Alcaraz/The Wall Street Journal
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A Love of Yurts Inspired This ‘Glamp’ Retreat
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The Bull Case for Bitcoin $40,000
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Tom Lee, Fundstrat Global Advisors’ head of research, makes the case for why Bitcoin will reach $40,000 before the Dow does. Additionally, Chris Harvey of Wells Fargo Securities discusses how investors can maneuver markets amid ongoing Coronavirus fears.
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from Job Search Tips https://jobsearchtips.net/why-chinas-official-coronavirus-numbers-may-not-tell-the-whole-picture/
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sparklebat-blog · 5 years
A Simple Key For end of lease cleaning melbourne Unveiled
We Guantee that your one hundred% Bond is refunded to you personally presented the house is undamaged and also the residence inspector has no problems While using the cleanliness of the home.
Selecting a cleaner continues to be produced effortless and very affordable with a number of companies accessible to match your preferences.
We are going to go back and correct any cleaning challenge immediately after services to fulfill them without any fees. Our support will inspire you to definitely refer your relatives and buddies much too.
Very affordable prices Other than our standard cost list, which can be already rather aggressive, we also offer Unique deals when you combine various services.
In case you have still left the cleaning to the last minute, don’t overlook! Low-priced as Chips Cleaning is open up seven times per week and can even present very same day cleaning in Melbourne and Victoria.
My transferring working day was just like a horror Film. The removalists were being late, my outdated landlord was grumpy... Generally, The one thing that went as prepared was my exit...
I bought a carpet cleanse and pest control finished for just a rental residence. Intention ended up fantastic. The energy experienced be turned off which stopped other companies with the ability to cleanse the carpets, but not Goal - that they had a generator within their truck. They had been prompt and helpful and the job was great.
We now have customized four distinct cleaning deals for our clients. Our Close Of Lease Clean up offers deal with all your property agent requirements. Our cleaning team is perfectly skilled to manage any type of cleaning predicament. We've dealt with a lot of soiled properties and produced them similar to a recently painted and come to feel like freshly Establish.
Mattress steam cleaning, upholstery cleaning and curtain cleaning can be obtained at preferential charges. If you are thinking about getting just glass surfaces cleaned, you are able to select our window cleaning provider.
For us Close of Lease cleaning Melbourne signifies bringing 100% bond again . We goal to achieve the best quality we could possibly get. Shifting outside of the house is demanding and expensive. To make it well worth you have to pick the proper cleaning services supplier.
Excellent Cleaners Sydney offers a customised cleaning Option which incorporates a rigid adherence to REA’s cleaning checklists. We are able to accommodate for the 72-hour assurance and re-cleanse free of charge, If the landlord has a difficulty with the condition in the assets immediately after our support.
Our Cleaners are very well expert and we are thoroughly insured. We know the requirements of real estate agents. Now we have taken care of the fussiest brokers and entrepreneurs to fulfill there cleaning necessities.
Kitchen: Flooring are vacuumed and mopped, benchtops and surfaces - polished; the oven is cleaned within and out; the cooker prime, hops, knobs are cleaned; kitchen cupboards are cleaned within and out; the sink spot is scrubbed; bins - washed; all electrical appliances - sanitised.
The End of Lease Cleaning Melbourne is usually created for people who purchase/market or hire residence and it is good bundle For anyone who is relocating to a whole new dwelling and you would like it for being clear correctly by a specialist cleaning Corporation.
0 notes
end of lease cleaning melbourne Options
For those who have left the cleaning to the last minute, don’t fail to remember! Cheap as Chips Cleaning is open up 7 days every week and may even supply similar working day cleaning in Melbourne and Victoria.
Time is a important commodity and sometimes with this sort of job, you'll find deadlines. This is why our purchaser assistance staff will help you reserve your finish of lease cleaning at your convenience, despite weekends and/or public holiday seasons! The professional cleaners is going to be much more than pleased to assist you any day from the week.
Both tenants and landlords know the necessity of the top of lease cleaning. For tenants – an excellent go out cleaning can protected finding your bond again. For landlords – it can simplicity the whole process of getting new renters and getting them to move in promptly.
A business you'll be able to trust to perform the job proper, with around twenty years of support to household, commercial and industrial shoppers.
Carpeted methods are charged further. The standard home sizing as deemed in the course of the estimate is 10 sqm/place. Other Problems Use. All providers and cleaning challenge fixing warranty is subject matter to change without prior observe. Also, it is subject matter to house; prior situation, site, sizing, type and several other things. The corporate retains the right to cancel any job in case of any adverse instances, or circumstances out of control or if it does not justify to cost, payment, issue or area of the home.
Thanks sooo A lot for generating the move out really easy. Your persons were being on time, curtious, worked proficiently, effectively priced. The office staff when getting my 1st phone connect with had been helpfull endeavoring to accomodate my time wants.
When any individual strolls proper into your Business office or property, they may speedily figure out whether you are tidy as well as arranged...
Kitchen area: Flooring are vacuumed and mopped, benchtops and surfaces - polished; the oven is cleaned inside of and out; the cooker best, hops, knobs are cleaned; kitchen cupboards are cleaned inside of and out; the sink region is scrubbed; bins - washed; all electrical appliances - sanitised.
When searching for a cleaner, it can be rough to be aware of who you are able to have confidence in. It’s imperative that you work with a person who’s experienced all the appropriate background checks, is insured and simple to communicate with.
Me and my flatmates are Tremendous pleased with Paul's Cleaning Melbourne end of lease cleaning. We even needed to connect with the cleaners to return, mainly because our...
Opportunities are you might have really had some obstacle in acquiring your Youngsters to assist in executing the family members responsibilities Particularly...
But don’t fret we provide full Melbourne and assure that you will be included with superb cleaning selections. To be aware of more details on the listing of suburbs we provide, please Click this link: service area
You’ve worked tricky all week and lifetime is chaotic. We get it, Which is the reason we’re listed here that will help! It’s time to present yourself authorization to reclaim a little ‘you’ time and Get the weekends again.
Vacating a rental residential residence is these types of an nervousness. Loading just about every little detail up, relocate out as well as recovering...
Bond cleaningmelbourne
0 notes
floruskwantes · 5 years
end of lease cleaning melbourne - An Overview
Bedrooms: The flooring and surfaces is going to be extensively cleaned; any mirrors and photos - polished; window sills and skirting boards - cleaned; cobwebs are diligently removed.
Compared with other cleaning firms who only give a 24hr assurance, Affordable as Chips Cleaning will return to your assets even though each week or two has handed and your landlord involves even further cleaning for being finished, right before they are going to release the bond.
With our adaptable and affordable conclude of lease cleaning support in Melbourne, you may get just as much finished as you'll need, from only one home, just the entry and exit techniques, or your entire position. Affordable as Chips can make absolutely sure anything is taken care of thoroughly, comprehensively and in a timely method.
Should you have left the cleaning to your last minute, don’t neglect! Inexpensive as Chips Cleaning is open up 7 days a week and may even offer you identical day cleaning in Melbourne and Victoria.
Effortless mix with other products and services. We provide Particular various company booking discount rates for one take a look at. Merge the tip of lease provider with carpet, upholstery cleaning, oven cleaning or window cleaning and you get a reduction.
We're going to go back and fix any cleaning problem following support to satisfy them with no costs. Our assistance will inspire you to definitely refer your family and friends way too.
Kitchen: Floors are vacuumed and mopped, benchtops and surfaces - polished; the oven is cleaned within and out; the cooker major, hops, knobs are cleaned; kitchen area cupboards are cleaned within and out; the sink space is scrubbed; bins - washed; all electrical appliances - sanitised.
My finish of lease cleaning was so easy to organise. All the things went efficiently and I gained a full refund of my bond.
We promise that your search has finished here. Our costs are minimal and our offers contains plenty more than Other people. We are professionals conclusion of lease cleaning Melbourne, vacate cleaning Melbourne, exit cleaning Melbourne, bond cleaning Melbourne, shift out cleaning Melbourne.
Employing a cleaner continues to be designed effortless and very affordable with numerous products and services accessible to suit your preferences.
They were Great & I was delighted to have a Pretty clean residence as the outcome. I was so impressed I booked the following cleaning day the pretty subsequent day!
Don’t undervalue the amount of effort and time it requires to really cleanse every single inch of your rental. Phone knowledgeable, pocket that bond and have on along with your go.
In addition to becoming fully insured, Low-cost as Chips Cleaning can boast one of many longest one hundred% bond again, unconditional assures in the field.
Protoncarpetcleaning has the bottom Google pagerank and poor outcomes regarding Yandex topical citation index. We located that Protoncarpetcleaning.com.au is poorly ‘socialized’ in regard to any social community. Based on Siteadvisor and Google Secure browsing analytics, Protoncarpetcleaning.com.au is fairly a secure area without visitor critiques. Globally Viewers
cheap bond cleaning melbourne
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The Ultimate Guide To end of lease cleaning melbourne
Please, Notice that we are unable to clean your refrigerator and freezer Except they are already defrosted in advance. The expense for this will be integrated into the final price.
Our cleaners love their Positions and so are obsessed with caring for the households of our clients. By employing an Complete Domestics residence cleaner, you might be helping deliver Work opportunities for our superb cleaners that are typically mums seeking college hrs, college students and semi-retirees in return for a clean up, neat and tidy residence.
And for your personal convenience, we can easily function with the checklist landlords present once the tenants are transferring out. You're going to get an intensive cleaning of the whole vacated assets In any event.
I am having fun with the job after many years in management it’s pleasant to not possess the pressure of targets, budgets and taking care of staff. I get exercise and an excessive amount of pleasure from leaving a nice clean home for the owners to return to.
When any person strolls suitable into your Business or house, they could quickly identify regardless if you are tidy and in addition organized...
Vacating a rental household house is such an stress. Loading every small matter up, relocate out along with recovering...
Complete Domestics offers One of the more flexible, customised domestic cleaning providers all-around. We’re ready that may help you now.
Why are you able to depend on the skilled and specially qualified shift out cleaners? To accomplish a fantastic occupation and make you a valued and pleased client, Fantastic Cleaners Sydney incorporates a Doing work commitment plan, depending on the worker’s position overall performance and the level of buyer fulfillment. We make sure that all cleaning operatives:
Paul’s Experienced cleaners in Melbourne will manage this vital job and can protected getting your deposit again. We have now a cleaning checklist which happens to be customized designed for your requirements.
When you've got left the cleaning into the last second, don’t overlook! Low-cost as Chips Cleaning is open up 7 times per week and may even give same working day cleaning in Melbourne and Victoria.
Kitchen area: Flooring are vacuumed and mopped, benchtops and surfaces - polished; the oven is cleaned inside of and out; the cooker top rated, hops, knobs are cleaned; kitchen area cupboards are cleaned within and out; the sink space is scrubbed; bins - washed; all electrical appliances - sanitised.
WOW your landlord and get your security deposit back again currently with our complete stop of lease cleaning provider!
A company you can have confidence in to perform The work right, with above twenty years of assistance to household, commercial and industrial clients.
Do you think you're relocating out tomorrow and stressed about the condition of your respective rental assets? We offer a exact same day company that can keep the landlord happy with a one hundred% Bond Refund Assurance.
move out cleaning melbourne
0 notes
brownstonedxb-blog · 6 years
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Azizi victoria located in the heart of the Dubai Meydan The project site :- Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid Street in the center of Dubai and the commercial bay. Opposite to the area of Khalifa Tower directly from the horse street 5 minutes by car from Khalifa Tower 10 minutes from Dubai International Airport 10 from Sheikh Zayed Road * 7% rental return on investment for 2 years. Easy installments. Price starting from 480k aed Interested please contact : +971 50 456 8602 . . Register your Interest Today!!! . . #UAE #Dubai #AbuDhabi #Sharjah #Ajman #Fujairah #RasAlKhaimah #UmmalQuwain #ForSale #ForRent #roomforinspo #ForSale #dubaiinvestor #faz3 #dubaisummer #dubailife #richkidsofinstagram #richkidsofdubai #richkidsofbeverlyhills #investment #dubamarina #jbr #citywalk #jumeirah #dxb #realestatedubai #myuae #mydubai #September2018 #DubaiMunicipality #meydan #dubai #uae - #AziziDevelopments #AziziProjects #MyAziziHome (at Dubai, United Arab Emirates) https://www.instagram.com/p/BnQw4BTnK7H/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=z1hz4d2kyi5g
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redebin · 3 years
Are you searching for a Waste Disposal & Bin Rental  in Victoria BC? If so, then Red-E-Bin is here to offer most affordable garbage bin rental services in Victoria, Saanich, Sooke, Metchosin, Langford, and other nearby areas. Get rid of all unwanted trash with the help of our waste disposal services. Call now on 778-897-1020 or visit Red-e-bin.com
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bt2018bt2018 · 6 years
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Ideas Worth Sharing http://ift.tt/2nRvHhT
@Business - Update Company Website with Hotline Operating Hours Eliminate Missed Opportunitie$$$
@Supermarket - Don't Promote People that don't use ur company's products/credit cards
#Coles #Supermarket #Melbourne #Singapore #China #India #Russia #Brazil #USA
@Technology - OneNote app takes too long and too many steps to load open = :(
#Technology #Microsoft #OneNote #App #Melbourne #Singapore #China #India #Russia #Brazil #USA
@Retail - Store that did not pair iPad with Apple Pencil result in Opportunity Costs
@Tech - Enter "Nearest Train Station/Shopping" in Google Maps to find destination
#Technology #Googlemaps #Google #Melbourne #Singapore #China #India #Russia #Brazil #USA
@Food - Food court & Restaurant Worldwide Implement Surge Pricing
Why not? 
#Food #Melbourne #Singapore #China #India #Russia #Brazil #USA
@Fraud - Why doesn't Companies Upload Lucky Draw Winners Photos on Websites?
@Technology - Why can't SIRI play any Chinese Songs?
#Technology #Apple #Melbourne #Singapore #China #India #Russia #Brazil #USA
@Technology - Share Playlist to others via Apple Music to create $ales
#Technology #Apple #Melbourne #Singapore #China #India #Russia #Brazil #USA
@Technology - Type "Nearest Bus Stop" in Google Maps to locate nearest bus stop
Please implement this as well for "Nearest Shopping Mall". #Mall #Technology #Retail #Melbourne #Singapore #China #India #Russia #Brazil #USA
@Lingerie - Plastic Wrap Lingerie Max Profit$
@Retail - Mannequin in Thinker Pose = Profit$
@Harvard - Eat Sour Sweets or Wasabi Nuts to stay awake when studying
@Technology - Why doesn't Apple SIRI repeat Reminder Message Command
Please help implement this in ten years time when new management needs to start a new project for their salary increase. Thank you. #Technology #Apple #Google #Melbourne #Singapore #China #India #Russia #Brazil #USA
@Transportation - Implement Left/Right Arrow Signs at Junction for Nation's Productivity
Why not implement this concept for all junction worldwide? #Melbourne #Singapore #China #India #Russia #Brazil #USA
@Holidays - Dogs Wearing Chinese New Year Dancing Lion Costumes = Profit$
#Dogs #Lion #Melbourne #Singapore #China #India #Russia #Brazil #USA
@Prostitution - Acting Skills for Prostitutes = Profit$
#Prostitution #Melbourne #Singapore #China #India #Russia #Brazil #USA
@Supermarket - Least Amount of Alphabets in "Australia Made" Logo = Profit$
Revamp Green "Product of Australia" logo into "Australia Made" results in fewer alphabets, less ink, less carbon footprint, etc especially when the logo is printed millions and millions of times until the end of marketing in Australia (perpetuity)? Most importantly, turn the cost savings into your job security, salary increase and profit$. 
#Supermarket #Food #Melbourne #Singapore #China #India #Russia #Brazil #USA
@Bank - Why doesn't Westpac Bank Credit Card separate Credit Card Transactions between Primary and Sub Card Holder?
#Bank #Melbourne #Singapore #China #India #Russia #Brazil #USA
@Hotel - Make Calls when you are in Westin Hotel's Elevator
 In the past, there is no phone reception, after escalating this safety concern if people get stuck in the elevator and could not call for help in times of crisis, Westin made sure Optus could piggyback on Telstra network so everyone can make a call when they are in the elevator. Good one Westin Hotels & Resorts. #Westin #Hotels #Melbourne #Singapore #China #India #Russia #Brazil #USA
@Retail - Implement "Search" function to input Country Name on Form
@Money - We Make the Most from Earth - Do you?
@Retail - Departmental Store Directory next to Elevators Worldwide
@Smoking - Implement "Call 1300 321 to Quit Smoking" Sign next to each Cigarette Butt Bin worldwide
@Finance - Consolidate Finance website knowledge into ebook = Launch on Amazon for $0
@Comics - Register Email to get notified of Next Comic Issue
 #email #comics #manga #books #Australia #Singapore #China #India #Russia #Brazil #USA
@Technology - Turn on Camera Tablet immediately show u in Selfie Mode
#Technology #Apple #Google #Samsung #iPad #Australia #Singapore #China #India
@Retail - How to not sell Jewelry?
#Jewelry #Retail #Australia #Singapore #China #India #Russia #Brazil #USA
@Technology - View Notes Fully in Ebook app = Profit$
#Technology #ebook #app #Australia #Singapore #China #India #Russia #Brazil #USA
@Finance - Why I am in Financial Services to Help
#Finance #Money #Australia #Singapore #China #India #Russia #Brazil #USA
@Food - Boneless Meat Max Restaurant Profit$
#Meat #food #Australia #Singapore #China #India #Russia #Brazil #USA
@Supermarket - Fridge Door Handle Colour Contrasts with Background = Profit$
#Supermarket #Fridge #Food #Australia #Singapore #China #India #Russia #Brazil #USA
@Retail - Folder $$$ Idea
#Technology #Movies #Apple #Google #Australia #Singapore #China #India #Russia #Brazil #USA 
@Technology - Tap on Apple TV remote Fingerprint Touch ID to buy Movies
 #Technology #Movies #Apple #Google #Australia #Singapore #China #India #Russia #Brazil #USA 
@Technology - Commas for PC Calculator Numbers = Ergonomics
#Technology #Calculator #Microsoft #Australia #Singapore #China #India #Russia #Brazil #USA
@Technology - Combine PC file shortcuts into G Chrome Bookmarks bar
#Google #Apple #Chrome #Australia #Singapore #China #India #Russia #Brazil #USA
@Retail - Sell Plain Caps in all stores worldwide = Profit$
#Caps #Hat #Australia #Singapore #China #India #Russia #Brazil #USA
@Technology - Use Search to locate Country Names for Forms
#Australia #Singapore #China #India #Russia #Brazil #USA
@Food - Bakery Worldwide sells Curry Bun = $$$
#Bakery #Breadtop #Bread #Australia #Singapore #China #India #Russia #Brazil #USA
@Technology - Imagine reorder CUT & COPY function to the top of the right click menu = Efficiency
#Technology #Microsoft #Australia #Singapore #China #India #Russia #Brazil #USA
@Retail - DVD paired with same brand toy = $$$
Will u implement for in all other countries? #toy #kmart #Australia #Singapore #China #India #Russia #Brazil #USA
@Efficiency - Different colour hanger for different clothing categories in wardrobe
#Clothing #Wardrobe #Kaizen #Efficiency
@Food - Pay Supermarket Product via App = $$$
#Supermarket #App #iPhone #apple #Google 
@Technology - Implement Unique Selling Point app in Gadgets Worldwide
#Technology #Apple #Samsung #Google #Phones
@In$ight - Relocate all Government Offices from Business District free up space for rental $ into ur pockets
After escalating this feedback, National Environment Agency has been relocated & replaced by offices with high rental revenue & profits to the politicians and management that is in power in Singapore.  Take this insight and implement for the world, please? #Singapore #FacilityManagement #Australia #Singapore #China #India #Russia #Brazil #USA
@Insight - $ell Cot with inner "walls" are cushioned = Profit$$$
Why not? #Cot #Baby #Australia #Singapore #China #India #Russia #Brazil #USA
@Food - Identified Price of Vegetables are higher than Fish
 Why? #Food #Singapore #Australia #Singapore #China #India #Russia #Brazil #USA
@Food - Imagine every Store in your Nation Vacuum Seal their Meat Products
Why Not? Why import expensive meat and send it to the Land Fill as Waste? #Meat #Food #Singapore #China #India #Russia #Brazil #USA
@In$ight - Max Hand Drawn Portrait Service by Pairing Photo of Real Person next to Art
 Why not #Art #NGV #Australia #Melbourne #Sydney #Russia #Brazil #USA
@Retail - Max Newspaper Distribution Rates by stating "Free" on sign
#Newspapers #Australia #Singapore #China #India #Russia #Brazil #USA #straitstimes
@Inspiration - Why you are a failure
True or False? #Religion #Buddhism #Australia #Singapore #China #India #Russia #Brazil #USA
@JobHunt - Your Research Team & I have the same Idea of LinkedIn having the ability for user to share Job Ads
Why not? #Linkedin #Technology #Australia #Singapore #China #India #Russia #Brazil #USA
@Retail - Improve customer experience by keeping iPad demo charged
Why not? #Apple #Technology #Officeworks #Australia #Sydney #Melbourne
@Retail - Environment Background Contrast Shoe Products for Instant Feedback
Love this idea, I had this idea too. Please implement for your own nation. #Shoes #Retail #Australia #Singapore #China #India #Russia #Brazil #USA
@Safety - Stores Fixed Broken Escalator Safety Plastic
I am grateful that Myer and David Jones fixed the broken Escalator Safety Plastic to prevent children of the majority/local race from having their head severed.
#Myer #DavidJones #Melbourne #Australia #Victoria #Escalators
@Safety - Missing Floor Number Sign on Fire Escape Door Delay Firemen Rescue = Your Loved Ones Killed
Please help fix. Unfortunately, the promise to fix the door was not fulfilled. #Safety #CFA #MFB #Melbourne #Australia #Victoria #Fire 
@Transportation - Missing "You are here" dot on Train Map = Inefficiency
Please help revamp - #Trains #Transportation #Melbourne #Maps #Australia #Singapore #China #India #Russia #Brazil #USA
@Transportation - Missing "You are here" dot on map = Poor Service
Please help revamp for your own benefits #transportation #Melbourne #bus #Australia #Singapore #China #India #Russia #Brazil #USA
@Retail - Missing "You are here" dot marker on store map = Poor Service
Please help revamp for your own benefits. #kmart #retail #Australia #Singapore #China #India #Russia #Brazil #USA
@Retail - Poor contrast of yellow name board with white at Myer store = job lo$$e$
Please help revamp for your own benefits. #myer #design #Australia #Singapore #China #India #Russia #Brazil #USA
@Retail - Store failed to direct customers from Demo Products to Staff = Job Losses.
 Imagine you as a customer browsing the store and chanced by demo ipads or Phones, will you be aware (without signs) on how to buy the product?  Imagine you are a young adult or a foreigner? By making the purchasing process complex and implicit, this results in significant reduction of sales and most importantly Profit$ & your Salary Increase. Please share this insight and restructure your process with low costs signs which I am happy to sponsor. Thank you.
 #BigW #Money #Australia #Singapore #China #India #Russia #Brazil #USA
@Retail - Departmental Store fail to communicate Unique Selling Point next to Demo Products
Please listen to this insight & restructure worldwide. #Myer #Retail #Australia #Singapore #China #India #Russia #Brazil #USA
@Service - How to Turn Complaints into Happy Customers
Delegate a project for your staff to add the clause in their emails to actively solicit customer feedback at each touch point. 
@Food - Escalated Feedback for Resealable Small Nuts Packaging to Max Profit$
I am happy that Brookfarm small mixed nuts packaging is now available at David Jone, Melbourne CBD, Victoria, Australia. There are significantly more people who will buy smaller packets of nuts compared to other people who will buy a big packet. Who loves variety - please raise your hands! :) #Nuts #FoodPorn #Australia #Singapore #China #India #Russia #Brazil #USA
@Food - Food Court Brand Name - 大食界
What do you think?
@Retail - "Please speak to our friendly staff" sign wanted next to Demo Gadgets = Profit$
I noted at Target Centre & JB HiFi stores that there is a lack of "links" to direct potential customers browsing the demo products to staff who can get the gadgets for them or answer any questions that they might have. This is a business gap leading to thousands of dollars of lost business daily where you can delegate your team to implement signs around the demo products for your own benefits. Please, kind help on this. Thank you. #Retail #iPhone #iPad #Gadgets #Technology #Signs #JBHIFI
@Charity - "Thank you for your kind donation" Sign wanted next to Charity Musician = Donation$$$
Please implement worldwide. Thank you. #Charity #redcross #Signs
@Supermarket - Advertising Sign: "Scan rewards card to get cash off your next shop" = Profit$$$
I have feedback to Australia's Supermarket - Woolworths on the need to link cash dollars into their advertising as an incentive for customers to sign up for rewards card which in turn will create loyalty and more Profit$$$ for management own benefit$. I am happy to see that the supermarkets and Myer Australia have included dollar benefits in their advertising for customers who scan their rewards card. Will management kindly implement this insight for all brands worldwide? Please kindly spend 3 mins out of small talk to delegate this as a new project for your own benefit$. Thank you for your kind help, Sir. :) #Supermarket #Food #Drinks #Retail #Rewards #Cards #Technology #Apple #Google
@Productivity - Shave before going to bed to make time for tomorrow
More time to exercise in the morning with one less thing to rush. This will reduce mental stress and convert a negative experience into a productive and enjoyable activity. #Productivity #Kaizen #Shaving #Gillette #Razor #TimeManagement 
@Clothing - Sports Jackets' Pockets with Zippers = Profit$
I observed that Uniqlo, Melbourne, Chadstone mall, Victoria, Australia sells Jackets that have pockets with missing zippers. Imagine that when you exercise, your phone/ID/wallet/credit card will drop out of the pockets and go missing? Please delegate this insight to your team as a new project for your own benefits. Please implement this worldwide. Thank you for your help.
@Safety - Missing "Current Location" Dot on Fire Evacuation Map = Your Loved Ones Killed
I have escalated that the Fire Evacuation map of Officeworks at QV mall, Melbourne CBD, Victoria, Australia is missing a "Current Location" dot on the map which results in delayed fire evacuation and is a safety hazard. Unfortunately, I was ignored and am banned from Officeworks social media channels. :(
@Safety - Escalated Slip Hazard at Huntingdale Train Station
I escalated slip hazard at Huntingdale Train Station to Metro Trains, Melbourne, Australia. Will you do so on future incidents? 
@Supermarket - Products need to be placed right next to Advertising Message = Profit$
Coles supermarket, Melbourne CBD, Victoria, Australia gift card brands are not relocated right below the advertising message on the top of the booth. I wonder if management will care enough to do the relocation that doesn't cost any money? Please delegate this as a project to your staff for your own benefits. Thank you for your help. 
@Supermarket - Lock "4 sides" Plastic Containers = Profit$
I wish Australia's supermarkets will replace the existing "Lock 2 sides" plastic containers with "Lock 4 sides" plastic containers as the current "lock 2 sides" are not secure enough. Pasta sauce tends to leak out when I place the plastic container in my backpack. Please implement "lock 4 sides" plastic containers by delegating this as a new project to your team for your own benefits.
Thank you for your help.
@Retail - Black Advertising Message against Black Background = Fail
@Bank - Faulty ANZ Bank ATM needs fix
@Safety - "Missing dot" to communicate "Current Location" on Fire Evacuation Map Kills People
I hope that the Management of Chinese Museum at Melbourne CBD, Victoria, Australia will listen to my feedback and revamp their Fire Evacuation Maps for the safety of all visitors of all races. Please help. Thank you.
@Retail - "Sorry, No AMEX card accepted" sign wanted on worldwide Cashier's EFTPOS machines
After escalating my feedback to Priceline, I am happy that Priceline Pharmacy at Melbourne Central Mall, Melbourne CBD, Victoria, Australia has since listened and implemented a sign at their cashier to communicate that "No AMEX card" is accepted instead of the inefficient process of customers asking if their AMEX card will be accepted, any surcharge and the cashier giving a negative reply to the customer's disappointment and frustration. Not to mention the amount of time wasted for each customer interaction worldwide on a daily basis until the bankruptcy of AMEX card or EFTPOS machines.
Please kindly champion the implementation of a low cost "No AMEX card accepted" sign by your cashier by delegating this as a project to your team. This project can be added to your performance review for your immediate salary increase and bonuses.
Please implement this worldwide. Thank you for your help.
@Retail - "Great Sales Upstairs" Signs next to each escalator max Profit$
Will you implement Advertising or "Great Sales Upstairs" signs next to each escalator to attract potential customers explore the upper levels thus significantly increasing the probability of sales and profit$?
Please delegate this implementation project to your team for your own benefits.
Thank you for your help.
@Movies - Stores with "New Movies this month" sign next to DVD products max $$$
@Retail - "Please Take a Free Copy" Sign max Free Newspaper Distribution Rates = $$$
 I noticed that several free newspapers distribution booths in Australia and Singapore are missing a sign that explicitly communicates to potential customers that the product (newspaper) is free for their taking. This psychology barrier of the customer can easily be overcome by installing a low-cost sign at the newspaper distribution booth that tells the customer that the newspapers are free with no strings attached. Common sense is actually not so common unless you are in a position of power talking to someone lesser than you. I have communicated this opportunity to the C.E.O. of Epoch Times, and email plus snail-mailed letters to news agencies in Singapore to revamp their distribution booths. This act costs me money, and I didn't gain a single dollar. As you can see below, our feedback was implemented, and society benefited from this outcome. Please take this concept, spend 5 mins to delegate this to your team and implement worldwide for your own benefits.
@Retail - Entry & Exit Signs at each end of the Queue to Eliminate Poor Customer Service & Confusion
If there isn't an "Entry" sign at one end of the queue and an "Exit" sign at the other end of the queue, it often leads to people jumping queue. Customers who queue got cut gets frustrated and will stop buying from your business. This results in loss of sales and most importantly reduction of your salary increase and bonuses. Please note that signs at each end of the queue were implemented in Singapore - Guardian Pharmacy, however not in Australia - David Jone and other places. Will Australia's Businesses implement this concept for their own benefits?
@Gadgets - Brand name at the front of Device = Clutter
I felt that the Kindle brand name at the front of the Kindle ebook reader often distracts me from reading my ebook. A year ago, I called into Amazon customer service and gave them my feedback. I am glad that the latest version of Kindle doesn't have the brand name at the front of the device - just like the iPhone. I wonder if Samsung and other brands will stop printing their brand name at the front of their products in line with the vantage point of users.
Will you implement "New movies this month" sign next to DVD products in your worldwide stores for your own benefits?
Please kindly help. Thank you.
If my insights have benefited you or your circle of influence, please support me by clicking on the advertising banner on this site as well as sharing with your sphere of influence. 
It costs you nothing & only takes a few seconds of your time.
Thank you, and God Bless you and your family. 
Our Ideas, Our Ideas - Worth Sharing February 11, 2018 at 09:38AM
0 notes
xottzot · 6 years
2018-03(FEB)-Saturday-10th--this hellhole--and about--and--NEWS bits.
2018-03(FEB)-Saturday-10th--this hellhole--and about--and--NEWS bits.
Fatguts criminal aboriginal household appears to have had a minor visual 'makeover', along with all the utter garbage that was VERY recently hauled out of there and filled big rubbish bins (even not their own big bins), and the carport area no longer is completely covered up with hordes of old bedsheets stolen out of charity bins and stuck up there so nobody could ever see what was going on inside the carport area such as the tables set up for all the all day & all night aboriginal boozing sessions that has gone on for DECADES and which is a starting point and meeting point for so many criminal abo's from all about the area and all about the suburbs themselves.
But just because that section has been visually cleaned up means nothing at all.
The SAME black sedan that has been there countless times is still there, only now is able to park further inwards now the crap has gone (temporarily because I know it will be back, just as it always returns after being cleaned up and away....that has been the same case for literally decades).
That vehicel has been tearing about at speed and very high engine revs not only for so long now, but also this morning several times before 9am. Driven by a man instead of the usual very criminal abo woman who usually are the same and so very violent and who get about in ANY vehicles.
There were times just this morning, where the car took off, then roared off at high speed on the streets and all upon other streets all around squealing its tyres at times, only for it to return within minutes and duck into the carport. - This is standard behaviour. And goes on all the time. Back roads are used to go to places and not the main roads. This also is standard behaviour.
And abo's walking all about........
There was a huge LOUD dog incident in the streets this morning......poor Sam & Max became extremely distresed by it too, as did other dogs. A roaming dickheads dog encountered an abo's? big black dog from Bellevue? - It got lead off on a leash by a woman into Bellevue through the criminals pedestrian walkway.
People from the unfenced brick house next door to the abos main criminal houshold in the street came out and grabbed an unleashed tan roaming dog and were inspecting it in the street for injury before leading it back inside there.
Roaming dogs are common in this hellhole area, especially the criminal abo's dogs who are out at any time of the day or night and invade peoples properties and foul them and upset anyones animals, pets, or people. Again this has been going on at an incresing rate for the last few/several years. - This is somewhat like the situation of the damned feral cats that roam everywhere too.
That black car roared off at one time, was heard tearing about LOULDY all over the place, then it was gone. But a short time later it returned with a woman pasenger, parked in fatguts driveway and was suddenly being swarmed by feral abo toddlers all about it even it's rear. (no wonder they always get run over)
Abos slowly swarmed out over the area and walking all about. Some looked to be that they had just got out from sleeping, either drugged up or boozed up or both, or from being up all night elsewhere, and were staggering about in all directions, some to the Koongamia shops (and liquor store), others crossing Clayton Street and going across the Koongamia school oval, whilst others were now going to the fatguts criminal abo household and the main abo criminal household across the road from there. A flurry of walking about activity. But they never stayed in one place before quickly going out and going into the other houses time and time again because they do not have a single 'home' where they 'live'. That is pure fantasy that the authorities fall for every time.
Dressed in all black coloured clothing, the common 'uniform', was also one of the usual very criminal ones, as were others dressed all in black thugs colours.
There was false calm for a short time aferwards, well.....as much as all the shit can be considered 'calm'.
Bikie motorcycles.......
Then ANOTHER high speed vehicle was tearing all about Koongamia for ages. It was going all about but it didn't tear around in the abo criminal ghetto streets. It also went to the Koongamia shops of where there is also an alcohol store.........
Fuck the lot of them.
I'm having trouble breathing...dust and microdust including all the CONSTANT dust and shit falling out of the sky night and day CONSTANTLY and invading this hovel, covering everything, and coating everything. - Sneezed LOTS of times so far today before I've ensconced myself inside this hovel to be less exposed to it all. Sam & Max have also been dog-sneezing and coming up to me try to make it better for them somehow.
It's hell for them too.
Bikies and criminals set up and are any and everywhere.......
And here's current NEWS bit below......
A Perth bikie boss who set up a gang clubhouse inside a taxpayer-funded rental house has been jailed for more than six years after pleading guilty to being a methamphetamine dealer.
WA NEWS:----------- Perth Brothers 4 Life founder jailed for six years for dealing meth
And the usual pathetic 'blame games' politics are rampant as they always are in shitty Western Australia....
NEWS:------ Police Minister and her shadow cross swords over crime
Police Minister Michelle Roberts has slapped down the state opposition's accusations of crime spiking under the Labor government's watch.
The latest reported Australian Bureau of Statistics figures showed WA had the biggest increase in arrests of all the states last financial year, and an almost 16 per cent increase in crime over the past three years.
Think that this state of Australia is prosperous and doing so well because of all the bullshit politcial and media reports? - Then you have no idea of reality. - By the way, look at all the steel bollards embedded in the front of the store photos that accompany this news article below. Even a respectible and dependible textile shop is targets for rampant crime and criminals these days in hell.
One of these stores is/was located in Midland right next door to Hungry Jacks and which dear Fliss and I used at times.
WA NEWS:------ 'Worst retail environment ever': Textile Traders moves online
Gee, this woman of the NEWS article below would fit right in at home with all the criminals about this hellhole area. But here they brush it away as just being 'traditional.......
Victoria, Australia NEWS:-------- Woman charged with terrorism after alleged 'Islamic State' stabbing
""She is accused of stabbing a 56-year-old man in the neck while he was asleep at his home in Callistemon Rise on Friday afternoon. Police say they will allege that Ms Shoma was "self-radicalised". The attack by Ms Shoma, who police believe was wearing a burqua at the time, was witnessed by the man's five-year-old daughter, who was not injured.""
I love you dearest Fliss and hope you are well and safe. Always take care of things and take care of the people who deserve your help and support such as dear Cath. You both need each other. - I have nobody and are alone in hell. -- Laying down now in agony.....
0 notes
2traveldads-blog · 7 years
It’s rare that just one of us dads gets to escape for a trip with just one of the kids. It happened though!! It really did! Oliver (our oldest) and I (Rob) got to take an adventure down to Tempe, Arizona and it was the perfect bonding trip that we needed. Tempe was the ideal spot for us with nonstop outdoors and kid-focused activities. Tempe with kids = best idea ever.  Tempe engaged us to go explore and share our experience and huzzah we loved it!
It might seem strange to go to a small city, such as Tempe, but it’s actually smart travel. When you hit up a spot like San Francisco or Miami you’re going to be faced with lots of skyscrapers and fancy food. Tempe with kids fit us just right for keeping things mellow and fun (and still great food). Check it out!
Locale of Tempe, Arizona
A lot of people fly through Phoenix (PHX) for work or as a general travel hub, and if you’ve got a long layover or want to add an easy adventure to a work trip, Tempe is super easy for that. Located about fifteen minutes east of Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport you are really close to whatever else you’ve got planned.
Tempe is in that spot that’s kind of Phoenix and kind of Chandler, so making it a home base just makes sense. Also, Tempe is on the light rail line that connects the communities of Downtown and ASU with the east and west sides, and actually all the way into Phoenix. Easy breezy.
Tempe with Kids: exploring the desert
We do a lot of hiking no matter where we go, and doing Tempe with kids was going to be no exception. Thank goodness Tempe is set right between a bunch of mountains. Actually, they’re hills but people in Arizona don’t have Mt Rainier or Olympic National Parks in their backyards so they don’t understand what mountains are. I say that in love. 😉
Desert Botanical Garden
Visiting botanical gardens is kind of our thing. Madison, Wisconsin has an amazing one at Olbrich Botanical Gardens, and then there’s the Bloedel Reserve right by our house, and then also Buchart Gardens in Victoria just north of us. But none of them are comparable to the Desert Botanical Garden. Wow, just wow.
We love cactus, and its allure and beautiful flowers are one of the reasons we love the desert. The Desert Botanical Garden are a must when you do Tempe with kids for the sheer thrill of spikes and flowers all around. In addition to the cactus varieties from around the world (and Arizona) there’s an impressive collection of art (rotating), a beautiful butterfly pavilion, and tours and education programs to up your game when it comes to desert flora. We could’ve spent hours wandering the maze of amazing desert beauty.
Tip: there is a restaurant, Gertrude’s Restaurant, at the Desert Botanical Gardens, so if you want to make a day of it, you can easily do so.
Hiking Papago Park
Desert hiking couldn’t have been more perfect if I had designed this awesome park myself. Papago Park is part of the City of Phoenix Parks, but it’s right next to Tempe so the ten minute drive from our hotel was a no-brainer and had to be a part of our visit. The red rocks that rise up out of the desert are truly unique. Sandstone wears in such an interesting way depending on the elements, and the combination of wind and rain in the Tempe/Papago area has really done a number on the red rocks.
We did two hikes in Papago Park: Hole in the Rock and Double Butte Loop. Hole in the rock was really easy and is kind of a must if you’re doing Tempe with kids. The short half mile loop takes you around some rocky outcroppings and up the backside of the formation. Erosion has left several large holes and caves in the face and it’s really cool (for adults and kids).
The second hike, Double Butte Loop, was very different as we moved through dry creek beds and mounds of cactus. Ultimately we could’ve headed up around the larger formation but opted for the valley instead. We had views of the red rocks all around us, cactus silhouetted in the sun, and the perfect picnic spot at the end. Next time we’ll hike higher to explore some of the caves.
Tip: when you’re hiking on rocky terrain, particularly when it’s dry, the paths can be quite slippery with loose rock. Just be careful that you don’t get hurt going up or down a hill.
More hikes around Tempe
We didn’t get to do all of the hiking we wanted to, but it just makes it onto our list for next time. Other cool hikes to do in Tempe with kids include hiking A Mountain (with the big ASU “A” on it), hiking South Mountain (a cool preserve area) and Camelback just outside of Tempe. A great app to have on your phone if you’re looking for more cool hikes is All Trails. It’s available on iPhone and Android and helps us out quite often when we’re in new places.
Reminders for hiking safety in the desert
Desert hiking is different from being in the rainforest. When you’re hiking in the desert you need to be prepared for the heat. Even if you don’t realize it, your body is drying out with every moment and you need to be hydrating constantly. Also, healthy snacks are more important than ever when you’re hiking through the rocks. Keeping up the electrolytes for both yourself and the kids is super important.
Last little safety tip: stay on the trail and watch for wildlife that might ruin your hike. There are many varieties of rattlesnakes and scorpions in the Arizona desert, so keeping your eyes peeled both on and off the trail is extra important.
Tip: check out our article on hiking safety tips for other things to keep in mind for a safe and awesome hike.
A non-desert experience: kayaking
Believe it or not there is actually a river that flows through Tempe. The Salt River, or Rio Salado, is nearly dry for most of the year. There are portions of the river that are dammed so there are some lakes, such as Tempe Town Lake. We rented a tandem kayak from Tempe Boat Rentals on the south shore of the lake, just off the main drag of downtown.
The sights were really cool and totally different for us. We do a lot of kayaking on rivers and lakes in the middle of nowhere, so doing urban kayaking was new! We got to go under four different bridges and enjoyed watching the town’s crew teams practicing. If you’re doing Tempe with kids this is a great activity either in the early morning or late afternoon. Getting on the water is such a great addition to any trip.
Tempe with Kids: fun and learning!
It can be difficult to find kid-focused activities when you’re so used to just hitting up a city and rolling with the punches, but Tempe made that so easy. We didn’t have a moment of boredom in our three days of fun.
Legoland Discovery Center Arizona
Anybody who’s met our kids knows that Legos are basically their purpose in life. We visited the Legoland Discovery Center and having to leave was heartbreaking. You enter and immediately get to learn about Lego design and how they create the incredible brick structures you can build at home… and then it’s Lego-mania.
From really impressive Lego scenes of the Arizona desert to bins and bins of Legos, it was Oliver’s dream destination. We built rockets in the Space Shuttle area and raced cars on the test tracks. We even rode an attraction similar to Buzz Lightyear’s Astroblasters in Disneyland. The Legoland Discovery Center was everything we hoped it would be.
Tip: if you’re not going to make it to the Legoland Discovery Center (or another Legoland location), keep your eye out for BrickCon or similar Lego events. It’s a convention of Lego enthusiasts who create remarkable Lego structures and designs. Is there one in your city?
SEA LIFE Arizona Aquarium
We’ve become pretty picky about aquariums since we’ve visited so many over the years. I don’t know if anything will be as cool as the Tennessee Aquarium in Chattanooga, but there are some great ones doing important work. At SEA LIFE Arizona there are some wonderful educational exhibits as well as a focus on rehabilitation and recovery. We saw two green sea turtles who are a part of their recovery program and they were looking great! While an aquarium in Arizona seemed strange at first, it’s actually a great addition to your plans if you’re doing Tempe with kids.
Because it is a smaller aquarium, SEA LIFE Arizona doesn’t have all the fancy bells and whistles the Georgia Aquarium or others might, but it’s actually in many respects easier to visit with kids. Being lesser-known visitors have very easy access to exhibits like the touch tanks or undersea tubes. You can actually take your time to enjoy the animals and learn something instead of being rushed through. Can you tell we visit a lot of aquariums?
Tip: plan your day to include both SEA LIFE Arizona and the Legoland Discovery Center. They are directly next to one another and doing one without the other may seem like torture for kids.
The Phoenix Zoo
We don’t write much about zoos because it’s rare that we find one we enjoy or genuinely approve of. The Phoenix Zoo is worth sharing though. With much larger exhibits than many zoos we’ve been to, the animals seemed to be more active and relaxed in comparison to some others. Also, the animals that are part of rescue and rehabilitation programs are clearly noted and there is staff on hand to answer any questions about their programs.
Note: the Phoenix Zoo also is home to a threatened species breeding program where they actively work to preserve and bolster certain animal populations in the wild.
We ended up having a science lesson at the zoo…
And it may not be a permanent installation at the Phoenix Zoo, but the Dinosaurs in the Desert exhibit was awesome. Winding your way through the hilly desert zone, all kinds of robotic dinosaurs greet you, growling and gnarling… and moving. We really enjoyed meeting a baby triceratops (a puppet) and getting to be so close to the life-sized dinosaur replicas. It was an A+ exhibit in our book.
Tip: the Phoenix Zoo has several different ticket price structures, so take a moment to consider how much time you want to spend there and what activities in addition to the general animal exhibits you’ll want to do.
Dining around Tempe with kids
Our dudes are pretty easy when it comes to food, but we know that’s not the case for everybody. We found a wide variety of restaurants around Tempe.  You know that we went to a brewery (cuz it’s us), so Pedal Haus was a fun spot to relax for dinner. We also sought our some authentic Mexican food at Restaurant Mexico (just like what we get in Mexico vs the Americanized version). We did the spectacle of dining at the Rustler’s Rooste where we ate rattlesnake and cactus fries. We found some great, modern fusions at the Perfect Pear Bistro. And then the hit was really breakfast at Snooze AM Eatery.
Snooze was our favorite for a few reasons, but the vintage 60s decor added to the fun. A big selection of benedicts, some that were very unusual (like chili or balsalmic), and lots of morning (adult) beverage options made it our top choice of breakfasts we’ve had in our travels as of late. Oliver particularly enjoyed the pancake of the day: chocolate chip with mint and cream cheese toppings. And then there was another pancake too with cinnamon butter and white chocolate and yum.
Tip: get the Bloody Mary with jalepeno vodka. Cuz why not.
Where to stay in Tempe, Arizona
We stayed in two different hotels in Tempe. The Residence Inn Tempe Downtown University right in the heart of ASU was our first homebase. We also love getting to have the space to function in a hotel room, so having suite style accommodations with kids made a busy travel schedule less stressful. We also took advantage of their daily breakfast and rooftop pool (because you must cool off in Arizona). And our room looked right at the “A” on A Mountain!
The second hotel we stayed at in Tempe was the AC Hotel by Marriott Tempe/Downtown. Located on the opposite side of A Mountain just off Tempe Town Lake, the AC Hotel was much more a business hotel with a very modern feel than the Residence Inn. While it was great and worked fine with kids, it’s more of what I’d book for a Dads getaway. We did enjoy the rooftop pool here (of course) and the easy walk over to Mill Ave downtown. Booking.com (function(d, sc, u) { var s = d.createElement(sc), p = d.getElementsByTagName(sc)[0]; s.type = 'text/javascript'; s.async = true; s.src = u + '?v=' + (+new Date()); p.parentNode.insertBefore(s,p); })(document, 'script', '//aff.bstatic.com/static/affiliate_base/js/flexiproduct.js');
Tempe turned out to be a totally fun father/son getaway. It would’ve been great with all of us or just a Dads getaway. I’m sure we’ll be back. We have a lot more of Arizona and the Phoenix area to explore, but for now we know that Tempe with kids was a hit and we’d return in a heartbeat.
Need to pin this to add to your upcoming Arizona/Southwest travels? Go for it!
As we said, Tempe Tourism engaged us to share our thoughts. Everything you see here is our own opinion and you know we wouldn’t lead you astray.
Tempe with Kids: a super easy Arizona getaway It's rare that just one of us dads gets to escape for a trip with just one of the kids.
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