#Best radiologist at benecare hospital
benecare-hospital · 1 year
Best Multispeciality Hospital | Benecare Hospital
Dr. Charushila  Palwade is a director and chief IVF consultant at Benecare's mother and child super specialty hospital in the IVF fertilities department in Pune.
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benecare-hospital · 1 year
Best Safety Sheied Hospital in Pune | Benecare Hospital
The Best Multispeciality Hospital in Pune, Benecare Hospital, goes above and beyond to provide patients with care that meets the highest safety standards and is on par with the best available internationally. We have given ourselves the tools we need to prevent and decrease risks and provide timely, integrated, and effective care, including training, technology, and protocols.
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benecare-hospital · 1 year
Hi, All Join us for a Kitty Party That Is Full Of Fun. On 14th Dec Wednesday at 8 pm onwards BOLD N BEAUTIFUL FRIENDS, Put on your lipstick & mascara Pick up a shimmery outfit, Style up yourself with a high heel. Wear a sexy perfume to get a fantastic feel... DISCO IS OUR THEME. At TEERA, WAKAD. EAGERLY WAITING FOR YOU Dr. Charushila, Dr. Bhagyashree & Dr. Deepali
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benecare-hospital · 2 years
Baby Bath Tips for Newborn
How Frequently Should You Bathe Your Newborn?
According to Best Mother and Childcare Hospital in Pune, baby bath tips are important for every mother. In this article, we are looking for those tips step by step. Your newborn just needs a bath two to three times each week to stay clean. However, if your child genuinely enjoys taking baths, they can do it every day. More frequent bathing can cause your baby's skin to become dry.
Using cotton wool and warm water will help you maintain your baby's genital area clean in between baths. It takes 5 to 10 minutes to bathe a newborn. You should take special care of your child's skin if it is sensitive or dry.
The Best Time to Bathe your Newborn
Any time of day is OK to bathe your child. Choose a moment when you're at ease and unlikely to be interrupted. Additionally, you should try to avoid showering your baby right after a feeding or when they are hungry. If showering your baby makes them feel calm, you can use that to help them fall asleep at night.
Where to Bath a Baby
You can bathe your newborn in the kitchen sink or a tiny plastic tub. In the initial weeks, the kitchen sink can be the easiest. Plastic baby baths tend to be easier to use once your infant is older.
It is not necessary to bathe your child in a bathroom; you can do so in any warm, secure, and clean environment. You can bathe your child with you. Use warm, not hot, water, and keep your baby's face away from the pouring water.
Place the bath somewhere steady and at a height where you can hold your child without strain.
Just enough warm water should be in the bath to wash your baby. If you intend to bathe your child away from the faucet, fill the bath with jugs of water first.
Wash your hands after removing your watch and jewelry.
Before you put your infant in the bath, make sure the water is between 37 and 38 degrees Celsius. Use your wrist or elbow to measure the temperature if you don't have a thermometer; it should be comfortably warm, not hot.
Giving your Newborn Bath Tips
Wipe your baby's eyelashes with cotton wool dipped in lukewarm water before taking off their clothes. extra water by blowing it out. For each wipe, use a fresh piece of cotton wool. Next, cleanse your entire face. Avoid getting anything in your infant's ears or nose.
When dressing your child, remove the diaper last.
With one arm, support your baby's body while holding their head and shoulders with the other. Keeping a tight grip on your infant at all times, gently lower him or her into the bath, feet first.
Lay your infant down in the bath with your head supporting them so that their backs are in the water. Splash some water on their head gently. There is no need for shampoo.
Helping Baby Enjoy Bath Time
You can try gently placing your hand on your baby's stomach to make bath time more enjoyable for them. A warm, damp washcloth can also be applied to their chest and abdomen. Your kid will feel confident and safe in the bath if you do this.
Give your baby a "top and tail" bath one day and a "real bath" the following if they don't enjoy taking baths. Babies typically become accustomed to baths by three months.
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benecare-hospital · 2 years
4 Little-Known Factors That Cause high  Risk Pregnancy
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Pregnancy risk can be increased by several factors, such as pre-existing medical illnesses, the mother's age, lifestyle, and health problems that develop before or during pregnancy.
In this blog, we list a few potential causes that might lead to High-Risk Pregnancy. Since each pregnancy is unique and this list is not intended to be comprehensive, certain hazards that apply to one pregnancy might not apply to another. Women should consult a healthcare professional if they have any inquiries about their pregnancies. Following factors that might cause a high risk of pregnancy
Existing Health Condition
1. High Blood Pressure
Although having high blood pressure during pregnancy can be dangerous for both the mother and the fetus, most women with mild hypertension who do not have any other conditions have good pregnancies and births because they manage their blood pressure before becoming pregnant.
2. Diabetes
Diabetic women must control their blood sugar levels throughout pregnancy as well as before becoming pregnant. High blood sugar levels can result in birth abnormalities during the first few weeks of pregnancy, frequently before a woman even realizes she is expecting.
3. Thyroid
A little gland in the neck called the thyroid produces hormones that help regulate blood pressure and heart rhythm. A fetus who has an uncontrolled thyroid disorder, such as an overactive or underactive thyroid, may experience heart failure, poor weight gain, and issues with brain development.
Your Age
1. Young Age
Teenagers may be less likely to receive prenatal care or to keep prenatal appointments. Prenatal care is essential because it enables a healthcare professional to assess, detect, and treat risks—for example, by advising teenagers not to take specific medications during pregnancy—often before they materialize into actual issues.
2. First-time Pregnancy After Age 35
The majority of older first-time mothers have healthy pregnancies, however, evidence indicates that older women are more likely than younger women to experience several issues, such as:
Gestational hypertension, often known as gestational hypertension, and diabetes (called gestational diabetes)
loss of pregnancy16
Ectopic pregnancy, a potentially fatal condition that requires a cesarean section, occurs when the embryo is connected to tissue outside the uterus.
Lifestyle Factors
1. Alcohol Use
Alcohol consumption during pregnancy raises the baby's chance of problems like sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS), fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASDs), and other issues. FASDs are a group of outcomes for the fetus caused by the mother's alcohol consumption during pregnancy.
2. Drug Use
According to research, using drugs and smoking marijuana while pregnant can both be harmful to the fetus and have an impact on the health of the baby. According to one study, the chance of stillbirth was increased by taking illegal drugs and marijuana.
Healthy Diet in Pregnancy
1. Eat Vegetables and Fruits 
Fruits and vegetables, particularly those that include Vitamin C and Folic Acid, supply numerous essential nutrients during pregnancy. Vitamin C, which is found in foods like broccoli, tomatoes, Brussels sprouts, and fruits like oranges, grapefruits, and honeydew, is essential for pregnant women and should be consumed daily in doses of at least 70 mg.
2. Dairy products
The daily requirement for calcium to maintain pregnancy is at least 1000 mg. Calcium is crucial for healthy blood coagulation, muscle and nerve function, and the development of strong teeth and bones. If you do not get enough calcium through your food, since your developing baby needs a lot of calcium, your body will extract calcium from your bones (which can lead to future problems, such as osteoporosis).
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benecare-hospital · 2 years
What Can We Do To Increase Chance of Normal Delivery | Benecare Hospital
Surgical intervention is not necessary for "normal" birth. Whether the birth is induced or supported, it still takes place vaginally. A "normal" delivery encourages breastfeeding and is healthy for the mother and the kid. To increase the likelihood of normal delivery, specialist doctors at Benecare Hospital Best Multi specialist Hospital offer the following advice: Do regular excessive, try to reduce stress, and eat well.
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benecare-hospital · 2 years
Get Physiotherapy Center in Pune - Benecare Hospital
Physiotherapists Treatment often teams up with proper other healthcare professionals to help to meet every individual's health needs and requirements. Physiotherapy Treatment for pregnant women involves rehabilitation, as well as injury prevention and promotion of health and fitness for mom and baby.
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benecare-hospital · 2 years
Best Radiologist Hospital Near Me | Benecare Hospital
Our radiology center in Pune detects and keeps track of a child's illnesses, injuries, abnormalities in the soft tissue, and skeletal development. For all unwell children and newborns, Benecare Hospitals offers pediatric imaging and pediatric radiology. Our radiologists can assess and keep an eye on therapies using these methods.
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benecare-hospital · 2 years
Why Do Babies Need Special Infants Skin Care Products
In the initial several months of life, infant skin is still forming. The skin is more delicate, sensitive, and thin. Additionally, it has a lower resistance to allergens, irritants, and germs that can infiltrate the skin and irritate it. Maintaining the integrity of the baby's skin barrier through good skin care habits will aid in future skin condition prevention. This includes using the proper deodorizing, moisturizing, and sun protection.
According to the Best Mother and Child Care Specialist, the sensitivity of your baby's skin makes it very different from the skin of an adult. Although it may appear flawless, it is quite delicate and sensitive, necessitating extra-special care and protection during the first few years of existence. Baby skin Is about 20–30% thinner than adult skin.
Here are the Most Important Reasons Need Skincare Products
1. To Aid In Supporting The Skin Barrier
All babies have an immature skin barrier, which during infancy transforms into a barrier that aids the body in maintaining moisture while blocking harmful toxins, pollutants, and germs. Without a robust skin barrier, they can enter the bloodstream and damage human health.
Your infant may require additional help for the development of their skin barrier if they have dry, itchy, or eczema-prone skin. By avoiding skin-drying elements like SLS and ethyl alcohol, as well as using infant creams filled with nourishing components proven to contain a high amount of necessary fatty acids, you may supply this.
2. To Establish a pH Balance
Healthy skin has a slightly acidic pH, but some substances in newborn skin care products can upset this balance, leaving baby skin feeling dry. One such component is SLS. It is frequently added to baby shampoos and bath products to create foam, but doing so can damage the skin's delicate acid barrier.
The pH of your baby's skin will be more alkaline after bathing even if you are just using water and cotton wool to clean them. Tap water is also naturally alkaline. Both of our organic baby shampoos without SLS are pH-balanced and produced with naturally foaming chemicals to help you clean your baby's skin without removing any protective oils.
3. To Keeps Baby’s Skin Soft and Hydrated
Infant skin is significantly more prone to dryness, which is caused by a variety of reasons, including:
1) Due to their skin being much thinner than that of adults, babies are more susceptible to water loss.
2) Because their Natural Moisturizer has not yet developed, a baby's skin cannot effectively bind moisture to the skin.
3) The number of corneocytes, an epidermal cell that holds onto water to keep the skin from drying out, is lower in babies' skin.
Choose baby skin care products with humectant characteristics made of natural components to keep skin smooth, like the glycerin in our Organic Babies Softening Baby Lotion.
4. To Protect Children From Toxins Used In Skin Care
Up to 60% of some poisons applied to the skin may be absorbed into the bloodstream, according to research, depending on the chemical's origin and other characteristics. Even while this can have countless negative effects on an adult's health, skin care toxins pose the greatest danger to young children.
In addition to the fact that toxins often employed in skin care are more likely to penetrate newborn skin, these toxins are also probably more concentrated and therefore have a more significant effect. UV filters, parabens, petrochemicals, PEGs, DEA, TEA, irritating emulsifiers, synthetic colors, and artificial fragrance are examples of synthetic compounds that have the potential to penetrate the skin barrier.
5. To Protect  Against Prickly Heat
Infants must also receive age-appropriate UV protection. Children who have trouble controlling their body temperature may need to use a sunscreen that won't clog pores and increase their risk of experiencing prickly heat because adult sunscreens are frequently too thick for their thin newborn skin.
Organic Children SPF30 Scent Free Sun Cream is formulated for delicate skin and offers UVA and UVB protection that is efficient, water-repellent, and free of chemicals or pore-clogging substances. Starting at six months old, infants can utilize it. Infants shouldn't be exposed to direct sunlight before this age.
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benecare-hospital · 2 years
5 Tips for Recovering from a Vaginal Delivery
Moms-to-be spend months getting ready for the big day. Understanding what to anticipate following a vaginal delivery is one approach to getting ready. Recent mothers are aware that while giving birth is a great experience, it is also incredibly taxing on your body. Even while your body is built to recover from a vaginal delivery on its own, you can take these suggestions to quicken the process and feel better. As per guidance in the Best Maternity Hospital in Pune below are some essential tips for recovery from vaginal delivery.
Most Essential Tips
1. Ease Soreness
Do you have a "down there" ache? It's typical to experience pain after delivery, especially if you tore during delivery. Soak a maxi-pad in witch hazel to relieve the agony. Additionally, you can place gauze pads atop a maxi-pad after soaking them in witch hazel. Witch hazel has anti-inflammatory properties and can help you feel better. For even quicker relief, freeze the witch hazel. If your pain continues beyond the first few weeks or worsens, call your doctor.
2. Prepare for Bleeding
During pregnancy, your blood volume almost doubles. In the weeks following the birth of your child, your body eliminates this surplus blood. So, be prepared for some vaginal bleeding. However, avoid using tampons. They may obstruct healing. Use maxi-pads instead until the bleeding stops, which often takes 2 to 6 weeks. If your bleeding doesn't stop, is bright red, or has huge clots, consult your doctor.
3. Handle Hemorrhoids
After giving birth, some women get hemorrhoids, which are enlarged veins in and around the anus and rectum. Bowel movements may become painful due to the uncomfortable surrounding tissue. Take frequent hot baths to relieve the discomfort. Including fiber and lots of fluids in your diet also helps you avoid constipation. Consult your doctor before taking a topical hemorrhoid cream or a stool softener.
4. Work your Muscles
Kegel exercises can help your perineum—the region between your vagina and rectum that stretches and occasionally tears during delivery—heal by strengthening your pelvic muscles. Use the same muscles you'd use to stop pee from flowing to squeeze. Repeat ten to fifteen times, holding for ten seconds before letting go. Work your way up to 10 seconds if you can't do it straight away. Try to perform two to three Kegel sets each day.
5. Baby your Breasts
Whether or whether you intend to breastfeed your baby, your breasts will get ready to do so after delivery. If you decide to bottle feed, avoid pumping and take care of swollen breasts by donning a supportive bra. If you are nursing, feed your child frequently or pump to avoid engorgement and leakage. Discuss the causes of clogged milk ducts, how to treat them, and breast symptoms that should lead you to call your doctor or lactation nurse.
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benecare-hospital · 2 years
IVF Center in the Pune City - Benecare Hospital
It Gives Us more Immense Pleasure to services and facilities Share That Our IVF Center was Received and awarded As the Emerging and Most Promising IVF center in Pune City with the best doctors. Benecare Multispeciality Hospital Pune for your care
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benecare-hospital · 2 years
Happy Bhai Dooj to Everyone | 2022
Sisters pray to God for their brothers' health and longevity on this day. Another tradition celebrating the relationship between brothers and sisters is called Bhai Dooj. Happy Bhai Dooj to all.
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benecare-hospital · 2 years
For women experiencing an uncomplicated pregnancy time, these changes resolve after pregnancy with minimal residual effects. Some women experience health issues during pregnancy time. Benecare Hospital has the Best Gynecologist in Pune with the best hospital and facilities.
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benecare-hospital · 2 years
Breastfeeding Support Services at Benecare Hospital
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Benecare Hospital has the best Breast Feeding Support Service in Pune Maharastra. Immunoglobulin coats the lining of the baby's immature gut, helping to repel pathogens and allergens.
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benecare-hospital · 2 years
Giving Birth by Vaginal Delivery | Benecare Hospital
If you decide to have natural childbirth then you'll feel all types of sensations services. Benecare Hospital has the Best Gynecologist in Pune Near Me.
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benecare-hospital · 2 years
Male infertility can be caused by low sperm production during sex, abnormal sperm function, or blockages that prevent the delivery of sperm during the time. Benecare Multispeciality Hospital Pune provides you with the best services in the hospital.
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