#Ben Tre province
famousinuniverse · 3 months
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Cai Mon flower village, Chợ Lách District, Ben Tre province, southern Vietnam: Cai Mon ornamental flower village - Cho Lach is not only a commercial area but also a famous Ben Tre tourist destination, especially attracting tourists who love flowers. In the days leading up to early spring, the flower garden becomes more vibrant with thousands of different species of flowers blooming brightly. Chợ Lách is a rural district of Bến Tre province in the Mekong Delta region of Vietnam.  Wikipedia
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lamilanomagazine · 5 days
Lucca, 335 grammi di cocaina nascosti in un pacco regalo: arrestate 4 persone
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Lucca, 335 grammi di cocaina nascosti in un pacco regalo: arrestate 4 persone Venerdì  pomeriggio, a Lucca, i Carabinieri del Nor della Compagnia di Lucca con la collaborazione dei colleghi delle Stazioni di Lucca, Altopascio, Capannori e Pieve di Compito, nel corso di un servizio di contrasto al traffico di sostanze stupefacenti hanno tratto in arresto un 42enne con precedenti di polizia, un 32enne incensurato, un 24enne incensurato, ed un 23enne con precedenti di polizia, tutti di origine albanese e residenti nelle province di Firenze e Arezzo, per il reato di detenzione ai fini di spaccio di sostanze stupefacenti. Alle ore 18:00, nei pressi della stazione ferroviaria di San Pietro a Vico, i Militari dell’Arma impegnati in un servizio di osservazione e pedinamento finalizzato al contrasto allo spaccio di sostanze stupefacenti avvistavano due autovetture, prima una BMW con tre persone a bordo (il 42enne, il 32enne ed il 24enne) e dopo alcuni minuti una Wolkswagen Polo con una persona a bordo (il 23enne), che si parcheggiava a fianco alla prima autovettura nella via Stazione III di Lucca. Considerato che gli occupanti di entrambi i veicoli avevano un atteggiamento sospetto e particolarmente guardingo, inoltre parlottavano tra di loro e si spostavano da un veicolo all’altro ed in una stradina adiacente senza un apparente motivo, i Carabinieri procedevano al controllo delle due macchine e dei quattro passeggeri, a seguito del quale rinvenivano all’interno della Wolkswagen Polo un pacchetto regalo all’interno del quale c’erano ben 335 grammi di sostanza stupefacente tipo “cocaina”. Le successive perquisizioni domiciliari eseguite a Firenze e a San Giovanni Valdarno con il supporto delle Compagnie Carabinieri di Firenze, di Firenze Oltrarno, di San Giovanni Valdarno e del Nucleo Cinofili di Firenze, consentiva di recuperare: - presso l’abitazione del 42enne, un frammento di hashish del peso di 0,5 grammi; - presso l’abitazione del 32enne, Kg. 1,308 di hashish suddiviso in panetti, dischetti e frammenti di vario peso, un bilancino di precisione e materiale di confezionamento; - presso l’abitazione del 23enne, grammi 50 di marijuana, un bilancino di precisione e materiale di confezionamento. Gli arrestati, dopo le formalità di legge, venivano accompagnati presso la casa circondariale di Lucca a disposizione dell’Autorità Giudiziaria.  ... #notizie #news #breakingnews #cronaca #politica #eventi #sport #moda Read the full article
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swamyworld · 1 month
Many Extreme Events Of 2023 In Line With Predictions Of Warmer World: Study
Last Updated: April 21, 2024, 12:01 IST A man carries a plastic bucket across the cracked bed of a dried-up pond in Vietnam’s southern Ben Tre province. (Image: AFP) The new research that reviewed the weather and climate of 2023 also said that many of the extreme events experienced last year are consistent with predictions previously made about a warmer world Multiple regions across the world…
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vietnamstar · 1 month
An extraordinary run of record heat could usher in a long, hot summer — ‘and not in a good way’
An excavator drives past a dried-up pond in Vietnam’s southern Ben Tre province on March 19, 2024.  Nhac Nguyen | Afp | Getty Images Scientists on Tuesday confirmed that last month was the hottest March on record, extending an extraordinary run of global heat that has renewed calls for an urgent reduction in planet-warming greenhouse gas emissions. The European Union’s Copernicus Climate Change…
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asiainsider · 1 month
An extraordinary run of record heat could usher in a long, hot summer — ‘and not in a good way’
An excavator drives past a dried-up pond in Vietnam’s southern Ben Tre province on March 19, 2024.  Nhac Nguyen | Afp | Getty Images Scientists on Tuesday confirmed that last month was the hottest March on record, extending an extraordinary run of global heat that has renewed calls for an urgent reduction in planet-warming greenhouse gas emissions. The European Union’s Copernicus Climate Change…
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the-beane-identity · 3 months
Mekong Delta Tour, Ben Tre
Ben Tre city is the provincial capital of its namesake, Ben Tre province, situated around 50 miles southwest of Ho Chi Minh City in the Mekong River Delta.
We took a tour of the local area, arranged by our home stay and in the excellent care of our local guide, Ben.
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Having grown up in the local area, but also traveled to Singapore to study for his Tourism degree, Ben was able to talk to us about the local communities we visited, but also explain them in the wider context of the local and national economies, which certainly added to the experience.
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Our tour included a boat trip along the Ba Lai and Ben Tre rivers, a bike ride around the backstreets of the local riverside villages, a punt up a palm-tree lined tributary, and a ride in a tuk-tuk, all punctuated by visits to several local family-run businesses.
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We learned that traditionally, the local economy has been centred around agriculture, with rice farming and coconut cultivation, all made possible by the irrigation provided by the vast river delta of the Mekong.
It was interesting to observe the synergies that have evolved between various local businesses. For example, we visited a small brick factory which utilised clay from exhausted rice terraces. But nothing could better express the collaborative nature of the local economy, than the extent of utility it has found for the humble coconut.
I tried to keep a mental note of all the uses we encountered for coconuts throughout the day. I’m afraid it got away from me quite early on, but the list includes construction, fertiliser, fuel, filtration, ornamental art… and all that before you even start on its nutritional value or great taste!
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Other local businesses we visited on our tour included a local rice wine distillery, a coconut processing plant and an artisan rice paper manufacturer, where Del and I had the chance to try our hand at making rice paper. My effort wasn’t bad but Del’s was almost up to professional standards!
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When we took the decision to take Maya out of school for a few weeks, we didn’t take it lightly, and this kind of day, filled with so many first times and hands on educational experiences, was exactly what we had in mind. So it was most rewarding to see Maya and Willow taking in everything the Mekong delta had to offer, and we came away with enough material for at least a few road-trip school days!
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Sale a 135 morti bilancio terremoto in Cina, arrivano gli aiuti
E’ salito ad almeno 135 morti accertati, uno in più rispetto a ieri, e a un migliaio di feriti il bilancio del terremoto che tre giorni fa ha colpito fra le province di Qinghai e Gansu, a nord del Tibet, nella Cina orientale. Nel frattempo, fa sapere l’agenzia Xinhua, sui luoghi del disastro, un’area montagnosa remota con temperature ben sotto lo zero, sono arrivati gli aiuti durante la…
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youviralart · 8 months
Fabio Massimo Castaldo
Buonasera a tutte e tutti,
voglio cominciare questo post con due ringraziamenti: il primo a tutti coloro che mi hanno sommerso di auguri ieri, grazie di cuore per il vostro affetto e le vostre parole! Il secondo invece, parimenti sentito, va alle centinaia di attivisti e colleghi ed ex colleghi portavoce a tutti i livelli che hanno voluto sottoscrivere la nostra proposta di vincolo di destinazione obbligatorio del 90% delle donazioni raccolte col 2xmille in favore dei nostri territori, per finanziare formazione, progetti dal basso e un contributo per avere almeno una sede in ogni provincia d’Italia.
A brevissimo lancerò un’iniziativa attraverso uno strumento più efficace per raccogliere tutte le nostre firme e consegnarle ufficialmente al Comitato neocostituito e al Consiglio Nazionale.
Oggi voglio lanciare un’altra proposta che, ad avviso mio e di moltissimi, è tanto urgente quanto fondamentale: la collegialità e l’elezione diretta dei coordinatori regionali e provinciali.
È un’idea che sostengo da sempre. Già durante gli Stati generali del 2020 presentai ufficialmente i nostri ��12 punti per riaccendere le stelle”, nei quali proponevo l’introduzione nel nuovo Statuto di coordinamenti regionali e provinciali direttamente eletti da tutti gli iscritti, per un mandato di 5 anni, sotto forma di organi collegiali e con il rispetto di un equilibrio di genere e geografico, idealmente:
- Regioni: 7 eletti per la Lombardia, 5 per le regioni sopra il milione di abitanti, 3 per quelle sotto il milione;
- Province: 5 eletti le città metropolitane, 3 eletti per le province ordinarie.
Sul punto la voce dei nostri iscritti è stata chiarissima. Nelle votazioni del 10 e 11 dicembre il Secondo Quesito su Principi e Valori - “Tutti gli organi del M5S sono improntati, ove possibile, al principio di collegialità” - ha ottenuto ben il 90,2% dei voti favorevoli. Similmente anche il Terzo quesito sulla Governance - “L’elezione dei componenti degli organi collegiali avviene individualmente e sono previste specifiche incompatibilità” - ha ottenuto il 92% dei consensi. Un plebiscito che è facilmente verificabile qui: https://associazionerousseau.s3-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/...
Purtroppo, tali conclusioni, che avrebbero dovuto essere politicamente pienamente vincolanti, risultano al momento non essere state rispettate e implementate nel nuovo Statuto vigente.
Io non mi sono mai arreso nel corso di questi anni, tenendo viva in tutte le sedi questa proposta democraticamente votata.
Già in una riunione tra noi europarlamentari e Giuseppe Conte, tenutasi in videocall il 16 aprile 2021, ebbi modo di difenderla argomentandola dettagliatamente, insieme a diverse altre. In quella sede chiesi anche di poter prendere visione della bozza di Statuto su cui si stava lavorando, al fine di poter redigere delle proposte di modifica puntuali, e di poter contribuire ai lavori di redazione, che auspicavo potessero essere trasparenti, partecipati e inclusivi. Chiesi anche chi stesse lavorando alla bozza di statuto, giacché non avevamo alcuna informazione in merito. Non ho mai ricevuto alcuna risposta.
In seguito, ho continuato a sottolineare la necessità di una governance territoriale collegiale e democratica, sollevandola sia nell’unica occasione di confronto privata che ho avuto di persona con Giuseppe Conte, sia in diverse riunioni del Consiglio Nazionale. A partire dalla crisi di governo del luglio dell’anno scorso, le riunioni come vi dicevo si sono purtroppo ridotte all’osso: in più di un anno solamente tre, nonostante il ruolo di indirizzo e impulso sulla linea politica che il Consiglio Nazionale dovrebbe avere.
La rilanciai con grande chiarezza in particolare anche durante la penultima, il 02 marzo del 2023, riunione che avevo più volte chiesto per fare un punto politico alla luce dei deludenti risultati delle regionali in Lombardia e nel Lazio. Anche qui nessuna risposta.
Lo Statuto attualmente vigente prevede, infatti, all’art. 11 lettera g) che la designazione di Coordinatori a livello territoriale (regionale, provinciale, comunale) sia una facoltà (non un obbligo!) esclusivamente in capo al Presidente.
Questa situazione a mio avviso deve essere urgentemente superata. E questa non deve essere letta in alcun modo come una critica ai colleghi che sono stati nominati da Giuseppe Conte in tale ruolo, che nella maggior parte dei casi (non tutti, a quanto mi dicono da alcuni territori) hanno profili d’esperienza adeguata e stanno lavorando con abnegazione tra mille difficoltà. Né tantomeno vuol essere, sia chiaro, un attacco di natura personale al Presidente Conte o una critica non costruttiva. E posso anche comprendere che, in una primissima fase transitoria, si potesse immaginare una nomina diretta temporanea, solo per avviare il processo di riorganizzazione. Ma non può essere un sistema strutturale.
Peraltro credo che sia anche nell’interesse dei coordinatori stessi condividere questo onere gravoso in modo collegiale, e ricevere una piena legittimazione democratica dal basso, che li metterebbe al riparo da rischi di critiche interne e divisioni.
E sono sicuro che coloro che stanno lavorando egregiamente verrebbero agevolmente riconfermati: ho fiducia nel giudizio dei nostri attivisti.
Certamente tra gli eletti il Presidente potrebbe affidare il compito a uno di assicurare il coordinamento dei lavori stessi e di garantire una interlocuzione rapida in caso di necessità. Magari anche a rotazione, come un tempo si faceva anche con i capigruppo. Ma grazie alla collegialità questa figura avrebbe sempre il dovere di confrontarsi con gli altri componenti e di assicurare una piena e larga condivisione, sia nel coordinamento stesso che con gli attivisti della regione/provincia. Una bellissima garanzia di democrazia e partecipazione!
Se siete d’accordo vorrei includere anche questa proposta nella raccolta firme che intendo lanciare in questi giorni sull’obbligo del 90% del 2xmille ai territori. Insieme siamo riusciti a far iniziare a smuovere il dibattito sull’aiuto ai nostri gruppi, insieme possiamo rilanciare anche quello sulla governance! Intelligenza e determinazione collettiva.
Che ne pensate? Fatemi sapere nei vostri commenti chi vuole appoggiarla e ulteriori consigli su come svilupparla!
In alto i cuori!
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famousinuniverse · 3 months
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Cai Mon Orchad Village, Chợ Lách District, Ben Tre province, southern Vietnam: Cai Mon Orchard Village is considered as the kingdom of bonsai in Vietnam, and the cradle of fruit trees in South Vietnam, with fruit ready for visitors in any season. Located on the bank of the Tien River in Tien Thuy village, Vinh Thanh Commune, Cho Lach District, Ben Tre Province, Cai Mon’s professional village annually supplies products such as durians, mangosteens, mangoes, longans and varieties of citrus. 
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lamilanomagazine · 21 days
Roma, la Polizia di Stato si prepara a scortare la 107^ edizione del giro d'Italia
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Roma, la Polizia di Stato si prepara a scortare la 107^ edizione del giro d'Italia.  La 107^ edizione del Giro d'Italia partirà sabato 4 maggio ma già da ieri il dispositivo che curerà la sicurezza della circolazione sulle strade del meraviglioso percorso ciclistico si è riunito ed organizzato per raggiungere la città da dove è prevista la grande partenza. Quasi 60 centauri accompagnati da operatori a bordo di sei autovetture seguite da ben tre furgoni attrezzati ad officine mobili raggiungeranno infatti Torino provenienti dal compartimento della Polizia Stradale di Milano. Da sempre la Polizia di Stato affianca e garantisce la sicurezza dei trasferimenti lungo tutto il territorio del bel paese. Anche quest'anno per tutti i 3400 km, le venti tappe, attraversando 12 regioni 49 province, la carovana dei ciclisti in rosa sarà scortata dagli uomini e le donne della Polizia Stradale che giungeranno a Roma il prossimo 26 maggio. Quest'anno l'organizzazione della scorta ha raggiunto una complessità particolare infatti al Giro d'Italia si affianca oltre all'edizione del 6 giro E-bike riservato alle biciclette elettriche anche una pedalata amatoriale denominata "Mediolanum" condotta dallo storico campione di ciclismo Francesco Moser che percorrerà quasi tutte le tappe del giro. La pedalata sarà seguita dagli operatori del Compartimento di Polizia Stradale di Bologna. Durante tutte le tappe sarà previsto anche un momento di promozione della sicurezza stradale per la diffusione della cultura della guida responsabile e consapevole attraverso incontri con classi di alunni e studenti nell'ambito del noto progetto "BiciScuola" promosso dalla RCS in collaborazione con la Polizia di Stato. Confermata la presenza del Pullman Azzurro, aula multimediale mobile in cui gli operatori della Polizia Stradale illustrano praticamente il rispetto delle regole della circolazione stradale. In collaborazione con Autostrade per l'Italia durante cinque tappe del Giro d'Italia verranno premiati gli "Eroi della Sicurezza": poliziotti distintisi per dedizione e professionalità nelle attività di soccorso e nei compiti istituzionali meritevoli di un dedicato momento di riconoscimento . Ed allora alle 14.00 appuntamento per la partenza della scorta al Giro d'Italia che da Milano si recherà a Torino con arrivo previsto alle 17.00 pronto ed organizzato per la grande partenza di sabato 4 maggio.  ... #notizie #news #breakingnews #cronaca #politica #eventi #sport #moda Read the full article
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vietnam-by-bike · 10 months
Cycling in the Mekong Delta can be a great way to explore the region and immerse yourself in the local culture. Let's check what we will earn when join in your cycling experience with us:
Coconut Candy Making - Ben Tre is known for its coconut candy production, and you can learn how to make it from scratch. You can visit a coconut candy workshop, learn about the process, and try your hand at making some yourself.
Visiting Local Villages - Ben Tre is home to several small villages where locals practice traditional handicrafts such as weaving, pottery making, and wood carving. Visiting these villages will give you a chance to learn more about the skills and techniques used in these traditional crafts.
Cycling - Cycling is a great way to explore the scenic countryside of Ben Tre. You can rent a bike and cycle through lush green rice fields, coconut groves, and quaint villages.
Boat Tour along the Mekong River - You can take a boat tour along the Mekong River, which flows through Ben Tre. The tour will take you past small villages and lush greenery, and you can witness the daily activities of people living along the river.
Visit the Dong Khoi Museum - The Dong Khoi Museum is a history museum that showcases the local culture and history of Ben Tre province. Here, you can learn about the region's traditional customs, architecture, and lifestyle.
Visit the Ang Pagoda - The Ang Pagoda is a beautiful Khmer-style temple located in Tra Vinh town. The temple is known for its intricate carvings and statues, and it is one of the most important religious sites for the local Khmer community.
Read More: https://vietnambybike.net/tours/mekong-delta-biking-tour-2-days
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travopo · 11 months
Fun Things to Do in Ben Tre | Travel Guide (2023) | Best Places to Visit
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adventure-123 · 1 year
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Travel experience in the West River: where to go, what to eat?
“Can Tho region has white rice and water in joy, happiness, and fullness of life
The Dong Thap region has immense rice fields, love, and love
Those who cross Tien Giang get off My Thuan ferry, who go from Hau Giang to North Can Tho
Going to Minh Hai or going to Kien Giang, going to Sa Dec or going to An Giang in the West!"
For a long time, the songs about the West have entered the hearts of the people here and many tourists. The West is not beautiful and majestic, but has a calm, idyllic and peaceful beauty, famous for the fields of storks flying straight in the Dong Thap Muoi region. If you are planning a trip to the West, please refer to some of the West River travel experiences below.
What provinces does the West include?
The West is the land of the Mekong tour ho chi minh, there are 13 provinces in all, including: Can Tho, Tien Giang, Long An, Ben Tre, Tra Vinh, Vinh Long, Dong Thap, Soc Trang, Kien Giang, Hau Giang , An Giang, Bac Lieu and Ca Mau.
Map of provinces in the West
What season and month should you travel to the West?
Unlike the North, the West is blessed by nature with a warm climate all year round, not as cold as the North but not as hot and rainy as the Central, so you can travel to the West at any time. what time.
However, according to the experience of traveling to the West of the river, there are times when the West becomes strangely beautiful, and if you come to the West at that time, you will admire an extremely "popular" beauty. wild" that is rarely found anywhere else.
Mekong tour ho chi minh, western garden tourism: the time from June to August, also known as the fruit season of the West, if you want to see the luxuriant trees, ripe fruits and enjoy tasting the fruits, you should go to the region. West this occasion.
Travel to the West and visit ripe orchards
Mekong tour ho chi minh, traveling to the West in the floating season: From September to November every year, you will be able to sit on boats and weave your way through canals, small coconut forests in the middle of a western region of rivers. .
Experience sailing in the West
Instructions on how to move to the West
To move to the western provinces, you can go in two ways:
By plane: If in the North, choose to fly to Can Tho, then move from Can Tho to other provinces.
By car: Go to the Western bus station in Saigon, then catch the bus to your desired destination.
And if you want to move between the western provinces together, you can go by motorbike, boat, canoe, canoe ... (note, when traveling by boat, boat or canoe, you should wear life jackets to ensure safety. If traveling in groups, you should sit evenly to both sides to avoid the train tilting)
Where should Western tourists stay?
Mekong tour ho chi minh, one of the cheap travel experiences in the West is that there is no shortage of motels and hotels in the West. "Just ask 8 hostels and you'll find 2 that you like" so you shouldn't worry too much about this. Depending on your schedule where you choose to stay, you can book early through Agoda to enjoy many incentives.
The West has a lot of cheap hotels and motels
Hotels and motels in the West are also very rich, depending on your needs and budget. The special thing is that the people in the West are very sincere and hospitable, so you can ask to stay in local houses, on boats or on islands.
Which province should tourists go to in the West?
The highlight in the West is the peaceful village roads with vast fields and rivers. In particular, when going deep into the gardens, you will enjoy famous fruits of all kinds such as jackfruit, grapes, plums... or canoeing along the canals to enjoy the peaceful and cool scenery.
Attractive tourist attractions in the West
Western tourism should go? With the experience of traveling to the West, each province has its own unique beauty of scenery and cultural identity. Here are the most prominent features of each province for your reference and find the right destination.
An Giang tourism: Famous for many famous tourist sites such as Sam mountain, Cam mountain and many special festivals during the year.
Bac Lieu tourism: Visiting Bac Lieu's son's house and other places such as the hundred-year-old longan garden, Uncle Ho temple or Bac Lieu bird garden...
Ben Tre tourism: Also known as "coconut land" is famous for the largest coconut gardens, in addition to many fruit gardens spread throughout the district.
Ca Mau tourism: Famous for its pristine wild landscape and long-standing culture. Cape Ca Mau is a landmark marking the end of the country. Ca Mau is considered one of the most attractive tourist destinations in the West.
Can Tho tourism: Can Tho is likened to a "river city", due to the interlaced river system, vast orchards, and immense fields.
Dong Thap tourism: with its natural roots by the fresh and cool atmosphere of fertile rice fields, go on dinghys on rivers and canals to come to the relic of Pho Bang Nguyen Sinh Sac, Go Thap relic…
Hau Giang tourism: with famous tourist destinations such as Phung Hiep floating market, Long My relic.
Vinh Long tourism: visitors will have
Mekong tour ho chi minh, the opportunity to float on each water, go between the natural green color with the green and fruit-laden orchards ... these are the fruit orchards, this is the row of coconut trees interspersed with green willow trees of one color, the scene is peaceful and peaceful. She will make the daily worries of tourists suddenly disappear.
Kien Giang tourism: with many beautiful landscapes and departure place of ships to Phu Quoc.
Long An tourism: there are many prehistoric relics and nearly 100 Oc Eo cultural sites have been discovered, famous relics such as Binh Ta, Hundred Pillar House, Ton Thanh Pagoda.
Soc Trang tourism: famous for islets with lush green gardens, to bathe in the cool and fresh air, to visit the orchards in four seasons with your own eyes.
Tien Giang tourism: fruit trees along the Tien River, Dong Thap Muoi and Go Cong coastal areas with famous tourist destinations such as Thoi Son Con, Cai Be garden, Cai Be floating market...
Tra Vinh tourism: admire the ancient beauty of more than 140 temples of the Khmer community, besides 50 temples of the Vietnamese ( Kinh) and 5 temples of the Chinese community.
Western specialties must try
Travel to the West and enjoy specialties
One of the things that makes Western tourism attractive to visitors is also because this is a land with an extremely rich cuisine. Each western province has its own characteristics, so if you come to visit, you should not miss the following dishes:
+ An Giang cuisine: durian salad, copper snakehead fish, toss the oven, Phu My puff pastry, fish sauce hot pot,...
+ Bac Lieu cuisine: radish cake, spicy beef vermicelli, silkworm cake, longan wine...
+ Ben Tre cuisine: pineapple coconut, My Long rice paper, Son Doc puff pastry, coconut worms, Phu Le wine, ..
+ Can Tho cuisine: Cam leaf tet cake, Cai Rang grilled spring rolls, Cong cake, cork hot pot, etc.
+ Hau Giang cuisine: Waterfall fish, Cai Tac heart porridge, boiled fruit, Cau Duc pineapple and other specialties
+ Kien Giang cuisine: Phu Quoc sim wine, crab cake soup, Ha Tien sticky rice, steamed noodles, vermicelli noodles, dried shrimp noodles, ..
+ Long An cuisine: Go Den wine, fresh sausages, peanuts, fish sauce hot pot, watermelon, dragon fruit...
Suggestions for Western travel itinerary 1 day, 2 days, 3 days
Mekong tour ho chi minh, If you are still wondering which province to travel to the West should go to for the most convenient and interesting way, then please refer to the schedules that have been drawn from the following Western river tours:
– Western tour itinerary 1 day: Tien Giang or Ben Tre are the 2 most suitable destinations. In the morning from Saigon, take the bus to My Tho, Tien Giang (70km). Come here, we will hang out at Vinh Trang pagoda, Thoi Son island, Phung island, gardens on the Tien River, Dong Tam snake farm, traditional coconut candy production facilities...
– Western tour schedule for 2 days: One is on day 1 to go to the same schedule as above, then stay overnight in Can Tho, then on the second day, go to Cai Rang floating market, Ba Cong orchard, production facility export traditional noodles, My Khanh tourist village, return to Saigon in the afternoon.
Or you can also choose to explore Dong Thap province, first day go from Saigon to Cao Lanh, visit Xeo Quyt tourist area, Gao Giong, relics of Nguyen Sinh Sac grave, overnight in Cao Lanh. On the second day, go to Sa Dec to visit the flower village, Huynh Thuy Le ancient house, Ong pagoda.
– Western tour itinerary 3 days: The first two days can visit Tien Giang, Ben Tre and Can Tho like the suggestions above, the second night will stay overnight in Chau Doc - An Giang, where You can visit Tra Su Melaleuca forest, Chau Doc raft fishing village, Tien Cham village, Thay Tay An pagoda, Ba Chua temple of Sam mountain...
Or you can go to Vinh Long and Tra Vinh, day 1 go from Saigon to Vinh Long, stay overnight in Vinh Long, day 2 go to Tra Vinh to visit Ba om pond, pagoda, Khmer museum. Overnight in Tra Vinh, then the next day back to Saigon.
– 4-day Western tour schedule: With this itinerary, you will probably experience all the characteristics of the West. The itinerary includes: Saigon – Chau Doc – Ha Tien (Can Tho), then return to Saigon.
Some notes when traveling to the West of the river
Usually, a self-sufficient trip to the West will often combine visiting many provinces to be able to fully feel the characteristics of the West. However, to have the smoothest and most meaningful trip, you should not ignore some of the following notes:
Traveling to the West has many spiritual destinations, temples, so please dress neatly and seriously when visiting these places.
In the West, there are many biological reserves and eco-tourism areas, so there are many mosquitoes and insects, so do not forget to bring insect repellent.
Mekong tour ho chi minh, appropriate footwear, limit wearing sports shoes lest sailing boats get wet easily.
Hats and hats are indispensable when traveling to the West, this place is quite sunny.
It is advisable to research the itinerary, stops, rest and attractions in advance
If you go on the right occasion of the festival, you should go with many people to avoid getting lost, especially to avoid pickpockets.
Hopefully, with the sharing of travel experiences in the West of 2022, the South will provide you with useful and necessary information on your trip to be more interesting. Wish you have a nice trip.
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vnbsightsee · 1 year
My Tho Ben Tre 1 Day Tour
The Mekong Delta is a land with many tourism products spread across many fields. In which, the two provinces of Ben Tre and Tien Giang are the most typical of the garden civilization with poetic natural landscapes.If you are interested in the rustic life of the people of Southern Vietnam, quickly book the My Tho Ben Tre 1 day tour to experience it.
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vietnamfasttour · 1 year
How to Plan the Best Vietnam Honeymoon Tour Package
Vietnam is steadily becoming one of Southeast Asia’s most treasured destinations. What once was a country that only saw2 million visitors in 2000 has quickly risen in popularity, welcoming over 18 million international arrivals in 2019. Now that countries are opening up once again, you might be looking for a place to quell your thirst for romance and adventure, and luckily, a Vietnam honeymoon tour packagehas everything you need!
Tips for planning the perfect Vietnam honeymoon tour package
Pick your destination
Vietnam may be a small country, but it doesn’t lack destinations and attractions to visit. So, it’s best to lay out your must-visit sites before you step foot in an unfamiliar country. 
For instance, if you want to dive into Vietnam headfirst, there’s no better way to do it than to visit the capital. Hanoi is full of winding streets and awe-inspiring landmarks, such as the Hanoi Opera House, the National Museum of Vietnamese History, and the Ho Chi Minh Mausoleum.
And if you want to get away from the hustle and bustle of the city, you can make Ben Tre a part of your tour. This charming province in southern Vietnam is a natural wonder, greeting you with lush rice fields at every turn.
Discover your travel style
Are you planning a family vacation? Do you want to visit Vietnam as part of your honeymoon? Choosing your companions is essential to planning a trip, ensuring that you don’t book the wrong hotel room or buy too many flight tickets.
Find the right time.
Vietnam has both tropical and temperate climates, depending on which part of the country you’re in. This is why it’s crucial to determine your must-visit destinations first—you don’t want to explore the city with the threat of heavy rain.
Typically, the best time to visit Vietnam is from March to April. During these months, there is little rainfall, and temperatures are more comfortable. However, if you’re planning to stay in the southern part of the country, such as in Ho Chi Minh city or the Mekong Delta, December to May are much drier months.
Are your trip details ready? To make your trip more convenient, consider booking a Vietnam honeymoon tour package with a trusted tour operator! Top providers can help you create an itinerary containing all your must-visit destinations, personalizing the trip according to your budget and travel style.
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dongcapannam · 2 years
Le Jardin du Mékong, province de Ben Tre
Le jardin du Mékong: le plaisir de séjourner dans un jardin tropical Le jardin du Mékong est une maison d’hôtes où le mot accueil prend tout son sens. Nous allons vous présenter Vinh, il a 33 ans et est né ici, dans la maison de famille au sud du Vietnam. Vous en apprendrez davantage sur […]
L’article Le Jardin du Mékong, province de Ben Tre est apparu en premier sur Capannam Travel.
source https://capannam.com/experiences/jardin-du-mekong-maison-dhotes-au-vietnam
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