#Because I can't do anything about it so I might as well continue My Thang
the-cooler-king · 15 days
Oh yeah..... midnight gospel be hitting.... sitting in my bed fuckin. Crying. Get a grip girl
#Its the trudy ep which is actually the episode that made me keep watching#I love love love this episode.....#Something about how.......... idk.... its a very profound ep that I can't explain and it's a nice cry#This ep kind of shaped my outlook on life especially after finding out about my friend dying#All the regrets and things left unsaid.... I make my peace daily by being really straight up#If I love and care about ppl I tell them... I say they are appreciated and cared for man#I am always thankful for people and I *love* people as a whole#And as long as the people around me intrinsically know that they are loved and cared for and cherished.... like that's it#That's the end game truly#I will never ever be sorry for that. This was THEEEE episode.#There's a lot of nuance behind my feelings best described by revolutionary girl utena#But still. I'm deep enough in my tags bc I'm crying over my s/o but not in a bad way#Fml I am so grateful to him as just an entity. As a person in my life even if our lives only intersect for this brief period of time#He hasn't been texting me much and we didn't talk much at work and I didn't even get a goodbye (rude lol)#But I know he was having a rough day. I know he needs a bit of tlc.#He could be on a downswing because I am certainly on an upswing#So I'm kind of like trying to focus on doing my own thing rn without worrying about it#Because I can't do anything about it so I might as well continue My Thang#But as I sometimes come to terms with us never talking again (gotta be prepared at all times to be ghosted)#I also come back to terms with needing him to really understand#how many people in his life depend on love cherish and admire him#And im not just talking about me... he has a lot of siblings and a not great mom. Two kids he loves.#He has always taken care of everyone else in his life#He deserves to really know and idk. It makes me think of this moment.#Realizing how much I dont ever want to question if he knows#I don't want to question if I could've done more or tried harder etc. I did my very best and didn't lie cheat steal or whatever#I am so grateful to him for letting me have that. Even if nothing can come from it in the end#Even if we should be torn apart!!!! Take my revolution!!!#Anyways. Here's wonderwall#Banger of an episode. Worth the rewatch
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neo-neos · 1 year
Can I give my unfiltered opinion on Till The World Ends?
Yes, because who the fuck is going to tell me I can't (Spoilers)
WARNING: I kinda popped off a little here and there, I do not mean harm... I promise. I just really enjoy putting my thoughts on paper sometimes. <3
I would like to start off with a bit of a disclaimer, I am skipping through like 70% of this show because after watching ep 1 I kinda already lost it but I would like to share my opinion anyway. I in no way am trying to make fun of the show or the actors or anything like that. I am just stating my findings that are based on legit nothing other than my opinion on like the few scenes I have fully watched.
In general
The concept/storyline is actually really cool, I think it's a very interesting idea, and was excited to see how this was going to go.
The biggest issue I have with this show is the acting and I ain't here to shit on actors at all but... Can I just say what I want to say? Golf (Best)... Honey... This ain't it... (Idk if he has roles in other shows that do work better for him..) But to be very honest... Art is carrying this show atm.
I legit would get on my knees and bow down in a worshipping manner to translators. Their work is legit so, so important and they are all literal angels. BUT the translation of this show is so insanely distracting, the mistakes are hard to overlook and often cause some massive confusion for me personally. Again, translators deserve some hella praise but... I tried to ignore it, I really did.
My boy Art cannot catch a break with the crying
What the FUCK is up with the insane amount of awkward/unnecessary dialogue?
And now for something yall DEFINITELY DID NOT ASK FOR, an analysis of the eps that also hold my very unfiltered opinion
Ep 1
The prison scene...
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They then talk about food for like 1 minute straight AND THEN HE LITERALLY GOES
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The rest of ep 1 was fine but my lord that scene took forever and mostly repeated the same thing 3 times.
Ep 2
Not bad, not great.
Ep 3
That opening scene was ehm... a bit ?????
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You aight miss thang? - She continued to lay there until like the end of the ep as well... I'm: Concerned.
The comfort talk... Sir mr Golf needs a little lesson on how to comfort people because basically Art is saying: Listen mate, I woke up in your house, you basically kidnapped me, let's forget about the fact that you were the one that knocked me the fuck out in the first place for a minute... But okay. Can you please look at this entire ordeal from my perspective for a HOT SECOND? I just wanna go home mate, I wanna go find my family..
Golf: omg no don't cry bby boy, I'm just worried about u.
AND then the scene in the bed was so insanely long and the topics jumped from one thing to another and ??
Ep 4
The breakfast scene felt oddly out of character for the character of Golf, idk how to explain this one to yall sorry.
I am glad AIDS is being talked about.
Ep 5
Gus is cute
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2 entire seconds later:
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Is this like their thing as brothers? They talk to each other but neither of them listens and then they just... repeat the same question? pls do tell me if that is the actual clue here because, I'm lost.
Ep 6
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Are you... ???? ARE YOU TWO FOR FUCKING REAL? (sorry this just really got to me..)
Just this, no further comments HAHAHHA
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That marriage thing was cute af
Ep 7
Ep 8
This ep holds my favorite meme from this show EVER
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BRO SAME HAHAHAHAH - that is a MOOD I have absolutely no idea what was happening throughout the conversation. I know it might be a very interesting, deep and heavy topic I'm pea brain.
NC scene was good
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moodyandmoonyeyed · 6 years
Why Can't We Be Friends
Category: Stranger Things Characters: Max Mayfield; Eleven; The Party Rating: G Word Count: 2767 Summary: Max just wants to be friends with El; El just wants candy.
Tagging: @strange-thangs as I always do.
“Take that you stupid troll,” Dustin yelled as the dice flipped to the numbers everyone in the circle was impatiently waiting on the edges of their seat to see.
Cheers went up around the table and they all clapped, another phase of the campaign successfully passed.
“Bathroom break!” Lucas called over the noises of celebration. Dustin was now up out of his seat and dancing while Mike and Will talked in excited tones about how awesome everything had gone. They couldn’t have planned it any better. El was sitting next to Mike, holding his hand under the table - which everyone felt was way too easy to make fun of so no one said anything - and watched Dustin’s dance moves get wilder by the second with a wide grin on her face.
For a whole year she had wished and dreamed of doing this exact thing; hanging out with all of her friends and laughing instead of fighting and trying to save the world for once. Now that she was actually getting to live the experience, nothing could dampen her mood. Except maybe the red headed girl sitting across from her, who was throwing popcorn at Dustin.
“Ow, stop! That one got me in the eye!” He moaned, holding a hand to the offended eye and taking his seat next to her.
“Well, anything to stop that awful dancing,” she laughed.
El did not like Max. Ever since she had seen her that day in the gym with Mike - queue the reflexive hand squeeze which he returned with a small smile at her - she was in constant fear that she would be kicked out, replaced. She knew that none of it made sense and that with the way Mike was always looking at her, he would never let that happen, but when him and Max had been laughing together it had made her feel as if they didn’t need her, they could always find someone else. And it was unsettling.
So no, she didn’t really much like Max, and she wasn’t exactly shy about it.
“Mike, there are snacks up here if any of you want some,” his mother called down the stairs. With another squeeze and smile, him and the other three boys raced to the kitchen to grab what they could, leaving El and Max alone.
The redhead offered El a small smile and opened her mouth to speak but El rolled her eyes and crossed her arms, turning away from her and towards the stairs, waiting for the others to come back down.
“Okay…” She heard her whisper behind her. Then she heard the sound of a backpack being unzipped and a bag of some sort opening. Wondering what this girl could possibly be doing, she looked back over her shoulder and saw that she had opened a large bag of airheads - El’s favorite.
She felt her eyes go wide as she stared at the candy, making a small sound as she inhaled sharply. Hopper didn’t let her have candy often; only on special occasions, because she had a tendency to get over enthusiastic and use her powers at random intervals. And not always in very smart ways. One time she accidentally gotten his hat stuck in a tree and another time she had made Hopper run around after his keys when she didn’t want him to leave for work. So yeah. Candy wasn’t often found in the cabin.
Max must have heard her because she quickly looked up, curious, and caught El trying to compose herself. She didn’t want to show weakness.
“Do you want some?” She asked, holding the bag out.
Maybe El didn’t like Max. But that didn’t mean she couldn’t take what was offered to her, especially when it was so tempting and delicious. She nodded her head and reached into the bag, grabbing a red and a blue.
“So you like airheads, huh? They’re not my favorite but Billy was rushing me at the store and they were more of an impulse buy,” she sighed, trying to make conversation.
El made a noncommittal noise in the back of her throat and continued to open the wrappers, back to staring at the stairs and waiting. What was taking those boys so long?
Max clearly got the message that she didn’t want to talk, because she didn’t try again until everyone was settled back in their seats and back to the game.
Honestly, Max was puzzled. She didn’t understand why El didn’t like her. She had done nothing but be nice, something that was a little foreign to her. Not that she wasn’t generally a nice person she liked to usually believe - and Lucas liked to always remind her - but she was built on sarcasm and teasing. It was just in her nature. But she knew the tactic wouldn’t work on the curly haired girl so she went with this unfamiliar approach. Yet it didn’t seem to be working.
“Why do you think El doesn’t like me?” She finally asked Lucas and Dustin one day while they waited for Mike and Will after school.
“What? What do you mean she doesn’t like you?” Dustin asked, face scrunched up against the sun or in confusion as he unlocked his bike.
“I mean, every time we hang out she ignores me. She never talks to me and she always rolls her eyes whenever I talk,” she explained, feeling a little embarrassed to let them know how much this was getting to her.
“I haven’t noticed anything,” Lucas said, shrugging.
Max huffed and tried very hard not to stomp her foot in frustration.
“But it is happening and I want to know why. Are you saying she hasn’t said anything about it to you? Or Mike even?”
“Not that we know of,” Lucas replied.
“Maybe you’re overreacting,” Dustin tried.
That was apparently not the right thing to say because Max proceeded to punch him in the arm.
“I’m not. Trust me, it’s happening. And I wanna know why.”
After that she didn’t bring it up with anyone again. She couldn’t go to Mike about it. He was still a little on the fence with her sometimes and besides, El was his girlfriend. Anything she said to him would immediately go right back to her. She could have talked to Will about it, and had even started to on a couple of occasions because the boy seemed to pick up on things no one else did, but she didn’t want to complicate his life further when he was just once again settling back into routines by dragging him into it. So every time she started to ask, she quickly changed the subject, usually to the most random of things - fish, how her socks kept going missing, once even if he thought Hop or his mom would ever admit their feelings for each other. At that one he had sighed and shaken his head, wondering the same thing.
So she kept trying on her own to make the girl her friend. For two weeks, through a whole new campaign and movie nights on the weekends, she tried to be nice and polite and get this girl to open up. She didn’t have any other friends and her mom wasn’t the best of support system at the moment and she just really wanted a girl on her side. All the movies made it seem like the coolest thing ever and she wanted that. Sure the boys were awesome and she loved spending time with them, but there were just some things that she couldn’t talk to them about - especially Lucas.
But all of this to no avail. El still turned shoulders against her and rolled her eyes when she entered a room and more and more she felt a little unwelcomed. After a few more nights of that, she thought back to the one and only time she had been somewhat nice - when she had offered her candy.
Max always kept candy on her. She had a raging sweet tooth that could never go ignored so she was constantly using her allowance to buy bags of candy she could keep in her backpack. And if she was going to do that anyway, she might as well use it to her advantage. Combine that with the knowledge she had retained from a science class last year where they had been taught all about Pavlov and his dogs, and she cracked a plan to make El finally be her friend.
It started innocently enough. Every time they hung out she’d bring out the candy. She could always sense the girl’s wide eyes so she’d turn to her and offer her a piece. El always accepted and even after a while started to give her a small smile as it happened. It never seemed to matter what kind it was either, just as long as it was sweet. That meant they already had something in common and the thought made Max smile.
Finally, one night, when the boys were arguing over which ‘Star Wars’ movie was better, Max pulled out a bag of Twix and immediately felt El tense on the other end of the couch. But she wanted to try something new this time. Normally she always offered the other girl candy, trying to get her used to being friendly and sharing. This time she was going to wait and see if El would come around on her own and ask.
After about ten minutes of listening to the boys continue to bicker and eating bar after bar, when she was just about ready to give up, realizing that El was more stubborn than her, she heard a sigh and saw the other girl physically slump in defeat.
“Can I have please have a piece?” El asked, trying to keep any annoyance out of her tone.
Max tried to keep her eyes from widening in astonishment and success, instead giving her a large grin and holding the bag out. El took two pieces and began to open them very precisely before eating them both in an equal three bites each.
“So what’s your favorite candy?” Max asked, opening another bar of her own and tossing it in her mouth.
El looked at her out the corner of her eye and swallowed. “Airheads,” she finally said after a while.
“Awesome. Mine are bottle caps, but I like to switch it up every once in a while. I don’t want to get tired of anything, y’know?”
The other girl shrugged and didn’t say anything else.
Max sighed and put the bag back in her backpack, hoping that next time, she could actually get El to open up some more.
A few more weeks passed and it was winter break so the party was spending even more time in the Wheeler basement, and Max started noticing that every time she walked in the house, El’s eyes would go a little wide and she’d stare at her for a few seconds before shaking her head and looking in the other direction, confusion clouding her gaze.
This was progress, Max figured. If she was immediately seeing her and not rolling her eyes, then it was good news, even if she was only happy because of the candy. And she no longer had to offer her the candy, El started asking for it as soon as she pulled the bag out. Obviously Max was always more than happy to share, but they were still only having small conversations each time, usually ending after just a few sentences were exchanged.
Then the snowball happened and it seemed like everyone was having a good time, laughter all around the table at all moments and even sharing in a few group dances. But at one point when Max was trying to convince them all that they needed a little air and should head outside to get some, pulling on Mike and Lucas’s hands since the others were already up and out of their seats ready to join her, things seemed to change.
For the rest of the night and winter break El seemed to become cold again. The wide eyes and hopeful expression were still there whenever she came over, but she had to offer the candy once more and El only accepted with small nods and would immediately turn away.
El wasn’t sure why she was doing it. Honestly, the girl had done nothing wrong other than try and get everyone to go outside, but seeing her grabbing onto Mike and Lucas with such familiarity bothered her in a way that she thought she wouldn’t be bothered by again. Sure in the last month she hadn’t disliked Max as much. She wasn’t going to come right out and say it or act like everything was all good but she no longer felt uncomfortable or irritated with her. And she always had candy. She liked that.
And even though she wasn’t fond of Max once again, she couldn’t stop the thrill of excitement that ran through her each time she saw the redhead walk through the door. Of course she didn’t connect it with why her mouth was suddenly watering and that she couldn’t stop thinking about chocolate, but she didn’t think much of it in general, those being common things she felt throughout the day.
But really the guilt and the anxiety that surrounded thoughts of the girl started to eat at her conscience, especially since she kept sharing her candy with her, so she figured that since she’d be around for a while, she would let her know how she felt. Clear the air as she hard heard Hopper say once in. He had been talking to himself in the bathroom and she wasn’t really sure what that was about, but she had asked him what it meant over dinner that night and after the original blushing and fumbling of silverware, he told her. She liked the idea. Getting everything out in the open, even if it wasn’t pleasant. It was a lot like ‘friends don’t lie,’ to her. She hated keeping secrets and not sharing how she felt so this seemed like a good idea.
“I don’t like you, but I like candy, so I guess you can stick around and we can be sort of friends,” El said first thing when Max walked down the stairs the first Saturday morning after school started back up. She wanted to get to her before the others could and ruin their heart-to-heart, so she had waited on the bottom step for her.
“Oh,” Max replied, looking a little taken aback but also deflated. “Why?” She asked after a beat.
“Because you’re trying to take my spot,” El said simply, thinking it was obvious.
“What? What do you mean your spot? As Mage? But I’m the zoomer. I don’t want to be the Mage and I couldn’t even if I did want to. You’re the one with the awesome super powers,” Max exclaimed, a little flabbergasted that this was the reason El didn’t like her the whole time. If she had known, she would have explained to her sooner.
“So you aren’t trying to push me out?” El’s eyes were wide with wonder and she looked even a little relieved.
“Never. I’ve been trying to be your friend for the last month and a half actually,” Max laughed. “I’ve been giving you candy all the time hoping you’d eventually like me!”
They stood in an awkward silence for a few moments, staring at their feet and neither one really knowing where to go from here. “Max?” “Huh?” “I’m sorry I’ve been mean to you,” El apologized, giving her a timid smile.
“I’m sorry that I didn’t talk to you about it before. We could have avoided this whole thing,” Max said, waving her arms to show what she meant. “And then I wouldn’t have had to trick you with candy,” she chuckled.
“No. I liked it. I love candy! Hop never let’s me have any because he knows how I get when I have too much sugar,” El grumbled out reluctantly.
Max laughed again and shook her head. “Well I always have candy, so whenever you need some-”
“Do you have any now?” El asked eagerly.
Max smiled and nodded as the boys called that it was time to start the campaign, so they headed over to the table, sharing laughs and jokes while rooting the other on the rest of the day. And from there on out, Max always made sure to keep airheads on her.
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