#Beauregard Rabbot
archiesoniconline · 2 months
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Happy Easter! This year, a trio of Easter Bunnies in The Great Desert are visiting all of the good little boys and girls! Some more willingly than others… but it’s worth it for the sake of the children (and definitely not revenge), right?
Art by Fliviartoon and Tom Carter "IndexSonic"
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rabbotred · 8 months
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Some doodles. Bunnie Scissorhands, Uncle Beauregard, and Sally Acorn in a denim mechanics jumpsuit.
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mischeva · 9 months
fuck it ! bunntoine family tree 💪
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A big chunk of the credit and headcanons goes to my bestie @magnetisticc such as the take of Vanilla and Bunnie being related, the designs for Antoine’s parents + Armand Jr. and Mariemae.
So yeah! Big old family in which most of the family is dead now lol
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magnetisticc · 1 year
randomest assortment of archie sonic characters
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magicvicky1 · 6 months
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A Bunnie Rabbot drawing + her cowboy uncle!
It was nice to see how much development Bunnie sent through the comic, learning to accept her cybernetics parts and herself as a whole. And I really love the cowgirl design that the comic gave her, is very charming and cute <3
As for her uncle, while his appearences were few, he was pretty good as well! The whole conflict of him having to side with Eggman for the sake of protecting his legionnaires was really good, as it showed that not everyone siding with Eggman is really a bad guy. At least for me, that was pretty cool👍
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archiesonicforever · 1 year
With all our love, my collaborators and I are proud to announce Archie Sonic Forever -- an Archie Sonic fan-revival, continuing the pre-reboot story. The tale picks up from Archie's Sonic the Hedgehog #241.
Archie Sonic means a lot to us, and we're excited to show you a sneak peek!
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doodleduds · 4 months
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doodling random guys from the comics
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an0n0 · 11 months
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Beauregard and Jack Rabbit doodle for today! Love my morally gray old rabbit and my fucked up asshole hare💕
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Everybody feels small when they're alone. Hopefully they can be alone together, and not lose any other people along the way.
Happy birthday @chaoxfix, hope you have a lovely day and a lovely year!
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alexthebordercollie · 28 days
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A Taste of Vanilla chapter 1 - Rainbow Baby
·𖥸·1985 ·𖥸·
“It’s morning! It’s morning!” Vanilla chirped excitedly. Rushing into her parent's bedroom and dive-bombed on their bed. Normally she’d be in trouble for such things. She knew she wasn’t allowed in her parent's room without asking. Running in the house and shouting were cause for a scolding from her mother. Today however she didn’t care. She was turning six years old today. She knew that today she was a princess. Her parents couldn’t possibly get mad at her for waking them early.
Vanilla’s father let out a loud pained grunt as his little bundle of joy landed her full weight on his sleeping gut.
“Vanilla careful! You hurt your Papa!” Mama scolded. Scooping Vanilla up and lifting her above Papa’s pained wincing. “You ok honey?” 
“Golden.” Papa wheezed. Gripping his stomach and forcing a pained smile back with a thumbs up.
“Sorry papa.” Vanilla apologized sheepishly.
“Aw it’s alright.” Papa replied and he pulled himself upright in bed. Rubbing the sore spot on his gut and stretching out his bad leg. His right arm let out a shrill creaking sound as he rotated his shoulder in its socket.
“You need oilin’ hon.” Mama warned him as she set Vanilla down on the floor next to the bed. 
“On it.” Papa replied. Rooting around in his nightstand for the oil canister he used on his joints. A few little squirts in the crevices between the metal and another stretch. Nice and smooth this time. No squeaking. 
“Vanilla darlin’ you know better than to come barging into our room.” Mama scolded.
Vanilla shrunk in on herself and clasped her hands behind her back. Staring down and drawing little circles on the floor with her bare toes. “I’m sorry Mama.”
“Oh let ‘er have this one Lulla.” Papa dismissed. He looked back at Vanilla with a big, warm, bushy, mustache grin. “It’s her birthday. She earned a little trouble makin.” 
Lullamae sighed and rolled her eyes. Propping her hands on her hips. “I suppose so. Still-” She looked back at Vanilla and pointed to the door. “Go on, git. Papa and I gotta get dressed and so do you.” She warned. “Go put your birthday dress on and I’ll help tie up yer ears.” 
Vanilla squealed with excitement. Unable to contain the big toothy grin on her face. She knew Papa wouldn’t be mad. That said she’d all but forgotten to dress herself properly and it suddenly dawned on her that the house staff might have seen her run past with her bare hands exposed. The scandal! 
Vanilla turned pale and darted off to her room to get changed.
“No, no, the blue ones. You can change the tablecloth out after breakfast.” Mama instructed the house staff on the birthday decorations while Vanilla ate her breakfast. A big plate of pancakes stacked high with fruit and whipped cream. 
Vanilla swung her chunk Mary Jane’s happily under the table while her mother was too distracted to notice her fidgeting. Papa smiled and tapped his fork against Vanilla’s nose to her her attention. “Looks like someone’s got ants in her pants.” He teased.
Vanilla squeaked and hurried to wipe sticky syrup residue from her nose only for it to regrettably stain her white gloves. “Papa!” She whined. Papa’s amused chuckle only irritated Vanilla further. She huffed and tried to stomp her feet against the floor they couldn’t reach from her chair. “I mean it, you’re gonna mess up my pretty clothes.”
“Oh relax princess.” Papa soothed. Patting the top of her head. “You look great baby girl. I’m sure everyone’s gonna love your new outfit.”
“You think so?” Vanilla asked excitedly.
“I know so.” Papa replied confidently. Scooping up a bite of pancake off his plate to chew on. He pointed his fork back at Vanilla. “You’re the prettiest little girl in the Southern Baronies. I know you’ll knock people’s socks off no matter what yer wearin’.” He proclaimed.
Vanilla’s chest swelled with pride at her father’s praise. She fluffed up the curls under her ears and squared her shoulders. Posing like a lady just like her mother taught her.
“No, no, the presents need to go in the den. We need space for the cake cutting in the dining room.” Mama scolded when one of the housekeepers came stumbling in carrying a stack of gifts taller than he was. 
Papa looked up at Mama and gestured towards her with his fork. Pointing down to her seat. “Easy hon, take a seat. Eat yer breakfast. We’ve got time.” He reassured.
Mama turned back to Papa wringing her skirt in her hands. “The guests will be arriving any minute.”
“An they can wait out on the lawn for a bit. We got places to sit. It ain’t nothin’ sugah, you just sit your pretty tail down and take a breather.” Papa soothed.
Mama sighed and pulled out her chair to sit down. Unfortunately, the sound of the front doorbell nearly startled her out of her skin as soon as she tried to take a bite. “What did I just say!” Mama scolded and swatted Papa irritably on the arm.
“Relax, it ain’t nothin'.” Papa insisted confidently. He turned to Vanilla and waved her off. “You go on ahead princess and greet yer guests. Sit em down somewhere out in the garden and fet em somethin' to drink.” He instructed.
Vanilla saluted her father. Proud to be trusted with such a task. She hurried off to the kitchen to pick up the fresh pitcher of sweat tea Millie brewed that morning. Stacking it on a tray with a number of empty glasses. Vanilla didn’t know how many people were waiting so she just grabbed as many cups as she could carry. 
Actually walking with the drink tray was a different story, however. Balancing a heavy wooden tray with marbled glass cups and a full picture was harder than she thought. Millie always made it look easy.
“You need any help with that?”
“You got it?”
Workers and house workers asked as Vanilla scurried past with her load. “Nope! I got it!” Vanilla would chirp whenever her hosting skills were called into question. That said she nearly tripped on the small step out the kitchen side door and had to scramble not to break all their glassware. Letting loose a sigh of relief once she managed to save the tray and its contents.
Walking around the wrap-around porch to the front step, Vanilla could hear the guests before they came into view. A man and a woman. A local and someone from Nola maybe? Judging by his accent.
“I’m just not so sure mon amor.” The man’s voice whined anxiously. “I know your relatives aren’t exactly zee biggest fans of me.” He admitted. 
“Oh nonsense Twan’ you’ll do fine. They just don’t know ya that’s all.” The woman’s voice reassured. Her voice was smooth as honey. Warm and familiar.
“Welcome esteemed guests!” Vanilla beamed once she made it around the corner with her drink tray.
The unfamiliar man lept up and stumbled back. Startled by the sudden greeting. “Mon Dieu!” He breathed. Clutching his chest as he collected himself. “It’s just zee little flea.” He chuckled. Greeting Vanilla with a friendly smile. “Bonjour chérie.”
The woman he was with leaned down to Vanilla’s eye level to greet her. Her joints creaked slightly as she did so. “Look at you sugah. Ya’ve gotten so big.” She beamed. 
Vanilla’s eyes were quickly drawn to the familiar metal sheen of the woman’s left arm and the legs that peeked out under the caprices she was wearing. This woman was a robian like her father. Vanilla proudly perished her tray on the railing of the pouch. It wobbled a moment but the man with the funny accent rushed to keep it from spilling over.
Vanilla picked up the corners of her skirt and crossed her legs like her mother taught her. Greeting the strangers with a dainty curtsey. She’d been practicing it for weeks and was so proud to get it right this time on the first try.
“It’s a pleasure to meet ya’ll.” Vanilla recited.
“Oh, we’ve met before.” The robian woman corrected. She reached out and patted Vanilla’s head with her metal hand. It felt just like her father’s hand. “Do you remember me? Yer cousin Bunnie?” She asked.
Vanilla burrowed her brow at the rabbit robian in front of her. Combing her memory for any recollection of the woman’s face. She did look vaguely familiar though Vanilla was pretty sure that was mostly from family photos. Bunnie did say they were cousins after all and she looked a bit like Papa and Uncle Lemoine. Not that Vanilla had ever seen Uncle Lemoine outside of pictures. It was then Vanilla picked out the purple spots around Bunnie’s eyes and recognized her from the family photo album. 
“I’ve seen yer pictures in books.” Vanilla replied proudly. “Yer cousin Berenice.” She announced.
Berenice laughed and pulled herself back upright. “Ya got me kiddo. All my friends call me Bunnie though.” She gestures to the coyote man pulling himself a glass of sweet tea by the banister. “That there is my husband Antoine.” She introduced.
Cousin Antonie smiled sheepishly and raised his glass. “It’s a pleasure to meet you.” He playfully parroted back Vanilla’s greeting.
Vanilla wriggled in place. Gripping her skirt and struggling to contain her excitement. “I got real family this time. Papa said we’d be seein’ family this year and ya’ll actually came!” She cooed.
Antonie looked a bit sat as he leaned against the railing. Trailing his finger over the lip of his cup. “Do you not get family often?” He asked. 
Vanilla shook her head. “Nah, mostly locals. Mama don’t have much family left thanks to the war an all and Papa says most of the family are uh…” Vanilla stopped herself and covered her mouth. Struggling to think of the right words to say. “Uhm… words I ain’t allowed ta be sayin. Papa says they ain’t ladylike.”
“Oh is that so?” Bunnie replied incredulously. Propping her hands up on her hips. “Well, I think yer Papa’s gone a bit out a touch is all. I’m sure he’d think different if he spent a bit of time with em. You know I’m good friends with the princess? I’m sure she’d love ta meet you someday.”
Vanilla’s eyes widened. Staring up adoringly at her cousin as the light of the southern sun glinted off her metal arm. Making her shimmer like a goddess. “You, you really think she’d wanna meet me?” Vanilla asked in amazement.
“I know she would.” Bunnie chuckled. She gestured towards the door with her thumb. “So are ya gonna let us in or not?” She teased.
“Oh, oh no!” Vanilla shook her head vigorously. “Mama’s still finishin the decorations. Papa said to keep the guests out on the lawn till she’s ready.”
Bunnie shook her head. “Figures, Aunty Lullamae never could leave well enough alone. She takes her hostin very seriously.” 
“As she should!” Vanilla huffed. “Hosting is serious business.” 
“Easy mon chérie.” Antonie soothed. Placing a gentle hand on her shoulder. “No one said it wasn’t.” He smiled sweetly before looking away to tap at his lips. “It sounds like we have some time to pass. I wonder if you could think of any fun games we could play while we wait?” He mused.
Vanilla hopped up and down excitedly. Causing the wooden porch boards to creak under the weight of her enthusiasm. “Oh, oh! I know. We can play hide and seek. I’m really good at it! I know all the best hiding spots! You count and I’ll go hide!”
Antonie wasn’t very good at hide and seek. That said Vanilla was very good at the game. When it was his turn to hide she’d found him quickly trying to mask his broad shoulders behind a skinny little tree. Vanilla took great pleasure in making him jump. Launching at him with a loud shriek and tackling him to the ground. 
“I found you!” She shouted loud enough to be heard across the lawn. So wrapped up her game she barely noticed the other landowners arriving with their gifts and fanning out across the property. 
“Oh mon Dieu, je suis surpris!” Antonie cried out in fright. Wrestling to get free from Vanilla as she sat on his back. Reaching out and clawing at the grass. “Aie pitié s'il te plaît, je me rends.” He pleaded. 
“Well, since ya asked all fancy like.” Vanilla carefully considered Antonie’s surrender.
The man collapsed his hands together and looked up at her with big puppy eyes. Just as Vanilla was considering letting him go however he spun and caught her around the waist. Ribbing her with his fingers and letting loose a howling storm of giggles.
“No! Stop, that’s cheating!” Vanilla wailed as she struggled free of the monstrous tickles.
“All is fair in love and war mon chérie.” Antoine taunted back.
Vanilla squealed and wriggled free. Booking it off down the lawn towards the house. “Your turn! Your turn!” She called back. Turning around to make sure Atoine covered his eyes and didn’t try to cheat again. 
“You go on.” Antonie reassured her. Waving her off. He stood up and hid his face in the arms he crossed against the tree and started to count. “Un, deux, trois…”
Vanilla looked around and considered her favorite hiding spot. Her eyes landed on the front porch and she knew where to go. Running around to the side of the house and crouching down in the grass. There was a heavy rock she used to hide the hole in the porch so her parents wouldn’t fix it. Her Mama didn’t like her playing in the crawl space but it was the best hiding spot on the property.
Once she was underneath the porch she pulled the heavy rock back into place. Stifling a sneeze as busy footsteps above shook loose dirt down on her. She held her finger to her nose and sucked in a breath. Waiting for the feeling to pass. She couldn’t afford to sneeze and give away her location.
Once that crisis had been averted Vanilla crawled towards the front of the house so she could watch Antoine in the front yard through the slats in the crisscrossing white wood planks. There he was. Just finishing up his counting and looking around in confusion. Scratching his head as he tried to determine which way she had gone. Vanilla snickered wickedly to herself behind her hand. She’d never find her here. She’d let him sweat it out for a bit and pop out and surprise him just when he was about to ask Mama for help.
A deep voice above Vanilla’s head briefly caught her attention.
“Alright ya win this one. He’s a good man.” Papa chuckled.
“I told ya.” Bunnie teased. “You should try visiting cousin Max. He really ain’t as bad as ya’ll remember.” She insisted. “He’s got a grandbaby now, bout Vanilla’s age.” 
Papa grumbled. “Good for him.” He huffed. Vanilla heard Papa tap his cane against the porch. “Forget them. When are ya plannin' on makin’ that man a papa?” Papa asked.
Cousin Bunnie sighed. “Oh, I dunno. We’ve been thinkin’ about it.” She admitted. “But, I just... I heard robians have a hard time sometimes.” There was something heavy in her voice Vanilla didn’t fully understand. 
“Oh nonsense. You still got yer bits. You’ll do fine.” Papa reasoned.
Bunnie’s response seemed unconvinced. “I’m sure I could but, you know, what with all the trouble Aunty Lulla went through. I’m just worried is all. I dunno if my heart could take it.” She confessed.
The wood creaked over Vanilla’s head as her Papa shifted his weight.
“Come on now. Yer the toughest woman I know.” Papa reassured his niece. “I know ya can handle anythin. Besides, I can promise ya it’s worth it. Vanilla’s our little rainbow baby. She was worth a thousand heartbreaks. Yer little ones’ll be too.”
Vanilla knew it was rude to eavesdrop but she couldn't help herself. She also couldn't help but wonder, What's a rainbow baby?
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rabbotred · 2 years
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some rabbot the red doodles
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Beauregard: My ex-wife still misses me
Beauregard: But her aim is getting better!!!!!
Vector, preparing the candles for his and Vanilla's date:
Beauregard: You know because marriage sucks
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magnetisticc · 8 months
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magicvicky1 · 4 months
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Another Beauregard x Jack drawing, because I’m going down with this ship and I’m desperate for more content :,) xd
Most of how I imagine of their dynamic is based on headcanons, but I like to see Beauregard as the grumpy one who can’t really stand Jack most of the time and Jack as the smug one who likes tormenting Beauregard whenever he can. But I also can see that dynamic switch between them from time to time
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