spottedenchants ยท 8 months
I wwill 100% take suggestions fire (ha) away!
AH OKAY!! (your lovely list in case anyone is curious for context! ๐Ÿ‘€๐Ÿ‘€)
Burn Your Life Down covered by Bleachers
Very staring-at-the-ceiling-wishing-for-either-sleep-or-death both in terms of lyrics and sound. Caleb burnt his life down once, so he knows he could do it again. But he won't. But- what if he does. If he doesn't pay attention, something will make the choice for him, and we all know how much he emphasizes and values his autonomy with regards to the atrocities he's willing and able to commit.
Forest Fire by Brighton
I like thinking about the conversations early Caleb might have with Bren. We know Caleb planned over the course of the whole campaign to bring his parents back, but did he ever think of other routes? Did he ever have moments when he could see the blazing, bloodied path from Bren to him and wish he could go back and grab Bren by the shoulders, timeline be damned, and cry into him everything he knows now so maybe he won't end up like Caleb? I dunno, but this song makes me think of that xD
The Burnin' by Nik Ammar
This one's a bit more early Caleb @ early Caleb than early Caleb @ Bren I think- something about Caleb taking blame, responsibility, fault for who he was and carrying it all into the present even after the cleric clears his mind. A bit mopier than his usual smoldering self-hatred but still :3
Ashes by Arrows to Athens
Graduation day! Or- with the journey there superimposed onto it, and all that superimposed onto Everything before that. There's one particular page in the comic (28 in the digital version), the montage as the drei are headed back to Blumenthal, that just really Hits with this song, so much so that I don't remember the context I originally added it for xD
Torches by The Oh Hellos
Just. Just pull up the lyrics- it's Scourger training verse one and Bren on the run verse two. This song feels like a threatening grin morphing into endangered smile.
(shoutout to @vagabondfirelily for this one!)
Home is a Fire by Death Cab for Cutie
The song's more about earthquakes and stuff but I think Caleb's story counts as pretty ground-shaking xD Really an emphasis on the impermanence of everything, buildings, people, safety. This song sounds like a nervous smile to me.
Hold Me Like a Fire by Reuben and the Dark
This makes me think of Caleb and his first experiences with the beacon. Hear me out- the choir Constantly repeating the contradictory chorus once Caleb has a twinge of a thought of possibility, Caleb seeing all of himself and all he could be, Caleb's parents living through him both in memory and narratively b/c he hasn't yet opened the proverbial cat box to see if they're still dead.
Fire Fire by Flyleaf
Wrote some thoughts here :D
(shoutout to @valakiir for this one!)
The Empire & the Sun by The Moth & The Flame
No fire in the title BUT it is in the band name AND one of the lines is literally "I'm a house on fire, and everyone is leaving (me)", so xD
I absolutely Must peddle this song for Caleb because it just fits soooo well with his self-hatred, his desperate desire to see the potential for change in others (and, by extension, himself), and the bone-deep bonds he forms despite himself
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