#BBU Lou
l00opy · 1 year
Billie Bust Up Humanizations!
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I literally have nothing else in mind to post so all I have is this lineup, love you bbu community [heart emoji]
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bbu-fan-blog · 8 months
Hey there I'm trying to find the ref sheets of the bbu cast and I was just wondering if you were able to just drop em all here?
Sure! Here they are, all from the BBU Discord!
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the-trash-phrog · 8 months
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Tehe tehe
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kek-bebra · 6 months
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Cute little children :)
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silver143726 · 5 months
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bbuswapau · 7 months
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Swap AU! Lily and Lou! Billie's best friends in the goat town she's growing up in! Being a fish out of water in the town, their friendship means more than anything to her and they do pretty much anything together. Lily is fairly outspoken, more rule oriented, and stubborn while Lou is quiet, a pushover and tends to follow along without much question. Despite their differences, as a trio, they can do anything!
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neyanihedgehog · 2 months
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I imagined Lewis and Spoons being friends. Taking into account that both suffer from accidents very often, I assumed they would end up getting along well 🐈‍⬛🫱🏿‍🫲🏻🐐
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ssstupid-sssnake · 6 months
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Egadsss !! I havent drawn lily before :{
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andrewcolomy · 9 months
Fragments of the Past
@bbu-fan-blog @billiebustupofficial @a-little-ray-of-fantasy
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sleepyone232 · 1 year
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Now, your probably asking yourself, what in the name of god is t h a t? Let me explain. I am planning on writing a book on Wattpad In this book, you see what it would be like if Billie and a certain wooden fella would ACTUALLY, canonically be siblings. You see Billie's P.O.V, Arthur's P.O.V, .... and WHAT so ever. Be aware, the story is going to be very, VERY emotional. Reading through it will be an emotional roller-coaster ride. Prepare your tissues and ice cream!!!
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Lou and Cas: aka lesbian caretaker and her pure of heart dumb of ass best friend
Wanted to try out some boxboy stuff, so have some new characters and some caretaker shenanagins! Hurt/Comfort, nightmares, all that jazz. Not many Content Warnings other than past kidnapping and conditioning
Lou finds him on the roof again. It's late at night, late enough to be considered morning, but she doesn’t care. Actual mornings aren't a thing she gets around to seeing very often. Her mornings start at around one pm, and days consist of homework filled evenings and midnight Netflix binges. Cas is big on sunrises though; he likes to get up early to watch them. 
“Isn’t it pretty?” he had asked her, voice a little breathless, on the one occasion he had managed to get her up at seven o’clock in the goddamn morning to join him. Lou had looked at him, the sunlit freckles on his face, his small and easy smile, the softening around his dark brows that were always so bunched up with worry. “Yeah man,” she said, feeling a soft smile of her own tug at her lips, “Real pretty.” 
He should be sleeping now. Lou is always trying to gently bully him into getting more than three hours a night, and while he always nods along to her rants with his look at me I’m listening face, he also always slips out of bed every night to wander the halls like some sort of victorian ghost. Luckily, their rooms were right next to each other and, though he’s always careful and quiet, his door hasn't been oiled in years and sounds like a dying possum. Tonight, when she hears the tell-tale squeaking, she sighs, pauses her episode of Pokemon: Advanced Challenge, and heads straight to the roof. 
“Sir, this is private property,” Lou says, leaning out the window, feeling the cool breeze through her tank top. “Trespassers pay a fine. The fine is going the fuck to bed, so, chop chop.” 
“Thought you said I can’t trespass here,” Cas replies, turning his face ever so slightly towards her with a hint of a guilty smile. He’s sitting at the edge of the roof, too close, with his knees pulled up to his chest and his toes almost sticking out over the ledge. “Didn’t you tell me I could go anywhere in the house?” Lou snorts, pushing her torso through the window’s frame and wriggling her way outside. 
“Yeah, and I also told you I’m gonna look out for you, so could you stop making my job so hard? At least give me a raise.”
“I didn’t know I was paying you.”
“Well you’re not, so you’re actually millions of dollars indebted to me.” 
“Whoops.” His voice has died down to a mumble, now that he’s turned around and pressed his face into the soft arms of his sweatshirt. Lou sighs, because she knows this mood. She scooches her way down the gentle incline of the roof until her toes are almost in line with his. Goosebumps raise up on her bare shoulders, both from the chill and the view. It’s beautiful; from up here she can see all of her mom’s garden laid out like a paint, the small creek winding through the flower patches. Brilliant blooms of red and yellow, muted in the moonlight and so, so very small from up here. She inches her toes another half inch away from the edge. 
“So,” she says into the open air, “Are you gonna tell me what’s wrong?” Cas shrugs a bit, shoulders covering the tips of his ears that have gone red from the chill. 
“‘m okay,” he mumbles, in a decidedly not-okay fashion. Lou slides her hand a little closer to him, hoping that he’ll take the hint, and he does, unburying his face from his arms so he can place his palm next to hers. Never on top, he can never bring himself to fully initiate, so she’s the one who laces their fingers together and squeezes.
“Did you dream about him again?” She knows the answer before he nods, knows the spike of anger and sadness that rises within her every time. “That motherfucker.”
“Don't call him that.”
“Cas, he’s a motherfucker. He was assigned motherfucker at birth. The doctor took one look at him and said ‘ah yes, a motherfucker, send my condolences to the parents and any other poor soul who comes across him.’” Cas looks at her, laughing a bit, and now she can see the red in his eyes. She doesn’t comment on it; he hates letting people see him cry. The other guy liked it too much. When Cas (although he hadn’t named himself ‘Cas’ yet) first came here, shivering from rain and bundled up in her mom’s coat, he had been sobbing. Big heaving cries, the kind that used up all the air your lungs had to offer. He hadn’t stopped, for weeks. All it took was one wrong look, one harsh tone, and his eyes would start to blur with tears. I kind of envy you, Lou had told him, when she first found him hiding out in his closet, tears streaming silently down his cheeks. I never cry. Even when I feel like it. Shit just builds up inside me, you know? Cas had given her a weak, bitter smile. I never feel like it, he said, I just can’t turn it off. 
“He was holding me,” Cas says suddenly. He’s staring into the garden, eyes glassy and unfocused. “In the dream. He was holding me, so fucking close, and telling me that it’s okay because none of this life is real. That you and this house and everything else isn’t real. I never left. I was still there with him and-” He breaks off, swallowing, and Lou squeezes his hand so tight.
“Hey, I’m real. I’m right here baby.” Cas gives her a quick, sad smile.
“I know, it’s just...” He fades off, face clouding, before smiling again against the tears that build up in his eyes, wide and miserable. “For a little bit I believed him, after I woke up, and I was so relieved. I wanted it to be true.”
There’s a pressure in Lou’s chest that builds and builds and builds. It feels so tight, and so heavy, and she knows from experience that no matter what she does, it will not go away. Cas is kind. He’s funny; he’s got a whip-smart wit. He has a lopsided grin, and he snorts when he laughs, and she likes him so much. And there is someone out there who took all of that and buried it under a mountain of pain and factory made responses. A tilted head, an airy smile, empty eyes with not a hint of defiance. Lou wants to wrap him up in her arms and place him inside of her heart where nothing can touch him, to take away everything bad that has ever happened to him and burn it to ashes, but she can’t. She can excavate him though. She can dig around the planted thoughts in his head and unbury her best friend. 
“Make me not want to go back. Please make me not want to go back,” he whispers, eyes bright and glittering as they stare pleadingly into hers.
“I will,” Lou says, staring back with as much confidence as she can muster, and wishes that she could cry. 
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bbu-fan-blog · 7 months
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A WIP group shot of the gang, that will eventually get redrawn.
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kek-bebra · 5 months
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Happy new year 🎊
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silver143726 · 6 months
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“One more adventure guys!”
A Stdwolom drawing :D
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floppywiener10116 · 7 years
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HHoow w,bA-.-;;a-a-..aaa.D c,,can b; eew?? I’[mm ,,j,usst doi..nnk’‘a ,,w h,,hata a ccesm bnnattuurll yyyHHcoww . bbaaa-n-;;-an–ad ,.,c ca NII.. b?B i’’m..mc ju,,ussaTT ffool lLLo,o..wnig gmyy ,, d,e,,stin;ny
Hoow ;; bba-aa–,a-;;-a;;ad,d cca,,n ebb?? “mm j..juust ,,dyoIInn’ ww hatc oo,,m..se na..atuurr,l lyy
oxHH.. Wbgaa-;;-a–aaad ,,caannI bbe?? hhoo..w iba ,cdaan I , ops;;sib..blly byyee? ? WelWWl,,, ,TThe erre’,’S Sa priccIIppal ..Lo,f n,n,,taauu/rree (Prrinncciiplaa of fnnAttruee)) T.Th;;att;; alaam,opmmstt e e r.vy,,y crEtaaru,e know wss Caccl,,llldd suruvviivv,,a,,l.o fttee,, fi i.tattee;t ((suur viivv;;laao fhte ffI,Itttte.se);t A nndc heck i, tthtiis isi.. h hooww , iit;;t ]go,,eos, Th.ehh naaim m;mjjsutall `thhaT.T jiss hhaas,,s /g,gt,,o;; too s.scrraaTcchh ,, aa]nndd bbiite n daa c,,l;cawa..a . aannd..d bbitt e;adnn ppuunn`CCh ,A,nd..d h;;e a,,niiml ,, ju,,Staall, ;tHHatt d[ oe,e,s..n’t (,wwelel[ thhe eaan nim ..juustSaa lT,,ha,,at,t d ox es snny’t,,t) jwiinsd, u;up g..S..Oee o,nee ele ese'ss. luu-lluu-..lu- uL-uuu cnHH! ((I'i/M jjuusstt assyy ign’) ))Hw obo-a,aa-a,,a-daa ..can..n ;;I bb,e?? II’,m ;js..td o..oini’ ’'hhaat .. cco mese nata,,utarra lLLyy
o ow ;; baa–a-a-;;-zadd.. c.cann kII bbe? II’m uus t;;s fsoo,,ll,,wo oi,,Ng m;;m YdDD,estssiyy
How,,wo bbaa–a;ak–aa–ad. dcca..an,n II be? ,, II'mm zjjuu;st,t d..ni” uwwhaat ]coo;;meesn ,a;;tu,urraally hoow w ,b,,baaa– -a-aad caan. Ieb?? HHo ow bbadd ccan I osp p.i.;blyy bee?
eW,,ll, ,.t..hee’’s aa princippaal ooff u,si,inn es.ss s((pri,innc;cip pall ..of bbus,,sin,es..ss) A,,nxd eevveryybbo;;d, kmn.noowss h i s sossuunnd HHee sayys 'ssthttee, .epppl le wwitthh ttbhked moneey;y ((pp..eooplle wIt htthh]eemoeeY) ) Maakkeessj ,, the mmo,ne,,y;;-yylo oVVin n’’ w;;rlld ogw “r\ouundd! S;SO I b iiggere iin,,n vmy coom panny,y,I ,b iiggggerr i;ni` m y f ac;;c,,To roy,y,,,] I bigg,,e,r iin ,, y cooRppo,oaatee;; ssIzz !een ;; EEv,,evyy..body;;y oUUt lht;;tee..ree , tt,ake c,,caaree ;i,f , y,oouurrs ,,nadd m,m,,?EE I,'IIll ..l'taak..ke caare ; off nmmi,,inee, M,MIne,, mineN,, mi ine., e,,e,,im mnne! . ((Shha,akked tatt b,boottm li;nie.e !) Lee;t mmfee heearryyo,,u ssay 'smso'gg,,l,lous smmokee” (,(smmo,ougg'lus asmmook;)ee, Scchlo opptiimy Scch;;h;;Lopp] g(,(schhlro.opppi.it.yt s,chhll];opp))
Comp p;;lAAiinn aall llyoouu ,,waant,, tt’’s ,, nevEeer EEcveerr,, e..e.vee..r;;, E;Ev/eerr gtonn A s t..oppCC/om oee o o, n nhoww,ba ddcann, I..I ppoos,si,sbbl;ly,y be? .?HHoow ba–,,a]a,-v-.-a d, ,,..an ,, ..Ih bee I,,’,m j,,ou u stt b ;; u..uild,,iy,,dnn,,g,, ,thee eecco on,,nom.my,y
..h.Ow b aa–a;;ah–a-aaaddf cca..an,,n I . b;be?J ,,suu,, .tloookk a..a ;; m me ppeettiinn’’ t,thhi s ,,upp,y;; ,,Ho WboAA–a-a-,-add ,, ccan nI bbee?? A ppoo.trri..ioon o f prrooce]eds,s ggo,,oE Es to.o chharrwitYY!!
HHow ab-b,–ma-aaddjCC ann,, I be? ;;Hooww ,,a..db ca n.. Ip ossssiibbly be?,? L,,Leet’’;;sp sseee!;!A
zL Llz thte wcusuutoomeR,,s a.r e flyyx,,ng !( Ho,w b aa–a..a,,-;A-aad cvan ;; ,Ibee?);) ..A llll ;teH wmo,onneey’;;’.s .muulttipplyyi.inngg !!((Hohhw.. ba,,a-aa-,,-aaaad ccna I gIb?E) A;;Annd t,tmh e;; PR RRpo.evple;e.. a,,are l.yllinngg! (H.H,,ow bw,,wa-a-;;aa;;-aaad,,d ccaa,,n;; I; Bee?)) ]An.dn h,te allwyerrs,,s arreed e;en,,ny,,yiin;;ng!gg ;; ((H.HooWW ab-..-aa–a-a-,,d– .. cca,,nn IIb ,, ee?)? WWh..o cca;;rr.ess ;iff a ,, fe.e,,w tree..s a ryee ddyyi;;nig;;g?(
Hww bba -Aaa-a,a-,-aad; caann II bbe,,e ) ,Thhiis;; IISu;; ,oh,ho ssooyg ra;t;i..fYYi ng,,g!!H
o,,ow wwbba?,,d .. H,Hoo.w bb..ad c,a n tthii.. ss]PPoo.sSSib;;b ly, yybbe,,e??
--Catbox im fucking blocking you
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lipwak · 7 years
VHS #309
Walk on By The Story of Popular Song 1-6 (see #308 for 7 & 8), 
aka Popular Song: Soundtrack of the Century Bravo/BBC Bristol Lyle Lovett narrator all with commercials
See many of them here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLF28B389D0C529FBE or here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL1WC0PL2DeIXvOIkYXmUx33dNXOQiiRy1 or here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL373AB5A84AD41FC9
Lots of great performance footage and b-roll and some good stories.
1) From Russia with Love
pt 1 https://youtu.be/a37EUHmT88s pt 2 https://youtu.be/FUp2ilRQN_0 pt 3 https://youtu.be/_SKeEfNbFSc pt 4 https://youtu.be/1s09k1ovS3k
Russian jews praying, Russian Lullaby - Ella Fitzgerald (https://youtu.be/e_1nagBrG54) this music, immigrants heard other cultures in NYC, all in ghettos of their own, cakewalk ftg, Yiddish theater, Irving Berlin’s ragtime vs Scott Joplin’s, Ian Whitcomb, Harry Von Tilzer (https://youtu.be/vJJbzaX78Z8) This clip but without the same quote, coon songs, Al Jolson - Swanee (Gershwin) (https://youtu.be/bPmBPvHzF2c) this clip, Michael Feinstein, Stanley Crouch, Jolson stares in mirror in blackface and sees Jewish ceremony, Noble Sissle and Eubie Blake (https://youtu.be/QEdb-mYpt1A) This clip, Cole Porter, radio, Louis Armstrong, riverboats, negroes in tuxedos - Crouch, Showboat, Bobby Short, sound films, Hollywood called, Hart & Rogers ftg, Porgy & Bess (https://youtu.be/G6TpVAMVuKY) this clip.
2) Stardust - The Jazz Age
Bing Crosby, speakeasy’s, Chicago, Wynton Marsalis, Stanley Crouch, Louis Armstrong, Paul Whiteman, Gary Giddens, Rudy Vallee, King of Jazz, Happy Feet (https://youtu.be/1W1V_nsBaX8) This clip, Kay Starr, going from acoustic to electronic recording, scat singing, Anita O’Day at Newport, Hoagy Carmichael Jr, Stardust - a combination of several jazz songs, Billie Holiday, Fine and Mellow (https://youtu.be/SThGnrorGW8) this clip, Ella Fitzgerald, Milt Gabler produced Strange Fruit in 2 takes, Tony Bennett, White Christmas, Sinatra, Saturday Night (https://youtu.be/sTEKrosSZhM) this clip
3) The Road to Rock n Roll
Elvis - Shake Rattle and Roll, Pat Boone, Jerry Wexler, Loretta Lynn, Son House - Death Letter Blues (https://youtu.be/NdgrQoZHnNY) this clip, WC Handy hears the blues, writes Memphis Blues, St Louis Blues, Bessie Smith, Downhearted Blues written by Alberta Hunter, That Black Snake Moan, Keith Richards, Ray Charles, Leadbelly, Van Morrison, Jimmie Rodgers, Blue Yodel #1 (https://youtu.be/qEIBmGZxAhg) This clip, Grand Ole Opry, Roy Acuff, Hank Williams, Willie Nelson, Chicago blues, Louis Jordan, radio,    Rufus Thomas, Big joe Turner.
4) Producer Pop (missed a little of the intro, got the main title.)
How Much Is That Doggie In The Window (https://youtu.be/2AkLE4X-bbU) this clip, Mitch Miller, Ian Whitcomb, easy listening, original echo chamber was a bathroom, Tony Bennet sings Cold Cold Heart, Don Kirshner, Neil Sedaka, Carole King, Phil Spector, Ellie Greenwich, Darlene Love, Gene Pitney, Hal David, Righteous Brothers.
5) Atlantic Crossing
Neil Sedaka - Calendar Girl, Ray Charles, Bob Crewe, Beatles, Pat Boone sold Beatles pictures, Roger McGuinn, The Kinks, The Animals, covers of Nina Simone tracks - she was not amused, Eric Burden, demo of We Gotta Get Out of This Place, Rolling Stones, Keith Richards, Satisfaction started out as a slow blues, Berry Gordy, Motown, Beach Boys, Elvis Costello, Lou Adler, Four Seasons, Bob Crewe behind them, Brill Building, Bacharach/David, Aretha Franklin, Bob Dylan, The Byrds, added Beatles and Bach to Mr Tamborine Man, John Sebastian.
6) After the Goldrush
Eagles - Take It Easy, the Viet Nam war, drugs, the Hell’s Angels at Altamont, The Band, Robbie Robertson, Big Pink, Byrds - Sweetheart of the Rodeo, Earl Scruggs playing with them by a pool (https://youtu.be/64bkRgItar0) this clip, Ben Fong Torres, David Crosby on his boat, CSN - Guinnevere (https://youtu.be/LPvOTVVbMko) this clip, Jerry Garcia, Robert Hunter, started to write songs, Ripple written in London, America (the band), Paul Simon 1975 interview, Joni Mitchell, her early songs are too twee!, Bill Withers, Flying Burrito Brothers, 1st album cover shooting session, Eagles, The Band.
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