#Automated Testing
Test Driven Development: Best Practices for Writing Reliable and Maintainable Code
Best Practices of Test Driven Development. Enjoy reading...
Test Driven Development (TDD) is a software development practice that involves writing automated tests before writing the code that will satisfy those tests. It is an iterative and incremental approach to software development that emphasizes the importance of writing code that is both correct and maintainable. In this article, we will discuss the best practices and examples of Test Driven…
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powersafeautomation · 13 days
The Role of Advanced Inspection and Measurement Systems in Industrial Operations
In the realm of industrial operations, precision and safety are paramount. Inspection and measurement systems form the backbone of quality control, ensuring that products meet stringent standards and that processes adhere to the highest safety norms. Among these systems, vision systems, automated light curtains, and muting photocells are critical components that enhance efficiency and…
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zoe-gilbert-74 · 1 month
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qualityassurance11 · 3 months
The Importance of Historical Test Reports in Agile Development 
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In the world of software development, the Agile methodology has become increasingly popular due to its emphasis on collaboration, flexibility, and continuous improvement. With this approach, software is developed and delivered in short iterations, allowing for faster feedback and quicker response to changes. However, in this fast-paced environment, the importance of historical test reports is often overlooked. In this comprehensive analysis, we will delve into the significance of historical test reports in Agile development, the benefits they provide, and how software testing tools and automated functional testing can enhance their effectiveness. 
Understanding Agile Development and its focus on quality assurance 
Agile development is a software development approach that focuses on delivering high-quality software through frequent iterations and feedback cycles. Unlike traditional waterfall methodology, where testing is often treated as a separate phase at the end, Agile incorporates testing throughout the entire development process. 
In an Agile environment, the role of test reports becomes crucial in ensuring that quality standards are met. These reports provide valuable insights into the performance of the software by tracking the progress of tests, identifying any issues or bugs, and helping teams make informed decisions. 
One of the core principles of Agile development is continuous improvement, and test reports play a vital role in this aspect. By analyzing historical test reports, team members can identify patterns, trends, and areas for improvement. They can uncover potential bottlenecks, identify recurring issues, and take corrective actions to prevent these problems from resurfacing in future iterations. 
Moreover, historical test reports provide documentation of testing efforts, which is essential for compliance purposes, audits, and regulatory requirements. They serve as a valuable reference for future projects and can contribute to knowledge sharing and collaboration among team members. 
In summary, historical test reports are not to be overlooked in the fast-paced Agile development environment. They provide insights into the performance of the software, aid in continuous improvement, ensure compliance, and promote collaboration within the team.  
The role of historical test reports in Agile Development 
The role of historical test reports in Agile Development is complicated and essential for the success of a project. These reports provide valuable data that can guide decision-making and drive continuous improvement. 
Firstly, historical test reports allow teams to track the progress of tests over time. By analyzing trends and patterns, teams can identify areas of improvement and make informed decisions about prioritizing certain tests or allocating resources more effectively. 
Secondly, historical test reports help identify recurring issues or bottlenecks in the development process. By understanding the root causes of these problems, teams can take corrective actions to prevent them from happening again in future iterations. 
Furthermore, historical test reports serve as documentation of testing efforts, which is necessary for compliance purposes and regulatory requirements. They provide evidence of a thorough testing process, ensuring that quality standards are met. 
Lastly, historical test reports promote collaboration and knowledge sharing among team members. By referencing previous reports, teams can learn from past experiences, avoid repeating mistakes, and build upon existing knowledge. 
Benefits of using historical test reports 
Historical test reports offer several key benefits to Agile Development projects.  
Firstly, these reports can significantly impact project planning. By referencing past test reports, teams can accurately estimate the time and resources required for testing activities. This allows for more realistic and achievable project timelines, minimizing the risk of schedule delays and ensuring effective resource allocation. 
Secondly, historical test reports play a crucial role in risk management. By analyzing data from previous tests, teams can identify potential areas of vulnerability or high-risk features. This enables proactive measures to be taken, such as implementing additional testing or allocating more resources to mitigate these risks. This ensures that quality is maintained throughout the development process and reduces the likelihood of critical issues arising during production. 
Lastly, the use of historical test reports contributes to overall software quality. By tracking and analyzing test results over time, teams can identify patterns of recurring issues and take steps to address the underlying causes. This leads to continuous improvement, increased efficiency, and ultimately, the delivery of high-quality software. 
Best practices for creating and maintaining historical test reports 
To fully harness the benefits of historical test reports in Agile Development, it is essential to establish effective practices for creating and maintaining these reports. Here are some key best practices to consider: 
1. Define a standardized format: Establish a consistent format for test reports, including relevant metrics and information such as test cases executed, pass or fail status, defects identified, and any other relevant details. This will ensure consistency and ease of analysis when comparing reports over time. 
2. Automate report generation: Utilize test management tools or frameworks that offer automation capabilities for generating test reports. This will save time and effort, allowing the team to focus on analyzing the data rather than compiling it manually. 
3. Regularly update reports: It is crucial to update test reports regularly to reflect the latest test executions and results. This will provide accurate and up-to-date information for analysis and decision-making. 
4. Analyze trends and patterns: Regularly review and analyze historical test reports to identify trends and patterns in test results. This will help identify recurring issues or areas where improvements can be made to enhance software quality. 
5. Share and discuss reports: Ensure that the test reports are shared and discussed with the relevant stakeholders, including developers, testers, and project managers. This will foster collaboration and enable informed decision-making based on the insights gained from the reports. 
By following these best practices, your Agile Development team can fully leverage the power of historical test reports to drive continuous improvement, enhance risk management, and ensure the delivery of high-quality software. 
Tools and technologies to support historical test reporting in Agile Development 
In today's rapidly evolving technology landscape, there are numerous tools and technologies available to support the creation and maintenance of historical test reports in Agile Development. These tools streamline the process and enhance the accuracy and accessibility of the reports. Here are some popular options to consider: 
1. Test Management Tools: Test management tools, such as TestRail, Zephyr, or QTest, offer comprehensive solutions for creating, organizing, and analyzing test reports. These tools often provide features like automation, real-time reporting, test case management, and integration with other development tools, making them an ideal choice for agile teams. 
2. Continuous Integration Tools: Continuous integration tools like Jenkins, Bamboo, or TeamCity can be integrated with test execution frameworks to automatically generate test reports as part of the build process. This ensures that the reports are always up to date and readily available for analysis. 
3. Dashboard Tools: Dashboard tools like JIRA, Tableau, or Power BI enable teams to create visually appealing and interactive test dashboards, displaying key metrics and trends from historical test reports. These tools provide a holistic view of testing progress and facilitate data-driven decision-making. 
4. Version Control Systems: Version control systems like Git or Subversion are essential for maintaining historical test reports alongside the source code. By storing the reports in a version control system, teams can track changes, collaborate effectively, and easily revert to previous versions if needed. 
5. Data Analytics Tools: Data analytics tools like Apache Hadoop, Splunk, or ELK Stack offer advanced capabilities for analyzing large volumes of historical test data. These tools can uncover hidden patterns, correlations, and insights from test reports, enabling teams to make data-backed decisions and drive continuous improvement. 
When selecting tools and technologies for historical test reporting, consider factors such as ease of use, integration capabilities, scalability, and cost. It is essential to choose tools that align with your team's needs and ensure seamless collaboration and analysis. 
Conclusion: Harnessing the power of historical test reports for successful Agile Development projects 
In the fast-paced world of Agile Development, historical test reports play a crucial role in ensuring the success of projects. They provide valuable insights into the progress and quality of testing efforts, enabling teams to make informed decisions and improve their overall development process. In this comprehensive analysis, we have explored various tools and technologies available to create and maintain these reports. 
From test management tools to continuous integration tools, dashboard tools to version control systems, and data analytics tools, there is a wide range of options to choose from. However, when selecting these tools, it is important to consider factors such as ease of use, integration capabilities, scalability, and cost. 
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devopsenabler1-blog · 3 months
Driving Innovation: A Case Study on DevOps Implementation in BFSI Domain
Banking, Financial Services, and Insurance (BFSI), technology plays a pivotal role in driving innovation, efficiency, and customer satisfaction. However, for one BFSI company, the journey toward digital excellence was fraught with challenges in its software development and maintenance processes. With a diverse portfolio of applications and a significant portion outsourced to external vendors, the company grappled with inefficiencies that threatened its operational agility and competitiveness. Identified within this portfolio were 15 core applications deemed critical to the company’s operations, highlighting the urgency for transformative action.
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Aspirations for the Future:
Looking ahead, the company envisioned a future state characterized by the establishment of a matured DevSecOps environment. This encompassed several key objectives:
Near-zero Touch Pipeline: Automating product development processes for infrastructure provisioning, application builds, deployments, and configuration changes.
Matured Source-code Management: Implementing robust source-code management processes, complete with review gates, to uphold quality standards.
Defined and Repeatable Release Process: Instituting a standardized release process fortified with quality and security gates to minimize deployment failures and bug leakage.
Modernization: Embracing the latest technological advancements to drive innovation and efficiency.
Common Processes Among Vendors: Establishing standardized processes to enhance understanding and control over the software development lifecycle (SDLC) across different vendors.
Challenges Along the Way:
The path to realizing this vision was beset with challenges, including:
Lack of Source Code Management
Absence of Documentation
Lack of Common Processes
Missing CI/CD and Automated Testing
No Branching and Merging Strategy
Inconsistent Sprint Execution
These challenges collectively hindered the company’s ability to achieve optimal software development, maintenance, and deployment processes. They underscored the critical need for foundational practices such as source code management, documentation, and standardized processes to be addressed comprehensively.
Proposed Solutions:
To overcome these obstacles and pave the way for transformation, the company proposed a phased implementation approach:
Stage 1: Implement Basic DevOps: Commencing with the implementation of fundamental DevOps practices, including source code management and CI/CD processes, for a select group of applications.
Stage 2: Modernization: Progressing towards a more advanced stage involving microservices architecture, test automation, security enhancements, and comprehensive monitoring.
To Expand Your Awareness: https://devopsenabler.com/contact-us
Injecting Security into the SDLC:
Recognizing the paramount importance of security, dedicated measures were introduced to fortify the software development lifecycle. These encompassed:
Security by Design
Secure Coding Practices
Static and Dynamic Application Security Testing (SAST/DAST)
Software Component Analysis
Security Operations
Realizing the Outcomes:
The proposed solution yielded promising outcomes aligned closely with the company’s future aspirations. Leveraging Microsoft Azure’s DevOps capabilities, the company witnessed:
Establishment of common processes and enhanced visibility across different vendors.
Implementation of Azure DevOps for organized version control, sprint planning, and streamlined workflows.
Automation of builds, deployments, and infrastructure provisioning through Azure Pipelines and Automation.
Improved code quality, security, and release management processes.
Transition to microservices architecture and comprehensive monitoring using Azure services.
The BFSI company embarked on a transformative journey towards establishing a matured DevSecOps environment. This journey, marked by challenges and triumphs, underscores the critical importance of innovation and adaptability in today’s rapidly evolving technological landscape. As the company continues to evolve and innovate, the adoption of DevSecOps principles will serve as a cornerstone in driving efficiency, security, and ultimately, the delivery of superior customer experiences in the dynamic realm of BFSI.
Contact Information:
Phone: 080-28473200 / +91 8880 38 18 58
Address: DevOps Enabler & Co, 2nd Floor, F86 Building, ITI Limited, Doorvaninagar, Bangalore 560016.
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carolchung-eng · 3 months
Playwright Testing (Initial Thoughts)
These are my initial thoughts of the Playwright automated testing tool (end-to-end) - generally positive. I have admittedly only skimmed the surface of its capabilities as it was included in the boilerplate on a template I've been using (epic stack by Kent C. Dodds - todo add link to repo). Here is a summary of this post:
What is Playwright?
What does it replace or compare to?
What does Playwright do well?
What are weaknesses of Playwright?
Playwright is a tool for automated end-to-end web application testing. It was developed by Microsoft and initially released in 2020. Playwright is comparable to earlier testing tools like Cypress or Selenium. In my experience, using the Python client for Selenium was pretty complicated because the documentation was not very clear and I felt like I had to set up tests in a trial-and-error manner. I have not used Cypress personally and so cannot speak to how they compare but have read that Cypress can take some time to set up.
These are some highlights or features that make Playwright a stand-out tool:
Provides CodeGen functionality or a UI recording feature which converts user actions to code necessary to create a test
Flexible definition of HTML element locators
Support for testing in a headless browser (results in better testing performance)
Support for running tests in parallel
Cross browser testing support (chromium, firefox, webkit)
Support for running tests in UI mode (provides an interface and access to review events for debugging faulty tests)
Right now I don't have any complaints about using Playwright but have not delved deeply into writing complex tests with it. I used it mainly through a boilerplate template, which made it easy to try out with little overhead and then captured another test using CodeGen.
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Clinical Chemistry Analyzer
A clinical chemistry analyzer is a vital piece of medical laboratory equipment used to analyze various chemical components within bodily fluids such as blood, serum, plasma, or urine. Simultaneous dual-wavelength measuring
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woodjessica123-blog · 5 months
7 Benefits of Automated Testing in App Development
Automated testing in app development offers several advantages, helping to enhance the quality, efficiency, and reliability of the software development process.
Here are seven benefits of incorporating automated testing into app development:
Faster Feedback Loop: Automated testing provides quick and timely feedback to developers. Since automated tests can be run frequently and automatically, any issues or bugs in the code can be identified and addressed early in the development process. This accelerates the feedback loop and enables faster resolution of issues.
Increased Test Coverage: Automated testing allows for a broader range of test scenarios to be covered. With automated test scripts, developers can easily test various aspects of the application, including different functionalities, user interactions, and edge cases. This helps in achieving higher test coverage compared to manual testing, where it may be challenging to cover all scenarios consistently.
Reusability of Test Scripts: Automated test scripts can be reused across different stages of development and in various environments. Once created, these scripts can be executed repeatedly, saving time and effort. This reusability ensures consistency in testing and reduces the chances of human error that may occur in manual testing.
Consistent Test Execution: Automated tests ensure consistent and repeatable test execution. Unlike manual testing, automated tests do not depend on the tester's mood, fatigue, or interpretation, leading to more reliable and reproducible results. Consistency in testing is crucial for accurately identifying and fixing defects.
Early Detection of Defects: Automated testing helps in early detection of defects and issues in the codebase. By integrating automated tests into the continuous integration/continuous deployment (CI/CD) pipeline, developers can identify and fix bugs in real-time, preventing the accumulation of issues and reducing the overall cost of bug fixing.
Cost Efficiency: While there is an initial investment in creating automated test scripts, the long-term benefits include cost savings.  Automated testing reduces the time and resources required for testing, minimizes the need for manual intervention, and decreases the likelihood of defects reaching production, ultimately saving both time and money.
Improved Collaboration: Automated testing encourages better collaboration among development and testing teams. By automating repetitive and time-consuming test scenarios, testers can focus on more complex and exploratory testing tasks, while developers can concentrate on writing high-quality code. This collaborative approach enhances overall product quality and speeds up the development lifecycle.
In summary, automated testing plays a crucial role in improving the efficiency, reliability, and quality of app development by providing faster feedback, increasing test coverage, promoting reusability, ensuring consistent test execution, enabling early defect detection, offering cost efficiency, and fostering better collaboration among development teams.
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webmethodology · 5 months
Find out the different phases and sorts of automation testing. Explore the complexities of testing methodologies, tools, and strategies to optimize software quality and enhance development efficiency.
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Agile Testing: Delivering High-Quality Software with Continuous Testing and Collaboration
In this paper, we will explore the key principles of agile testing, its benefits, and how it can be implemented successfully in organizations.
Agile testing is an approach to software testing that emphasizes the need for continuous testing and feedback throughout the software development lifecycle. This approach is based on the principles of the Agile Manifesto, which emphasizes collaboration, flexibility, and customer satisfaction. Agile testing has become increasingly popular in recent years as organizations seek to deliver…
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jessicarosentech · 5 months
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Almost every time I’ve interviewed at a company, or started to work on a new project, I note that similar questions consistently arise. What is your tech stack or what tools are available on the market? What do you do if your pipeline takes too long? What do you do if your product is asynchronous (this is dating myself given the current software landscape)? How do you show results for your work? Can you do this list or sort problem to show some coding skills? But the one I’d like to discuss today is one of my favorite questions: given a timeline (let’s say 2 weeks) if you have to fully automate the feature and it’s new, what is my approach.
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aeldata-usa · 6 months
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niraj-jagwani · 7 months
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automationqa · 7 months
Revolutionize Your App Testing! 📱🤖 Explore the Power of Automated Testing on Real Mobile Devices. Boost Quality, Save Time! 💯
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qualityassurance11 · 3 months
Mastering Test Automation in Agile: A 6-Step Guide for Success 
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Test automation has become a cornerstone for ensuring quality and efficiency in today's fast-paced world of agile software development. However, many teams struggle to harness their full potential, often falling short of expectations. In this comprehensive guide, we'll explore the common pitfalls of test automation in agile environments and provide a roadmap for overcoming them. Let's dive in! 
Defining Test Automation:  
Test Automation involves the automated execution of tasks within the software testing process. These tasks encompass a range of activities, from running test cases to analyzing and reporting test results. By automating repetitive testing procedures, organizations can streamline their testing efforts, improve efficiency, and reduce costs. 
As the demand for rapid and reliable software delivery grows, so does the need for effective test automation in agile development. Yet, despite its promise of enhanced efficiency and quality assurance, many teams encounter challenges that hinder their automation efforts. In this article, we'll examine the root causes of these challenges and outline six actionable steps to help you succeed with test automation in an agile environment. 
1. Setting Realistic Expectations:  
One of the primary reasons for test automation failures is the unrealistic expectations surrounding its implementation. It's crucial to understand that automation is not a silver bullet solution and requires time, effort, and specialized skills. By aligning stakeholders' expectations with the realities of automation, teams can avoid disappointment and set a solid foundation for success. 
2. Treating Automation as Software Development:  
Test automation is not merely a side project but a critical component of the software development lifecycle. It's essential to approach automation with the same rigor and discipline as traditional software development, including proper planning, resource allocation, and adherence to coding best practices. By treating automation as a first-class citizen, teams can ensure its effectiveness and sustainability. 
3. Allocating Dedicated Resources:  
Successful test automation requires skilled professionals dedicated to its development and maintenance. Organizations must invest in hiring or training automation engineers with the necessary expertise and provide them with the time and resources needed to excel in their roles. By prioritizing automation and empowering dedicated resources, teams can build robust and scalable automation solutions. 
4. Choosing the Right Starting Point:  
Embarking on the automated journey can be daunting, but selecting the right starting point is crucial for success. Teams should focus on areas of high impact or risk and prioritize tasks that offer quick wins or demonstrate automation's value early on. By starting small and building momentum, teams can gradually expand their automation efforts while minimizing risk and maximizing impact. 
5. Integrating Automation into the Definition of Done:  
In agile development, test automation should be an integral part of the definition of done for each feature or user story. By including automation criteria in the definition of done, teams ensure that automation is prioritized alongside feature development and that all deliverables meet the required quality standards. This fosters a culture of quality ownership and continuous improvement across the organization. 
6. Embracing Learning and Adaptation:  
Test automation is an iterative process that requires continuous learning and adaptation. Teams should embrace a mindset of experimentation, feedback, and continuous improvement, leveraging agile principles to iterate on their automation strategies. By learning from failures, refining approaches, and staying adaptable, teams can evolve their automation practices and drive long-term success. 
Key Components of Test Automation: 
Test Case Execution: Test Automation enables the automated execution of test cases, eliminating the need for manual intervention and ensuring consistent testing outcomes. 
Test Result Tracking: Automation tools facilitate the tracking and monitoring of test results in real-time, providing valuable insights into the software's performance and stability. 
Reporting Outputs: Automated reporting mechanisms generate comprehensive reports on test results, allowing stakeholders to assess the software's quality and make informed decisions. 
Benefits of Test Automation: 
Efficiency: By automating repetitive testing tasks, organizations can significantly reduce the time and effort required for testing, leading to faster release cycles and accelerated time-to-market.��
Cost-Effectiveness: Automation helps minimize manual intervention and human errors, resulting in lower testing costs and higher ROI for organizations. 
Consistency: Automated tests ensure consistent testing outcomes across different environments and iterations, enhancing the reliability and accuracy of testing results. 
Scalability: Automation tools can scale to accommodate large test suites and complex testing scenarios, making them ideal for organizations with evolving testing needs. 
Test automation holds tremendous potential for enhancing efficiency and quality in agile software development. By addressing common pitfalls and following a structured approach, teams can overcome challenges and unlock the full benefits of automation. By setting realistic expectations, treating automation as a core development activity, allocating dedicated resources, choosing the right starting point, integrating automation into the definition of done, and embracing learning and adaptation, teams can succeed in their automation endeavors and deliver high-quality software at scale. 
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xbsoftware · 7 months
Writing tests is a fundamental part of software development. While creating high-quality software solutions, testing helps minimize errors and reduce overall costs, especially when applied early. Today, we’ll consider how you can apply automated testing to web apps built with Webix. Our primary goal is to demonstrate the basics of using it in practice.
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