thechaoticdruid · 4 months
Would I date a man like Astarion in real life ?
Fuck no. Ain't no pretty boy worth that much trouble.
But theoretically if the actual vampire elf, Astarion Ancunin miraculously came out of my computer and asked me to be his......um...
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thechaoticdruid · 5 months
I feel like there needs to be more fanfics about Tav protecting Astarion's honor from perverts. This is the wholesome Tavstarion stuff I am craving!
Doesn't even have to be Araj since I think a lot of folks have already written up reimaginings of the Moonrise Towers scene with her. But like idk maybe make up your own annoying throw away characters to fill the spot. Honestly I'm just obsessed with Tav and Astarion being protective of each other.
Also points if Star gets a little frustrated about it at first but in the end rewards Tav with cheek and forehead kisses.
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Edit: Why y'all still liking this post? I've written a fic with the concept and linked it down in the reblogs. 👇
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