#As for why I have info on my lore doc for a war which happened three centuries prior to the main story
traaaaaaaansnerd · 8 months
Hello mutuals and whomever else stumbles upon this post, I am creating a thing which I will share on the internet eventually! As a special treat for the gay ppl in my laptop, I have taken a screenshot from my lore doc to share with y'all. Enjoy!
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qunpin · 4 years
speaking of creativity! can you explain the loudian and lou ul stuff? i think i missed it and i don't see any info on your pages!
 I LOVE YOU FOR ASKING, And Yes I can. I don’t have any of it on my blog its all on a google doc that I also haven't linked because I’m increasingly lazy! but yes, allow me to explain this whole lore. ( this is a messy breakdown because I cannot think )
The loudians are an ancient civilization of people to the likeliness of homomagis, they ( like other homomagis ) are descendants of Atlanteans. They originate from an island of  Atlantis and were described as a godless people,  a lot of the fears and negative rhetoric was shared among other atlanteans about them, this lead to a literal war act on the loudians and they retaliated. Due to that, they were then  exiled  to the land. On land they tried to fight back their way into the sea but no one  and I mean  no one tolerated the loudians.  Not even the amazons, before they closed themselves off of mans world, they also delved into these anti-loudian sentiments, and after enough convincing by the then King Poseidon, they literally enacted another case of war that was genocidal and murdered thousands of loudians. At that point they were , and it was a shameful history, that soon was lead to be nothing but a fairy tale [ which the loudians were the evil villains ] in both, atlantean & amazonian stories. 
what really happened is that the loudians went into hiding on a island which was covered by magic (loudians are homomagis  ). See, now the Loudians weren’t godless, the atlanteans just didn’t like their god. They believed in fates, there’s the good fates and the bad fates,  they believed in the dark sky, which is the bad fates.  Meaning, the dark sky,   a revengeful figure , is the god of fates that often go sour. ( which explains jaylahs tragic life ) One can say the dark sky influenced the Atlanteans and Amazonians to revolt against the loudians so it can simply have its way, and that was most likely true. The dark fates god soon became a symbol of hope for the loudians, and through out the centuries they wanted revenge for all the blood spilled by the Atlanteans & Amazonians. They slowly began to build themselves up again, create an army, and they will successfully attack again.
Lou ul is the name given to jaylah once she became the dark sky. I was getting bored of her just  being a gotham villain who sold drugs, so I decided to spice things up.This has been a plan for centuries, Jaylahs bloodline was literally infected by the loudians thousand of years ago, The dark sky nudged and pulled at different people to make them intermingle, Jaylah is a  homomagi-loudian who’s never experienced any of the gene because  the dark sky permitted it. The dark sky couldn’t have had a positive effect on jaylah,  It’s a fates god and it’s fate is misfortune, that’s why jaylah experienced so much trauma in her life that brought her to where she is and even her status in the media (which is also very important). The dark sky chose jaylah as a host, and though there’s been plenty of other hosts (candidates)  ( the most popular being Rae the destructive queen who actually never possessed the dark sky itself) none of them were capable or meant to host the dark sky. Jaylah was born to suffer greatly and die. And she did thousands of times. The fates god influenced some enemy of jaylahs to assassinate her, and they did. ( Blew her plane out of the sky ) To the media it was a mystery, did she run away? suicide? murdered? No one knew. Truth is she did die.Jaylahs dead body was then captured by the loudians and nourished ( in the worse way possible ) back to life.  They have this lake that’s like the Lazarus pit but 100% more detrimental to the body and it’s brain functions, once you die ( especially as many times as jaylah: which rounds up to a thousand times in 5 YEARS) it starts to take an effect and damage you. Skipping all the formalities, jaylah was trained in the martial arts * still never experienced any power* and groomed to defeat the tyrant queen. after 4 years of trying and failing she finally did. She went through a ritual process which lasted days and was killed again to receive the Dark sky in her body. She is a host. She always been. NOTHING in jaylahs life was accidental, it all happened the way it did so she can end up here. Her purpose in life was to be born, live, die, live, die,live die,live die, and live, to fulfill the plan of the dark sky.  
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fountainpenguin · 4 years
P & Q
P: How much do you plan in advance versus letting the story unfold as you go?
Story-wise, ends and general events are always planned early on (All 130 Prompts, most of Identity Theft, Hawthorn Haven, Little Imperfections, No Anesthetic, Factor It In, Devil’s Backbone, and so on are already planned even though I won’t be posting some of these things for years), so it’s just a matter of doing the actual writing. Beginnings come next and middles come last.
For me, writing is a matter of saying, “Here is my destination. Where are we coming from and how do we get there?” Depending on what I’m writing, sometimes where I’m coming from is the previous chapter, sometimes it’s a specific point in my timeline. Chapters don’t require a lot of set-up because readers should more or less remember what’s recently happened to a character, but with one-shots I have to clarify not only the setting, but recent events as best as I can. There’s a different mindset there.
Origin, Knots, and the Prompts are divided into over a hundred different files in Google Docs, so I can’t give an accurate word count, but I probably have 200k words on hand for both Origin and Knots and at least 300k for the Prompts. I wrote scenes I consider significant early on and I’m working my way towards them, correcting inconsistencies along the way.
What I plan worldbuilding-wise for a fantasy series is another topic altogether (Expanded on below the cut).
Sociopolitical Aspects
For my Mario works, for example, the first thing planned was how the Koopa Kingdom is laid out, and where the Koopalings fit into my ideas. Then it was a matter of deciding which parts of canon I want to draw from and what I want to do with it. I didn’t rule out the new kingdoms revealed in Odyssey, but I definitely didn’t erase Sarasaland and the Beanbean Kingdom either. I worked out the political systems of a few countries, what the social norms and big crimes are, and the basics of Bowser’s inclination towards violence.
I have a document noting what the people of each land are called and what their native languages are so I don’t have to worry about contradicting myself later, which has been extremely useful. I even determined populations for different kingdoms, with the Mushroom Kingdom at about 235 million people, the Koopa Kingdom almost twice that, and the Beanbean Kingdom a measly 4 million. Even if this info never comes up in story, it helps me understand how people interact with one another and fit into this system.
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In my FOP works, I worked out the history of Fairy/Anti-Fairy conflicts, drawing from aspects of canon such as the known war over human godchildren. The Pixies fit in there too as the neutral party. Then there’s the matter of fitting in the aliens and humans. Deeper yet, the Ghosts and Beasts. Figuring out the international relationships up front works best for me, and then I can later determine how characters with this background interact in this environment.
In my Danny Phantom works, I drew from a comment Butch made once that although King Pariah was a tyrant, he did keep the Ghost Zone organized and it’s fallen to chaos since he was overthrown. I worked out Ghost-Skeleton relations, how the Observants play into things, and what the space within the world might be like.
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In my WordGirl works, determining how Hexagon functions was crucial to what I decided to do with Kid Math: In this case, his planet is obsessed with math to the point they only have spoken language, not a written one. They use numbers and mark up blueprints, but written language is for the Lexiconians [Insert snobby scoffing].
When writing Rhyme and Reason backstory, I worked out how common powers are, how those with certain powers are treated by society, what kind of education kids with powers get pushed towards, what laws might exist, how many heroes there might be, and how police involvement works in cities that have heroes. In this alternate world, there are things called charm schools that are “finishing schools” for kids with powers, and Rhyme was almost sent to one until she ran away.
Physical Aspects
I made the Mushroom Kingdom an archipelago and chose Indonesia as my main inspiration country, researching the climate, seasons, plants, and meals typically found there. I know exactly when the dry season ends and the wet season starts and how this affects the Piranha Plants.
In FOP, I understand the landscapes of Fairy World and Anti-Fairy World, what kinds of mountains and water features they can have, and the flora and fauna found in each location. I know ways to move between locations, what travel is possible with magic, and what happens in times there isn’t any magic. I know what the major buildings are, where they are, and what they do.
In my DP works, there are certain stable parts of the Ghost Zone and certain unstable parts. It’s easy to get lost if you’re new there and not used to things moving around, but as you learn the rules of the world, you’re able to identify landmarks. I know which populations live where and what those landscapes are like. I came up with rules for how lairs work and how far things can move about the Zone. I know how things work and which characters know X amount of information about their surroundings.
Cultural Aspects
I pored over a LOT of small details in canon for my Mario works. I took painstaking notes about the Soybean civilization, the ancient Luffs, the fallen Bask Kingdom, and all sorts of historical tidbits and worked those into modern canon. Some stuff didn’t cross my path during my personal gameplay, but I like knowing about it anyhow.
I considered Peach’s pathway to becoming queen and how she fits her role, especially compared to her predecessors. I made stars important in Mushroom Kingdom culture and the moon important in Koopa culture. I created lore for why karting exists, canonizing all locations and the general idea of kart racing even if I’m not going to make every kart track canon or organize each game in a timeline.
FOP worldbuilding involved gathering as much canon from the show as possible, collecting info from folklore, plucking bits and pieces from insect and bat biology, and marrying the three together. It was important to me to give Fairy World a distinct culture different from any on Earth, and really examine how magic affects daily life in this world.
Anthropomorphizing insect behaviors gave me Fairies who lick faces as a form of greeting and who favor those with freckles above those without. Not exactly accurate to show canon, but it works great. Gyne and drone relationships have been fun to build, and I made sure my timeline included points in the past where such relations were different than modern times. Changes in relationships over time is something that really fascinates me.
Anti-Fairy World also gets a unique culture. Since they’re evil antagonists in show canon, I certainly didn’t want to race-code them like any group of people on Earth. I’ve tried to design them their own culture, heavily inspired by bats and a belief in luck above all. Bats aren’t sociosexual, but they are promiscuous, so I don’t stick wholly to bat behaviors either: they’re partially based on bonobos. Most importantly, I made sure everything I did was fun for me to write.
With my particular writing style, it works to have deep, complex culture for the Anti-Fairies. If I wanted to write short, lighthearted pieces, that would impact where my worldbuilding priorities lay (Probably lots of cute holiday traditions and less focus on why Anti-Fairy culture revolves around causing others harm).
General Research
Heights, timelines, food, and clothes are all things I settle as soon as possible, and I keep ref sheets on hand so I can fact check myself at a glance. Fairies and Anti-Fairies, being a species who live in the clouds, have easier access to silkworms than cotton plants. That determines what their clothing is made of, what products are expensive, and what gets worn on certain occasions. 
I draw from canon where possible, using screenshots or known character heights (Mario canonically 5′1″) and comparing them to others. Being of a different height can impact how others view you. Dining etiquette is a fun cultural difference that can create conversation or social awkwardness and really set the mood.
With fanfics, I dig as deep as I can. Did you know Wario canonically doesn’t know how old he is because his mom never threw him a birthday party? Or that he keeps a matchbox of ants in his cabinet and is “waiting until they worship him as a god”? I drink details like this by the gallon.
I prefer nailing this stuff down before getting far in my writing because that’s what works for me personally. I worldbuild further over time as I think up new questions I didn’t already have answers for.
Unique Aspects
Magic systems are complex. They generally take me longest and are more work than play. I like to have an outline of how a magic system works, write the story, figure out what I absolutely need magic to do and what I don’t want it to do, and then tighten the system during the revision process. For example, I weakened shapeshifting in my FOP works so you can’t easily hold another form while aroused- I personally didn’t want age changes to be involved in lovemaking. That expanded to making it hard to hold a form when you’re drunk too.
It was important to me in my Mario works to have 1-Up mushrooms exist and be capable of saving your life, but I also needed a reason why people don’t walk around with 99 lives and consume 1-Ups at all times. After wrestling with plans for a while, I decided to make them time-sensitive. You have to consume them often to have more than one life on a regular basis, and they’re pretty rare. As long as I can justify why someone has access to this rare item, I can utilize a 1-Up’s power, but I can also justify killing someone off if enough time has passed since they last consumed one.
With Fairly OddParents, I’d seen enough episodes to understand the basics of wishes, magical backup, and Da Rules. When I became serious about writing FOP ‘fics, I started noting the times Cosmo and Wanda failed to use magic for reasons other than Da Rules (Not in sync with each other, low battery, lack of belief in magic, Big Wand toppled over, etc.) and built my version of the FOP magic system to accommodate as many of these “inconsistencies” as I could. My take on magic is complex, but I can stretch the system many ways, so it works great for me.
Will I use everything I’ve worldbuilt in story? I might not say it directly, but having a pool of information I can draw from helps me find ways to flesh out a character’s life. Some stuff makes it in, other stuff is only vaguely glimpsed. To me, diving into worldbuilding is fun. Taking what I have and creating something with it is even more fun. I could whip out a bunch of one-shots about basic slice-of-life events without doing all this work, but tying my stories to social, political, or culture aspects of the world is what I really enjoy.
Q: Do you have any discarded scenes/storylines/projects?
I don’t like deleting things, so I move them to scrap docs instead. Origin, Knots, and the 130 Prompts each have a scrap file of 50+ pages (91 pages of scrapped Prompt scenes) and I can usually remember keywords so the deleted scenes are easy to search for if I need them. Some get recycled, even back into the same chapter I originally deleted them from, but a lot stay dead because they were either irrelevant or inconsistent with the final material. 
Fortunately for me, I have a good memory of what I kept vs. what I scrapped. I’ve compiled some favorites in my deviantArt Sta.sh and linked them in my FOP sideblog because they’re my version of sketchdumps. Even if they’re unfinished, I still think they’re interesting to look at.
For some reason I don’t delete much from my standalone one-shots, just my multi-chapter stuff. Most of what enters my standalones survives.
The projects I’m most hurt to have left hanging are my Total Drama stories The Beatin’ Path and Lions Under Palm Trees, keeping with my tradition of writing stories about eliminated contestants at that season’s elimination location from the perspective of the first character eliminated. I have a good 15k words written for the former and 25k for the latter, and I just… let them slip through my fingers in favor of Fairly OddParents years ago.
Arguably letting them go is for the best because I took the “cartoon physics are canon” concept and RAN with it, so I have an entire plot arc about one character coming into puberty and having his ability to utilize cartoon physics switch on for the first time. I personally consider Lions one of my best works in terms of matching my niche interests, but the acknowledgement of cartoon physics does stray from Total Drama canon, and I just couldn’t get over that enough to keep posting it.
Some of my all-time favorite scenes and characterizations are in these stories. I’m glad I have what I do for myself because these works make me smile even all these years later, buuut it’s probably best if I keep most of this nonsense private. This is probably my favorite snippet of the entire Lions draft, though:
“What’s in the box?”
Don’t say the hearts of small animals, don’t say the hearts of small animals.
“Stuff for my girlfriend.” It wasn’t untrue.
The least loved always end up my favorites somehow. I’m still so in love with my delusional wizard. I honestly might love Leonard more than I love any of the FOP characters I write about nowadays; he was the best I ever had. I mean, look at this FREAKING CHILD-
“Hand me my dice.”
Beardo dropped the dice in his hand. Leonard rolled them across the grass. Nine. He groaned. But, obediently, he knelt and poked his head inside the damaged zeppelin.
“Roll me an observance check.”
“Snake eyes.”
“Seriously? It’s dark. Try again. Higher this time.”
Beardo gave the dice another toss. “Lucky lucky seven.”
Leonard let out a high whistle between his front teeth. “No response,” he said after a moment. “I don’t think there are any animals down there, except maybe a few rats and some bugs. All right, I’m jumping down. Keep an eye on my back.”
He slid through the gap and dropped out of sight. Beardo heard him say, “Lux up,” and click the penlight on his keychain.
“Incriminatus, television.”
No reaction.
“Incriminatus, television.”
No reaction. The Christmas advertisements blared on. Leonard raised his wand to his eye, then slapped the tip a few times against his palm. “Come on, wand. Tammy isn’t here anymore. Why aren’t you working? I still believe in you.”
The door eased open. “Hey, Leonard,” Jen said in a voice of false cheerfulness. “I got your toothbrush out of… the other room.”
Leonard didn’t try to switch off the TV and faced the window instead. “Brushing teeth is for people who can’t do it with magic.”
“Wait.” Leonard raised both hands above his head, squeezing his eyelids tight. “Wait. What you’re saying is, Scarlett pulled a Courtney to the extreme and hid her secret identity as an ‘evil’ mastermind supervillain shaman queen this entire time. She played a character so well that even her closest friend – not to mention Chris – couldn’t see through her act until she chose to reveal herself. At which point she then convinced everyone that she was actually said ‘evil’ mastermind supervillain. You’re telling me there was a LARPing goddess in my presence, and I completely missed it.”
“I didn’t put it in those words for a reason,” Jasmine said, “but at its core, yes.”
Leonard pressed his hands to his cheeks and stared into his salad. “Holy flipping plot twist. I am so turned on right now.”
“No,” Jasmine said, jabbing him in the chest with one finger, “No you are not.”
Amy clicked her tongue. “Leonard, you have a girlfriend.”
“Not anymore. That’s it. I’m breaking up with Tammy for real this time.”
Beardo slapped him on the back of the head and made a sound like a police siren.
One Lions chapter was named “Baa Baa Blackmail” if that tells you anything. Ah, memories… It’s probably for the best if these projects stay retired, but I love them so very much.
Fanfic Ask Meme
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