taplaos 29 days
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Lovely parody by @ArinsMind on YouTube and Twitter of Devilman Crybaby. I still need to post a photo of my crossover work.
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yoru-dragon 6 years
Cryman Devilbaby (a Devilman Crybaby Cartoon)
The best summary of Devilman I鈥檝e ever seen by ArinsMind on youtube. I love this series~
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aristokrab 10 years
Video Game Survey
1:Do you try to stay away from walkthroughs?
I avoid them until I beat a game, if its beatable without one. After I beat it, I will use a walkthrough to try to 100% it.
2:Company you鈥檙e always loyal to?
VALVe. They have yet to disappoint me. Their marketing decisions, videos and games are always brilliant.
3:Best game you鈥檝e ever played?
Oh jeeze. I'm going to say Shadow Of The Colossus but there are too many games that take up the BEST tier.
Anna (the PC horror game)... I had more fun playing Sonic 06.
5:A popular series/game you just can鈥檛 get into no matter how much you try?
Mass Effect. I've played them all. But the gameplay and voice acting just turns me off. Not really into those kind of games, I guess.
6:A game that鈥檚 changed you the most?
The Neverhood. I played this game all the time in my dad's office when I was like 5 years old. Really excited for Armikrog!
7:A game you鈥檒l never forget?
Luigi's Mansion. My first game on my first console. I can beat this game with my eyes closed.
8:Best soundtrack?
Oh god this is a hard one. Shadow of the Colossus probably evokes the most emotion out of me.
9:A game you turn your volume off every time you play it?
I can't honestly say I have any games I enjoy playing mute :/聽
10:A game you鈥檝e completely given up on?
Minecraft. Nothing will ever bring me back to that cubical land of lies.
11:Hardest game you鈥檝e played?
Super Meat Boy. My death count is through the roof but I still love it and made it through to the end.
12:Shortest time you鈥檝e beaten a game in?
I beat Super Mario Sunshine in 5 hours once. I don't usually keep track.
13:A game you were the most excited for when it wasn鈥檛 released yet?
Super Smash Bros Brawl. Every Super Smash brings out the hype and impatient 12 year old inside me.
14:A game you think would be cool if it had voice acting?
Voice acting often pisses me off in games if its not done right. So it's safer to not have any. I wouldn't want to add any to games that don't have them.
15:Which two games do you think would make an awesome crossover?
Skullgirls and any other 2D fighting game.
16:Character you鈥檝e hated most? From what game?
聽Seth from Street Fighter IV. You work so hard fighting through opponents to get to him. And he is the cheapest mother fucker in the series. I've never been so legitimately angry at a collection of pixels before in my life.
17:What game do you never tell people you play?
Well, I don't hide games. But I really liked Duke Nukem Forever. I think it's really fun :0
18:A game you wish your friends knew about?
The Neverhood. It's such an old game, I don't think there's anywhere to even get it. I just wish my friends experienced it so I can talk about it.
19:Which game do you think deserves a revival?
Super Mario Sunshine. Wind Waker didn't deserve an HD remake. It looked perfect on GameCube. Super Mario Sunshine would be a thousand times better for an HD remake.
20:What was the first video game you ever played?
Indiana Jones and the Infernal Machine for PC. I didn't own a console for the longest time. But my dad let me play games on his work computer.聽
21:How old were you when you first played a video game?
Probably 5 or 6. I really liked Pajama Sam and the old Humongous Entertainment games. But I also loved Tomb Raider and 3D exploring games even though I had no clue how to progress.
22:If you could immerse yourself in any game for one day, which game would it be? What would you do?
Cooking Mama. I'd make some delicious food and eat it with Mama. She's a babe.聽
23:Biggest disappointment you鈥檝e had in gaming?
Spore. It was probably the first game I ever got super hype for. I spent hours watching gameplay videos and press conferences showing it off. But when it finally came out... it was a super simplified piece of human garbage.
24:Casual, Hardcore, or in the middle?
In the middle. I enjoy games that are fun. I like fun. But there are a few games that I will dissect to the core and try to master.
25:Be honest; have you ever used cheats (like ActionReplay or Gameshark)?
I've never used cheats. Probably because I never understood how they worked. But I go by the honor system so I never attempted to learn.
26:Handheld or console?
Console. What.... what kind of question is this.聽
27:Has there ever been a moment that has made you cry?
Shadow of the Colossus... pretty much the cutscene before the final boss, and then everything that follows.
28:Which character鈥檚 clothes do you wish you owned the most?
Snake's OctoCamo from Metal Gear Sold IV. That suit can make anyone's butt look incredible. Plus it can make you invisible or whatever.
29:Which is more important, gameplay or story?
Gameplay is more important in my opinion. You need to have a foundation that feels right. A good story without good gameplay should just be a book or a movie. Everything in a game is an important aspect, but what is a GAME without GAMEplay.
30:A game that hasn鈥檛 been localized in your country that you think should be localized?
Mother 3. or Earthbound 2. Or whatever it would be called. They put Lucas in Smash but they haven't brought Mother 3 to America yet. I can still dream T ~T
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xraventhegreatx 10 years
Dark Sauce
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taplaos 5 months
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馃獮馃馃挦 YT Thumbnail for @//ArinsMind
Please watch his latest animatiom!
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taplaos 2 years
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Well San Diego Comic con is over! The best part with my time over at SDCC was talking with @ Arinsmind during my trip. Actually, was fun for once. Usually, my con experience been terrible. It was nice for once.
ALSO I got a signature from the one and only Bruce Campbell!lllll Only 200 tickets were able, and I manage to get one aaaa. He complimented me on my mask aaa
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taplaos 2 years
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Happy Trash A birthday gift for @ Arinsmind
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taplaos 4 years
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Hey hey! Im doodling some artwork for my friend's聽( @Arinsmind over at twitter ) incoming Animation Cartoon Pilot: Space Cadet Spurtz! OH! Please go over and support him over at Patreon! ( I sure am! }
All Characters belong to @ Arinsmind
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