#Antonio Hodgers
wildbeimwild · 7 months
Wildtiermanagement in Genf: Verhütung statt Abschuss
Der wachsende Bestand von Rehen, Hirschen und Wildschweinen in Genf soll nicht mit Abschüssen, sondern mit Empfängnisverhütung eingedämmt werden. Dies fordert der Tierschutzverband Animal Equité (AEE) von der Kantonsregierung. Die Organisation ruft den Staatsrat dazu auf, Abschüsse auf Wildtiere zu stoppen und eine Pilotstudie durchzuführen, um die Wirksamkeit eines Impfstoffs für die…
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swissforextrading · 7 months
Geneva urged to use contraception not bullets to curb deer
The growing population of roe deer, stags and wild boars in Geneva should be curbed not with bullets but with contraception. This is what the animal protection association Animal Equité is demanding from the cantonal government. The organisation is calling on the Geneva cantonal government to stop shootings of wild animals and to carry out a pilot study to test the effectiveness of a vaccine for contraception. The animal rights activists were reacting to a decision by State Councillor Antonio Hodgers to have deer shot in the forests of Versoix in the near future. The association said it was absolutely against these shootings, which it said would also violate cantonal law. According to the current law, shooting of animals that cause damage can only be authorised after “exhaustion of preventive measures”, the association stated. In the present case, the government had by far not exhausted the measures aimed at reducing animal populations, for example, before considering shooting. https://www.swissinfo.ch/eng/society/contraception-not-bullets-for-geneva-deer--urges-animal-group/48929650?utm_campaign=swi-rss&utm_source=multiple&utm_medium=rss&utm_content=o (Source of the original content)
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isvicreninsesi · 2 years
Cenevre katı atık yasaları getiriyor
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CENEVRE-  Cenevre, ülkedeki en katı atık ayırma yasalarını getirecek. Cuma akşamı yapılan bir oylamada, Büyük Konsey çoğunluğun oybirliğiyle  hanelerin atıklarını daha dikkatli ayırması gerektiği, diğer tek kullanımlık plastik ürünler gibi plastik paket yemek kaplarının yasaklanacağı anlamına gelecek bir dizi yeni yasayı kabul etti.  Kantonun Çevre Bakanı Antonio Hodgers, oylamayı 'paradigma değişimi' olarak nitelendirdi. Ayrıca ulaşımı azaltmak için tüm atıkların kantonda arıtılması da hedefleniyor.  Yeni yasaların 2025 yılı sonuna kadar tamamen yürürlükte olması bekleniyor.  Read the full article
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en24news · 5 years
The Green Antonio Hodgers candidate to the Federal Council? "The question arises" - rts.ch
The Green Antonio Hodgers candidate to the Federal Council? "The question arises" – rts.ch
The Greens scored a breakthrough of 5.9 points on Sunday to 13%, becoming the fourth largest political force in the country with 28 seats. The Liberals are also gaining 9 additional seats, to 16 in total, thanks to an increase of 3.3 points. On the strength of this historic success, the President of the Greens Regula Rytz and her counterpart of the Green Liberals Jurg Grossen believe that…
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today-24 · 4 years
Geneva auto show cancelled after virus ban: Canton - Times of India
Geneva auto show cancelled after virus ban: Canton – Times of India
GENEVA: The Geneva International MotorShow, a major event on the autoindustry calendar, has been cancelled after Switzerland banned large gatherings amid the new coronavirus epidemic, local authorities said Friday. “The Geneva International Motor Show will not take place,” Antonio Hodgers, head of the regional cantonal government for Geneva, said on Twitter.
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portaldiario · 5 years
Acercará PJEDOMEX al INFOEM herramientas sobre mediación
A través de la colaboración, mecanismos como la mediación y la conciliación se difunden y expanden para “construir nuevos ciudadanos”, afirmó el presidente del Tribunal Superior de Justicia del Estado de México, Sergio Javier Medina Peñaloza, al firmar un convenio de colaboración con la titular del Instituto de Transparencia, Acceso a la Información Pública y Protección de Datos Personales de la entidad (Infoem), Zulema Martínez Sánchez.
Acompañado por consejeros de la Judicatura y el director del Centro Estatal de Mediación, Conciliación y Justicia Restaurativa, Víctor Manuel Navarrete Villarreal, Medina Peñaloza indicó que la mediación es la justicia del futuro y agregó que sin una cultura de la rendición cuentas no puede concebirse un servicio público moderno, como el caso del Poder Judicial que en 2018 atendió más del 90 por ciento de las solicitudes de información.
El documento suscrito permitirá que colaboradores, tanto del Poder Judicial como del Infoem, se capaciten de manera mutua en materia de transparencia, acceso a la información, mediación y conciliación.
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Durante la exposición de motivos, el consejero de la Judicatura e integrante de la Comisión de Transparencia y Acceso a la Información Pública del Poder Judicial, Palemón Jaime Salazar Hernández enfatizó que el acuerdo entre ambas instituciones permite trabajar de forma conjunta para generar beneficios a la población.
En este sentido, la comisionada presidenta del Infoem, Martínez Sánchez agradeció al Poder Judicial por facilitar a los colaboradores del organismo que encabeza, la oportunidad de acercarse a los medios alternativos de solución de conflictos, a través de la Especialidad en dicha materia que imparte el Tribunal, pues la Ley de Protección de Datos Personales en Posesión de Sujetos Obligados en la entidad incluye la mediación como una forma de resolver recursos de revisión.
A esta actividad asistieron la comisionada del Infoem, Eva Abaid Yapur; la titular de la Unidad de Transparencia del Poder Judicial mexiquense, Karla Villegas Hodgers y los consejeros de la Judicatura: Fabiola Catalina Aparicio Perales, Marco Antonio Morales Gómez, Luis Gerardo de la Peña Gutiérrez y Otoniel Campirán Pérez. (Foto: Especial Portal)
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thetechmedia1 · 4 years
Coronavirus outbreak leads to Geneva Motor Show 2020 cancellation
Amid the ongoing coronavirus outbreak, Switzerland has banned any large public gatherings. Hence, the 2020 Geneva International motorshow has been cancelled. “The Geneva International Motor Show will not take place” Antonio Hodgers, head of the regional cantonal said with regards to the cancellation.
Coronavirus epidemic has impacted the auto industry globally due to production halts in China, the largest automotive manufacturer in the world.
The cancellation comes amid Switzerland federal government’s banning of any gathering that is greater than 1,000 people, thus effectively cancelling the show.
“The government’s top priority is to protect the population. It is responding to the latest developments in the coronavirus epidemic and has categorised the situation in Switzerland as ‘special’ in terms of the Epidemics Act,” the government said in a statement on Friday. “This enables the government, in consultation with the cantons, to order measures that are normally the responsibility of the cantons.”
This marks the first time in recent Swiss history that such a country-wide ban of large scale event has been enforced under the 2016 epidemics law. It notably limits the powers of the 26 cantonal authorities mainly in charge of health matters.
The cancellation shouldn’t be much of a surprise and has been largely appreciated across the board by auto manufacturers as well as general public. The business impact however, will be immense and would only be seen in the coming financial quarters and earnings. Interestingly though, up until today, Geneva Motor Show promoter Palexpo had been saying that the show would go on with increased cleaning and disinfection. They also mentioned that this increased vigil shall be accompanied by warnings to staff to keep away from anyone who appeared to be sick. Now, the organization is saying that the show is definitively canceled and will not be held at a later time.
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This story has been republished from our partner publication, CarThrust. Except the headline, none of the content in this post has been changed.
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suissetv · 6 years
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Pierre Maudet perd le Département présidentiel et la responsabilité de la police - Le Conseil d'Etat a pris jeudi de nouvelles mesures à l'encontre de Pierre Maudet en lien avec le voyage à Abu Dhabi: s'il reste conseiller d'Etat, l'élu PLR perd le Département présidentiel, qui est confié à Antonio Hodgers, et la responsabilité de la police, qui va à Mauro Poggia. - Le Conseil d'Etat genevois s'est exprimé alors que la pression politique s'accentue autour de Pierre Maudet. La conférence de presse était organisée "dans le prolongement des mesures organisationnelles annoncées le 5 septembre dernier". - Une réunion d'urgence du PLR Suisse a eu lieu jeudi matin à Berne, selon les informations de la RTS. La présidente Petra Gössi et une partie du comité directeur auraient participé à cette séance afin de décider des mesures à prendre concernant le conseiller d'Etat genevois. - Pierre Maudet a reconnu le 5 septembre avoir "caché une partie de la vérité" sur son voyage controversé à Abu Dhabi en 2015. L'élu PLR est visé par une procédure pénale pour "acceptation d'un avantage". https://www.instagram.com/p/BnqyouBFYfB/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=10mridcp5pipt
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aioinstagram · 6 years
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Thierry Apothéloz À peine élu un ministre genevois déjà victime dhomophobie is Trending on Monday May 7 2018 https://www.aioinstagram.com/thierry-apotheloz-a-peine-elu-un-ministre-genevois-deja-victime-dhomophobie-is-trending-on-monday-may-7-2018/
24heures.ch says: À peine élu, un ministre genevois déjà victime dhomophobie
Top 1 articles about Thierry Apothéloz:
Le nouveau conseiller dÉtat Thierry Apothéloz a été la cible de propos infamants dun ex-député PLR, René Desbaillets, sur Facebook. Ce viticulteur a manifesté sa solidarité avec le conseiller dÉtat non réélu Luc Barthassat ainsi: «De tout cœur avec
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swissforextrading · 4 years
Geneva plans to investigate munitions dumped in lake
The Geneva authorities plan to launch a study into the munitions that were dumped in the lake. Between 1950-1970, some 150-1,000 tonnes of army munitions are thought to have been submerged not far from the city centre by a private firm Hispano-Suizo.  The cantonal authorities plan to follow recommendations made by the Federal Council to investigate the dumped munitions, a spokesperson from the Geneva Territory Department told the Keystone-ATS News Agency on Friday, confirming an earlier Tribune de Genève news story.  In Friday’s edition, Antonio Hodgers, the head of the department and current Geneva president, declared “the canton plans the launch a study. We are in touch with the Federal Department of Defence, Civil Protection and Sport”.  Between 1950 and 1970, some 150-1,000 tonnes of army munitions are thought to have been dumped in the lake not far from Geneva’s city centre by the private firm Hispano-Suizo.    Last month the Federal Council stated that an in-depth study ... http://www.swissinfo.ch/eng/old-ammo_geneva-plans-to-investigate-munitions-dumped-in-lake/45600812?utm_source=multiple&utm_campaign=swi-rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_content=o (Source of the original content)
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