#Anton Eger
maquina-semiotica · 2 years
Anton Eger, "HERb +++ gA"
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budapestbug · 1 year
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Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church A protected landmark, the construction of the The Holy Trinity Orthodox Church was started in 1785 according to the plans of Johann Michael Schajdlet in the Roccoco or Late Baroque (”Zopf”) style; which is rare in Hungary. Twenty years of construction yielded the East-facing church. János Adami, a stone carver from Eger who worked in Italy, worked on the construction site. After the Turkish rule, Greek settlers and merchants moved into Miskolc who wanted to have their own church, necessitating the construction of a new Orthodox Church. At that time, Miskolc was mainly inhabited by Catholics and Protestants and they already had their churches. Its furnishings are also in Zopf style. What makes the church so special is that it has the largest iconostasis in Central Europe; 16 meters high and showing 87 scenes from the life of Jesus. It also presents the eleven great feasts (more specifically, there are twelve great feasts in the Orthodox Church, but Easter is considered a feast of feasts, and so only eleven are designated as "great" feasts). The iconostasis itself was made in the wood carving workshop of Miklós Jankovits of Eger. The icons, with the exception of four, are the works of the Viennese painter Anton Kuchelmeister. The icon of the temple is a copy of the Ahtirka Mother of God, which was donated to the church by the Russian tsarina, Catherine II, during her visit to Miskolc.
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the-entangler · 4 years
Sugaruzd +++ pT
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Track: Godspeed Album: Godspeed Artist: Morten Schantz Label: Edition Records Year: 2017
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allthatchernobyl · 7 years
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Morten Schantz- Godspeed (2017)
Para terminar los días hábiles de la semana les traigo un trabajo reciente del pianista danes Morten Schantz. Se trata de Godspeed, su debut como solista tras haber fundado JazzKamikaze y haber colaborado con Mikhalized ademas de un proyecto titulado Schantz Segment con el que solo grabo un disco (discazo) en 2006. Para Godspeed, Schantz reunió al percusionista y saxofonista de JazzKamikaze (Anton Eger y Marius Neset respectivamente) y cambiando un poco la linea en que venia trabajando se sumerge en este proyecto de jazz hibrido con electrónica que volara pelucas sin distinción. El disco fue grabado en junio de 2015 pero no fue hasta el 27 de enero de este 2017 que vio la luz. Un trabajo de complejas texturas y extraños arreglos para sacar a flote un disco a priori velocisimo pero con sus debidas pausas y momentos ambientales. La influencia de Joe Zawinul es innegable, riffs grooveros al mango, el teclado eléctrico de Schantz reventando los parlantes y el saxofon de Neset echando soplidos sobre las brasas para no dejar que se apaguen. Un recorrido de tintes étnicos, de apertura silvestre y ritmos versátiles destacan en este glorioso trabajo del joven pianista danes. Verborragia instrumental de excelente combinación entre instrumentos analógicos y digitales. Estreno Premium. Enjoy.
Genero: Jazz Fusion, Jazz Electronico, World-Music
Año: 2017
Pais: Dinamarca
Duracion: 59:04
Compresion: 320kbps
Tamaño: 131,6mb
1- Silence in the Tempest (Part I) 2- Godspeed 3- Escape Velocity 4- Growing Sense 5- Martial Arts 6- Airglow 7- Ceasefire 8- Cathedral 9- Drill 10- Nuclear Fusion 11- Dark Matter  12- Silence in the Tempest (Part II)
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katallure · 2 years
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A főherceg körző és vonalzó fogásai vagy válogatott bevezetés a matematikai tudományokba, könnyű és újszerű gyors bevezetés a földméréstanba és más ebből származó tudományokba
Anton Ernst Burckhard von Birckenstein báró alezredes, a törököket Magyarországról kiűző osztrák császári sereg Budán is szolgált hadmérnöke, később a haditanács tagja. I. Lipót elsőszülött fiát, a későbbi I. Józsefet trónörökös korában geometriára tanította. Neki készült a híres geometriakönyv, a szerző a geometrikus ábrázolások kiegészítésére, Justus van der Nypoort magyar városábrázolásait használta fel. A geometriai példák a lapok felső részét foglalják el, alattuk magyar városok, várak és kastélyok (Kassa, Pápa, Temesvár, Tokaj, Eger (Erla), Gyula, Veszprém, Lánzsér, Nagyvárad, Nándorfehérvár, Nagyszombat, Galánta, Buják, Hatvan, Teplice, Léka, Ugod, Devecser, Érsekújvár, Szatmár, Beckó, Szádvár, Fülek, Vác, Nagykálló, Szolnok, Hegyes, Kanizsa, Pest, Buda, Zrinyiújvár, Komárom, Győr, Lipótvár, Köpcsény, Rapos, Esztergom, Visegrád, Strecnó, Zára, Lippa Zsámbék, Sisek, Nagybiccse, Árva, Simontornya, Lenti, Belatin, Ozora, Eszék, Klastrom, Tamási, Zólyom, Éleskő) látképei találhatók, az előtérben a kor jellegzetes jeleneteivel és viseletképeivel. A helységek közül azóta több teljesen elpusztult és a látképek egy része egyetlen ábrázolásként maradt fenn.
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grayghostofthenorth · 4 years
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Dame mit Windhund.   Karl Ens - Green Brand Mill. Model No. 5353, 1925. Project by  Anton Büschelberger, (1869 Eger - 1934 Dresden) is called. Under glaze, painting, color and gold.
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burlveneer-music · 4 years
Let Spin - Steal The Light - another fine example of how UK musicians are pushing jazz in new directions
When guitarist Moss Freed, bassist Ruth Goller, drummer Finlay Panter, and saxophonist Chris Williams convened at Hull University’s Duality studio, they each harboured desires to use the studio as an instrument, to implement inspirations found in music beyond the worlds of jazz and rock, and to challenge some of the conventions of meter, groove and melody. To realise their ambitions, the group worked closely with engineer/producer Alex Killpartrick (Kit Downes, Alice Zawadzki, Liam Noble), inviting him to have a greater creative influence than on either of their previous two records — one of which he mastered and one of which he mixed. In experimenting with time and space, challenging their own compositional tendencies and striving for a more experimental production style, Let Spin have crafted a fluid yet focussed LP that reflects their maturity and ambition. Fans of the boundary-pushing projects led by Mark Guiliana, Petter Eldh, Anton Eger and Jim Black are certain to appreciate Steal the Light’s enticing sound world. Chris Williams - alto saxophone Moss Freed - guitar Ruth Goller - bass Finlay Panter - drums
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riffsstrides · 6 years
Morten Schantz
Edition, 2017
Morten Schantz: Fender Rhodes; Electric Piano; Sequential Prophet 6; Roland Juno 60; Moog Sub 37; Korg MS-20 mini; Korg Volca Keys; Solina String Ensemble; Waldorf Streichfett; Arturia Beatstep Pro; Upright Piano & handclaps;
Marius Neset: soprano and tenor saxophones; Korg MS-10 bass synth on “Martial Arts”; rhodes solo; handclaps;
Anton Eger: drums, percussion & handclaps.
The three Scandinavian musicians featured on Godspeed are also members of the eclectic JazzKamikaze quintet. By 2014, Morten Schantz had released eight albums, four as a soloist and four with JazzKamikaze. Saxophonist Marius Neset has played alongside Django Bates and Anton Eger is also drummer with Phronesis. JazzKamikaze produces a fairly frenetic sound whereas Godspeed is relatively more sophisticated, but no less dynamic. This is Schantz's follow-up to his 2014 recording Unicorn which was predominantly acoustic, whereas Godspeed bears some comparison to his earlier album, 2004's Segment. The lugubriousness of the short opener "Silence In The Tempest (Part I)," belies what is about to ensue. It rapidly becomes difficult not to compare Godspeed to the many and various incarnations of Weather Report, particularly on numbers like the title track, with Marius Neset's soaring soprano sax prominent. "Escape Velocity" with a heavy bass riff and synth voices all adding to a highly charged atmosphere, invokes an instant reminder of Joe Zawinul's immeasurable contribution to music. This is undoubtedly one of the strongest and most memorable tracks on the album. Both Anton Eger's drumming and Schantz's electric piano work are positively electrifying. However, not all of these Morten Schantz written compositions are high velocity; the aptly named and languid "Growing Sense" is far from that. The chameleon-like "Martial Arts" intertwines a high-octane vamp with a more wistful one and even manages to insinuate some soulful chord changes. The short electronic soundscape of "Airglow" contrasts sharply with "Ceasefire" where Schantz himself proves his keyboards virtuosity with a Rhodes solo and Neset pays homage to Wayne Shorter on incandescent soprano. Schantz then reverts to acoustic piano on the languorously elegant "Cathedral." The erratic "Drill" arguably owes more to JazzKamikaze than anything else and makes excellent use of staccato multi-tracked saxophones whereas "Nuclear Fusion" is more like a Frank Zappa-esque freak out for synths. The various pulsating electronica meld satisfyingly with analog instruments, specifically tenor sax, on the anthemic "Dark Matter" and the set closes with the elegiac "Silence In The Tempest (Part II)." Godspeed unceasingly rewards repeated plays and easily qualifies as one of the most exciting and engaging recordings for a long time. Schantz has surely now found his true métier.
ROGER FARBEY in All About Jazz
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ib2se · 5 years
AlbumRelease Lisen Rylander Löve  Atalante, Göteborg 3 maj 2019
Via Flickr: by Lennarrrt Olausson
The B:sides-Playlist 2019-05-20 @ Radio Vättervåg 98,5 Mhz
This week: hÖr hÆr
starter: 'B:zväng' TextMix & reading af MrZ Komposition & Produktion af SkåneJokke Lütz [0:41]
1. 'Leaving Planet Earth' from Sounds from Erra af Billy Meier [4:06] 2. 'Intro' from origo af Kaja [1:22] 3. 'Irrfärden' from origo af Kaja [3:34] 4. 'Neon Sun' from Oceans af Lisen Rylander Löve [3:49] 5. 'Oxford Supernova +++ jC' from Æ af Anton Eger [4:50] 6. 'Umay?' from Quasi Tango af Sole Azul [6:17] 7. 'Little Esther' Live at MarabouParken 2012-05-06 af Bo Lindenstrand [6:28] 8. 'The Gathering' from Väv af Sirius (4) [8:56] 9. 'Light Blue' Live at Glenn Miller Café 2013-03-23 af Bo Lindenstrand [5:10] 10. 'Double Full Moon' from Sounds from Erra af Billy Meier [2:19] 11. 'Monolith +++ tR' from Æ af Anton Eger [4:31] 12. 'Nothingness' from Oceans af Lisen Rylander Löve [5:11]
1 jingle incl tune from Kmag #107 af Loopmasters Samples & 2 jingles from B:sides on Spotify This weeks BibleVers: “And the King Xerxes gave a great banquet, Esther’s banquet, for all his nobles and officials. He proclaimed a holiday throughout the provinces and distributed gifts with royal liberality.” ~ Esther 2:18
Drink Espresso - God bless U! /MrZ :)
www.ib2.se Soli Deo Gloria
  All Photos: MrZ ~ Wättern.se
Join Generation XYZ @ gen.xyz 
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xtruss · 2 years
Walks of a Lifetime: Six Epic Mountain Hikes Across Europe
From a sandstone labyrinth to bears and marmots, Europe’s hills and mountains offer exhilarating long-distance walks. Just don’t forget your poles and harness
— Kevin Rushby | Saturday, 19 March 2022
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A hiker on Germany’s 71-mile Malerweg trail. Photograph: mauritius images GmbH/Alamy
From a sandstone labyrinth to bears and marmots, Europe’s hills and mountains offer exhilarating long-distance walks. Just don’t forget your poles and harness
Is this bag too heavy? Do my boots pinch? Am I fit enough? Do I look a complete anorak in this cagoule? There is nothing like the prospect of a multi-day, long-distance footpath to rouse lurking anxieties and keep you awake at night for weeks beforehand. And there is always the helpful soul who insists you must take a particular item: a thick hardback volume on the benefits of walking? Lovely.
A selection of artisanal cheeses and a bottle of fizz? I’ll squeeze them in somehow. Once for me, in Yemen, it was a pistol, presented with the comforting words: “Take this – you’re going to need it.”
Then, finally, you begin. You are moving and eventually comes the realisation that, assuming you manage the feat of placing one foot in front of the other, you will make it. You dump the hardback book and pistol, scoff the food, quaff the drink; your bag gets significantly lighter. The sun comes out and all the mountains stand before you. With luck, there are no more cars, no power lines or pavements for a long time to come.
Within a few hours you are looking back and saying, “I can’t believe I’ve walked so far already!” Within a few days, you say, “I just want to keep going forever.” (There will be moments when you bitterly regret that one.) You have entered the real world, the one you now prefer. You are a long-distance European mountain walker. So here are some ideas, some real walks to be considered.
The Malerweg (Painters’ Path), Germany
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Sandstone mountains on the Malerweg route. Photograph: mauritius images GmbH/Alamy
In 1766 two Dresden art teachers, Anton Graff and Adrian Zingg, set off on a trip into Saxony, heading through the town of Pirna, south-east of their home, into a region of mountains, mists and deep valleys that now straddles the border of Germany and the Czech Republic. Other painters, including Caspar David Friedrich, soon followed, triggering a romantic art movement and a love of hiking.
In 2006 a new path, the Malerweg or Painters’ Path, opened, a 71-mile circuit that has quickly become a German classic. Normally done over eight days, the walk takes in highlights such as sandstone outcrops and massifs such as the Schrammtor and Schrammsteine, where the trail burrows up narrow canyons, often on ladders, to magnificent views. Don’t bring a massive, wide backpack – you will get stuck – but come with sketching gear. There is plenty of accommodation in guesthouses along the path, but there are some campsites, too, and pitching under rock overhangs is tolerated.
More details on the official website: Malerweg. Hiking Navigator has a very useful stage-by-stage guide
Tours The Natural Adventure Company offers a great self-guided walk of the Malerweg from £765pp, which includes nine nights in hotels, luggage transfers and breakfasts
Alta Via 1, the Dolomites, Italy
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Lago di Braies in the Dolomites, surrounded by limestone peaks. Photograph: Marc Eger/Getty Images
It was on the Alta Via 1 that I first experienced the magic of the Dolomites. We had hiked up the trail to the Rifugio Nuvolau mountain hut in broad sunshine, but as the day ended clouds came rolling in from the Adriatic Sea, blossoming above the 3,000-metre peaks in dramatic thunderheads that were then slowly torn apart by the wind in the dying rays of a ripening red sun. In many years of mountain walking and climbing I had never witnessed anything like it. Eventually we went inside the hut for a hearty, home-cooked dinner and asked the manager if he’d seen the spectacle outside: he nodded, grinning, “Yes, every night.”
The Dolomites, named after an 18th-century French mineralogist, are an Italian extension of the Alps that regularly pull in the Adriatic clouds to adorn their stunning peaks and rock formations. Cinque Torri, the Five Towers, is just one clutch of crags that lies on the Alta Via 1, a north-south hiking route that also passes valleys (decked with flowers in season), waterfalls, epic ridges and some fascinating first world war history. Most walkers start in the north at Lago di Braies (spend a night there if possible – it’s beautiful) and take 10 days to reach the finish at La Pissa, 74 miles away, but there is no reason you couldn’t do it the other way around. It can be done faster, but the terrain is tough – don’t underestimate it. Some via ferrata (steel climbing fixtures) can be included, which are great fun, but you’ll need a harness and a lanyard.
There is no wild camping allowed, but the accommodation is a prime attraction on this route: the stop before Nuvolau (only accessible on foot) is Rifugio Lagazuoi, a larger but equally enjoyable place that sits on an escarpment above a complex network of first world war tunnels. The hut can sleep about 70 and is accessible by a cable car, so it is a lot busier than others, but the atmosphere and panoramas are as good as anywhere. Allow a day to explore the tunnels and trenches. Outside this short honeypot section, you will encounter only a few other hikers and climbers.
More details Visit Dolomites; maps: use the Tabacco editions; books: Trekking in the Dolomites by Gillian Price; The Dolomites: Rock Climbs and Via Ferrata by James Rushforth
Accommodation Booking at the rifugio is essential
Tours Collett’s Mountain Holidays specialises in the area. Alpine Exploratory does self-guided and guided versions of the complete 74-mile ute
Mount Triglav, Slovenia
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Slovenia’s Mount Triglav – ‘a serious lump of rock’. Photograph: photography by Enrique Ugarte/Getty Images
At a mere 2,863 metres, Triglav might seem like an Alpine pimple, but be warned: this is a serious lump of rock, requiring careful preparation, and also home to several of Europe’s most incredible walks. All routes require at least two days for normal mortals; more if you actually want to enjoy the experience. The most demanding ascent is called the Bamberg, and requires nerves of steel on the iron cables. Head for the top of the Vrata Valley and a night in the Aljažev Dom hut. Ahead stands Triglav’s legendary North Face, a near-vertical kilometre of karstic limestone.
The Prag route to Krederica hut is easier than the Bamberg, but still requires steady hands up some vertical sections – all well protected as long as you use the via ferrata correctly. Triglav is a very dry place (except during summer thunderstorms), so bring lots of water. The Bamberg itself takes you through a series of tough vertical pitches, narrow canyons and plenty of exposure, as climbers call it, popping out on a rocky plateau that takes you to Planika Hut for a possible overnight before the final ascent.
If you really don’t like the prospect of a via ferrata – and they’re not everyone’s bag of wire – try the Krma route, which starts from Kovinarska Koča hut, rising up to the Krederica hut at 2,515 metres. The final ridge does involve some via ferrata cables, but the summit is in sight and is worth it.
More details Triglav national park
Trips (tours) Much Better Adventures runs various two-night trips to Triglav from £392, including guides, via ferrata equipment, meals, accommodation and airport transfers
Turnov to Jičín, Bohemian Paradise, Czech Republic
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The Prachovské Skály rocks on the Bohemian Paradise route. Photograph: Madeleine Steinbach/Alamy
The Czech Republic has some fine walking routes, but none beats the exquisite labyrinth of sandstone rock towers in the east known as Bohemian Paradise. From the start in the town of Turnov, this feels like moving into a Mitteleuropa of a slower, more ancient vintage: villages that cluster around castles are dotted across a landscape of mountains, meadows and forests. The path heads south and soon begins to bump into isolated rock towers and natural grottoes that become more and more grandiose and dramatic. If they were the fanciful rock follies of some deranged Austro-Hungarian princeling, it would be no surprise, but they are completely natural.
At Prachovské Skály the geological eccentricity reaches its apogee: this is a baffling playground of towers, canyons and stairways (humans have played a minor role here) that is difficult to leave – partly because it is so delightful and partly because it’s hard to find the way out. No wonder film location scouts looking for a gothic or medieval fantasy hideout often end up here. Walking north to south is preferable, because you finish in Jičín, an imposing old city with a beautiful square and market. However, going in the other direction does open up the possibility of connecting with the E3 long-distance path.
More details Visit Czech Republic
Tours On Foot Holidays does a six-night trip from £635pp including breakfasts and luggage transfers
France and Spain: GR10 and GR11, the Pyrenees
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The GR11 path in the Spanish Pyrenees. Photograph: Alex Treadway/Getty Images
Having warmed up on short hikes like the other five mentioned here, you may be ready to really stride out. For this I suggest the GR10, which traverses the entire length of the Pyrenees, a distance of around 900km. At the end of your 50- to 60-day walk, you will have climbed the equivalent of more than five Everests (about 48,000 metres of ascent). I have done a few sections and it is superb high-country hiking. There are in fact two paths: on the French side of the border is the GR10, the Sentier des Pyrénées, and on the Spanish, GR11, the Senda Pirenaica.
Overall, the French side is a slightly easier option: there are more mountain huts and more walkers, while its altitude is slightly lower. Both paths are spectacular, with stunning scenery including the Añisclo Canyon and the Cirque du Gavarnie.
For those without time for the entire hike, these two highlights can be done as day walks. The wildlife is special: chamois, marmots and bears (although you are very unlikely to see one), plus wonderful birdlife, especially during migration periods. As both paths rise above 2,500 metres, they may not open until late June, or even into July, whereupon thunderstorms become a danger.
More details Walking the Pyrenees , with a blogfrom Steve Cracknell, who walked both routes; Cicerone guide
The Glockner Circuit, Austria
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Hohe Tauern national park, part of Austria’s Glockner Circuit. Photograph: grafxart8888/Getty Images/iStockphoto
Occasionally you go somewhere, you walk, you see no wildlife, the clouds come down and any views go no further than you could chuck a walking pole. So it was when I first hiked in Austria’s vast Hohe Tauern national park. We were unlucky with the weather, and the wildlife. But everything else was magnificent: the forest, the waterfalls and the cosy mountain huts. The Glockner Circuit is an Alpine classic: 71 miles of tough footpath that circumambulates Austria’s highest peak, the Grossglockner (3,798 metres).
Start with a 660 postbus from Zell am See (which has international rail connections) to Kaprun, then make for the trailhead, where you start on an anticlockwise route around the peak. With luck you’ll see bearded vultures, golden eagles, steinbock and ibex – and even without it you will enjoy Austrian dishes like Kaiserschmarrn (a sweet pancake served with plum or apple sauce) and Käsespätzle (a type of cheesy pasta) in mountain huts such as Rudolfshütte (there’s a big climbing wall inside) and Salmhütte (recommended). This is a summer walk, but even then some of the higher sections can be impassable, with hikers forced to take lower alternative routes. It’s definitely not one for beginners.
More details Hohe Tauern national, and also Carinthia Tourism, where there is a useful brochure to download
Accommodation It’s worth joining the Austrian Alpine Club UK for access to huts
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Alpine Ibex at Austria’s Hohe Tauern national park. Photograph: imageBROKER/Alamy
Walk this way…………. Advice from the experts:
Mick Fowler: Mountaineer and hill walker who specialises in bagging unclimbed peaks, the type that invariably require long-approach hikes. I always take a bivvy bag with me, Polartec gloves and a spare pair of socks – there’s nothing like clean dry socks in the morning! For mud and snow, gaiters are essential, and I find that trekking poles – love them or loathe them – protect my joints. To stay warm, layering is essential: base layer, fleece, then a down jacket. For me, the development of waterproof down jackets with a hood, like Berghaus’s Tephra, has been a game-changer. As far as your bag is concerned, get something big enough and don’t overstuff it; they get out of shape and uncomfortable. I generally take a 65-litre sack. Use compression straps to reduce size.
Kirsty Pallas: Mountain leader and instructor based in Oban, Scotland, where she is also a member of the mountain rescue team. I would say never use new equipment on a multi-day hike. You want to know that it all fits properly. There’s nothing worse than a rucksack that gets uncomfortable on day two. I always take spare laces and duct tape wrapped around my walking poles – that way I know I can always fix a boot, a tear in a tent, even a blister. I use a water filtration bottle to avoid disposable bottles. For warmth I particularly like the Patagonia R1 range: recycled materials and cosy on winter climbs.
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berlysbandcamp · 3 years
Swedish Producer Petter Eldh announces his new album “Projekt Drums vol. 1” which embraces his love of heavy beats, psychedelic sounds and musical collaboration. This first volume is made of six diverse tracks from some of the most exciting drummers working on the scene today: Savannah Harris, Eric Harland, Nate Wood, James Maddren, Gard Nilssen and Richard Spaven. The music is hard-hitting and mesmerising, it’s full of complexity and sonority but at the heart are the drums: the beat and groove alongside a kaleidoscope of sounds and effects. The arrangements include a total of sixteen instrumental collaborators comprising harpists, french horn and marimba players and a plethora of keyboards and unique synths. It’s original and highly engaging. No single listen will do it justice! Over the years, Petter has been garnering praise for his versatility and the diversity of his work. He’s worked with the Dutch producer Jameszoo, including a remix for his latest record on the Brainfeeder label, he’s produced albums for Otis Sandsjö/Y-Otis and ex-Phronesis drummer Anton Eger and he leads the raucous collective Koma Saxo that features another innovative drummer, Christian Lillinger. Alongside this, he’s also regarded as one of Europe’s leading bassists having recorded with Django Bates (ECM), Kit Downes (ENEMY), Lucia Cadotsch Speak Low and Gard Nilssen Acoustic Unity. However, this new album marks a new chapter in his career, cementing his identity as a producer first and foremost.
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antonforsdik · 3 years
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Premiär för Zebrarummet ,22 augusti Viaplay TV dramaserie#zebrarummet
”Zebrarummet” 22 augusti Viaplay. Ny originalserie på Viaplay med bland andra Anton Forsdik, Aliette Opheim, Alva Bratt och Valter Skarsgård. Serien är på åtta avsnitt och visas på Viaplay 22 augusti.
En ung elev från den anrika internatskolan Tuna Kvarn hittas död. Ett mysterium som omgärdas av kompakt tystnad från skolans priviligierade ungdomar. En bit ifrån Tuna Kvarn ligger den kommunala Holmeredskolan, som snabbt blir utpekad som källan till tragedin. Nu riktas omvärldens blickar mot skolorna. En mobilfilm från Tuna Kvarns förnedrande initieringsriter läcker ut i sociala medier. Då sätts oanade mekanismer i rörelse.
Serien beskrivs som ett spänningsdrama om en internatskola för de priviligierade, men också en berättelse om olika förutsättningar i livet. Kulturkrockar och maktspel, om ungas drömmar och om hur strukturer i samhället reproduceras mellan generationerna.
”Zebrarummet” är en ny originalserie på Viaplay med bland andra Anton Forsdik, Alva Bratt och Valter Skarsgård. Serien är på åtta avsnitt och har premiär 22 augusti.
A Class Apart#AClassApart
When a student at the famous boarding school Tuna Kvarn is found dead, investigators are met with a wall of silence. Suspicions soon turn to pupils from a disadvantaged neighbouring state school – until a mobile film that reveals Tuna Kvarn’s humiliating initiation rituals appears on social media and triggers dramatic consequences.
The series is based on an idea by Henrik Schyffert and Gustaf Skördeman, and is written by Michaela Hamilton, Gustaf Skördeman, Erik Eger, Anna Platt and Fredrik Agetoft, with Andrea Östlund, Erik Eger and David Berron sharing directing duties.
A Class Apart is co-produced by Jarowskij and Brommamamma in partnership with Film i Väst.
Premiärdatum för Zebrarummet , Viaplay TV dramaserie 22 augusti, 2021
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the-entangler · 5 years
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baglama-telleri · 4 years
Piramit Gerçekleri - I
Eğer google aramasından Mısır’da bulunan piramitlerle ilgili bilgi almak için geldiyseniz yanlış yerdesiniz.
Bu yazıda bağlama - saz çalanların, bağlama teli konusunda iyi bildikleri bir markadan bahsedeceğim.
Nedir bu Pyramid / Piramit telleri?
Pyramid tellerini üreten şirketin tarihine çok detaylı girmeyeceğim ama kısa bir özet geçmek gerekirse, 1850 yılında Anton Osmanek tarafından Eger yakınlarında Schönbach kasabasında kurulmuş. O zamanlar ismi “Müzik Enstrümanları ve Tel Fabrikası” olarak geçiyor. Daha detaylı bilgi isterseniz şirketin web sitesinde kendi tarihini anlattığı bir sayfa var. Sitenin dili Almanca fakat Google Translate kullanılarak çevirdiği kadarı ile Türkçe bilgi edinilebilirsiniz. Pyramid tel şirketi sadece saz / bağlama teli üretmiyor. Saz teli; Akustik bass, Elektro bass, Buzuki, Cello, Konser arpı, Dombra, Kontrabass, Gitar, Akustik, Klasik, Elektro guitar, Kanun, Mandolin, Sitar, Ukulele, Violin ve daha bir çok yöresel telli müzik aletlerinin arasından sadece bir tanesi. Fakat bu Alman firması enstrüman telleri konusunda rüştünü ıspatlamış, üst düzey teller üreten, konser ve sahne performansları için özelleşmiş ve bu nedenle telli enstrümanları virtüöz seviyesinde çalan icracıların tercih ettiği bir marka olmuş.
Peki bağlamayı hobi amaçlı çalan kişiler?
Elbette hobi olarak bağlama çalan, en az profesyonel icracılar kadar iyi icra eden insanlar da bu markayı tercih ediyor. Çünkü her hangi bir müzik aleti ile uğraşan insanların kolaylıkla empati kurabileceği bir durum, enstrümandan en güzel sesi alabilmek. Başlangıç aşamalarında bu sesler pek ayırt edilmeyebilir fakat bağlama özelinde konuşursak çaldıkça, hem enstrümanın kendisinden, hem telin kalitesinden, beklenen doğru sese ne kadar yakın olduğuna kulak aşina olmaya başlıyor. 
Pyramid / Piramit telleri fiyatı ne kadar?
Sahnede veya konserlerde bağlama icra eden sanatçıların tercih edeceği kalitede bir bağlama teli her keseye uygun olmayabilir. Hatta eğer bağlama - saz çalmaya yeni başlayan biri iseniz ve duyduğunuz sesleri dikkatlice ayırt edemiyorsanız başlangıç için tercih edilebilecek diğer marka telleri incelemenizi öneririm.
Başka bir yazıda piyasada mevcut olan teller hakkında bilgi vermeyi planlıyorum.
Pyramid şirketinin Almanya’da olduğunu belirtmiştim. Bu nedenle Pyramid bağlama tellerinin fiyatları avro/euro para birimine endeksli. Kendi sitelerindeki katalog fiyatlarına göre ( 2020 Eylül ayından sonra bir %5 oranında artış yapacaklar. ) Pyramid firmasının kendi paketlediği saz telinin ücreti 13.27€ Avro/Euro 😯
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Bu yazıyı yazdığım 2 Eylül 2020 tarihli Türk Lirası kuruna göre 116 lira 57 kuruşa karşılık geliyor. 🤫
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Ne! 116 Lira mı? Ama internette çok ama çok daha ucuz!
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Yukarıdaki görseli internette bilindik bir alışveriş sitesininden aldım ve fiyatları işaretledim. Kampanyalı fiyatlardan ziyade asıl satılan fiyatları dikkate alsak bile çok ciddi fiyat farkı ile karşılaşıyoruz.
Peki ama bunlar da Pyramid ne farkı var? 
Bu soruyu ben de sordum ve cevaplamak için Alman şirketi Pyramid firması ile iletişime geçtim. Bu yazının devam eden ikinci bölümünde Pyramid şirketinden Max Junger ile olan dialoglarımı aktaracağım.
İlginizi çektiyse yazının devamını okuyabilirsiniz.
0 notes
tobokegao · 5 years
特集:MIDI Prog 系 Part 1
 MIDI等のwildchip系の音楽については、vaporwaveや近年のelectro jazzと相性が良いのではないか、と個人的には感じています。
tagのmidi funk、しっくり来る Seed & Synthetic Earth by Vektroid https://t.co/fKs8ID1qZl
— とぼけがお : メモ 3/3 #chipvs_light_dark 用video投稿 (@to6okegao) November 10, 2017
最近releaseされてたこの最新型(?)ジャズとかだと全編リズムとコードがキャッチーで、ループが掴みかけてきて覚えたと思った瞬間すぐにシンセの音色が変わったり大胆に変拍子で崩し��ループに変わったりで発想が溢れだしてる感が最高ですね… ?irl MIP +++ hH by Anton Egerhttps://t.co/2MeZlB49Vk
— とぼけがお : メモ 3/3 #chipvs_light_dark 用video投稿 (@to6okegao) March 2, 2019
 Josh Cottam氏を聴いた長谷川白紙さんが未開の地を発見したかのような衝撃を受けている様子が面白かったので、chiptuneと交差するMIDI Prog(に感じるものも含む)をまとめました
Josh Cottam
#midi #progressive #jazz #strange pop #film music #opera #BotB
— 長谷川白紙 (@hsgwhks) January 22, 2019
STAFFCIRCコンピ、新作出る度に編曲のヤバさとスーファミ感に圧倒される(これ一番ワケわからなかった) Josh Cottam - Op. 40 No. 5, Raillery (Off The Rails) by STAFFCIRC https://t.co/lIFhN2CksM
— とぼけがお : メモ 3/3 #chipvs_light_dark 用video投稿 (@to6okegao) November 24, 2017
「STAFFcirc 」は、トラッカーミュージシャンとチップミュージシャンが合流したコンペティションサイト Battle of the Bits (BotB)を母体としつつ、モデレータにkayfaraday 氏を据えて制作されているコンピレーション・シリーズ。 同氏はNES/ファミコン専門コンペティション「Famicompo Pico 」の主催でもある。トラッカーとチップチューンの交差点「STAFFcirc」第3弾リリース | CHIP UNION
 Kayfaraday氏はコンピ中心のSTAFFcirc以外にも、アーティスト単体のリリースを中心に行っているIiIypad records にも関わっています。
 そもそもchiptune内でこのようなavant-popに近いような作風が多く見受けられるのはKayfaraday氏が影響を与えているからといっても過言ではないでしょう。MIDI Progにも影響を与えているchiptuneのレジェンドです。  
  現在、Josh Cottam → Wow Thankyou → Josh Cottam → ☂️☎ → umbrellaphoneと名義がコロコロ変わっています
サイト内での作曲者紹介では名義変わってなかった Duty of Care | Global Game Jam® https://t.co/Z16k1CaOwX pic.twitter.com/S05YBEh3sw
— とぼけがお : メモ 3/3 #chipvs_light_dark 用video投稿 (@to6okegao) February 1, 2018
Josh Cottamさん新曲、相変わらず訳分かんなすぎて笑ってる Wow Thankyou - Geese Migrating For The Winter by STAFFcirc on #SoundCloudhttps://t.co/FAU74F9WQj
— とぼけがお : メモ 3/3 #chipvs_light_dark 用video投稿 (@to6okegao) April 1, 2018
名義、Wow ThankyouからJosh Cottamに戻って安心してる Rainforest Jigsaw by Josh Cottam on #SoundCloudhttps://t.co/w8hWxeGeWv
— とぼけがお : メモ 3/3 #chipvs_light_dark 用video投稿 (@to6okegao) April 29, 2018
Josh Cottam氏また名義変わったの robo-restorations, xxviivimmliii by ☂️☎️ on SoundCloudhttps://t.co/V8ns92dXsW
— とぼけがお : メモ 3/3 #chipvs_light_dark 用video投稿 (@to6okegao) March 24, 2019
"dancing party !!!!! (battling)" by Homeebode
dancing party !!!!! (battling) pic.twitter.com/VhKnykikbI
— Homeebode (@homeebode) September 19, 2018
#progressive #IDM #midi #Avant-Pop #DESKPOP
Homeebodeさんも急に出てきたpost chiptune的な人だしウゴウゴ感あって良い ‘Homeebode & online frog - gluu castle’ by Homeebode on #SoundCloud https://t.co/zkd9ceBe8R
— とぼけがお : メモ 3/3 #chipvs_light_dark 用video投稿 (@to6okegao) December 14, 2018
"scraps: bcxbc.0cc" by Razerek
#NES #jazz #classic #BotB
Razerek氏も随所でハズすコードをNESでパーカッション無しでよくやってるのを聴くけど手癖を毎回変えてる感じするんだよな…全然コード詳しくないから聴こえ方がそう感じるだけなんだけれど scraps: bcxbc.0cc by Razerek np on SoundCloudhttps://t.co/xWW6P9RVDu
— とぼけがお : メモ 3/3 #chipvs_light_dark 用video投稿 (@to6okegao) April 13, 2019
"Fortified" by nys_fan_account
PUKE==40 by nys_fan_account
#allgear #classic #progressive #BotB
というか大抵kfaradayさんの手癖がBotB内に影響与えてるの結構ありそうなhttps://t.co/wE8Fnod3OQ compos: "Fortified" (PUKE==40) by nys_fan_account on SoundCloudhttps://t.co/9mERNpUaac
— とぼけがお : メモ 3/3 #chipvs_light_dark 用video投稿 (@to6okegao) April 13, 2019
"misalignment (s3xmoditminia 1 r1)" by Sinc-X
OpenMPT #s3xmodit #progressive #Mario #fusion #27/16 #BotB
Sinc-X氏、modとかSNES系の扱いが凄い上手くて、これとかはマリオの声(ヤッフゥ)の音程変えたりケツダッシュみたいな状態にしながら変拍子フュージョンみたいな感じにまとめてるのも凄いですよね Listen to misalignment (s3xmoditminia 1 r1) by Sinc-X on SoundCloudhttps://t.co/CQlaLxyJyD
— とぼけがお : メモ 3/3 #chipvs_light_dark 用video投稿 (@to6okegao) April 13, 2019
今日も一日 kamome sano - Prepared Improvisation [SNES SPC700 Cover] by Sinc-X on #SoundCloudhttps://t.co/RGrSa92OZ0
— とぼけがお : メモ 3/3 #chipvs_light_dark 用video投稿 (@to6okegao) June 4, 2018
"WILKIN san" by 十字ロ
#MIDI #progressive #jazz #fusion #BotB
そういう流れから十字ロさんの曲を聴くとやっぱり日本っぽい明るさもあるのに海外チップチューン勢の特殊な浮遊感もあるmidi fusionとか出来てて不思議な感じある Listen to WILKIN san by Zyuuziro on SoundCloudhttps://t.co/qEZHYvvxe4
— とぼけがお : メモ 3/3 #chipvs_light_dark 用video投稿 (@to6okegao) April 13, 2019
"【MSGS】Niju - Zi" by HueArme
MIDI #MSGS #progressive #IDM
MSGSコンピ(Compilation album) by 示方堂
"Navigating The Ruined Lab's Overgrowth" by Chimeratio
#MIDI #90sRomplerMathJazz #progressive #IDM #jazz #funk #electronic #Experimental #BotB
Chimeratio氏は比較的落ち着いてるmidi fusionな人だと思うけど、曲作りのテク的には滅茶苦茶難しそうなことやってそうに感じる(どうなんでしょう) Chimeratio - Navigating The Ruined Lab's Overgrowth by Chimeratio on SoundCloudhttps://t.co/wtdxaKWX3G
— とぼけがお : メモ 3/3 #chipvs_light_dark 用video投稿 (@to6okegao) April 13, 2019
"We Three Chozo Artifacts" by Cryptovolans
Cryptovolansさん毎回脳の処理追い付かなくなる進行のmidiプログレ過ぎて毎回自然とアゴ落ちまくる Cryptovolans - We Three Chozo Artifacts from Christmasasaurus Vol. 8 by Christmasasaurus https://t.co/bSmK3NR8oO
— とぼけがお : メモ 3/3 #chipvs_light_dark 用video投稿 (@to6okegao) December 5, 2018
#progressive #fusion #midi #Metroid #BotB
"thingsaying" by gotoandplay
#OpenMPT #progressive #BotB
Midiプログレって感じだ thingsaying by gotoandplay on #SoundCloudhttps://t.co/qhOCm0UM2O
— とぼけがお : メモ 3/3 #chipvs_light_dark 用video投稿 (@to6okegao) August 28, 2018
"#147" by sketchday
#midi #progressive #fusion #jazz #experimental #WILDCHIP #chordspam #BotB
どっちもBotBのSummer Chip VIII参加曲っぽいhttps://t.co/IWnqVr6mME #147 by sketchday on #SoundCloudhttps://t.co/MdIqt9oYuf
— とぼけがお : メモ 3/3 #chipvs_light_dark 用video投稿 (@to6okegao) July 14, 2018
 やはり主にBattle of the Bitsで活発になっているように思えるので、BotBを主にチェックするのが良いのではないでしょうか。(他におすすめがあればご一報ください...)
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