#Andy’s a cutie and does Elliot’s trope way better clearly
cloveroctobers · 11 months
Was Amelia sad we couldn’t have a sleepover in the same bed or was she also trying to get with my man, yet again? I’m side eyeing her too. Yes we don’t care about Zeph but this makes me question you pulling Marshall for the charades thing extra hard now. Yes it’s a game but if I’m being open with you and you’re my sister, my twin! Have some respect. Honestly why is she here? I’m sorry. All she does is try too hard to be forgiven and then constantly snatching me from situations just to be in my business majority of the time lol. Girl let’s talk about you and how your relationships are going for once. And this is coming from a person who has two older siblings but there’s a age gap—maybe that’s why but she’s moving a little funny regardless.
I was expecting it to be grace but here comes sad lips Amelia! I see you fuse box.
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