muka-rapak · 1 year
(Krabat - Otfried Preußler)
The millermen as actual ravens corvids:
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[ Welcher Krabat Charakter ist der beste (von einem introspektiven Standpunkt)? ]
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halforc-mercenary · 5 years
history has its eyes on you: talk about the best teacher you've ever had
One of the young womans freckled ears flicked up and down in her mass of dark curls like the ear of a uncertaine deer. “His name was Andrusch Heim.”, Mar said eventually and tried to recall the dark face of the young man  with the blonde, almost white beard that could not cover the left side of his face as it was corroded by poxscars, and the eyes that had been as black as deep, still forestponds.Not only Andruschs face had been corroded by Poxscars, she remembered from the few occasions he would bath with Lyschko and her that the scars had also bit through the skin on his armpits, hips, knees along the places where he had teached them where the  lymphnodes were placed in the lessons in which he had also teached Mar and Lyschko where on the body lay arterys and the sinews one had to cut to stop a opponent from moving. She remmebered that he had always worn gloves, had ordered them to wash themself two times a day with water and soap and almost never touched Lyschko or Mar and even when he would proudly lay a hand on their shoulders if they had mastered a certaine movement with the sword, he would  alwlays promptly pull back his hand as if he was scared. Years later Mar would realize that he had been scared. The smallpox had fallen over his homevillage like a curse and he had been among the few survivors, marked by the sickness with scars. It needed years until Mar realized that the reason why the man did not liked to bath with her and Lyschko, would not allow them to use his eatingdishes or wear his cloth, and avoided to touch them, was because he was scared, so horrible scared, that he could still carry the sickness that had digged in scars in his flesh like acid. And he had been scared that he would infect Mar and Lyschko, the children who had been entrusted to him, the children he teached, the children who would smile at him because they did not knew the meaning of his scars and which he loved for this.Andrusch had been a young man, Mar remembered, too young to be a father to her or Lyschko, but he had looked after them like a older brother taking over the duty of a father. After the fall of Theramore Mar had returned to her Homevillage and had found in her bridalbox the shield Andrusch had left behind for her to use or sell, he had been a poor man and not her father, still he had payed the girl that had not been his daughter a dowry in his own way. 
“ He immigrated from the Alterac Mountains to my Homevillage.  For a few years  I had been his Squire along with my Cousin Lyschko when he joined the Stromgarde Brigade. ”She thought about the pipe she had found in the ruins, the pipe Andrusch would smoke in the evening after a long day of traveling and after tucking Lyschko and Mar into a bed made of layers of fors and blankets, before he would sit down to take over the guardduty to give the children a safe sleep. The scent, heavy and spicy, had stroked aorund her nose like gentle fingers as she slowly, very slowly, had fallen asleep:“He died in Theramore.”
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nathalaen · 7 years
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they’re called lyschko and andrusch
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jakobsweg1974 · 7 years
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War heute den Tag über mit 2 ganz lieben Damen aus Holland und meinem rumänischen Pilger Andrusch unterwegs 😊. Der Spruch des Tages: Der Weg ist das Ziel Möge der Weg manchmal noch so steinig sein, das Ziel nicht in Sicht und es tropft Dir auch noch Regen auf den Kopf. Am Ende des Tages scheint Dir die Sonne ins Gesicht und mit einem Lächeln auf dem Gesicht sieht die Welt ganz anders aus 😊 Ich wünsche euch allen einen friedvollen Start in den Tag Morgen mit einem Lächeln 😊. Und ach ja, es schadet nicht eurem gegenüber mal ein Lächeln zu schenken und dem gegenüber was nettes zu sagen, kostet nix. Grüße vom Jakobsweg, Jörg, schön dass es euch gibt 😃
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613mandi · 7 years
On the Dice Tower's Board Game Breakfast, we take a look at Glux!
Designer: Jakob Andrusch Artist: Claus Stephan Publisher: Möbius Games, Queen Games
Thanks for watching! xo
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tansan-co · 7 years
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グリュックス 日本語版
日本語版ローカライズデザイン/2017 (ボードゲーム)
ゲームデザイン:Jakob Andrusch イラスト:Antje Stephan & Claus Stephan 発売元:メビウスゲームズ 元版:Queen Games
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tenisconestilo · 7 years
Rodrigo Arus Campeón de la Zeppelin Cup 2017
Rodrigo Arus logró el primer título de campeón en tierras germanas, en el primer torneo disputado. Rodrigo se coronó en la final de la Zeppelin Cup 2017, al superar por tie break a Kevin Kaan Andrusch. Gran comienzo de Rodrigo en esta gira europea donde jugará torneos locales, interclubes y algún torneo Future.
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uteofficial · 7 years
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Jótékonysági focitornán vettek részt a hajdani kedvencek. Az FTC, az MTK, a Honvéd, valamint az Újpest játékosai a 70-es, 80-as évek nagyszerű labdarúgóit sorakoztatták fel abból a célból, hogy a veronai buszbaleset károsultjait és családjaikat támogassák. A résztvevők veretes névsort vonultattak fel, ott volt a kispestiekkel Esterházy, Gyimesi, Andrusch, Sallai, Varga "Kacsa", az MTK-sok közül Gáspár, Balogh "Torony", Huszárik, a Fradiból Szokolai, Ebedli, Takács, Bánki, Mucha, Szőke, a mieink közül Koszta, Tóth "Jokka", Kisznyér, Urbán, Steidl, Juhász P., Jurácsik, Zámbó, Tóth András és Katona. A tornát a hazaiak nyerték, de a kiváló, sportszerű hangulat mindenki számára győzelmet ért! Az UTE Baráti Kör 100.000 Ft értékű adományát, a Kör elnöke, Borsche Gábor adta át Szokolai Lászlónak, az esemény ötletgazdájának. #ute #sport
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muka-rapak · 11 months
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Hastig begruben sie ihn, keinen Augenblick länger als nötig verweilten die Burschen an seinem Grab.
Merten allein blieb zurück.
Das 2. Jahr - Am Ende Der Reihe.
They buried him hastily, and the boys did not linger a moment longer than necessary by his grave.
Merten alone stayed behind.
The 2nd Year - At The End of The Row.
So, I don't quite enjoy how Merten was the only one who stayed behind. Michal cared for Krabat, but especially for Witko too. Very similar with how Tonda cared for Krabat during his first year- until The Master caught on with Michal thanks to a certain snitch...
I think there should have been some hesitance from Krabat, but especially Witko to leave his grave at least...
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muka-rapak · 1 year
11 und Keiner
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Die Müllerburschen aus Der Mühle im Koselbruch, am Schwarzen Wasser...
(The miller boys from The Mill in Koselbruch, by the Black Water...)
- Krabat , Otfried Preußler.
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halforc-mercenary · 5 years
Does Mar's sword and shield hold any particular meaning?
Mar could crush a persons skull like a watermelone with the steelhunch of her shield and she had sold half her dowry to buy her sword, so that is actually a very great meaning. At least if one is the poor sap that just got their skull crushed by the hunch of Mars shield and then got brutally gutted like a fish by her wielding the sword, just to make sure that said poor sap is dead. 
A more sentimental meaning however, that is not so important, is that she shield is actually too big and too heavy for someone as short as Mar. It is the wrong size for her growth, that is because the shield actually belonged to her late Mentor Andrusch Heim, who had added the shield to Mars dowry chest before he and the little squire Mar had been at this time, joined the Stromgarde Brigade. Years later Mar would return to the Arathi Highland and find the shield in her Dowry chest, the wood rotten and the steelframe broken. Eventually this gift added to her dowry just spared her to pay another goldcoin to buy a complete new shield, but still she had to pay a good amount of money to let this shield be restored. In the same manner Mar had adjusted to this too heavy and too big shield, which again leads to the first sentences: Mar without a sword and just a shield is just as dangerous as Mar with shield and Sword. She is trained and she is vicious. 
For Mar the shield is not as impoortant as the gesture of Andrusch, who had as a in all honesty very lacking and meagre father-figure-replacement, tried to give something from himself to her Dwory-chest that would accompany her in her adult-life. Andrusch had been very much not fitting to be a father-figure, but he had tried his best. That does not mean that she would not exchange her roundshield and sword if they would be beyond repature. After all, Mar is pragmatic, not stupid. 
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halforc-mercenary · 5 years
Thane's been taught by three different mentors, one taught him to fight, one taught him faith, one taught him chivalry.
As every child in her Homevillage Mar had been put in training as soon as she was able to walk, through food she was used to herbs that would enhance her agility, strenght and speed in battle so she could use them everytime without getting sick, she was teached to master different weapons and especially she was teached to fight opponents taller and stronger than her. Her Mentors had been the older Soldiers in her homevillage and later she was given to Andrusch Heim, who took her and her Cousin Lyschko over as a squire so she would be trained more specifically as a wandering Mercenary to while accompanying him on his journeys learn how to live in encampments and on Travels, how to keep her gear in check, how to prepare her food and what to look out for to avoid sickness and injuries when traveling as a Sellsword or following as a soldier a army. Since the main idea of her training grew from pragmatism, Mar had also learned to be a scribe, teached by her Greatuncle Ansgar. After all, she grew up in a area where it was very common to lose a limb to a Trolls cooking-pot so when one was nolonger able to swing a sword, then there must have been a line of work they could do instead to serve the communiyt they lived in as the own life should always be put to serve a community and with that earn the protetction of this community. Mar can therefor read and write, copy texts and paint letters and pictures, keep book on a households income and outcome and write human-runes as much as she can write in dwarvish runes and the Thalassian writing-system. 
Whatever Mar had been teached it was always out of pragmatisam which would keep her alive and healthy as a traveling Mercenary. Chivalry was never part of it.
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halforc-mercenary · 5 years
lilac — what’s your favorite thing that you did as a teenager?
One of the young womans freckled ears flicked up and down thoughtfully and she tilted her head to the side like a unsure dog as she tried to remember. She had been a teenager when she had lived in Theramore, as after the battle at mount Hyjal the surviving members of the Stromgarde Brigade to which her family belonged had settled down in the Harbourcity and so the Halforc had spend the coming years in that new city when she had not anccompanied her Mentor Andrusch Heim when he would explore the new continent that had been Kalimdor. A frown drew a long line between the young womans thick eyebrows until the line was as deep as a scar: “I think, I really liked to embroider.” She remembered that she would sit for hours infront of her Grandfathers house, with the salty wind from the harbour ruffling through her thick curls like a callouse hand and the dull bogsun warming her freckled face gently. She remembered how she had let the boneneedle nimbly dance through the cloth of tunics, blankets, trousers, sheets, childrencloth, coats, bedcloth and all the other cloth one would need in the allday of a newly opned household. She remembered that she had loved to embroider flowers on the cloth with the deep red the orcish Merchants by the Harbour would sell her and she remembered that her fostress would often sit with her to help her and that under the older womans hands the embroidered flowers seemed to bloom like the little flowers the Teenager would find growing in the shadows of the old trees growing in the bog around the town.
“Its the time when I did the most work to fill the  bridal chest for my Tressour, as far as I remember.”, Mar said eventually and for a second, just a second , a small smile curled around her thick tusks as she remembered that her fostress would often sing during the hours of their work like she had sung when she had put little mMargvis to sleep as a toddler. Then the smile dropped off the Halforcs face like a heavy mask when she remembered that she had sold most of the cloth in her Bridal-chest to buy her sword, hauberk, shield and all the other utensils she needed in her daily life as a Sellsword. Mars voice was nothing but a grim snarl when she added: “..not that this matters anymore.”
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halforc-mercenary · 5 years
𝔐𝔞𝔯𝔰 𝔅𝔞𝔡 ℌ𝔞𝔟𝔦𝔱𝔰
𝔗𝔞𝔤𝔤𝔢𝔡 𝔅𝔶: The Void 𝔗𝔞𝔤𝔤𝔦𝔫𝔤: @stonestridernerd @anierous-sunblade@olliehaldstan @leavenohoofprints @safrona-shadowsun @wanderersofazeroth @wildname @oathkeeperblackdawn @thexgoldenxbard @valerians-travels @olliehaldstan @lady-proudmoore @thehumbleknight @caideyn @corbelllator @kranklin-boombast @renwyck  @asharinhun @arcane-harbinger @the-real-arcanist-val @obsidianprinxess @theforgottenflight @shcmanisms @toomany-elves @verosmoonshine @ceruleanelf @hannyandfriends @mwindaji @elendeare @quelbound @donttell-myfather @boredofcinder @cosmicuncanny @a-humble-rogue …and everyone else!
Bold what bad Habits apply to your Muse!
Swearing | Fingernail Chewing* | Slouching | Slurring | Drinking | Smoking | Drugs | Impulse decisions | Obsessive phone checking | Bad time management | Slang | Poor grammar | Overworking | Slacking off | Over sleeping | Under sleeping | Skin picking | Poor eye contact** | Lying | Rambling | Skipping breakfast | Junk food | Self criticism | Procrastinating | Day dreaming | Forgetful | Envious | Jealous | Gossiper | Drama queen | Secret teller | Skipping class | Spitting | Lip licking | Lip chewing | Drinking from the carton | Yelling | Too much internet | Poor hygiene | Impatient | Hot headed | Biased | Complaining | Scab picking | Buzzfeed | Cheek biting | Teeth gnashing | Shoplifting | Scamming | Speeding | Hair pulling | Large ego | Eavesdropping | Exaggerating | Fidgeting*** | Free loading | Littering | One-Upping | Whining | Borrowing without returning | Unnecessary Aggression | Talking during movies | Plagiarism | Copying | Glaring | Spacing out | Ignoring | Over critical | Messy | Hateful | Overly Prideful |
*Fingernail Chewing: There are a few reasons why Mar always wears gloves, but beside the fact that she took this habit from her late Mentor Andrusch Heim, she is also a person who is highstrung and always attentive watching the world around her, so one way of coping with this permanent overstimulation is her fingernailchewing. She would chew her fingernails bloody at every moment when she would not keep herself from it.
**Poor Eye Contact: Mars eyes are uncomfortable to look into, especially for the Human she had grown up between. Her eyes are too bright, too green and above anything else too orcish. She could hide her ears under a hood and cover her skin under layers of cloth but her eyes were always visible and were always pulling bad attention to her so Mar had started to learn the habit of not looking directly into another persosn face but instead looks at their mouth or chin to avoid pulling attention to her. However, if Mar does look at another person she glares intentionally and it most of the time works better than any spoken threat. Mars eyes are indeed very uncomfortable to look into and she knows how to use it to her advantage if needed. 
***Fidgeting: Suprisingly for someone who seems to be always standing as stiff as a broom,as she is after all a strictly trained soldier, but Mar is alwas at least moving a ear, fidgeting her fingers or tapping a foot. While she is trainged and deeciplined enough to not show it openly, she is after all high-strung and tries to calm herself with the small movements without hurting her image as a stern Mercenary.
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halforc-mercenary · 5 years
What bad habit are is Mar struggling to overcome?
For a few years since Theramore had been destroyed, Mar had actually been a pipesmoker. After Theramore had been destroyed she and her second Cousin Staschko had traveled there to see if they could still find something left from their family and not only found lyschkos letterbox but also the very charred pipe of Mar and lyschkos late Mentor Andrusch Heim. Mar took the remains with her and had it restored by a woodworker for a few coins and had started, against her own better knowledge, to smoke the same pipeweed she remembered Andrusch doing whens he had still been a child as a kind of memento. 
She hated every second of it, the taste, the smell, the fact that she always got sick afterwards. In the same way she could in a strange way of self-punishment for not beeing there in theramore with her family, for not dying with them, not stop to have the urge to smoke the pipe when she was on her own, left alone with her thoughts and memories. However in first line Mar is a warrior and has to look out for her own health to keep on beeing hired as a sellsword, so eventually she came teethclenching to the conclusion that she had to stop smoking as else it would influence her own body. It made her sick in more than a physical way and the fact that Mar was aware that she was willingly punishing herself for not dying with her family, made the task to stop smoking even more urgingly. 
Mar tries to chew on peppermint leafs to keep her urge to smoke under control, so instead of chewing at the end of her Pipe when alone and in thoughts, she chews on peppermintleafs.  Only Occasionally she succeeds. 
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