#And yes for people who know me on that one utmv server
denieatsart · 6 months
Hey just a headsup nothing happened here but i saw it somewhere , do NOT bring drama onto my blog or posts . This includes " oHhHh this person is a proshipper " " oOhhHh this person likes this ship " shit like that . i will NOT deal with it . I do not want to be rude but I've dealt with stupid stuff like that before and genuinely i don't care . I . Do . not . care . please leave me out of it .
And a reminder that YOU curate your own internet experience ! Block and move on people , block and move on .
Third thing :
While I may not necessarily SUPPORT something , i do not condone threatening people over disagreements . If I see that , no matter WHAT it's over , you will be blocked .
Feel free to ask questions about this btw
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starmonsterrr · 11 months
Introducing: Undertale self-insert #102480124 • (Update 2.1 - Doppelganger Form redesign!)
I may have disappeared for a maybe long while
And that is because of 3 reasons:
Ink appreciation server
running @ink-selfship-shenanigans (surprise surprise it's me)
And school just started a week ago (which is more recent but i guess that may have added)
Except there is a 4th one and that is,,,,,,, I MAY have been working on a little Undertale AU,,,,, and then made an OC out of it,,,,
The AU will get it's own post and i'll reveal as much info as needed at the moment to explain who even is this new character that will be one of my faces on this blog (because i'm gonna have 2 OCs representing me. yeah- second one's design is still W.I.P (nevermind this is future me i finished the design but i might make a separate post for it))
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A FURRY. What's cringier (affectionate /gen) than an Undertale self-insert in mid 2023? A FURRY Undertale self-insert that can shapeshift (WOW OP WHAT A MARY SUE) and exists for SELFSHIPPING
And speaking of selfshipping if you scroll in my blog for a bit you might notice that i very much like Ink
and also reminder that I run a blog that has the purpose of feeding Ink simps
So uh I think you get what i'm trying to say
It might take me a little while (or until i get asks about it) for me to open up about the selfship shenanigans, but meanwhile, here are some bits of explanations and stuff!
which AU is this menace from?
OuterRenaissance. It's still being fleshed out (asks would help a lot), and I plan to later on make an outcode expanded version, and even have some basic stuff for that version. But in simple words it's Outertale but in addition of the space themes, i added themes of the Renaissance historical period, as it brought great advances to science; including astronomy!
what the flop is a star-born monster????
I have a post explaining exactly this!
(also, Io can shapeshift out of this appearance because shapeshifting powers)
Its AU died (destroyed by Error), and it almost did too, but i possessed it and fused my soul over time with its own using my creator powers and it is now technically a walking corpse puppeteered by me so I can interact with the UTMV, while also forcing it to change its form into the Doppelganger form; giving it the ability to, well, shapeshift. Also ink snas selfship shenanigans i haven't properly written yet (yooo two walking corpses that love eachother!!!!!1!!!1). that's the fewest words i can put it in
Yes. Yes it is. and fun fact: the ship between Io and Ink is named exactly that. The Starry Night. how clever of me, i should get a prize
Does it have a personality?
Yup. I just don't know how to describe personalities, but here's an attempt at that.
Io is a passionate artist, but struggles with some degree of perfectionism driven by the pride of its art skills which are, by far, its best ability. It also tends to be (sometimes dangerously) kind-hearted at others. It might act one of two ways in social spaces: kind of awkward, not talking much, OR ABSOLUTE MENACE as in SUPER SILLY. No in-between.
Also, it is a quick learner, and could be considered quite intelligent. Thing is ... It carried over speech from the Renaissance time period and is still adapting to modern words. A bit of an overthinker too, which can lead to communication issues, and tends to plan elaborate strategies to perform the simplest of things...sometimes not even following them.
Pronouns/gender identity?
Io, like me, goes by it/its pronouns and identifies as non-binary! (Subject to change as I occasionally explore my gender identity)
And here's some trivia to finish this off!
Io, due to being puppeteered by me; a Creator, also has the powers of one, but either doesn't use the powers at all or uses them in subtle ways to try and steer things to its/my favour. It may sometimes disguise it as "art magic" shown in these doodles i made a bit ago:
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also. autism. i'm autistic and because i take control of this critter i'm dragging it into the spectrum.
And I think that's everything that comes to mind right now! Thank you for listening to this bunch of rambling that i did not beta read prior to posting.
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sketchingstars03 · 1 year
-a socially anxious lil guy from the ink appreciation discord server
Oh wow! Certainly!
For those who do not know, Splatter is my OC! One that is very dear to my heart in fact. She started off as a Undertale AU/UTMV OC but has since graduated to also have her own original story!
Though since my UTMV phase has now come back to haunt me (/pos), that version of her I feel still exists as well and I’m currently exploring it further.
Anyways, you want Splatter Facts™️ right? I have plenty! Though the ones I’ll give today are applicable to both versions of her ;3. Let’s begin!
Her current age is 9!
Her current height is 3’0”!
Her favourite food is cheesecake!
She’s very adventurous, and loves visiting new places!
She does not have a favourite colour because she’s afraid if she picks a favourite she’ll make “all the other colours sad”
Loves to make new friends! If you aren’t scary then she won’t hesitate to try and befriend you!
She likes to climb up things and hang upside down from her tail a lot!
She lives with her adoptive father (who’s UTMV counterpart might be pretty easy to guess if you just ah, ahem, look at my blog 👀) and two uncles, and adores them more than anything else in the world!
She likes to draw in her spare time!
She’s a bit of a pacifist to a fault, often finding it hard to distinguish between herself actively hurting someone and self defence 😔. (It’s something she has to unlearn over the course of her story)
In addition to that, she also really doesn’t like hurting people’s feelings, which, again, can come at her detriment sometimes.
She has a sort of “birthmark” on her back fur (because yes her entire torso is covered in the floof) that’s a bunch of deer spots (the kind of markings you’d find on baby deer/fawns) clumped together into a sort of splatter shape. Which is how she got her name!
That’s all the info I can think of for now, but after this ask I think I’ll definitely give out more specific information on both of her versions in the future!
Here’s her current design to end things off!
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and speaking of the Ink server, I think i’ll give that a bit of promotion 👀
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drew-drew · 3 years
All for a drop of clout. Have you proven your moral superiority now?
*deep breath*
My friends. It's been a couple of years since this happened, but due to the fact that it is still relevant when it comes to how people treat me in the fandoms I enjoy (Dreamswap, IBVS, Undertale in itself), I believe it's time that I finally come out with this.
For those who don't know, this is my personal story with Tobin (@/gallifreyan-pal), Mae (@/faemytho) and Sonja (@/crescentjinni), who which the latter is no longer relevant when it comes to the former two others nor in the Dreamswap fandom at all, it seems.
The main event happens in June of 2018, but most of this will be backstory for how important these people have been in my life. I cannot give a firm date for some of this, but I will do my best to tell you guys the timeline of all this.
So, how did I meet Mae and the others?
Back before various name changes and finding out I'm part of a system, my old, deadname was Pawpricez on most social media platforms. Except for one. On Archive of Our Own, I was 4CrazyFriends. And on Ao3, while roughly 14, I found Mae's story, called Fifty Shades on Sans.
I do not know where else to find this, as it was deleted when Mae's family found out, but I have old e-mails about comments coming from it, to prove its existence, if needed.
So I met Fafefae (their old username) through that book as an underaged kid myself. (Mae was 15, I have old Wattpad screenshots to *also* confirm this.) Which sets this roughly 4 years ago, since I am 18 and Mae should be 19.
We started talking in PMs, I was a p clingy kid looking back, but we got along. (My mom got into a lot of my friend groups and the one I had recently gotten out of was very toxic. My mom getting in-between my relationships is going to be a reoccuring theme going onward.)
This all happened in about June of 2016.
Fast forward to October/November of 2016. Some stuff had happened irl that, wasn't the greatest. (Not going into detail, but looking back my mom was starting to gain traits of my ab/sive father, all the while my ab/sive father r/ped me.) I was finally allowed to go back online for reasons I will not mention here. Life is... well, not good, but talking to Mae again has helped, along with reading UTMV Rarepair ship stuff.
One day in November Mae asks if I would like to join a rarepair server
I said yes.
Mae sent me an invite to the Rarepair Cult. (Now Rarepair Haven currently).
As far as I knew, that was the best place in my now 15 year old brain. I made friends, I made artwork, headcanons, stories, and the like.
This includes meeting Mae's three datemates face-to-face - Tobin, Sonja and Kitten (name changed for privacy reasons). I was also introduced to Dreamswap by this time, I believe. (Check Pregnancy's original date of being published - that is when I learnt of Dreamswap). I loved it there and despite spotty internet (having to go to grocery stores and the like), I did my best to talk to everyone there.
Things were great in paradise. But this wouldn't stay the same.
Mae ran away from home.
(((To be continued)))
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