#And ofc HC is the most heavens hating bitch ever he hated every thing to do with them (except XL ofc)
demiace-wen-ning · 8 months
Xie Lian has a type and it's people who say 'Fuck the Heavens'
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thechocoboos · 5 years
Hi hon I know you have a specific list of ships that you write for but.. I was wondering if you would be willing to write headcanons for Igdyn please? Maybe even possible family headcanons too? I understand if you don't want to write that though if you can't, thank you! :3
I have never considered Igdyn before but this ask sent me into a hc frenzy, thank u. Wrote these about 20 mins after I got this ask and didn’t post until now, it was too inspiring ;-;
Hope u enjoy!!!!
Igdyn Headcanons
These two. i fuckin. swear to god, are the sassiest, most passive aggressive bfs to ever walk the earth
They sass each other nonstop 24/7, with teasing smiles and narrowed, amused eyes
But despite their snark, they are so head over heels that it’s ridiculous
Ardyn's terrible fashion sense is one of Iggys fave things to tease him about
Meanwhile, Ardyn's fave thing to tease Ignis about is Iggy's… interesting… hair styling choice
When Ignis is nervous about his workload, ardyn whisks him away on a day out and about to get ignis' mind off it, if it becomes clear that iggy needs it
The kind of couple that budgets together
"Hmm, darling, I think we should spend a little less on food this month… otherwise we'll never be able to pay off that credit card…"
"I beg your pardon? And buy frozen vegetables and subpar, on sale meat from the grocery store instead of the butcher???"
"I was suggesting something more like… Grade A meat instead of Grade AAAAA."
"Oh for goodness--fine. Only for you."
Ardyn tries to outdo Iggy's cooking just so Ignis can know what it's like to have his bf cook a delicious meal for him
He can never do better than Ignis' cooking but he comes close
When Ignis gets nervous or fidgety, he automatically starts adjusting Ardyn's many layers clothing
Ardyn ofc has everything the way he likes it already, but he knows it makes Iggy feel better so he lets him
Ardyn loves to style and adjust Ignis' hair, and Ignis loves to run his hands through Ardyn's hair in the evenings
They bitch about their jobs to each other and understand each other's complaints 100%
Worry about each other SO FUCKING MUCH but dont show it
they're both so C U L T U R E D
with ignis' education and ardyn's knowledge of OLD SHIT bc he's an old shit himself, they both debate and argue about classical literature, old paintings, and other such fine art like crazy
they like to have dates at the art museum and debate about the meaning of various art pieces
Ignis swears this one 2000 year old farm painting is about this one man's daughter, but Ardyn swears to the astrals that its actually about the artist’s sexuality
"Ignis, dear, I love you, but I MET that man. Never in my life have I seen a more closeted artist!"
"But this young farmhand in the painting--"
"Was his secret lover."
They both love ebony. And fight over it, all the time. Who's that last can going to? Probably not either of them with how intense their fight over it is
Coffee lovers. They set aside half an hour every evening to sit together, talk, and drink a new kind of coffee
It's their favorite part of the day
Their voices are soft and one hand is touching the other's as they luxuriously take long, lingering sips of coffee
No one knows how they got together but after seeing them interact, they all realize that it was the perfect match
The other bros all hated Ardyn when Iggy and Ardyn first got together, but over time they got used to him
Except Noctis, he's still not the biggest fan
Ardyn makes the coffee in the morning and Iggy makes breakfast
They love holding hands
Sometimes they wear each other's gloves. It's usually on accident but Ardyn likes to do it on purpose
Ardyn is a shameless flirt who blatantly whispers rather bold things in Ignis' ear in public, and it makes Ignis blush to high heavens
Iggy will always clear his throat afterwards and say, "Now, that was highly unnecessary, wasn't it?" (Ardyn disagrees)
Meanwhile, every time Ignis remotely does something to silently show his love, whether in public or in private, Ardyn is the one to blush and become embarrassed
There's more of an intimacy with it that catches Ardyn off guard all the time (especially if it's a soft kiss, a lingering touch, or Ignis initiating hand holding)
They accidentally got each other identical christmas presents two years in a row (last year it was matching pajamas)
Speaking of matching pajamas
This is the most luxurious couple you will ever meet
They're so classy that 200 year old dead pianists can't even compete
They have afternoon ebony from teacups with tiny cucumber sandwiches
Ardyn once bought Ignis one of those high quality, insulated coffee cups to keep Ignis’ beverages cold/hot at work (it’s Iggy’s fave gift from Ardyn)
Ardyn also makes Ignis’ lunch. He’s not too bad at cooking, and Ignis loves having someone take care of him for once
They lowkey nag each other but there’s no malice or anger behind it, just the teasing edge that they both love
Whenever Ignis forgets his lunch, Ardyn comes down to the Citadel and does his best to embarrass Ignis when returning lunch
He’ll always stop at the front desk and talk to the secretary about how his forgetful boyfriend once again left lunch sitting on their kitchen table
“I swear to the Astrals, that man would forget his head if it wasn’t attached to the rest of him--”
And then when he finds Ignis, he makes sure Iggy is in the middle of some kind of conference or dealing with people when he runs up and yells, “Iggy! Darling, you forgot your lunch! I made sure to pack extra smiley face cookies; I know how much you love them!” And just lays a massive kiss on Ignis
Of course, that’s all for show. Ardyn really brought his own lunch and is going to eat with Ignis on those days
It embarrassed Ignis the first couple times, but now he just goes with it. “Oh--those wonderful cookies with the pink frosting? Love, you shouldn’t have, I was saving the rest of those for your birthday, afterall, pink is your favorite color!”
Sometimes, Ignis forgets his lunch on purpose, just to goof off with Ardyn at work and have lunch with him (Ardyn is well aware of it, too)
They propose to each other at the same time
And ofc, it’s done dramatically and snarkily on both of their parts
When Ardyn went to propose, Iggy was already pulling out his own ring
They were both so close to tears that evening
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