#And obviously I'd throw in some Janeway/Chakotay fluff because cannon can go jump in a lake
the-lady-hestia · 4 months
so in the past month-ish there have been two separate instances where a friend of mine has had reason to show me that the fandoms I enjoy (namely star trek and a niche book series I'm obsessed with) have thriving fanfiction communities (context: While I did already know this about Star Trek, I have never read fanfiction or dove into that corner of the internet b/c I find it a little intimidating lol)
Anyways I've been thinking about Star Trek Voyager a little too much, specifically the ending and how unsatisfying it is.
There's a little voice in the back of my head telling me to spend what little free time I have writing something from the perspective of various crewmembers like a month after the Voyager gets back to Earth. It would inevitably be bad and I know this but like what iffffff?????????
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