#And it's about a half demon village which... I think was in the anime?? Didn't watch it so I only know the manga and I don't remember it
starsfic · 15 days
I saw the idea of Mirabel joining the Owl House crew and I have few headcanons for it.
Pure Mirabel ones
Mirabel is the voice of reason between the adopted Clawthorne siblings, but it doesn't mean she doesn't have her crazy moments too.
She gets drawn into Luz's phone more than King because she's floored at what people can have outside Encanto.
Instead of using glyph paper like Luz Mirabel actually sews or puts glyphs into clothes or her shoes/slippers. When she dances with them on it is a terrifying display.
Mirabel is studying glyphs mainly so she can help lighten the load of her family, since she knows they're under a lot of stress.
Her Palisman is a Spectacled Bear, she calls Specs and she also carves him.
For Luz and Mirabel
Luz and Mirabel when planing something together will usually discuss the idea in Spanish so they don't have eavesdroppers.
Despite only being a year apart, Mirabel thinks of Luz of a little sister she never had. Despite the fact Luz is actually taller than her. Mirabel is five two while the Average 14 year old girl is five four
The two often trade art tips of their respective art talents, with Luz teaching Mirabel how to draw and sculpt, while Mirabel gives her sewing tips and teaches her to dance and sing.
She definitely did sew a witches hat for Luz.
For Mirabel and King
Mirabel will sew him new 'generals' for his army sometimes, many of them animals from Columbia.
When Mirabel first saw him, she picked up with spin and nearly called him cuter than Antonio
Whenever Mirabel sews King always ask if she can sew him a cape fit for the king of the demons.
When she heard Kings 'Squeak of Rage' she nearly fell over trying to keep herself from laughing.
For Eda and Mirabel
When she first met Eda her first thought was she was gonna reprimand her, until Eda just said good job.
When Mirabel told Eda about Encanto, the first thing on Eda's mind was to punch every spoiled village person square in the face.
Since Mirabel has a passion for music Eda tries to teach how to play string instruments but to varying degrees of success
Ooh, fun! Here's five from me:
Mirabel and Luz had to find a common Spanish ground because Columbian Spanish and Dominican Republican Spanish use different words in various things.
Since Mirabel is older and Hexside seems to be divided by age, she ends up in the Blight twins' and Viney's grade. She actually met Viney first.
Mirabel at first loathes the Golden Guard because he reminds her of Isabela, except actually willing to harm. Then she gets to know Hunter and then meets Terra, which causes her to switch her hatred.
Luz insisted on cutting the Palistrom wood in half so Mirabel could carve Specs.
They have to be careful not to open the portal in the Encanto bc Mirabel didn't have Vee to conveniently take her place. Antonio is on the lookout for that weird owl.
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strixcattus · 21 days
I mentioned wanting to post about my other STP AUs and then never actually followed up with that beyond some general notes on my D&D-esque AU, so here's a more specific rundown of the Voices:
Hero: A run-of-the-mill fighter from a small farming village on the west coast of the continent. Allegedly he was prophesied to do... something (still unclear on what, but the word "slay" was definitely involved), but he's not sure if he believes in that sort of thing. Somehow he ends up taking on quests with Cold and Stubborn far too often for comfort. Increasingly convinced he's the only normal person here.
Cold: A cold-blooded assassin and general blade-for-hire who only takes on jobs he finds interesting. In another time, he was less picky about whom he was assigned to kill, but he's grown discerning with time. He's only killed one noble in recent years before deciding to focus on more difficult targets... but she doesn't seem keen on leaving him alone. Most of his past is a mystery to everyone but Hero, though most people don't exactly feel like asking about it.
Stubborn: A textbook barbarian who decided never to die one day and hasn't changed his mind since. Tends to take on quests alongside Cold since their desires for an interesting fight line up... though Cold may or may not always appreciate the help. He met some sort of half-demon a few years back who had the same kind of loose relationship with death, and ever since they meet up every few months to kill each other. For some reason, most people think this is weird.
Contrarian: One of three recent bard-college graduates in the party. His specialty is theater and improvisation, particularly of a satirical sort. It hasn't even been a year since graduation and he's already banned from one of the northern kingdoms due to The Play. He's also banned from explaining what exactly was so offensive about The Play, and this one might be magically enforced, so best not to risk it. Of the bards, he's the most magically talented, though he mainly uses his talents for pranks.
Smitten: The second of three recent graduates. His specialties are the lute (which he's actually quite good at), romantic poetry (eh...), and singing/songwriting (no.). The most anyone can really get him to open up about his past is that he's from an island kingdom to the east and didn't grow up with any other beastfolk. "Smitten" isn't actually his real name, but not even Contrarian and Opportunist know what it really is.
Opportunist: The third of the recent graduates. He's a bit of a jack-of-all trades and fairly average at magic. It's mostly his fault that the three of them didn't manage to meet up again until they'd been tasked with killing a bunch of Princesses, because less than a month after graduation he got on the wrong side of a witch, was cursed into the form of a frog, and, being too proud to seek help, had to figure out how to either break the curse or turn back to his normal form on his own.
Hunted: I haven't fully figured out what's going on with him. He's a ranger who's been tracking a mysterious beast throughout the western forest—he's pretty sure there's some bounty put forth by one of the kingdoms within the forest, but his quest is mostly personal. He recently acquired an animal companion (a raven) to help him hunt down the beast, but only learned after the fact that the "animal companion" was A: sapient, and B: unable to fly.
Broken: He's been flightless since before he showed up at the first familiar-shop, and the constant cycle of being adopted by some aspiring wizard or ranger, then being cast out once they realized they'd been misled didn't do him any favors. It doesn't seem to be the result of an injury, though—he seems to know the real cause, but he isn't talking. At least the ranger who adopted him this time seems to be more understanding than the others.
Cheated: A solo adventurer who tends not to stick with a single party for very long. He's a warlock, allegedly, and he'll tell the story to anyone to asks of why you should stay far, far away from suspicious-sounding maidens in the woods, but no one has actually seen him use any spells. He frequents the tavern where Skeptic works—it's a more permanent fixture in his life than any party he's worked with.
Skeptic: He's not an adventurer himself—he runs an adventurers' tavern in the western woods, and has become acquainted with most of the others through his business. It's an underappreciated job, and it's a lot of work to ensure shady characters can't mess up the system, but adventurers tip pretty well. You just have to make sure the "No change" sign is visible, so they can't demand that you find some way to split the gold pieces that are the only currency they carry. Skeptic tends to stay distant from customers, though, with his only close confidant being the wizard outside town.
Paranoid: He had a reputation as a shut-in even before he started refusing to set foot outside his tower a few weeks back. But even more so, he has a reputation as being the best healing wizard in his part of the western woods—mainly by virtue of being the only healing wizard in his part of the woods, but he is very skilled. And driven. He was the first Voice to properly slay a Princess, even before the others formed their party.
The only problem is, whatever he killed in his tower basement doesn't seem to have been content to stay dead.
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makoodles · 8 months
I like you, so please let me write down this goofy idea I had.
So two best friends, he na'vi, she's human.
Been bestie since childhood, always together, even if both parents weren't happy about it.
Her parents didn't like she picked out so many "animalistic" traits from the na'vis and didn't like her staying in the forest all day basically half naked.
His parents didn't like because, well she was a demon, that it.
They didn't care, they were friends no matter what.
During the years, he began to grown feelings for her, and he started noticing how boys were around her.
They were flirty with her, with his human.
And jealousy started bulding up slowly inside of him.
He hated how guys would have look at her, searched for the naked points in her body, chatting and touching her arms and hands in the meanwhile.
But what he was supposed to do? Being toxic and possesive? About a girl that wasn't even his? He didn't certely wanted to ruin anything they had.
So? He sucked it up.
She was so done with him.
She had feelings for him since the day her period came at 11, it was a rainy day the day before, so the forest was still a little bit humidit.
He noticed the blood, and quickly made a sort of diaper with leaves for her.
Then he rushed her to hell gates, only to be laughed by all the adults.
Always so caring for her, no matter what, so sweet and innocent.
How could she not fall for him?
She knew he proved the same, when he saw how boys looked at her, he looked the same way she looked when na'vi girls talked or touched him.
One day as they were out in the forest, they were hunting down a little animal, so his siblings back home could eat their favourite meat.
'so caring of him going on a hunt only for his little siblings, he would be such a good dad I'm sure' she thinks
' so caring of her, coming with me on this boring hunt, although she loves see my siblings happy, she would be such a good mom' he thinks
As they walk, the trope of love is being put in their conversation.
His parents want him to find a mate before his 24 year of life, her parents - especially her dad - don't want her to go near a boy, let alone having a husband.
And In some ways the trope about guys being flirty with her comes.
He becomes tense and his mood change, and she starts to get annoyed at him.
She is so frustrated that she says "you are blind by jealousy, you don't see i have love only for you"
It takes a few seconds for they both realise what she said.
And then starts a long conversation, the animal they were traking at this point had a family on it own.
They relationship evols, now they are together but in secret.
He spents all day making gift with his siblings for her, using the excuse they only wanted to make it for her, which was also true.
She spent all day learing long poems, telling them to him when she saw him, making him fell even harder.
Their first kiss is in her room, they were doing absolute nothing, talking about everything and nothing.
Then he kissed her, the kiss was sweet and calm.
And stoped only when he had to take a breath of the pandorian air.
They kissed many times afterwards-
And one day, they programmed their first time.
No special occasion, not the day the got together or the day the first kissed.
Not one of their birthdays or one of their favourite milestones.
A simple day of april.
They place was decided to be inside hell gates, were she could breath without problems, and he anyway only had to breath pandorian air every 2 or so minutes.
She jokes that by that time they would have already finished, and he felled of the branch they were on when she told him the joke.
Finding it so funny he almost broke his head.
No one was there that day, there was a celebration at the village and all humans were invited.
They all got there, but not those two.
She said she felt a little of a cold coming and preferred staying home for the day.
He said he would have go to listen in another place, far from his family, he was now an adult he couldn't possibly stay anymore with his family during this ceremonies.
She made him sneak in.
They read all they could -she did, he couldn't read- about sex and first times.
And in some web there was the hint that, showering first would lube and hurted less.
So she took a shower, and he watched.
Admiring her naked body for the first time, every cut and scratch were made with him.
Every little hair on her body, made him excited.
Every little mark of beauty or not - even if for him all marks on her were beautiful- made him want to kiss them.
He help her hop in the shower, and watch as she carefully put soap on her.
For then to flush under the water.
She jokingly put her mouth under the sources of water, who felled in her mouth.
Like she was drinking raining water from the leaves of plants in the forest.
He joined too, playinfully.
Until their tongues met under the water, and they started this passionate kiss.
He pick her up, she was still wet and had barely anytime to stop the water.
He directed them to her bedroom, where he place her in her bed, kissing every inch of her body.
Every mark, cut, scratch and tiny hair.
"You sure you wanna do this here? Is also you virginity" she said and he looked at her lovely, loving how she was worried for him and how she only wanted to make him comfortable too.
"Yes, my love" he said before kissing down her entrance.
Starting licking and sucking, he had no idea of what he was doing but her pretty moans told him to continue.
Pulling away from that sweetness that was her, was almost killing for him.
A breath in and a breath out.
She kissed him, and he made her taste herself thanks to his tongue.
A big breath from both of them.
And it was in.
Half not fully.
Still blood came out and he felt himself choke down there.
The movements came only after a while.
Poor her, taking such a big size and having to adjust quickly.
Even if for him, they had all the time in the world she was worried someone might have caught them.
She was worried that if they were caught, he would have been hated by the clan.
Her paranoia speaked.
Seeing her struggling, he kissed her hands, breaths, face, ears, everything he could kiss (without causing her to much unnecessary pain) was kissed.
Every praise that come in his mind too.
" You doing the best love " "look at you taking me so well, i love you " "im all yours" " mmh...you are so good, you are doing so good thank you my love " " such a good little thing " "i see you"
After finishing, he kissed her more.
Doing the famous after care, who she like much apperntly.
Then, carefully always carefully, he pick her up and go back to the bathroom, were he showered her.
Making her stay still even if her legs wanted to get down.
Because he knew he had to make sure they wouldn't have been caught.
He made her dress back.
Clean after what they did and then made her lay down on the bed, before going she asked for a kiss, which he happily gave.
"You are mine and I'm yours"
So what do you think? This is silly.
this is so pure oh my god 😭
the childhood friends to lovers trope! AHHHH so so cute, i literally can't 🥺 the whole step by step through their relationship 😭
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lamentingocean · 6 months
~Work by ocean~
°Moonlight executioner x reader•
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warning: slight NSFW, murder, disastrous, a bit of ptsd, kidnapping, death, cussing, blood. (No shit)
You were alone in the world and grew up in a worn down chinese village that enslaved their own people for profit and money, like selling a child for a good amount of yuan. You were one of them, being tied up in chains, living by a crumb of bread, and only a small food item can nourish your hunger plenty. but someone you got freed by the time you reached 8 years old. enough to be molested by men since they don't know how to act right. it exists in the world so often, and it even freaks you out just thinking about it. you once had been given bread, but it's been stolen by kids of the same situation you are in. only being selfish to eat for themselves and their sheep of a group. What I observed from bullying is that. They come in pacts. And their leader is the most cruel and controlling out of all of them. The sheep are the one that want to be cool and fend off other people to satisfy their needs. but a faction officer took them down so fast that you stared in awe at their concept of destruction within your eyes. he once looked at your reminiscent self. wearing clothes that are torn enough to make you half naked, he didn't find any need to kill you once he commanded his squad that a certain demon passed this village to head for the cliff somewhere in China.
your eyes closed in fatigue, but it was all a dream back to your memories from when you were a child experiencing something like that. you screamed right when you got back into reality. you formed shaky breathing, seeing your hand tremble at your memories that are supposed to camouflage as a dream. But it wasn't. your hands were full of scars, it goes to your soul as well, tears formed into your eyes and emotional impact stare to trodden the back of your throat. a disciple. wearing dark clothes. opened your doors to your figure, trembling like an injured, scared dog towards a abuser of animals. You were 20 at this time
"What are you doing? I heard you scream once our squad had been finished eating. It's 2am in the afternoon. I don't have time to give you a pity party over your truama. get up and get dressed."
"I-i-i-i..I c-cant...I d-dont know h-how to-.." He got one ounce of pity for your tears starting to mark the blanket. he gave you a cooked salmon sandwich in a wrapped bag and left with no word. you couldn't come back. it's like being trapped in dispair and darkness if it was a dimension. reality didn't want to be in touch with you right now since it doesn't know how to come in at the right time. you took the time to breathe in and out when your breath whooses in the air like sage. the trembling had stopped, and reality held your hand since it's supposed to be harsh.
you opened the bag to see some orange juice and a salmon sandwich that smelt good even when it was packaged a bit to protect it from bacteria. you unwrapped it slowly and took a small bite from it. It had sesame. It had rosemary, it had herbs and cut vegetables, and it smelt good with a hint of lemon and spice.
skip the meal for the day, and can easily heat it up tomorrow
you had a variety of black uniforms. since it's mandatory for the dark faction. wore one since they all look identical. it had sleeves, a hoodie, some large pants, good enough to fight in, and gloves. normally, the dark faction would spread out their name in training martial artists to be evil and disgusting across the land of china, but amongst masters are able to fight them off and take them in as insane subordinates with a purpose to serve under a clan or to under a rule. yes. China people enslaved their own kind, but it wasn't on purpose or without one. The common reasons are for money and workers at farms and provinces to grow vegetables and crops. For the rich. It's always the rich.
you went out the door, nobody was in the hall, which is odd, you looked back and forth but there was nothing. Until.
you heard your leader's voice to yell out troops and trainees for inspection, or it's to tell them daily missions and things they need to do in the daily as a faction sign up. Your first thought was, "Oh shit I'm late." You went frantic and looked for any nearby exit to go to your estimated group. that was his voice. But exits to headquarters are hard to get by. You managed to find one. and then saw a large variety of men and women, looking at you like you were the problem and that you were an embarrassment to the faction group. you got into your position with your anxiety through the sky. stares were from all over, it terrified you a bit. but when it came to the leader...
You had your tears suddenly appear again in fear.
"I would expect this from you since you are late to our group session almost every day, but I'm not tolerating this any longer. You either have to fix your nightmares or be permanently disbanded from this group until you're lucky enough to get approved into another position. Do you have that clear or not?!"
"I d-do..I'm trying to fix it the best that I can..but It's too hard..because of my small breakdowns in the morning..."
"Does it look like I care about your outbursts? let me give you a small challenge. It should be easy but to you. It's hard. You will have to wake up early in the morning like we do, eat, and remove your nightmares before 12 am. hits tonight. If you succeed. I will keep you in our group. But if you don't. You are out. understand me?" He said with a tone that held back much anger from trying to put you in a breakdown since he knows how fragile you are. you looked around, unable to speak since everyone snickered at your state of unstable emotions untamed.
"I d-dont know.. I will try my best to win this challenge, I'm really sorry that I caused a disruption like this..please forgive me for my actions. I will try my best master." he scoffed like your words are nothing to him, even though those words felt like a college essay to put out to the teachers.
"We have important matters to do other than to consult with useless bullshit, Welcome trainees. and today, we have an important issue to discuss. we have a master named "jaha lee" in just north of china. and he killed off the main leader of the heavenly generals, black rabbit clan leader and claim it as his own, doing a crime like that is usurpation, killed the elder dragon king, black sea wolves, the battle pavilion arena joint, the southern ming alliance, killed the two leaders of the cloudburst clan, this isn't a laughing matter. this master is extremely dangerous to handle. and he issued a mark onto us as the factions of china. so I asked for all of us to deploy a all out war with this "jaha lee" dont hold back on your true combat skill and kill him. simple as that. we dont need any more masters to die by his hands. We will end it. here and now. we deploy at a full moon tonight. that will give you enough time to train and prepare yourself for this monster of a master. Go.
Oh, and Y/N. I need to discuss this with you in my office. come with me." a jolt of fear came right into your veins, as you pointed at yourself in question.
"Yes, you." You followed him into his royal looking office, plastered with gold and kissed with silk and other rare items considered to be only for the richer class. he told you to take a seat, so you did so. "What has been going on with you? You have been like this ever since you have been put in my group's position. so tell me why?" You closed your eyes. A squelch of wet tears nearly came out of your eyeballs of mental exhaustion.
"I been reliving my past or experiencing nightmares from my childhood. and my childhood wasn't pleasant to hear about to most people. It's been haunting me ever since my last leader took me out of their group when I had the same problem. I don't know how to fix this or I just need to manifest good energy in order to make it stop but its giving me a trigger to sob and tremble about it right at the end of these nightmares..and it's so irritating..I wouldn't expect you to fix it for me. The only reason I joined the factions of china is to give myself a purpose. But these nightmares are ruining my purpose off everything. I don't know how to get help, and I'm stuck in a wall with no corner to escape right now. that's all I'm gonna share.." it's like his breath been taken away at your entire speech. you honestly had some hope that some leader. Any leader wouldn't make it out to be an excuse. But he's just like the same as everyone else qualified to be a master. snobby and no hardships to go through.
"You.. hehe.. you honestly believe I wouldn't believe you?"
his face turned to a picture of his grandpa. being a warrior in ancient China by his armor on the battlefield. "We all have our own hardships to recover from. I always go off as too blunt or too harsh upon people with trauma or upon people with hardships that is a pain in the ass to deal with. For example. my dead grandpa was a fine warrior working in the light faction of ancient china.. but then he got killed..by the mad demon. but now that he's dead.. I won't be able to avenge him. Sure, my grandpa was a criminal of his own, but he had a mixed heart. that's it. I will make the challenge a bit easier for you to pass. since I don't want the other disciples to think I'm a soft hearted general. go on.. just train and wait for the mission to deploy." You felt calmer. He tricked you. I think? You didn't know if he did, but he didn't. you left the office. walking in the hall with the exact group that snickered at you. but after what he said after being shoved aside constantly by each and every leader and general around the faction headquarters. It felt like a breath of relief that you didn't care about the judges and the whispering of negative words to you. but that disappeared quickly.
a girl shoved you on purpose, all eyes in the hall. "Haha. How is a pick me like you able to get into a high-ranking group like us? You will ruin our reputation. stop being such a baby and get over those nightmares."
"O-ow.." A small bead of blood oozed out of your scrapped arm, a hard hit on your back sent more jolts. you were being stepped on by her. "This is funny. A loser like you could never be as powerful as us. You should just give us already and die on the spot. the faction doesn't have time for weaklings like you. tch..bitch." Nobody raises a hand to help you, leaving you in a shocked state, but what did you expect? her laughing was right up your ears. but a stench went right along with it.
her boot had dog poop on it, you whined in disgust and tried to wiggle off her boot on your back. It didn't work. "WHAT? You don't like the stench. I put the dog poop on my heel just for you? Don't you like my present?♡" You had a pocket knife in the side of your pants. It's forgotten, but it's mandatory to be on the ground under the sheep of this world. You don't deserve that. you sliced her leg as a deep cut and ran off to her blood curling scream of pain and evil anger. you went right upstairs to a random room so you wouldn't be located after what you just did. but that didn't work either. that girl knew all the places in this headquarters. So your chances of hiding are so low that it might as well be a video game score when you're very bad at it.
bangs were on the door, and it was that girl, screaming cuss words and anger at you like a physical aura. you sobbed right there, wishing it would stop. You don't want to hurt people, but when people try to make you get put into the ground and serve as a humanoid carpet, If you defend yourself then your the victim and your the problem to take down just for being human. but it stopped for over an hour. tears and snot were makeup on your face at this point. the same guy who gave you food this afternoon came in. sighing at your terrified expense.
he took you up, trying to ease your frantic reactions from being hit, but he didn't even say one insult like usual and stayed quiet while carrying you to his room. It was a secondary hour later. he gave you a napkin to wipe your tears away once you calmed down, "what...what happened to her..??"
"I gave her a laxative and knocked her out. Always does that to literally anybody in our group. There is such thing as human emotions...well. I found no need to scold you for crying in someone else's room. because that person would have a trivial reaction."
"....thank you." you continue to wipe your tears in a awkward situation such as this.
"Did you train at all? or did you just be in your room all day. I had to get my advisor to sign papers for me. so annoying how busy I am dispite of the factions being martial arts on the main note.
"Noo...I just had a little talk with master and now I'm unfortunately caught in this situation of when a girl probably hates me to death now.."
"Ah, right. Sorry about that..wh-"
they both stood up in the bed. He handed you a weapon, which is a pretty strong, durable sword to fight in, you were pretty good in martial arts dispite of being so fragile and weak to be in the battlefield and being in tough situations such as healing wounds and seeing death right in front of you, even with a blade. you were almost exceptional in combat. but just not mentally. everyone walked outside, with the moonlight glowing directly above the cliff. it was a scary experience but we don't know what to expect or happen while targeting only one man.
And that's jaha. you know nothing about him but he's very dangerous and it's the same for martial arts too, you either have to live or die if your a enemy of him or be a subordinate under the madness of his antics. half of the group swallowed their fear by the time they got the full information of this target that they had to kill on their own. It's a 50/50 win. towards highly trained martial artists all in one group to one man. that's scary to think about. whoever this man is must have some hidden power to him. either way don't give up hope and fight the best you can't.
it was midnight once they arrived at the black rabbit union, all of them were wearing their faction masks, but it's dangerously quiet in the grounds of the clan, your sweat turned to the suspicious silence. having so many thoughts in your mind, like over filled papers in a printer. "It took so long to get here and this is what we get?"
"s-shhhh..stay alert."
"Since when do I take orders from you, little miss truamatize?" The rest of the group shut both of them up when the moon started to glow red.
is that supposed to be a good thing or a bad thing? It's so quiet in black rabbit, almost like everyone, and even the subordinates have been decimated into thin air. The air is thicc, and it's getting heavy to breathe slowly. It's not the mask they're wearing, but it's some presence starting to take in effect of their lungs. "Something's up."
"Well no fucking shit. What do we do?" Some group members started to get a little frantic, and even some tried to abort the mission at the silence, starting to crush their sanity to death. "Don't fucking abort the mission what are you doing?" you squinted your eyes to the Golden jade palace.
it was a red glow coming from outside of it. You directed your attention to the group arguing about what is about to happen and why is it so silent enough to hear blood course through their veins, it freaked all of them out, so much for being powerful martial artists without handing good silence from a area. "What is it?"
you pointed your finger to the entrance, slightly trembling in gushing fear at that light starting to form into a eye, everyone was like "what the actual fuck. is this a horror story, or is this death coming for us?" A figure landed right in the middle of the grounds. The group stood in caution and instant attack if they were hostile or an enemy of a clan against the factions.
"me?" He revealed his so-called "figure"
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"Is this the jaha lee they were talking about? Why didn't they accompany us into defeating this guy? Tell me again. who. Are. You."
he pointed his sword right at them as if they were a target and he's not, but for some reason. Your face kept staring at him. He does have a face, but you wanted to see what he looked like. You want to get to know him. You do not want to battle him. It's like some like of electric connection between aura and vibe. "So I would assume I'm a target. huh..very expecting of you dark faction. sending your minions to kill me when you can't even do it yourself, casual rich men in that faction, drinking booze and sitting in their ass while their fighters got their blood spilled on the ground."
"I asked who you are. That isn't my question." Every one of the members slid out their weapons in slo mo, just in the right time for him to attack at any time, his aura was mysterious, but randomly intimidating to them. "Oh, you want to know who I am..well.. let me give an introduction before I try some with you all. Son of a bitch.
I am the moonlight executioner. the God of martial arts, Master of the black rabbit clan, master of the black sea wolves and the low down, Master jaha, and the one that will taken down the factions and the league no matter what. So I recommend you all. To get out of my clan before I mutilate your bodies and send them back to whatever hell rich den you guys came out of. got that fucking clear?"
...to you. what he said was so cool, while everyone else tensed up in anger and hungry for battle. some details are that his outfit was covered in old blood, and his mask was also spattered with it like he's just experimenting with a freshly dead person in a lab to test their blood. but enough talk. you have to be ready to be focused on your target and deal the killing blow.
instead of waiting on you to attack all at once, they lunged at him recklessly and pathetically. but once you closed your eyes expecting them to at least spread out to get into fighting formation. you didn't hear any of their voices in your ear. like they just vanished.
It was silence once again, like you entered a spacial paradox with no sound enough to drive someone insane, but then you felt pain, ripping you out of this mindful paradox. Your foot got slashed open, but it wasn't deep. That pain forced you to open your eyes. And then was everyone ok in good hands.
That's the complete opposite.
you saw their bodies brutally killed, and their blood was all over your body since this master had a way of slaughtering opponents so horrifying. all of them were dead. forcing into the gates of heaven or hell by only a man they just met, the guy eariler raised his hand with his fingers cut off. he attempted to shoot a dagger at this master. but it didn't even cut off a strang of hair. His face was stabbed in by his peculiar pattern of a sword. and his back was turned to their blood all over his body as his black hair just boosted it even more. he was terrifying, but he is also interesting before your brain decides to shut in fear and an income of unstablity shutting your martial arts prowess to slime. but then.
He did something else.
he put his mask in his hand. You were so eager to see his face, but he had your heart stop. his red pupil shined along with the reflection of the moonlight like water but it grew smaller.
He laughed maniacally and had so many shots of insanity within that laugh that it scared it into backing away. The smell of blood disgusted you right when it continuously oozed it from their bodies. Oh! How you thought what your masters would think of this horrible incident. you opened to whatever door that led out of this clan so you can save your own life.
he slammed your head down to the stone ground so hard, his body was on top of your back. you tremble so timid to his hand grappling all the chunks of hair he can grab within your scalp. "pls...s-spare my life..ugg.." he didn't say a word. and his sword to your neck.
"Give me one reason why I shouldn't kill you, dark faction minion bastards. I don't care if you're a woman. whatever enemy i face, then I face. Don't care." his grip is so strong. You can't even move your body from the force. "I ahh..I didn't want to hurt or kill people...I only joined the dark f-faction to give myself a purpose in life. I don't mean to mess with you...I'm not one of them...so please.." he slowly raised his body down to your ear. He had a cold breath and felt the strands of his hair circled around your waist and arms. his abs pressing through your small back. "If I spare you..If you try to charge at me with a weapon or even a hold a weapon in general. I will kill you. Understand me?"
you nodded for that. his grip lessen a bit. he made you drink something that knocked you out so fast. Surprisingly, you didn't have those nightmares every night in every dream with him. it was jaha. and only jaha weirdly. to a guy you just met and made his first experience like a badass. your vision was blurry when you slowly woken for your slumber. Your wound was bandaged up, but you were set in chains. "Help.."
the same man last night came right in when your vision got blurry again. It was doing it on purpose for you not to see this man's face. His hair was so luscious when he unlocked the chains on your arms. your vision finally backed away, and then you looked up to see his face to investigate a written book about you.
"J...jaha lee.?" he looked down right upon you on his glaze, but It didn't terrify you. Not one bit. He was extremely attractive. I guess you can say he's hot. His red eyes, his perfect skin, and his long black hair in a ponytail had your face in complete awe. no words could distinguish how beautiful he is as a man. he squat down to your wound and took a shed of blood to his finger. "Hmmm shallow. not much. You will be fine. Your wound wasn't that bad. Now let me question you. who are you?"
"Im y/n....a member of the dark faction.. or I might quit because my purpose there is erased.."
"I see. I will issue out a warning broadcast that you're dead, and they will have no point in trying to get you back to their shit faction. I've been trying to face those bastards for almost a decade. I'm surprised they even have a system for a martial artist like me. I will keep you safe since you don't seem to post a threat to me. since you're so weak and timid." You chuckled at him like it's nothing. For some reason. You can't help but feel like this madman can give you true peace and harmony, happiness, and joy since it's been a lost emotion to you for such a long time. This is a first. you stood up, feeling cold since the prison you were trapped in had a cold space. even goosebumps just took in signature for your skin.
"Are you cold?"
"Mhm.. I don't really find you as a dangerous master like everyone says about you.. you got your plans decked out like a master.. you are so cool." he smiled and turned his body to you.
"Yeah.. I don't kill innocent people. I only kill masters who are chaos to everyone and use people to get what they need. the terrible ones in the shortest term."
"Hmm.. interesting.." something unexpected happened. He wrapped his arms around you. He didn't have any other options to do since their isn't a blanket or anything to warm you up in the cold space. he was warm. like a pillow with bricks around it, hard and soft. "Here.. I have a guest bedroom for you to sleep in. you don't need to be a servant to me but just relax. Because I can tell that you been through a lot by your aura. Follow me." it was a royal looking palace in the inside that was only the basement, a lobby, training grounds, a palace, and food. it was 2 in the afternoon. feeling the sun this time. Peacefully made you smile warmly at the beauty of this earth. "here."
It was a big bed, like muscle memory. You laid your head down in letting all the mental exhaustion go from your mind and release from your veins like soft pressure. it was so soft, in fact, that you fell asleep so fast in a short amount of time.
"I only just met you, but.."
he gave you a small kiss in the forehead, letting the webs of his hair spread out like legs, and then left the room.
(This is the longest x reader I ever made. But how do you like it? Is it good or not? I'm planning on doing Detective jaha and French jaha, right? (Totally not trying to fit into reality so I can be included in everything), but this took so long😭
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sotogalmo · 14 hours
@thesharktist , @blizzardstarx , @send-me-a-puffalope . Since I've told y'all some stuff about this AU :3
(St.) Garreth Aruther-Burntenberg
: The well-known plum-colored hair Boy.
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Garreth ~ The Beelzenian Prince.
(he's around 15-22yrs old in the drawing)
“thought that wish was nothing to do with me, i couldn't help but want to see that girl happy . . . // Now, it must be dinner time~.”
Reference for his clothes:
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design facts/lore(? Base wise)
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Silvasfuh Enda is a flower given to him as a gift from the people in Mike's village (no name as of now so any help is welcome and appreciated!<3)
The hairpin; small Sun and Crescent Moon - which was a gift from ~1 year old Abigail (persistent that the gift is for him, and is rightfully his. This was also around the time where she was able to speak sentences. — odd thing to mention, but all three; Mike, Garreth and Diederik (yes I'm adding @onenonlydanforth into this AU. The things that have been happening around with these jhutch characters rp blogs, have .. tbh continue to inspire me to do my AU. Characterizations of them all, etc. The admins/ops of the blogs have done a great job! I love all of their interactions) were there when it happened, and when she spoke her first words)
But to the dismay, Garreth was only around for 2 years of her life. Due to himself cutting contact with the Aruther-Blavnkeberries, ( he had no other choice or idea. those thoughts always followed him and he didn't want to even think what they'll turn into when he's with the ones he loves and view as true family.. )
I do recommend that you three (or more) should read/listen to/learn about Evillious Chronicles!
The owl is this owl:
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(I'm not good with animals, so sorry that the drawing is bad)
the owl is very important to the lore (base and maybe even finalized story) : Em might already know since I explained it as "similar to the changelings". Who knows though. But I do recommend that you three (or more) should read/listen to/learn about Evillious Chronicles! It will help with like. Learning about these three characters (tho there is more,, since EC covers 1000 years,,) — Rilliane Lucifen d'Autriche, Micheala and Banica Conchita — that will be inspiring Garreth's story! (I would rather but prefer you guys to learn about Evillious then learning it all from me. The shock is better from the source!). I will start with the Daughter of Evil/Story of Evil songs first if you don't want to read the novels and such(but I am planning on reading the novels!)
He (?) looks more ... different like this. The flower and hairpin turned into a hat with a veil covering half of his face. The veil is stripped in a funny pattern. The hat looks like a pancake stack!
His hair is wispy swirly and curly hair as he appears to people in a shadow-y figure type of way (dare I say when he does, he looks more like a woman than a man. — he might be a Demon but he's still curious about certain things —)
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kalu-chan · 3 years
I may not have too much confidence in my writing abilities, but at least I sometimes see stuff that’s even worse lmao.
#This episode did. Nothing. To worldbuild OR move the plot forward OR move the character development!#MAYBE you could make a point that it moved some of H1sui's character development but... Idk he's too much of a minor character for me to#care too deeply about him tbh. And he didn't feature enough for it to be like HIS episode. That'd have been fine#And the reasoning for why stuff happened the way it did is just. ???? Girl wut??#''I couldn't tell you it was a rigged fight because you're a terrible liar'' BUT IF SHE'D BEEN TOLD THEN SHE WOULD NEVER HAVE BEEN#NEAR ANYONE WHO WASN'T SUPPOSED TO KNOW IT WAS A RIGGED FIGHT!#Like it doesn't matter if she can lie convincingly if she doesn't HAVE TO LIE bc she doesn't see anyone to lie to!#Listen I'm usually not too critical but. Idk. This episode just made me go ???#Like the plot is contrived and it's a filler. In a 24 episode anime. You do not need fillers there!#There's fillers I really like (The one in N@ruto with K@kashi's mask is super fun and the... was it tea country? idk but it was pretty cool)#but this one is just. eh.#At least the preview for next ep showed S€sshomaru's horse so I'm holding out hope here lmao#And it's about a half demon village which... I think was in the anime?? Didn't watch it so I only know the manga and I don't remember it#in the manga. but still. Half demon village sounds like a good thing lmao#Wait no one of the half demons is Sh1ori! I know her! She was in 1nu Y@sha too!#(me trying my damndest to stay out of any of the tags lmao)
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demonslayedher · 2 years
Ufotable's filling in the blanks
I wanted to reference how Rengoku-san blocks an Upper Moon's punches with his sword, as a "wow, how did that sword not break" kind of thing, especially since Akaza does break Giyuu's sword with his fist later on. I was looking for it in Chapter 63, which ends with Rengoku yelling at Tanjiro to stay back and then his unleashing the Fifth Form of Flame Breathing on Akaza. Then at the beginning of Chapter 64, the dust settles, and Kyojuro is a mess, crushed eye, bloody ribs and panting. Where??? When did that happen??? Huhhhh?????? This is where I really sit back and be super impressed with how Ufotable takes the fight scenes and figures out how to get from Point A to Point B to Point C and Point D when Gotouge is already all the way over there at Point Z-and-a-half. While some of the filling in the blanks is due to the different medium (with one requiring frames and another functioning by panels), some of it is also just Gotouge's pacing methods, which although endearing, can be helped a lot with Ufotoable's unpacking. That's why, even though I judge Ufotable-only content as second-tier canon, I still accept it as canon because that's the only way we ever got rich details like Rengoku only able to slow down Akaza's punch but not able to stop it completely, resulting in his crushed eye.
Granted, accepting Ufotable-only details as canon means accepting that Rengoku-san faced a speedy stripey demon shortly before boarding a fateful train ride. Hmph. I don't think anybody liked that demon, or found the plot of the Rengoku filler episode particularly tense. As much as I loved getting the extra Rengoku glory, which was the main purpose and it certainly accomplished that, this villain was entirely unsatisfying. Unlike Gotouge's other demons, there was no reason to feel sympathy for him, his design felt like an uninspired knock-off, his speed was only a plot device, and what bothered me most was how he toyed with a victim instead of eating her like would make sense for a demon. Again, this served a purpose of making Rengoku-san look awesome, as well as makes sure there were basically no stakes at play in this original episode, nothing whatsoever to alter the plot, or even whatever may be on Rengoku-san's mind as he begins the main event. It's all been a days' worth, there's not an ounce of failure to weigh on him, there won't even be a scratch left on that girl who miraculously survived purely because a demon got bored.
My disappointment in the plot and its total lack of stakes stems from what I suspect Ufotable might had been doing: testing the waters for future filler.
I was already wondering this before seeing the episode, when hype was high. In that clip of all the anonymous Corp members running toward the train with their swords drawn, I fully expected all those kids to die. The boy who got a little more screen time but no name could had been engaging, if only he had more to actually do. (If Ufotable is adding extra clips anyway, let us see him arrive with the Kakushi the following morning at the site of the train crash, I dare you, Ufotable, give him sadness!) But again, they didn't really have the freedom to get us invested in new characters, we could only really care about Fuku-chan and her granny long enough to not get impatient for Tanjiro to come back into the story. If we're already invested the characters, though, that's a different direction. Since Fuji TV is running things for the foreseeable future of the anime, a lot of people have been really anxious that they'll make a lot of poor decisions in changes to the plot, as they've betrayed fans by doing before. However, I've also heard a lot of speculation about how it might be necessary to make alterations to the eventual Swordsmith Village arc, precisely because two immensely popular characters are missing entirely, and you can't really pitch a whole arc without two of the biggest selling points of the series (and its merch).
So then that begs the questions, how would Zenitsu and Inosuke be added into an anime run of the Swordsmith Village arc? The more straightforward way of doing it is to add them to the action, make up some stupid reason for all three of them having broken swords and needing to go to the village together (which feels super problematic and trite, and it would likely also altered Daki's defeat in a significant way). This would mean putting in more demons to keep them busy so they don't get in the way of the already very busy fight between Tanjiro & Co. and Hantengu et al. And if the Rengoku filler is anything to go by, that means keeping them wrapped up for episodes on end with plot device demons.
I really, really, really, really hope they don't do this. Another option would be taking it like the Mt. Natagumo arc, the multi-level climax of the first season, and have get kiddo get his own big battle, which are all developed concurrently, and then giving spotlight at their own respective moments. In this respect, we could follow Zenitsu and Inosuke in their own respective solo missions.
There's a lot of good potential in doing this, if only Ufotable isn't afraid to give them serious stakes, and to actually develop villains who will be engaging for a multi-episode encounter. Since all three Kamaboko boys were of the same rank by the time they started Pillar training, and Tanjiro was facing Upper Moon Four and there'd have been no Moons for Zenitsu and Inosuke to face, there had to have been a least a couple of hella' wicked demons out there for them to triumph over (and perhaps doing it solo, instead of having help from a Pillar and other strong friends like Tanjiro did, is part of what accounts for their big jump in rank). There's also an opportunity to make more set-up for their battles in the Infinity Fortress, to lead to more emotional payoff in those: Maybe Inosuke joins Shinobu for a mission, and we see how he doesn't really feel bonded to her like he's an underling, there's something different about it, and it he can't quite figure out what. Shinobu bandages his hand and makes his promise not to remove the bandage (perhaps after some initial set-up with Shinobu frustrated with him for not following her directions as a doctor for he denies he's even injured), and Inosuke is left to contemplate why that song feels familiar. Plus, more screentime for Shinobu, a majorly popular character responsible for selling lots and lots of merch to little girls across Japan. And maybe Zenitsu gets assigned to a joint mission with Kaigaku, and they both hate it. Maybe Zenitsu tries to use that opportunity to be an equal to Kaigaku, but Kaigaku shuts him down at every turn. More flashbacks about how much Zenitsu cares about Jiichan, and even some hints about Kaigaku's past. Enough to introduce him as a human character in the anime, sell merch of him as a human, and then sell even more merch of him when he's a demon. You know, Ufotable, just a suggestion for how you can make improvements on the pacing of Kaigaku and Zenitsu's character arcs, like actually showing us that scene when Zenitsu punches a senior Corp member for badmouthing Kaigaku. The downfall to two separate filler arcs like these running along side the Swordsmith Village Arc is that it's going to take forever to get to through two more deservedly tense battles with Upper Moons, especially since we already have Mitsuri, Genya, Muichiro, Haganezuka, Kotetsu, and even Kanamori to be concerned over besides our usual Best Boy and Best Girl. Trying to sell three arcs simultaneous, when one is more like two separate concurrent arcs in the first place and the other two may have half-assed villains, may not be advisable.
So then what do you do to keep the Inosuke and Zenitsu fans engaged? Sure, we all love Tanjiro and Nezuko (and this isn't much of a Nezuko development arc until the very end), and everyone will finally learn to love a baby like Genya, but Inosuke and Zenitsu are too iconic to leave out so completely. So what do you do? Perhaps, with the freedom Ufotable has recently been taking in their Taisho Secrets and episode previews to give people reason to come back and rewatch content they've already seen before, they can do something with that. Maybe Zenitsu and Inosuke can be responsible for all the commentary on the episodes and do the previews for the next episodes while Tanjiro is tied up, but know their attention spans, they won't be much more insightful than declaring other characters weak or screaming about Nezuko-chan. There's probably a good reason these two don't usually get trusted with giving anyone purposeful information. But, maybe the shameless thing they can do is... give us shorts in every episode following Zenitsu and Inosuke on a mission together. Not something serious, because I'd rather leave that in the hands of fanfic writers with nothing to gain but precisely what's too deep to be on-brand. If Gotouge were to write new content for Ufotable to adapt seriously, I would be 1000% for it, but if Ufotable has to create their own plots and villains... well...
I really wouldn't want them to try to do something serious just for the sake of giving two sellable characters more screentime, because ultimately what they came up with for Rengoku-san was pretty forgettable, it only served as fodder for Rengku-san to run fast and flip his cape and eat soba and anpan and return his sword to its sheath, oh good heavens did he return his sword so sexily to its sheath, what was this rated, Ufotable???
However, I would be fine with Ufotable embracing that they can't actually write anything with major stakes, due to the restraints of trying to do a faithful adaptation (and I do hope they'll stress faithfulness).
If you can't write actual stakes, then just don't.
Put them on a ridiculous mission together. Let us see how much more trouble they get each other into by not having Tanjiro around. Let us see these numbskulls get themselves into dumb situations, argue, but ultimately have each others' backs. And like, actually be awake for more of it. Or hell, since Inosuke gets to watch Zenitsu be asleep for most of the Yuukaku arc, let Inosuke sleep-walk and have wakeful Zenitsu do his best to keep him out of trouble. Or take inspiration from the light novels and have them disturb a wasp nest while dealing with a bear. If they cannot influence the plot, then do not attempt to, have them instead release mayhem.
But hey, my wondering all these things has no baring on anything. As a fanfic writer I have none of the constraints that an anime studio does. And I've written some throw-away plot device demons too, but again, I don't have the pressures to live up to the same expectations that this particular anime studio does.
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i-bring-crack · 3 years
Greetings temporarily sane mortals who wish to escape reality.
I have an AU idea. Well, its more of a what if to another what if... bc i wrote this before--
"Kotoha jumped off the fucking cliff before Douma could even see where she went" AU.
-Since douma had been playing around with her like some twisted hide and seek game, while Kotoha was too wrapped up in fear to notice the cliff in front of her(she was looking behind her).
-So she coldly passed out after hitting her head on a rock, (big ouch) and is carried by the river instead.
-Douma doesn't find them and didn't even think about the jump off the river so he goes back to the paradise cult.
-Morning comes and Kotoha has survived with Inosuke on his arms.
-She is pretty much defenseless considering her wound and the fact that she jumped to a waterfall.  But not to worry as she found a cave in the woods, that had a boar family in it.
-At first she's scared but then the boar doesn't act hostile when she walks in(she's not the smartest tool in the shed we've all known that) the cave so she simply sets herself and Inosuke to rest on the other side of the boars.
-While she recovers, Inosuke began to grow fond of the baby boars and then after a month, the mama boar too.
-Half a year has passed and Kotoha has come to naturally love the forest as well as all of the animals, as if she was meant to be here.
-But that happiness gets destroyed as a demon appears on the woods, and then another, and another, and kotoha can't deal with living in the same fear she did whilst running away from douma.
-So she tries to run away from the forest with the boars first. But the boars don't want to leave.
-Kotoha with no other choice and only wishing to protect Inosuke, goes back to the city.
-But her mind dreads and she is one day found by the cult members who wishes to take her back to Douma.
-She and Inosuke instantly run away from the village, going back to the forest instead, keeping her conflicted as to what she could do.
-After a long week of thinking and going back to the cave, she finds the mother boar killed by what seemed to be a wild animal. All whilst taking care of the kids behind her.
-From then on she realizes, or she tells herself what her job is to do as a mother. Protect her children until death.
-So Kotoha begins to train, from learning the demon's weaknesses, to getting herself stronger, to laying out demon traps and even gathering survival skills(that last one came with a cost of poison and diarrhea sometimes, on the bright side, she got poison immunity.)
-Anyways on Inosuke’s 3rd birthday (She's like 21-22 at this point) she has already taken down enough demons on the mountain to be considered a slayer and be found by Kagaya(11 at this point), who has noticed her skills and set her to a cultivator.
-Kotoha takes a year to learn from said cultivator about breaths(she was already strong after training for more than a year, all she needed to get was to practice the sword).
-Another year passes by and she luckily meets a lower moon(6).
-That same year at 24, she is branded with the Wind Hashira title.
Bonus: For light hearted- ness
-When Kotoha went to the final selection, she found that all of the soon to be slayers were below her age, and most of them, kids. So her mother instincs kicked in automatically, pulling all of them to safety when they had almost died while she hunted all of the demon's, including none other than the hand demon.
-Kotoha became a hashira at the same time with Gyomei, though she had more experience than the ladder even though he had more strenght, which was great since the two could learn from each other while sparring.
-Kotoha wears the mother boar's head, and takes care of her boar babies too.
-In canon, Kotoha was said to be a great singer, so in this fic she is hellishly good at imitating both human noises and animal ones that it helps her confuse the demons. Also she like to sing lullabies.
-Kotoha is very cold towards others who aren't children, especially when it come to men, she will naturally distrust them, but after a while (and by while I mean 5+ years of knowing each other) she will come to somewhat trust them, though she is still only going to be nice to children, the closer they are Inosuke’s age, the more friendlier she will be towards them.
-Also Kotoha likes to adopt, especially those whose families had been killed by demons. By 27 she already had Zenitsu and Kanao, Genya (prob the tokito twins too) under her wing.
-She might have taken other hashiras under her wing too.
-The first tsuguko of hers being Makomo who she saved in the final selection.
-After that Makomo trained her two tsuguko's Sabito and Giyuu.
-Kotoha's second tsuguko was Masachika who was trained severely until he almost died(poor boy), and then Sanemi(who was trained twice as hard) who she went on to be very fond of considering his rough childhood being almost the same as hers, and because she was already taking care of Genya to know he had a rough life.
-After Masachika and Sanemi received the title of Hashiras, Kotoha had more free time to spent with her other children.
-Which literally made almost no difference since she always took her kids on missions (kept them in ins when she was out fighting. demons, and after she became a hashira, she just had others like her tsugukos or the kakushi take care of them.)
-This was an advantage to those who trained under her (tokitos and Inosuke) so they could gain experience by watching.
-She did her job as a mother until the very end like the boar mom.
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starneko123 · 3 years
Ensnaring Sorceress
Something for @ninibear3000 OC's Asma and her amazing simp Sanayah!
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Put your loving hand out, baby
I'm beggin'
"Korë? I swear I have heard that name somewhere." Asma announced as she leaned on her bo staff and Sanayah took her place beside Asma crossing her arms and looking at their preceptors. "Nova Korë Nagako is popular in Outworld because of her status amongst other things. Along with the rest of her family." Fujin informed looking at Asma and Raiden making eye contact with Sanayah. "She is to arrive in Earthrealm today near a village and she has been doing so for the past few days but only staying for perhaps a few minutes then leaving." Raiden explained, "You will find her and try to get information as to why she has been making frequent visits and have not given reason to those visits." Fujin finished and the two elemental students were on their way.
"Do you think she's a demon?" Asma asked her friend as she twirled her bo in elaborate ways to keep her distracted "Lord Raiden said she was Edenian like Kitana and Jade. But maybe she's half of something either way why would someone of Outworld come to Earthrealm and to a random village no less." Sanayah questioned freely in the air even though she was talking to Asma. The said airbender shrugged and let out a dreamy sigh at the mention of the green bo staff wielder "I don't know. People of Outworld come to Earthrealm for many things just like we go to Outworld for things...you know?" Asma mentioned and she was going to continue until they reached the village or well the village's forest. They were on the village grounds.
Now they were keeping their eyes out. She could be anywhere."You know what's messed up? We don't even know what she looks like all we know is her name." Sanayah mumbled as she let out a groan and summoned her sword which caused the sound of thunder to sound about the village and far off.
Beggin', beggin' you
Put your loving hand out, baby
Beggin', beggin' you
Put your loving hand out, darling
Korë was humming to herself while gently picking the flowers and pulling the stems out. She was taking her sweet time and she didn't even intend to rush or be rushed. She was on her last batch of flowers and herbs till she heard the sound of thunder. She inwardly groaned as the name popped in her head of who it could be and it would only be a matter of time before she felt a strong breeze shake her body and send her and her alone in the air. She kept the same pace as she continued to pluck the flowers and herbs.
"Is that her?" Asma asked herself and Sanayah knelt and saw her...picking flowers? "She doesn't look like a threat," Sanayah said even though Korë had her back turned and they couldn't see her face her posture and aura did not seem threatening whatsoever. "Just because it doesn't look threatening doesn't mean it is threatening Nayah." Asma told her as she reached for her bo staff and she heard Sanayah hum as a response and it was in agreement. The both of them sucked in a breath as Korë stood up and stretched. The two students seemed to be holding their breath until she turned around.
Korë let out a small sigh as she stood and brought her hands to her back. She kept her lower body still and she moved her upper body back and she kept leaning back until her back made a popping sound and she let out an irritated moan. She turned away from the bushes and looked down at her basket. It was full and she was getting tired. She dragged out the ribbon that was holding her hair in a bun. She went to a standstill when she heard shuffling nearby and as many times she has been here she never saw animals.
Riding high, when I was king
Played it hard and fast, 'cause I had everything
Walked away, wonderin' then
But easy come and easy go
And it would end
Sanayah let out an audible gasp as Korë turned around "She is so...pretty." A basic answer but there were a lot of words for her. "Now is not the time not the place Sanay-" Asma was cut off mid-sentence by an energy blast. It blasted her back a few feet but there was no damage to her person as she got back up quicker than Korë expected. "Such a beautiful for stalkers. What brings you here?" Korë said as she adjusted her clothing and her claws. "That's the question we should be asking you, Princess," Asma said as she appeared next to Sanayah "You didn't go unnoticed." She finished as they both readied their weapons without saying anything else. Korë did the same but instead of using her whip, she thought today would be good to use her black beauty spear.
Korë ran forward and struck her spear into the ground and used it to pivot her body upwards into the air. She curled herself into a ball to turn her body and put her leg out aiming at Asma hitting her with a dropkick and sending both of them to the ground. Korë rolled away and got back on her feet but so did Asma as she kicked herself up and turned to face Korë. Asma made her way to the spear wielder to thrust her bo three times near Korë's face but all three missed. Asma did a spinning move and did another thrust to Korë's exposed stomach and it landed. As Korë made a guttural noise Asma didn't hesitate to send another blow with her bo staff to Korë's back sending her down on one knee. Korë grunted as she saw Asma get ready to strike her down with the bo but Korë caught the end of it and twisted to where Asma wouldn't loose grip but Korë now had her own grip on it on the opposite end and jabbed Asma in the chest.
Korë was able to whirl the staff around and bring Asma closer to Korë. Now Asma's back was pressed against Korë's chest as she brought the staff to Asma's neck and pressed her head into it. Korë had no intention of killing bringing unconsciousness was the key. Korë was about to put the last blow to the already worn-out Airbender until she was shocked with thunder. She let out a bone-crushing shriek that echoed throughout the forest. The 'thunder' was coming from Sanayah and Asma was able to detach herself from the sorceress before she was shocked as well. When Sanayah saw that she stopped and Korë turned to look at both of them she dropped to her knees and mist started to emit from her body then everything went black.
So why every time I lead you let me go?
Every time I reach, you get me low
Every time I seek, you let me know
But I planted that seed, just let me grow
I'm on my knees while I'm (beggin')
'Cause I don't want to lose (you)
I got my arms all spread
I hope that my heart gets fed
Matter of fact, girl, I'm beggin' (beggin', beggin')
"Did I kill her?!" Sanayah asked in a panic and rushed over to the Outworld Princess and Asma made a face mixed with annoyance and fatigue as she watched her do so. She let out a small whine "Grab her and I'll grab the basket." Asma said as she rolled her eyes and made her way to the said item.
They made their way back to the White Lotus and Korë was awake and walking not protesting whatsoever. All she asked for was her basket and Asma gave it back with no complaints. "Your visitation to Earthrealm was not forewarned. Why?" Raiden inquired and Korë had a very flat look on her face. Trust me, she would be showing respect and kindness if her insides weren't reduced to slush and her back wasn't aching. "Why would I forewarn about plants Lord Raiden?" Korë asked and the conversation continued "I only came to Earthrealm for the soil. Silas has been making progress with renewing Outworld's soil but it's slow work. I momentarily needed Earth's soil for my plants. My mother's and Outworld can vouch for me Thunder God." Korë said as she made her way into his Sky Temple to heal herself.
She created an energy ball and let it levitate around her body, healing different parts and sections. She then heard a knock...two knocks...and then three. "Yes?" Korë as sweetly as she could muster and the door creaked open to a 30-degree angle and out popped two heads. Asma and Sanayah. Korë was able to have a good look at them, Asma had beautiful dark skin that complimented her glowing eyes and pearl white hair that was braided and put in a bun. She was wearing all white but with orange and yellow cloud-like patterns which Korë silently complimented. Sanayah had brown skin and was noticeably taller with or without her hat, she had long black hair and brown eyes she believes. Either way, they were both beautiful in Korë's eyes.
Beggin', beggin' you
Put your loving hand out, baby
Beggin', beggin' you
Put your loving hand out, darling
I need you (yeah) to understand (yeah, oh)
Tried so hard to be your man (hey)
The kind of man you want in the end (oh, oh)
Only then can I begin to live again
An empty shell, I used to be
Shadow of my life was hangin' over me
A broken man that I don't know
Won't even stand the devil's chance to win my soul
"Yes?" Korë asked again looking at the two next-gen elementals crossing her legs in the process but also keeping up with levitating energy ball. Asma was the one to speak up "We- I have your spear." Asma said as she walked into the room and Korë lazily held her hand out. "So I'm Asma." She introduced herself as she sat next to Korë "I'm Sanayah!" Sanayah followed Asma's lead and sat on the other side of Korë. Korë made no sign to move she just made herself comfortable "I'm...Korë." She paused then giggled as if they didn't already know her name. She looked over to Sanayah "I haven't been in the Sky Temple for awhile...mind showing me around?" She asked as her fuschia eyes bore into Sanayah's dark brown and those painted black lips spread into a grin.
And that's how it went. You think someone who was electrocuted by their opposer would be livid. But no...she asked for a tour. "So you're a part of an elemental group and your specific element is thunder and lightning?" Korë had never heard anything like this before and she was interested. "Yes. The person you saw earlier she controls the wind like Lord Fujin." Sanayah clarified and she looked back at Korë "So what about you?" Korë raised a brow "What about me?" Sanayah gestured to Korë's...lovely person "You! Everything about you." She couldn't ask the question. She knew what she wanted to ask but couldn't do it. What's wrong with her now? "Everything about me?" Korë put her clawed finger to her chin in thought.
"I am divine." Korë answered and Sanayah looked intrigued "Divine? I thought you were royalty." Korë nodded "I'm a lot of things. I'm a butterfly." Sanayah laughed but that loving look never left "A butterfly?" Korë hummed in agreement "Stars." It was Sanayah's turn to raise a brow "You're a star?" Korë shook her head "Stars in your eyes." Korë answered as she pointed a clawed finger at Sanayah's face. "I would personally like to call them hearts. But to each their own." Sanayah's said and then it was silent. The comfortable kind.
What we doing? What we chasing?
Why the bottom? Why the basement?
Why we got good shit, don't embrace it?
Why the feel for the need to replace me?
You're on a runway track from the good
I want to paint in a picture telling where we could be at
Like the heart ain't attached where it should
You done give it away, I had it 'til you took it back
But I keep walking on, keep opening doors
Keep hoping for that the call is yours
Keep hoes on hold
'Cause I don't want to live in a broken home
Girl I'm beggin' (beggin', beggin')
Beggin', beggin' you
Put your loving hand out, baby
Beggin', beggin' you
Put your loving hand out, darling
I'm fighting hard (yeah)
To hold my own (to hold my own)
Just can't make it
All alone (all alone)
"It was very nice meeting the both of you," Korë said as she grabbed her basket. It was nice. Truly nice. It could have a home better but still nice. "I just wish that our first encounter could have gone differently," Sanayah said with a somber look on her face "I'll be coming back soon, I can never truly leave Earthrealm." Korë said sending a wink and smile towards Sanayah and waving at Asma. That seemed to brighten Sanayah up.
"You're in love, huh?"
"Shut up."
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• ~ ✧ Give up? I'm sorry but that's not in my vocabulary ✧ ~ •
      ≫──── ·· ••• ·· ────≪
=Karui (First Name) Seimei (Last Name) The meaning of his full name is "light of life". It was given by his family, why during his presence is the only light that gives him reason to live for her.  
=Ray of light (For his elder brother Taiyo Seimei) Kitsune (For the townspeople because of the fox mask) Dead eyes (for Fuku Saikō) Angel of light (Ryūsa Aisuru)
☀️ AGE
=He is 19 years old, was born on October 29.
=Semi Human, because you experienced it with demon parts, you don't even know what it really is.
• ~ There is no doubt that there are stupid people here. ✧ ~ •     
 ≫──── ·· ••• ·· ────≪
=She measures 1.71 cm, her weight is 48 kg (She eats a lot of meat because she has a demon stomach since, she never tires of eating)
= Its appearance is light brown skin with a light red tone
= Her eyes are yellow with a shade of orange, many seeing her coldness give her an absolute fear, but she smiles a few times only when seeing her like this one is surprised and causes her tenderness.
=Her hair is of a mixture between yellow and light orange and in her very dark orange tips with a mixture of blood of a crimson red color due to a certain amount of demons that she murdered according to the people of other villages oh other hunters but in reality she was born like this with a strange but striking color  
=During her missions, she wears the dress of a demon hunter, apart from the fact that she wears a sun Haori from a sunrise to which it is very striking from time to time she occupies her fox mask of disaster prevention, in her spare time she occupies a kimono of a pastel orange and the middle part of the hair is tied
=He has a Scar on the abdomen due to an experiment she suffered.
=Since her childhood she had been born with fangs as other children bothered her, treating her like hell
• ~ ✧ I don't know why, but I really get happy when I make others feel good ✧ ~ •
「Psychological aspects」
=Karui is a very cold Girl with other people, represses her emotions through a mask, rarely demonstrates her emotions to others, because if it is in an extreme situation or if there is something that at that time can express what she feels doing something that makes her feel good but, almost most of the time she demonstrates seriousness without even having a kind of comparison against a demon because she is still frustrated that she will experience it with demon organs and let her live, after her childhood was a Real nightmare
=In situations of her personality, when she is angry but she is not demonstrating it, what she does is give a knee in the face oh a kick in the stomach, she has a lot of patience but if they annoy her all the time she can get angry.
=But in extreme situations, if a demon manages to get Karui out of his boxes, he may show his true self by turning his eyes a crimson red by releasing his half demon.
=There are times when he can no longer bear the pain of the loss of his loved ones, he begins to cry, releasing all his sorrows.
= Meat and vegetables
=To train
=Cheer on others  
=the animals
=The womanies
=The demons
=Be Makeup
=For having parts of the devil because of that at night she has nightmares where she loses the beings she loves most, there are times that she cannot wake up because the demon that lives inside her tortures her own need.
= He is afraid of becoming fond of other people who he meets along the way Why after a while he suffers witnessing the raw death of what she has loved.
• ~ ✧I won't stop until that demon is totally eliminated✧ ~ •
「Personal issues」
= At the time the tragedy had arisen, it was at the time that Karui was 6 years old, in her childhood she was very happy, she remained happy, but the other children bothered her by calling her a phenomenon or demon just to be born with fangs, there are times that He witnessed those raw scenes that his beloved older brother was beaten by those children just for defending him.
He didn't care if he was beaten because he was immune to pain but she does care, he hates that his brother is seriously hurt, other than that. that he couldn't do anything to avoid it because he didn't have enough courage to face them and protect his brother, it hurt even his soul There were times when Karui wished she hadn't been born in this world with a lot of cruelty.
She felt a lot of guilt that there are people who belittle her parents, but the strange thing for her is that they didn't care at all at all, all they cared about is that she was happy, they did it so that she was not sad and that she continued to draw a beautiful and radiant smile One day she and her older brother were walking through the forest places collecting peaches until they had suddenly witnessed an appearance of a three-eyed demon and had an ax in a rare way in his hand, the demon noticing the presence of the children were heading quickly to kill them and then eat them, but hopefully they had been saved by a demon hunter who was supposedly a member of the pillars, the pillar of the flames, after a few minutes of making sure she and her brother were Well and that will guide you to your home, it was gone.
A few hours later Karui was alone sitting in the forest of plum blossoms where she was before collecting the fruits together with her brother she knew perfectly that it was dangerous to be alone and just when they had seen a demon in these places but she was quite stealthy at Listen to someone approaching her sense of hearing and apart that at that time there was no sun during the apparition of the devil, she was pondering what happened about what her older brother said about being demon hunters and on what breath, when the child returned home for the time the sun was already setting, when she returned home she witnessed the harsh death of her family among the flames, and the townspeople blamed her that she was responsible from the fire of the other houses, for being a demon, treating her as a murderer, she was in a panic, she had not done anything, she simply did nothing and falsely blamed that she was the monster here, she was thrown into a 3-meter cliff to die .
She thinking that she was going to die giving her last breaths had suddenly woken up in a different place, she was lying in a nursing class but with many damages she realized that she had tubes in her arms and in her abdomen She even had a big scar in that place that suddenly started to hurt, she felt weak because she could not move, unknown men approach her saying that she has a very strange blood, she had saved her life because they introduced organs of hell, they wanted to use it as a weapon against the other demons, Karui felt very badly surprised and scared He wanted to escape from here but he could not, why did he realize that they were using it as an experiment since they had not yet finished with her one day he had heard screams and supposed that there was a demon, she finally asked to move escape from the place and The only one she saw before she could leave here was a stranger with a formal suit and red eyes who looked at her from that place, Karui, for the days she had been hungry, she walked aimlessly weakly while the people looked at her for sorrow, she was saved by Tamayo who was in those places at night.
He had healed her wounds and even injected some vaccines so that the demon cells would not have an effect on her, he had taken care of her for 5 years until she considered her as her own mother, made a hairstyle with a tape that matched her his eyes and hair that had kept him with love Karui at the age of 11 Tamayo had told him the descriptions of the demons due to his demon blood, his power, even the 12 demonic moons along with the very person responsible for the appearance of demons and the most powerful, also He said that the death of his father had not been by a simple accident but by the work of a demon who possesses a fire ability, says goodbye to him thanking him for taking care of her since he was leaving the place on his own to be a demon hunter, to find that demon responsible for the death of his family, also defeat the creator of demons called muzan kibutsuji.
=He is afraid of Tomioka when he gets angry at her when he is seriously hurt due to his stubbornness for his confrontations with demons, because he does not want anything bad to happen to her.
=He takes pity on the pillar of sound and the pillar of the wind as he always discusses with them even hits the blows with sanemi when his patience runs out.
=He doesn't get along with Shinobu, because Karui is annoyed that he insults giyuu that everyone hates him even the annoying he likes and is ashamed of that.
=He hates to remove the tape from his hair since it is of sentimental value.
=When he entered the group of demon hunters he fainted by using concentrated breathing.
=When he met Tanjiro and the others, Tanjiro saw him as the Frenton steel boy, Zenitsu was sad to see him cry and that he needed help from Inosuke with the wild boar mask he looked like a strange semi-human animal that speaks and is a hunter of demons but without the mask she had eyes of a girl and with a bad character, she does not care why she shows potential and motivation but when she met Nezuko she does not decide to kill her because she had a bad time in her past and she is aware own what is right and what is wrong apart that the pink-eyed demon girl gets along very well with karui.
=She rescues children who lost their families by giving home on her teacher's farm that she and her husband welcome them with pleasure treating them like their children.
=Karui is not drinking Sake because when she takes a drop she falls asleep deeply and the next day she gets up with a headache. she is ashamed or blushes when she is praised for the good things she does, such as trying to cheer up others.
=His raven is very disturbing apart from that he insults other people and also says macabre threats, there are times when Karui wonders why the hell this crow touched him.
=Karui almost always occupies a combat at hand to prevent him from breaking his sword, since she is a good example for the blacksmiths of the town.  
=The patron asks Karui to be the pillar of light, for the moment he is thinking about it.
• ~ ✧I express my emotions with the people that matter most to me, not to damn slags like you✧ ~ •
「Battle Info」
=Karui fights for his group of demon hunters, wants to defeat Muzan to find a way to return to normal
=His sword is a style of a rod to which the sword handle is a bit long, but for her he can move it easily without any problem, the handle of his sword is rolled up by a black ribbon and a space has written " Sword of light "and a golden handle that is sturdy, has a white sheath.
= At the moment it has Twelfth positions of the breath of light only that in the Twelfth it still does not manage to dominate it
-First form of light illusion: She quickly attacks her opponent with serious damage due to her breath without being able to react to such an attack.
-Second Form Side Illumination: She attacks in multiple ways confusing her opponent by pushing herself with something resistant, to finally cut the head of the demon is like a light passing through several mirrors.
-Third Backlight Form: She attacks from above where the demon is without noticing its presence
-Fourth Form Diffraction: With just one movement of his sword, the demon's head can be cut despite the long distance due to the rapidity of the attack.
- Fifth form dance of light: Through the dance a quantity of light accumulates in your sword by the movement avoiding the attacks of the demon that can be powerful that of a step followed when cutting the head instead of disintegrating in ashes disintegrates disappearing with small lights but in a very painful way for the demon that is burning while it reaches hell.
- Sixth form Dragon of light: within a battle, when making the attack his sword is formed a dragon thus attacking directly
-Seventh form Solar Eclipse: A ray of light is caused that from a distant battle a rotating attack with a glow ends the demon.
- eighth shape fire light twist: Like the seventh way but a close battle, with a surprise attack by the effect of light on the sword but unlike multiple turns before the demon will make its attack
- Ninth Form dazzling lights: She occupies that form if she is in a severe extreme squeeze during a powerful demon that she avoiding the attack by teleporting as small lights arrives on the other side of the battle closely with the enemy.
- Tenth Shape rotating lights: if the enemy attacks it from above or diagonally, avoid the attack with several lights around it that forms a turn of Fire.
- Eleventh Wings of Light Form: A simple illusion is propelled by propelling from the air to avoid a fall of several meters or in a battle.
- Twelfth Angel Guardian of Light Form: In a severely extreme situation a glow is caused in it rising from the air turning its eyes with illumination just like its sword forming the Sun Mark on its forehead, she as a ray of light destroys the demon due to a light of fire caused by the sword, only for the moment he still cannot control it.
- Karui has a good sense of sight that can see the enemy from afar or even in battle see the movements of the attack, also has a good sense of hearing, because he can hear someone approaching from afar
=She can withstand many attacks by demons, but her weakness is the large scar on her abdomen that if she was hit hard in that place, she would be unable to move.
≡ Strength: 10/10
≡ Dexterity: 10/10
≡ Agility: 10/10
≡ Luck: 7/10
≡ Charisma: 6/10
≡ Speed: 9/10
≡ Intelligence: 9/10
• ~ ✧There are certain difficult, complicated and sad moments that there is a certain time that you have to cry to avoid this discomfort✧ ~ •
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Good bye
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