#And at any given time winston and/or certainly taylor; a suffering main character; can have a bad time re: completely other subplots
reiterating concepts here but just sighing quietly about all the potential for disappointment re: [riawin subplot] b/c this is billions and at any given point we Can anticipate general antagonism from it....like, guess we could be hit with “yeah that was just a 3 ep leadup to ‘never gonna happen. obvi’” or idk, they could spin things like “despite the ‘repeatedly choosing to converse’ and ‘effectively complimenting each other in various ways’ and ‘rian jumping in to defend winston twice in 5x05′ and such, actually they mostly feel antagonistic towards each other even if they’re also kissing and stuff and aren’t going to Really get along here,” or things could go relatively okay but get completely taken out by some other plotline wreaking collateral damage, or things could go relatively okay but then it’s easy enough to write a relationship going south for w/e reason, would be nice if they could be actual friends whatever else, but then that wouldn’t be guaranteed in that scenario or any others, or a relationship can become like, a joke at their expense or w/e despite so far so [despite the humor often involved it Isn’t by making either of them into a joke & is handled fairly seriously despite the tone not being peak dramatic], or some entirely new way it could go completely off the rails b/c that’s how Billions operates & new factors can be dropped in ahead of time that you couldn’t possibly have predicted
sure have had time to make a bunch of Content vs if s5 had been completed last year with only 1 week between episodes, sure a chance to marinate in getting somewhat more invested than if the whole thing started & ended in like a month lol, but isn’t that always the way, indulging in transformative content but billions canon comes along and suckerpunches you........but also sometimes bestows us with gifts, so, also the whole time & also now there still has to be hope like, iunno, riawin could unfold and actually go relatively okay per this series, that’s sure been true so far And its development is pretty unusual, so anything’s possible here.....even if i Was like “oh i’m so totally prepared for disappointment” lmao i would still Be disappointed / experience other negative emotions i’m sure lol. it’s possible, both fortunately & unfortunately. the truest Billions Way is that the same aspect of it can be simultaneously a pro & a con. in the meantime, now being able to be sure of a september return & all its uncertainty re: this laser targeted “here’s something for a wynnstan to get invested in” matter, all the more motivation to be like, well, i can sure create another fic & drawing or two. in addition to everything i had a chance to make so far since 5x05 through 5x07 lol
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