noodlevania · 7 months
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thinking about...them
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nelmyriel · 8 months
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As far as I can see, a significant part of Nocturne audience haven’t heard about the official radio drama “Nocturne of Recollection”, which confirms Alucard’s feelings for adult (18 y.o.) Maria in some way. (All the complaints should be addressed to Konami :D)
To the main part. One of the flashbacks tells us that — several centuries before SotN — Alucard’s servant, Lyudmil, told his master about the festival where Lisa’s favorite flowers were used:
“Once a year, young men express their love to girls with garlands made of these flowers”.
At the end of the radio show, Alucard and Maria are alone in a blooming field. When Alucard draws the lady’s attention to beautiful flowers growing nearby, she is willing to gather some. Then the Tragic Prince remembers deceased Lyudmil, whispering under his breath:
“Whitе garlands?.. I should have said ‘Yes’ when you offered me a lesson how to make them”.
The authors imply that the dhampir and the huntress stay together after this episode.
P.S. I hope you understand Alumaria/Mariacard admirers a little better now.
So, did Konami plan for Maria and Alucard to be a couple? Definitely yes. Did they manage to reveal their relationship well? This is up to you.
And I remind you that Alumaria fan base has formed around adult Maria. All the adequate viewers support the idea that Adrian and young (16 y.o.) Maria should have a purely platonic love, but most gamers consider their romance after the time skip as a partial analogue of Lisa and Dracula. (This is fantasy, my friends — the laws of our world don’t work for a 300+ y.o. dude. In addition, the game universe compensated Adrian’s questionable age with vampire hibernation: roughly speaking, his intellectual growth had been frozen for centuries, so mentally he was not much older than his passion).
My personal opinion: we have a basis for a story about true noble love, but it’s all in writers’ hands.
If you want to argue — argue with Charlotte Aulin.
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P.P.S. Pardon my English.
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akumahoshojo · 2 years
What is your personal opinion about the Maria SOTN x Alucard ship?
This is a tough question, honestly. Essay incoming!
I wouldn't call myself an Alumaria shipper (I'm more about exploring the canon CV friendships/partnerships than anything), but I also wouldn't say I'm as opposed to the basic concept as most others in game fandom are lately. The age difference is ridic on the surface, but I think it's actually pretty likely that Alucard himself could've been around SOTN Maria's age at the time he went into the coffin, putting him around the same mental age at the time they meet if we're playing by unrealistic fantasy vampire aging rules. I also love both characters, and I think the dynamic of the series' tragic hero with its OG joke character has a ton of potential for fun interactions.
What really weakens the pairing in my eyes is, ironically, the official media that attempts to promote it. Richter more or less suggesting Maria fix Alucard's depression at the end of SOTN feels iffy, despite me really liking the line about Maria being able to "save his haunted soul." The radio drama portrayal of Maria as an inept wannabe housewife and Alucard as The Worst Roommate In The World really isn't endearing. It's actually kind of sad to see such a fun and independent character like Maria reduced to having her entire life revolve around gaining Alucard's favor, especially considering how young she is, as well as seeing just how petty Alucard actually becomes on a daily basis now that he no longer has to worry about saving the world.
I think there really are some good themes in the drama—the fact that problems like depression and self-loathing can't be fixed overnight, the concept of Alucard and Maria possibly forcing themselves to play domestic roles that don't fit them, Alucard putting up a front to prevent himself from hurting others again, etc. The problem is that these themes receive so little focus compared to stuff like the two of them arguing over Maria's terrible cooking or the radio drama’s OCs, and some of them might not have been intended at all.
So while I do think the pairing could have potential, I think Konami's portrayal did enough damage that fans who are interested in it pretty much have to rebuild it themselves. There's a lot of great fic and art out there that does this! I also think there's not enough focus in the fandom on them just as battle partners and (especially) friends, and the adventures they might have after SOTN.
I probably won't go as far as shipping it myself in future CV stuff I write, but I think their dynamic itself is really intriguing, and I'm excited to one day explore it!
Thanks for the ask!
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hydrostorm · 2 years
meme of the two guys on the bus and im looking out the window smiling because i dont engage in fandom
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beevean · 1 year
IDW will go down the exact same day that Nocturne will get a release trailer just to spite you :P
Let's all cross our fingers for Richter Cuckmont, the privileged rich vampire hunter!
Better that than having them hammer my braincells at the same time :)
C'mon Nocturne :) I know you want that Alumaria sex scene so badly :) Do your worst, I believe in you :)
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I did it, I fixed Maria’s wiki page.
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Also bonus ones:
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You’re welcome everyone
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I know a lot of people are unhappy about how Alucard was left after the end of the season and I don’t know how the Netflix series will handle his future, but in a radio drama that serves as a sequel to the Symphony of the Night game, he does get a  brief respite of happiness with Maria Renard. I say brief because at the end of the day he’s still a half vampire and she’s mortal so he obviously outlives her. It’s bittersweet but such is his fate I suppose. Whether their relationship was romantic or platonic is up in the air but in my personal opinion it leads more towards romantic.
You can find the entire radio drama translated in seven parts up on YouTube in the link below. Just a word of advice, this being a sequel you may want to familiarize yourself with the plot of Rondo of Blood and Symphony of the Night if you haven’t already.
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mariarenard · 6 years
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Back at it again with the CV memes.
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aftepes · 7 years
The Castlevania Discord server I’m on had an idea. I provided. @belrnont
In which Alucard is something of a doctor and there is a baby. Long under the cut, mentions of death and prostitution, but only mentions.
Alucard stared down at the tiny infant, still covered in the mess and viscera of birth. The little boy squirmed, alive, thriving, strong and already kicking slightly, his face scrunched up like he would cry. He'd need help. And Maria was still out hunting, the other women in the village refused to come anywhere near the woman's house who had just birthed this red, bright, squirming little boy. After all, what good woman of God would help the town whore give birth? Alucard had taken it upon himself.
The woman hadn't lived.
No matter all he had done, birthing this boy had taken too much of her. Bringing a new life into the world had brought with it blood, and pain, and no matter all that Alucard had done, death. She had died peaceful, despite everything, giving the tiny child a name.
"Michael." He whispered, stroking his hand over the newborn's head, "Michael, if you have no one on this earth you have me."
He didn't want to let the infant go. He held him, close, walking about the room, cleaned him, wrapped him in a blanket, rocked the tiny thing in his arms. He had no food for the child, no milk was to be found in the home, and his mother's body held nothing, not even warmth.
The baby would have to come home with him.
There was fresh milk in the home, Maria was good about keeping their pantry stocked. The house was always warm, always felt golden and bright, and even this late into the evening, it smelled of flowers from the garden Alucard kept. The infant was growing restless, hungry, squirming and whining, his tiny hands grasping desperately for anything.
But Michael, the tiny thing he had made the mistake of growing attached to, was healthy, he ate well, and fell asleep in Alucard's arms.
And that was where he was when Maria arrived home, fast asleep in Alucard's arms, as the dhampir composed letters to find out what to do about the mother's death. He couldn't just leave her there, dead in a rented room of a sparse home.
"Alucard?" Maria began, approached him. She set down the birds she had hunted on the floor, knelt. "What is that?"
"Leanna had her baby. She didn't make it."
Maria's face fell, and she reached out, moving the blanket Michael was wrapped in to see his small, sleeping face, long pale lashes laid on his round cheeks, wisps of red gold curls laid on his forehead. She brushed her long fingers over his head, over Alucard's hand, met her lover's eyes.
"What will become of the child?"
"He has no family that I know of, and it's unlikely his father will claim him, if we even knew who it was." Alucard instinctively cradled the child closer. Like he could protect him, give him a life he deserved.
"Alucard?" Maria sounded like pleading, like need, like care, the care she had shown him, shown the mess that was their life. "We should, oh, we should." Her voice drifted off.
"We should. She named him Michael, she was allowed to hold him, at least, before she passed."
"Michael." Maria took him from Alucard's arms, held him close. "We'll take care of you."
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noodlevania · 7 months
Might draw Alumaria soon...that pairing gets so much hate for what ...
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nelmyriel · 2 months
[ Castlevania ] Memes Pt. 2
A moment of self-irony.
Memes for those who loved Alucard and Maria couple in Konami universe and now suffer because of Nocturne.
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(Special for MariaRenardCV)
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My friends, I joke within the scope of my land's mentality and laws, so if you're a person of a different culture, don't take it personally and just ignore me.
P.S. Sorry, I'm only on Tumblr to post, so I'm not involved in discussions.
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hydrostorm · 2 years
for tht ask game, symphony of the night, or if thats taken, metal gear
favorite male Definitely Butch character: richter : )
favorite female character: well maria : ) i just wish she was better in the original dub.. its my favorite in terms of acting but she is not very well written in comparison to alucard and richter maybe even drac
least favorite character: shaft is a fuckin snake but i think the succubus was treated the worst
prettiest character: when it comes to who is specifically most pretty definitely alucard.
funniest character: i want to just say Literally Richter but that would come off differently from how i truly feel. the ferryman
favorite season stage: THE COLOSSEUM- im gonna just blast off for a second the way that the stone dragon heads in the background have glowing red eyes that pulsate to the beat of the ost as well as the tranquil bath room and the disturbing gore room with the blood cloak which turns pain into power and also the stone throne with a deep blue ornament from where richter laughs at alucard. i wish i could even get into how much this stage means to me in real life
favorite episode cutscene: the mid-boss battle scene before richter uses hydro storm ("Magnificent! But now feel my unbridled wrath!") is literally the climax of the game, however the end boss battle with alucard is so so so important, and so is the succubus nightmare, and so is "open hells gate" and so is "this castle is a creature of chaos, it may take many incarnations" and so is-
favorite romantic ship: dang, if only annette were in sotn..... i even want to say succurichter more than alurichter
favorite family ship: maria and richter, she knows richter would never truly want to hurt anyone!!!!!!
favorite friend ship: alurichter but Mostly for the potential it has not neccesarily what is within the game.. when it comes to that, alucard and maria!!!! their friendship is .. i want to say underrated, but i mostly just dont hear about it a lot outside of alumaria or the radio drama
worst ship: alumaria isnt the worst thing in the world but more popular than im comfortable with. or, to pull from the Very depths of hell, richter/shaft
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arikad0 · 2 years
I want to know how they are going to explain the time skip and/or any references to Simon's time that had already passed, how this will be addressed. And how they are going to reference Greta is at all lmao. god netflix please do not make alumaria a thing and oh ew I shudder to imagine netflix's handing of bad ending annette oh hell nooooo. hopefully since ellis is no longer involved in any way the series will be more open to the concept of other relationships existing, like platonic and sibling? I'm not holding my breath though smh
the other Belmont's will probably just get mentioned from time to time like Leon was in the original series
but yeah I just. don't have high hopes for the writing of this series especially since some reviews for other things the new writer was involved with mention things like "trauma porn" or whatever
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Girl help, Alucard and Greta got me feeling soft. This is the 100th tall goth and small sass ship I have.
Girl help.
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townsenta · 4 years
let it be known that i resent those hetero nonsense plot lines where the woman’s love saves a man H o w ever i think that maria needs to show up in the next netflix cv season and remind alucard of love and humanity and he can have a lil beauty and the beast redemption arc after skewering his ex pals and being set up as a villain last season and this is fine and Not heterosexual nonsense because neither alucard nor maria are straight no i am not accepting criticism at this time.
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