#Also when she sheds her scales her legs slowly become see through; like her tail
insomni-frog · 4 months
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Every year around Valentines day, heart-shaped sea glass washes up on the shores of beaches everywhere. No cookie can explain this odd phenomena—although plenty of superstitions have formed around them.
Some say if a couple find one together, they will blessed with everlasting love; others say the colour can indicate how the relationship will go.
Although no one truly knows why it happens, the sea glass is pretty, so why look a gift horse in the mouth.
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fortune-fool02 · 4 years
After the Storm
Merman Jonathan Joestar x female reader
Requested by: anonymous
Mermaid AU 
This is a little long as I got carried away. Please enjoy.
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Voices clashed against one another on the docks, shouting orders and questions as people clustered about, removing cargo from the ships returning to the docks and loading cargo into the ships that were due to depart shortly. Picking the large box up, [Name] followed the captain's directions and took the box into the cargo hold, setting it down and panting a little. 
Working on the docks was not considered the easiest of jobs but she needed to earn money to be able to survive so she was taking the risks. Surprisingly, there were some people who didn’t mind having a woman working on the docks. “As long as the work’s done, I don’t care what’s between ya legs.” The captain told her once when she asked if she could work for him. He was a decent man, [Name] would give him that much. Plus, during her time on the docks, she had heard stories of the different countries they had travelled to.
As she finished loading the cargo, she heard the captain give the final call for all passengers to board the ship. She turned to leave the ship when she was stopped by the captain, a warm smile on his lips. 
“Ya wanna come with, [Name]?” he asked, the captain was always kind to her fr her work. She smiled and agreed with this, excited to see more of the world. Of course, she still did what she could around the ship to make up for the work which the captain was happy for. Though, things soon took an unwanted turn when they departed. 
Dark clouds rumbled with thunder, promising no easy passage through it as the waves grew in their anger, biting and clashing with the ship, determined to inflict their anger upon something. The ship swayed in the crushing waves, everyone scrambling to guide the ship through this storm and keep each other safe. Powerful wind gusts shoved the ship’s sails around like paper in the breeze in its argument with the sea; the orders shouted by the captain and crew were muffled by the wind and sea. 
[Name] rushed across the deck towards the mast, the other crew member struggling to keep it steady. She grabbed hold of the rope and helped them try to secure it more, the sea making it difficult as it batted them. Seeming to have grown annoyed with the people, the wind threw one final gust of air that tipped the ship somewhat, the sea also clashing as it did. The combined attack was more than enough to send some of the crew members to the floor, [Name] being one of them. Her head smacked against the wooden edge of the ship as it tiled again, and with nothing to keep her grounded, her body fell over the edge and into the roaring sea. 
Her body was swallowed by the thrashing waves, throwing her around a little before pulling her down into the depths. Dazed from the strike to the head, she could not even tell which way was up or down, leaving her dizzy and at the mercy of anything that lurked within the sea’s darkness. Among that darkness was something she feared. Nature’s infamous sea predator, eyes as black as an abyss with jaws lined with razor teeth ready to tear her to pieces. The shark caught a whiff of the blood that seeped from her head and locked onto its target. 
It grew closer to her without detection, her mind still trying to focus on returning to the surface and keep herself from drowning, leaving her open for its attack. Its mouth opened, revealing the rows of razor sharp teeth, ready to strike and latch onto her when something else collided into the shark, forcing it off its target and into the ragged stones close to them. This predator hissed at the shark, baring his own razor sharp teeth that were just as easily capable of slicing through flesh as his claws were. 
The shark darted off quickly, getting as far away from this predator as possible. The creature turned towards the human and his inhumanly blue eyes widened a little, the hostility it radiated immediately replaced with a concern for this human as he swam towards them. Before the human could reach the surface of the water, her movements went limp, her consciousness faded from the lack of oxygen as well as the injury. The creature grabbed hold of her carefully and swam up to the surface, keeping her head above the waves the best he could in this storm. 
No, this storm was too brutal and showed no signs of stopping anytime soon. Keeping a secure hold on the human, the creature turned and swam towards an area he knew was safe. 
A dull throbbing drummed [Name]’s head, her [Eye colour] eyes cracking open only to wince at the reflective light of the sun bouncing from the now calm waters in front of her. Sitting upright slowly, she held her head in hopes to soothe the throbbing and forced her [Eye colour] eyes open to take in her surroundings. 
The area seemed to be a small cove. Soft, warm sand underneath her with the calm crystal blue water only feet away from her. Small shells decorated the sand as shade was offered by the trees that stood around the cove, their lush green leaves standing proud. The events of last night played in her head, the storm battering the ship, the waves clashing against her and dragging her into the water then...something pulling her back to the surface. She could vaguely recall feeling arms around her as the last of her consciousness faded. 
Odd. Slowly, she tried to stand upright to explore the area when she noticed something very odd. Close to where she was laying was a pile of things. Clothes, dry wood, stones and a towel. The clothes were obviously men’s clothes and were quite large. Looking around, she tried to see if she could see the owner of these clothes yet found she was alone. Confusion swirled around in her mind until she heard something in the water. 
[Eye colour] eyes widened, shock flooding them at the sight of the creature emerging from the water. Dark hair sticking to his face as he surfaced from the water, inhumanly blue eyes glowing softly like the water itself. Silver scales covering the creature’s body that shimmered in the sun’s light with a large gleaming tail fin where his legs should have been. Clawed, webbed hands that pulled himself onto land with a handful of freshly caught fish in the other. The merman looked up and stopped, blinking in surprise to see the human awake. 
The two remained still, staring at each other, unsure of what to do until the merman spoke. “Good morning...I, um, brought you some food.” His speech was smooth and soft, unlike what you would expect to hear from a creature of the sea. [Name] blinked and tried to force down her shock though it was difficult to. There was a merman -a creature of myth- talking to her. He held the fish out for her, his posture and expression warm and calm, no hostility at all. 
Slowly, [Name] stood upright and approached the merman, carefully taking the fish from him. “T-Thank you.” At this, he smiled at her, happy that she accepted his offering. He has no idea when she had last eaten and the last thing he wanted was for her to starve to death. 
Carefully, he pulled himself further onto shore, leaving the sea’s touch and allowed his form to change. His tail fin split down, becoming two bare legs as his scales shedded into skin, the dorsal fin along his spine retracted along with the webbing on his hands and the claws. The process was indeed painful but he has endured it a few times before, though it was still just as painful as the first time. 
[Name] watched with amazement mixed shock. Her mind still trying to process the fact at this mythical creature actually existed. Snapping out of her little trance, she grabbed the towel and walked over to the merman, handing him the towel. 
“Here you go.” she handed the towel to him as well as the clothes, now understanding that they must have belonged to him. Her eyes averting his bare form. He thanked her and dried himself off, quickly dressing himself. He has observed the humans long enough to know that you had to wear clothes and it was deemed rude and inappropriate to not wear them. 
He turned back to the [Hair colour] woman once he was dressed, that warm smile still on his lips. “My name is Jonathan. Well, it’s the name I picked.” He introduced himself, hoping to help the human calm down a little. 
She blinked, her [Eye colour] eyes glimmering in the sunlight, reminding him of the jewels he has found among shipwrecks. They were beautiful. “My name is [Name], are you the one who saved me in the storm?” He smiled and nodded. She gave him a soft smile, “Thank you, Jonathan.” 
His sea blue eyes lit up at that, the smile on his lips lifting more. The wariness that she radiated earlier was fading, her posture growing calmer around him now knowing he was no threat to her, and her saviour. Standing up a little slowly, gathering his stability on his legs again, he picked up the other fish and walked over to the dry wood and stones, trying to get a fire started. [Name] watched this and looked at him. 
“Would you like me to help you?” She asked, kneeling beside him. Jonathan nodded, handing her the stones. 
“Yes please.” It took a good few attempts but they were able to get the fire started. It was strange turn of events but [Name] could not deny that she was grateful for the merman rescuing her. The least she could do was show her gratitude for it.
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Yoaral the Unexpected Paladin
          Yoaral wasn’t always called this, the first name his tribe called him is long forgotten to him. Growing up in the Vast Swamp resting at the south of the Thunder Peaks are his fondest memories. The tribe started to teach him how to survive from the moment he hatched. You see Lizardfolk differ from other races in that they celebrate the strong, and leave the weak behind, very little emotion rests within their minds and hearts. Yoaral was very strong and was an excellent fighter from a young age. The closest thing he experienced to what you and I call parental love was the fact that his father had yet to disown him.
            This was however going to change. One day in his sixteenth year of life, well into adulthood, a loud roar penetrated the Vast Swamp. The entirety tribe began to prepare to defend, or flee, Yoaral looked to the sky. What he saw was a magnificent Lizard with wings circling above that expelled plumes of elements from its maw. The rest of the tribe tensed ready to take cover and hide in a moment’s notice. Yoaral flexed his legs and began sprinting, bone clubs and daggers his only armament. His stride carried him far but the great lizard’s wings kept putting greater and greater distance between them until it was a speck on the western horizon.
            Unsure what the magnificent lizard was, Yoaral decided to ask the tribe shamans. It was at this time he heard the word “Darastrix”, dragon, for the first time. From this moment on he knew what his one goal in life would be. To find a way to shed his small skin and become a strong and fearsome winged dragon that his people would revere. You see, Lizardfolk worship the great beasts, but also realize that dragons are fearsome predators and they would not want to become food for the beasts.
            The unfortunate part of his plan was that to his knowledge it was impossible. Lizardfolk do not have libraries filled with tomes and scrolls, rather their shaman’s pass history and knowledge forward through the generations. He spent a few years in secret attempting to gain the information he sought by making small trips to the nearby villages that lay outside the swamp. This of course was always met by odd stares and whispers, but this mattered not to him as the soft skins were weak and would benefit from his transformations.
            Most common folk looked at him with pity, as if he was just a deranged person who was babbling nonsense. Become a dragon? No one thought it possible. Realizing that it was a risk he arranged a meeting with the shaman’s on the eve of his eighteenth year anniversary. It was here he laid the truth of his ambition and actions over the past four years and asked for their help in his pursuit of knowledge. The reaction he got was not what he expected.
            He had grown up with some of the younger shaman, but the look in their eyes were just as fierce and unforgiving as the elders. They told him what he spoke of achieving was impossible, and that attempting to become a darastrix, was equal to that of impersonating a god. Yoaral had always been in high standing of his tribe due to his combat abilities, he was the epitome of strength and ferocity in a fight. Yet he had always known when a fight would be lost and preserved his life accordingly. That reputation faded quickly.
            Yoaral and the shamans argued through the night till the sun was high in the sky the next morning. By then it had gained the attention of most of the rest of his tribe. The tribal head approached with Yoaral’s father who looked at him with the usual cold indifference most other civilized humanoids see in a Lizardfolks eyes. It was the first time he had experienced such a feeling. Shame? Sadness? Scared? These were all foreign concepts to him but he had heard these words from the people of the villages. It was here, on his eighteenth birthday that he was given his name. His father raised one long claw in a point, pressed the tip of it through the scales of his chest and tore a long jagged wound from his left side down to his right hip as he spoke one word. “Yoaral.”
            His eyes widened as almost immediately the rest of the tribe immediately turned his back to him and walked away. He was shocked, the word ringing in his ears. “Yoaral”, outcast. Glancing down to the blood freely trickling from his tough scaled body that was now traveling down to the ground and mixing in with the soft moist earth under his feet, he knew he was dead to the tribe. He could never return, he was weak and an unmentionable. The jagged wound would heal to a scar that all of his kind would recognize. Yoaral would not be welcome in any tribe.
            Unable to grab any of his usual hunting gear, as it was tribe property, he slowly stumbled out of the swamp. His direction was east, hoping to reach a new area with someone willing to help him. With every step his would sent jolts of pain through him. His father had cut deep, it wouldn’t kill him if he did anything to stem the bleeding and rested. Yoaral however was still shocked, unable to think straight. His vision blurred, not sure if it was from blood loss or if he managed to shed what is called a tear in the common tongue. Yoaral just knew that after a few hours of walking everything went black.
            His dreams were plagued by that cold look from his father, watching his tribesmen turn their back and leave him to die in the wilderness, a fierce gaping maw that threatened to swallow him, but then there was that of flying. Over the treetops, a roar escaping his throat and fire bellowing from his belly. Yoaral awoke in the back of a covered wagon sun shining in and reflecting off of something metal at the edge. Squinting lightly attempting to sit up but a shooting pain had him gasping and yelping.
            This was the first time he heard words spoken with such kindness that Yoaral remembers feeling all pain ease away entirely, “Do not move, your wound has not completely closed.” The lizardfolk looked about wearily looking for the source. Upon seeing it he was confused. It was a human, in large plate armor that had a platinum scaled beast with its wings spread almost looking like a cross that was circled by 7 golden suns. She spoke again, “Can you tell me your name?”
            Yoaral began to speak but something caught in his throat causing him to cough violently, he felt part of his wound split and yelled out in pain. The woman knelt down placing a water flask to his mouth and he drank quickly. He felt the pain subside as she placed her other hand over the wound. “I have never had to heal one of your kind before so I am finding it difficult to mend you perfectly. If your kind can scar, I suspect this wound will.”
            Yoaral cocked his head from his prone position to see that his lower half was covered by a blanket and the wound was covered in cotton bandages that were slightly stained crimson. “Who are you?” he managed to croak. The woman kindly gave him a drink making a great effort to keep him from drinking too quickly.
            “My name is Janet Redici. I am a paladin who took an oath to help those in dire need on this plane.” She paused for a second, “Now let’s try your name again.”
            His orange eyes met her green ones, he had never met a human that spoke draconic, it is why the tribe taught all the hatchlings common. With a heavy breath he spoke the name that he would soon make his motivation for everything, “Yoaral.” It was only for a second but he swore he saw a second of that odd emotion sadness cross her face.
            “Well Yoaral we are almost to my city, do you have any place to stay when we get there?” He found it odd she was not questioning why he was in the state he was in.
            “Where is your city?” Yoaral asked weakly having not consistently spoken in who knows how long.
            “Waterdeep on the sword coast.” She spoke lightly. He had no idea where that was, but her healing touch had him drifting to sleep before he could reply.
            He awoke a day later, no idea where he was. Shooting up straight he searched the strangely built room, eyes scanning for hostiles. Yoaral then remembered all the events of the past few days. His clawed hand ran down the length of the jagged scar on his torso. He then remembered the small faced human woman who saved him. Slowly getting out of bed he opened the strange wooden door on metal hinges and walked through the threshold to where the smell of ham and eggs cooking permeated the air.
            Round a corner he saw her, but she wasn’t wearing her armor. Instead she wore the leather padding that the plates buckled to. Looking up she smiled at him and asked, “Hungry?” Yoaral simply nodded, his mouth watering at the sight of the meat cracking. She motioned to a strange wooden piece that had two other wooden things on either side. “Sit.” Her light voice said as she finished the ham.
            Bringing the plates over she sat across from him as he struggled to fit his tail on the seat of the chair and the solid back. “Now eat up. No one here seems to know you. So I am assuming you know no one here. Your training starts today.”
            Yoaral straightened up a string of ham hanging from his lower jaw, “Training?” He managed to ask confused.
            “In your fever you spoke of a dragon you saw and how it was inspiring to you.” She pointed to the sigil on her plate armor that was hanging on the dummy by the door. “I am a paladin of Bahamut, the platinum dragon god. Defender of justice and the enemy of evil, and now I am your master and you are my pupil.”
            Yoaral looked confused, how could this soft skin truly believe that she was superior to him. For the next year and a half he learned why she believed it. Even though she wore large bulky metal plates she was fast and quick with her weapons and her feet were so sure she danced around his own blows. She taught him the ins and outs of being Bahamut’s paladin. What was required of him, how he should look to gain the dragon god’s favor. As well as training the Lizardfolk how to fight rather than how to hunt.
            So for eighteen months Yoaral was beaten and broken, physically and mentally until he finally was able to stand his ground to Janet, not as an equal but as a comrade. She gave him a gift on the day before he would set out on his own. She had a special waraxe forged. The tail of a dragon wrapped around the pole as the dragon clung to it, its wings spread out on either side forming the razor sharp edges of the weapon. It was the best gift he had ever received, and it was in this moment he became thankful for his name.
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