#Also they really have Sam and Fran and Sam Bucket and Francis
meteor752 · 2 years
I can’t believe I just thought the thought ‘Wow, Francis must be Sam Buckets Skeppy’, like what life choices did I make to have that bounce around my mind
Half of those words aren’t even words
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snom-pixelates · 1 year
Post Sam Bucket Stream [2022/09/09] Sam Bucket Notes
I wanted to get some notes down from the post Sam Bucket finale stream that I found interesting because I'm trying to see if Sam Bucket connects to c!Sam multiple bodies lore. Transcriptions and my ramble-y notes about them under the cut!
CC!Sam: And there's still some things we don't know [about Sam Bucket]. Like. We don't know more about his dog, we don't know more about what Sam Bucket did. We don't even know if his name is really Sam Bucket. We just don't know.
(The distinct note about Sam Bucket's dog and the "We don't even know if his name is really Sam Bucket" both strike me as interesting. Of course Fran and Francis look and are named very similar. If Sam Bucket IS a previous c!sam body, maybe the current c!sam body vaguely remembered the name "Francis" while naming Fran. Also I wonder if Sam's vessels ever went by different names to cover up his immortality? "Awesamdude" is a pretty memorable name. It could be this body originally went by "Sam Bucket" as a way for c!sam to cover up his identity during that incarnation, or maybe Sam Bucket assigned that name to himself later?)
cc!Bad: 'Why is Callahan on the wall?' Because Sam Bucket is fascinated with Callahan." cc!Sam: Sam Bucket is in love with Callahan, it's true. He told me himself cc!Bad: He's a Callahan enjoyer. cc!Sam: Yeah. Appreciator, even.
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(We know Callahan was gifted some inkling of divinity from DreamXD and is one of his 'pets'. It's possible Callahan was alive during the time of Sam Bucket. Either that or Sam Bucket saw Callahan recently and finds him fascinating for some other reason. Current c!sam memories leaking into the Sam Bucket body maybe?)
cc!Bad: 'Can Sam Bucket teleport?' To some degree, yes. There are rules. cc!Sam: There are rules, yes. cc!Bad: he likes to appear behind people. cc!Sam: He does!
(either Sam Bucket CAN actually teleport for some ghostly or magical reason or, like c!Sam, he has stasis chambers. A previous incarnation of c!sam could potentially have known how to build them. That might also explain why there are 'rules' in regards to this teleportation power, as stasis chambers only work under specific circumstances: Someone pulling the trap door to break the Enderpearl or the chamber being set on a timer)
cc!Bad: So Sam Bucket, if you think canonically, right, the Sam Bucket WE know is different from the Sam Bucket that has existed. Because Sam Bucket is not necessarily a ghost. He's not a ghost. But he's not alive in the way you think he is. Like, you couldn't kill Sam Bucket cc!Sam: Yeaaah! That's a big leak.
(cc!sam might consider this a 'big leak' because it could potentially be leaking a huge part of his lore that we only just found out in this recent stream. Can you not kill Sam Bucket for the same reason you can't really 'kill' c!sam? Because he's a clone body? Or is there some OTHER reason why you can't kill Sam Bucket?)
cc!Bad: Sam Bucket's not a deity. He's just more of like… He's LIKE a ghost, but he's not a ghost. He shares properties of a ghost, which is why some people see him and some people can't. I guess he's a ghost. He's KIND OF a ghost. But he's not a ghost. Not in the way people think of a ghost. cc!Bad, responding to a dono: Yeah, there you go! He's a ghost, but not because he's dead! cc!Sam: ahhh! there we go. (Perhaps he's "like a ghost" in that he's a remnant? Just not a remnant of someone who is dead, because he's "not dead"? But a remnant of someone who is clearly still around? By that I mean c!sam. Perhaps Sam Bucket is just a sliver of c!sam still dwelling in a vessel he's long forgotten? If he can forget his OG body and memories, it's likely he forgot other previous lives, too. Like, potentially, the one where he lost his beloved dog, joined the Egg and then got all his friends killed? We really don't know how many lives c!sam has actually lived because he only remembers his most current one, the one that was The Warden.) cc!Bad: He didn't die so much as… you might be able to make like… okay so here's the timeline. Here's the whole story. Sam Bucket discovers the Egg, eventually discovers the Egg's weakness, and uses the bucket on his head to block the Egg in and bury it, right? And then the Egg gets discovered WAY WAY WAY later by me. But during that time, Sam Bucket was just with the Egg. This entity that can communicate with people. So Sam Bucket just lived there and that was it, just lived there. Until eventually the Egg was free and Sam Bucket was freed at the same time.
(Is that the reason Sam Bucket can only say his name now? Is his mind so scrambled because of the Egg's influence that now all he can say is "Sam Bucket?" Has he forgotten that he's even a c!sam body/clone at all?)
cc!bad: Sam Bucket was a witness to the Red Banquet. But he couldn't interact with anyone at that point. So he could just sit there and watch. And he catalogued it.
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(I have 0 idea how to explain this one. No clue on why he couldn't interact with anyone at the Banquet. Is it because all he can say is his name, and he wouldn't be able to explain the situation and help? This is about the only thing I can't put an explanation to.)
cc!Sam: 'what does Sam Bucket draw with?' Uhh, well…. uh, well…… cc!bad: Cranberry juice cc!Sam: yeah, cranberry juice…
(c!sam evidentially has a weird relation to body parts. He doesn't get the significance of having them lost or taken, likely because he can replace them whenever he wishes by hopping into a new body. He chops off c!Ponk's arm and expects him to get over it. He gets hungry when trapped with the Egg so he starts chomping into his own arm. He brushes off c!Hannah losing her wings. Body parts don't matter to him. So why would blood, if that's what Sam Bucket is being hinted at drawing with? It's possible Sam Bucket is as nonchalant about lost limbs, and potentially losing blood, as c!sam is)
cc!Bad: Sam Bucket is literally one of the most tragic characters. His friend died. Then he, like. Killed a bunch of his friends. Led a bunch of others to being brainwashed. It's an interesting parallel to other things have happened. Almost reminds me of someone who might have had a parallel… cc!Sam: Another paralleled story, if you will. I could imagine there could be a character [hinting at c!bad] that could parallel that character [Sam Bucket] pretty well.
(I think this is also important to note because Sam Bucket is not only a parallel to c!Sam but also c!Bad. If feels almost as if Sam Bucket is what would've happened if c!sam was in c!bad's place. Instead of losing a friend, like his own version of a c!Skeppy, he instead lost his beloved dog and got corrupted by the Egg that way)
cc!Sam: It was pretty sad. Sam Bucket locks himself away. with the egg. So badboyhalo can live…
(*staaaares directly at c!Sam devoting himself to the prison so hard he ties his entire identity to it, to keep c!dream locked inside and "protect the server". Something something "everything is perfect when it's just me and him" and Sam Bucket and the Egg being trapped alone together for a very, very long time before it eventually got loose)
cc!Sam: 'Why did Sam Bucket not close off the Egg sooner?' cc!Bad: Well… cc!Sam: No don't tell them. Do NOT tell them. cc!Bad: I mean, there's technically TWO reasons. cc!Sam: yeah but make them speculate. It's more fun to not tell them for sure.
(Eyessss this suspiciously)
cc!Bad: Let's give you guys some questions, how 'bout that? So why didn't Sam close up the Egg sooner? Great question. Why was Sam drawing all these things on the wall? Like, why'd he draw this? Why COULDN'T Sam communicate with anybody around the time of the Red Banquet? Why was it only till later that he could? Why was he walking around and collecting those buckets? What's up with this room in here? Why would he arrange the buckets like this? cc!Sam: yeah, it seems like it's laid out in a very particular way
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cc!Bad: and what was he doing with that fountain in the middle of the forest? cc!Sam: WAS there a fountain in the middle of the forest? cc!Bad: Was that all in Bad's head or was it actually real. Hm. Interesting. Why was he chasing Sam. Why was he chasing Sam out of this area when Sam was looking for him? Interesting. It's almost… could there be something we're missing here? Hmmm… cc!Sam: It's a secrettt~ cc!Bad: Is there something YOU guys are missing? cc!Sam: Yeah i love that there are so many things that could be figured out. We left a lot of crumbs to lead to things. cc!Bad: They'll figure it out. There's like a clue in the teaser. There's a clue in the credits. that's one of those things I've always liked, was leaving clues on stuff. cc!Sam: 'How'd he figure out iron was the answer'? oooOOO~! good question! cc!Bad: Maybe you guys should watch the previous two streams cc!sam: maybe you guys should get ready for the FUTURE streams! Ooo~!
(HmmMMMM... Future streams, ehh? Like potentially this most recent one? hrmmm)
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