#Alpha happy LoWmann
maggyme13 · 3 years
The Alpha next door (5/?)
AN: This part is smaller than the last ones. I am sorry but I have some kind of midterms for my apprenticeship and no time or energy to (concentrate to) write
ALSO sorry for no strange formatting, I have the new Beta and it is strange to use atm
@wiccanmetallicrose and @alexakeyloveloki i am sorry for not replying to your comments but I always forgot :(
Warnings: Smut, Sex, Angst
Wordcount: around 1.7k
Part 4
She woke up cradled in the Alpha´s arms the next morning, his head nuzzled into her neck and dick against her backside. Milli had just woken up when Happy´s phone rang and woke him up as well. “WHAT?!”, he growled into the phone, “Fine- I will be there. NO she won´t- Because- Now leave it be!” He curled back around her and sighed. “Need to go back?”, Millie asked. “Yes. Need to be there in three hours.” “Alright. I have some fresh bread for breakfast. And some coffee too.”, she hummed mentally checking the insides of her cupboards and fridge. “I would rather have something else.”, he smirked against her skin. “Oookay, maybe I can find something else-”
“What?” “I want you for breakfast. I bet you taste delicious.”, Happy chuckled and she blushed deeply. “Don´t be shy now. You got your fun yesterday, now it is my turn.” “B-but..” “Yes Omega-?”, he asked in a voice that made her shiver and her animal submit. “No- nothing.”, she answered. Denying an Alpha can turn out badly for anyone that dares. But her answer was not to his satisfaction, he made her look into his eyes and raised a questioning eyebrow. “Did you not like last night? I – I am not trained, but I am sure it was not that bad. Nothing compared to what you are used to, I guess, but-”, she started to mumble and explain herself. “Omega shut up!”, he growled, effectively stopping her rant, “Stop selling yourself short. I enjoyed last night. One of the best fucks I ever had. I just wished you had asked me to finger you. I wanted to taste you for days now.” Upon hearing that, Millie blushed even more and avoided his eyes while she mumbled something under her breath. “What was that? I was unable to understand what you said.” She gulped. “I am not good with blowjobs. I never really liked the taste of cum.”, she admitted again. “I can´t remember telling you to blow me, Omega.”, he rumbled with slight confusion in his voice, “I said I want to taste you.” “I can finish you with my hands if...”, Millie continued her mumbling without much thought. “I don´t want you to finish me off.”, he growled. “I- I am sorry. I thought. They said.” “You thought and who said what?”, he sighed. “O-Other Omegas. I overheard them at the shop I worked at. They said to always make sure the Alpha is satisfied. They don´t like giving and not receiving. I heard stories about -things.” “Told you I am not a rapist. Didn´t I?” “Yes, for me to come to you, and after Yesterday… After I initiated the sex. I thought.” “That I would do things you don´t want to do?” “I- I don´t. I was- I don´t know. I stayed away from any Alpha as much as possible.”, she admitted getting distressed. Her animal and memories did not want the Alpha to get mad and tears started to rise. “Sh. Calm down, Millie, shhh.”, he tried her to relax, caressing her cheek with the back of his hand, “I am not an Alpha like that. If I want you to do something I will tell you. And I will not make you do things you don´t want to. My animal chose you and that makes us equal. If you believe it or not.” Millie did not know what to think about that exclamation, but her animal purred upon hearing it. “I am sorry Happy. I did not want to kill the mood.”, she finally whispered. “It´s fine.”, he hummed,” And you won´t need to make up for it in case you think you need to do so. Maybe one day you will tell me why you are so afraid of us.” With ´us´ she knew he meant Bikers and that one day she would have to tell him. Why not now? “I fled from an Alpha. A Biker-” “-a son?” “-a son. You know. I worked at a grocery store part-time to have some social interactions. He, he became a regular, flirted, and then started to become physical. First only light touches on my arm and back. But soon he became bolder. One day he realized that I had not presented and it became worse. He cornered me, tried to kiss me. I pushed him away, but he grabbed my wrist and punched me in the gut when tried to get free. He said he would make me present and then I would be his to do as he wants. And then his brothers would have another whore to fuck if he allows it. I didn´t know what to do. I searched for a cheap house in a small town and moved. I was always wary of Alphas but after that, I lived in the constant fear one would continue where he left off. Making be present by forcing themselves on me.” Her eyes had closed and tears left her eyes in the following silence. “All I knew was the fear of Alphas and what they can do.”
Happy tensed in anger, his teeth barred and barely under control, and she let out a whimper of fear, even though she knew his anger did not lay with her. “Who was it?”, he finally asked. “I don´t know. I know no names. Nor do I want to ever see him again. I had nightmares for weeks after the incident.” “Fine. But if he ever comes close to you again, tell me.”, he demanded in a protective tone, in his mind already planning on how to make his brother pay. “I will. I promise.”, she promised, “But for now, can you make me forget? Please?” “Nothing easier than that.”, Happy chuckled and at once kissed every piece of skin he could reach, while his hand fondled with her breasts and lower stomach. Moving, somehow without her noticing, he kissed her belly and thighs only to open them and get between them. And not long after did he take the first taste of his Omega. A deep rumble of satisfaction left his chest, sending vibrations to her core. She moaned, he growled. Soon, Millie did not know what he was doing exactly but he was good at it, she came. Though he did not stop then. He continued with his onslaught and within a few seconds, she came again. And again. And again. Millie was about to plead, to beg for him to stop when his lips were suddenly on hers. “Delicious.”, he chuckled, “even better than I had dared to think. Almost made me cum in my boxers.” “I can help you come. Please, may I help you come?”, she breathed fueled by her natural desire to care combined with her being horny, “Please?” Happy regarded her for a moment before he nodded, “Present for me, Omega.”, and she followed suit. “Beautiful.”, he groaned and a new warmth spread in her belly. Her breathing hitched in anticipation and when he finally entered her she almost came again. “You feel so good around my cock.”, he growled, “I would never leave you if I did not need to.” With a final roar, he came after a few more thrusts and she felt his teeth against her skin. But he did not bite. Stopping at the last second, he turned the marking bite into a marking kiss. “Do you need me to carry you to the shower again?”, he hummed after another minute of bliss-filled silence. “I will shower later,”, she answered,” you go ahead while I make breakfast. I can clean these covers in the washing machine. I can´t do that with the pollster of the couch.” She had added the last part when she had seen his confused look. -.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-..-.-.-.-.-.-.- “Brother.”, the curly-haired biker greeted him upon his arrival, “Your Omega being alright?” “Yes.” “Good. Gemma asked where you ran off to. Told her it was because of personal stuff. But she kept asking. She will be interrogating you, I bet.”, he informed him further. “Alright.”, Happy hummed. “Is that a bitemark brother?”, Chibs piped into the conversations of his brother. “Yes.” “The Croweaters won´t like that you are off the table. That some other Omega marked you before them.” “Not my problem. And they better don´t make it hers.”, he growled. “Happy.”, the former matriarch of the Club greeted him, “Is that a bite I see and smell of an Omega I smell?” “Yes.” “Well, introduce her. Is she in your dorm? Got knows her scent is weak enough to be hidden away.” “She is not here. And she won´t be for a while.”, the Alpha answered. “Fine. She needs to know her place though. You know that.”, she snipped and those looking at them could see a short glimmer of rage burn in his black eyes. “She does. It is where she feels safe. Anymore questions Gemma?”, he deeply growled to the surprise of the woman in front of him. “Got you wrapped around her little finger already. Fine I will wait… until the next dinner.”, she stated in a tone everyone knew to not talk back to, “No arguments. If I didn´t know it is your cute little neighbor, I would have put Juice on her ass already.”, and with that, he left the three men alone. “You know, she invited us to dinner next Friday just this morning. Better prepare her for meeting the others. Especially Gemma.”, Tig piped up a minute later. “*Sigh* What´s church about?” .-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-..-
“So, do I understand it right that´s a Pack-thing? What happens if I deny?”, Milli asked that evening upon hearing the ´news ´ from Happy. “She will probably come and get you herself.”, he sighed, knowing full well that was not just a possibility. “Who. Who will be there?”, Millie sighed. “Just brothers from Charming and their families. Some croweaters at the start to help with preparations.”, he explained. “Alright.”, she finally sighed, “Do I have to bring something? And would a cake be enough?” “Yes. Are you really okay with that?” “I have to, don´t I? I am part of that now. What do I have to wear?” “Whatever you like. Casual formal.” “Then I need to go shopping. Can I do that on my own? Or do you want to join me?”, she asked him, “I hope I can find it here in Charming.” “As long as you stay in charming, you can go alone. Otherwise, me or someone else will come with you.”, Happy stated and she nodded in understanding.
Part 6
AN: Thank you for reading :)
REBLOGS and comments are appreciated:)
:@jadepc @pacifyhxlsey @thankyoukarenclifford @thankyouforanonymity @punkrockhufflefluff @scarletraine @buckycaptspideypool @markusstraya @graveyard-groupie @markusstrayya @randomgirlkensy @the-soulofdevil @marshyrebelcloud
Alpha next door:
@wiccanmetallicrose @gloriousqueenjellyfish @peterfrauchen @anni1607 @alexakeyloveloki
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maggyme13 · 3 years
The Alpha next door (6/?)
AN: Sooo, again a shorter chapter, I apologize but atm I struggle with this story. I know what I want to happen but I cant write it...
Warnings: I don't think so, maybe a bit angst
Wordcount: around 1.3k
Part 5
She had been lucky enough to find some fitting clothes in Charming: A summer dress, some shorts for beneath, and a pair of roman sandals. “Can you grab the box on the kitchen table for me and place it in my car, please? I need to finish getting ready.”, Millie called out from her bathroom. “Sure. Anything else?”, Happy answered from the kitchen. “Nothing. I am almost done as well. Are you sure that it is enough that I bring just some muffins for dessert?” “Yeah. Told you there is no need for you to bring anything.” “I know. I just want to make a good impression. They are your pack.”, she sighed. “And you are my Omega.” “Yeah.”, she smiled to herself while finishing her makeup. .-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.--.-.-.
“So we meet again.”, the woman Millie knew to be Gemma Teller-Morrow greeted her at the door. “Hello, Ma´m. A pleasure to meet you again.”, she answered anxiously. “No need for these formalities. You are one of us know. Call me Gemma.” “Millie. I brought some Blueberry-Muffins I made. Hope that was okay.”, she fiddled with her hands. “Of course. I hope Happy told you that you did not need to bring anything. You are our guest tonight.”, the older woman answered. “He did mention it a few times. But I like to bake, so it was no big deal.” “Well, come in. I will show you to the kitchen and where you can put your muffins.” “Thank you..”, Millie hummed and followed her inside. Multiple unknown scents attacked her the second she stepped through the door and she was at the edge of being overwhelmed. Luckily the scents of Chibs and Tig were able to catch her animals' attention and it calmed down enough for her not to be in a flight response. “You can place them over there.”, Gemma nodded to the countertop in the center of the kitchen. “Will do, Gemma.” “So tell me. How did the two of you meet?”, she asked nonchalantly. “I-uhm- we are neighbors.” “I already knew that, Honey. But how did you meet as Alpha and Omega? Happy is not the kind of Alpha that goes after Omegas.” “He saved me from another Alpha. It went from there.”, the younger Omega explained, not wanting to give too much information. “Wha-” “Gemma. Everyone is seated. We are only waiting for the two of you.”, another Omega saved Millie from a deeper questioning. “On our way Tara. Be a dear and help us carry these plates, would you?” “Sure.”, the newly arrived Omega rolled her eyes. “Thank you.”, Gemma answered with a sinister sweet smile,” Please go ahead we are right behind you.” “Fine.” “That room we enter is filled with Alphas, as you already can smell. Please do not make Happy hurt any of them. Blood is hard to get out of the Carpets and hardwood floor. The Croweaters won´t be happy about that either, not they are very fond of you for taking him away from them.” “I- I will try my best.”, Millie answered unsurely. “Good. Now let´s get this last bit of food to the hungry Wolves.” The whole dinner was tense, even though she was seated between Happy and Tig, their scents trying to fight off her unknown ones. And she was glad when the Men went into the adjoined living room after dinner, leaving the women to put the leftovers into Tupperware, and the prospects to clean the table. “The muffins can be reheated. I usually serve them with either chocolate sauce or powdered sugar.”, she explained. “I will heat the oven, ten minutes?”, “Yes. “ “If they taste as good as they smell be prepared to make them a lot. These men are acting and looking tough, but they love sweets just as much as any little boy.” “Who are you calling a little boy, Ma?”, the voice of the VP called from behind them. “You and the rest of the trouble makers in that room, son. What do you need?” “We have to leave for a bit. I want Tara and the boys to stay here. Millie, Hap will probably speak to you himself, but you can stay here or at the clubhouse if you want.” “Thank you?”, Milli answered shyly, “Guess I will talk to Happy then.” “We should be back in the morning. Are you okay staying here?”, Her Alpha explained, taking in any little reaction of the Omega in front of him. “I guess.”, she mumbled, sad her work would end up in the bin. “What is bothering you then?” “The muffins will go bad. They can be reheated only one time.”, she explained with a sigh, “You don´t want to happen to take one for the ride?” “You don´t need to ask twice. OPE, TIG, JUICE, get your asses in here or I will eat every single muffin myself!”, he chuckled and called out. Within seconds the baked goods were gone and the men left. .-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.--. A gentle knock pulled her out of the short sleep she had managed to fall into in the early morning hours. “Jgrmgh”, she groaned into the pillow. “Ms. Millie? The Breakfast is ready in a few. And the others called, they should be back in three
hours at most.”, the Prospect V-Lin called through the door. “Mrph.” With tiredness burning eyes she followed the scent of freshly made coffee, eggs, bacon, and buns. “Good morning, Millie. Take a seat. What do you want to drink?”, Gemma greeted her with a warm motherly smile. “Just a tea, please. Thank you.” “It will get easier in the future.”, Tara tried to assure her seeing her state, “Jax left me a t-shirt of his for the first few times. But it will never be like a normal day.” “Oh. I – I will speak to him. Thank you for the tip.” “Nonsense. Us Omegas and women of the club have to stick together. We are a pack. A pack that takes care of each other. If you ever need anything give me a call.” “I will remember that.” The three women ate breakfast without many conversations with each other, only interacting with the two little boys. Just as the kitchen had been cleaned up, the front door opened and the voices of two little boys screaming “Dada” reached the adults. “Hello, Ma. V-Lin, Hap wants you to take Millie to her house and stay until he comes over.”, the blond man greeted the other women before kissing his Omega. “I will get my things then.” .--..--..--..--..--..--..--..--..--..--..--..-.-..-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.
“You can take a seat in my kitchen if you want. Or on the porch.”, Millie offered the Prospect, “Do you want a coffee?” “I am fine. Thank you Ms.”, the prospect hummed, “I will take a seat on the porch until Happy arrives.” “Suit yourself. The machine is over there if you change your mind.” “Thank you Ms.”, the Beta stated again and took his seat on the porch, “I am sure it won´t take long for him to come over.” But he wouldn´t. It was almost dinner time and Happy still had not been there to see her and she began to worry. She believed Jax would have said something if he had been hurt, so why wasn´t he coming? Was it something she did? Had she done something during the dinner? “V-Lin. I want to prepare something for dinner, do you want something?”, She called out off the front door, tired of waiting and needing to distract herself. “He doesn´t. He will return to the clubhouse.”, Happy´s voice answered for him. Hearing his voice, her animal was both pleased and angry. Pleased that her Alpha had finally returned and angry that it took him so long. “You are back.”, she answered stepping aside to let him enter, which he happily did.
Part 7
AN: Thank you for reading :)
REBLOGS and comments are appreciated:)
:@jadepc @pacifyhxlsey @thankyoukarenclifford @thankyouforanonymity @punkrockhufflefluff @scarletraine @buckycaptspideypool @markusstraya @graveyard-groupie @markusstrayya @randomgirlkensy @the-soulofdevil @marshyrebelcloud
Alpha next door:
@wiccanmetallicrose @gloriousqueenjellyfish @peterfrauchen @anni1607 @alexakeyloveloki
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