#All the Smoke
meepcartier-blog · 2 months
invincible rant.
I’m still unconvinced that the hate for amber isn’t rooted in racism against black women. She was very reminiscent of many intellectual young black women with goals and a passion for change. The prejudice fandom was the issue. The fandom expecting her to be some ride or die(typical) and when she wasn’t they projected the ‘sapphire’ stereotype on to her. Some people chalk it up to bad writing but it’s more nuanced since they decided to change her race from the comics.
Sidebar: none of the female characters pass the Bechtel test anyway.
For most of her screen time she was always agreeing to marks false promises and left feeling neglect and uncertainty for the relationship. She continuously forgave him and grounded him. I’m sure she knew the stress he was under for being a superhero but ultimately things were not going to workout if he was going to keep lying about it and not TAKE ACCOUNTABILITY.
So amber held him accountable. Called him out for lying and put him on the hot seat…….
Now que the ‘He was saving lives!!! He’s a superhero!!! He’s a star!!’ ass mfs.
Everyone keep calling invincible a superhero as if he didn’t spend 95% of the series getting his a** beat. His intuition and strategizing sucks. He’s an amateur superhero with an inflated ego, no real passions, daddy issues and trauma. It doesn’t help that he’s so ignorant and oblivious to like..EVERYTHING??? His mother admitted to feeling like a single parent for most of his life yet he still yearns to understand a man that couldn’t give 2 fks about how he left the state of his son’s home. Marks moral compass is in the shi**er.
White people got that one phrase, “wise up” verb(adverb) slang (often foll by to) to become or cause to become aware or informed (of) (tr) to make more intellectually demanding or sophisticated.
Back to Amber. Mark currently is unable to be a fit protector to anybody. Literally was fumbling peoples lives THE WHOLE SEASON. And y’all think Eve is that ‘ginger spice and everything nice’ that will fix mark but little do y’all know that Eve also will have her turn at tearing his a** up for neglecting her too.
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mrsoulstice · 5 months
Story time: Your life can go in any direction, but sometimes faith just steps in
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usernamewhateverr · 2 months
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best way to describe me is unfiltered.
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onejamtart · 10 months
Iman Shumpert | Ep 195 | ALL THE SMOKE Full Episode | SHOWTIME BASKETBALL
Peace, JW
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You know I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone who actually talks about delpini/the cursed child like it canon. It’s just doesn’t count as canon in my head, dunno why but it’s just hard to think of you as Tom riddles daughter you know?
What a funny thing, sweet anonymous dove. Funny, that all of you seem to forget, time and time again, that I could not care less about what does and doesn't "count" in that precious little head of yours.
Your thoughts are of little relevance to me, and even less so to my family - yet, here you are, once again, sharing them. Pity.
I don't doubt it's hard for you to think about most things.. You know?
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withbellzon · 2 years
Desus & Mero explainin how they met
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cali · 4 months
sorry bro i lost focus and forgot where u begin and i end i hope nothing gay happened
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Ghosts Tell Me
Ghosts gather near the place where something bad is going to happen,
Danny with his ghost sense tends to notice before anyone else and tends to react outwardly before the danger even happens, gaining a reputation of seeing the future,
Ghosts also tell Danny things, causing Danny to know more about situations and the people around him, it comes of as suspicious.
Danny pulling away a snack from his coworker: "Careful your allergic to these ingredients!"
Coworker: "How the hell...I've never mentioned that to anyone."
Danny on a phone call with his friends while doing his nightly walks in Gotham: "Yeah so apparently the second Robin who is now Red Hood has very personal beef with the clown here cuz he got killed by him after being sold out by his bio mom, which really sucks for the poor guy."
Oracle who has been keeping an Eye on Danny cuz he's very suspicious from an outsiders pov: "Hey B, I think we have a problem."
Danny notices that the ghost in Gotham tends to gather where something bad is going to happen, the more they are the worse the situation will be: *glowing smoke leaves from his mouth* "Yikes! Very bad vibes here, nope!"
Gothamites who at this point recognize him and know the drill and quickly pack up their things to leave:
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Just an Idea
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eraserheadadult · 1 year
cute ocean themed bedroom where its pitch black no windows full of fucked up shrimps and steaming hot chemical vents. the bed is a whale carcass
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determinate-negation · 6 months
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also fuck all these worthless liberal zionists who kept waxing on about how this is a military operation to stop hamas now trying to square the obvious colonial and genocidal intent with their pathetic delusional worldview. i doubt that they ever will recognize it no matter how obvious it is
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stroebe2 · 7 months
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onejamtart · 28 days
Busta Rhymes Shares Untold Stories About Biggie, Jay-Z & Tupac, Origins of Speed Rapping | Ep 227
Peace, JW
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getmybuzzup · 8 months
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James Worthy | Ep 201 | ALL THE SMOKE Full Episode | SHOWTIME BASKETBALL - On episode 201 of ALL https://wp.me/p1PuJR-5Epx Please Reblog!
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hardylettuce · 1 year
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Happy Out of Touch Thursday the 4/20th to all who celebrate!
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