#Alex hates being called Alexander and you can't convince me otherwise
rmd-writes · 11 months
For @thebrownstone drabble prompt: PLAY
A 5+1 in 100 words? More likely than you think. Five times Alex hates being called Alexander, and one (the only) time he doesn’t.
1. “Give it back, Alexander.”
“Don’t call me that!” Alex scowls at June. 
“Don’t take my things!”
“I want to play with it!”
2. “Mrs Diaz—”
“It’s Ms Claremont.”
Alex smirks at his mother’s clipped tone. 
“Ms Claremont, Alexander here—”
He rolls his eyes. “My name is Alex.”
3. “Alexander Claremont-Diaz!”
Fucking fucksticks. She’s mad.
4. “Alexander, is it?”
“Alex,” he says quickly. “No one calls me that except my mother when she’s mad.”
“That happen often?”
5. “Alexander?”
“For fuck’s sake, Hunter. My name is Alex. I’ve told you that a hundred times.”
“Do not say it again.”
+1 “Alexander, babes!”
Alex smiles.
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