#Akutagawa and Atsushi realizing killing the other means killing themselves only when it's too late‚ yummy 💕💕
kyouka-supremacy · 7 months
Mmmmmmmmhhhhh concept: Atsushi being most certainly the strongest one between him and Akutagawa; Atsushi who would realistically end up killing Akutagawa in their final fight after six months have passed; Atsushi falling in love with Akutagawa in the span of those six months; Atsushi losing on purpose because for how things turned out, he'd rather die by the hand of the person he loves than kill them.
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marlikesthings · 7 years
I know this chapter wasn’t perfect, but I liked it. I certainly didn’t expect things to finish so quickly, but I got more shin soukoku development, I got to see dazai and atsushi talking (+ proud dazai) and there was even a reference to oda at the end. 
I was very surprised to see akutagawa lending rashomon to atsushi!! I knew akutagawa was too interested in atsushi to kill him. Nevertheless, I never expected him to do that. I expected at best that akutagawa would use rashomon to pull out atsushi (and then have atsushi help him) but this was even better.
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Atsushi looks great in black!!
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His abilities combined with akutagawa’s are amazing. I am so proud of them. I can't believe their abilities combined are able to tear through abilities (It’s interesting how atsushi and akutagawa can, if they combine their powers, use an ability similar to dazai's nullifying ability).
I want atsushi to help akutagawa realize there are people who care about him and that being acknowledged by dazai should only be an objective, not his main reason to live. Same for atsushi. I want him to realize he has helped many people and that he is strong. Not just physically, but also mentally. I think it's a shame atsushi doesn't realize how mentally strong he is yet he can see that strength in akutagawa.  
They are a great team, not only they are strong, but they also understand each other’s pain. They see in the other what they can't see in themselves. They see the potential the other has but they don't see their own potential. And that's sad. Nevertheless, they are both trying to help the other although they might not accept it. It’s thanks to akutagawa that atsushi decided to confront his past, and it’s thanks to atsushi that akutagawa is changing for the better.
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This whole page is amazing. Badass ADA and port mafia. Poor virus ability user XD His face when he realized he's screwed up was great jajaja
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Mori and fukuzawa look cool here. Also, I like how they know what the other is thinking and how they acted as if they really considered forgiving the virus ability user.
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Well dazai didn’t fail as I thought, but for some reason I am not so surprised, which is weird since contrary to some people who saw this coming, I was sure dazai had made a mistake. Anyway, I can’t say I was necessarily disappointed. I want dazai to learn to rely more on others. I thought that him making a mistake might lead to that, but if there is another way, then that’s also okay for me. I know dazai is very smart, but I don’t think he is invincible. Fyodor has definitely something up his sleeve, and there is still agatha who has yet to make an appearance. I was satisfied with the last scene (which I am going to develop later) because it shows that regardless of his brain, dazai is still human. He can be very smart, but he worries/suffers like everyone else. 
I believe that dazai cares about the agency members, especially kunikida and atsushi (although he doesn’t seem to want to form close bonds which is perfectly understandable considering his past: oda’s death and ango’s betrayal). If we can see dazai finally accepting he cares about them and that he wants to protect them, then I would be happy. I am obviously including all agency members here, but I believe kunikida and atsushi will the first to break down dazai's wall (especially the latter). I don’t think dazai will ever get over oda's death, and I think that’s alright. Oda changed his life and it’s thanks to him he met the ADA. It’s fine as long as he realizes he isn’t alone anymore.
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It’s been a while since the last time we saw fitzgerald! I wasn’t expecting him to appear, but am glad he did. 
I know the development was pretty fast, but I don’t think this is the last time we will see fyodor. Why? Look at dazai's face after seeing fyodor’s ability and after they captured him.
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He was also unexpectedly quiet when atsushi found him in the boat. 
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Dazai is smart and something has been clearly bothering him ever since he last saw fyodor. Was he bothered by his ability? Was he bothered by how easily everything went? I don’t know. For all we know, fyodor could have known going to the cafe was a trap yet he still went. He did seem surprised, but then again, he could have pretended. For example, dazai seemed shocked/surprised last chapter but it turns out he knew fyodor wasn't there. Maybe he planned getting himself captured to find more information of the secret services? Let’s not forget this guy allowed port mafia to capture him just because he wanted information on their abilities. I think this is part of a bigger plan and that this is the calm before the storm. Maybe him and agatha had planned something and will later team up? It would be interesting if that was the case.
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Interesting detail: Fyodor knows about the ‘eyes of god’. He might seem surprised, but if he knew about it then there's no way he didn't consider ADA and the guild might join forces to defeat him. He is too smart to make such a mistake. Or at least that's what I think. 
Also look at fyodor’s face here:
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He doesn’t seem troubled at all. He is even smiling. This has nothing to do with it but to be able to kill someone just by being touched... just what is fyodor's ability? 
Another thing that I liked of this chapter was ango's appearance! There are many characters that appear in this chapter and that's a good thing (for me at least). Although, I would have liked to see lucy. She helped the ADA so I would have liked to see her in fukuzawa's recovery party. She isn't the only character missing though.
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Kyouka interacting with other agency members makes me happy. Also, it's little bit late to worry about that tanizaki XD Their interaction was very cute. I don't think the director is going to be very hard on them, but I wonder what their punishment is going to be?
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What was dazai thinking to not notice atsushi was behind him? Look at his face. He seems surprised to see atsushi. He always notices when people are behind him (like when higuchi and gin were following him), but here he was so concentrated he didn't pay attention to his surroundings...
Anyway, I really liked atsushi's and dazai's interaction in this chapter. First of all, I feel the need to say atsushi's expressions are great XD
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Atsushi is so honest with dazai. When dazai was in the mafia, his only two friends were oda and ango. Dazai enjoyed talking with them, but they never told each other what they really thought. Oda only told dazai what he thought of him just before dying, which is a shame because when dazai realized there was someone who understood him, it was already too late. They were in the mafia so that was expected but it's still sad. 
“In the mafia, no one will look at what’s in their colleagues. This is an unspoken rule. They will not open up the lid over one’s chest to look at their heart and comment at the darkness stuffed within. This is a merit of the mafia.” 
(Credit: nkhrchy)
This has nothing to do with the chapter I know but I wanted to quote oda. This quote is so important because it shows how the mafia works (kind of). (This is also relevant for akutagawa).
Anyway, as I already said, atsushi is always honest with him. He always consults him when he has problems (chapter 39) and ask him for advice from time to time. What I want to say is, while dazai must be used to be consulted on certain things, I don't think he is used to people talking about themselves or people talking about their feelings. When he was with oda and ango he knew there were things they couldn't tell each other (except for oda since he was a low level member he didn't have any ‘secrets’. Except the kids, but dazai knew about them. I don't know if dazai knows about his past though). I think that being with atsushi is good for him. I also like how he is the one who ask questions here. He wants to know more about atsushi (and his partnership with akutagawa). He is always willing to listen to atsushi and I love that.
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Also, I feel like dazai finally stopped pretending to be always happy. He is finally letting others see a new side of him (it's like he let his guard down). We only saw him acting quiet in front of atsushi (and fitzgerald) so we don’t really know if he is pretending in front of the other agency members or not. I really like how instead of pretending to be happy he allowed atsushi to see him worried/thoughtful. For me, this is proof that dazai acknowledges atsushi and that he feels comfortable enough to show him this side of him. (The more atsushi grows the more he resembles oda. Dazai loves oda, so I think he is finding it hard to keep pretending in front of atsushi. Or at least I hope so).
I hope one day dazai and atsushi will talk about their past. And that maybe one day dazai will tell atsushi about oda. I really want this to happen.
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What is akutagawa trying to do? Things have obviously changed for both of them. Akutagawa is too involved with atsushi to kill him simply because he hates him (as he said). He is still trying to kill him though. This is just my personal opinion, but I think akutagawa is trying to kill him because he started feeling emotions he isn't used/supposed to. I mean, he knows too much about him. He works for the mafia. He isn't supposed to be too involved with the enemy. Befriending atsushi right now is impossible. He probably thinks feelings like friendship, trust, etc. makes him weak. I might be totally wrong though.
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Akutagawa's shocked face is priceless. Atsushi is trying to make him understand that he isn't weak. If I understood this right, atsushi is telling him that he is strong. That he is mentally very strong. If he wasn't then akutagawa would have died long ago. His stubbornness, his tenacity, all of that saved akutagawa. Sure, he joined the mafia and he killed many people and that's not good but by doing so he managed to live, to survive all those years. I said akutagawa should depend less on dazai and I really think so, but if akutagawa had not made being acknowledged by dazai his goal, then he wouldn't have survived in the mafia and he wouldn't have a reason to live. Just like atsushi. Atsushi helps people not because that's what he originally wanted to do but because the headmaster’s voice forced him to do so. And just like akutagawa, his stubbornness (and the headmaster) is what helped him remain alive. Atsushi acknowledges akutagawa’s pain and struggles. Maybe akutagawa realized that? Atsushi and akutagawa are so different yet so similar. 
Now, akutagawa is working for the mafia (and he is an assassin to make things worse) so I am not sure how he is going to convince mori he won't kill for the next six month. It might just be me, but for some reason I don’t think mori is going to refuse him. Why? It’s not like akutagawa is not going to do anything in those six month. He is going to train in order to become stronger. At the end of the day this can only benefit the mafia. That’s how I see it at least. Of course, in the meantime the mafia will need someone to replace akutagawa, but they are supposed to be a big organization (though, we always see the same characters) so there should be someone willing/good enough to do the work.
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I loved the image of atsushi looking far away because he seems so mature. His small world grew bigger, and even without the headmasters words right now, atsushi is helping akutagawa out of pure kindness. There is no reason for him to go out of his way after everything akutagawa did to him yet atsushi can’t bring himself to ignore him. Also, akutagawa proved these last few chapters (especially this one) that he wasn’t as bad as atsushi originally thought. I think this might also have influenced his decision in helping him. 
Moreover, atsushi finally accepted he has to change and that it is time he confronts his worse nightmare (the headmaster). I am so proud of him. I am so happy with all the development shin soukoku has. I am looking forward to how their relationship will go from now on.
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Finally, atsushi will learn how to properly control his ability. I’ve been waiting for this moment! Also kunikida will train atsushi!!! Please I need to see that. I want to see them bonding. Kunikida learned from fukuzawa himself and he is a great fighter, so I have high hopes for atsushi. Moreover, atsushi being kunikida’s student! I need it now!!    
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Dazai’s smile at the end is kind of hard to describe but it was a gentle smile (and I think it was also nostalgic because he was reminded of oda. I am not sure though). The way he looked at atsushi is also worth mentioning. Such a gentle look. Dazai is so proud of atsushi. I think that if oda was here he would love atsushi because that guy represents everything he believes. Where is my oda/atsushi interaction that I desperately need?
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I was surprised to see akutagawa-oda parallels with “a mafia member who doesn't kill”. I also see oda-atsushi parallels. I mean, oda saved dazai just before dying. His words made him leave the mafia and stop killing. Here, atsushi is the one 'saving' akutagawa. 
It's interesting to notice how natsume saved oda, who in return saved dazai, who saved atsushi, etc. It’s like a chain. It’s also interesting since we know that the one who brought akutagawa into the mafia and taught him to kill is dazai, and now dazai’s new student is the one trying to save akutagawa. 
Anyway this was a good chapter for me. I love parallels, and my three favorite characters (atsushi, akutagawa and dazai) got a lot of panels so I am very satisfied! And of course oda’s mention at the end made things better (although it was also sad, because it reminds us that oda isn’t alive, why??) I know it was fast-paced but all the things above made this chapter worth it for me.
I want to see more of dazai and atsushi! I mean, oda/atsushi parallels were already there, but this is the first time that dazai seems to acknowledge this fact (though indirectly) in the manga. I know that the reference was for akutagawa, but the one who saved him was atsushi. I also wonder what does dazai think of akutagawa right now? His situation reminds him of oda, but that’s all we know. Of course, I am also looking forward to how akutagawa/atsushi partnership/relationship is going to develop!
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