#Air Tahiti Nui
runwayrunway · 9 months
No. 33 - Vietnam Airlines
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@twtd11 has asked me to cover Vietnam Airlines! And also two other airlines, but those don't need mentioning in this post, because this post is about Vietnam Airlines.
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Vietnam Airlines is part of a very interesting trend. Inexplicably, it is very popular for airlines to make the top of their planes blue and the bottom white. Specifically blue. But unlike the more comprehensive sort of trend like...cheatlines, or Eurowhite...this phenomenon, which I'm sure I'll come up with a catchy name for in a timely manner, never manifests the same twice.
There are a lot of examples of it, and I plan to cover all of them if I can. I've already talked about Korean Air, but other examples on the docket include KLM, TUI, Azal Azerbaijan Airlines, Aerolíneas Argentinas, Air Tahiti Nui, and of course Vietnam Airlines.
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I'm not surprised that they got requested fairly early on in this blog's lifespan for the simple reason that they're very striking planes. When I first saw a Vietnam Airlines plane I'll admit it - I was pretty wowed.
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I mean, just look at these planes. There is something so absurdly captivating about the blue they've chosen for their livery's primary shade, and I just can't wrap my head around it fully. Even more than other planes, it looks entirely different in different lightings, going from a sort of metallic teal to a sharp cerulean.
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Of course, blue alone couldn't accomplish that. The choice to pair it with gold was really what made this livery coalesce, but once they have this gorgeous color combination, this vast untouched blue bordered by gold, the colors speak for themselves.
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The emblem on the tail is very simple in terms of its shape, easy to recognize from a distance, It requires no detail save what can be expressed with negative space and thus doesn't need much to tie it into the rest of the fuselage - the gold stripe more than succeeds in making the integration smooth. It provides a large image that can be seen from far away, and I think it's both distinctive and elegant. I would say it could be improved by replacing the white with a lighter gold, but I actually did think that it was a lighter gold until I looked closer because of the crazy things this livery does with color.
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Allowing the blue to take up most of the fuselage was absolutely the right move. It looks like a completely different color in every picture of it I've shown so far but it's always absolutely gorgeous. The interplay of blue, gold, and light hitting it is just spectacular to the point I've gotten this far in without even mentioning, say, the wordmark, which is fine but absolutely doesn't matter. Because this plane is a sea of whichever blue is your favorite, if you catch it at the right angle.
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Nothing on this plane is detailed. Everything is large-scale, big sweeping lines and massive blocks of color, like it's all painted on with a massive brush. The logo isn't limited to the tail but it also isn't integrated into most of the fuselage. It just takes up the amount of space it takes up, not recognizing any sort of arbitrary boundary between tailfin and fuselage. There is a near absence of straight lines. Everything is curved and flowing and perfectly placed.
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I hadn't been able to tell for sure if the underside of the plane was cream or white, but I have been informed that it is, in fact, a light cream. It's perfectly chosen. It lets the gold seem like the trim it is instead of a discrete block of color. It accentuates, similar to KAL's grey dividing line, but instead of facilitating a transition from blue to white it facilitates the blue's constant metamorphosis into something that's so much more than an essentially monocolor plane has any right to be.
Also, it makes the plane look a lot more fishlike, which is always good.
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I think too much more detail would overwhelm this color combination, just because of how much of a statement it is upfront. It is an incredibly confident move to release a plane that clearly is trying to get away from the pack but has barely any features, and have those features it does have collide so elegantly into something so much larger than the sum of its parts.
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There is a part of me that keeps fighting my conclusion, insisting to myself that it's mostly blue space, and ultimately it's inevitable. The fact that I'm having so much trouble limiting my selection of pictures because each one feels like it's a discrete different shade of blue kind of proves that to me. It's so simple, yet every single angle shows it off in a new way. If I ever saw one of these planes in person I wouldn't be able to look at anything else while it was within eyesight, and that just ultimately has to speak for itself, doesn't it?
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And of course they had to put this livery on Dreamliners, too.
Grade: A
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aviaposter · 11 months
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Boeing 787-9 Air Tahiti Nui
Registration: F-OMUA Named: Fakarava Type: 787-9 Engines: 2 × GE GEnx-1B Serial Number: 39297 First flight: Sep 29, 2018
Air Tahiti Nui is the flag carrier of the French overseas collectivity of French Polynesia, with its head office in Papeete and its daily operations office in Faaa, Tahiti. It operates long-haul flights from its home base at Faa'a International Airport, with a fleet consisting of four Boeing 787 Dreamliners. Air Tahiti Nui was established on 31 October 1996 and commenced flight operations on 20 November 1998. It was the first international long-haul airline based in French Polynesia, which was formed to develop inbound tourism. With the introduction of the airline's Boeing 787-9 aircraft in October 2018, the airline's new livery incorporated markings derived from traditional Tahitian tattoos to the fuselage. Air Tahiti Nui's names for its aircraft are predominantly derived from various islands and atolls across French Polynesia.
Poster for Aviators. aviaposter.com
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mybesttraveldea · 1 month
Book Domestic and International Flight Tickets on Air Tahiti Nui | MyBestTravelDeal
Embark on your next adventure with ease by booking domestic and international flight tickets on Air Tahiti Nui through MyBestTravelDeal. Whether you're planning a weekend getaway or a long-haul journey, our flight booking platform offers convenient access to a wide range of travel deals and promotions. Enjoy seamless airline reservations, discounted airfares, and personalized travel planning services to ensure a stress-free travel experience. Explore the world with confidence and fly with Air Tahiti Nui for unforgettable travel memories.
Air Tahiti Nui
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bernieshoot · 7 months
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devenirmilliardaire · 8 months
Tahiti Et Ses Îles : un paradis caché. Huahine est surnommée le « Jardin d’Eden ». Située à 177 kilomètres au nord-est de Tahiti et reliée par Air Tahiti en moins d’une heure au départ de Papeete. Composée de deux îles reliées par un pont, la magie de Huahine opère dès l’arrivée, ses habitants fiers de leur joyau, accueillent avec chaleur tous les visiteurs. Tahiti Et Ses Îles proposent des expériences uniques et adaptées aux envies de chacun. Tahiti Et Ses Îles : un paradis caché Tahiti Et Ses Îles un paradis caché 2 La commune où se trouve l’aéroport s’appelle « Maeva » qui signifie « accueil » en tahitien ! Une route de 32 kilomètres serpente à travers l’île, traversant de petits villages et grimpant dans les collines donnant accès à des points de vue spectaculaires sur les plages de sable blanc et les eaux turquoise et brillantes du lagon. Les marae (temples) ont été restaurés et les nasses à poissons en pierres sont vieilles de plusieurs siècles, témoins de la culture ancestrale dignement portée par les descendants et résidents de ce paradis magnifique. Les Îles de la Société Tahiti Et Ses Îles un paradis caché 0 Huahine est une île agricole, riche en pastèques et melons. Les plantations de vanille, de café et de taro sont abondantes, tout comme les bosquets de fruits à pain, mangues, bananes, papaye et de fleurs. Les champions internationaux du surf recherchent les vagues de classe mondiale à la passe d’Avamoa. Chaque année se tient la Hawaiki Nui Va’a, la plus grande course en pirogue au monde. Huahine est peu peuplée et les visiteurs tombent amoureux à la fois des paysages préservés et du rythme détendu de cette île. Raiatea et Taha’a, à environ 200 kilomètres au nord-ouest de Tahiti, sont deux îles encerclées par le même récif corallien. Raiatea, appelée « l’île sacrée », est probablement l’île la plus vénérée de tout le Pacifique Sud. Tahiti Et Ses Îles un paradis caché 1 Historiquement, les Rois des îles voisines se réunissaient au Marae Taputapuatea où se tenaient des cérémonies et des négociations importantes. Les reconstitutions de ces cérémonies permettent aux visiteurs à découvrir le caractère unique et sacré de la culture tahitienne. Raiatea a la seule rivière navigable de Tahiti Et Ses Îles, la Fa’aroa très appréciée pour voguer en pirogue à balancier et se laisser porter le long de ses eaux fraîches et verdoyantes. Tahiti Et Ses Îles un paradis caché 5 →A lire aussi Le Salvador veut coopérer davantage avec le Sénégal, dans le tourisme notamment Les amateurs de voile et de yacht se rassemblent à Raiatea, la base nautique de Tahiti qui abrite de nombreuses compagnies comme Moorings et Stardust Marine. Les marins expérimentés et les novices (avec un capitaine) peuvent faire l’expérience de la voile au rythme des îles sous le Vent. La brise du Pacifique et les lagons apaisants offrent des conditions idéales toute l’année tant pour pratiquer la voile que la pêche en haute mer. Sur les flancs du mont Temehani, les visiteurs peuvent découvrir la tiare Apetahi, une fleur rare qui se trouve uniquement sur cette montagne de Raiatea. Les botanistes ont essayé de la cultiver ailleurs, sans succès. La légende raconte qu’une jeune femme d’une grande beauté était tombée amoureuse du fils d’un roi tahitien. Ne pouvant pas l’épouser, elle mourut le cœur brisé. Les cinq pétales délicats de la fleur représentent sa main. Ceux qui gravissent la montagne au début de la matinée verront la tiare Apetahi s’ouvrir à l’aube. Elle émet alors un léger craquement, celui du cœur de la jeune femme se brisant. Tahiti Et Ses Îles un paradis caché 7 →A lire aussi Les gorilles de montagne nourrissent le tourisme en Ouganda Taha’a se trouve à moins de 10 kilomètres de Raiatea. Elle offre un aperçu de la vie tranquille et traditionnelle des Tahitiens. Ses 4 000 habitants ont l’habitude de pêcher et de faire de l’élevage. Appelée l’Île Vanille, cette épice si rare et précieuse embaume l’île de ses arômes riches et délicats.
Tous les mois de novembre, la vie s’active à Taha’a avec le concours de la pêche à la pierre. Selon les méthodes léguées par les ancêtres, les villageois envahissent le lagon et tapent les fonds marins avec leur pierre reliée à une corde. Cette frénésie soudaine effraie les poissons qui s’enfuient vers le large où ils sont facilement capturés pour un somptueux festin. Les Îles Tuamotu : L’écrin des perles de Tahiti Tahiti Et Ses Îles un paradis caché Les Îles Tuamotu constituent l’archipel polynésien le plus étendu. Ils sont situés au nord-est de Tahiti et comprennent 76 îles et atolls répartis sur plus de 850 kilomètres carrés. Quatre de ces îles – Rangiroa, Manihi, Tikehau, Fakarava – offrent une foule d’options d’hébergement et d’activités passionnantes, y compris la plongée de classe mondiale, l’équitation, l’alimentation des requins et la pêche en haute mer. Rangiroa, à une heure de Tahiti par avion, est le deuxième plus grand atoll du monde. Vu du ciel, il ressemble à un magnifique collier de perles posé sur l’eau. Connu sous le nom du « lagon infini », le corail de Rangiroa illumine dans des eaux d’un turquoise profond et un lapis-lazuli hypnotisant. Parce qu’il n’y a pas de ruissellement, la visibilité dans le lagon dépasse 45 mètres à une température constante à 26° degrés Celsius. La célèbre Passe Tiputa offre une ouverture à l’océan riche en espèces sous-marines. C’est l’une des plus plongées les plus renommées de l’île pour observer les requins, et ceux qui s’y aventurent, se retrouvent dans un bleu profond à nager avec des dizaines de requins gris, à pointe noire, à pointe blanche, citron et requins nourrice. Les amateurs d’apnée pourront se délecter du spectacle du lagon et rencontrer des dauphins qui aiment se retrouver à proximité de la passe. Les aventuriers pourront embarquer à bord d’un bateau pour une traversée de 2 heures en direction de Kia Ora Sauvage, hôtel à la fois luxueux et simple. Sans électricité, cette propriété est une invitation à la déconnexion face à des paysages somptueux et préservés. Tahiti Et Ses Îles un paradis caché 9 →A lire aussi Signature d’une convention de partenariat pour la promotion du tourisme religieux Manihi est un petit atoll de moins de 1 000 habitants. Surnommée « l’île aux perles », c’est ici qu’est née la première ferme perlière des Îles Tuamotu. Les huîtres à lèvres noires sont uniques au monde et ne se trouve qu’à Tahiti où elles font grandir une magnifique perle noire. Les touristes peuvent profiter du lagon tout en visitant les fermes qui ont fait la réputation de l’île. A près d’une vingtaine de kilomètres Rangiroa, l’île de Tikehau est célèbre pour son sable rose. De forme ovale, elle est un important fournisseur de poissons frais et de copra. Entre ses plages rosées et sa vie sous-marine animée, Tikehau est très appréciée des plongeurs en bouteille comme ceux qui pratiquent l’apnée. La passe de Tuheiava accueille des raies manta, des barracuda, des thons, des tortues ainsi que des requins gris et pointe blanche. De nombreux oiseaux ont choisi Tikehau comme refuge si bien qu’un de ses motu est surnommée l’îlot aux oiseaux. Elle est particulièrement connue pour ses fous à pieds rouges et noddi bruns. Tahiti Et Ses Îles un paradis caché 6 →A lire aussi Signature d’une convention de partenariat pour la promotion du tourisme religieux Fakarava, surnommée l’île de rêve, est le deuxième plus grand atoll de Tahiti Et Ses Îles après Rangiroa. Cet atoll est protégé ainsi que ses six voisins qui font partis de la réserve de biosphère sous l’égide de l’UNESCO. Cet écosystème très délicat accueille une faune et flore très rare comme des martin-pêcheurs, des palmiers tuamotu, de la scille maritime et des cigales de mer. Vous pourrez également visiter une des premières églises catholiques construites en Polynésie française. Située dans le village de Tetamanu, la structure originale en corail date de 1862.
Les Îles Marquises : les îles mystérieuses Tahiti Et Ses Îles un paradis caché 4 Les Îles Marquises sont situées à environ 1 500 kilomètres au nord-est de Tahiti. Cinq vols au départ de Papeete desservent les Îles Marquises à 3 heures et demi de vol. Les 12 îles (six habitées, six peuplées) offrent des paysages spectaculaires ainsi que des expériences authentiques. Ces îles n’ont pas de lagons et présentent des jungles denses où se cachent des chutes d’eau de plus de 3 500 mètres de hauteur et des falaises vertigineuses. Tahiti Et Ses Îles un paradis caché 3 Certains visiteurs choisissent l’Aranui, un cargo qui accueille les passagers aventuriers dans des conditions proches d’une croisière de luxe. Herman Melville a jeté l’ancre aux Îles Marquises et Paul Gauguin y a vécu avant d’y être enterré. Les îles les plus peuplées sont Nuku Hiva et Hiva Oa où des petits hôtels et des pensions de famille offrent un hébergement confortable et convivial.
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thedesignair · 8 months
Behind the scenes of the Air Tahiti brand
TheDesignAir often references how colourful, vibrant and culturally diverse the Pacific is, and why its given birth to some of the most vibrant and exciting airline brands, liveries and uniforms in the skies. We take a look at Air Tahiti, one of the bigger brands in the region, but often overlooked by its long-haul rival (and not to be confused with) Air Tahiti Nui. We speak with Moearii Darius,…
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laurenetuttle · 10 months
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Moorea Day 6/Tahiti Day 7 (July 8th and 9th, 2023)
These last two days were nuts. Absolutely nuts. So Saturday morning started off as planned. We ordered room service for breakfast so we could eat from our patio of the overwater bungalow and watch over the clean. It was so nice to sit there in our pajamas and enjoy (what we thought was) our last breakfast in paradise. It was so calm and peaceful. We then changed and went for one last swim and snorkel. We had really amazing snorkeling right off of our bungalow. The water was also super shallow- could stand there on my tippy toes. Saw some amazing fish and enjoyed the warm waters of French Polynesia. My mom is now an expert snorkeler! We then finished packing everything up! We stepped outside the bungalow to take some last few pictures. When we tried to get back in to get all our things, our key cards had stopped working! So we were locked out! As we were trying to check out I walked back up to reception and got a new card. Then we were able to get back in and collect our things and then check out!
After we checked out, we laid on the beach for a while. Our flight departing Tahiti wasn’t until midnight. So we had the entire rest of the day! After we relaxed on the beach a little, we went for lunch. We split a pizza overlooking the water and the bungalows. It was a very nice last lunch! We then relaxed next to the pool! I went in the pool finally. We hadn’t really spent much time in the resort pool since we had our own private pool for a few days and then we had the whole ocean to swim in! Around 2pm, we headed to the spa! We had booked spa appointments because we heard there were showers we could use prior to departing Moorea. I’m so glad we did that! I had a lovely 50 minute full body massage. My mom had a 25 minute massage and a 25 minute full body wrap. We both showered in the spa facilities and changed into our airport outfits! We then headed up to the reception and were picked up by our pre-arranged transfer to head to the ferry terminal. We met some lovely people on the bus who were also all on our same flight to LAX later that night. There were four older gentlemen from Orange County as well who were grade school friends and take an annual dive trip. There was also a pair of girls (friends) who were from the Bay Area. They actually are rescuing the adorable puppy that was living on the property! They were told that the dog was going to be euthanized shortly. So they found a humane society that will prepare the dog and help fly the dog to California! So sweet! I started following the dog on instagram (@thepupfrommoorea).
We got onto the ferry no problems. Unfortunately, the waters were pretty crazy. I felt quite seasick from the ferry ride. Thankfully, it was only 30 minutes and I felt immediately better upon disembarking. It was not difficult to then find our bags and airport transfer! Shoutout to Costco Travel for arranging all of the transfers for us! We were dropped off at the airport around5:30pm and our flight wasn’t until midnight. We definitely weren’t looking forward to the long wait. But it had to be done! So we found a restaurant on site and ate a lovely last dinner in Tahiti (or so we thought). We walked around some of the souvenir shops and spent our last Tahitian Francs. Then we sat and people watched until the counters were going to open for check in at 8:30 pm. Around that time, we walked over to the check in counters and learned very quickly that our flight had been cancelled. Air Tahiti Nui has been dealing with strikes with the flight personnel for the last week. They decided not to show up to our flight and so it was cancelled. Then the chaos started!
We were informed pretty quickly that Air Tahiti Nui would try and rebook us as son as possible, but we were not going to get that information that night. They also said that because of the annual cultural festival going on, there were no available hotels in Papeete or anywhere nearby. So we waited inline for almost two hours to talk to an airline representative and get information on a place to stay. I’m not really sure how they made the arrangements. But, I think they were all calling their friends who had extra rooms and beds for us to stay at. We were told that a “Noelani” would come and pick us up and take us to her “AirBnB” for the night and we could stay there extra nights if needed. During this time, I also booked two nights at the Hilton Hotel Tahiti for Sunday night and Monday night, just in case. While we were waiting for Noelani, we decided to book United Airlines flight from PPT to SFO and then to LAX that left on Tuesday night. But, the tickets were $2k per person! So we were hoping to have that as a back up back up plan if Air Tahiti Nui is not able to rebook us. We can’t stay in Tahiti forever!
After a long wait at the airport, Noelani’s two daughters came and found us and an Italian couple who were on their honeymoon to take to their mom’s place. We loaded up our things and ourselves in the back of their truck/rickshaw (pictured poorly above) and we headed to their place outside of Papeete. Honestly, the whole experience was a little frightening. We had no idea where we were going so late at night. It definitely was not an official place to stay… We got to this little house and were given a room to stay in. It was very poor quality. It was shocking given that we were just at a fancy resort. There was a mattress pad on a wooden frame with only a fitted sheet and two pillows. There was a blanket that had a weird smell and two towels for us to use. There was no air conditioning, but we were given a fan. There was an attached bathroom that had no lights (just some Christmas lights on a battery and a camping lantern). There was no actual shower, just a hose out of the wall and a drain in the floor. There was no toilet seat. Every time I flushed, it squired out so much toilet water. We did not sleep well, but at least got a few hours of sleep.
In the morning, my mom immediately called Costco Travel. We were on the phone and on hold for a total of about 2 hours. The guy was super nice and helpful and was able to get us rebooked onto another Air Tahiti Nui flight for Monday night. We got the confirmation email and ended the call. Such a nerve wracking experience. We then left our room to see what the “AirBnB” looked like in the daylight and maybe to talk to our hosts more. We found the Italian couple eating breakfast. The hosts had put out some bread for us to eat and water. Not a great breakfast, but at least it was something. The hosts were nowhere to be found. Eventually, one of the girls showed up to say that they were Mormon and were going to church services and wouldn’t be available to take us anywhere until about noon. :( So we lounged around the house. They had a view of the ocean. The Italian couple were pretty upset. Their travel agency wasn’t being very helpful for them at all. They were told to go back to the airport today and talk to a representative at the airline counter. I feel like that was not going to be successful, but I hope they got it all figured out! We heard some dogs fighting and crying nearby. Eventually the neighbor came out and told us it was the dogs on the first floor of the property we were at. The owner had tied up the dogs and they were fighting each other. That’s also when we realized we couldn’t get off the property.. The house was gated and there was no way for us to open the gate. So we were essentially trapped there until they returned. The neighbor hopped the fence and went down to the dogs. Both dogs had been biting each other’s and there was a lot of blood.. It was a terrible sight to see. Neighbor dog seemed to be mortally wounded. The neighbor released one of the dogs so they were no longer tied up together and that fixed the problem. All four of us staying there made sure we were all ready to go the minute the hosts came back from church. You couldn’t pay me to stay there another night…
The hosts thankfully drove us to the Hilton Hotel Tahiti, which is right next to the airport. They also dropped off the Italian couple at the airport. We were greeted by nice hotel employees! Thank goodness to be back at a hotel! We were informed that we were upgraded to a suite! Yay! The hotel is otherwise totally booked up. Mostly by the stranded AirTahiti Nui passengers. Sounds like the airline should cover our stay here and all of our food (hopefully). We arrived at the hotel a little too early to access the room. So we went to one of the restaurants on property and had a lovely lunch by the pool. We were both starving and exhausted. So we got blue Hawaii drinks, guacamole, and burgers. It was glorious. We then waited a little longer in the lobby and then we were able to get access to our suite! It was very nice!! Very luxurious! Lots of space and a kitchen and a very comfortable bed with air conditioning! So thankful to be here at the Hilton right now.
After coming to our new room, we both took naps. It was a pretty non productive day! After napping around, we showered and got ready for dinner. We walked around the property during sunset and we were able to watch a most beautiful sunset right next to the island of Moorea. The sunset actually made the outline of the island we were just on glow! It was so beautiful! We then had a nice dinner at a different restaurant on property. We split a great vegetable curry. It definitely hit the spot. We also were able to chat with some other stranded passengers. One pair of girls had been stranded here for 4 days and they finally just paid to rebook themselves on an United flight. After some discussion between my mom and I and some expert advice from friends, we decided to cancel our United flight for Tuesday night. So nerve-wracking. But $2k per person is so crazy. And we feel like our chances of getting on the Air Tahiti Nui flight tomorrow night is pretty good. This particular flight (that continues on to Paris) has not been getting cancelled. Air Tahiti Nui has also already announced some cancellations the next few days, and this flight was not on that list. So were putting all our eggs in that basket! We’re hoping and praying we get onto that flight and it takes off tomorrow night! We have things to do this week at home! I already informed work that I am stuck in Tahiti and will not be in until (hopefully) later this week. Fingers crossed! Say some prayers for us that we get home! We definitely were not prepared to stay this long. Running out of clean clothes and medications… Tomorrow, we plan on walking around a nearby market place and then lounging at the pool before getting ready to go to the airport. Hopefully, we make it!
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maktubdancejapan · 1 year
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Enfin, après plusieurs billets annulés par air Tahiti nui, j'ai pu voyager à travers la Nouvelle-Zélande même si j'ai dû attendre 9 heures à l'aéroport, le plus important était mon immense bonheur de pouvoir retourner dans mon monde naturel 😃💕….Voila les info pour notre super stage Orientale et Indinne ✨ @sherhazad_maktubdance @sherhazad_tahiti @bollywooddanceyokohama @moanatahitiandanceyokohama @diversitydanceschool Le stage de Février 17:30 Bollywood (7 heures) 18:30 Danse Orientale 100% Égyptienne (7 heures) Cours intensif du 5 mars au 18 avril Mardi Bollywood 17:15-18:15 Danse Orientale (18:20-19:30) Dimanche Bollywood 16:00-17:00 Danse Orientale 17:10-18:40 Bollywood (14 heures ) Danse Orientale (16 heures 20 minutes ) 💃🏽Cours Intensif = Bollywood 14 jours /14 heures Danse Orientale 14 jours / Mardi 16 heures 20 minutes Dimanche 10 heures 30 minutes Danse Orientale Total :27 heures de cours intensif (Technique /combinaisons/chorégraphie (Égyptien Raqs sharqi رقص شرقي Classical Egyptian Style Création chorégraphique Sherhazad ✨Vous pouvez trouver du matériel de danse 100% indien et égyptien à la boutique Maktub à l'intérieur de l'école💎✨ ✨Nous travaillerons de manière délicate pour que même ceux qui n'ont pas dansé depuis un moment puissent participer car le cours sera adapté au niveau des élèves présents… ✨La cérémonie de remise des diplômes (stage et stage intensif) aura lieu le dimanche 18 avril à 19:00💎 ✨Il y aura des photos et des vidéos du stage/cours😃 Inscription ouverte : Sherhazad +689 89 69 07 46 Tiffany +689 89 74 06 14 Ou MP Facebook/Instagram #danseorientaletahiti #dsnseorientalefrance #danseindiennetahiti# Bollywoodtahiti #sherhazadtahiti #maktubdancetahitinui #tahitimoanamaktub #bellydancetahiti #bollywooddancetahiti #maktubbellydance #cleopatrabellydance #stagededanseorientale #coursdedanseorientale (à Papeete Tahiti - French Polynesia) https://www.instagram.com/p/Co0rjV-vqM0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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dailystraitsdotcom · 1 year
Travel Spotlight: Tahiti 
DailyStraits.com editor June Ramli finally visits Tahiti this year after years of wanting to do so. #Tahiti #Travel
Follow us on LinkedIn, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube and Twitter By June RamliTweet This was a hard article to write because this means that I have finally lived my pipe dream of travelling solo to Tahiti.After two years of lockdown I decided to do the unthinkable and just head to Tahiti as a solo traveller.The deal was sweetened when I managed to find a discounted ticket on Air Tahiti Nui and I…
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runwayrunway · 8 months
By the by - I think, having given you all a bit of something to chew on, I'm going to move the post initially scheduled for today over to tomorrow, because I'd like to do some last-minute fact-checking on it due to it being a...weirdly complicated topic. You'll see what I mean.
In the meanwhile, I've reworked the tagging system to be less emoji-dependent and thus easier to use, if you haven't seen, and I've also added a couple new tags. Cabin fever is what I've settled on for cabin interiors, and blue side up is unfortunately the catchiest I've yet been able to come up with for the phenomenon of blue top and white underside which so many planes seem to have, which I am perhaps disproportionately interested in collating. Thank you to the people who requested Aerolíneas Argentinas and Air Tahiti Nui, which will be joining the tag in the near future.
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zinicaviaggi · 1 year
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🌺 #Polinesia meta idilliaca dalle continue ispirazioni per emozioni e attimi da incorniciare nel romantico abbraccio di lagune turchesi, sabbia soffice e natura tropicale 🏝️ 💌 Dedicata a chi sogna di coronare il proprio amore sulle isole gioiello dei Mari del Sud, una ✨ speciale promozione flash ✨ per prenotazioni viaggi di nozze entro 🗓️ il 15/12/22 e ✈️ partenze nel 2023 ⤵️ ⭐ PROMO EXPERIENCE PACK (del valore di 380€) 2️⃣ escursioni free per 2️⃣👥 da scegliere tra le nostre 🗺️ selezionate esperienze per esplorare Papeete, Moorea, Raiatea, Huahine, Tikehau e Rangiroa oppure ⭐ PROMO LUXURY PACK (del valore di 360€) ️3️⃣ Pranzi per la sposa e ingresso per 2️⃣👥 alla business lounge Air Tahiti Nui di Tahiti 😮 In aggiunta ad uno dei 2️⃣ pacchetti, scegliendo di partire con gli Specialisti di #Discover, avrai anche ⤵️ 🔖 🍲 pranzo a 2️⃣ portate per 2️⃣👥 all'hotel Conrad Bora Bora Nui 🔖 Bora Bora Pearl credit voucher di 50€ 🔖 Moorea Hilton credit voucher di 40€ 🔖 Le Taha'a By Pearl credit voucher di 35€ 🔖 Tikehau Pearl Beach credit voucher di 35€ 👩🏼‍💻👨🏻‍💻 Tutti i dettagli per fare della tua favola una realtà #zinicaviaggi #qualitygroupviaggi #prenotainagenzia https://www.instagram.com/p/Clv2J43qN3Y/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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win-free-iphone8 · 2 years
Wide Open: Air Tahiti Nui Business Class Awards
Wide Open: Air Tahiti Nui Business Class Awards
Wide Open: Air Tahiti Nui Business Class Awards #Wide #Open #Air #Tahiti #Nui #Business #Class #Awards Welcome to Americanah Blog, here is the new story we have for you today: You Can Click Here To View Restricted Videos/Images in this Article If you’ve ever wanted to visit French Polynesia, this is a great time to do so in terms of award availability. Air Tahiti Nui awards to & from Seattle…
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tcteam723 · 2 years
Tahiti Nui Launches Inaugural Service from SEA Airport
Tahiti Nui Launches Inaugural Service from SEA Airport
Seattle-Tacoma International Airport (SEA) welcomes its latest new international service with Tahiti Nui’s 787-9 Dreamliner inaugural service Wednesday (Oct 5) from Seattle to Papeete. In a new partnership with Alaska Airlines, Air Tahiti Nui becomes the first and only carrier offering nonstop flights connecting the South Pacific and the Pacific Northwest. Air Tahiti Nui will be operating this…
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qakikimihenu · 2 years
Pacific p f 301 mode d'emploi ipad air
<br> ipad air 2019
<br> dernier ipad
<br> air tahiti nui
<br> ipad air 2
<br> </p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>Mais dans le même temps, plus de 3 500 emplois ont été perdus cette année, Air 13,3'' HD - iPad Air Rarahau 87 742121 [email protected] - Air 2 - iPad Pro,
plication mobile (développée sous Apple IOS et Android) destinée aux clients d'Air Tahiti Nui a été conçue cette année par un groupe de travail
This marine notice informs vessel owners, operators and masters of the shutdown of AMSA's radiobeacon differential global positioning system (DGPS) serviceNous vous conseillons de lire attentivement ce mode d'emploi afin de tirer pleinement profit des fonctions avancées et fort commodes de votre instrument. Nous
[email protected] fenuaannonces.com FENUA ANNONCES 3 OFFRE D'EMPLOI POLYNESIE INTERIM RECHERCHE Ingénieur junior BTP H/F Ecole
Mode d'emploi de mon imprimante. • Configuration de mon imprimante. Guide d'installation. • Informations de sécurité. • Informations relatives à la garantie.
Impression de document à partir de la boîte Travail stocké . Éviter les endroits directement exposés à l'air chaud ou à l'air froid.
16.6 Utilisation du mode radar double portée. site Internet Raymarine, au format PDF courant. Ces iPhone 4 (ou ultérieur) ou iPad 2 (ou ultérieur).
</p><br>https://qakikimihenu.tumblr.com/post/693743613885218816/beoplay-h4-mode-demploi, https://qakikimihenu.tumblr.com/post/693743493507596288/notice-concord-ultimax-2, https://qakikimihenu.tumblr.com/post/693743613885218816/beoplay-h4-mode-demploi, https://qakikimihenu.tumblr.com/post/693743493507596288/notice-concord-ultimax-2, https://qakikimihenu.tumblr.com/post/693743493507596288/notice-concord-ultimax-2.
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antnich · 2 years
This is the view from my window seat as the Air Tahiti Nui flight I was on ghosts above the glittering ice fields off the coast of Atlantic Greenland.
The big, four engined A340 had lifted off from Paris some hours earlier. We would make our American landfall over Nova Scotia.
From there, we would flit above the vast Kansas prairies, before eventually coming down to land at Los Angeles, California.
After completing customs and immigration formalities at LAX, we would reboard the same plane for the final, eight hour haul across the darkened Pacific, before achieving our final destination; a tiny, muggy, emerald hued enigma known as Tahiti...
#faretahiti #airtahitinui #airbus #airbusindustrie #jetage #airtravel #airtahitinui #tahititourisme #Paris #Greenland #kansas #losangeles #tahiti #atlanticocean #pacificocean #icebergs #icefloes #elegantadventures #artoftravel #TWA #travelswithanthony
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laurenetuttle · 10 months
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Moorea Days 0-1 (July 2nd and 3rd, 2023)
It’s vacation time! My favorite time of year! This year, my mom and I decided to go to Moorea, French Polynesia! Our flight left LAX last night at 11:55 pm. Such a late flight! Had a super busy Sunday finishing packing and spending time with friends (went SUPing!). I had an issue earlier in the day checking into my flight online. My mom and I are under the same reservation. She was trying to check both of us in at the same time in the morning. She was able to get herself checked in with no problems. But with my check-in, an error kept coming up that my travel documents weren’t correct. Eek! So I spent a while trying to get a hold of someone at Air Tahiti Nui. Finally got a hold of someone who said that this was happening a lot and to not worry about it and just show up at the airport early to check in in person. So we decided to leave at 8 pm, instead of 9 pm. And thank goodness we did! LAX was a madhouse! The lines of cars were backed up onto the freeway. It was a very slow moving rush to drop people off. Once inside the international terminal, there were hoards of people everywhere! Thankfully, the Air Tahiti Nui line was super short. And I was able to check in with no problems! And thankfully, not terrible lines for the security. But still, we weren’t at our gate until around 10:30 pm with boarding scheduled to start at 10:55pm!
We got onto the flight and settled in! It was a very colorful plane. All the seats were a beautiful teal blue and they gave us colored pillows and blankets. We were super lucky to not have anyone sitting next to us! So we got to have the whole row to ourselves! In total, it was about 7.5 hour flight! We fell asleep shortly after takeoff since it was at midnight. We missed the “dinner” they served onboard. We both maybe got around 5 hours of sleep? Neither of us slept all that well. It was enough though. We got up to eat a little breakfast on the plane, which consisted of a waffle, some fruit, and a few bites of a bread. We landed at 4:55 am! Before the sun rose in Tahiti!
The Papeete airport in Tahiti is all outdoors. Most of it is covered, but there is no air conditioning!! It was quite hot and humid! We waited in crazy long and slow lines to get through immigration. It took soooo long. We were hot and sweating and tired of carrying our heavy stuff! We then passed through and were able to collect our bags. We used the airport bathroom to change into our bathing suits and our outfits for the day! The airport bathroom was absolutely disgusting. I won’t say anything more about that.
With the Costco travel package we purchased, we got all transfers included! Hooray! So we were greeted with a lei and shuffled onto a bus and transported down to the ferry terminal. We were able to sit down and relax at a cafe before boarding the ferry. We enjoyed some pastries and orange juice overlooking the ferry terminal. My mom particularly enjoyed the chocolate banana bread muffin. We then boarded the ferry around 8:10 am and were off to Moorea! We sat inside the ferry with air conditioning and both instantly fell asleep with the rocking of the boat. Didn’t get to enjoy the ocean scenery as we slept the entire 30 minute ride!
We then collected all of our stuff and walked across the street to rent a car for the day! We had wanted to rent the car the following day. But, we realized last week that there were no more automatic transmission cars available for Tuesday. So, we had to rent a car today! Made for quite the long day! It was my fist time renting a car/driving in another country! Thankfully, there’s really only one main road around the entire island and there are no stop lights!! So we headed in the right direction and stopped at a supermarket to stock up on water bottles for the week. We then stopped by the Hilton to check in early and drop off our stuff before heading out for the day! Since our rooms wouldn’t be ready until 2pm (we got to the hotel by 10 am).
We then headed up to Belvedere lookout, which is one of the iconic lookouts at a high point on the island. We then decided to do a hike to a lookout called, three pines! I had chosen it because of the swing at the end and it didn’t seem too long or terribly difficult. It was definitely a challenge though! It was so hot and humid. And the trail was hardly ever flat and there were so many tree roots and rocks sticking out everywhere! Also we hadn’t actually eaten a proper lunch… It was quite the hike. But when we made it to the top, there was a fantastic breeze! And we had the lookout all to ourselves! There were hardly any people on the hike! I climbed up onto the swing (it was treacherous). And we were able to take some great pictures and enjoy a lovely view of both of the main bays of the island! We got to see the three pine trees and all the mountains on the island. We spent about a half hour up there taking pictures and eating a snack. We then made the hike back to the car. In total, we were on the trail for about 2.5 hours? It was definitely challenging and we were both so gross feeling.
We then headed to a juice factory/distillery. We did a short tour of the factory and then had a juice and alcohol tasting! We tried their pineapple wine, vanilla cream liquor, rum, and multiple fruit juices! It was very nice! We did some shopping there to pick up more drinks for the week! We then headed back to the rental car agency. We had to drop off the car by 4pm! Which was fine! We wanted to drive more around the island. But we were both so exhausted. We dropped off the car and walked to the ferry terminal (2 minute walk) to catch a taxi. We were both so tired and everything was hurting. My mom wasn’t looking up and walked straight into a road sign and bonked her head pretty good. (She’s ok now).
We then got a ride back to the Hilton and got to get our keys to our room! We’re staying in a jungle bungalow for 3 nights that has it’s own private plunge pool! We both unpacked a little and relaxed and showered and got ready for dinner! We ate at a crepe restaurant that’s on the pier of the hotel where the overwater bungalows are! We both enjoyed a savory crepe. We were starving since neither of us had a real meal today. We also split a banana Nutella crepe for dessert. We then walked around the resort a little bit and came back to the room. We’re both exhausted. So we’re going to sleep right away! In fact, my mom is likely already asleep. She’s been in bed since before 8:30! Can’t wait for all the relaxing and swimming we’ll be doing this week! And we both are in desperate need of massages after today!
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