#AWS Security Services
Implementing Zero Trust Security in an AWS Environment
Explore the comprehensive guide on implementing Zero Trust Security in your AWS environment, enhancing cybersecurity with IAM, encryption, and best practices. #ZeroTrust #AWSSecurity #Cybersecurity
Zero Trust Security has become a crucial paradigm in the ever-evolving landscape of cybersecurity. With the increasing complexity of IT infrastructures and the growing sophistication of cyber threats, organizations are adopting a Zero Trust approach to enhance their security posture. This article explores the implementation of Zero Trust Security in an Amazon Web Services (AWS) environment,…
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myprogrammingschool · 2 years
Module: AWS Cloud Security
Module: AWS Cloud Security
These are the module that comes under the Trail Called “AWS Cloud Security“. That is given below: AWS Cloud BasicsCore AWS ServicesAWS Application Deployment and MonitoringAWS Cloud SecurityAWS Pricing and SupportAWS Cloud AcquisitionAWS Cloud Practitioner Certification Prep In this tutorial, we are going to cover the Module called “AWS Cloud Security“. In this lecture, you are going to Use the…
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Absolutely hate hate hate talking on the phone. It should be illegal.
Hate hate hate it 😭
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signiance · 26 days
Journey to Devops
The concept of “DevOps” has been gaining traction in the IT sector for a couple of years. It involves promoting teamwork and interaction, between software developers and IT operations groups to enhance the speed and reliability of software delivery. This strategy has become widely accepted as companies strive to provide software to meet customer needs and maintain an edge, in the industry. In this article we will explore the elements of becoming a DevOps Engineer.
Step 1: Get familiar with the basics of Software Development and IT Operations:
In order to pursue a career as a DevOps Engineer it is crucial to possess a grasp of software development and IT operations. Familiarity with programming languages like Python, Java, Ruby or PHP is essential. Additionally, having knowledge about operating systems, databases and networking is vital.
Step 2: Learn the principles of DevOps:
It is crucial to comprehend and apply the principles of DevOps. Automation, continuous integration, continuous deployment and continuous monitoring are aspects that need to be understood and implemented. It is vital to learn how these principles function and how to carry them out efficiently.
Step 3: Familiarize yourself with the DevOps toolchain:
Git: Git, a distributed version control system is extensively utilized by DevOps teams, for code repository management. It aids in monitoring code alterations facilitating collaboration, among team members and preserving a record of modifications made to the codebase.
Ansible: Ansible is an open source tool used for managing configurations deploying applications and automating tasks. It simplifies infrastructure management. Saves time when performing tasks.
Docker: Docker, on the other hand is a platform for containerization that allows DevOps engineers to bundle applications and dependencies into containers. This ensures consistency and compatibility across environments from development, to production.
Kubernetes: Kubernetes is an open-source container orchestration platform that helps manage and scale containers. It helps automate the deployment, scaling, and management of applications and micro-services.
Jenkins: Jenkins is an open-source automation server that helps automate the process of building, testing, and deploying software. It helps to automate repetitive tasks and improve the speed and efficiency of the software delivery process.
Nagios: Nagios is an open-source monitoring tool that helps us monitor the health and performance of our IT infrastructure. It also helps us to identify and resolve issues in real-time and ensure the high availability and reliability of IT systems as well.
Terraform: Terraform is an infrastructure as code (IAC) tool that helps manage and provision IT infrastructure. It helps us automate the process of provisioning and configuring IT resources and ensures consistency between development and production environments.
Step 4: Gain practical experience:
The best way to gain practical experience is by working on real projects and bootcamps. You can start by contributing to open-source projects or participating in coding challenges and hackathons. You can also attend workshops and online courses to improve your skills.
Step 5: Get certified:
Getting certified in DevOps can help you stand out from the crowd and showcase your expertise to various people. Some of the most popular certifications are:
Certified Kubernetes Administrator (CKA)
AWS Certified DevOps Engineer
Microsoft Certified: Azure DevOps Engineer Expert
AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner
Step 6: Build a strong professional network:
Networking is one of the most important parts of becoming a DevOps Engineer. You can join online communities, attend conferences, join webinars and connect with other professionals in the field. This will help you stay up-to-date with the latest developments and also help you find job opportunities and success.
You can start your journey towards a successful career in DevOps. The most important thing is to be passionate about your work and continuously learn and improve your skills. With the right skills, experience, and network, you can achieve great success in this field and earn valuable experience.
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area51-narutorun · 1 year
being autistic + working in any sort of customer service job = the worst fucking hell anyone on earth has ever experienced
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qwikskills · 1 year
AWS vs Google Cloud in terms of Security
Google Cloud vs AWS: Who Uses Them?
AWS has more expertise and implementation in the cloud sector due to it being created much earlier than the majority of cloud providers, including GCP, and this has led to greater community support. Because of this, AWS has more well-known clients, including companies like Netflix, Airbnb, Unilever, BMW, Samsung, Xiaomi, Zinga, and others.
Whereas AWS's early establishment and greater experience have helped it attract many high-profile clients, GCP has grown its clientele and user base as a result of providing the same infrastructure that Google Search, YouTube, and other Google products utilise.
This was a more than sufficient justification for numerous cutting-edge companies, like HSBC, PayPal, 20th Century Fox, Bloomberg, Domino's, and others, to choose GCP.
AWS vs Google Cloud: Security
One of the many crucial factors to take into account when selecting a cloud service provider for your company is security.
The following are the factors to consider when selecting a cloud service provider:
Controls, procedures, rules, and technology
Although Google Cloud and AWS are both known for providing cutting-edge cloud security, we have provided a detailed analysis of how the two companies protect their cloud:
Security of their cloud: The underlying infrastructure of their cloud platform includes security features that help to protect by default.
Cloud security: By using additional security services and products that are offered in their cloud platform, you may improve the protection of your apps and data.
Security anywhere: By extending security capabilities outside their cloud platform with protocols like encryption, this primarily relates to protecting your assets regardless of location.
You can prefer Google Cloud Platform Bootcamp if you want to learn more about google cloud platform.
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techbroer · 14 days
The Best Cloud Storage Solutions for Personal and Professional Use
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With changing times, managing data has taken a massive diversion from physical drawers to digital clouds. Whether family photos or securing business documents, cloud storage has become the cornerstone of modern data management. This article goes the extra mile to unearth the best cloud storage solutions to quench your thirst for personal or professional needs, ensuring you get the perfect fit in your digital life.
Continue Reading...
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jcmarchi · 1 month
Jaret Chiles, Chief Services Officer, DoiT – Interview Series
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/jaret-chiles-chief-services-officer-doit-interview-series/
Jaret Chiles, Chief Services Officer, DoiT – Interview Series
Jaret Chiles is the chief services officer (CSO) of DoiT and is responsible for all aspects of their client services organization. With 25+ years of experience across consulting and managed services, cloud adoption, technical sales, security and compliance, he is instrumental in building out a key value driver for DoiT’s business: services, consulting, and support offerings. Since joining the company, Jaret has led development of a scalable services strategy that enables DoiT to grow rapidly – without compromising its unrivaled expertise.
DoiT combines the power of intelligent software products with access to unrivaled multicloud expertise to solve the most complicated and important cloud problems. DoiT’s product portfolio provides the tools to manage cloud cost and infrastructure without compromising the speed or quality of engineering initiatives.
What initially attracted you to computer science and how did you find yourself involved in cloud computing?
My father was an engineer and exposed me to building and modifying computers as a child in the early 80s. My first computer was a TRS-80 Model 4 on which I learned how to do some basic programming by the time I was in elementary school. It’s been an interesting journey and I never really considered working in any other field. During high school, I had my first job working evenings and weekends at an internet service provider doing dial-up, broadband, email and website support. While pursuing a computer science degree in college, I helped run the campus data center and networks and led my first team.
I went on to work in many different roles at a managed hosting services provider. When AWS began to disrupt our legacy models, I recognized the undeniable potential and quickly adapted to the cloud computing era as a cloud architect from the very first release of OpenStack to all the major hyperscalers. Ever since I’ve been focused on helping companies large and small understand how to unlock the value that cloud computing creates for their businesses. My passion for computing has never strayed, but now I find it most rewarding as a servant leader supporting the success and growth of others who share my passion.
Can you elaborate on how DoiT’s intelligent software products and multicloud expertise specifically address the most pressing cloud challenges faced by organizations today?
Through our products and services, DoiT International helps cloud-driven companies harness the public cloud to drive business growth. We’re a full-service provider of intelligent multicloud technology, so we deliver consulting, support and training to solve essential challenges like migration costs and the sheer complexity of cloud usage.
We also provide full-service FinOps technology along with the procurement advantages that organizations need to solve the challenges of navigating and automating public cloud investments.  Some of the essential capabilities we provide include multicloud budgeting, reporting, optimization and governance.
DoiT’s global team of cloud experts have decades of experience in the analytics, optimization and governance of cloud architecture, as well as specializations in Kubernetes and artificial intelligence (AI). We also stay on top of emerging technologies, so our clients can take full advantage of them, securely and safely. Our experts have technical leadership backgrounds across verticals. Daily, I’m completely humbled by the actual level of expertise in our organization, I’ve never seen anything like it elsewhere.
How does DoiT Cloud Solve enhance the cloud experience for users, and could you share some success stories or examples of challenges it has helped resolve?
Doit Cloud Solve is a services offering that allows customers to unlock real value in cloud computing with unlimited access to the top experts in the industry. We work backward from what customers actually need, with less friction than traditional consulting and support contracting models. Using Generative AI as an example, we leverage a three-part approach:
Discovery: We delve into specific business objectives, gathering and refining data to lay the groundwork for innovation;
Innovation: We guide feature selection, model training and validation to meet tailored needs; and
Deployment and optimization: We implement and refine generative AI strategy, ensuring your team executes on a seamless integration and with maximum impact.
The DoiT Cloud Solve team provides multicloud consulting, unlimited consultancy and technical support as well as cloud-native training. Customers are able to create optimized architectures and configurations while enhancing the skills and capabilities across their teams, which leads to more efficient and sustainable cloud growth. From the core of the cloud stack with compute, storage and networking, through the full cloud-native product portfolio, to the most advanced and disruptive cloud solutions.
In terms of cloud cost optimization, what strategies or technologies does DoiT employ to help clients maximize their cloud investments while maintaining or enhancing service quality?
Cost optimization starts with a well-designed architecture. DoiT consultants and engineers help customers ensure their cloud architectures are future-ready and assist in creating migration strategies.
Additionally, every IT organization wants to get their desired benefits with the lowest possible spend, and to do this, IT needs timely information and tools that make it simple to manage cloud services. DoiT’s intelligent technology does exactly this, helping engineering and FinOps leaders monitor, manage and optimize their cloud usage and spend.
We help IT utilize advanced technologies like GenAI for both internal and customer-facing workflows, without running into unforeseen massive compute and cost overruns.
DoiT offers a suite of proprietary products like Flexsave and Cloud Navigator. How do these products differentiate from other tools available in the market, and what unique advantages do they offer to your clients?
What sets DoiT apart is its unrivaled expertise, full-service FinOps technology and the procurement advantage that we provide to solve the challenges of navigating and automating public cloud investments. These three pillars operating in harmony is a game changer for customers.
DoiT Flexsave uniquely removes the risk, forecasting and tedious work required for managing a complex portfolio of compute commitments and reservations. Compute costs can often represent more than half of an organization’s cloud spend, so accessing optimized pricing on those workloads is an easy way to lower monthly bills. Flexsave automates commitments, providing cost savings without the need to monitor usage, track expiration and renewal dates, while modifying instances to fit an organization’s reservations.
Security is a major concern in cloud computing. Can you discuss DoiT’s approach to cloud security and how it helps organizations strengthen their security posture?
Security must be part of every step in a customer’s cloud journey. It’s not one-and-done up front, and you don’t bolt it on at the end either. Security is a consideration baked into everything we do from products to services.
As part of architecture reviews, or as a focused session, DoiT Cloud Solve experts will advise on security strategies as well as perform benchmark security reviews of your environment including vulnerability assessment and security control analysis. A sound architecture and proper configuration are paramount to a secure cloud environment, but also careful consideration of customers’ regular operational procedures must be accounted for.
Given the increasing complexity of cloud environments, how does DoiT assist organizations in navigating multicloud strategies and managing infrastructure across multiple providers?
There are many different reasons customers might choose to leverage a multi-cloud strategy. At DoiT we believe in working backwards from the business objectives. Our consultants will help develop a strategy and architecture that meets business objectives without introducing unnecessary complexity.
One of the many challenges in managing a multi-cloud environment on a day-to-day basis is having visibility across all platforms in a consistent and operational manner. DoiT Cloud Navigator extends visibility and anomaly detection capabilities to overcome these challenges and provide the FinOps tools needed manage cloud costs and infrastructure without compromising the speed or quality of engineering initiatives. This allows for a responsible scaling of the business.
Machine learning and AI are becoming critical components of modern IT strategies. How does DoiT support businesses in integrating these technologies into their operations and leveraging them for competitive advantage?
Following the three-part approach mentioned previously, DoiT’s Cloud Solve enables IT to work with our experienced cloud architects, and provides access to knowledge transfer and other resources to enable them to evaluate internal readiness, identify company-specific use cases and collaboratively create customized GenAI solutions.
DoiT also partners with AWS and Google to help their users develop generative AI solutions using those platforms and their supporting applications.
The process of cloud migration can be daunting for many organizations. What key factors should companies consider to ensure a smooth and successful transition to the cloud with DoiT’s assistance?
A successful migration starts with establishing clear business objectives and success criteria. There are many factors to keep in mind when planning and executing a migration to the cloud, including data governance, security and privacy, cost management, scalability, skills and expertise, potential service disruptions and legacy system compatibility. Overlooking any of these and others can lead to delays and cost overruns for the migration.
What emerging trends or technologies in cloud computing is DoiT particularly excited about, and how do you plan to incorporate these into your offerings to drive future growth and innovation?
We are a company full of passionate cloud experts and every new technology hype cycle excites us immensely. That said, our many combined years of experience have taught us not to focus on finding ways to forcefully fit a new exciting technology in a business, but rather to understand what use cases make sense for a business and add real value. This is a very common mistake customers make when they see new emerging technologies and ask for help implementing them in their environments.
Generative AI right now has us very excited for a number of reasons, but the main reason is we have uncovered so many high value use cases for businesses across industries to adopt the technology. Starting with basic productivity and insight use cases, nearly everyone can benefit from GenAI. Moving from there on into AI-powered service development and disruptive GenAI product technologies, we believe the skies are the limit for our customers and we’d love to help them find their path to adoption and production.
Thank you for the great interview, readers who wish to learn more should visit DoiT.
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infosectrain03 · 2 months
In the realm of Amazon Web Services (AWS), two essential services, AWS Config and AWS CloudTrail, play crucial roles in maintaining security, compliance, and operational visibility within cloud environments. While both services contribute to monitoring and auditing, they fulfill distinct objectives and provide unique functionalities. Let's delve into a detailed comparison of AWS Config and CloudTrail to understand their differences and advantages.
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Revolutionizing Robotics Development: A Deep Dive into AWS RoboMaker
Transforming robotics development with AWS RoboMaker: simulating, deploying, and innovating with #AWS #Robotics #AI 🤖
In recent years, the field of robotics has indeed undergone a radical metamorphosis, driven by groundbreaking progress in artificial intelligence, cloud computing, and simulation technologies. This multifaceted transformation has not only reshaped the way we perceive and interact with robotics but has also paved the way for innovative applications across numerous industries. At the forefront of…
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newcodesociety · 4 months
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cloudolus · 5 months
Course Introduction | AWS Full Course in Bangla | AWS Beginners
Video Link: https://youtu.be/erAu3vF9TcM Channel    : https://www.youtube.com/@cloudolus Playlist-01: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLBurDmQJIVqwYhjHYL08c8i5M1EQezUAI Playlist-02: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLBurDmQJIVqyKmDftrSCYMoZhpaqykJJw Playlist-03: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLBurDmQJIVqzT4xtZdJeniQVyWaSfb6r8 Playlist-04: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLBurDmQJIVqyMiO0qbLl4JYdNLBWYprs7 Playlist-05: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLBurDmQJIVqxshpWQ01-92hjLEzkNh6dU *****************************
***************************** The AWS Certified Solutions Architect – Associate (SAA-C03) exam is a certification offered by Amazon Web Services (AWS) that validates the skills and knowledge required to design and deploy scalable and reliable systems on the AWS platform. This certification is aimed at individuals who work in roles such as Solutions Architect, Systems Administrator, or Developer and are responsible for designing distributed systems on AWS.
Here's an introduction to the AWS Certified Solutions Architect – Associate (SAA-C03) exam:
Exam Overview: Exam Code: SAA-C03 Exam Name: AWS Certified Solutions Architect – Associate Certification Level: Associate Exam Format: Multiple-choice and multiple-answer questions Number of Questions: Approximately 65 Duration: 130 minutes Passing Score: The passing score is determined by statistical analysis. Exam Objectives: The AWS Certified Solutions Architect – Associate exam tests candidates on a range of topics, including:
Design Resilient Architectures:
Designing multi-tier architecture solutions. Designing highly available and fault-tolerant architectures. Define Performant Architectures:
Selecting the right instance type for a workload. Designing secure and scalable storage solutions. Specify Secure Applications and Architectures:
Designing secure access to AWS resources. Integrating identity and access management. Design Cost-Optimized Architectures:
Optimizing storage and database solutions for cost. Selecting cost-effective compute resources. Define Operationally Excellent Architectures:
Automating solutions for operational efficiency. Designing for efficient use of resources. Preparation Tips: Official Documentation: Familiarize yourself with the AWS documentation, especially the AWS Well-Architected Framework.
Training and Courses: Consider taking official AWS training courses, including the "Architecting on AWS" course.
Hands-on Experience: Gain hands-on experience with AWS services through labs, projects, or real-world scenarios.
Practice Exams: Use practice exams to assess your readiness and identify areas for improvement.
Conclusion: Achieving the AWS Certified Solutions Architect – Associate certification demonstrates your proficiency in designing and implementing scalable and reliable systems on the AWS platform. It is a valuable credential for professionals working with AWS cloud services and is recognized by employers globally.
For the most up-to-date information about the exam, including the exam guide, sample questions, and registration details, refer to the official AWS certification website. Always ensure that you are preparing based on the latest version of the exam.
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akwyz · 5 months
Eviden and Amazon Web Services Forge a New Path in AI and Cloud Technology
🚀 Exciting News! Eviden and Amazon Web Services (AWS) are teaming up to transform the digital world! 🌐 This collaboration is set to accelerate the creation of AI-driven, secure, and sustainable solutions for industries worldwide. #DigitalTransformation
In a world where digital transformation is not just a buzzword but a necessity, Eviden, a leader in digital, cloud, big data, and security, part of the Atos Group, has announced a groundbreaking Strategic Collaboration Agreement (SCA) with Amazon Web Services (AWS). This collaboration is a partnership and a journey into the future of AI-driven, secure, and sustainable industry solutions. The…
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bdccglobal · 6 months
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Empower your business with the best! 🚀💼 Elevate to new heights with top-tier AWS consultants, unlocking the full potential of cloud excellence.
🌐⚙️ Harness the power of innovation and seamless scalability.
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rajkhateek · 6 months
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#is digital marketing a good career?#Digital marketing is a great career choice. We are living in a digital world and marketing budgets are moving to digital advertising and aw#The employment forecast for digital marketing in 2023 appears to be fairly#Businesses of all sizes are understanding how critical it is to develop their digital literacy in order to compete to the fullest.#People prefer digital marketing because number of mobile users has grown significantly in the last few years.#In a world full of products and services waiting to be bought and sold#digital marketing plays a crucial role. Digital marketers need to promote their business on the internet. Digital marketing has evolved dra#and the Internet has also expanded significantly. All the ads you see online#the content you view#and the images you see online are related in some way to the work of digital marketers. This way you will discover a few more reasons why c#01.High Demand for Digital Marketers#Digital marketing skills will keep seeing an increase in demand in the near future. This is because there is a considerable gap between the#and companies are dying to hire digital marketers. They know how beneficial the internet and digital platforms are. Digital marketing lets#scale their business further#and generate more revenue. So#learning an in-demand skill never hurts. It only means that you can get better-paying jobs with more security since the demand for these sk#02. Digital marketing Offers Accelerated Career Growth#For all those who feel that digital marketing is a field with little upward mobility#we beg to differ. People were not using WhatsApp in 2011 one of the examples on how fast the internet changes and it changes every year. Di#they are always learning new stuff and mastering new techniques. So the possibilities for growth are really limitless. If you’re looking fo#then you should go for digital marketing.#03.Easy to Start a Career with No Specific Education Required#There is no specific educational degree as a requirement to pursue digital marketing as a career. The internet is a good source to understa#you will only need to practice the essential online marketing techniques#create a portfolio#and you’ll be good to go. These courses could help one boost their digital marketing career. Since there is no recognized educational degre#it allows people from other streams to pursue it.
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sigzen · 7 months
Embracing AWS Cloud Migration: A Catalyst for Unleashing Business Potential and Operational Excellence
In an era where adaptability and efficiency reign supreme, the shift to Amazon Web Services (AWS) marks a significant stride toward achieving operational excellence and fostering unparalleled growth. As businesses navigate the complexities of digital transformation, AWS emerges as a beacon of innovation, offering a robust platform tailored to meet diverse business needs and propel them into the…
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