#ARNO VICTOR DORIAN // ♦︎ — › asks.
diademreigned · 8 months
"You're a fool to let them twist your head, boy." || Bellec to Arno!
Normally Arno wouldn't be protesting against the very one who had gotten him out of the Bastille, taught him what it meant to be an assassin, and ultimately getting him to join the Brotherhood.
He'd done so, often of course, when he was younger, especially imprisoned where their bickering had all but been a disturbance. Yet, here they were . . . at it again.
Something that Arno was sure wouldn't have been the case, but he rolled his eyes anyway. Pierre always had something to say, but at least he wasn't going to be shuffling out that very special nickname he always gave out.
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"Right . . . because the one person I happen to love is a Templar, is that it?" He found himself resting his hands against his hips, shaking his head. "Merde, Bellec - they're not twisting my head. She's the only one I've spoken to that is on their side. But she's on ours, and she hasn't failed me yet. I've listened to you, I just wish you'd trust me."
She was the only Templar he trusted.
The only one he'd dare to go near. "I know you can't see it, nor do I expect you to understand. I've known her since I was a child, I suggest you give me a little more credit than that. I'm not the young man you saw in the Bastille anymore. I should think I take after you a little bit. Trusting my instincts was it?"
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