#AND dont forget the fact that snotlout saves his life by parrying krogan’s shot at hiccup with hookfang’s fire
jackshiccup · 9 months
in dawn of destruction i just love that little moment of pause snotlout had when hiccup came back from his small trip with astrid to find the edge being attacked. hiccup gives out orders, snotlout just stares at him and hiccup stammers to asks him ‘what is it, snotlout?’ to which snotlout replies, ‘nothing. it’s just well, it’s nice to have you back.’ and it’s with so much sincerity and even a hint of relief and it’s just so !!! snotlout looks up so much to hiccup and it grounds him (and the rest of the gang) for hiccup to BE there and to be the leader their team needs and has. it just shows how much faith and trust they have in each other and no matter how much he complains all the time, snotlout will always and undoubtedly have hiccup’s back and vice versa.
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